Bishop - Lighting The Creative Fire

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Lighting The Creative Fire

Bishops Guide to Spontaneously Creating Your Own Panty Soaking, Pulse Pounding Poems Patterns, Narratives and Stories To Make You A Speed Seduction Master

The key, in my opinion, to truly wonderful seductive poems, stories, and patterns, is imagination. When I sit down to write a poem, pattern, or story, I make sure its worded in such a way, that you can't help but visualize the reality. I havent had any special training, nor have I taken any writing classes. What I HAVE done, is developed a way to super-charge my imagination, so I write the most creative, the most visually stimulating, the most emotion stirring poems, patterns, and stories, that I possibly can. And if you stay with me on our brief journey, Im confident that youll find yourself writing magic in no time! All I ask, are two things: 1) 2) DO EACH EXERCISE IN THE ORDER THAT I HAVE THEM. I specifically designed them so that each exercise builds on the previous one. Youll get a much more powerful result this way, I assure you. PRACTICE! Work at your own pace, but try to do at least one exercise a day. If you just can not find the time to practice daily, at least commit to doing them every other day. Do an exercise or two one day, and the next day do a different exercise or three. Just dont let too much time elapse between practices, or else it might weaken your results.

Are you ready? Then lets go have some fun!

Creativity Exercise # 1 Step outside your home, or look outside your window, RIGHT NOW, and write down the FIRST three things that you see. It might seem silly, and you may not want to do it, but if you want to be able to come up with stuff in an instant, GO, DO IT NOW! I'll wait. .. .. Okay, now did you write them down? They can be ANYTHING. A nickel on the sidewalk, a brick, a blob of bird shit, ANYTHING! Once you have them written down, I want you to take the first one, and describe it as if you were trying to explain it to a blind man. BUT, no matter what it is, I want you to describe it like it were something the blind man could relate to. If it's a shiny nickel on the ground, describe it like, "It has a shine that is so beautiful, it reminds me of the feeling I get when I feel the sun on my face." Or, ""It's such a smooth nickel, that it reminds me of a little piece of satin." Now, take the second item, and animate it, if it's not already a living thing. Make it laugh and sing, and dance, and fart, the whole nine yards! Give it a voice, a really cool voice, like Barry White. Once you've given it a voice, have it tell you IN DETAIL what it does in a normal day. If this item were actually alive, what might its day be like? Let's say it's a brick, for example. It might say, "I wake up at 8, and I take the little brickettes to school. Then I go to work as part of the fiftieth step of the local library. During my workday I get stept on alot, and smothered by a bunch of asses, but, hey, at least I get to stay outside where the sun shines on me! Then around noon, I leave for my other job as part of the north wall of some shithouse. Boy, that job really stinks! So then around 3, I go pick up the brickettes from school and take them home. I usually fix them some nice mortar for dinner, it's there favorite! And well, since bricks don't have television sets, we get comfortable as part of your back porch, and call it a night." Okay, so you have one item that you're describing in terms a blind man can understand, and another item you've animated and given human characteristics. Now, take the third item, and pretend that you were able to go back in time, to when this item was first created, and describe the steps to yourself, from the very beginning, to when you found it. Since I said the third item was bird shit, I'll go with that one (I love a challenge!) The bird shit started out as a combination of bread crust, and moldy french fries. The bread crust sat in the bird's stomach, getting ready to be digested, when the moldy french fry joined it. Now, what started out as one lonely piece of bread crust, was combined with a french fry, to create a new kind of bird shit! The bird was sitting on a telephone wire, when out of his ass shot the bread/fry concoction. And it landed on the hot sidewalk, where it finally dried out. QUICK REFERENCE Find any three items Describe first item as if you were talking to a blind man Take the second item and give it human characteristics and functions Take third item and explain how it was created and ultimately became the item you see right now. TRUST ME! Do this for just 10 days, EVERY DAY, with three NEW things each day, and you'll find your creative and imaginative juices flowing VERY well!

