Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Project: Literature Review

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Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Project 2013

LITERATURE REVIEW Methyl acetate is a carboxylate ester with the formula CH3COOCH3 which is also known as MeOAc, acetic acid methyl ester or methyl ethanoate. It is colorless, flammable liquid ester with fra rant odour. !ue to its weakly "olar and li"o"hilic, methyl acetate is usually used as a sol#ent. At room tem"erature, it has a solubility of $%& in water and it is not stable in the "resence of stron aqueous bases or aqueous acids. 'esides, it is hi hly miscible in all common or anic sol#ents such as alcohols, ketones, lycols and esters. At ele#ated tem"erature, it is more soluble in water. Methyl acetate "resents a fire or ex"losion ha(ard when ex"osed to stron oxidi(in a ents. It emits irritatin fumes and acrid smoke when heated to decom"osition. Methyl acetate reacti#ity is consistent with other com"ounds of the ester rou". A new methyl acetate synthesis "rocess has de#elo"ed by Hen mao Com"any with their own "ro"erty ri hts. In Hen mao "rocess, sul"huric acid catalyst has been re"laced by usin solid acidic resin. )ia reaction, distillation and rectification, hi h concentration of methyl acetate which is **& in concentration can be "roduced. 'y increasin the reactants concentration, reaction s"eed can be enhanced in the reactor. 'esides, the re#erse and side reactions are inhibited by "ro"ellin reaction "roducts of reaction area quickly. 'y modifyin the structure of distillation column, the efficiency of the se"aration is si nificantly increased. As well as low o"eration and equi"ment in#estment cost, the current reaction distillation "rocess has the ad#anta es of hi h yield and easy o"eration. +he "rocess where sul"huric acid is used as a catalyst, it causes serious corrosion to the equi"ment. +herefore, by usin solid acidic catalyst, it can reduce reatly equi"ment corrosion and equi"ment life s"an is extended. MOLECULAR STRUCTURE OF METHYL ACETATE

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Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Project 2013

PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF METHYL ACETATE +hey are neutral colourless liquids "ossessin characteristic fruity odours. 'oilin "oint of methyl acetate is %/0C. It is much lower than the "arent of acid, since the former are unassociated liquids. 1"ecific ra#ity of methyl acetate is 2.*3 3,%0C4. )a"or density is ,3%.* mbar 3*.50C4. Meltin "oint of methyl acetate is 6*70C. Its #iscosity is obtained at 2.523m.a.1 3,%0C4. 8lash "oint is obtained at 6,50C. It is enerally insoluble in water and soluble in most or anic sol#ents. In the I9 s"ectrum, esters show characteristic C:2 stretchin frequency at ,/3% cm6,. CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF METHYL ACETATE It i#es nucleo"hillic substitution reactions which is similar to acid halides and anhydrides. It under oes nucleo"hillic reactions less readily unlike acid halides or anhydrides. +his is due to the resonance effect. +he carbonyl carbon in their molecule is electron deficient owin to the electron withdrawin effect of ;OH6,and carries a "artial "ositi#e char e. +he electron6deficiency decreases due to the delocali(ation of unshared electron "air on oxy en atom which becomes less "rone to nucleo"hillic attack.


Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Project 2013

<sed as a sol#ent in fast dryin "aints and in the manufacturin of cellulose adhesi#es, "erfumes and as a relational sol#ent in dye "roduction. Methyl acetate is useful as the fast6e#a"oratin com"onent in hi h6low sol#ent systems and in other a""lications where fast sol#ent release and quick dry6to6touch time are needed due to its fast e#a"oration rate. It is also used in the "roduction motor #ehicle coatin s, cosmetics, furniture coatin s and industrial coatin s. It is used in artificial fruit fla#ors and in inor anic sol#ent such as Methyl AcetoAcetate. It is also used in the "roduction of synthetic "roducts such as "esticides, fibres, sol#ents and "lastici(ers. GENERAL REACTION OF METHYL ACETATE Hydrolysis In the "resence of a catalyst 3H$1O5 or HCl4, esters that heated with water are hydrolysed to i#e the "arent carboxylic acid and alcohol. Methyl acetate = water Acetic acid = Methanol Can also achie#e by refluxin with aqueous solution of a stron base such as 1odium Hydroxide. Methyl Acetate = 1odium Hydroxide Transesterification In the "resence of a mineral acid, esters of an alcohol can react with another lower alcohol, so it i#e the ester of second alcohol. >thyl Acetate = Methanol Reaction with Ammonia (Ammonylysis) Methyl Acetate = Ammonia >thanamide= Methanol Methyl Acetate = >thanol 1odium Acetate = Methanol

