Course Syllabus Abnormal Psychology - Winter 2014
Course Syllabus Abnormal Psychology - Winter 2014
Course Syllabus Abnormal Psychology - Winter 2014
COURSE SYLLABUS Winter 2014 MTWF 12-1:05 Instructor: Amy Kassler E-mail:
Office Hours/Location:
Building 23-211 Office hours M-F 11-12:00 Ronald J. Comer, (2008) Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology, 7th Edition. Worth Publishers, New York. 1 package of small scan trons (sold in the bookstore) and a #2 pencil for taking exams 1 two pocket folder for turning in HW
Required Text:
Required Materials:
Course Description: This is a fascinating Psychology class that will introduce students to the study of abnormal behavior; maladjustment; behavioral problems with psychological or organic causes or origins; and types of therapy. Prerequisite: None.
Course Objectives: At the end of this course you will be able to: 1. Understand the various diagnostic categories used for classification. 2. Identify affects, cognitions and behaviors associated with classifications of disorders, including some specific disorders. 3. Understand how ones perspective of viewing abnormal behavior influences the explanation and treatment of psychopathology. 4. Think critically regarding individual, social and institutional influences on psychopathology. 5. Have the ability to integrate and synthesize knowledge. College wide abilities: 1. Communicate effectively. 2. Think logically and critically.
Requirements: Classroom Activity: Classroom activity will include lecture, group discussion, case study, activities and films designed to enhance the reading material and topic area. Both participation and attendance will be keys to your success in this class. Seminar Sessions: We will break into formal assigned seminar sessions each Friday and discuss an assigned disorder. Each seminar is worth 10 points. Film Labs: We will view nine different documentaries that depict various mental disorders. These films are as important as a lecture or a seminar. Content from these films will appear on your exams and be discussed in seminar. You will be asked to sign in at the start of the film and receive credit for your attendance and written notes. Handwritten notes from each film will be handed in the next day at seminar. You will receive five points for attendance at the film lab and an additional five points for your notes. Notes will be returned to you the following week. These notes will be helpful when studying for your exams and initiating seminar discussion. In addition to note taking you will be asked to form seminar discussion questions. Homework: A homework packet is attached to the syllabus. There are four homework assignments. You can find due dates inside your packet. Each homework assignment is worth 10 points. Late homework will not be accepted.
Grading: Grading for this course is as follows: Classroom participation and Seminar work Film lab participation and notes 3 exams 4 Homework Final paper Total for the class 100 points (10seminars worth 10 points each) 90 points (9 film labs worth 10 points each) 150 points (3 exams worth 50 points each) 40 points (4 assignments worth 10 points each) 50 points 430
Classroom Expectations: You will be on time to class and not pack up until class is clearly over. If you do come to class late please enter quietly and without disruption. If you are more than 10 minutes late please do not enter the classroom. Late entrance is highly disruptive to me and other students. Cell phones will be turned off during class. Please do not text during class time. I do not except electronically submitted homework nor do I e-mail lecture notes from missed classes. Lecture notes can be found on the Canvas website following face to face class time.
Policies: Attendance and participation are important parts of every college course. You will be expected to attend class regularly, participate and complete the assigned reading, projects and exams. Students who do not attend the first 2 days of class will be dropped from the course. In the event that I am unable to attend a class due to extenuating circumstances, a cancellation may not be posted. If I do not arrive 15 minutes after the start of the class hour, you can assume I will not be there. In my absence check Canvas for instructions. Copying on exams, plagiarism and violations of academic honesty are not permitted. All work is to represent own efforts rather than to be copied from another. Cheating will result in an F grade for the assignment or test. Please refer to the college handbook for specific details. Accommodations will be made for any physical, mental or learning disability. Let me know as soon as possible if this applies to you and arrangements will be made. Financial Aid: Students receiving financial aid should ALWAYS check with Financial Aid prior to withdrawing, signing an incomplete contract, changing to an audit, or receiving an F or V grade in a class. V Grades: I do not give V grades. You need to officially withdraw from this class if you cannot complete the quarter. College Wide Abilities: For an AA degree, this course will help prepare you to communicate effectively and think logically and critically.
**Respect for learning is valued highly in this course. Disruptions during class will not be permitted. Students will be asked to leave class if they are disruptive** It is important that you understand this syllabus is a contract between you and I. If you have concerns with any of these issues it is important that you discuss them with me as they arise. By remaining in this class you have agreed to the terms of this syllabus.
Student Requirements and Evaluation: Exams: There will be four multiple choice exams and true/false, compromised of 50 questions each, covering material from both the lecture and the text. Exams will be given at the start of class and you will have 50 minutes to complete them. If you arrive late you will be allowed the remaining class time to complete the exam. If you miss an exam during the quarter you will be given an opportunity to take a makeup exam on the last day of class. If you take all 3 exams you do not need to take the final, unless you would like to take it and drop the lowest exam score. The final exam is cumulative. Seminar Assignments: Each Friday we will hold seminar. You will get into groups and be given certain questions to answer that correlate with a disorder and an accompanying case or film. The purpose of seminar is to develop group discussion and share differing viewpoints. Further instruction will be given as seminar approaches. Film Lab: You will not find specific dates in the syllabi for the film labs. They will be held as they coordinate with the lectures. Film labs are worth 10 points each. Final Paper: This final project is worth 50 points. You will each be assigned a mental health disorder and a correlating film. More information to follow during the first few weeks of class.
Chapter(s) Chapter 1
Feb 3-7
Chapter 7-8
Chapter 9 Chapter 11
Eating Disorders
March 3-7
Chapter 13
March 10-14
Chapter 14
Disorders of Childhood and Adolescence Seminar Friday March 14th Final Paper due March 14th
March 17-19
Chapter 15-16
Disorders of Aging and Cognition Law, Society and the Mental Health Profession Exam 3 Tuesday March 19th
Due Friday March 14th No late papers will be accepted You will each be assigned a psychological disorder to research. Along with the required research you will also be assigned a film to review. The film will allow you to see the disorder in action and analyze how accurately the disorder is portrayed. Requirements: Section 1: Three page informational paper on your disorder using 3-5 scholarly resources. Summarize your disorder; include characteristics, symptoms, treatments etc Use citations in this section. (25 points)
Section 2: A two page review of the movie you viewed and the additional information you learned about the disorder from the film. Be sure to include the following: Short summary of the film How the media portrayed the disorder/stereotyping and prejudice At least one common misperception of the disorder that may be held by the general public The overall implications of labeling individuals living with a psychological disorder Your reactions to the film Additional information about the disorder that you learned from the film (25 points)
Paper should be double spaced, include citations, and have a bibliography attached at the end.
You must use at least 3-5 scholarly resources for your paper. Your bibliography must be in APA format. This does not mean your paper is required to be in APA, just the bibliography.