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Journal of Oral Science, Vol. 49, No. 2, 167-171, 2007

Case Report

Imaging findings of Ewing’s sarcoma in the mandible

Sérgio L. P. C. Lopes1), Solange M. de Almeida1), André L. F. Costa2),
Verônica A. Zanardi3) and Fernando Cendes2)
of Oral Diagnosis, Faculty of Dentistry of Piracicaba,
State University of Campinas, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil
2)Laboratory of Neuroimaging, Department of Neurology, Faculty of Medical Sciences,

State University of Campinas, Campinas, SP, Brazil

3)Department of Radiology, Faculty of Medical Sciences, State University of Campinas, Campinas, SP, Brazil

(Received 22 February and accepted 24 April 2007)

Abstract: First described by James Ewing in 1921, ES is one of the most aggressive bone tumors known,
Ewing’s sarcoma (ES) or Ewing’s tumor is one of the and accounts for 4 to 7% of primary bone malignancies.
most aggressive bone tumors known. ES is an ES tends to affect the long bones: nearly 50% of reported
uncommon intra-osseous malignant tumor of cases have occurred in the femur or pelvic bones (2). ES
questionable pathogenesis that occurs in children and usually develops during the first 2 decades of life, and
young adults. Reports indicate that only 2 to 7% of cases affects males twice as often as females. Only 2 to 7% of
involve the maxillofacial region, usually the mandible cases involve the maxillofacial region, usually involving
ramus, and few reported cases have involved the the mandible ramus, and few reported cases have involved
maxilla. In the present report of a case of ES of the the maxilla (2). Approximately 90% of reported cases
mandible, we describe the results of imaging and occurring in the mandible have been primary lesions, and
evaluation after therapeutic treatment. This report 10% have been metastases. Most ES lesions in the mandible
provides a rare opportunity to observe radiologic have been located in posterior regions (3). ES appears to
features of ES in the mandible. (J. Oral Sci. 49, 167- predominantly affect whites, with blacks and Asians being
171, 2007) less frequently affected (2).
Rapid growth and propensity for metastasis are among
Keywords: Ewing’s sarcoma; mandible; imaging; the dominant features of ES; thus, jaw involvement may
jaws. be due to metastasis from another skeletal site (4). Some
reports indicate that the radiological features of ES in the
mandible are characterized by a periosteal reaction in the
Introduction form of sun-ray spicules (5-6), whereas others have
Ewing’s sarcoma (ES) is a primary malignant tumor described an “onion-skin” pattern of periosteal reaction in
originally described by James Ewing in 1921. It is generally ES in the jaw (7).
thought that ES arises from undifferentiated osseous It is noteworthy that in some cases of ES, development
mesenchymal cells. However, some immunohistochemical of the lesion has been preceded by an episode of trauma
and tissue culture studies suggest that ES is derived from (2-8). The general radiologic appearance of ES is a mass
primitive neural tissue (1). accompanied by destruction of bone (5).
Here, we report a case of ES in the mandible occurring
Correspondence to Dr. André Luiz Ferreira Costa, Laboratory as a primary tumor with no metastasis, in a 14-year-old
of Neuroimaging, Department of Neurology, Faculty of Medical white male patient. We describe the results of different kinds
Sciences, State University of Campinas, Cidade Universitaria of imaging, and the results of chemotherapy and
Zeferino Vaz, CEP: 13083970, Campinas, SP, Brazil
Tel: +55-19-35219217 radiotherapy.
Fax: +55-19-32891818

Case History The postero-anterior radiography of the mandible showed

A 14-year-old white male presented at Boldrini an expansive radiolucent area centered at the developing
Children’s Center, Campinas, Brazil, complaining of third lower molar, involving the ramus and the angle of
swelling in the right mandible. The mass had appeared the right mandible. There was cortical thinning and
about 2 months before, after a trauma to the region. Since destruction in the region of the mandible ramus and angle
then, the mass had been growing progressively. The patient (Fig. 1b). There were no abnormalities on plain chest or
had a fever, and complained of dry mouth during the night. abdominal radiograms.
On clinical examination, a hard immobile mass was The myelogram did not show any malignant cells, but
detected in the right side of the mandible, involving the showed an increased level of lymphocytes.
preauricular and mandible angle. This mass was not painful, The enhanced CT of the face revealed an expansive
and the only palpable lymph node was a posterior right lesion (71 × 63 mm), with cortical and marrow lysis of the
cervical lymph node, which had a diameter of 1 cm. The angle, ramus, condyle and coronoide process of the right
intraoral exam revealed poor oral hygiene, and showed that mandible associated with the periosteal reaction. The
the swelling extended from the second lower molar to the lesion consisted of soft tissue of uniform density. Associated
retro-molar region. with this lesion were areas of hipocaptation of the contrast
The radiogram of the right lateral mandible revealed a material, suggesting necrosis. The lesion, which had a
growing osteolytic, radiolucent area, with cortical poorly defined margin, projected to the masseter, lateral
destruction in the region of the ramus and angle of the and medial pterygoid, and temporal muscles. The lesion
mandible. Associated with this osteolysis was a periosteal also involved the right internal jugular vein. We observed
reaction in the form of ‘sun rays’ spicules emanating from lysis of the right lateral and posterior maxillary sinus
the inferior border of the mandible, and the suggestion of walls. The right temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and
Codman’s triangle at the anterior edge of inferior border parapharyngeal space were also involved (Fig. 2). The chest,
of the mandible (Fig. 1a). abdominal and pelvis CT did not show any abnormalities.
Three-phase scintigraphy using tecnetium 99m
methylene diphosphonate (99mTc) showed increased blood
flow and hyperemia of the right mandible region in blood
flow and blood pool phases, respectively, together with
increased activity in the bone phase. The whole-body
bone scan showed that the only bone area involved was
the mandible (Fig. 3).
The T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
revealed a solid isointense lesion in the right-side angle
Fig. 1 (a) Lateral radiography of the mandible, showing the
osteolysis and periosteal reaction (‘sun rays’) (arrow).
(b) Postero-anterior radiography showing the right-side
radiolucent area in the ramus and angle of the mandible.

