K.P. & Company (Exporter of Carpets)
K.P. & Company (Exporter of Carpets)
K.P. & Company (Exporter of Carpets)
Poddar , an visionary entrepreneur and a prime driver for the company for its forward modern outlook and a deep commitment to its buyers to provide unmatched standards on price, quality, delivery and maintaining ethical work practices. A eam dedicated to honor and maintains customer friendly relationships while keeping commitments at the top form the most important assets of our e!istence. "e are one of the leading manufacturer and exporter of Indian Hand Knotted Woolen/Silk & Tufted Pile Carpets and ot er floor co!erin". "e are e!porting our products to #.S.A, $anada, Australia, Singapore, Sri %anka, urkey etc. &ur e!istence in the world of carpets derives from an inherent desire to not only help the weavers of the state to uplift their levels of living but also fulfill the need of the global customers for a cost effective and reliable, integrated first point source of high end carpets for the discerning user. A will to meet buyer e!pectations in the carpet domain has guided us to evolve a modern systemi'ed outlook in day to day working while keeping the old traditions alive for meeting our deadline commitments to our buyers. $ompany has its presence in automobile sector too. &ur strenuous pursuit to meet our customer(s preferences has earned us the trust and confidence of all of our buyers till date and the present day company has evolved as one of the largest )and ufted * )and +notted $arpet manufacturers in the country. "ith group turnovers e!ceeding ,-. /00 cr, our buyers stand as a beacon to our prosperity and positioned to bring fame to our country as a preferred source for hand knotted carpets. &ver time, we have gained and developed e!pertise for e!ecuting and managing large si'e pro0ects, specifically in the )ospitality Domain with .ambag 1alace 2aipur and 1alace on wheel. he biggest si'e of $arpet made by us is single piece for .ambag 1alace was measuring appro!. /3(450( which would be a milestone itself of our achievements over the years. 1lease visit our website6 www.0aipur7carpets.com for more details about our products and company and send us your requirement details enabling us to send your best prices. "e are looking forward to your early reply and hope to start a very good business with you very soon. 8est .egards .,S), 1&DDA. +. 1. * $&91A-: ;-A-DA-( D7/, 2A-1A ), S):A9 -A<A., 2A,1#.730/0=> ?.A2.@ ,-D,A. A%6 B>=7=C=7C0D0=00E//>3FC0 GA46 B>=7=C=7//>/5C3 Amail6 rishiHkpa.co.in