Ncbts Teachers' Strengths & Needs Assessment: Background
Ncbts Teachers' Strengths & Needs Assessment: Background
Ncbts Teachers' Strengths & Needs Assessment: Background
The Department of Education is presently pursuing a package of policy reforms that seeks to improve the quality of basic education. These policy refo
are expected to create the critical changes necessary to further accelerate, broaden, deepen and sustain the improved education effort already sta This package of policy reforms is referred to as the Basic Education Sector eform !genda "BES !#.
$ne key element in the reform agenda is the establishment of the %ational &ompetency'Based Teacher Standards "%&BTS#. This is a frame(ork
establishes the competency standards for teacher performance so that teachers, learners and stakeholders are able to appreciate the complex s behaviors, attitudes and skills that each teacher must possess in order to carry out a satisfactory performance of their roles and responsibilities
)n response to the need for an instrument that identifies the professional strengths and development needs of the teachers, the %&BTS'Teach in the -isayas#, in coordination (ith the ED+)T!. "Educational Development )mplementing Task .orce#, and 0roup at the national level.
Strengths and %eeds !ssessment "TS%!# (as developed and validated through the !us!)D'funded +ro,ect ST )-E "Strengthening the Basic Educa
%egros $ccidental, Bohol and %orthern Samar, and further validated by the TED+'T/0 "Teacher Education Development +rogram'Technical /or
This tool is part of the %&BTS'TS%! +ackage that includes an %&BTS orientation program and resource materials, structured learning session gu manual for administration, scoring and interpretation, hard copy and e'versions of the tool and the monitoring and evaluation scheme and tools fo implementation of the %&BTS'TS%!.
The Teachers1 Strengths 2 %eeds !ssessment "TS%!#, is seen to be essential in the provision of quality professional development programs tha
aligned to the needs of the programs1 clientele. The TS%! determines the differences bet(een the actual situation "(hat is# and the desired cond
"(hat should be# in terms of teacher1s competencies (ithin the department. )n this %&BTS'TS%! the actual situation is described the cu
competencies as perceived by the teacher. The profile of the teacher1s current competencies is compared to the %&BTS standards for effective teach
This TS%!, therefore, identifies the competency strengths as (ell as the gap bet(een the expected and the current teacher1s competencies in term 3no(ledge, Skills, and !ttitudes "3S!s# that actually define the domains, strands and performance indicators of the %&BTS.
The TS%! involves three essential stages of training needs analysis4 +hase ) "5ob !nalysis for Effective Teaching# is actually done by analy6ing natio
set teacher standards in behavioral terms or by identifying effective teaching competencies. The DepED &entral $ffice and egional $ffices are taske 3S! terms (hich is done by the individual teacher at the school level. +hase ))) "Strength'%eed analysis# is the analysis of the strengths Division level for their respective purposes related to teacher training7development.
do this phase of the TS%! process. +hase )) "Teacher Trainee !nalysis# is the instrumentation to determine the current teacher competency leve
discrepancies bet(een the standards set and the current teachers1 data on their competencies (hich is carried out at the school, cluster, Distri
!n important aspect of the TS%! process is the utili6ation of its results that (ill serve as inputs in the preparation of )ndividual +lan for +rofess
Development +lan ")++D# and in designing programs and activities for teachers at the school, division and regional levels. The consolidated TS%!s a school, division and regional level inform the school improvement plan "S)+#, Division Development +lan "DED+# and the egional Development " ED+#, (ith respect to the plans for professional development at the school, division and the regional levels.
KSA Required and Competency Standards
/hen established, the TS%! system ensures that <teachers routinely use &BTS in making self'assessments of their current practices to identify
individual development needs, and that school heads, division and regional offices also routinely use &BTS in identifying teacher performance factors affect school'(ide learning outcomes= "BES ! +)+, :>>? -ersion "+)+ -.8, p. :8#.
8.A. &urriculum 8.B. +lanning, !ssessing and eporting 8.?. &ommunity 9inkages 8.C. +ersonal 0ro(th and +rofessional Development :. &onsolidate the TS%! results at the school, cluster, and division levels.
Expected Outputs Based on the purpose stated above, the TS%! is expected to yield the follo(ing specific outputs4 A.
