Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Project: Literature Review
Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Project: Literature Review
Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Project: Literature Review
LITERATURE REVIEW Methyl acetate is a carboxylate ester with the formula CH3COOCH3 which is also known as MeOAc, acetic acid methyl ester or methyl ethanoate. It is colorless, flammable liquid ester with fra rant odour. !ue to its weakly "olar and li"o"hilic, methyl acetate is usually used as a sol#ent. At room tem"erature, it has a solubility of $%& in water and it is not stable in the "resence of stron aqueous bases or aqueous acids. 'esides, it is hi hly miscible in all common or anic sol#ents such as alcohols, ketones, lycols and esters. At ele#ated tem"erature, it is more soluble in water. Methyl acetate "resents a fire or ex"losion ha(ard when ex"osed to stron oxidi(in a ents. It emits irritatin fumes and acrid smoke when heated to decom"osition. Methyl acetate reacti#ity is consistent with other com"ounds of the ester rou". A new methyl acetate synthesis "rocess has de#elo"ed by Hen mao Com"any with their own "ro"erty ri hts. In Hen mao "rocess, sul"huric acid catalyst has been re"laced by usin solid acidic resin. )ia reaction, distillation and rectification, hi h concentration of methyl acetate which is **& in concentration can be "roduced. 'y increasin the reactants concentration, reaction s"eed can be enhanced in the reactor. 'esides, the re#erse and side reactions are inhibited by "ro"ellin reaction "roducts of reaction area quickly. 'y modifyin the structure of distillation column, the efficiency of the se"aration is si nificantly increased. As well as low o"eration and equi"ment in#estment cost, the current reaction distillation "rocess has the ad#anta es of hi h yield and easy o"eration. +he "rocess where sul"huric acid is used as a catalyst, it causes serious corrosion to the equi"ment. +herefore, by usin solid acidic catalyst, it can reduce reatly equi"ment corrosion and equi"ment life s"an is extended. MOLECULAR STRUCTURE OF METHYL ACETATE
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INTRODUCTION Methyl acetate is a carboxylate ester with the formula CH3COOCH3 and is the "roduct of a 9eacti#e distillation of acetic acid and methanol which is one of the "rocesses in "roducin methyl acetate. Other "rocesses in "roducin methyl acetate areB 'y reaction of acid anhydrides with alcohols 5-.a e
In a distillation column, the sta es which referred to a sie#e "lates or trays are arran ed #ertically. In the middle of the column, the feed entered. +he #a"or and liquid lea#in are essentially in equilibrium. Chen the #a"or continues u" to the next tray, it is a ain contacted with a downflowin liquid. 1o, in this case, the more #olatile com"onent will oin u"ward, and the less #olatile com"onent will oin downward. +he final #a"or "roduct s condensed in a condenser a liquid "roduct is "roduced which a hi h concentration "roduct. Chile, the remainin liquid from the condenser is returned to the to" tray as a liquid. In addition, the liquid that lea#in the bottom tray is "artially #a"orised in the condenser and the remainin liquid are withdrawn as a liquid "roduct. +he #a"our from the reboiler is sent back to the bottom tray. THE ADVANTAGE !" REACT#VE D# T#$$AT#!N Ha#in a "otential to se"arate mixtures that in#ol#in a(eotro"es and isomers. Im"ro#e s"eed and efficiency ?ower ener y costB61e"aration of these mixtures by con#entional distillation requires hi h ener y costs while se"aration with sol#ent based distillation requires a suitable sol#ent, which may not be a#ailable in all the cases. %-.a e
