9-30-12 - Praises To 21 Taras
9-30-12 - Praises To 21 Taras
9-30-12 - Praises To 21 Taras
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Praise to the Twenty-one Taras
Swift Blessings
GYAL WA KUN GYI CHEN NGAR TK KYED In the presence of all the Victors, you aroused the enlightened intent
GYAL WAI YM GYUR MA L GYAL WAI TRINLEY KUN DRUB MA to be the mother of all the Buddhas without exception and the woman to accomplish all enlightened deeds of the Victorious Ones.
M<-3-.0:-3R-.L%?-&/-3-.%-2?R.-/3?-3(R$-!J<NYUR MA PA MO YANG CHEN MA DANG SO NAM CHOG TER To Nyurma Pamo, Yangchenma, and Sonam Chogter;
NAM GYAL RIG CHED MA DANG JIK CHED MA Namgyal, Rigchedma, and Jikchedma;
$8/-IA?-3A-,2-$8/-=?-o=-.%-?J%-wJ%-/$?-GA-1R=-3ZHEN GYI MI TB ZHEN LEY GYAL DANG SENG DENG NAK KYI DROL MA Zhengyi Mitb, Zhenley Gyal, and Sengdeng Nagkyi Drolma;
2N->A-?-.R/-LJ.-.P-.0%-:)R3?-36.-OR-$*J<-&/-36.TASHI DN CHED DRA PUNG JOM DZED TRO NYER CHEN DZED Tashi Donched, Drapung Jomdzed, and Tronyerchen;
RAB ZHI MA DANG BAR WAI OD CHEN MA Rabzhima and Barwai Odchenma;
.0$-3J.-$/R/-3-k-L-(J/-3R-3A-13-o=-3RPAG MED NN MA MA CHA CHEN MO MI PAM GYAL MO Pagmed Nnma, Macha Chenmo, and Mipham Gyalmo;
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DRO KUN SID PAI TSO LEY DROL CHIR In order to liberate all beings from this ocean of existence:
[By Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche]
CHANG CHUB TOB DD DAG KYANG KHYED LA REO JETSUNMA with the prayer that they may awaken, I too place all my trust in you, Arya Tara!
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SENG GE LANG CHEN ME DRUL CHOM KUN DANG Pacifier of all fears such as from lions, elephants, fire, poisonous snakes, thieves, and robbers,
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CHAG DROG GYA TSO SHA ZAI JIK PA NAM imprisonment, oceans, cannibals and the like, 2
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ZHI DZED DA WAI D TAR SIL WAI KU whose healing enlightened body is peaceful and radiant like the moon,
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JETSUN DROL MA YUM LA CHAG TSAL TD to Mother Arya Tara I prostrate and render praise!
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This daily supplication of the enlightened intent of many Indian panditas entitled Swift Blessings was taken from the enlightened commentaries and brings with it swift blessings. It is useful to recite this onehundred, one-thousand, ten-thousand, one-hundred thousand, or countless times!
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OM DRUB PAR GYUR CHIG JETSUN TK JE CHEN By the compassion of this Noble Lady, may this be accomplished!
PAK MA KHYOD LA NYEN DRUB CHD PA DANG By the power and blessings of having practiced, prayed to,
TD CHING SOL WA TAB PAI TU CHIN GYI made offerings, and rendered praise to you, Arya Tara:
DENG NEY ZUNG TE CHANG CHUB MA TOB BAR from this moment until awakening,
PAG MA KHYD DANG TAG TU MI DRAL ZHING may we never be separate from you, Noble Lady;
NED MED TSE WANG LONG CHD PEL WA DANG and may we be free of illness and enjoy ever-increasing life, power, and abundance.
CHANG CHUB DRUB LA BAR CHD MI JUNG ZHING May there be no obstacles to the attainment of awakening;
SA DANG LAM GYI YON TEN NYUR DZOK NEY and by swiftly perfecting the qualities on the grounds and paths,
DAG ZHEN DN NYI LHUN GYI DRUB PA YI may self and others spontaneously accomplish the two aims
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Taken from the terma of Ratna Lingpa. May virtue prevail!
NAM KHYEN DZOK PAI SANGYE TOB PAR SHOG to quickly attain the state of omniscient, fully enlightened buddhahood!