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Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Project 2013

Reduction to alcohols >sters can be reduced to the "rimary alcohol corres"ondin to the acid from which it was deri#ed by ?ithium Aluminium Hydride or by 1odium and Alcohol. Methyl Acetate = 53hydro en4 Reaction with Grignard Reagents >sters react with @ri nard rea ents to form Aetones which at once react with another molecule of @ri nard 9ea ent to yield a tertiary alcohol. Methyl Acetate Claisen Condensation +o form 'eta6Aeto >sters, in the "resence of a stron base 31odium Acetate4, esters that contain hydro en atoms on the al"ha carbon atom under o condensation reactions. Methyl Acetate = Methyl Acetate Methyl AcetoAcetate Aetones +ertiary alcohol >thanol = Methanol

INTRODUCTION Methyl acetate is a carboxylate ester with the formula CH3COOCH3 and is the "roduct of a 9eacti#e distillation of acetic acid and methanol which is one of the "rocesses in "roducin methyl acetate. Other "rocesses in "roducin methyl acetate areB 'y reaction of acid anhydrides with alcohols 5-.a e

Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Project 2013

'y reaction of carboxylate salts and alkyl halides 'y transesterification 3esterification4 'y reaction of carboxylic acid with dia(omethane 8ischer esterification 9eacti#e !istillation is a continuous system where the reaction and se"aration are "erformed in the !istillation column. 9eaction takes "lace in the #essel and 1e"aration is done in the column attached to it. It is a combination of chemical reaction with distillation in only one unit. In addition, it is usually used with re#ersible, liquid "hase reactions or at the surface of a solid catalyst in contact with the liquid "hase. It is a key of o""ortunity to im"ro#e the structure of a "rocess. It is also called hybrid "rocess in which two different unit o"erations are mer ed in a sin le a""aratus, namely reaction and distillation. If the conditions of both unit o"erations can be combined, then the combination of the reaction and distillation is "ossible. Acetic acid+ Methano CH#COOH + CH#OH Meth! Acetate + Wate" CH#COOCH# + H$O

In a distillation column, the sta es which referred to a sie#e "lates or trays are arran ed #ertically. In the middle of the column, the feed entered. +he #a"or and liquid lea#in are essentially in equilibrium. Chen the #a"or continues u" to the next tray, it is a ain contacted with a downflowin liquid. 1o, in this case, the more #olatile com"onent will oin u"ward, and the less #olatile com"onent will oin downward. +he final #a"or "roduct s condensed in a condenser a liquid "roduct is "roduced which a hi h concentration "roduct. Chile, the remainin liquid from the condenser is returned to the to" tray as a liquid. In addition, the liquid that lea#in the bottom tray is "artially #a"orised in the condenser and the remainin liquid are withdrawn as a liquid "roduct. +he #a"our from the reboiler is sent back to the bottom tray. THE ADVANTAGE !" REACT#VE D# T#$$AT#!N Ha#in a "otential to se"arate mixtures that in#ol#in a(eotro"es and isomers. Im"ro#e s"eed and efficiency ?ower ener y costB61e"aration of these mixtures by con#entional distillation requires hi h ener y costs while se"aration with sol#ent based distillation requires a suitable sol#ent, which may not be a#ailable in all the cases. %-.a e

Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Project 2013

Increases "roduct yield,"urity and qualityB6<ltimately increasin "roduct yield by allowin the se"aration of the reaction "roducts from the reactants in the same unit o"eration and reduce the heat duty by utili(in the heat of reaction 3if "resent4 in situ. 8ewer "roblemsB6 due to the dynamic interaction of the reaction kinetics and thermodynamic "ro"erties. Allows o#ercomin the limitations caused by Chemical equilibrium. ,22& 9emo#al of cycle streams, less waste and fewer by"roducts. A#oidance of A(eotro"es. 1i nificant reduction of ca"ital and o"eratin costs. THE D# ADVANTAGE !" REACT#VE D# T#$$AT#!N It is com"licated modellin and only can be understood with the aid of com"uter simulation. Its carryin out of ex"ensi#e and time consumin sequences of laboratory and "ilot "lant equi"ments. It is notsuitable for su"ercritical condition, for as6"hase reaction, and for reaction that must take "lace at hi h tem"erature and "ressures, andDor that in#ol#es solid reactants or "roducts.

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Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Project 2013

A%%$#CAT#!N !" REACT#VE D# T#$$AT#!N <sed for >sterification "rocess. <sed in the manufacture of Anti6knock enhances such as M+'> and +AM>. <sed in the "harmaceutical industry. <sed in the "re"aration of Fylon6E "roduction.

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Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Project 2013


9eacti#e !istillation Fumber of +rays ,%.22 +o" 1ta e .ress *2.22 'ottom 1ta e .ress */.22 9eflux 9atio 1"ec ,.22 !istillate 9ate /*.53,%

k.a k.a kmolDhr

8eed +em"erature 3% .ressure ,2,.3$ Mass 8low 9ate /*.53,% Com" Mole 2.%2 8rac3Methanol4 Com" Mole 8rac3Acetic 2.%2 Acid4

C k.a kmolDhr

Condenser )essel .ressure !ro" 2.22 )essel .ressure *2.22

k.a k.a

9eboiler )essel .ressure !ro" 2.22 )essel .ressure */.22

k.a k.a

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Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Project 2013

Ma(( )a ance

Distillation Column Reboiler Condenser MeOH 100 kmol/hr HOAc 100 kmol/hr liquid, 1 atm, 35 C liquid, 1 atm, 35 C n
T,1, liquid


= 0 01 mol MeOH/mol x

= 0 01 mol HOAc/mol x

= 0 !" mol MeOAc/mol x


= 0 01 mol H

O/mol n
T,#, liquid, #5 C


= 0 01 mol MeOH/mol x

= 0 01 mol HOAc/mol x

= 0 !" mol MeOAc/mol x


= 0 01 mol H

O/mol $

= 50000 MT/%ear = 5"0" "&#& kmol/hr n

T,3, 'a(or


= 0 30 mol MeOH/mol x

= 0 15 mol HOAc/mol x

= 0 !5 mol MeOAc/mol x

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Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Project 2013

= 0 05 mol H

O/mol n
T,), 'a(or


= 0 10 mol MeOH/mol x

= 0 05 mol HOAc/mol x

= 0 *0 mol MeOAc/mol x

= 0 05 mol H

O/mol n
T,&, liquid, 50 C


= 0 01 mol MeOH/mol x

= 0 01 mol HOAc/mol x

= 0 01 mol MeOAc/mol x

= 0 !" mol H

O/mol n
T,5, liquid


= 0 05 mol MeOH/mol x

= 0 05 mol HOAc/mol x

= 0 15 mol MeOAc/mol x

= 0 "5 mol H

1 2 3 4 5 6 +e,lux +atio 1-" +e.oil +atio #-"

@i#en n &e!Ac ' $= %2222 &T / yr %2222 &T / yr = %2222 &T ,222 )g , yr , day , )mol ( ( ( ( yr , &T 3E% days $5 hr /5.27 )g

