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TODD BENTLEY ~ Magical DREAM weavers ~ Pastor Patricia King~ JOHN CROWDER, JEFF JANSEN and the new

MYSTICAL FOLLOWERS ~ of the Kundalini ~ SERPENT POWER ~OCCULT, MYSTICISM, BI LOCATION, MAGIC, PARANORMAL, TELEPATHIC, PSYCHIC, CLAIRVOYANT, NEW WORLD PAGAN RELIGION God standeth in the congregation of the mighty; he judgeth among the gods, (Psa. 82).
PATRICIA KING - New Mystics ~ The New Breed ~ (The Word Mystic means: Shaman, sage, medium spiritualist, magic, paranormal), mystical presence of their god.


Ps 82:1 "God standeth in the assembly of God." God is among his people; and he presides especially in those courts of justice which himself has established. The Court of King's Bench is properly the place where the king presides, and where he is supposed to be always present.i Beware what you do! God is in his court, and in the midst (of the assembly) God will judge! God demands that we do not fall for the gravest of sins: murder, worship of the wrong deities, alcohol and unlawful sexual relationships. Gods Eye is everywhere. New Age teachings in the Christian ChurchWho are some that are leading the New Breed? John Crowder, Joshua Mills, Georgian Banov, Lucy Rael, Kay Beyer, and Benjamin Dunn: "Manifestations of Glory" Conference in; McDonough, GA. See below Ad info. Join us on Passover week for this radical conference as we position ourselves for Jesus to manifest Himself through unusual and bizarre signs and wonders, infusing us with faith and awe in the Son of God! Prepare for higher realms of Glory in this year of new beginnings! Experience the bliss and ecstatic joy of the Holy Spirit with veteran worship leader Georgian Banov ( & the intimate, joyous, worship sounds of Benjamin Dunn All of our speakers are marked by unusual signs and wonders at this event, as we believe God is

New Mystics ~ The New Breed

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preparing a supernatural generation in the glory: Information: Manifestations of Glory These New Mystic Christians always charge for their conference. WHO IS JOHN CROWER? John Crowder of the New Mystics

Prior to Sloshie, we ventured to Bristol for three days of wildfire gatherings. I must say that the week was a blur. There was a deep realm of divine ecstasy that opened during the gatherings. Many were equipped and activated in the supernatural, along with a powerful release of prophetic revelation.
JOHN CROWDER AND THE NEW MYSTICS, SONS OF THUNDER ~ PATRICIA KING Since these New Age Mystics and their demonic angels claim to be materializing gold, platinum dust and gem stones and Diamonds, why are they still passing around the begging bucket to fleece Gods people? Why do they charge to come to their meetings? Mariam Franklins article is an eye-opener. (Miriam Franklin) writes and excellent article concerning the New Mystics called Charismatic Gemstones and Gold Glory Dust Signs and Wonders Ms. Franklin exposing the fakery of the gold and gem stones writes: This comment was made by Lillian Ching in the comments section, and I am flagging it up as I know not all people read the comments, and this is most interesting. As a custom jeweler, gemologist and rock hound, I have 44 years of experience in identifying rocks, minerals, crystals, etc; I was myself geology major at Shoreline College. I have also extensively dredged and panned for gold since 1961. My wife and I operate a custom jewelry business, as well as pastor a nondenominational Full-Gospel Christian church in Lynnwood, Washington. While in Baltimore I was given samples from Ashland, VA to identify. To do so, I employed my knowledge of gold, my geology books, as well as my jewelers double microscope. Under microscope this material is clearly gold colored Mylar. Mylar, as we know is a man made plastic. The material shows under the microscope as

John Crowder, New Mystic A WEIRD STAR IS BORN

Crowder says, Wales, hosted "Slosh Fest," a time of experiencing the drunken bliss of Jesus!

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squares. It is easily recognized as Mylar. I also applied a gold acid test; this also showed this material as not gold, but synthetic man made material. There has been much of this Mylar, and other man made materials being passed off as gold in the Christian arena as a phenomena of God Natural ground Mica is also passed off as gold, but usually in the retail business. To date, I have had three different individuals bringing me flakes of what they thought were gold to identify which were obtained in Christian services. One sample was from a church in Washington State (mica). Another sample from a Christian Camp in Ashland, Virginia (Mylar) and this third sample which was given to me in Maryland, which came from Ashland. None has been gold. Unfortunately this has not stopped modern day charlatans from passing off this material as God and His glory to innocent and trusting Christians . . . . ii GREAT DECEPTION LATTER RAIN SEDUCTION These New Mystics use biblical words and quote from the Bible, but the Latter Rain gospel was not drawn from the Bible. It was received ''prophetically'' - that is, by men in direct communication with the spirit realm. They then use symbolism and allegory to draw far-fetched support of their doctrines out of random words or fragments of Bible verses. "This is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their deeds were evil. For everyone who does evil hates the Light, and does not come to the Light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. But he who practices the truth comes to the Light, so that his deeds may be manifested as having been wrought in God." (Jn. 3:19-21). Great deception is afoot in the churches today, happening right before our very eyes. In fact, it may have already come to your church. False doctrines, a different gospel, and even doctrines of demons have been introduced into many churches via books, music, videos, teachers and movements that claim to be of God. Please watch the u tubes on this site from a wide variety of denominations and authors on the subject of deception in the church before you encourage anyone from your church to go to meetings where false teachers claim to be able to transfer the Holy Spirit by the laying on of hands and subsequently soften people up to receive false doctrines which can ultimately shipwreck their faith or prevent them from ever coming to salvation in Christ. Because there will be certain people who have crept in to the House of God, who pervert the gospel once delivered to the saints And because of this some shall fall away 1Ti 4:1 But the Spirit saith expressly, that in later times some shall fall away from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of demons.

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John Crowder's Interests shown of Myspace JOHN Crowders interests on his MySpace page. THIS ONE SATANIST RELIOUS FREEK. His MySpace says: His interest: COMING TO YOUR CHURCH. Has your pastor gotten this blinded yet? Divine Ecstasy, Soul Snatching, REACHING THE OUTCAST< Third Heaven Visitation, Wonderworking, Levitation, Bilocaton, D. Translation, Transfiguration, Exorcisms, Spontaneous Generation of Matter, Water Walking, Walking Through Walls, Glowing, Healing, Dead Raising, Stigmatism, Incombustibility, Speaking with Animals, Authority over Elements, Super Strength, Angelic Interaction, (And dont forget spiritual tokin and having Spiritual Holy iii Ghost drug parties).

John Crowder is the founder of Sons of Thunder) and has a heart to equip the Church to move in supernatural Christianity. Unusual signs follow John's ministry such as instant weight loss, healings and creative miracles. He is author of The New Mystics. The first miracle Jesus ever performed was to turn water into wine: This beginning of signs Jesus did in Cana of Galilee, and manifested His glory (John 2:11). Come be refreshed with the new wine of Heaven! This is marital wine, and Jesus is giving signs in this hour to point us to the heart of the Bridegroom. This is the hour to birth a manifestation of Heaven on earth. Jesus said: He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him (Jn. 14:21).iv

We have just returned from England and Wales where we saw first fruits (what kind of fruits is he talking about?) of a massive explosion of harvest the Lord is beginning to release on the streets. There was also a tremendous weight of Glory on the meetings as our European associates, Emerge Wales, hosted Slosh Fest, a time of experiencing the drunken bliss of Jesus! *slosh fest 08 enjoy :) Absolutely insanity. Mercy Dear Lord Jesus


This one is of interest to me because when it happened, the Late Irene Park, The Witch that Switched and I tried to expose her as a fraud. My newsletter circulated in Texas and Oklahoma. While I Irene went to Pastor John Osteen and told him. My sister witches and I used to go into the Christian Churches in Key West and faked the stigmata sign. We took chicken livers into the palms of our hands, squeezed them and dug our finger nails into our palms which caused them to appear as if they were bleeding. Irene snickered and said, The people would bow down and worship us like we were gods. Wed just laugh at them. Although Irene had ministered many times in John Osteens church,

