ISG15 Regulates IFN-immunity in Human Mycobacterial Disease
ISG15 Regulates IFN-immunity in Human Mycobacterial Disease
ISG15 Regulates IFN-immunity in Human Mycobacterial Disease
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ISG15 reguIates IFN-y immunity in human mycobacteriaI
Cell Research (2013) !":173-175. doi:10.1038/cr.2012.133; published online 11 September 2012
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Interferon-gamma (IFN-y) is cru#
cial for immunity against different
pathogens due to its broad effects on
the multiple arms of the immune sys#
tem. The regulation of IFN-y immu#
nity is of extensive interest to research
as well as practical activity for drug
discovery. New evidence supports
previous ndings that ubiquitin-like
protein ISG15 acts as an extracel#
lular cytokine and promotes IFN-y
production, providing intriguing
insights of the importance of ISG15
into the control of human mycobacte#
rial disease.
ISG15 is an interIeron-stimulated
gene (ISG) |1|. It is strongly upregu-
lated by interIerons (IFNs), especially
type I IFN (IFN-u/), pathogen inIec-
tions, and cellular stresses that activate
IFN production |2|. ISG15 is the frst
identifed ubiquitin-like modifer, which
can covalently conjugate to other cel-
lular proteins to Iorm ISGylated pro-
teins. Free ISG15 is detected as both
extracellular and intracellular protein.
The mature Iorm oI ISG15 contains
two ubiquitin-like domains with a
calculated molecular weight oI 17 145
Daltons. It lacks an N-terminal methi-
onine, and has a C-terminus ending with
the amino acid sequence Leu Arg Leu
Arg Gly Gly` (LRLRGG), which is the
same six amino acid sequence as mature
ubiquitin. As with the ubiquitin system,
there are a series oI distinct enzymes
involved in the process oI protein IS-
Gylation, including ISG15 activating
enzyme (E1), UBE1L conjugating
enzyme (E2), UBCH8 protein li-
gases (E3), and ISG15-specifc protease
USP18. However, unlike ubiquitin and
many ubiquitin-like proteins, such as
SUMO1 and NEDD8, which can be
Iound in all species oI eukaryotic cells,
ISG15 is only identifed in vertebrates,
including human, monkey and mouse,
etc. Moreover, compared with ubiquitin,
which has virtually 100 cross-species
conservation, ISG15 protein has rela-
tively low cross-species conservation,
ranging Irom a high oI 98 (chimpan-
zee to human) to a low oI 42 (opossum
to human) in mammals. Together, the
relatively low cross-species conserva-
tion and the absence in many eukaryotic
species indicate that ISG15 is not an
essential housekeeping gene but may be
an evolutionary adaptation to particular
conditions |2|.
Signifcant eIIorts have been made
to identiIy the substrates oI ISG15
conjugation and their roles in pathogen
inIection and tumorigenesis |3, 4|. For
example, the molecular basis oI anti-
viral eIIect oI ISG15 was described in
a recent report oI the infuenza A viral
protein NS1 (NS1A). Multiple lysines
oI the NS1A protein could be modifed
by ISG15, with K41 in the N-terminal
domain oI this protein acting as the main
modifcation site. ISG15 modifcation
on NS1A resulted in a disruption oI
normal Iunction oI NS1A, thus inhibit-
ing the virus inIection |3|. Meanwhile, a
recent report revealed an important role
oI ISG15 in the enhancement oI chemo-
sensitivity during cancer therapy |4|.
Treatment oI cells with several chemo-
therapeutic drugs, including doxorubi-
cin and camptothecin, increases ISG15
expression and results in ISGylation oI
ANp63u, an alternative splice variant oI
p53 Iamily protein p63. The ISGylated
nuclear ANp63u is subjected to the
cleavage by caspase-2 and subsequently
releases its inhibitory domain to the
cytoplasm, resulting in the inactivation
oI ANp63u. Since ANp63u inhibits the
activity oI p53 Iamily members in a
dominant-negative manner to increase
cell proliIeration and tumorigenesis,
ISGylation oI ANp63u ablated the abil-
ity oI ANp63u to promote anchorage-
independent cell growth and tumor
Iormation in vivo.
Besides protein ISGylation, sig-
nifcant amount oI Iree ISG15 was also
detected in both intracellular and extra-
cellular compartments. Several studies
suggested a potential role oI Iree ISG15
as a cytokine or chemokine |5-7|. An
early study in 1996 demonstrated that
Iree ISG15 is secreted Irom multiple
cells, including primary cultures oI
peripheral blood CD3
cells to enhance the proliIeration and
cytotoxicity oI natural killer (NK)
cells |5|. In the year oI 2003, ISG15
was shown as a neutrophil chemotactic
Iactor in Plasmodium voelii-inIected
red blood cells |7|. However, a primary
challenge to the cytokine properties oI
ISG15 is that cytokine- or chemokine-
related deIects have not been identifed
!"## %"&"'()* + ,-# ./ 0- . + 1"2(3'(4 .56/
in ISG15 knockout mice |8|. Most
recently, Bogunovic and colleagues
published one critical paper in Science,
providing new evidence to confrm that
ISG15 acts as an extracellular cytokine
and promotes IFN- production. More
importantly, this paper shows an es-
sential role oI ISG15-regulated IFN-
immunity against mycobacterial disease
in human |9|.