//.257E )mol / hr

Point $* ,2 - . a e

Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Project 2013

Assume * &e!H ' $ =2.2, ) mol &e!H / )mol
* H!Ac ' $= 2.2, )mol H!Ac / )mol

* &e!Ac '$ = 2.*/ )mol &e!Ac / )mol *H



= 2.2, )mol H $ ! / )mol

+herefore, n n T ' $ = &e!Ac = * &e!Ac //.257E )mol hr = /*.53,E )mol / hr )mol 2.*/ )mol )mol )mol ( 2.2, =2./*53 )mol &e!H / hr hr )mol

n &e!H ' $= n T ' $ ( * &e!H ' $= /*.53,E

n H!Ac ' $ = nT ' $ ( * H!Ac ' $ =/*.53,E

)mol )mol ( 2.2, = 2./*53 )mol H!Ac / hr hr )mol

n H ! ' $ = nT ' $ ( * H ! ' $ = /*.53,E

$ $

)mol )mol ( 2.2, = 2./*53 )mol H $ ! / hr hr )mol

Point +* 9eflux 9atio G ,B/ Reflu* Ratio = n T ' ,= Assume * &e!H ' ,= 2.2, ) mol &e!H / )mol
* H!Ac ' ,= 2.2, )mol H!Ac / )mol

amount of condensate +eing reflu*ed amount of condensate +eing withdrawn as ,roduct

n &e!Ac '$ //.257E )mol / hr = =,,.$5/5 )mol / hr / /

* &e!Ac ' ,= 2.*/ )mol &e!Ac / )mol *H



= 2.2, )mol H $ ! / )mol

+herefore, ,, - . a e

Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Project 2013

n &e!H ', = nT ', ( * &e!H ' ,= ,,.$5/5 )mol )mol ( 2.2, = 2.,,$% )mol &e!H / hr hr )mol

n H!Ac ' ,= n T ' , ( * H!Ac ' ,= ,,.$5/5

)mol )mol ( 2.2, = 2.,,$% )mol H!Ac / hr hr )mol )mol )mol ( 2.*/ = ,2.*,22 )mol H $ ! / hr hr )mol

n &e!Ac ' ,= n T ' , ( * &e!Ac ' , =,,.$5/5

n H ! ' , = nT ' , ( * H

! ',


)mol )mol ( 2.2, = 2.,,$% )mol H $ ! / hr hr )mol

Point #* n T '3= nT ' , + n T '$ ,,.$5/5 )mol )mol + /*.53,% hr hr )mol hr

*2.E/7* Assume

* &e!H ' 3= 2.23 ) mol &e!H / )mol

* H!Ac ' 3= 2.,% )mol H!Ac / )mol

* &e!Ac '3 =2.*% )mol &e!Ac / )mol



= 2.2% )mol H $ ! / )mol

+herefore, n &e!H '3 = n T '3 ( * &e!H ' 3= *2.E/7* )mol )mol ( 2.23 = $./$25 )mol &e!H / hr hr )mol

n H!Ac ' 3= nT ' 3 ( * H!Ac ' 3 =*2.E/7*

)mol )mol ( 2.,% = ,3.E2,7 )mol H!Ac / hr hr )mol )mol )mol ( 2.*% =7E.,5%2 )mol H $ ! / hr hr )mol

n &e! Ac '3= nT '3 ( * &e!Ac ' 3= *2.E/7*

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Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Project 2013

n H ! ' 3 = nT ' 3 ( * H
$ $


= *2.E/7*

)mol )mol ( 2.2% = 5.%33* )mol H $ ! / hr hr )mol

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Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Project 2013

Point ,* n &e!H ' fed + n H!Ac ' fed = n T ', + n T 'E
n T ' E = n &e!H ' fed + n H!Ac ' fed n T ',


)mol )mol )mol +,22.2222 /*.53,% hr hr hr )mol hr

,$2.%E7% Assume

* &e!H ' 3= 2.23 ) mol &e!H / )mol

* H!Ac ' 3= 2.,% )mol H!Ac / )mol

* &e!Ac '3 =2.*% )mol &e!Ac / )mol *H



= 2.2% )mol H $ ! / )mol

+herefore, n &e!H 'E = n T ' E ( * &e!H 'E =,$2.%E7% )mol )mol ( 2.2, = ,.$2%/ )mol &e!H / hr hr )mol

n H!Ac ' E= nT ' E ( * H!Ac ' E = ,$2.%E7%

)mol )mol ( 2.2, = ,.$2%/ )mol H!Ac / hr hr )mol )mol )mol ( 2.2, = ,.$2%/ )mol H $ ! / hr hr )mol

n &e!Ac ' E= n T ' E ( * &e!Ac ' E= ,$2.%E7%

n H ! ' E = nT ' E ( * H


= ,$2.%E7%

)mol )mol ( 2.*/ =,,E.*%,5 )mol H $ ! / hr hr )mol

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Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Project 2013