Goose Feather Lady Lucy Rael Alleged Stigmata

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he rejected her and her testimony concerning Lucy Rael. She opened a special meeting in a hotel nearby. Many came to her meeting because she was also well known having appeared on PTL and the 700 Club Televisions. Irene told us that she taught on the Blood of Jesus, And said that many of the women left the meeting. Irene and I became black sheep among the Charismatic leadership and they told people to reject our ministries. Of course, when the childrens television minister, Willie George took a camera to Lucy Raels meeting and exposed her deceptions, no one ever applied to us or thanked us for our concern for the blinded Christians wellbeing. For decades, Lucy Rael's life and ministry have been marked by supernatural signs, demonstrating a powerful witness that has led countless souls to believe on the Lord for salvation. She has also shared the stage with greats such as A.A. Allen, Kenneth Hagin, and other signs and wonders forerunners.v Back in the late 1980s, Lucy Raels alleged stigmata was being sponsored by T L Osborn. Although Lucy was raised a Catholic, and has not renounced Roman Catholicism, she and her husband Sito then considered T. L and Daisy Osborn their pastors. There is an article about stigmata and on whether her stigmata is faked or not here: vi From that article, I wanted to particularly highlight the following incident of Lucy Rael caught planting heavenly feathers. Although it was then called dove feathers (to testify to the dove of the Holy Spirit), this belief has now morphed into the far more popular angel feathers, but it is the same old charlatanism at work - angels feathers bring in more crowds, evidently, and can now tie in with the heretical mania for the attention-diverting-away-from-Christ angels in all their glory. You know the ones like Emma, Swift, Breakthrough Anointing, Winds of Change and angels of Finance promoted by all prophets of the William Branham school. I wonder if there is an angel called Colossians Heresy? After this, is another article where Lucy Rael was caught faking prophecy. As she was giving out words of knowledge, every name called out by her was in that days church Bulletin.. On Thanksgiving day, 1988, Lucy appeared as a mistress of ceremonies at The Church Reunion, held at the Mabee Center of Oral Roberts University in Tulsa. Several prominent leaders within the charismatic movement were speakers during the four-day event. On this occasion the stigmata did not manifest in Lucys body. But something even more remarkable took place. Calling songstress Vicki Jamison to come forward, Lucy had her close her eyes and look upward, as she had the audience do. To the accompaniment of the song, Sweet Anointing, Lucy encouraged everyone to Just close your eyes and worship Him. Her words to Vicki Jamison set the stage for an unsettling incident: Sister Vicki, today youre going to have a visitation from the Holy Spirit. Youre going to be anointed afresh and anew. Youre going to feel the anointing of God come all over you when you minister. The enemy has tried to destroy you. Hcs come against you in sickness. But Gods not through with you Hes not through with you, sister Vicki. But youre going to have a visitation from the Holy Ghost this day, that youre going to go forth with such scope and power. Hallelujah! Youre going to enter the second phase of your ministry. While exhorting the audience to worship Jesus, Lucy reached with her left hand, palm closed, and placed it on Vickis right shoulder, opening her palm downward. Vickis eyes were closed, her arms lifted. Praising God, Lucy removed her hand from Vickis shoulder and placed it upon her forehead. As her hand lifted from the shoulder a small, white feather could be clearly seen to drop from Lucys hand onto Vickis shoulder. Lucy glanced at the feather but continued to praise God and walk elsewhere on the stage. Feathers began to drop where she walked. Suddenly, Lucy stopped and, in a surprised tone, exclaimed, Theres feathers all over this place! Oh, my God! My God!

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Calling Billye Brim, another of the mistresses of ceremony, and Blaine Amburgy, the host for the affair, to join her, Lucy continued: A mighty visitation of the Holy Ghost! Hallelujah! Turn around [toward the audience) sister Vicki, very slowly; very slowly! Hallelujah! On your shoulder! On your shoulder! The visitation of the Holy Ghost! My God! We're having a visitation of the Spirit of say somebody said, "I don't understand this; I don't believe this!" You know, the mind cannot receive the things of the Spirit! Sometimes the mind gets troubled! But Honey, glory to God! Get out of that natural mind and get into the supernatural! The supernatural power of God! [Turning to people picking up feathers]: Are you finding some over there? Hallelujah! Theres some over here! Theres some over there! You say, What does that mean? The Dove of the Holy Spirit is flying all over this place! My God! Worship Him! Isnt it typical that mystics exhort us to get out of your minds. But Gods Word tells us that He has given us a sound mind Dr. Craig Rumedy used his mind and acquired two of the feathers. He sent them to Bob Jennings, an ornithologist and a naturalist at Oxley Nature Park in Tulsa. Mr. Jennings conclusions: I) The feathers had a straight edge at callus (the point where they attach to the skin). This is not characteristic of a feather that has been plucked out or fallen out; 2) The feathers were pure white and have a size and shape described as semi plume-like, and are typical in size, shape, color, and appearance of down feathers; 3) The feathers had no cage marks and were therefore not from a caged bird; 4) The edges of the individual branches of the feathers were frayed in such a manner as to suggest the feathers were several weeks or months old or they had been handled very roughly. 5) The feathers are definitely not from a dove or pigeon: 6) They are quite typical of the underbelly feathers of a large waterfowl, e.g., egret, crane, heron, or goose; 7) They could well be goose down feathers?vii SILVANIA MACHADO ~FALSE GOLD DUST MYSTICISM AND WITCHCRAFT ALCEMEY This is witchcraft, mystical practice that came into the church in the 90,s. Again, I attended a gold dust meeting to see what was happening. I wrote a few articles on it and I knew the gold dust phenomena was being produced by voodoo, familiar spirits, and deceptive spirits that were operating to blind believers.


Channel Four of Jacksonville, Florida had the gold dust examined and it turned out to be flaked gold cellophane. According to Silvania, she had four kinds of cancer and green stuff was seeping out of her pours. She went to a voodoo hospital and the Doctor told her to go to a certain church and within three days, she would be healed! She claimed that she was healed and the green stuff ceased manifesting and a sweet aroma appeared. Then she claimed the gold dust appeared and began flowing from her hair and pours. Ruth Heflin came to Brazil and brought this mystical woman to America. They spread this new doctrine throughout the Charismatic Movement in America. Ruth Heflin died of cancer.

Silvania, is a woman who reportedly sheds gold dust and oozes oil.viii Was promoted by the late Ruth Heflin, and embraced by many people within today's controversial renewal and revival movements. ix Page 6

A holy woman from Brazil

Silvania, was at Calvary Pentecostal Campground from August 18-21, 1998 and in February of 1999. In the process of her physical healing of four types of cancer, oil began to flow supernaturally from her body and later, gold dust began to be manifested on her face and the crown of her head. As she praises and worships, this phenomenon is seen. Her Brazilian pastor gathers the holy gold flakes and anoints the forehead of the sick and needy. Many miracles fall. Source: Reported by Ruth Ward Heflin, who promotes this Machado.
However, according to the U.S. Geological Survey in Washington, D.C. Both samples of the "gold dust" - sent to them for testing by Charisma magazine - were deemed to be plastic film with no traces of gold, platinum or silver: A Brazilian evangelist at the center of the "gold dust" phenomenon being reported at charismatic churches across the United States and Europe says she is unfazed by scientific reports suggesting that all that glitters is not what it seems. Two independent tests on samples of the gold-colored dust that falls from Silvania Machado's head during services have found the substance to be more like plastic glitter, with no gold content. But Machado, who attributes the manifestation to her divine healing from cancer, is untroubled by the conclusions of the analyses carried out on behalf of "Charisma" magazine. "To me, it doesn't matter what it is as long as it's from God", she said. "Charisma" had two samples of Machado's gold dust analyzed by the U.S. Geological Survey in Washington, D.C. Both were deemed to be plastic film with no traces of gold, platinum or silver. x Gold Dust Phenomenon Stirs Up Questions Among Charismatics, Charisma News, Sep 9, 1999 You can find some historical information concerning the beginning of this heresy here: Caution! Gold Dust is Hazardous To Your Health! GOLD DUST' EVANGELIST BOB SHATTLES DIES FROM CANCER A Georgia-based evangelist that promoted the Gold Dust revival did not survive the witchcraft powers AND Ruth Heflin and her brother also died. JOSHUA MILLS OUT PERFORMS SILVANIA MACHADO Joshua Mills ministers from the cloud of God's glory. He is an intimate worshipper often seeing visible manifestations and unusual signs such as gold dust, gemstones, and other incredible phenomena that point us to the heart of Jesus.xi Joshua Mills is just another deceived person to follow after the deceptions and seductions of Silvania Machado, a mystical woman from Brazil. Joshua Mills and gold.