This new Iacet oI ISG15 was un-
covered by studying the genetic etiol-
ogy oI Mendelian susceptibility to
mycobacterial disease (MSMD), a rare
disorder individuals have a predis-
position to clinical disease caused by
weakly virulent mycobacteria, such as
Mvcobacterium bovis Bacille Calmette-
Guerin (BCG) vaccines |10|. Whole-
genome sequencing and genome-wide
linkage analysis were used to search
Ior the genetic etiologies oI MSMD in
two unrelated patients, a 15-year-old
girl Irom Turkey and a 12-year-old boy
Irom Iran. Both oI them were born to
consanguineous parents and developed
clinical symptoms aIter BCG vaccina-
tion. Subsequent results suggested a
common defciency oI ISG15 in these
two patients. One has a nonsense muta-
tion in exon 2 oI ISG15, while the other
one and his brother have a IrameshiIt
insertion in the ISG15 allelels. Both
mutant ISG15 alleles identifed in these
patients were homozygous mutation,
loss-oI-expression and loss-oI-Iunction
(Ior ISGylation). Considering the Iacts
that ISG15 could be a potential cytokine
Ior regulating IFN- production and
individuals with inherited disorders oI
IFN--mediated immunity appear to be
specifcally vulnerable to mycobacterial
inIections |11|, the ISG15 defciency-
caused impairment oI IFN- immunity
could provide the molecular basis oI
MSMD in these patients.
To Iurther support the involvement
oI ISG15 as a cytokine in MSMD, more
detailed studies, including ISG15 induc-
tion and secretion and ISG15-induced
IFN- production, were examined using
the cells derived Irom the valuable pa-
tient samples. The results demonstrated
that granulocytes have the highest levels
oI intracellular ISG15 upon IFN-u/
stimulation. Accordingly granulocytes
are a major source oI extracellular
ISG15 in vivo, although many other
types oI cells also have the ability to
secret ISG15. However, the secretory
pathway Ior ISG15 is still unclear, and
will possibly be oI Iuture interest.
Prior works have shown that Iree
ISG15 can induce the secretion oI
IFN- by NK cells and T cells |5, 6|.
The current report in Science provides
supportive evidence to prior fndings
once again that extracellular ISG15 was
required Ior the induction oI IFN- in
both T cells and NK cells. Their elegant
studies also show that NK cells are the
key ISG15-responsive leukocytes, in
terms oI IFN- induction. It is very
interesting that a synergic eIIect on
IFN- secretion was observed when the
cells were co-treated with ISG15 and
IL-12, a cytokine well-known to induce
IFN-. However, the mechanisms oI
how ISG15 triggers IFN- production
remain unclear. It is noteworthy that the
successIul attempt oI using recombinant
ISG15 and ISG15 antibody in regulating
IFN- production by in vitro cell-based
assay suggested potentially plausible
strategies Ior ISG15-targeted drug dis-
covery. Furthermore, the importance
oI ISG15 in controlling mycobacterial
disease was tested in the mouse model.
Consistent with enhanced susceptibil-
ity to mycobacterial disease in humans
with inherited ISG15 defciency, ISG15
knockout mice died earlier than their
WT littermates upon inIection with M.
tuberculosis, with an overall survival
Figure 1 SG15 regulates FN- immunity against pathogen infection. Pathogen
infection triggers the release of FN-u/ and in turn upregulates SG15 expression
in the cells, including granulocytes, which are the major source for the secretion of
free SG15 into extracellular compartment. Subsequent induction of FN- produc-
tion mainly from NK cells by free SG15 plays an essential role in FN- immunity
against the pathogen infection. Potential feedback between FN- production and
FN-u/ signal pathway is unclear. M, macrophage; T, T cell; B, B cell; NK, natural
killer cell; APC, antigen presenting cell.
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rate oI ~40 at 45 weeks post inIec-
tion compared to almost no death in the
control mouse group within the same
period. These data strongly indicate
the essential role oI ISG15 in anti-
mycobacterial disease.
In summary, the discovery by Bogu-
novic and colleagues has revealed the
critical role oI ISG15 in human health.
It provides new evidence Ior ISG15-
regulated IFN- immunity, which is
summarized in Figure 1. The report also
clearly shows ISG15 cytokine-related
deIects in ISG15 knockout mice, the
lack oI which has been challenging the
idea that ISG15 acts as a cytokine Ior
over a decade. These fndings may also
answer the question why ISG15 is only
induced by IFNs or pathogen inIection
but not constitutively expressed to
counter potential pathogen inIection.
Possibly, constitutive ISG15 expression
and active IFN- immunity is deleteri-
ous in contexts other than mycobacterial
inIection. For example, in certain cases
oI autoimmune disease, a blockade oI
IFN- immunity actually limits the dis-
eases |12, 13|. The cytokine properties
oI ISG15 are reminiscent oI potential
cytokine properties oI ubiquitin and
other ubiquitin-like proteins. Several
studies have suggested that extracellular
ubiquitins serve as immune modulator
during inIectious and noninIectious
infammation |14, 15|. However, not
many reports are available regarding
other ubiquitin-like proteins. Mean-
while, Iuture investigation Iocusing
on how ISG15 is secreted Irom certain
cells, which cell surIace receptors and
cellular pathways are responsible Ior
ISG15-induced IFN- production, and
how the components oI these pathways
are targeted to regulate IFN- immunity,
will turn out to be IruitIul and point to
more applicable strategies Ior ISG15-
targeted drug discovery.
Jun-Bao Fan
, Dong-Er Zhang
1, 2, 3
Moores Cancer Center,
Department of Pathol-
Division of Biological Sciences, Universitv
of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093,
Correspondence: Dong-Er Zhang
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