Formal Proposal: Title of The Magazine

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Formal Proposal

Title of the magazine

I had a few ideas of what I wanted to call my magazine. I tried to keep the name relevant to my genre like any normal magazine would and in the end asked people which of my possible names they preferred. This made up my mind, to settle on the name TUNE as it is short and relevant to my chosen genre of pop/hip hop/indie aswell as having connotations of pop music. It will stand out on shelves and attract readers towards it with a bold colour.

Explanation of chosen genre choice

I settled on the genre of pop/ hip hop music to be the leading genre of my magazine, as it is a genre I personally am familiar with and a genre that has a growing popularity among young people especially. !y "uestionnaire also highlighted that people matching my target audience prefer music magazines of that genre and prefer listening to that type of music genre.

Target Audience
I have chosen a target audience of #$ %# years olds, which for a pop genre is very mainstream& as they are young they would on be '# or '% audience types. They will be ma(orly white ethnicity and live in a city/ town environment. )o a college educated demographic. *ere are some e+amples of my demographic,

Age: #Gender: Female Hobbies: .istening to music, going out with friends and shopping.

Favourite Artists: Frank /cean, .ana 0el 1ay, 'hase and )tatus

Age: #2 Gender: !ale Hobbies: 3ym, 4asketball, Football, likes listening to music, graphical design. Favourite Artists: $5 cent, 3ame, 6+ample and 'hase and )tatus

Age: #Gender: !ale Hobbies: Football, 1ugby, Fifa #7, going out with friends.

Favourite Artists: Imagine 0ragons, two door cinema club, 6minem, /f monsters and men. This is a small sample of the sort of audience I am aiming to target and their kinds of lifestyles that would be reflected in the magazine to relate to them and catch their eye. The audience would be a mi+ of both males and females of all possible ethnic backgrounds though more likely to be 6nglish backgrounds through the location of the magazines creation. *aving a wide audience allows more people to feel they can relate to the magazine and start to follow it& therefore I will have to make sure the cover design appeals to both genders and all ethnicities e"ually. Initial ideas about the front page I have drawn up initial ideas of how I want my cover page to look. The name I have chosen, T896, will cover roughly the top third of the front page. It will be a light blue and therefore be neutral to both genders and the selling lines will be the same. The main image will take up roughly two thirds of vertical and horizontal space& I aim it to be a dual mid shot of a two man, male band as they are posing in a rela+ed manner in front of a blank white neutral background. The neutral background will leave an easy way of making sure there is no colour clash of puffs and selling lines. I will have the name of the band covering the lower middle of the image and will be in bold, blue te+t. I will not include many puffs, maybe only one which would break from the colour scheme of blue, white and black, I will include selling lines with e+clusive interviews and insiders on musicians as well as reviews of up and coming albums& maybe also some free posters inside. I will have to include the barcode and at the bottom along with possible social& media links to keep up with modern times and the target audience. Initial ideas about the contents page I will have a contents header at the top of the page in big san serif te+t like the masthead would be on the cover. The colour scheme

will also carry over from the cover page and also have a rule of thirds. 1oughly two thirds of the page will be te+t and images will take up the rest, both aspects will be included in the editors column I aim to include where the editor can say a few words, especially as it is a first edition of a new magazine. There will also be a photo of the band that was on the cover and a couple pictures of new artists featured in the magazine. The list of inside features will have headers separating them and then a brief note on what is on each page. This will be in small, black te+t that will keep it looking professional. Initial ideas about the double page spread The double page spread will be partially taken up by a large image of one of the band members in the new band, the framing will be a close up in front of a background of a brick wall highlighting the urban culture of pop music and target audience it:s aimed at. There will be a long script of an interview with the member. The te+t will be broken up through "uestions and answers but will have to be small and plain to keep within magazine conventions keeping it looking professional. Initial ideas about photographs I intend to take many photographs with many people in different locations so that I am not limited to very boring plain pictures. I aim to mi+ up the framing and backgrounds of shots so that it shows variance. I will take a long mid shot or mid shot of the main band and close ups/ !'8:s of other bands and artists. I will also have photos in front of graffiti and brick walls to reflect the modern environment that the target audience will live in.

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