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SK Bukit Chempaka Yearly Plan Mathematics - Year 6 / 2012 Learning Area Learning Objective Learning Outcomes Remark

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1 1/1/2012 5/1/2012

1: Whole Numbers

Lea !i!" A ea
Numbers up to seven digits

Lea !i!" #$%ec&i'e

1. Develop number sense up to seven digits

Lea !i!" #(&co)e* Re)a k

i) Name and write numbers up to seven digits. ii) Determine the pla e value o! the digits in an" whole number o! up to seven digits. iii) #$press whole numbers in a. de imals b. !ra tions o! a million and vi e%versa. iv) &ompare number values up to seven digits. v) 'ound o! numbers to the nearest tens( hundreds( thousands( ten thousands( hundred thousands and millions. i) -dd an" two to !ive numbers to + +++ +++. ii) .ubtra t a. one number !rom a bigger number less than 10 000 000. b. su essivel" !rom a bigger number less than 10 000 000. iii) /ultipl" up to si$%digit numbers with a. a one%digit number

2) */1/2012 1+/1/201 2

1: Whole Numbers

,asi operations with numbers up to seven digits

2. -dd( subtra t( multipl" and divide numbers involving numbers up to seven digits.

b. a two%digit number . 10( 100 and 1000. iv) Divide numbers o! up to seven digits b" a. a one%digit number b. 10( 100 and 1000 . a two%digit number v) .olve a. addition b. subtra tion . multipli ation d. division problems involving numbers up to seven digits. 0 22/1/201 2 21/1/201 2 1: Whole Numbers /i$ed 2perations with numbers up to seven digits ). 3er!orm mi$ed operations with whole numbers. i) &ompute mi$ed operations problems involving addition addition and multipi ation. ii) &ompute mi$ed operations problems involving subtra tion and division. iii) &ompute mi$ed operations problems involving bra 4ets. iv) .olve problems involving mi$ed operations on numbers o! up to seven digits. 0 22/1/201 2 21/1/201 2 2: 5ra tions -ddition o! !ra tions 1. -dd three mi$ed numbers with denominators o! up to 10. i) -dd three mi$ed numbers with the same denominators o! up to 10. ii) -dd three mi$ed numbers with di!!erent denominators o! up to 10.

iii) .olve problems involving addition o! mi$ed numbers. .ubtra tion o! 5ra tions 2. .ubtra t mi$ed numbers with denominators o! up to 10. i) .ubtra t involving three mi$ed numbers with the same denominator o! up to 10. ii) .ubtra t involving three mi$ed numbers with di!!erent denominators o! up to 10. iii) .olve problems involving subtra tion o! mi$ed numbers. 0 2)%20 6-N 5 2+%)1 6-N 1 5/2/2012 +/2/2012 < 12/2/201 2 11/2/201 2 7-89N ,-'9 &:N72; 2: 5ra tions /ultipli ation o! 5ra tions ). /ultipl" an" mi$ed number with a whole number up to 1000. 0. Divide !ra tions with a whole number and a !ra tion. i) /ultipl" mi$ed numbers with a whole number.

2: 5ra tions

Division o! 5ra tions

i) Divide !ra tions with a. a whole number b. a !ra tion. ii) Divide mi$ed numbers with a. a whole number b. a !ra tion. i) -dd and subtra t three to !our de imal numbers o! up to ) de imal pla es involving a. de imal numbers onl" b. whole numbers and de imal

* 1+/2/201 2 2)/2/201 2

): De imals

/i$ed 2perations with De imals

1. 3er!orm mi$ed operations o! addition and subtra tion o! de imals o! up to )

de imal pla es. + 21/2/201 2 1/)/2012 0:3er entage 'elationship between 3er entage( 5ra tion and De imals 1. 'elate !ra tions and de imals to per entage.

numbers. i) &onvert mi$ed numbers to per entage. ii) &onvert de imal numbers o! value more than 1 to per entage. iii) 5ind the value !or a given per entage o! a =uantit". iv) .olve problems in real onte$t involving relationships between per entage( !ra tions and de imals.

