Database Design Exercise Using The ABC Case Study
Database Design Exercise Using The ABC Case Study
Database Design Exercise Using The ABC Case Study
Customer No. Customer First Name Customer Middle Name Customer Surname Telephone No. Fax No. Mobile No. Home Address Office Address POBox mail
Sales Header No. Pa!ment Method Credit "imit Salesperson#Sales Cler$ No. Sales "ocation %n&oice %nformation#Address Sales %n&oice Sales 'eli&er! Schedule 'iscount 1.2 Sa!es"erson Detai!s
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Activity 11.2: Database Design Exercise using the ABC Case Study
Salesperson Surname Salesperson Title 'ate of (oinin) Sales *uota Bonus#%ncenti&es Sales Order Sales "ocation Telephone No. Fax No. Mobile No. 1.# mail Sa!es $rder %eader Detai!s
Sales Header No. Order 'ate +e,uired 'ate Sales 'eli&er! Schedule %tem # Product No. Customer No. Pa!ment Method 1.& Sa!es $rder 'ine Detai!s
Sales "ine No. Sales Header No. %tem # Product No. %tem # Product Price *uantit! 'iscount
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Activity 11.2: Database Design Exercise using the ABC Case Study
Total Pa!ment Sales %n&oice
* +roduct Detai!s
%tem # Product No. %tem # Product Name %tem # Product 'escription %tem # Product Cost %tem # Product Price 'iscount
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Activity 11.2: Database Design Exercise using the ABC Case Study
Question 2) Detai!s Definition ,Each -ab!e in the Database) 2.1 Custo er Detai!s Name Field Name 'ata T!pe Customer No. Customer First Name Customer Middle Name Customer Surname Telephone No. Fax No. Mobile No. Home Address Office Address POBox mail Sales Header No. %n&oice %nformation#Address Pa!ment Method CustomerNo FirstName MiddleName Surname Tel Fax Mobile HomeAddress OfficeAddress POBox mail SalesHeaderNo %n&oice%nformation#Address Pa!mentMethod Number Text Text Text Number Number Number Text Text Number Text Number Text O" Ob6ect7 Cash NA Forei)n -e! NA Credit "imit Salesperson#Sales Cler$ No. Sales "ocation Credit"imit Salesperson#SalesCler$No Sales"ocation Che,ue Number Number O" Ob6ect7 +A52 52 8 Mandator! Mandator! +estricted "ist Field Si.e 0 12 12 12 3 3 52 522 522 1 522 52 522 8 Mandator! Mandator! Mandator! Mandator!4 if no mobile number Mandator! Mandator! Mandator!4 if no home address Mandator! Mandator! Mandator! Mandator!4 if customer re,uests to send in&oice of order +estricted "ist /alidation +ules Primar!# Forei)n -e!s Primar! -e! NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Forei)n -e! NA NA
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Activity 11.2: Database Design Exercise using the ABC Case Study
9A* A6man Shar6ah Fu6airah 'ubai A' NA NA NA Sales %n&oice Sales 'eli&er! Schedule 'iscount Sales%n&oice Sales'eli&er!Schedule 'iscount Al Ain Number 'ate#Time :es#No 0 52 5 Mandator!4 if customer re,uests to send in&oice of order Mandator!4 dd#mm#!!!! Mandator!4 purchase of e&er! 52222 allot 8; discount
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Activity 11.2: Database Design Exercise using the ABC Case Study
2.2 Sa!es"erson Detai!s Name Salesperson No. Salesperson First Name Salesperson Middle Name Salesperson Surname Salesperson Title 'ate of (oinin) Sales *uota Bonus#%ncenti&es Sales Order Sales "ocation Field Name SalespersonNo SalespersonFirstName SalespersonMiddleName SalespersonSurname SalespersonTitle 'ateof(oinin) Sales*uota Bonus#%ncenti&es SalesOrder Sales"ocation 'ata T!pe Number Text Text Text Text 'ate#Time Number Number Text O" Ob6ect7 +A9A* A6man Shar6ah Fu6airah 'ubai A' NA NA NA Telephone No. Fax No. Mobile No. TelephoneNo. FaxNo. MobileNo. Al Ain Number Number Number 3 3 52 Mandator!4 office and Field Si.e 52 12 12 12 522 52 522222 1 522 8 /alidation +ules Mandator! Mandator! Mandator! Mandator! Mandator!4 dd#mm#!!!! Mandator!4 <522222 Mandator!4 <522222 +estricted "ist Primar!#Forei)n -e!s Primar! -e! NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
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Activity 11.2: Database Design Exercise using the ABC Case Study
number number NA NA mail 5 mail 8 mail mail Text Text 522 522 in of personal absence of
Sa!es $rder %eader Detai!s Name Sales Header No. Order 'ate +e,uired 'ate Sales 'eli&er! Schedule %tem # Product No. Customer No. Pa!ment Method Field Name SalesHeaderNo Order'ate +e,uired'ate Sales'eli&er!Schedule ProductNo CustomerNo Pa!mentMethod 'ata T!pe Number 'ate#Time 'ate#Time 'ate#Time Number Number O" Ob6ect7 Cash Che,ue Field Si.e 58 52 52 52 58 0 8 /alidation +ules Mandator! Mandator!4 dd#mm#!!!! Mandator!4 dd#mm#!!!! Mandator!4 dd#mm#!!!! Mandator! Mandator! +estricted "ist
Sa!es $rder 'ine Detai!s Name Field Name 'ata Field /alidation +ules
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Activity 11.2: Database Design Exercise using the ABC Case Study
-e!s Primar! -e! Forei)n -e! Forei)n -e! NA NA Sales "ine No. Sales Header No. %tem # Product No. %tem # Product Price *uantit! Sales"ineNo SalesHeaderNo ProductNo ProductPrice *uantit! T!pe Number Number Number Currenc! Number Si.e 58 58 58 52.= to 333333333.3333 8 Mandator! Mandator! Mandator! Mandator! Mandator!4