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If you are caught up with strange gold dust, gems and diamonds, third heaven trips, laughing, Kundalini demonic ministries, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE. This insane witchcraft can and will lead you to the highway of hell. Kaye Beyer and her late husband Harold are widely known for the miracle of manna that has appeared in their meetings for many years. For four decades she has seen lives supernaturally changed for the Kingdom.xii EASTERN KUNDALINI SERPENT POWER It just keeps coming up. A friend of mine, had formerly been involved with Siddha Yoga Muktananda Movement. I remembered he talked to me about the Blue Flame Witch a couple of years ago. He wrote me the following: the head of Siddha Yoga Muktananda focused on the blue pearl within. We talked about the Blue Light Queen....these are witches who enslave men in their ethereal abode. They appear as angels shrouded in blue light... yeah all those people are steeped in it, the whole Bob Jones, Elijah List, Patricia King, Bentley, TBN---none are free. No one likes to expose this sort of information, however, if it is true, is it better to just ignore it and sweep it under the rug? Should we just sit back and let the New Mystics take over our pulpits and Christian people? Should we just let the little darlings alone and let them get more bizarre everyday and suddenly notice that they have stolen our young people from our churches and the weak minded, feeble Christians from our pews? A DEMONIC ANGEL EMMA O LEADS LATTER RAIN REVIVALS Todd Bentley and the Latter Rain followers of Bob Jones said that an Angel Called Emma O was leading the Lakeland Outpouring, Emma was the prevalent angel in charge until Stephen Strader for Bentley and Jones to talk about Emma. Todds response, he named another angel called Liberty, to take charge of his California plans. In addition, he removed all references of Emma O from his web site and his articles. The reason being, that the brave souls that were uncovering the demonic nature of the Lakeland fiasco uncovered that Emma O was a demonic figure from the Japanese Buddhist mythology, the overlord of Hell. WOW! Even uncovering this damaging information, pastors and Christian people continued to follow Todd Bentleys demonic musing.


in Japanese Buddhist mythology, the overlord of hell (Jigoku), corresponding to the Indian deity Yama. He judges the souls of men, while his sister judges the souls of women. The sinner is sent to one of the 16 regions of fire or ice assigned him by Emma-o for a fixed period of time until the next rebirth, unless saved by the prayers of the living, in which case he is reborn either on earth or in a heavenly paradise. Emma-o is usually represented with a fierce expression, wearing a Chinese judge's cap and holding his mace of office.

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Enma Dai- () in Japan, is the lord of death, first recorded in the Vedas.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Ten things you may not know about Wikipedia This article is about the deity Yama. For yama in the sense of a code of conduct, see Yamas. For the Yam language, see Mobilian Jargon. Yama's Court and Hell. The Blue figure is Yama with his consort Yami and Chitragupta 17th century Painting from Government Museum, Chennai ) in India, Yanluowang () or simply Yan () in Yama (Sanskrit: ), also known as Yamarja ( China, and Enma Dai- () in Japan, is the lord of death, first recorded in the Vedas. The name Yanluo is a shortened Chinese transliteration of the Sanskrit term Yama Rj, or "King Yama". Enma Dai- is a further transliteration, meaning "Great King Yama", where Enma means Yama, Enma- means Yama Rj and Enma Dai would be equivalent to Yama Mahrja, Yama's name can be interpreted to mean "twin", and in some myths he is paired with a twin sister Yam. Yama belongs to an early stratum of Vedic mythology. In Vedic tradition Yama was considered to have been the first mortal who died and espied the way to the celestial abodes, and in virtue of precedence he became the ruler of the departed. Yama's name can be interpreted to mean "twin", and in some myths he is paired with a twin sister Yam.

Main article: Emma-o

in Japanese Buddhist mythology, the overlord of hell (Jigoku), corresponding to the Indian deity Yama. He judges the souls of men, while his sister, he is paired with a twin sister Yam judges the souls of women. The sinner is sent to one of the 16 regions of fire or ice assigned him by Emma-o for a fixed period of time until the next rebirth, unless saved by the prayers of the living, in which case he is reborn either on... role in Jigoku in Japanese Buddhism, hell, a region popularly believed to be composed of a number of hot and cold regions located under the Earth. Jigoku is ruled over by Emma-o, the Japanese lord of death, who judges the dead by consulting a register in which are entered all of their sins. He is assisted in his examination of the dead by two disembodied heads, which rest on pillars on either side of...

Eastern religion Page 9


Yama in Hinduism
Main article: Yama (Hinduism) Yama from Tibet Yama is a Lokapla and an Aditya. In art, he is depicted with green or red skin, red clothes, and riding a water buffalo. He holds a loop of rope in his left hand with which he pulls the soul from the corpse. He is the son of Surya (Sun) and twin brother of Yami, or Yamuna, traditionally the first human pair in the Vedas. He was also worshiped as a son of Vivasvat and Saranya. He is one of the Guardians of the directions and represents the south. He reports to Lord Shiva the Destroyer, an aspect of Trimurti. Three hymns (10, 14, and 35) in the Rig Veda Book 10 are addressed to him. There is a one of a kind temple in Srivanchiyam, Tamil Nadu, India, dedicated to Yama.

Yama in Buddhism and Chinese mythology

Main article: Yama (Buddhism and Chinese mythology) The Vedic Yama, with certain changes of function, was the basis for the Buddhist Yama, judge of the dead, who presides over the Buddhist Hells. The Buddhist Yama became an integral part of Chinese and Japanese mythology. Although ultimately based on the god Yama of the Hindu Vedas, the Buddhist Yama has developed different myths and different functions from the Hindu deity. He has also spread far more widely, and is known in every region where Buddhism is practiced, including Tibet, China and Japan.

Yama's abode
Naraka (Hindu)
Main article: Naraka (Hinduism) Naraka in Hinduism, is compared to the Abrahamic concept of Hell. However, Naraka in Hinduism is not equivalent to Hell in Christian faith. Naraka is only a purgatory where the soul gets purified of sin by sufferings. In Hindu myth, there are many hells, and Yama, Lord of Justice, sends human beings after death for appropriate punishment. Such punishment can be in boiling oil, etc. Even Mukti-yogyas (souls eligible for mukti or moksha), and Nitya-samsarins (forever transmigrating ones in Dvaita theology) can experience Naraka for expiation.

Naraka (Buddhist) Page 10

Main article: Naraka (Buddhism)

Naraka is usually translated into English as "hell" or "purgatory". A Naraka differs from the hells of western religions in two respects. First, beings are not sent to Naraka as the result of a divine judgment and punishment; second, the length of a being's stay in a Naraka is not eternal, though it is usually very long. Instead, a being is born into a Naraka as a direct result of his or her previous karma (actions of body, speech and mind), and resides there for a finite length of time until his karma has achieved its full result.

Di Yu (Chinese mythology) and Jigoku (Japanese mythology)

[edit] Main article: Di Yu and Jigoku
Chinese Di Yu, Japanese Jigoku, literally "earth prison", is the realm of the dead or "hell" in Chinese mythology and Japanese mythology. It is based upon the Buddhist concept of Naraka combined with local afterlife beliefs. Incorporating ideas from Taoism and Buddhism as well as traditional religion in China, Di Yu is a kind of purgatory place which serves not only to punish but also to renew spirits ready for their next incarnation. Jigoku is similar, with Shinto concepts. These names are interchangeable with the concept of Naraka.

[edit] [edit] Main article: Ymir

Related concepts
Yama and Ymir

In a disputable etymology, W. Meid (1992) has linked the names Yama (reconstructed in Proto-Indo-European as *yemos) and the name of the primeval Norse frost giant Ymir, which can be reconstructed in Proto-Germanic as *umijaz or *jumijaz, in the latter case possibly deriving from PIE *ymyos, from the root yem "twin". In his myth, however, Ymir is not a twin, and only shares with Yama the characteristics of being primeval and mortal. However, Ymir is a hermaphrodite and engenders the race of giants.

[edit] Main article: Jamshid

Yama in Iranian mythology

The parallel character in the Iranian mythology of Zoroastrianism is known as Yima Xata in the Zoroastrian scripture of the Avesta. The pronunciation "Yima" is peculiar to the Avestan dialect; in most Iranian dialects, including Old Persian, the name would have been "Yama". In the Avesta, the emphasis is on Yima/Yama's character as one of the first mortals and as a great king of men. Over time, *Yamaxaita was

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transformed into Jamd or Jamshid, celebrated as the greatest of the early Shhs of the world.


Yama in Javanese

There is Yamadipati in Javanese culture, especially in wayang. Word adipati means ruler or commander. In the beginning Hinduism came to Java, Yama was still the same as Yama in Hindu myth. When Islam became majority religion, Yama was demystified by Walisanga who ruled at that time. So, in Javanese, Yama became a new character. He is son of Sanghyang Ismaya and Dewi Sanggani. In wayang story, Yamadipati married Dewi Mumpuni. Unfortunately, Dewi Mumpuni fell in love with Nagatatmala, son of Hyang Anantaboga who rules earth. Dewi Mumpuni left Yamadipati, finally.