+ 21/2/201 2 1/)/2012 10 1%* /-& 11 +%1< /-& 12 1*/)/201 2 22/)/201 2

5: /one"

/one" up to '/10 million

1. 9se and appl" number sense in real onte$t involving mone".

i) 3er!orm mi$ed operations with mone" up to a value o! '/10 million. ii) .olve problems in real onte$t involving omputation o! mone". 27: 1

&97: 3#'7#N>-8-N 3#N>>-? 1: 7ime Duration 1. 9se and appl" 4nowledge o! time to !ind the duration. i) &al ulate the duration o! an event in between a. months b. "ears . dates ii) &ompute time period !rom situations e$pressed in !ra tions o! duration. iii) .olve problem in real li!e onte$t involving omputation o! time duration. :) &ompute length !rom a situation


<: ?ength

&omputation o!

1. 9se and appl"

25/)/201 2 2+/)/201 2 10 1/0/2012 5/0/2012 15 */0/2012 12/0/201 2 11 15/0/201 2 1+/0/201 2 *: /ass


!ra tional omputation to problems involving length. 1. 9se and appl" !ra tional omputation to problems involving mass. 1. 9se and appl" !ra tional omputation to problems involving volume o! li=uid. 1. 5ind the perimeter and area o! omposite two% dimensional shapes.

e$pressed in !ra tion. ii) .olve problem in real onte$t involving omputation o! length. i) &ompute mass !rom a situation e$pressed in !ra tion. ii) .olve problem in real onte$t involving omputation o! mass. i) &ompute volume o! li=uid !rom a situation e$pressed in !ra tion. ii) .olve problem in real onte$t involving omputation o! volume o! li=uid. i) 5ind the perimeter o! a two dimensional omposite shapes o! two or more =uadilaterals and triangles. ii) 5ind the area o! a two%dimensional omposite shape o! two or more duadrilaterals and triangles. iii) .olve problems in real onte$ts involving al ulation o! perimeter and area o! two%dimensional shapes.

&omputation o! /ass

+: ;olume o! ?i=uid

&omputation o! ;olume o! ?i=uid

10: .hape and .pa e

7wo% Dimensional .hapes

1< 22/0/201 2 21/0/201 2

10: .hape and .pa e

7hree% Dimensional .hapes

1. 5ind the sur!a e area and volume o! omposite three% dimensional shapes.

i) 5ind the sur!a e area o! a three% dimensional omposite shape o! two or more ubes and uboids. ii) 5ind the volume o! a three% dimensional omposite shape o! two or more ubes and uboids.

iii) .olve problems in real onte$ts involving al ulation o! sur!a e area and volume o! three%dimensional shapes. 1* 2+/0/201 2 )/5/2012 1+ 1/5/2012 10/5/201 2 20 21 22 % 2) 20 25 21 2< 2* % )2 )) )0 )5 % )1 )< )* % 01 02 0) % 05 01 11: Data 8andling -verage 1. 9nderstand and ompute average i) &al ulate the average o! up to !ive numbers. ii) .olve problems in real onte$ts involving average. 11: Data 8andling 2rganising and :nterpreting Data 1. 2rganise and interpret data !rom tables and harts. i) &onstru t a pie hart !rom a given set o! data. ii) Determine the !re=uen "( mode( range( mean( ma$imum and minimum value !rom a pie hart.

9?-N>@-6: .2-?-N%.2-?-N 27: 2 A20%20 /#: 2012) &97: 3#'7#N>-8-N 7-89N 9?-N>@-6: .2-?-N%.2-?-N 9?-N>@-6: .2-?-N%.2-?-N 9?-N>@-6: .2-?-N%.2-?-N

93.' 93.' 93.' 93.'

27: ) / 3'- 3#'&9,--N 93.'

9?-N>@-6: .2-?-N%.2-?-N 93.'

27: 0 / 3#'&9,--N 93.' &97: 3#'7#N>-8-N 3#N>>-? 2 / 8-': '-B- 39-.9?-N>@-6: .2-?-N%.2-?-N 93.' 93.' 2012 / 27: 5 3-.&- 93.' 27: 1 3-.&- 93.' / 3'2>'-/ -@8:' 7-89N &97: -@8:' 7-89N A + N2; )1 D:. 2012)

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