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9eacti#e !istillation Fumber of +rays ,%.22 +o" 1ta e .ress *2.22 'ottom 1ta e .ress */.22 9eflux 9atio 1"ec ,.22 !istillate 9ate /*.53,%
8eed +em"erature 3% .ressure ,2,.3$ Mass 8low 9ate /*.53,% Com" Mole 2.%2 8rac3Methanol4 Com" Mole 8rac3Acetic 2.%2 Acid4
C k.a kmolDhr
k.a k.a
k.a k.a
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Ma(( )a ance
Distillation Column Reboiler Condenser MeOH 100 kmol/hr HOAc 100 kmol/hr liquid, 1 atm, 35 C liquid, 1 atm, 35 C n
T,1, liquid
= 0 01 mol MeOH/mol x
= 0 01 mol HOAc/mol x
= 0 01 mol H
O/mol n
T,#, liquid, #5 C
= 0 01 mol MeOH/mol x
= 0 01 mol HOAc/mol x
= 0 01 mol H
O/mol $
= 0 30 mol MeOH/mol x
= 0 15 mol HOAc/mol x
= 0 !5 mol MeOAc/mol x
*-.a e
O/mol n
T,), 'a(or
= 0 10 mol MeOH/mol x
= 0 05 mol HOAc/mol x
= 0 *0 mol MeOAc/mol x
= 0 05 mol H
O/mol n
T,&, liquid, 50 C
= 0 01 mol MeOH/mol x
= 0 01 mol HOAc/mol x
= 0 01 mol MeOAc/mol x
= 0 !" mol H
O/mol n
T,5, liquid
= 0 05 mol MeOH/mol x
= 0 05 mol HOAc/mol x
= 0 15 mol MeOAc/mol x
= 0 "5 mol H
1 2 3 4 5 6 +e,lux +atio 1-" +e.oil +atio #-"
@i#en n &e!Ac ' $= %2222 &T / yr %2222 &T / yr = %2222 &T ,222 )g , yr , day , )mol ( ( ( ( yr , &T 3E% days $5 hr /5.27 )g
//.257E )mol / hr
Point $* ,2 - . a e
+herefore, n n T ' $ = &e!Ac = * &e!Ac //.257E )mol hr = /*.53,E )mol / hr )mol 2.*/ )mol )mol )mol ( 2.2, =2./*53 )mol &e!H / hr hr )mol
Point +* 9eflux 9atio G ,B/ Reflu* Ratio = n T ' ,= Assume * &e!H ' ,= 2.2, ) mol &e!H / )mol
* H!Ac ' ,= 2.2, )mol H!Ac / )mol
+herefore, ,, - . a e
)mol )mol ( 2.2, = 2.,,$% )mol H!Ac / hr hr )mol )mol )mol ( 2.*/ = ,2.*,22 )mol H $ ! / hr hr )mol
n H ! ' , = nT ' , ( * H
! ',
*2.E/7* Assume
+herefore, n &e!H '3 = n T '3 ( * &e!H ' 3= *2.E/7* )mol )mol ( 2.23 = $./$25 )mol &e!H / hr hr )mol
)mol )mol ( 2.,% = ,3.E2,7 )mol H!Ac / hr hr )mol )mol )mol ( 2.*% =7E.,5%2 )mol H $ ! / hr hr )mol
,$ - . a e
= *2.E/7*
,3 - . a e
,$2.%E7% Assume
+herefore, n &e!H 'E = n T ' E ( * &e!H 'E =,$2.%E7% )mol )mol ( 2.2, = ,.$2%/ )mol &e!H / hr hr )mol
)mol )mol ( 2.2, = ,.$2%/ )mol H!Ac / hr hr )mol )mol )mol ( 2.2, = ,.$2%/ )mol H $ ! / hr hr )mol
n H ! ' E = nT ' E ( * H
= ,$2.%E7%
,5 - . a e
+herefore, n &e!H ' 5= n T ' 5 ( * &e!H ' 5 =35.557, )mol )mol ( 2.32 = ,2.3355 )mol &e!H / hr hr )mol
)mol )m ol ( 2.32 =,2.3355 )mol H!Ac / hr hr )mol )mol )mol ( 2.$% = 7.E,$2 )mol H $ ! / hr hr )mol
n H ! '5 = n T '5( *H
= 35.557,
,% - . a e
*2.E/7* Assume
+herefore, n &e!H '% = nT '% ( * &e!H ' %= *2.E/7* )mol )mol ( 2.2% = 5.%33* )mol &e!H / hr hr )mol
)mol )mol ( 2.2% = 5.%33* )mol H!Ac / hr hr )mol )mol )mol ( 2.,% = ,3.E2,7 ) mol H $ ! / hr hr )mol
n H ! ' % = nT ' % ( * H
! '%
= *2.E/7*
,E - . a e
MeOH 100 kmol/hr liquid, 1 atm, 35 C HOAc 100 kmol/hr liquid, 1 atm, 35 C "! )315 kmol/hr, /l0, #5 C 0 "!)3 kmol MeOH/hr 0 "!)3 kmol HOAc/hr "" 0)*& kmol MeOAc/hr 0 "!)3 kmol H
O/hr 1#0 5" kmol/hr, /l0, 50 C 1 #05" kmol MeOH/hr 1 #05" kmol HOAc/hr 1 #05" kmol MeOAc/hr 11& !51) kmol H
O/hr . = /0 +/ E )+ E , o1erall = / H = n i i H i ni H
H i ( )2 / mol ) 2 2 6 6
H i ( )2 / mol )
H5 ,/ - . a e
,7 - . a e
H ,=
$%3 C
3% 3 C
c , dT
3% 3 C
2.72*2* )2 / mo l
H $=
$%3 C
3% 3 C
c , dT
3% 3 C
,,.5E/$ )2 / mol
H 3=
3% 3 C
c , dT
3% 3 C
2.,,*7%,% )2 / mol
,* - . a e
)mol )2 )mol )2 )mol )2 2.72*2* + 2./*53 ,,.5E/$ + 2./*53 2.,,*7%,% + 2./* hr mol hr mol hr mol
$2 - . a e
H i ( )2 / mol ) 2 2 6 6
H i ( )2 / mol )
H ,=
%2 3 C
3% 3 C
c , dT
3% 3 C
,.$5%,* ) 2 / mol
H $=
$%3 C
3% 3 C
c , dT
3% 3 C
35.%%%* )2 / mol
$, - . a e
H 3=
3% 3 C
c , dT
3% 3 C
2.3%E3 )2 / mol
H 5 BH O , , atm, 3%0C $ 3l4 H$O 3l4, , atm, %20C 'y usin +able '.%, 5 at %2 3 C =2.75EE/ )2 / mol H +herefore, o1erall = / H = n i i H i ni H
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