Alejandro Fernandez 2
Alejandro Fernandez 2
Alejandro Fernandez 2
Seeking a full-time position as a programmer that utilizes my skills in C, Java, and web development.
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA Expected:
Bachelor of Science: Computer Science May 2010
Double major in Mathematical Sciences
GPA: 2.69
Freelance Web Developer: (professional portfolio)
Designed over two dozen HTML/CSS, Flash, and Joomla websites
Developed front-end and back-end for a Meal Planning web application that allows customers to
create, schedule, and review dishes. Also includes add-to-cart and drag-&-drop functionality
Java Programmer :
Write business logic code and GUI for a program called AutoMap that performs Network Text
Analysis to capture the relation between important concepts in the text as a map
Grade writing assignments and presentations; as well as hold weekly recitations to reinforce
material learned in lecture
Course Assistant for 15-100 (Introductory/Intermediate Programming in Java):
Graded assignments and exams for over 30 students; also held weekly office hours to help
students with labs and periodically graded 15-123 (Effective Programming in C and Unix)
Concurrent Proxy Server (C for X86-64):
Accepts and forwards multiple requests to the server
Forwards reply to browser with a 1 MB cache
Uses a Least Recently Used replacement policy
Platforms: Windows, Mac, and UNIX
Languages: proficient in C, Java (including Struts), Ruby on Rails, MySQL, and working knowledge of
JavaScript, PHP, ASP, ColdFusion, Visual Basic, ML, Perl, Shell, x86
Software: Flash, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Photoshop, Illustrator, Joomla
15-123 Effective Programming in C and Unix 15-200 Advanced Programming (Java)
15-211 Fundamental Data Structures & 15-221 Technical Communication for
Algorithms (Java) Computer Scientists
15-212 Principles of Programming (ML) 15-213 Intro to Computer Systems (C)
15-251 Great Theoretical Ideas in CS 15-396 Science of the Web
15-440 Distributed Systems 15-451 Algorithm Design & Analysis
(current semester)