2006 Ops Plan Final
2006 Ops Plan Final
2006 Ops Plan Final
Vision Vision
Environmental Environmental Influences Influences
Mission Mission
Core Core Processes Processes Annual Annual Performance Performance Assessment Assessment
Vision Statement
Clinical Center Operating Plan Framework
answers answers the the question: question: "What "What do do we we strive strive to be? to be? is is the the leaderships leaderships view view and and a a guiding guiding concept concept of of what what the the organization organization wants wants to to do do or or become. become.
Long-Range Goals
Environmental Influences
Core Processes
Annual Targets
The NIH Clinical Center will serve as the nations premier research hospital for conducting clinical research to improve the health of humankind. It will also serve as a national resource for clinical research by developing diagnostic and therapeutic interventions; enhancing systems to ensure the safe, efficient, and ethical conduct of clinical research; training clinical researchers; and leading the response to the nations public health needs.
Mission Statement
Clinical Center Operating Plan Framework
Vision Mission
A A mission mission statement statement answers answers the the question: question: "What "What is is our our fundamental fundamental
Environmental Influences
Core Processes
purpose? purpose?
Long-Range Goals
Annual Targets
As the nations clinical research center, the NIH Clinical Center is dedicated to improving human health by providing an outstanding environment that facilitates: Development of diagnostic and therapeutic interventions Training of clinical researchers Development of processes to ensure the safe, efficient, and ethical conduct of clinical research. The Clinical Center achieves this mission through a culture that fosters collaboration, innovation, diversity, and the highest ethical standards.
Core Processes
Clinical Center Operating Plan Framework
Vision Mission
Core Core processes processes are are the the major major activities activities that support the mission. that support the mission.
Environmental Influences
Core Processes
Long-Range Goals
Annual Targets
Clinical Research Support: Provide staff, services, training, and environment to support clinical research. Patient Care: Provide outstanding patient care to participants in clinical research studies. Operational Management: Provide resources such as personnel, budget, and capital equipment in the most cost effective and efficient manner.
Environmental Influences
Long-range Long-range goals goals translate translate the the vision, vision, mission, mission, and and core core processes processes into into performance-based performance-based action action plans. plans.
Core Processes
Long-Range Goals
Annual Targets
Provide timely support for implementation of new Institute clinical research programs and strengthen the infrastructure for delivery of and training in clinical research. Improve quality and safety of patient care. Conserve resources, contain costs, and improve employee satisfaction, performance, and productivity.
Institute Institute Planning Planning Meetings Meetings CC CC Develops Develops Themes Themes CC CC Prepares Prepares Budget Budget NIH NIH Advisory Advisory Board Board for for Clinical Clinical Research Research Intramural Intramural Working Working Group Group Management Management & & Budget Budget Working Working Group Group NIH NIH Steering Steering Committee Committee
NIH NIH Director Director Decision Decision 8
Longrange Goals
Provide timely support for implementation of new Institute clinical research programs and strengthen the infrastructure for delivery of and training in clinical research.
Conserve resources, contain costs, and improve employee satisfaction, performance, and productivity.
2. Improve clinical documentation through enhancements to CRIS. 3. Conduct survey of referring physicians to identify opportunities for improvements. 4. Implement bar coding to improve patient safety.
1. Develop a collaborative resource management model with Institutes that creates incentives for efficiency while supporting program activity. 2. Enhance Clinical Center leadership development by assuring that all managers & supervisors are trained in federal performance management. 3. Under the guidance of the NIH Advisory Board for Clinical Research, conduct operational reviews (quality and cost assessments) of the following Clinical Center programs: - Imaging Sciences - Nursing.
Infrastructure Enhancements 2. Implement new bench-to-bedside awards program with extramural community. 3. In collaboration with US Surgeon General, implement new clinical research awareness initiative. 4. Expand clinical research training programs locally, nationally, and internationally.