Point -* 9eboil 9atio G $B/ Re+oil Ratio= n T '5 = Assume * &e!H ' 5 = 2.32 ) mol &e!H / )mol
* H!Ac ' 5= 2.32 )mol H!Ac / )mol

amount of su+stance +eing re+oiled amount of su+stance +eing withdrawn as ,roduct

nT 'E ,$2.%E7% )mol / hr ( $= ( $ = 35.557, )mol / hr / /

* &e!Ac '5 = 2.$% )mol &e!Ac / )mol *H



=2.,% )mol H $ ! / )mol

+herefore, n &e!H ' 5= n T ' 5 ( * &e!H ' 5 =35.557, )mol )mol ( 2.32 = ,2.3355 )mol &e!H / hr hr )mol

n H!Ac ' 5 = n T ' 5 ( * H!Ac ' 5 = 35.557,

)mol )m ol ( 2.32 =,2.3355 )mol H!Ac / hr hr )mol )mol )mol ( 2.$% = 7.E,$2 )mol H $ ! / hr hr )mol

n &e!Ac ' 5= n T '5 ( * &e!Ac ' 5= 35.557,

n H ! '5 = n T '5( *H


= 35.557,

)mol )mol ( 2.,% = %.,E/$ )mol H $ ! / hr hr )mol

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Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Project 2013

Point .* n T ' %= n T '5 + n T 'E 35.557, )mol )mol + ,$2.%E7% hr hr )mol hr

*2.E/7* Assume

* &e!H ' %= 2.2% ) mol &e!H / )mol

* H!Ac ' %= 2.2% )mol H!Ac / )mol

* &e!Ac ' %= 2.,% )mol &e!Ac / )mol



= 2./% )mol H $ ! / )mol

+herefore, n &e!H '% = nT '% ( * &e!H ' %= *2.E/7* )mol )mol ( 2.2% = 5.%33* )mol &e!H / hr hr )mol

n H!Ac ' %= n T ' % ( * H!Ac ' %= *2.E/7*

)mol )mol ( 2.2% = 5.%33* )mol H!Ac / hr hr )mol )mol )mol ( 2.,% = ,3.E2,7 ) mol H $ ! / hr hr )mol

n &e!Ac ' %= n T ' % ( * &e!Ac ' % =*2.E/7*

n H ! ' % = nT ' % ( * H

! '%

= *2.E/7*

)mol )mol ( 2./% = E7.22*$ )mol H $ ! / hr hr )mol

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Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Project 2013

Ene"/! )a ance

MeOH 100 kmol/hr liquid, 1 atm, 35 C HOAc 100 kmol/hr liquid, 1 atm, 35 C "! )315 kmol/hr, /l0, #5 C 0 "!)3 kmol MeOH/hr 0 "!)3 kmol HOAc/hr "" 0)*& kmol MeOAc/hr 0 "!)3 kmol H

O/hr 1#0 5" kmol/hr, /l0, 50 C 1 #05" kmol MeOH/hr 1 #05" kmol HOAc/hr 1 #05" kmol MeOAc/hr 11& !51) kmol H

O/hr . = /0 +/ E )+ E , o1erall = / H = n i i H i ni H

in et n i ( )mol / hr ) MeOH HOAc MeOAc H$O ,22 ,22 6 6

H i ( )2 / mol ) 2 2 6 6

o0t et n i ( )mol / hr ) 2./*53 2./*53 //.257E 2./*53

H i ( )2 / mol )


H5 ,/ - . a e

Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Project 2013

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Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Project 2013

Assume Re1e"ence State 2 CH#OH3 CH#COOH3 CH#COOCH# * , atm, 3%0C H$O * + at43 $.5C H , BCH OH , , atm, 3%0C 3 3l4 CH3OH3l4, , atm, $%0C
$% 3 C