Yama in popular culture

19th century kagamibuta netsuke depicting Enma In the Dragonball Z manga, King Yama is the official in charge of the afterlife. In the Bleach manga, the character Yamamoto Genrysai Shigekuni is directly based upon Yama, and rules over a sort of purgatory named Soul Society. In the Naruto manga, as well as a Hanuman-type creature, and a character named after an asura, there is a Yama type creature that seems to be based upon classical Indian descriptions. In the Yu Yu Hakusho TV series, King Yama is mentioned as King of Spirit World.

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In the Spriggan manga, Yama was a virus programmed from ancient text that overran an ARCAM compound in the United States, brainwashing its occupants to kill intruders by flashing the words "KILL THEM ALL!" In the comic book Micronauts, Yama was a warrior-companion of the Wayfarer from the Microverse. Yama is Monster in My Pocket #100. Unlike other Hindu divinities, he was not removed from the line. In the comic book Tex Willer, Yama is the son of Tex' archnemesis Mefisto. Yama is a major character in the science fiction novel Lord of Light by Roger Zelazny. In this novel certain colonists from Earth use high technology on a faraway planet to rule other colonists transported as frozen fertilized ova as Hindu gods. Yama is the genius behind most of the technology. Yama is a demon or persona appears several times in Japanese video game series Megami Tensei. As a persona he is classified into The Hierophant arcanum. Yama appears in the novel Belaku tanda Balaka by TaRaSu. In the dojin game Phantasmagoria of Flower View, the final boss Sikieiki Yamaxanadu is a yama. Yama, the Pit: A Novel of Prostitution by Aleksandr Kuprin (Russian) Yama, identified as a "Chinese spirit of the underworld", appears played by Todd Newton in the episode Dead Man Dating of the television series Charmed. For uses of the Japanese version of Yama in popular culture, see Enma.

Yama (Buddhism and Chinese mythology)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Ten things you may not know about images on Wikipedia This article is about the deity Yama in Buddhism and Chinese mythology. For a general article about Yama, see Yama. For other uses of the Japanese name of the deity, see Enma.

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Yama from Tibet Yama is the name of the Buddhist dharmapala and judge of the dead, who presides over the Buddhist Narakas (Pli: Nirayas), "Hells" or "Purgatories". Although ultimately based on the god Yama of the Hindu Vedas, the Buddhist Yama has developed different myths and different functions from the Hindu deity. He has also spread far more widely, and is known in every country where Buddhism is practiced, including Tibet, China and Japan.

Yama in Theravda Buddhism

Yama was understood by Buddhists as a god of the dead, supervising the various Buddhist "hells". His exact role is vague in canonical texts, but is clearer in extra-canonical texts and popular beliefs, which are not always consistent with Buddhist philosophy. In the Pali canon, the Buddha states that a person who has ill-treated their parents, ascetics, holy persons and elders is taken upon his death to Yama.[1] Yama then asks the ignoble person if he ever considered his own ill conduct in light of birth, aging, sickness, worldly retribution and death. In response to Yama's questions, such an ignoble person repeatedly answers that he failed to consider the kammic consequences of his reprehensible actions and as a result is sent to a brutal hell "so long as that evil action has not exhausted its result."[2] In extra-canonical Pali texts, the great Theravda scholar, Buddhaghosa, described Yama as a vimnapeta, a being in a mixed state, sometimes enjoying celestial comforts and at other times receiving the more unpleasant fruits of his kamma; however, as a king, his rule is considered just.[3] In popular belief in Theravdin Buddhist countries, Yama sends old age, disease, punishments and other calamities among humans as warnings to behave well. When they die, they are summoned before Yama, who examines their character and dispatches them to their appropriate rebirth, whether as a human, to a heaven, or to one of the hells that Yama presides over. Sometimes there are thought to be several Yamas, each presiding over a distinct Hell. Theravda sources sometimes speak of two Yamas or four Yamas.[4]\\\

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Yama in Chinese and Japanese mythology

Tibetan Dharmapala at the Field Museum in Chicago, Illinois In Chinese mythology, Yan Wang (traditional Chinese: ; simplified Chinese: ; pinyin: Yn Wng), also called Yanluo (traditional Chinese: ; simplified Chinese: ; pinyin: Ynlu; Wade-Giles: Yen-lo), is the god of death and the ruler of Di Yu (Jp. Jigoku, "hell" or the underworld). The name Yanluo is a shortened Chinese transliteration of the Sanskrit term Yama Rj () "King Yama". In Japan Yanluo is referred to as Emma (older Yemma), or Emma- ( Enma Dai-, "Great King Yama"). Yanluo is not only the ruler but also the judge of the underworld and passes judgment on all the dead. He always appears in a male form, and his minions include a judge who holds in his hands a brush and a book listing every soul and the allotted death date for every life. Ox-Head and Horse-Face, the fearsome guardians of hell, brings the newly dead, one by one, before Yanluo for judgment. Men or women with merit will be rewarded good future lives, or even revival in their previous life. Men or women who committed misdeeds will be sentenced to torture and/or miserable future lives. The spirits of the dead, on being judged by Yanluo, are supposed to either pass through a term of enjoyment in a region midway between the earth and the heaven of the gods, or to undergo their measure of punishment in Naraka, the nether world, situated somewhere in the southern region. After this time they may return to Earth in new bodies. Yanluo is considered to be an office or bureaucratic post, rather than an individual god. There were said to be cases in which an honest mortal was rewarded the post of Yanluo, and served as the judge and ruler of the underworld. In his capacity as judge, Yanluo is normally depicted wearing a Chinese judge's cap in Chinese and Japanese art. Yanluo sometimes appears on Chinese Hell Bank Notes.


Yama in Tibetan Buddhism

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Yamantaka Vajrabhairav, British Museum In Tibet, Yama (Tibetan gshin.rje) was both regarded with horror as the prime mover of sasra, and revered as a guardian of spiritual practice. In the popular mandala of the Bhavacakra, all of the realms of life are depicted between the jaws, or in the arms of a monstrous Yama. Yama is sometimes shown with a consort, Yami. Another elaboration of the concept of Yama in Tibetan Vajrayna Buddhism was as Yamntaka i.e. Yama-Antaka, meaning Yama-Death or "Death's Death". The following story describes the relationship between Yama and Yamntaka: A holy man was told that if he meditated for the next 50 years, he would achieve enlightenment. The holy man meditated in a cave for 49 years, 11 months and 29 days, until he was interrupted by two thieves who broke in with a stolen bull. After beheading the bull in front of the hermit, they ignored his requests to be spared for but a few minutes, and beheaded him as well. In his near-enlightened fury, this holy man became Yama, the god of Death, took the bull's head for his own, and killed the two thieves, drinking their blood from cups made of their skulls. Still enraged, Yama decided to kill everyone in Tibet. The people of Tibet, fearing for their lives, prayed to the bodhisattva Majur, who took up their cause. He transformed himself into Yamntaka, similar to Yama but ten times more powerful and horrific. In their battle, everywhere Yama turned, he found infinite versions of himself. Majur as Yamntaka defeated Yama, and turned him into a protector of Buddhism. He is generally considered a wrathful deity.

Yama in popular culture

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19th century kagamibuta netsuke depicting Enma For many popular uses of characters loosely based on the Japanese version of Yama, see Enma. A Japanese kotowaza states "When borrowing, the face of Jiz, when paying back a loan, the face of Enma". Jiz is typically portrayed with a serene, happy expression whereas Enma is typically portrayed with a thunderous, furious expression. The kotowaza hence alludes to changes in people's behaviour for selfish reasons depending on their circumstances. Yama, identified as a "Chinese spirit of the underworld", appears played by Todd Newton in the episode "Dead Man Dating" of the television series Charmed. In Wendy Wu: Homecoming Warrior, Yanluo is mentioned as Yan Lo. Yen-lo-Wang is the name of Kai Allard-Liao's battlemech - a specially altered Centurion - in the Battletech universe. Yim Lau Wong (a derivation of Yenluo Wang) is the final boss character in the Playstation game Fear Effect, made by Kronos Digital Entertainment. He refers to himself as "The King of Hell."