Clinical Clinical Research Research & & Patient Care Patient Care
Occurrence Occurrence Reporting Reporting System System data data JCAHO compliance scores JCAHO compliance scores AAHRPP** AAHRPP** accreditation accreditation
Obesity (NIDDK/Multi-Institute) Pulmonary Hypertension (NHLBI) Vaccine research (NIAID) Reproductive Endocrinology (NICHD) Interventional Cardiology (NHLBI) Intramural-Extramural Collaborative Research Autism (NIMH)
Supplemental funds for obesity have been provided to the Clinical Center for facility modifications and ongoing operational expenses. Facility modifications for vaccine research unit are being funded outside the Clinical Center operating budget; operational expenses are incremental and expected to impact FY07 budget. Based upon the amount required to support operational expenses for identified new clinical research initiatives, Clinical Center operating funds will either be reprogrammed via a reprioritization with the Institutes, or additional funds will be requested.
The Clinical Center Director has secured commitments of $3.1M of additional funding to support the expansion of the bench-to-bedside awards program this fiscal year . No new funds are being expended.
In collaboration with US Surgeon General, implement new clinical research awareness initiative.
The Clinical Center Director is leading the planning with the Surgeon General on this key initiative and working collaboratively on implementation with the NIH Office of Communications and Public Liaison (OCPL). Funding is being provided by NIH OCPL with supplemental requirements being reprogrammed out of existing Clinical Center Communications budget.
The Clinical Center Office of Clinical Research Training and Medical Educations operational budget supports these training programs. No new funds are being expended.
The Clinical Center carried over FY05 funds to support outpatient improvements. Planning is under way to augment the layout and patient flow in the clinics. The decision to proceed with outpatient improvements is contingent upon release of the FY06 funding level for the Clinical Center by the NIH. If the CC receives a reduced funding level, these two renovation projects will be deferred.
Although the Clinical Center is responsible for the planning and implementation of CRIS, the project is funded outside the Clinical Center operating budget through the NIH Enterprise Funding for Information Technology. On-going operational expenses will be transitioned to the Clinical Centers operating budget in FY07.
The Clinical Center operating budget includes annual funds for surveying patients, employees, and other stakeholders. The surveys, administered on a rotating basis, will focus this year on perceptions of referring physicians. No new funds are required to support this survey effort. If opportunities for improvement are identified, funds may be needed to implement them.
This project will be pursued with either Clinical Center Directors reserve funds or by applying for NIH set-aside funds for evaluation projects.
11 11
Enhance Clinical Center leadership development by assuring that all managers & supervisors are trained in federal performance management.
This effort is funded through the budget of the Clinical Center Office of Workforce Leadership Training and Organizational Development. Funds that have in the recent past been used to improve Clinical Center orientation and offer customer service training will be reprogrammed to support this new focus.
Under the guidance of the NIH Advisory Board for Clinical Research, conduct operational reviews (quality and cost assessments) of two Clinical Center departments.
This effort is a management activity that will utilize staff from the Clinical Center Office of the Director. No new resources will be required to conduct the operational reviews.
Environmental Influences
Clinical Center Operating Plan Framework
Vision Mission
Environmental Environmental influences influences identify identify internal internal and and external external drivers drivers that that impact impact our our organization organization and and inform inform our our strategic strategic direction. direction.
Environmental Influences
Core Processes
Long-Range Goals
Annual Targets
Environmental Influences:
Government Initiatives DHHS/NIH Drivers Review & Advisory Bodies Customers Health Care Industry
Environmental Influences
DHHS/NIH DHHS/NIH Drivers Drivers
One One HHS HHS 20 20 Department-Wide Department-Wide Goals Goals NIH NIH Roadmap Roadmap Budgetary Budgetary Constraints Constraints
Review Review & & Advisory Advisory Bodies Bodies Government Government Initiatives Initiatives
Government Government Performance Performance & & Results Results Act Act (GPRA) (GPRA) Presidents Presidents Management Management Agenda Agenda (PMA) (PMA) Program Program Assessment Assessment Rating Rating Tooling (PART) Tooling (PART) Competitive Competitive Sourcing Sourcing (A-76) (A-76) NIH NIH Advisory Advisory Board Board for for Clinical Clinical Research Research (ABCR) (ABCR) Medical Medical Executive Executive Committee Committee (MEC) (MEC) Board Board of of Scientific Scientific Counselors Counselors (BSC) (BSC) Patient Advisory Group (PAG) Patient Advisory Group (PAG) Joint Joint Commission Commission on on Accreditation Accreditation of of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) Association Association for for the the Accreditation Accreditation of of Human Human Research Research Protection Protection Programs Programs (AAHRPP) (AAHRPP) Clinical Clinical Fellows Fellows Committee Committee
Customers Customers
Internal Internal Institutes Institutes Patients Patients Clinical Clinical Center Center Employees Employees External External Extramural Extramural Clinical Clinical Investigators Investigators Referring Physicians Referring Physicians Advocacy Advocacy Groups Groups
Government Initiatives
Government Government Performance Performance and and Results Results Act Act (GPRA) (GPRA)
The Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA), enacted in 1993, requires federal agencies to establish standards for measuring their performance and effectiveness. The law requires federal agencies to develop strategic plans describing their overall goals and objectives; annual performance plans containing quantifiable measures of their progress; and performance reports describing their success in meeting those standards and measures.