Creativity Exercise # 2 This one you can do whenever youre out having something to eat, or kicking back at your favorite coffee hang-out. Look for a man and woman sitting together (Or two gay men, or two lesbians, if you want) Next, I want you to imagine how they met. Then imagine how they became friends, or lovers. And then imagine the events that caused them to be at this location at this time. Now, the FIRST time you do this, I want you to make it as silly, and funny, and wild as possible. BUT, make it very detailed! And whenever the SECOND time is that you do this exercise, I want you to make it as serious and as romantic as possible. And again, make it very detailed. Finally, whenever you do this exercise for the THIRD time, I want you to mix silliness, with seriousness. Once again making it very detailed. Once youve done all of this, I leave it up to you to decide when to make it serious, when to be silly, and when to mix them. Just make sure you do all three before you go back to Okay, since I am an advocate of giving examples, here are three demonstrations of what I am talking about here. #1 SILLY: Bob and Carol first met when Bob was walking in the park and stepped in some dog shit. Carol, ever the helpful one, offered him a moist towelettewell, actually, TEN moist towelettes..there was a lot of shit on his shoes. They got to talking, and discovered that they were both fans of auto-erotic asphyxiation. After sharing their thoughts on the best materiel to use for making butt-plugs, Bob asked Carol out on a date. She accepted, with the condition that she get to bring her pet gerbils along, and that before the night was through that Bob would take one up the ass. This was fine with Bob, who was actually quite fond of hairy creatures scurrying around up his ass. Their first date consisted of taking a drive out to the country and fisting some cows. Carol, who was quite creative, managed to get one cow to give her a golden shower. This made Carol very horny, and she asked Bob to finger her while she gave head to a goat. The night of course was not complete until Bob put a gerbil up his ass. Unfortunately, the damn varmit bit Bobs left testicle, causing it to swell up and get infected. Carol drove Bob to the Hospital, but wouldnt take him inside unless he promised to take a dump on her on their next date. Bob was more than happy to do so! The doctors had to remove Bobs left nut due to infection, so he would be in pain for a few weeks. But after he healed, he and Carol went out on their second date, and as promised, Bob pinched a loaf right on Carol. They made passionate, one nut, love that night, and Carol has such intense orgasms, she shit herself. That night Carol proposed to Bob, and he accepted. Bob and Carols rehearsal dinner is tonight, and so they came to this coffee shop to finalize the guest list. # 2- SERIOUS Bob and Carols first meeting, was the stuff of fairy tales. You see, Bob had been enjoying dinner alone at his favorite Chinese restaurant. When Carol walked into the restaurant with her friends, Bob swore the heavens parted and he heard the song of angels. He had never known such beauty in any single woman. Lacking the courage to approach her outright, Bob paid a waiter $20 to let him borrow his uniform for 10 minutes. Bob, dressed as a waiter, walked up to Carols table, and complimented her bracelet. The moment her eyes met his, timestopped. She was swimming in his blue eyes, and he was soaking in the glow of her face. Neither spoke a single word, yet they knew they were right for each other. Bob broke the silence by admitting he was not really a waiter, but that he knew he had to meet her somehow and this was what he came up with.