At the !d " du#$ $e"e$% !n )ndividual Teacher Scoring Template that contains TS%! results indicating the strengths and training needs in each of the seven domains and strands. B.At the schoo$ $e"e$% &onsolidated TS%! results that reflect the general strengths and learning needs of the teachers in the school C.At the c$uster/ /d " s o! $e"e$% &onsolidated TS%! results of participating school teachers in a given cluster7division
The TS%! tool is anchored on the %&BTS .rame(ork set by the Department of Education. This contains seven integrated domains for effective teac (hich are4 Domain 8HSocial egard for 9earningI Domain :H9earning EnvironmentI Domain ;HDiversity of 9earnersI Domain AH&urriculumI Domai +lanning, !ssessing and eportingI Domain ?H&ommunity 9inkagesI and Domain CH+ersonal 0ro(th and +rofessional Development. Each domain its corresponding strands and each strand has performance indicators. ! total of seven domains, :; strands and E> performance indicators make up %&BTS competency standards set by the DepED.
The domains, strands and performance indicators (ere translated to specific 3no(ledge, Skills, and !ttitudes "3S!s# to compose the TS%! Tool (ith 3S!s in the various clusters as in the specifications belo(4 3S! Specifications of the C D$D!)%S, :; ST !%DS "S#, and E> +E .$ D!%&E )%D)&!T$ S "+#4 Domain 84 Social egard for 9earning................................. Domain :4 9earning Environment........................................ Domain ;4 Diversity of 9earnersGGGGGGGGGGGGGG.. Domain A4 &urriculumGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG Domain B4 +lanning, !ssessing and eporting GGGGGGGG Domain ?4 &ommunity 9inkages Domain C4 +ersonal and +rofessional 0ro(th Tot#$ '''''''''''''''.. Schoo$-B#sed -.p$e.e!t#t o! of the TSNA A. Or e!t#t o! of Schoo$ He#ds o! the NCBTS #!d the TSNA SF: SFB SF8 SFC SFA SF8 SF; S()* +F B +F8C +FE +F:: +F8: +F? +F8> P(+,
The principle of school'based management empo(ers the School Jeads to provide instructional leadership and therefore they must be a(are
the frame(ork of the %&BTS that defines the concept of effective teaching. $ne of the (ays by (hich School Jeads can support the professio
development of the teachers is (hen they have the first'hand information about the training needs of teachers. The %&BTS'TS%! tool intend and its proper administration and results utili6ation.
identify specific training needs of teachers, thus the School Jeads and Schools Supervisors need to be kno(ledgeable of the features of the t
The orientation should therefore, involve clusters of School Jeads (ith their respective %&BTS School &oordinators from 9eader Schools and
District Supervisors (ithin each Division. The designation of the %&BTS school coordinator is upon the discretion of the School Jead taking in consideration the criteria outlined in the $rientation 0uide contained in the %&BTS'TS%! +ackage.
The %&BTS'TS%! package has been designed for kno(ledge building and advocacy on the %&BTS and for the transfer of the technology to
conduct TS%! at the school level. The package provides the participants (ith4 "a# a deeper understanding of the %&BTS frame(ork, the mea proper administration to assist schools in the conduct of TS%!. B. Schoo$s-C$uster TSNA -.p$e.e!t#t o! Schools (ithin the Division are expected to form clusters. Each cluster should designate a 9eader School. 9eader School Jeads and their
of the domains, strands, and performance indicators, and the identification of the 3S!sI "b# familiarity (ith the content of the TS%! tool and its
respective %&BTS &oordinators become the <)mplementers= of the TS%! across the schools (ithin their clusters. School Jeads from (ithin e the role of guiding and monitoring the TS%! system and procedures (ithin the cluster or district.
