Curriculum Vitae: Rudragoud Patil
Curriculum Vitae: Rudragoud Patil
Curriculum Vitae: Rudragoud Patil
Rudragoud Patil
Mob: 9035538458
Career Objective Seeking a position to explore my skills and abilities in t e !ield o! "omp#ter Science $ %ngineering t at o!!ers t e pro!essional growt w ile being inno&ati&e and c allenging. Academic Details Course '% 4." SS8" University/Institution S(S)* %ngineering "ollege+ 'angalore , -is&es&araya *ec nological .ni&ersity/ 4.5.6 4. college 'i7ap#r. 4.5.6 6#nior college 'i7ap#r Year of Passing 0013 0009 0002 of !ar"s 21.04 3 58.33 3 22.03 3
Interested Areas $ %"ills "+ ";;+ 6a&a+<*M85 5atabase: S=8 ser&er 0005 5esign *ools: -isio 0010,.M8 /
!ini Project On# Im&lementation of o&erators' >#r program gi&es a brie! re&iew and explanation o! t e common logical bitwise operations ?@:5A and ?>(A. Be a&e also implemented arit metic operation i.e. @55 ,addition/ and S.' ,s#btraction/. (ec)nical %eminar On# RI%* . (el)able and Sec#re sc eme+ ()S%+ w ic is a package o! policies t at g#arantee t e reliability o! data ,incl#ding sensor reports and act#ator instr#ctions/ and de&ices ,incl#ding sensors+ act#ators+ and actors/. * e data reliability is impro&ed by !o#r algorit ms+ " ooseMedian+ " ooseMost+ " oose:earest+ and *r#stCbased %n ancement.
!ain Project On# !itigating Code Injection Attac"s # Be are proposed ere a model detecting and pre&enting malicio#s !iles and cross site scripting attacks based on monitoring 6a&aScript code exec#tion and comparing t e exec#tion to ig le&el policies+ to detect malicio#s code be a&ior. * e sol#tion also protects t e ser&ers !rom dangero#s 5>S commands and exec#table !iles. * e model !ollows an approac similar to ackers and sec#rity analyst to disco&er &#lnerabilities in networkCconnected web ser&ers.
!ain Project On# +rou& ,und -an" .ueue management %ystem# <ere we are proposing D#e#e management system !or t e bank. EF'= Management system we can manage well de!ined way o! D#e#e by generating tokens !or eac &isitor to bank.
%trengt)s %!!ecti&e analytical+ tec nical and comm#nication skills. Eood problem sol&ing skills and D#ick grasping. %xcellent interpersonal and team skills. Sincere+ ard worker and good team player. <ig ly committed and in&ol&ed in any assignment t at ) take #p.
Personal Details :ame Fat erGs :ame Mot erGs :ame 5ate o! 'irt <obbies 8ang#ages known 4ermanent @ddress : : : . : : (#drago#d 4atil : sanganago#d 4atil : Ma ade&i 09H01H1991 )mplementing 4rogram + 4laying &olley ball Iannada+ %nglis (#drago#d 4atil SHo Sanganago#d patil 5ist: 'i7ap#r+ *D: 'asa&anbagewadi @t 4ost: <allad Eenn#rC589010 Declaration#
) ereby declare t at t e abo&e mentioned in!ormation is correct to best o! my knowledge. 4lace: 'angalore ,(#drago#d patil/