Notes 1. 2. 3. 4. ^ See, for example, MN 130 (Nanamoli & Bodhi, 2001, pp. 1029-36) and AN 3.35 (Nyanaponika & Bodhi, 1999, pp. 51-3), both of which are entitled, "Devaduta Sutta" (The Divine Messengers). ^ Nanamoli & Bodhi (2001), p. 1032. ^ Buddhaghosa states this in his commentary to the Majjhima Nikaya (Nanamoli & Bodhi, 2001, p. 1341, n. 1206). ^ According to Nanamoli & Bodhi (2001), p. 1341 n. 1206, the Majjhima Nikaya Atthakatha states that "there are in fact four Yamas, one at each of four gates (of hell?)." [The paranthetical expression is by Bodhi.]

Nanamoli, Bhikkhu & Bodhi,Bhikkhu (2001). The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha: A Translation of the Majjhima Nikaya. Boston: Wisdom Publications. ISBN 0-86171-072-X. Nyanaponika Thera & Bodhi, Bhikkhu (1999). Numerical Discourses of the Buddha: An Anthology of Suttas from the Anguttara Nikaya. Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press. ISBN 0-7425-0405-0

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Azuchi-Momoyama period wallscroll depicting Enma Enma (?) is the Japanese name for Yama, the ruler of the underworld in Buddhist mythology. He is often referred to as "Great King Enma" ( Enma-dai?). In both ancient and modern times, Enma is portrayed as a large man with a scowling red face, bulging eyes and a long beard. He wears traditional robes and a crown on his head that usually bears the kanji , which stands for "king." Saimy-ji is a temple with a statue depicting Enma with a laughing face.

Enma in the Japanese language

"Enma face" ( Enma-gao?) is an idiom used to describe someone with a fearsome face. "If you lie, Lord Enma will pull out your tongue" (?) is a superstition often told to scare children into telling the truth. "When borrowing, the face of a jiz; when repaying, the face of Enma" (?) is a proverb used to describe the the sudden change in attitude one can display depending on whether they are taking or giving.


Enma in popular culture

In the anime and manga Dragon Ball, Enma-dai or King Yamma (the name used in the English dub of Dragon Ball Z), is a red oni in the Other World. He is portrayed as a harried bureaucrat with a short temper, attended to by an army of office-worker oni. Though the ruler of the afterlife, he is surpassed in power by both

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the four Kai and the one remaining Kaishin (higher gods in whose hands rest the stewardship of the entire universe). In an episode of the anime Spooky Kitaro 4, Neko together with Kitaro, Oyaji and Ittan Momen went to the Underworld to ask the favor of King Enma and make him lengthen the life of a mother that is suffering from a heart disease. Enma revealed that he can't do something about it and the only person who can help them is the person who wishes her to bring back to life, which is her daughter. Enma is the king of the monkeys summoned by the Third Hokage in the anime and manga Naruto. Enma is a spirit seen in Avatar: The Last Airbender as an unhelpful resident of the Spirit World. Enma is a minor character in the anime and manga YuYu Hakusho, a pen-pushing ruler of the spirit world and a shadowy figure known for his temper. He is also the father of Koenma (literally, "Child-Enma"), who often runs the underworld in his father's stead. In the English anime he is referred to as "King Yama". In Yami no Matsuei, the shinigamis work in Enma-Daioh. Enma is the surname of the main character Enma Ai in the anime Jigoku Shjo Enma Korogi is the bankai of Kaname Tsen, captain of Squad 9 in the anime GREED NO BOUNDS ~NEW FAITH~ NEW CHRISTIANITY Many Christian pastors are promoting this outlandish new Angel fired Christianity that I call, I, me, you better homes and garden - bubble gum ~Disney world false Christianity. They call themselves Signs and Wonders ministers who follow after the anointing of angels to fuel their false unholy revivals. Their worldly dialogue is leaving the Word of God and Jesus as an afterthought of their sermons and promoting themselves. These particular ministers are very popular and extremely wealthy. This perverse gospel that is tied to the many anomalous versions of the Bible and producing shallow, spiritually destitute, self-centered people void of faith. The spirit of materialism has captured the pulpits and so-called Christian leaders are buying great mansions, cars, designer clothes and are living like kings and queens on Gods money while the world that Jesus died for, is falling into the pit of hell. This financial success will be their great judgment at the seat of the Savior. He will say to them, depart from me, you workers of iniquity, I never knew you! My heart broke when I saw an evangelist break down weep for the Body of Christ. He said, the tragedy is, that American Television ministries have transported this materialistic anemic, bloodless Christianity around the world to third world countries. In Kenya, street children are being placed in a big tin building, without bedding and food, while Christian ministers ride around in big expensive cars, living in prominent houses. Meanwhile, many of them believe that they are the only ones going to heaven because God is blessing them! Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; 2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; (1 Tim. 4:1-2). SORCERIES DOCTRINES AND THE MINISTRY The Laodicean church thought they were doing well and were spiritual. After all they were rich, so of course God must be blessing them. Besides, their churches were going to mega status by employing bewitching techniques by worldly agents using Mind Control. The wealthy ministers mostly dress well and talk about their possessions to impress people. They focus on outward appearances and worldliness. MEANWHILE, since many Christian leaders have lost their relationship with Jesus Christ, they are now dependent upon such as dangerous psychiatric SRRI drugs such as Zoloff, Paxell, . These drugs seem to cut people minds away from God.

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But these people did not know their inward condition; they were blind and could not see. So the Lord asked if they would buy from Him gold refined in the fire (by their suffering) white garments (robes of salvation) and eye salve so they could see their condition. Today many see their success and prosperity as Gods blessing. The Laodicean Church was lukewarm. The Lord wanted them either cold or hot. Hot water was used for healing; cold was used for refreshment. Instead, they could not make up their mind, they were standing for nothing, and were good for nothing. They lived in both worlds. Spiritually they could have been either all for God or not at all, but they were in between. If they were hot, they would have been approved. If they were cold, God could have changed them, but they were in the middle and He was unable do anything. This is the worst place to be, to be part of a church, doing church things, thinking you are a Christian when in fact you are not. The Laodiceans had just enough religiosity to get by and think they were fine. They were naked also. In the time of Christ all soldiers would sleep in their clothes, they would not take them off so they would be ready for battle. We are to be clothed in white garments, the righteousness of Christ. Jesus was saying they did not have his righteousness they were naked. Yet even this church is not hopeless; Christ can come into the individual if He is allowed, As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. Therefore be zealous and repent (v.19). This is the only Church that He is outside of and offers to come to the individual in the Church and not the collective Church, because the whole Church is removed from the truth of functioning in the word of God. This does not mean they abandon Gods word or name but only use portions of it that suit them, or change its meaning. 3 The Church today is also sitting in this same fallen condition. Many have left the foundations of the Gospel, Jesus being Savior and very God in the Flesh. Jn. 1:1-5, In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 The same was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made. 4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men. 5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. KJV Many are seeking things and emotional experiences and feelings in the flesh instead of wisdom and knowledge of the Word of God and Jesus. Seductions are great and worldwide. Many have lost their first love. Christians use to get excited about Jesus Christ but now they cheer when greedy preachers pick their pockets as men and women of God. We must return to the basics of the Word of God if we intend to make it into the kingdom of God. "Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and in which you stand By which also you are saved, if you keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless you have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scripture, (1 Cor. 15:1-4). 1. Paul teaches that the Gospel consists of four points. 1) He died for our SINS 2). Today, we see Seeker Friendly churches, they believe that they can fill their pews if they dont speak of sin! 2. He was buried proving he died. Today, we have many teaching that the cross is not the reason that the reason that Christians receive Salvation! They teach that they are saved because Jesus went into hell and was beaten and tortured by Satan, therefore, they are saved because Jesus suffered the pain of hell in their stead. This is certainly a denial of the blood atonement of Jesus. If you are sitting under this terrible heresy, run to a Church that knows that there is no remission for sin apart from the blood of Jesus. 3. He rose again from the dead taking up the same body he came in. Some heretics are teaching that he only came back in the spirit. The twisting of the Word of God is the greatest danger of our time. 4. Jesus Christ is God. It is hard to believe but some are even teaching that we are little gods. In Gen 3:5, Satan is talking to Eve. He promised her if she would disobey God that she would become like or as God. Read the commentary below. Even Satan knew that Adam was NOT a God! [Your eyes shall be opened] Your understanding shall be greatly enlightened and improved; and ye shall be as gods, kee-'Elohiym, like God, so the word should be translated, for what idea could our first parents have of gods before idolatry could have had any being, because sin had not yet entered into the world? The Syriac has the word in the singular number, and is the only one of all the versions which has hit on the true meaning. As the original word