H ,=
$%3 C

3% 3 C

c , dT

3% 3 C

/%.7E ( ,23 + ,E.73 ( ,2% T dT

2.72*2* )2 / mo l

H $ BCH COOH , , atm, 3%0C 3 3l4 CH3COOH 3l4, , atm, $%0C

$% 3 C

H $=
$%3 C

3% 3 C

c , dT

3% 3 C

2.52$ ( ,2% + ,.3E ( ,2% T +,.$E$ ( ,23 T $ dT

,,.5E/$ )2 / mol

H 3 BCH COOCH , , atm, 3%0C 3 33l4

$% 3 C

CH3COOCH3 3l4, , atm, $%0C

$%3 C

H 3=

3% 3 C

c , dT

3% 3 C

2.%%% ( ,2% + ,./7$ ( ,2% T +,.$E ( ,2% T $ dT

2.,,*7%,% )2 / mol

,* - . a e

Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Project 2013

H 5 BH O , , atm, 3%0C $ 3l4 H$O 3l4, , atm, $%0C 'y usin +able '.%, 5 at reference state = 2 )2 / mol H +herefore, o1erall = / H = n i i H i ni H


)mol )2 )mol )2 )mol )2 2.72*2* + 2./*53 ,,.5E/$ + 2./*53 2.,,*7%,% + 2./* hr mol hr mol hr mol








)2 )mol ,222 mol , hr , ). ( ( ( ( =%.$/3 ). mol hr , )mol 3E22 s , )2 / s

$2 - . a e

Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Project 2013

. = /0 +/ E )+ E , o1erall = / H = n i i H i ni H

in et n i ( )mol / hr ) MeOH HOAc MeOAc H$O ,22 ,22 6 6

H i ( )2 / mol ) 2 2 6 6

o0t et n i ( )mol / hr ) ,.$2%/ ,.$2%/ ,.$2%/ ,,E.*%,5

H i ( )2 / mol )



Assume Re1e"ence State


CH#OH3 CH#COOH3 CH#COOCH# * , atm, 3%0C H$O * + at43 $.5C

BCH3OH3l4, , atm, 3%0C CH3OH3l4, , atm, %20C

%2 3 C

H ,=
%2 3 C

3% 3 C

c , dT

3% 3 C

/%.7E ( ,23 + ,E.73 ( ,2% T dT

,.$5%,* ) 2 / mol

BCH3COOH3l4, , atm, 3%0C CH3COOH 3l4, , atm, %20C

%2 3 C

H $=
$%3 C

3% 3 C

c , dT

3% 3 C

2.52$ ( ,2% + ,.3E ( ,2% T +,.$E$ ( ,23 T $ dT

35.%%%* )2 / mol

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Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Project 2013

H 3 BCH COOCH , , atm, 3%0C 3 33l4
$% 3 C

CH3COOCH3 3l4, , atm, $%0C

%2 3 C

H 3=

3% 3 C

c , dT

3% 3 C

2.%%% ( ,2% +,./7$ ( ,2% T +,.$E ( ,2% T $ dT

2.3%E3 )2 / mol

H 5 BH O , , atm, 3%0C $ 3l4 H$O 3l4, , atm, %20C 'y usin +able '.%, 5 at %2 3 C =2.75EE/ )2 / mol H +herefore, o1erall = / H = n i i H i ni H


)mol )2 )mol ,.$5%,* + ,.$2%/ hr mol hr



)2 )2 )mo 2.3%E3 +( ,,E.*%,5 )( 35.%%%* mol )+( ,.$2%/ )mol )( ) hr mol hr


)2 )mol ,222 mol , hr , ). ( ( ( ( = 3*.E,%, ). mol hr , )mol 3E22 s , )2 / s

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Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Project 2013

CONCLUSION Methyl acetate is a carboxylate ester with the formula CH3COOCH3 and is the "roduct of a reacti#e distillation of acetic acid and methanol which is one of the "rocesses in "roducin methyl acetate.'ased on our research,we assume that the reference state is CH3OH, CH3COOH, CH3COOCH3 B , atm, 3%0C H$O B , atm, $%0C +he o#erall heat of reaction of the com"ound is 3*.E,%, kC .

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