Intro To Pancaratra PDF
Intro To Pancaratra PDF
Intro To Pancaratra PDF
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In addition to these main differences there are some ritual discrepancies as well, the philosophy of the Vaikhnasa leans towards that of Advaita Vednta. The Vaikhnasas claim superiority to other Vaiavas saying that they are "garbha-vaiavas" i.e. the sacraments of initiation are administered while the child is still in the womb and is thus a Vaiava from birth and requires no further confirmation or initiations. Needless to say there is some strained relations between the two systems and the Pcartra is at times openly hostile
2 saying that if a Vaikhnasa touches the icon installed by the Pcartra rites then the whole consecration ceremony must be repeated. It is also expressly stated that the two systems must never be mixed together; "tasmt sarva prayatnena na kuryt tantra sakaram"
The Pcartra gama is based upon the Vedic concept of vara-rama dharma, and agrees with most of the injunctions of the traditional Dharma stras. The difference is that the gama does not bar anyone from the rites and sacraments. There are four usages prescribed the four divisions of society, namely; for the brahmins Vedic rites and mantras are to be used, for the katriyas a combination of Vedic and Tantrik, for Vaiyas and dras only Tantrika rites and mantras are prescribed, or alternatively everyone is entitled to use the Tantrika rites and mantras. Even dras can undergo the sacrament of initiation with the sacred thread (upanayana) using Tantrika mantras alone. All the Vedic rituals are to be found in the gamas but they have been modified to suit the particular needs of the age (kali yuga). For all the wellknown Vedic hymns there are Tantrika substitutes, and many of the Vedic mantras can be transposed with corresponding Tantrika mantras. In many places the Tantrika substitutes are given preference to the Vedic usages. The Pcartra forms a complete canon governing every aspect of the life of a devout Vaiava, and all schools of Vaiavism ostensibly subscribe to the Pcartra Tradition. In North India the influence of the Pcartra was eclipsed by that of the Puras, but in South India the tradition has always been preserved and it was Rmnuja Acrya that organized and re-established the ordinances of the Pcartra in all the South Indian Vaiava Temples. There were only two temples in which he did not succeed they were; Jaganatha Puri temple in Orissa, and Anantapadmanbhan temple at Tiruvanantapuram in Kerala. Tirupati Venkateswara temple was also made an exception and the Vaikhnsa protocols were established there. Many of the ancient texts of the Pcartra are no longer extant and many of those that have survived are in poor states of repair with sections missing. Most of the Pcartra texts were inscribed on palm leaves in the Sanskrit language but using the Telegu and Grantha scripts rather than the Devangari alphabet. In was mainly due the tireless efforts in recent years of the "Pcaratra Parishodhana Sabha" that many of the texts were rescued from oblivion and preserved.
The difference between an gama and a Tantra is the breadth of their scope, but in common parlance the terms are interchangeable.
4. Meaning of "Tantra"
The word itself denotes two things: 1. injunction (viddhi) and 2. regulation (niyama), It is derived from the root "tan" - to spread; "tanyate, vistryante jnam aena, iti tantra". Tantra refers to those sacred writings or inspired scripture whereby "sacred" knowledge is spread. The suffix "tra" means to save, so the Tantra is the knowledge or wisdom which saves from the ocean of transmigration.
5 The Viu Sahita defines Tantra as follows; sarve'rth yena tanyante tryante ca bhayjjan | iti tantrasya tantratva tantraj paricakate ||
The knowers of Tantra call it Tantra because it gives means of attaining all desires and protecting people from all dangers.
It could also mean the "spreading out of cosmic energy in the psyche of the practitioner".The word can also be traced to the root "tatri" which means "sustaining" or "lending support", hence can be understood in the sense of offering an exposition of some aspect of the Vedas. There are many fundamental concepts that are merely mentioned in the Vedas, and the exposition of these occurs in the Tantras.
5. Meaning of "gama"
"gama" is derived from the root "gam" which means "to go", the preposition "a" indicates a motion in the reverse direction; Hence the word "gama" implies a handing down of knowledge from teacher to pupil in a disciplic succession - sampradya.
The Agirasa family to which this preceptor of the Chogya Upaniad belonged is clearly associated with the Bhojas as mentioned in the Rik Veda iii-53-7. By studying the Epics, Puras and the Aitareya Brhmaa we understand that the Bhojas were a clan of the Sttvatas, the tribe to which Ka belonged. It was for the protection of the Bhoja clan that Ka with the help of his brother Sakaraa overthrew Kasa. Pini the great grammarian of the fifth century B.C.E. refers to Vsudevaka as a person whose object of devotion is Vsudeva. Megasthenes of the fourth century B.C.E. mentions in his Indica that Ka was worshipped as a God in Kleisobora (Kapura) and at Methora (Mathura). There is also some epigraphical evidence to show that the Bhgavata religion existed long before the C.E. In the famous Ghosnd inscription the erection of a stone pja enclosure (l-prkra) for Sakaraa and Vsudeva at Nryaava is recorded. The Besnagar column erected in the second century B.C.E. bears an inscription that states that a Garua dhvaja of Vsudeva the God of Gods was erected by Heliodorus the son of Dias a Greek ambassador who came from king Antialkidas to the court of Rja Ksiputa Bhagabhadra who was prospering in the fourteenth year of his reign. This proves beyond doubt that the Bhgavata religion existed as an organised sect in the second century B.C.E. and that even alien Greeks were admitted into its fold. In the Nanaghat cave inscription of Nganik dating back to the first or second century B.C.E. the names of Sakaraa and Vsudeva appear along with the names of other deities. This indicates that this Bhgavata religion was even flourishing in the South of India.