Carol thought that was so sweet, and her girlfriends nearly wept in happiness for her. And while there was no music playing, Bob pulled Carol from her seat, and waltzed with her just the same. He introduced himself, and she did the same. They have not been apart since. Bob and Carol are planning a trip to Catalina Island today, and stopped off in this coffee shop to get their dose of caffeine, and plan their day on the Island. # 3- MIX Bob and Carol first met in a very odd way. You see, Bob has just bought some rollerblades and was trying to learn how to actually use them without looking like a complete moron. He was rolling along the sidewalk near the beach, so far so good. Then Bob got spooked by a barking dog, which startled him so much, he farted! The blast was so intense, it sent Bob tearing down the sidewalk. Unfortunately, Bob didnt know how to brake well on these things, so he was in a panic as he sped towards an intersection. Suddenly, from out of a liquor store came Carol, who didnt see Bob coming at her at 55 miles an hour. SLAM! Bob ran right into Carol, knocking the bottle of Jack Daniels from her hand and sending it flying. As Bobs ass hit the sidewalk, so too did the bottle of whiskey. Which was funny timing. Seeing her Jack Daniels being lapped up by some alcoholic dogs in the neighborhood, Carol became furious! She beat the shit out of Bob, and managed to actually shove one of the rollerblades up his ass. The sight of seeing this dorky, clumsy, guy, with a rollerblade up his ass, made Carol laugh hysterically. She laughed so hard, she pissed herself! Bob said, through broken teeth, how sorry he was and that he would buy Carol another bottle of whiskey. Not being able to understand him very well, she heard whiskey and thought he called her a wussy Carol put the other rollerbalde up Bobs ass. Passerbys, seeing Bob in his odd new position, thought he was doing performance art, and gave him a dollar. Both Bob and Carol started laughing hysterically. Her rage now passed, she introduced herself. Bob and Carol got to talking, and discovered that they both went to the same gynecologist. (It turns out Bobs a Hermaphrodite..he has male AND female genitals) Carol apologized for shoving BOTH rollerbaldes up Bobs ass, and offered to make him dinner. Bob accepted. Unfortunately, what Bob doesnt know, is that Carol is a cannibal and literally meant she was going to make HIM dinner. Carol brought Bob to this coffee shop to get him loaded up on ginseng tea. Apparently it makes the meat sweeter. So there you have it! Three examples of how you should want to create your stories. Keep in mind that you shouldnt focus on my exact words and duplicate them. Just notice the level of detail, and the level of seriousness/silliness. Im confident that given practice, youll write some pretty creative stuff! QUICK REFERENCE Notice a couple Create a story on how they met, how they got involved with each other, and what events lead to them being in this same place that you are at. Make the first time a silly story, the second time a serious story, and the third time a mix of silly and serious. After that, create them as silly and/or serious as you prefer

Creativity Exercise # 3 Okay, now were going to get into some really kick ass fun stuff! Youve hopefully already done Creativity Exercises # 1 & 2, because it will help make this exercise a more creative and fun process. Here are some colors I want you to think about: Blue, Red, Green, Purple, White, Yellow, Black, Orange, Brown, and Pink. Now, if your favorite color is among these, chose it first. If not, chose whatever your favorite color is, and save these other colors for later. Okay, now that you have your favorite color, I want you to picture all the things that are that same color. It can be stuff in your house, things outside, things in a store, in a park, at the beach, ANYWHERE! Take about 15 minutes and actually write down all the things that come to mind that are that same color. Heres some space to write in if you need it:

Okay, you should have a nice list of stuff that are in your favorite color. Next, I want you to come up with 5 things that are NOT in your favorite color. For example: If your favorite color is Purple, something thats NOT in your favorite color is your front lawn (lets hope thats the case anyway) Because your mind is not used to working like this, it may take you a little bit of time to come up with 5. Dont get frustrated, it just takes time. If you just cant seem to get more than 3 or 4, thats fine. Just get as close to 5 as possible. Here is some more space to write in if you need it: 1. _______________________________________ 2. _______________________________________ 3. _______________________________________ 4. _______________________________________ 5. _______________________________________ Still with me? Great! Now I want you to take any of the other colors I mentioned above, and go through the same process. Think of all the things that are that color, write them down, then write down 5 things that are NOT in that color. Do this until you have done all the colors mentioned. You might find it interesting how in a week or so, youll be doing this exercise, and coming up with things that you didnt think of the first or second time. So have fun with this, and Ill see you on the next page!