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is the same which is used to point out the Supreme Being, (Gen 1:1), so it has here the same signification, and the object of the tempter appears to have been this: to persuade our first parents that they should, by eating of this fruit, become wise and powerful as God (for knowledge is power), and be able to exist forever, independently of him. 4 Satan did not infer that man could be a little god, he said if they disobeyed God, they could be LIKE (similar, similar, equal, equivalent, comparable), to God. But some of these neo Pentecostals say, didnt Jesus call them gods in John 10:34-38. Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods? Jesus was referring to Old Testament where they referred to the MAGISTRATES judges, A GOD, which did not mean that they were a god but it was a word describing honor and dignity of their office, (John 10:34-38). Commentaries [Jesus answered them] The answer of Jesus consists of two parts. The first (Jn. 10:34-36) shows that they ought not to object to his use of the word God, even if he were no more than a man. The second (Jn. 10:37-38) repeats substantially what he had before said, left the same impression, and in proof of it he appealed to his works. Verse 34. [In your law] Ps. 82:6. The word "law" here, is used to include the Old Testament. [I said] The Psalmist said, or God said by the Psalmist. [Ye are gods] This was said of magistrates on account of the dignity and honor of their office, and it shows that the Hebrew word translated "god," 'lohiym, in that place might be applied to man. Such a use of the word is, however, rare. (See instances in Ex 7:1; 4:16). (Ex 7:1), And the LORD said unto Moses, See, I have made thee a god to Pharaoh: and Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet. (Ex 7:1) [I have made thee a god] At thy word every plague shall come, and at thy command each shall be removed. Thus Moses must have appeared as a god to Pharaoh.**1 (Ex 7:1 -NIV), Then the LORD said to Moses, "See, I have made you like God to Pharaoh, and your brother Aaron will be your prophet,. (Ex 4:16). 16 He will speak to the people for you, and it will be as if he were your mouth and as if you were God to him. [I have made thee a god] Or "appointed thee." See the margin reference. Moses will stand in this special relation to Pharaoh, that God will address him by a prophet, i.e. by one appointed to speak in His name. The passage is an important one as illustrating the primary and essential characteristic of a prophet, he is the declarer of God's will and purpose. 5 NOTICE THE NIV SAYS LIKE A GOD (Exo. 7:1) Then the LORD said to Moses, "See, I have made you like God to Pharaoh, and your brother Aaron will be your prophet.. NIV In the above verse, God is telling Moses, since Pharaoh was a worshiper of all kinds of gods, because of the actions that he saw with his physical eyes, he (Pharaoh) would think of Moses like a god. However Moses was like puppet whose words were placed into his mouth by God. (Ex 4:16 KJV) And he shall be thy spokesman unto the people: and he shall be, even he shall be to thee instead of a mouth, and thou shalt be to him instead of God. [He shall be thy spokesman] Literally, He shall speak for thee (or in thy stead) to the people.

(from Adam Clarke's Commentary, Electronic Database. Copyright 1996, 2003 by Biblesoft, Inc. All rights reserved.)

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[He shall be to thee instead of a mouth] He shall convey every message to the people, and thou shalt be to him instead of God . . . thou shalt deliver to him what I communicate to thee. 6 Verse 35. [Unto whom the word of God came] That is, who were his servants, or who received their dignity and honor only because the law of God was intrusted to them. "The Word of God" here means the command of God; his commission to them to do justice. [The scripture cannot be broken] (See Matt 5:19). The authority of the Scripture is final; it cannot be set aside. The meaning is, "If, therefore, the Scripture uses the word "god" ' lohiym as applied to magistrates, it settles the question that it is right to apply the term to those in office and authority. If applied to them, it may be to others in similar offices. It cannot, therefore, be blasphemy to use this word as applicable to a personage so much more exalted than mere magistrates as the Messiah." 7 (Jn. 10:34) Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods? [Is it not written in your law] The words which our Lord quotes are taken from (Ps. 82:6), which shows that, under the word law, our Lord comprised the Jewish sacred writings in general? (See also Jn. 12:34; 15:25). [Ye are gods?] That is, judges, who are called ' lohiym. That judges are here meant appears from (Ps. 82:2, etc.), and also from what follows here. And this is probably the only place where the word 'lohiym is applied to any but the true God. See Parkhurst under the root '-l-h. (Jn. 10:34; John 10:35).8 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. [For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.] No man who does not have divine assistance can either find the way to heaven, or walk in it when found. As Christ, by his sacrificial offering, has opened the kingdom of God to all believers; and, as a Mediator, transacts the concerns of their kingdom before the throne; so the Spirit of God is the great agent here below, to enlighten, quicken, strengthen, and guide the true disciples of Christ; and all that are born of this Spirit are led and guided by it; and none can pretend to be the children of God who are not thus guided. 9 [Are the sons of God] Are adopted into his family, and are his children. This is a name of endearment, meaning that they sustain to him this relation; that they are his friends, disciples, and imitators; that they are parts of the great family of the redeemed, of whom he is the Father and Protector. It is often applied to Christians in the Bible; (Job 1:6; Jn. 1:12; Phil 2:15; 1 Jn. 3:1-2; Matt. 5:9,45; Lk. 6:35). This is a test of piety which is easily applied. 10 PREACH THE GOSPEL (Mark 16:15-18), And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. 16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. 17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; 18.They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. (Matt. 7:22-23) Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils ? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. The Spirit and the Word will always agree. Gods ministers will not twist the Word to make it say whatever they want it to say. As to miracles and signs and wonders and miracles Miracles are not done by the person but in the name of Jesus. However, according to the Bible, the devils and the antichrist will be able to do great signs and wonders. (Rev 13:14), And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.

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(Rev 16:14), For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles , which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty. (Rev 19:20), And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone. The Gospel concerns Gods son and His work for us. The Son of God came as the savior (1 Jn 4:14), That he is Lord of the universe (which relates to a triune nature of God) We stand in it by trusting in his work. Salvation is a gift freely given not earned. We work from salvation not toward it. Our part is that we are commissioned to preach it and to make disciples. (2 Cor.11:3), "But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. For if he who comes preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached, or if you receive a different spirit which you have not received, or a different gospel which you have not accepted-- you may well put up with it." (you will have to endure it, or you wear it beautifully. Or you put up with quite well). SATANS SECRET PLAN How is Satan capturing the Church? Is there is a master plan? Yes! His puzzle is rapidly coming together to pull the New Age Church into force. Author, Jesse Penn Lewis writes about a Christian lady of the last century, Mrs. McHardie who wrote a manuscript about how Satan was plotting to capture the world by ensnaring men by hypnotism in three areas: (1) Men of science (2) Men of business (3) Men of religion. 11 This was made known to Mrs. McHardie by a medium under the direction of the evil spirit controlling her. We can observe this satanic plot as it unfolds in our day. It is advantageous to recall her words on the history of spiritism. From the history of Spiritism we learn the first stage that enabled the spirits to break through into communication with man was the discovery by Anton Mesmer, known as mesmerism (hypnotism). Following him, many of his converts made more and more discoveries, producing phenomena which almost seemed incredible. But, it was when Mesmer assumed the position of a man of science and appealed to the scientific world to examine natural phenomena declaring that he wanted for his discovery the unqualified approval of the most scientific men of the age, the Satanic scheme of capturing men of science succeeded. For the Psychical Researchers admit Mesmerism is The rock where all mental sciences (including that of Christian Science) were hewn.10 Mrs. McHardie describes the investigation of Mesmerism. Mesmers pupils discovered many new techniques after they had been given the key. The key was Mesmerism (hypnosis). The investigation of the mysterious psychic forces latent in subconscious minds advanced rapidly. In 1784 a pupil of Mesmer discovered Clairvoyance (hearing spirit voices) as the result of mesmeric sleep (or hypnotic sleep). Then he accidentally stumbled upon Thought Reading. Ancient (occult) books were studied for further knowledge and it was seen these secrets of nature had once been made known to a few. But, through Mesmer and his pupils, the time came for these (secrets to be made known to many). Satan plans or the movement to begin advancing now so that it would engulf the world in darkness. 11 Hypnotism, Neurology, and psychometrics all became popular with the discovery that the mind can act outside the human body that the psychometric sensitive can read the past like an open book. Numberless other discoveries continued to follow, including one called Statuvolism, signifying a peculiar condition produced by the will in which the subject can throw his mind to any distant place and see, hear, feel, smell, and taste what is going on there.12