DHHS/NIH Drivers
One One HHS HHS 20 20 Department-wide Department-wide Goals Goals
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has established an overarching direction by putting forth 20 departmentwide goals in order to function as a coordinated entity and maximize efficiency. These goals direct all HHS planning and performance management efforts. The mission of HHS is to enhance the health and well-being of Americans by fostering strong and sustained advances in the sciences underlying medicine, public health and social services. As an agency in HHS, the NIH is one of the foremost centers for the conduct and support of medical research. As the Clinical Center is a part of this larger agency matrix, all planning and performance goals are aligned with the HHS strategic plan as depicted in the table below. Specifically, Clinical Center goals cascade from 13 of the 20 HHS objectives.
Provide timely support for implementation of new Institute clinical research programs and strengthen the infrastructure for delivery delivery ofof and and training training inin clinical clinical research. research.. X X
Conserve Conserve resources, resources, contain reduce costs, and improve employee performance and productivity.
1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11)
Transform the healthcare system Strategically manage human capital Complete the FY 2006 competitive sourcing Advance medical research Improve financial performance Expand electronic government Protect life, family, and human dignity Improve budget and performance integration Improve the human condition around the world Achieve performance accountability Promote quality, relevance, & performance of research and development activities Emphasize healthy living and prevention of disease, illness, and disability Eliminate improper payments
12) 13)
DHHS/NIH Drivers
NIH NIH Roadmap Roadmap
The NIH Roadmap was introduced in 2003 under the leadership of NIH Director Elias A. Zerhouni, MD. This Roadmap provides a framework of the priorities NIH as a whole must address in order to optimize its entire research portfolio. It lays out a vision for a more efficient and productive system of medical research. There are three primary areas of focus: new pathways to discovery; research teams of the future; and re-engineering the clinical research enterprise. Next, the NIH Director convened a blue ribbon panel to make recommendations to align the future direction of the intramural clinical research program with the larger clinical research enterprise re-engineering plan. A key recommendation was to create a single governing body to provide oversight for the intramural clinical research program.
Clinical Clinical Center Center Board Board of of Scientific Scientific Counselors Counselors (BSC) (BSC)
The purpose of this group is to secure unbiased and objective evaluation of the independent research programs of the Clinical Center and the work of individual scientists. Expert scientists from outside the NIH participate as members of this review group. The Board of Scientific Counselors of the Clinical Center was established in October 1990 and advises the NIH Director, NIH Deputy Director for Intramural Research, and the Clinical Center Director on the Clinical Centers intramural clinical research programs through periodic visits to the laboratories to assess the research of, and evaluate the performance of, independent investigators.
Association Association for for the the Accreditation Accreditation of of Human Human Research Research Protection Protection Programs Programs (AAHRPP) (AAHRPP)
The Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs, Inc. (AAHRPP) is a nonprofit organization that offers accreditation to institutions engaged in research involving human participants. Incorporated in April 2001, AAHRPP seeks to ensure compliance and raise the bar in human research protection by helping institutions reach performance standards that surpass the threshold of state and federal requirements through self-assessment, peer review, and education.