Creativity Exercise # 4 Now were going to do some free association. What that means, in case youre unfamiliar, is youre going to write for 5 minutes without stopping to think about what youre going to write next. Ill tell you in advance that if this is your first time doing free association, its going to feel really odd, and youre going to want to stop and think about what to write next. Whatever you do though, DO NOT STOP until the 5 minutes are up! Reason being, youre in the process of conditioning your unconscious to create things on the spot. It will not happen if you continue to have the habit of sitting there thinking of what you will write next. The unconscious has no concept of time, so it can create something in an hour, or in an instant. The only reason it seems to take awhile, is because youre forcing the concept of time onto your unconscious. So what this exercise will do, through practice, is train your unconscious to create on the spot. Before we get started though, there are a few things that are very important to do first. They are: 1.) Turn off the ringer on your phone, shut off your pager, and close all your windows and doors. You are to have NO interruptions or distraction during this exercise. 2.) Relax your mind. Sit at whatever table or desk you will be writing at (having the paper and pen/pencil right there in front of you), and close your eyes. Breathe in through your nose for 8 to 10 seconds, imagining the air filling your lungs from the bottomup to the top. Then exhale slowly for an 8 to 10 count, and imagine the air leaving your lungs from the topon down. Do this 10 times. Once youve done this, open your eyes and let out a looooong low moan of enjoyment. Make it low enough that you can feel the vibration in your throat. Once thats completed, its time to begin! Sitting thererelaxed.and openI want you to pick up your pen/pencil and write for 5 NON-STOP minutes on the topic Im about to give you. If you have some soft music playing in the background, this might help the process. DO NOT READ AHEAD! If you read ahead and see what the topic is, youll defeat the whole purpose of the exercise and you might as well forget doing it then. The purpose of this exercise is NOT to have you write an essay, nor is it to have you create a story. The purpose of this exercise is to get you in the habit of RAPID THINKING! It doesnt matter what you write, or if the end result doesnt make sense. In time, not only will it make sense, but it will also be inspiring! The faster you can train your mind to work, the easier you will be able to create! WRITE! Dont wonder how to begin it, JUST WRITE! Dont worry if your writing is making any sense, JUST WRITE! Let your writing trail off into other areas if thats what ends up happening but make sure you JUST WRITE for the next 5 minutes! Dont think, JUST WRITE! Are you ready now? Do you have something to write with in your hand? Do you have a blank piece of paper in front of you? Okay, take the next 5 minutes to free associate on the following subject: What is ONE thing youd really like to have, and why do you want it? WRITE! Ill see you in 5 minutes! Okay, STOP! Take a minute to look over what you wrote. (Again, if some of what you wrote doesnt make sense, dont worry about it.) Now that youve looked it over, and the hardest part is over, you get to have some fun with what you wrote.

Give yourself about 10 to 20 minutes, and make whatever changes you want to, so that anyone who happened to read it could get a very clear image, or set of images, of what it is you wrote about. See you when you get done! .. .. Since you obviously cant write about this same subject for about a month or three, I have alternative subjects for you to use for this exercise. They are: 1.) Page 12 or 13 of the first magazine you grab after reading this. Get an idea of what the subject/topic/product is, then put it down and free associate write your thoughts on it for 5 COMPLETE MINUTES! (Your thoughts being any feelings you have toward it, good or bad, and why you feel that way) 2.) Turn on the television or radio, and use the first topic/subject/commercial that catches your attention. Then turn it off and start doing free associate writing your thoughts on it for 5 COMPLETE MINUTES! (Again, your thoughts being any feelings you have toward it, good or bad, and why you feel that way) I am telling you, this is likely going to be one of the most powerful exercises you do in here. Your speed in being able to spin patterns and stories, will be AMAZING! But dont take MY word for it, youll see for yourself after doing this exercise a couple times a week, for about three weeks. Your mind will begin to rapidly develop stuff without you having to be fully aware of what youre writing.

QUICK REFERENCE Find a subject Write about that subject for 5 minutes NON-STOP Review it, and make whatever changes you need to so anyone who would read it could easily visualize what you wrote about.