Fig. 2 Enhanced CT. (a) Axial CT showing the bone expansion

and destruction by a soft mass that displaced the right- Fig. 3 Scintigraphy. (a) and (b) High uptake of 99mTc in the
side parapharyngeal space (arrow). (b) Coronal CT right mandible during different phases (arrows). (c)
showing the TMJ destruction and a soft mass extending Whole-body bone scan showing that no bone other than
to the right side of the mandible ramus. the right mandible was involved.

of the mandible, with bone destruction. Laterally, the the present case.
lesion involved the glande parotide, the masseter muscle In the present case, the patient age and gender and the
and some of the ramus of the external carotid artery. site of the tumor in the mandible were similar to those of
Medially, the lesion involved the pterygoid and temporal previous cases, as indicated by the findings of Arafat et
muscles. There was no involvement of the cerebrum, al. (12), who reviewed 17 cases of ES of the jaw. In that
cerebellum or other encephalic structures (Fig. 4). review, the mean patient age was 16 years; only 2 patients
Incisional biopsy of the involved tissue was performed. were more than 24 years old; 10 of the patients were male;
The histopathologic findings revealed a malignant neoplasm and 9 of the tumors were located in the posterior part of
containing cells with round hyperchromatic nuclei and scant the mandible. In 2000, Fonseca et al. (13) reported a case
cytoplasm. Some osteogenesis of a reactive nature was of ES in a 35-year-old Caucasian woman in the posterior
observed. Mitotic figures were present, but were not region of the mandible; what made that case uncommon
abundant. The histopathologic diagnosis was ES. is that ES rarely occurs after the third decade of life.
The patient underwent chemotherapy consisting of The present case demonstrates the importance of CT,
sequential vincristine, isofamide, doxorubicin and scintigraphy and MRI. Without those imaging methods,
etoposide. In addition, he received 5600 cGy over a 6-week the soft tissue involvement could be underestimated.
period. Intercurrent problems of radiation and MRI is widely accepted as the imaging method of choice
chemotherapy were all successfully treated. for evaluation of the extent of the primary lesion and its
After the treatment, CT and scintigraphy were used to relationship with anatomic structures such as glands and
follow-up the lesion. The CT showed that the tumor volume muscles (9,12,14). In the present case, MRI was of great
was 24 mm, which was a substantial reduction (about value in monitoring the effects of chemotherapy on the
63%). This reduction of tumor volume was confirmed by tumor.
scintigraphy, which showed decreased uptake of 99mTc by
the tumor (Fig. 5).
At present, 1 year after the initial diagnosis of ES, the
patient is feeling well.

Although ES is the second most frequent primary bone
tumor in children, it is very rare in the mandible, which
accounts for about 0 to 7% of all cases. ES occurs most
frequently in long bones (9).
In the present case, swelling was the main complaint.
In a study by Wood et al. (6), who analyzed 66 cases of
primary ES of the mandible, swelling and pain were the
most frequent complaints. In the present case, there was
no loosening of teeth, trismus or ulceration, all of which Fig. 4. Axial T2-weighted MRI showing a solid lesion in the
were observed in a study of ES by Bacchini et al. (10). right-side angle of the mandible with bone destruction
Radiographically, the ‘sun rays’ lesion is a common (arrow).
finding; it has been observed in many studies (5-6), and
it was observed on the present radiographs. The destructive
osteolytic lesion is not a pathognomonic feature (6-8,10),
as other lesions can have the same image pattern, including
osteogenic sarcoma, neuroblastoma, lymphosarcoma,
histiocytosis X, osteomyielitis, and metastatic carcinoma.
Some findings, such as the presence of a large soft tissue
mass and the age of the patient, can facilitate differentiation
between ES and these lesions (11). Biopsy and
histopathological examinations are important, as they
provide the data used for final diagnosis of ES. Fig. 5 Scintigraphy, after chemotherapy and radiotherapy,
As previously reported (2-9,11), development of an ES showing a considerable decrease in 99mTc uptake by
lesion is often preceded by trauma; this was also true of the tumor (arrow).

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Acknowledgments 14. van der Wounde HJ, Bloem JL, Hogendoorn PCW
The authors would like to thank Dr. Antonio Roberto (1998) Preoperative evaluation and monitoring
Batista from Boldrini Children’s Center, for his willingness chemotherapy in patients with high-grade osteogenic

and Ewing’s sarcoma: review of curret imaging

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