Internal Customers
Institutes Institutes
The NIH is composed of 27 Institutes and Centers (ICs) whose research activities extend from basic research that explores the fundamental workings of biological systems and behavior, to studies that examine disease and treatments in clinical settings, to prevention, and to population-based analyses of health status needs. The Office of the Director, NIH, provides leadership, oversight, and coordination for the enterprise. The Clinical Center supports the intramural clinical research efforts of the ICs whose clinical programs are on the Bethesda campus. In FY05, there were a total of 1,357 active protocols implemented with Clinical Center resources and support; this is a growth of more than 20 percent since FY00.
Patients Patients
Patients come to the NIH from every corner of the United States seeking answers to their scientific and medical questions. They represent both genders and all ages, races, cultures, and socio-economic groups. In FY05, there were 6,619 admissions, a decrease of 4.7 percent from FY04; however, inpatient days decreased only 0.1 percent from the previous year, a result of increased length of stay for the organization by 3.1 percent. There was a 2.8 percent decrease in outpatient visits. In FY05, 2208 new research volunteers were enrolled through the Clinical Centers Patient Recruitment and Public Liaison Office (PRPL) and Clinical Research Volunteer Program (CRVP),. The CVRP formerly the Healthy Volunteer Office, and part of the PRPL, provides a pool of healthy volunteers available for all principal investigators. In FY05, the CRVP program registered 5,913 new volunteers.
External Customers
Extramural Extramural Clinical Clinical Investigators Investigators
In support of the NIH Directors initiative to invigorate clinical research, a goal of the NIH Roadmap, the Clinical Center has expanded the intramural bench-to-bedside awards to include extramural partners. In 2006, more than 20 awards will be given to intramural-extramural investigators for their work in rare diseases, AIDS, minority health disparities, and womens health. Funding for these projects has been provided by Institutes and other components of the NIH.
Themes Themes from from the the Fall Fall 2005 2005 Clinical Clinical Center/Institute Center/Institute Planning Planning Meetings Meetings
New Institute Clinical Research Initiatives
Obesity Obesity (NIDDK/Multi-Institute) (NIDDK/Multi-Institute)
In 2004, in response to the burgeoning problem of obesity in the U.S. population, several Institutes and Centers (ICs), with NIDDK as lead, proposed a trans-Institute collaboration to: 1) develop an improved understanding of the genetics and pathophysiology of obesity; 2) provide additional insight into the prevention of obesity; and, 3) develop new strategies for the treatment of this emerging public health crisis. The current plan is to address the problem at several levels (i.e., from the molecular level to the bedside and back). The collaborative initiative will also focus on the multi-system co-morbidities associated with obesity; especially type 2 diabetes mellitus and its complications. The search for a program director is ongoing and may expand to include a joint intramuralextramural appointment. The consortium plans to establish a metabolic program in the new Hatfield Center that includes state-of-the-art laboratory and imaging facilities, as well as clinical investigative and imaging capabilities that will: assist in recruiting outstanding scientists for the program, attract extramural collaborations and support NIH-wide intramural scientists interested in obesity research. The investment of several Institutes in the program should foster a true multidisciplinary approach to this formidable problem. The initial focus of the work will be on the endocrine and metabolic effects of extreme weight loss, as well as on narcolepsy associated with obesity. Plans to renovate existing space in the Hatfield Center are in process, creating a 10-bed inpatient patient care unit and a diagnostic treatment area that will include three metabolic chambers. The possibility of dynamic intramural/extramural collaboration will require additional office space to support collaborating extramural investigators who will, of necessity, be present at the Clinical Center to participate in these studies.
Themes Themes from from the the Fall Fall 2005 2005 Clinical Clinical Center/Institute Center/Institute Planning Planning Meetings Meetings
New Institute Clinical Research Initiatives - continued
Vaccine Vaccine Research Research (NIAID) (NIAID)
The Clinical Research Center Vaccine Evaluation Clinic and Special Clinical Studies Unit is under design with anticipated completion in 2007. NIAID will be evaluating the safety, immunogenicity, efficacy, and toxicity associated with the administration of new candidate vaccines, including potentially some vaccines against certain agents of bioterrorism. A key component of the new unit is its division into a vaccine clinic and a special clinical studies unit that could also be used as a containment facility if live-virus vectors were being used in the candidate vaccines. Several Institutes have also expressed interest in possible use of the clinical studies unit for patients ready for discharge from inpatient status but not ready to be discharged home.