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Mrs. McHardie explains the beginning of research into pantheism. Then through a revivalist preacher, somewhere about 1847, came a discovery which the preacher called Pantheism. This eventually caused him to leave the ministry to devote himself to the investigation of Pantheism or the trance. Large numbers became magnetically affected at his lectures. He attributed the power in these trances to the power of the self-induction inherent in human life. By this he believed the mind could withdraw itself from the consciousness of pain and cure diseases.13 The above writings by Jesse Penn-Lewis were written in the Wales Revivals. Her insights show us some of the demonic problems that we are facing today. PANTHEISM - TRANCE - CAPTURING THE MIND Polytheism, the seeking after other gods, or believing ALL PATHWAYS LEAD BACK TO GOD has captured the imagination of many Christian leaders. They are boldly teaching this blasphemous error to unsuspecting churchgoing people to seize them for the One World Religious System that is being formed for the Antichrist. Trance. These ungodly false Christian leaders are using the power of mass Hypnotism, Neurology, and psychometrics to bewitch Christian Churches. In the beginning scientific men only followed up these discoveries as branches of Natural Science. They were making no attempt to connect spirit agencies with the phenomena, teaching and doctrine being carefully withheld by the spirits. The spiritual connection came when parapsychologists began researching psychic phenomena. J. B. Rhine and his wife are considered the originators in America). 14 We now have Satans capture of the men of science! Next came the development of the plot to capture men of business. The plan was to show how to put these pseudo scientific discoveries to practical account for success in business. To this end, books were widely advertised offering ways to develop The Power Within. Business men everywhere were urged to use mind power and mental magnetism to attract friends and success and to develop strong, magnetic attractive personalities.15 Along with the capture of men of science and business came a prodigious effort to reach men of religion. How successful this has been seen today in the veritable landslide of professing Christian teachers who have absorbed the demonic teaching of the rationalistic views of the Bible. Many of these so-called Christian teachers object to the Atoning work of Christ! To wipe out this doctrine of the atoning blood of Christ has long been the last goal of Satan and his followers and has now won to a large degree.5 The subtle, undermining work of the deceptive spirits of Satan is now reaching its climax. We can see how section after section of our leaders has been captured by the enemy. The strategy has been masterly. First Men of Science lead the way, then men of religion capitulated to the new science and lastly Satan finds an agent in the secular world who professes Christianity to propagate it into the Church.16 SOUL FORCE Author, Corrie Ten Boom, touches the heart of soul-force when she wrote: Psychology is profitable, even necessary, but not enough. It is not surprising in the closing days of this Age. The book of Genesis is being greatly contested by the devil in his try to overthrow its authority. It is not only because it contains the basic truth of the Fall and of the Gospel of redemption, but because it also holds the key to all the problems of the present time. The gilded bait offered to Eve during her temptation in Eden, We shall be as God . . . Hypnotism, Neurology, and psychometry all became popular with the discovery that the mind can act outside the human body. When they began this body of research, scientific men only followed up these breakthroughs as branches of Natural Science. They were making no attempt to connect spirit agencies with the

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phenomena, teaching and doctrine being carefully withheld by the spirits. The spiritual connection came when parapsychologists began researching psychic phenomena. 17 HINDRANCES Self consciousness the following hindrances

1.Self-will: No regard for the wishes of others. 2.Selfishness: Undue regard for ones own interest. 3.Egoism: Giving I supremacy in all thoughts. 4.Egotism: Giving I undue prominence in speech and action. 5.Self-conceit: Undue high opinion of oneself. 6.Pride: Undue sense of ones own imagined superiority. Many Christian pastors are promoting this outlandish new Christianity that I call, the I, me, you better homes and garden - Disney world Christianity. Their worldly dialogue is leaving the Word of God and Jesus as a side line of their sermons and promoting themselves. These particular ministers are very popular and extremely wealthy. This perverse gospel that is tied to the many anomalous versions of the Bible and producing shallow, spiritually destitute, self-centered people void of faith. The spirit of materialism has captured the pulpits and socalled Christian leaders are buying great mansions, cars, designer clothes and are living like kings and queens on Gods money while the world that Jesus died for, is falling into the pit of hell. This financial success will be their great judgment at the seat of the Savior. He will say to them, depart from me, you workers of iniquity, I never knew you! Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; 2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; (1 Tim. 4:1-2). DECEPTION The problem with psychology is, it is not an exacting science because it changes with the fashions of the time, and, it is a man-made philosophy. When the basic theme of the Cross of Christ is withdrawn from the Church as its fundamental topic, the spirit of the world comes in and self-denial is discarded and souls will be lost, Satan takes the control of ones life and his schemes begin to dominate. Satans aggressive goal is to pervert the spiritual authority of the Church over him and his demons and to enslave its members to the spirit of the world. His seductive delusions are intended to subvert the very foundation of Christs mission of redemption of the souls of people. Satan works to keep men and women in the sphere of the flesh as carnal Christians to produce material oriented or soul power mental driven Christians. One of his diabolical devices is to turn of the Gospel away from Christ onto ones self. He does not care what or who you worship just as long as you dont worship Jesus Christ. The reason God cannot work through mans self-consciousness is that out mans conception of his life apart from Gods Word. This self driven illusion does not reveal the truth of mans soul condition according to his spiritual condition before the throne of God. DECEIVED ON PURPOSE

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Warren Smith tells the church how he was misled by demonic demons in the New Age. I knew I was being spiritually led when I was in the New Age. I just didnt know that I was being led by a deceptive spirit world. I didnt even know that there was a deceptive spirit world or that there were such things as deceptive spirits. I didnt realize that deceptive spirits could present themselves as God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I didnt know that the Bible warns about these deceptive spirits and tells us to test the spirits to make sure that we are not being deceived by another Jesus, another spirit, and another gospel, (1 Jn. 4:1; 2 Cor. 11:3-4). 18 After his conversion to Jesus, Warren Smith stumbled across the new changing church that is taking Gods people away from the traditional Jesus to change their views concerning the Bible and Jesus Christ to New Age thinking. He discovered that Rick Warren and many associates are no longer teaching the Word of God with Jesus Christ as the center of the Gospel, but are using New Age transformation of the human mind techniques to turn them to the global religions of the world. Apostle Paul warned in, (Col 2:18), Let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshipping of angels, intruding into those things which he hath not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind. 19 When you follow a person or a man instead of the Word of God and Jesus, you may well find yourself being controlled by a man-made system, then you may well loose your soul. These new Christian leaders are being used as change agents, working through mass hypnotizing techniques, people are being held spellbound People are being led into a new type of Christianity that works by the power men and women through teaching by the flesh and emotions. Some are using bewitching spirits to brainwash and control the people. Others are using hypnosis, using mind control to bewitch the people. They use the spirit of mesmerizing the people to produce an "altered state of consciousness" which puts the person practicing them into direct contact with the spirit world and opens them up to possession by demons.20 (2 Tim 4:1-5), I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; 2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. 3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; 4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. 5 But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry. Inclusive: "A theory of salvation that suggests that although God save people only oh the merits of Christ, not all who are saved have consciously known of Jesus or heard the gospel. God saves those, who, although they have jot heard of Jesus, nevertheless respond to the best of their knowledge to the revelation of god available to them. This view stands in contrast both exclusiveness, which suggests that God saves only those who consciously respond to the presentation of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and to pluralism, which sees saving value in non-Christian religions." 23 (2 Tim 3:1-7), This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4 Traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. 6 For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, 7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. (Eph. 4:14; Eph. 4:15), That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; [Be no more children] Children, here, are opposed to the perfect man in the preceding verse; and the state of both is well explained by the apostle's allusions. The man is grown up strong and healthy, and has attained such a measure or height as qualifies him for the most respectable place in the ranks of his country. The child is ignorant, weak, and unsteady, tossed about in the nurse's arms, or whirled round in the giddy sports or mazes of youth; this seems to be the apostle's allusion. Being tossed to and fro, and carried about with

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every wind of doctrine, refers to some kind of ancient play, but what I cannot absolutely determine; probably to something similar to a top, or to our paper kite. [By the sleight of men] The words en tee kubeia refer to the arts used by gamesters, who employ false dice that will always throw up one kind of number, which is that by which those who play with them cannot win. [Cunning craftiness] It is difficult to give a literal translation of the original words: en panourgia pros teen methodeian tees planees. "By cunning, for the purpose of using the various means of deception." Panourgia signifies craft and subtlety in general, cheating and imposition: methodeia, from which we have our term method, signifies a wile, a particular sleight, mode of tricking and deceiving; it is applied to the arts which the Devil uses to deceive and destroy souls; (see Eph 6:11), called there the WILES of the Devil. From this it seems that various arts were used, both by the Greek sophists and the Judaizing teachers, to render the Gospel of none effect, or to adulterate and corrupt it. 24