cluster are convened to go through parallel kno(ledge building and to conduct the TS%! for their o(n teachers. The District Supervisors (ill t
nce of their roles and responsibilities needs of the teachers, the %&BTS'Teachers* egions -), -)) and -))), Divisions of
e#, and
e materials, structured learning session guides, toring and evaluation scheme and tools for the
ual situation "(hat is# and the desired condition the actual situation is described the current to the %&BTS standards for effective teaching. the current teacher1s competencies in terms of
preparation of )ndividual +lan for +rofessional regional levels. The consolidated TS%!s at the
seven integrated domains for effective teaching of 9earnersI Domain AH&urriculumI Domain BH d +rofessional Development. Each domain has nds and E> performance indicators make up the
eadership and therefore they must be a(are of of teachers. The %&BTS'TS%! tool intends to
respondents to understand its importance and thus reflectively respond to the instrument. The Tool in electronic format "Excel# is contained on a compact disk "&
(ith an auto'scoring system. Each teacher may be given an individual &D or may respond to the TS%! tool from a file installed on a common computer. )t takes a
average of one hour to accomplish the instrument. The scores and individual profile of the teacher in the seven domains (ith corresponding strands and performa
indicators are electronically generated instantly upon completion of the instrument. There is no time limit imposed for completing the instrument. Se$f-Ad. ! str#t o! of the TSNA Too$ !. The TS%! esponses The instrument contains clusters of 3S!s specific to a particular performance indicator (ith a common stem4 <!t (hat level do )G= &onsidering that the %&BTS'TS
tool is intended for self'assessment and not for performance ratings, the responses to the items are expressed qualitatively i.e. Jigh "J#, Satisfactory "S#, .air ".#, 9o( "9#. The reference codes presented belo( guide the respondent in registering her7his self'assessment for each 3S!4
-!terpret#t o! Dy level of competence in the 3S! is high. This is my strength, although not a priority training 2 development need. Dy level of competence in the 3S! is satisfactory but ) (ould benefit from further training 2 development Dy level of competence in the 3S! is fair and ) need further training 2 development as a priority. Dy level of competence in the 3S! is lo(. ) urgently need training and development
8. .ill in the Teacher +rofile. Data provided here shall feed into the Juman esource )nformation System of DepEd :. !fter completing the Teacher +rofile, proceed to the Self'!ssessment /orksheet by clicking on the MSelf !ssessmentM tab ;. )n the Self !ssessment (orksheet, click on the appropriate checkbox that corresponds to your ans(er for each 3S! ;.8 !s a checkbox is ticked, the ro( color turns blue indicating that the response7ans(er is accepted ;.: /hen more than one ans(er is provided for one 3S!, the ro( color turns red indicating an erroneous ans(er $nly one ans(er must be provided for each 3S!, hence only one checkbox ticked.
A. Npon successfully completing all items, message M&lick Summary /orksheet to vie( resultsM is displayed. &lick Summary /orksheet to vie( interpretation of assessment results.
Note : !utomatic scoring is not enabled (hen any one of the items in the (orksheet has not been ans(ered and7or t(o
ans(ers (ere provided for one 3S!. )n this case, the message ME attention to red and grey colored ro(s. -!terpret !2 #!d Co!so$ d#t o! of the TSNA Prof $es $ M is displayed. evie( ans(ers giving special
TS%! results may be interpreted using the scale scores or the percentage scores. Npon completion of the %&BTS'TS%! Tool, an obtained score (hethe average of the domain, strand or performance indicator, is interpreted using the appropriate indices in the chart belo(. ! score to be interpreted may either b average of a particular domain, or a strand or a specific performance indicator as the case may be.
R#!2e Scale scores ;.B8'A.>> :'B8';.B> 8.B8':.B> 8.>>'8.B> % Scores EC.B8O ' 8>>O ?:.B8O ' EC.B>O ;C.B8O ' ?:.B>O :B.>>O ' ;C.B>O
3e"e$ of Te#ch !2 Co.pete!ce Expert. -ery competent and can support other teacher*s improvement
Exper e!ced. &ompetent in the 3S! but (ould benefit from further training development De"e$op !2. .airly competent in 3S! and need further training and development Be2 !! !2. 9acking competence in 3S! and require urgent training and development
The electronic version also provides profiles on the categories for 3no(ledge, Skills and !ttitude. 9earning needs and strengths along these dimensions may be inferred from the TS%! results. &onsolidation of TS%! results is done electronically to report on TS%! of a given school, cluster or Division. 4t $ 5#t o! of TSNA Resu$ts for the De"e$op.e!t of -PPDs
The TS%! )ndividual +rofile is used for the development of the teacher1s )++D. The identified learning needs therein are appraised by the teacher (hile taking consideration the priorities set by the school for its future development. )t is important that the teachers develop themselves in order to contribute to(ards addres the most urgent needs and the priorities identified by the school. The )++D is therefore prepared by the teachers to identify their training needs in line (ith their priorities and those of the school. ! separate document has been developed detailing the concepts and procedures related to the preparation of )++Ds.
g the instrument.
!2 Co.pete!ce
t (ould benefit from further training and d need further training and and require urgent training and
praised by the teacher (hile taking into order to contribute to(ards addressing heir training needs in line (ith their o(n the preparation of )++Ds.