Creativity Exercise # 5 I think youll be able to have fun with this exercise, because were going to totally TRASH those fairy tales and cartoons you remember as a kid. Remember that coyote that always sent away for those gadgets he used to order, to catch the roadrunner? Did you ever wonder why he didnt just say, Screw this, Im saving my money and buying a steak!? Well, now you get to do that and much more. But before you start going crazy, you need a structure First, decide if you want to alter a cartoon first, or a fairy tale. Choose one now, and do the other one afterwards. When youve decided, read on. You can write your story out on paper, or write it out in your computer. Either one is fine for this particular exercise. Write whatever you want, about whatever cartoon or fairy tale you want, just make sure to have these elements in the story: 1.) Make the story so outrageous, that it would have been banned from children seeing/reading it. 2.) Keep the same basic plot (Yogi stealing picnic baskets, Three little pigs building their houses, etc.) but give it a wild twist and make sure its funny. 3.) Be as creative as possible. Give characters accents. Make goofy characters sophisticated. Whatever you can think of! 4.) Create an entire story. It doesnt have to be really long, but it must have plenty of details. Here is an example story, to help get your mind stimulated. Your story doesnt have to be as pornographic as this, just write it so it makes you laugh. EXAMPLE: Bugs is reading a copy of Playbunny in his rabbit hole, when he hears Elmer knocking on his door, Bugs old boy, are you home? I have orchestra seats for the opera and I thought it would be absolutely splendid if you joined me. Bugs, with his thick Scottish accent replied, Stick em up yer arse, ye bastard! Ye break up with me and run away with Daffy, so why ye come back looking te be butt pals again? Elmer replied, Dont be silly, I was not the one who left first. You carried on a rather torrid affair with Yosemite Sam long before I had become involved with Daffy. Bugs smiled, What kinna say? That beard of Sams tickled me testicles something splendid. Elmer heard a buzzing sound and asked, My goodness, what is that sound? Bugs moaned, Me 15 speed vibrator. I got te thinking about Sams beard on me nuts, anna got all worked up. Elmer let out a laugh and said, I have the same reaction when I fondly think back to the rim jobs Daffy used to give me. I dare say that tongue of his was why I stayed with him for such a length of time. Bugs let out a loud Oh Jezzis Christ Im about te cum a farkin gallon! And the ground beneath Elmers feet rumbled and shook, as the pressure built higherand higherand higher. Suddenly, the door of Bugs home shot miles into the air, and Bugs cum began to rain down. Elmer looked skyward and opened his mouth, taking in the carrot flavored jizz droplets. Then Bugs door came down BAM! Right on Elmers face. Bugs grabbed a mop and said, Jezzis, that was better n Porky Pig given me a hummer! The End Okay, now take about 15 minutes to write your version of the cartoon/fairy tale you have chosen.

Ill see you when you get done!

Okay, now that youve finished your story, I want you to think about what youll be writing about next. If you just wrote about a cartoon show, now youll be writing about a fairy tale, and vise versa. Follow the same elements I outlined before, only this time find a way to make this new story even more outrageous. Give Pinnocio a machine gun for an arm. Give Cinderella only one leg. Make Speed Racer a hair stylist. Make Yogi Bear the pimp of Boo-Boo. Just go nuts with this one! Take another 15 minutes or so, and Ill see you when you get done! . . . Now that youve done your own version of a cartoon and a fairy tale, let me give you some more stuff to alter for future subjects in this exercise. You can use them, or come up with your own, or do both! Here they are: Alter Alter Alter Alter Alter a a a a a TV show Motion Picture Super Hero real life experience youve had real life experience someone else had

That wraps up this exercise, so Ill see you on the next page!


Creativity Exercise # 6 This is probably the easiest exercise in the group. But it is made all the more easy by being the exercise you do after the other five before it. Ready? Here it is: Open up your refrigerator, and the FIRST thing you see, I want you to write about. Here is how you need to write about it: 1.) Give it all the same characteristics and behaviors as a living person, but still keep it the item it is. (In other words, give it arms and legs, eyes and a mouth, but keep it as ketchup bottle) 2.) Create a story explaining the life of this item, from the time it was first created, to the moment it was put into your fridge. 3.) Give lots of details, so that the reader would easy picture the scenes you were describing. 4.) Make it as funny and outrageous as possible. Okay, now take a good 10 minutes or so and write out your story. Ill see you when youre done! . . Welcome back! Now what I want you to do, is to read your story out loud to yourself (Or to someone else if you feel comfortable) and read it as if you were reading a romantic story. Speak with the same tonality as you would if you were seducing a woman with this story. Do that now! . See, wasnt that easy and fun? Do this exercise at least twice a week and dont limit yourself to just stuff in your fridge. Create stories for stuff in that junk drawer you have, or from things you find under the seat in your car, or behind the sofa, or wherever you can think of. Im confident that if you do this exercise a couple of times a week at least, in a few weeks youll create some things that will not only crack you up, but will be a strong builder of your imaginative and creative self! Now turn the page for my closing thoughts.


Building Your Own Imagination

Okay, youve done all six of the exercises, and should be noticing an improvement in your creativity. But as time goes on, youll become so good at this stuff, youll be the ruler of a powerful Imagine Nation. Now that the foundation has been laid, feel free to do these exercises in any order you want to. I advise daily practice of at least two exercises, but only you can make yourself do that. Do them often, and do them with determination. At the end of a very short road, your hard work will pay off and youll be spinning stories and patterns on the spot with ease. Thanks for hanging in there, and may you have all that you can imagine. Bishop


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