should be separate order due NA NA NA 'iscount Total Pa!ment Sales %n&oice 'iscount TotalPa!ment Sales%n&oice :es#No Currenc! Number 5 52.= to 333333333.3333 0 to shipment limitations Mandator!4 purchase of e&er! 52222 allot 8; discount Mandator! Mandator!4 if customer re,uests to send in&oice of order 2.( Primar!# Forei)n -e!s Primar! -e! NA NA NA %tem # Product No. %tem # Product Name %tem # Product 'escription %tem # Product Cost ProductNo ProductName Product'escription ProductCost )te * +roduct Detai!s Name Field Name 'ata T!pe Number Text Text Currenc! 51 522 5222 52.= Field Si.e Mandator! Mandator! Mandator! to Mandator! /alidation +ules
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Activity 11.2: Database Design Exercise using the ABC Case Study
NA NA %tem # Product Price 'iscount ProductPrice 'iscount Currenc! :es#No 333333333.3333 52.= 333333333.3333 5 to Mandator! Mandator!4 purchase of e&er! 52222 allot 8; discount
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Activity 11.2: Database Design Exercise using the ABC Case Study
Question #) +!anning for .ai!ed -ransactions There >ill be losses incurrin) durin) the e&ent of transactions failure. An! B%S anal!sis and desi)n should in&ol&e plannin) for reco&er! the loss and failure of data b! $eepin) record of it that is retrie&al >ith bac$up facilities. The plannin) and methods identification >ill be ta$in) place in the desi)n phase. Such methods and steps for reco&erin) the failed transaction due to po>er failure? soft>are bu) or &irus attac$ >ill allo> and a&oidin) loss of data that mi)ht on financial and or)ani.ation status and reputation. Question &) /eferentia! )ntegrity @hen there are similar contents? it >ill be affectin) different sources causin) &iolation of referential inte)rit!. Therefore? the desi)n of the database should be >ith identification of potential referential inte)rit! problems and such detection >ill allo> a&oidin) incompleteness or inconsistenc!. This is >ith all relationship that is in meanin) and not null forei)n $e! &alues. %n cascadin) delete? it should be to a&oid deletion of re,uired and related child record >hen parent record deleted sho>n in fi)ure 5. Therefore? the selection based on database desi)n >ill be chec$in) or unchec$in) it. On the other hand? it >ill be similar case for cascade updates. The impact >ill be on record >hen updatin) primar! $e! in parent record >ill be updatin) and affectin) all other record sho>in) as forei)n $e!.
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Activity 11.2: Database Design Exercise using the ABC Case Study
Question () Design to Safeguard Against 0edia1 +o2er .ai!ure or %ard2are Safe)uardin) is necessar! >ith bac$up strate)! >hen there are cases and e&ents of failure or disruption. This is to enable continuation of transactions rather than holdin) or dela!in) it due to disruption e&ent. %t is part of desi)n decision to ha&e multiple points of retrie&in) and restorin) data of the da! before >hen there is disruption. Therefore? >hen there is disruption? the bac$up strate)! >ill enable and ensure restorin) the data to continue transactions and >or$in). This applies to bac$up po>er suppl! too Aextra )enerators operatin) >ithin 1 minutes of po>er failureB not 6ust data because there is no point for restorin) data >hen there is no po>er suppl!. The decision for bac$up strate)! >ill be ta$in) place after testin) >hether it >ill be >or$in) successfull! usin) faultCtolerant ser&er. %t is to ma$e sure that bac$up desi)ned and planned should be dependable and reliable that >ill be definitel! >or$in). Such desi)n basis >ill be includin) archi&in) fre,uenc! from particular data amount to another. Question 3) /e"!ication +eplication allo>s maintainin) cop! of fra)ment at &arious different sites such as storin) of data for impro&in) the a&ailabilit! of data accessible from different sites? >hich mi)ht be full or partial replication. 'ependin) upon the amount of data? number of sites and location of sites such distribution of data and duplication done b! database &endors at &ar!in) price and tas$s. %t is allo>in) user mobilit! for data sharin) and communication? database reco&er!? anal!tic and transaction processin)? etc. >ith potential multiple database &endors for handlin) and distributin) it effecti&el!.
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Activity 11.2: Database Design Exercise using the ABC Case Study
Question 4) Database Si5ing Capacit! plannin) done is prior to installation of database >here en)ineer >ill be chec$in) the si.e of the database and capacit! of their ser&er to install it. The s!stem >ill be affected if database installed is not tolerable and ta$in) too much space b! ma$in) it slo> or do>n due to insufficient space. Question 6) Data 0igration The plannin) ta$es place in desi)n phase to mi)ration occurrin) in build phase. The ineffecti&e plannin) >ill result in poor data mi)ration b! missin) important data sources. The assessment >ill be includin) assessin) old s!stem and ne> s!stem for transfer of data. The addin) of data to the database is populatin) the database. There >ill be need for careful plannin) for data mi)ration before actuall! conductin) it.
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