Themes Themes from from the the Fall Fall 2005 2005 Clinical Clinical Center/Institute Center/Institute Planning Planning Meetings Meetings
New Institute Clinical Research Initiatives - continued
Autism Autism (NIMH) (NIMH)
NIMH is initiating a series of clinical studies to address the important issue of autism. Studies are planned to improve the clinical characterization and early diagnosis of autism through a natural history protocol. The Clinical Center has partnered with NIMH to establish an NIMH building located on Cedar Lane to facilitate screening of children for subsequent inclusion in these studies. The majority of the initial studies planned are outpatient protocols. Some of the studies require procedures (e.g., lumbar punctures and MRIs with sedation) that will of necessity have to be conducted in the Clinical Center. In the first year of operation, staff estimate between 300 to 350 outpatient visits and 50 sets of inpatient procedures. When in the clinic or having procedures performed in the Clinical Center, these patients will likely be resource-intense.
Themes Themes from from the the Fall Fall 2005 2005 Clinical Clinical Center/Institute Center/Institute Planning Planning Meetings Meetings
New Institute Clinical Research Initiatives - continued
Reproductive Reproductive Endocrinology Endocrinology (NICHD) (NICHD)
NICHD has recruited an outstanding senior investigator to establish a new clinical gynecology/reproductive endocrinology program, including a substantial focus on in vivo fertilization research. The program will represent a new area of scientific interest for the NICHD intramural program and for the Clinical Center. Three new protocols will focus on recurrent pregnancy loss, unexplained infertility, and failed fertility treatments. NICHD has not yet defined the resource requirements for the new program, nor have they defined the planned scope of the program. Additional resources will be needed to support the program, but the extent and types of resources required for the new program are not yet known.
Themes Themes from from the the Fall Fall 2005 2005 Clinical Clinical Center/Institute Center/Institute Planning Planning Meetings Meetings
Trans-Institute Service Requirements
Cell Cell Processing Processing
A major theme from the FY05 fall planning meetings continuing into FY06 is the demand for cellular therapy products from the Department of Transfusion Medicine. Demand for cell processing activities, including apheresis, sophisticated cell selection procedures, and expansion procedures continues to escalate. NCI, NHLBI, NIDCR, and NIAID use these services for research protocols involving refractory cancers with ex-vivo-expanded autologous NK cells, craniofacial defects, and immunodeficiencies such as chronic granulomatous disease. NCIs ability to expand several of their research protocols is limited by the cell processing availability.
Themes Themes from from the the Fall Fall 2005 2005 Clinical Clinical Center/Institute Center/Institute Planning Planning Meetings Meetings
Trans-Institute Service Requirements - continued
Nursing Nursing Support Support
The several new initiatives described previously (in addition to the program expansions) will certainly require additional nursing FTE and in some instances will require nursing skills not currently present in the Clinical Center Nursing Department (e.g., cardiac surgery intensive care). To maintain existing programs at their current levels and to be able to launch the new initiatives (e.g., obesity, reproductive endocrinology, etc.), additional resources will be needed in Nursing to support these programs.
Themes Themes from from the the Fall Fall 2005 2005 Clinical Clinical Center/Institute Center/Institute Planning Planning Meetings Meetings
Trans-Institute Service Requirements - continued
Outpatient Outpatient Improvements Improvements
One year ago, at the 2004 fall planning meetings, the Institutes, and centers indicated major support for operational and structural improvements in the outpatient clinics. In addition, the Institutes gave very high priority to renovating the surgery department, to establish new outpatient surgery space. Although these two initiatives received very high priority in 2004 by the Clinical Center Board of Governors and the NIH intramural working group, they were not funded in the allocated FY05 budget. During the fall 2005 planning meeting, the Institutes renewed their desire to give improvement of outpatient services a very high priority.