Te#cher Prof $e
I. PERSONAL DATA 1. Family Name (Last name) First Name
2. $. Gender Date #% &irt'
+la,e #% &irt' +ILILLA RI-AL
!m"l#yee N#.
+'#ne Fa2
(. 11. S,'##l ID 17($*3
Distri,t 12.
S,'##l /y"e Elementary :
1$. !lem< Se, <
=== === at' at' S,ien,e S,ien,e S,ien,e S,ien,e +ili"in# +ili"in# a>a:ayan a>a:ayan
II. EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT De5ree a;#r G!N. !D. S,'##l mm dd ?RS 3 +ILILLA . 1 In,lusive +eri#d yy * mm dd $ 1 yy (
III. WORK EXPERIENCE (IMPORTANT: Please pu CURRENT p!s" "!# $IRST% +#siti#n /!AC9!R I /!AC9!R (S?&) /!AC9!R (S?&) /!AC9!R /!AC9!R Su:;e,ts /au5't A/91 !NG. SCI!.1FIL.1SI&.1 S!+1!NG.1 FIL1!++ A/91 !NG.1 SCI!.1FIL. CI6ICS !NG.1FIL.1SI&IBA.16AL?!S !D. A/9. SCI!. !NG. $ 3 31$1*1. 11213 GradeA8r S,'##l NIOGAN !L! !N/AR8 SC9OOL 6IRGILIO & !L!ND!S ! . SC9OOL
N#. #% 9#urs 2$ 2$
I ,erti%y t'at t'e statements made :y me in ansCer t# t'e %#re5#in5 Duesti#ns are true1 ,#m"lete and ,#rre,t t# t'e :est #% my >n#Cled5e and :elie%. Date< Si5nature<
iddle Name
NA6ARRO $.*2744
=== +u:li, === === #n#5rade ulti5rade === +rivate === Central === N#n3Central
=== S+!D === General === S"e,ial S,ien,e === !2tensi#n === S+!D === ain
mm * ( ) . .
m dd 1* 2$ 13 1 1
yy 13 12 12 11 (
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Do(a$n )
A) abide by the school policies and proceduresP Indicator 1.1.2 Demonstrates punctuality At what level do I ... K+ . possess a(areness on the implementation of Mtime on taskM in all responsibilitiesP S+ / demonstrate punctuality in accomplishing expected tasks and functionsP A* 0 model the value of punctualityP Indicator 1.1.3 Maintains appropriate appearance At what level do I ... K, 1 kno( decorum i.e. dress code, behavior of teachersP S, )2 practice decorum in all occasionsP A+ )) value decorum expected of teachersP Indicator 1.1.4 Is careful about the effect of one s behavior on students At what level do I ... KSS. A, )* )+ ), )understand the theoretical concepts and principles of social learningP sho( appropriate behavior even during unguarded momentsP apply kno(ledge on social learning in dealing (ith studentsP consider the influence my behavior has on studentsP
S*rand )-. D%(on#*ra*%# *&a* !%arn$ng $# o, d$,,%r%n* k$nd# and ,ro( d$,,%r%n* #ourc%#
Indicator 1.2.1 Ma!es use of various learnin" e#periences and resources At what level do I ... K. ). kno( a range of sources through (hich social learning may be experiencedP S/ A)/ )0 use information from a variety of sources for learning "e.g. family, church, other sectors of the community#P appreciate that students learn through a range of different social experiencesP
Do(a$n .