DECEPTION When the basic theme of the Cross of Christ is withdrawn from the Church as its fundamental topic, the spirit of the world comes in and self-denial is discarded and souls will be lost, Satan takes the control of ones life and his schemes begin to dominate. Satans aggressive goal is to pervert the spiritual authority of the Church over him and his demons and to enslave its members to the spirit of the world. His seductive delusions are intended to subvert the very foundation of Christs mission of redemption of the souls of people. Satan works to keep men and women in the sphere of the flesh as carnal Christians to produce material oriented or soul power mental driven Christians. One of his diabolical devices is to turn of the Gospel away from Christ onto ones self. He does not care what or who you worship just as long as you dont worship Jesus Christ. When you follow a person or a man instead of the Word of God and Jesus, you may well find yourself being controlled by a man-made system, then you may well lose your soul. These new Christian leaders are being used as change agents, working through mass hypnotizing techniques, people are being held spellbound People are being led into a new type of Christianity that works by the power men and women through teaching by the flesh and emotions. Some are using bewitching spirits to brainwash and control the people. Others are using hypnosis, using mind control to bewitch the people. They use the spirit of mesmerizing the people to produce an "altered state of consciousness" which puts the person practicing them into direct contact with the spirit world and opens them up to possession by demons.26 (2 Tim 4:1-5), I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; 2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. 3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; 4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. 5 But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry. (2 Tim 3:1-7), This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4 Traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. 6 For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, 7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. (Eph. 4:14; Eph. 4:15), That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;

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[Be no more children] Children, here, are opposed to the perfect man in the preceding verse; and the state of both is well explained by the apostle's allusions. The man is grown up strong and healthy, and has attained such a measure or height as qualifies him for the most respectable place in the ranks of his country. The child is ignorant, weak, and unsteady, tossed about in the nurse's arms, or whirled round in the giddy sports or mazes of youth; this seems to be the apostle's allusion. Being tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, refers to some kind of ancient play, but what I cannot absolutely determine; probably to something similar to a top, or to our paper kite. [By the sleight of men] The words en tee kubeia refer to the arts used by gamesters, who employ false dice that will always throw up one kind of number, which is that by which those who play with them cannot win. [Cunning craftiness] It is difficult to give a literal translation of the original words: en panourgia pros teen methodeian tees planees. "By cunning, for the purpose of using the various means of deception." Panourgia signifies craft and subtlety in general, cheating and imposition: methodeia, from which we have our term method, signifies a wile, a particular sleight, mode of tricking and deceiving; it is applied to the arts which the Devil uses to deceive and destroy souls; (see Eph 6:11), called there the WILES of the Devil. From this it seems that various arts were used, both by the Greek sophists and the Judaizing teachers, to render the Gospel of none effect, or to adulterate and corrupt it. 27 Paul writing to the Corinthian church presents three terms that are used which are connected to being deceived. 1) Another Jesus - (allos) is a primary word; "else," different (in many applications) The name is the same, its the name Jesus from the Bible but it is not the Jesus of the Bible. He is different one, with some similarities on the surface level. 2) A different Spirit -(heteros)-to number as opposed to some former person or thing the other of two; referring to quality: that is, one that is not of the same nature, form, class, or kind, to be different 3) Another Gospel (heteros) of uncertain affinity; different: altered, strange. It is not the same one Paul preached, it has a qualitative difference. If someone teaches that Jesus didn't obtain our salvation at the cross but finished it in hell by suffering and needed to be born again that is another Gospel. The bible is clear it is the bloodshed at the mercy seat that forgave us. If someone teaches we can all do what the apostles did, that is another Gospel. (Gal 1:6-9), "I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed." Another gospel; the same sort"; heteros expresses a qualitative difference and denotes "another of a different sort. "Paul speaks of "a different (heteros), which is not another" in contrast to any other Gospel (allos, another like the one he preached), Angels were always involved in revelation to mankind. Paul under prophetic inspiration warns the believers then and us now of receiving new understanding from a spiritual source that would alter what was first delivered to them. To be perverted means to twist a thing around. They destroyed it by having additions to grace. JESUS IS THE DELIVERER This article comes from Pat Holliday at

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Permission is given by the author to copy this article if it is done in its entirety without any changes. Permission is also given to Post this article in its entirety on Internet web pages with credits. GIVE IT TO YOUR PASTOR To anathematize someone is to label them a false teacher or prophet. If someone teaches another gospel that affects who Christ is or how one relates to him, or distorts grace by subtracting or adding any work it becomes another Gospel. 28 Pat Holliday, Ph.D. Miracle Outreach Ministries P. O. Box 56527 Jacksonville, FL 32241 (904) 733-8318

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THESE ARE DRUNKEN AS YOU SUPPOSE ~ ITS NOT THE HOLY SPIRIT Todd Bentley's worship leader forgets how to play piano? Another Holy Ghost House Party Rave Christian Party Jesus Freak (loucos por Jesus) MLP 5/john-crowder-and-the-new-mystics-sons-of-thunder/ The Glory Generation: Angelic Visitations 1, part 1 JEFF JANSEN Heavenly Encounters & Angelic Visitations 2 part 1 JEFF JANSEN Heavenly Encounters & Angelic Visitations 2 part 2 Jeff Janson- Signs, Wonders Miracles Heavenly Encounters & Angelic Visitations 2 part 4 Bob Jones talking about beings comes in Dec. the watchers will come at Honica Charlie and Erma advanced The Glory Generation: Angelic Visitations 1, part 4 Angel with chains, digging new wells. Portals from the earth Woman testifies The Glory Generation: Angelic Visitations 1, part 1 angels and Jesus - Jansen The Glory Generation: Angelic Visitations 1, part 1

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Bob Jones Breakthroughangels will move through churches Will appear in the churches looking like men The Glory Generation: Angelic Visitations 1, part 2 breakthrough revival angel. . . Angel from Nigeria to America Sign Up QuickList (0) Help Sign In

The Glory Generation: Angelic Visitations 1, part 3 Jansen The Angel Wisdom she angel ~ Emma appears to him gives ruby 50 caret red ruby Smoke portal out came the angel Emma. Gives rubies that multiply Heavenly Encounters & Angelic Visitations 3 part 3 The Glory Generation: Bay City Diamond Portal opens in front of the church

(from Adam Clarke's Commentary, Electronic Database. Copyright 1996, 2003 by Biblesoft, Inc. All rights

ii iii John Crowder, Myspace

iv v


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Dr. Craig Rumedy used his mind and acquired two of the feathers. He sent them to Bob Jennings, an ornithologist and a naturalist at Oxley Nature Park in Tulsa.
viii ix

. (See: Gold Dust Phenomenon Stirs Up Questions Among Charismatic, Charisma News, Sep 9, 1999).

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A world view. The combination of different forms of belief and/or practice. See also eclecticism, and cafeteria religion.
The combining or merging and synthesizing of religions or religious beliefs, practices, and philosophies. This results in new or hybrid religions that are composed of diverse elements of the religions from which they were derived.

Craig Hawkins, The Modern World of Witchcraft, part 2, glossary Christian Research Journal, Winter/Spring 1990
xi xii (

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4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

(from Barnes' Notes, Electronic Database Copyright 1997, 2003 by Biblesoft, Inc. All rights reserved.)

(from Adam Clarke's Commentary, Electronic Database. Copyright 1996, 2003 by Biblesoft, Inc. All rights reserved.) Ibid, (from Barnes' Notes, Electronic Database
Ibid, (from Adam Clarke's Commentary,

Ibid, (from Adam Clarke's Commentary, Ibid Penn-Lewis, Jessie, Soul & Spirit The Overcomer Literature, 10 Marlborough Road, Parkstone, Poole, Doreset, BH14, OHJ England, pp. 5.

10. 11. 12.

Ibid ibid, 68 J. B. Rhine and his wife are considered the originators in America).

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13. 14. 15. 5. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 23.

J. B. Rhine and his wife are considered the originators in America).


ibid, Penn-Lewis Author, Corrie Ten Boom

Phone: 9035676423. Website:

book, Warren Smith, Deceived on Purpose

Constance Cumbey, Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow. Constance Cumbey, Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow.

Many thanks to Dean Gotcher (Box 233, Herndon, KS 67739 - 626-859-4073) for his insights and


(from Adam Clarke's Commentary, Electronic Database. Copyright 1996, 2003 by Biblesoft, Inc. All rights reserved.)

26. 27.

Constance Cumbey, Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow. (from Adam Clarke's Commentary, Electronic Database. Copyright 1996, 2003 by Biblesoft, Inc. All rights reserved.)


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