Defects Incomplete Root Fusion-Penetration

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The SS Schenectady, an all welded tanker, broke in two whilst lying in dock in 1943.

Principal causes of this failure were poor design and bad workmanship

Weld defects / imperfections - incomplete root fusion or penetration

The characteristic features and principal causes of incomplete root fusion are described. General guidelines on 'best practice' are given so welders can minimise the risk of introducing imperfections during fabrication.

Fabrication and service defects and imperfections

As the presence of imperfections in a welded joint may not render the component defective in the sense of being unsuitable for the intended application, the preferred term is imperfection rather than defect. For this reason, production uality for a component is defined in terms of a uality level in which the limits for the imperfections are clearly defined, for e!ample "evel #, $ or % in accordance with the re uirements of &' ()*+,. For the American standards A-.& /+ and A0- %+.+, the acceptance levels are contained in the standards. The application code will specify the uality levels which must be achieved for the various joints. 1mperfections can be broadly classified into those produced on fabrication of the component or structure and those formed as result of adverse conditions during service. The principal types of imperfections are2 fabrication:

lack of fusion cracks porosity inclusions incorrect weld shape and si3e


brittle fracture stress corrosion cracking fatigue failure

0elding procedure and welder techni ue will have a direct effect on fabrication imperfections. 1ncorrect procedure or poor techni ue may produce imperfections leading to premature failure in service.

Incomplete root fusion or penetration

1ncomplete root fusion is when the weld fails to fuse one side of the joint in the root. 1ncomplete root penetration occurs when both sides of the joint are unfused. Typical imperfections can arise in the following situations2 an e!cessively thick root face in a butt weld 4Fig. +a5 too small a root gap 4Fig. +b5 misplaced welds 4Fig. +c5 failure to remove sufficient metal in cutting back to sound metal in a double sided weld 4Fig. +d5 incomplete root fusion when using too low an arc energy 4heat5 input 4Fig. +e5 too small a bevel angle, too large an electrode in ..A welding 4Fig (5 ig. 1 !auses of incomplete root fusion a" c" b" d" a) Excessively thick root face b) Too small a root gap c) Misplaced welds d) Power input too low e) Arc (heat) input too low


ig. # $ffect of electrode si%e on root fusion

a" a) arge diameter electrode b) !mall diameter electrode b"

These types of imperfection are more likely in consumable electrode processes 4.1G, ..A and submerged arc welding5 where the weld metal is 'automatically' deposited as the arc consumes the electrode wire or rod. The welder has limited control of weld pool penetration independent of depositing weld metal. Thus, the non consumable electrode T1G process in which the welder controls the amount of filler material independent of penetration is less prone to this type of defect. 1n ..A welding, the risk of incomplete root fusion can be reduced by using the correct welding parameters and electrode si3e to give ade uate arc energy input and deep penetration. &lectrode si3e is also important in that it should be small enough to give ade uate access to the root, especially when using a small bevel angle 4Fig (5. 1t is common practice to use a 6mm diameter electrode for the root so the welder can manipulate the electrode for penetration and control of the weld pool. 7owever, for the fill passes where penetration re uirements are less critical, a )mm diameter electrode is used to achieve higher deposition rates. 1n .1G welding, the correct welding parameters for the material thickness, and a short arc length, should give ade uate weld bead penetration. Too low a current level for the si3e of root face will give inade uate weld penetration. Too high a level, causing the welder to move too uickly, will result in the weld pool bridging the root without achieving ade uate penetration. 1t is also essential that the correct root face si3e and bevel angles are used and that the joint gap is set accurately. To prevent the gap from closing, ade uate tacking will be re uired.

Best practice in prevention

The following techni ues can be used to prevent lack of root fusion2 1n T1G welding, do not use too large a root face and ensure the welding current is sufficient for the weld pool to penetrate fully the root

1n ..A welding, use the correct current level and not too large an electrode si3e for the root 1n .1G welding, use a sufficiently high welding current level but adjust the arc voltage to keep a short arc length 0hen using a joint configuration with a joint gap, make sure it is of ade uate si3e and does not close up during welding %o not use too high a current level causing the weld pool to bridge the gap without fully penetrating the root.

Acceptance standards
The limits for lack of penetration are specified in #- &' ()*+, 41-8 )*+,5 for the three uality levels. "ack of root penetration is not permitted for 9uality "evel # 4stringent5. For 9uality "evels $ 4intermediate5 and % 4moderate5 long lack of penetration imperfections are not permitted but short imperfections are permitted. 1ncomplete root penetration is not permitted in the manufacture of pressure vessels but is allowable in the manufacture of pipework depending on material and wall thickness.

Remedial actions
1f the root cannot be directly inspected, for e!ample using a penetrant or magnetic particle inspection techni ue, detection is by radiography or ultrasonic inspection. :emedial action will normally re uire removal by gouging or grinding to sound metal, followed by re;welding in conformity with the original procedure.

Relevant standards
&' ()*+,2+<<( 41-8 )*+,5 Arc welded joints in steel ; Guidance on uality levels for imperfections. &' =>>6(2 +<<6 Arc welded joints in aluminium and its weldable alloys ; Guidance on uality levels for imperfections.

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