7 Although the actual philosophy differs there are many similarities in the actual practice between the Vaiava and the aiva gamas.
Chart 1
Classification a. Divya Promulgator Lord Ka Himself; Text The "three jewels" (ratna traya); Sttvata, Paukara, and Jaykhya. Isvara, Paramesvara, Padma samhitas Bad-brhmaa samhita and
b. Muni-bhita c. Manuya-bhita
Chart 2
Classification a. gama-siddhnta b. Mantra-siddhnta c. Tantra-siddhnta d.Tantrntara-siddhnta Hypostatic Forms four vyuhas Text Sttvata sahita
the nine or twelve forms of Paukara sahita Viu a single form of Lord Viu non-anthropomorphic Viu e.g. Nsimha forms Jaykhya sahita of Hayagrva sahita
It is important to understand these differences so as not to confuse the different modes of worship which are prescribed in these texts. In addition to the Sahitas themselves there are various manuals and digests for practical use. (viddhis and prayogas).
The temple of Tirupati is the only major temple where the Vaikhnasa gama is in vogue and not the Pcartra.
Sahita Kapinjala Mrkaeya Vivamitra Vivaksena Nryaa Lakmi Ahirbudhnya Agastya Kyapa ea expiatory rites.
Chief Focus initiation, selection of (temple) sites and festivals festivals. vessels to be used in the rites yajas or fire-sacrifices. the Glory of Lakmi and her role in creation and redemption. Theology, Cosmogenesis, Sudarana Mantra, Yantra and Glory thereof. Installation of Icons Poisonous-bites and their remedies Mantras
A more descriptive catalogue of the topics treated in the corpus of the gamas would be as follows: 1. siddhnta Philosophy, 2. i Cosmogony 3. Brahma-jna Theology
10 4. mantras linguistic occultism 5. yantras mystical diagrams for meditation 6. mudras seals or gestures 7. yoga spiritual practice 8. ilpa architecture and sculpture 9. pratiha consecration of temples 10 dka initiation of priests 11. dharma rules of social conduct. 12. saskra sacraments and domestic observances 13. arcana Daily temple ritual 14. utsavas public festivals. 15. indrajla Practical occultism. 16. pryacittam Atonements & Penances.
4. Isvara Samhita: It is a work of 24 chapters of which 16 deal with ritualistic worship. Other subjects treated in this work are descriptions of images, methods of diksa, or spiritual initiation, practice of meditation, details regarding mantras, methods of self-control and the greatness of the Yadav Hill (now known as Melkote, a Vaisnava pilgrim centre on a hillock near Mysore, Karnataka). 5. Jayakhya Samhita: This work is one of the cardinal texts of Pancaratra literature. It has 33 patalas, or chapters, and deals with the following topics: a detailed account of creation; yogabhyasa (practice of yoga) and mantropasana (spiritual practice through the repetition of mantras, or sacred formulas); various Vaisnava mantras; puja (ritualistic worship) and homa (fire ritual); diksa (initiation); temples and worship there; acaras (codes of conduct) for Vaisnavas; and prayascittas, or expiations of sins. 6. Kasyapa Samhita: This is a comparatively small work in 12 chapters. It deals mainly with poisons and methods of remedy by suitable mantras, or incantations. 7. Maha-sanatkumara Samhita: This is a voluminous work of 10,000 verses spread over 40 sections in 4 chapters. It deals entirely with rituals of worship. 8. Padma Samhita: Dealing mainly with rituals and chanting of mantras, this work is in 31 chapters. 9. Parama Samhita: A work in 31 chapters, it deals with the process of creation; rituals of initiation and worship; and yoga classified as jnana yoga and karma yoga. It declares that jnana yoga, which includes pranayama and samadhi, is superior to karma yoga, which seems to mean ritualistic worship of Visnu. 10. Paramesvara Samhita: A short work of 15 chapters, it deals with meditation on mantras, sacrifices and methods of rituals as also prayascittas, or expiations. 11. Parasara Samhita: A concise work in 8 chapters, it deals with the methods of japa, or the muttering of the name of God. 12. Pauskara Samhita: Considered one of the earliest works of the Pancaratra system, this consists of 43 chapters. Apart from dealing with various kinds of image worship, it also contains certain philosophical views. It is interesting to note that some funeral sacrifices also find a place here.
12 13. Sudarsana Samhita: A treatise comprising 41 chapters, it deals mainly with meditation on mantras expiations of sins. 14. Vihagendra Samhita: It is in 24 chapters. Apart from meditation on mantras, it deals with sacrificial oblations. In the twelfth chapter, the topic of pranayama as a part of the process of worship is also described extensively. 15. Vishnu Samhita: A work in 30 chapters, it also deals mainly with ritualistic worship Its philosophy is akin to that of Sankhya with some variations like the purusa (the individual soul) being all-pervading and his activating prakrti to evolve into world. 16. Visnu-tattva Samhita: Comprising 39 chapters, it deals with image worship, ablutions and the wearing of Vaisnava marks, and some purificatory rites.