A/ *, uphold gender sensitivity in my dealings (ith learners and othersP Indicator 2.1.3 *eco"ni+es that every learner has stren"ths At what level do I ... K1 *understand the psychological foundations of learner*s gro(th and development K)2 S)2 A0 *. */ *0 kno(s about potentialities and uniqueness of individual learnersP provide learning activities that allo( all learners to reach their full potentialP recogni6e leraner*s individual potentials and strengthsP
S*rand .-. Mak%# *&% c!a##roo( %n+$ron(%n* #a,% and conduc$+% *o !%arn$ng
Indicator 2.2.1 Maintains a safe and orderly classroom free from distractions At what level do I ... K)) *1 kno( the principles of classroom management, room structuring and safety measuresP S)) +2 maintain a safe, clean and orderly classroom free from distractionsP A1 +) sho( concern for a safe and conducive learning environmentP Indicator 2.2.2 Arran"es challen"in" activities in a "iven physical environment At what level do I ... K)* S)* +* ++ kno( various challenging activities that can be adapted in any given physical environmentP conduct challenging learning activities despite physical environment constraintsP
A)2 +, sho( enthusiasm to conduct learning activities in any given situationP Indicator 2.2.3 ,ses individual and cooperative learnin" activities to improve capacities of learners for hi"her learnin" At what level do I ... K)+ +understand the importance and dynamics of both individual and cooperative learningP K), +. kno( varied strategies for individual and cooperative learningP
S)+ A))
+/ +0
balance the use of individual and cooperative learning activitiesP see the value in creating individual and cooperative learning activitiesP
S)+ ,) ask questions that stimulate critical and creative thinking among learnersP A)) ,* sho( an accepting response7gesture in dealing (ith questions of learnersP Indicator 2.3.2 (rovides learners with a variety of learnin" e#perience At what level do I ... K). ,+ kno( various strategies that elevate students* level of learningP S). ,, provide learners (ith variety of experiences that enhance learningP A)+ ,(illingly provide learners (ith a variety of challenging learning activitiesP Indicator 2.3.3 (rovides varied enrichment activities to nurture the desire for further learnin" At what level do I ... K)/ K)0 ,. ,/ understand ho( enrichment activities enhance the learners* desire to learnP kno( (ays of motivating the learners to learn further and more effectivelyP
S)/ ,0 facilitate varied enrichment activities that are interesting for further learningP A), ,1 sho( diligence in making enrichment materialsP Indicator 2.3.4 /ommunicates and maintains hi"h standards of learnin" performance At what level do I ... K)1 S)0 A)-2 -) -* kno( the implications of achieving high standards of learning performance for total human developmentP help learners maintain high standards of learningP inspire learners to set high performance targets for themselvesP
Indicator 2.4.1 0andles behavior problems .uic!ly and with due respect to children s ri"hts At what level do I ... K*2 K*) S)1 S*2 -+ -, --. understand the rights and responsibilities of the child as embodied in different la(s, e.g. ! C?8>, +D ?>;P kno( behavior management techniques for learners (ith behavioral problemsP identify learners (ith behavioral problemsP employ appropriate procedures and actions consistently (hen dealing (ith learners (ith behavioral problemsP
A). -/ sho( a compassion and caring attitude in managing behavior problemsP Indicator 2.4.2 1ives timely feedbac! to reinforce appropriate learners behavior At what level do I ... K** -0 S*) -1 A)/ .2 Indicator 2.4.3 K*, K*.) .* kno( the concept, importance and techniques of social reinforcementP provide timely and appropriate reinforcement on learners* behaviorP believe that positive reinforcement leads to improved learner behaviorP 1uides individual learners re.uirin" development of appropriate social and learnin" behavior At what level do I ... understand the learners* social development stagesP
kno( different strategies that enhance learners* social developmentP S** .+ use varied teaching'learning strategies that make use of social interactionP A)0 ., sho( patience in managing different social and learning activitiesP Indicator 2.4.4 /ommunicates and enforces school policies and procedures for appropriate learner behavior At what level do I ... K*. S*+ A)1 ... ./ kno( DepED7school policies and procedures on student disciplineP communicate and enforce policies and procedures related to students behaviorP commit to enforcing school policies and proceduresP
initiate and create programs "e.g. child'friendly school system# and activities that promote stress'free environmentP A*) /, get involved in advocacy activities that create a stress'free environmentP Indicator 2.2.3 3a!es measures to minimi+e an#iety and fear of the teacher and4or sub5ect At what level do I ... K*1 S*/ //. kno( about child'friendly teaching strategiesP encourage learners to develop a positive attitude to(ards their sub,ect and teacherP
Do(a$n 1
S*rand 1-) D%*%r($n%#6 und%r#*and# and acc%0*# *&% !%arn%r#4 d$+%r#% and %20%r$%nc%
Indicator 3.1.1 6btains information on the learnin" styles& multiple intelli"ences and needs of learners At what level do I ... K+2 S*0 A*+ /0 /1 02 understand the theories and concepts of multiple intelligences and learning stylesP identify learning styles and multiple intelligences of learnersP sho( diligence in obtaining information on different learning needsP
Indicator 3.1.2 Designs or selects learning experiences suited to different kinds of learners At what level do I ... K+) 0) kno( techniques and strategies in designing7selecting activities for varied types of learnersP S*1 0* utili6e varied activities for various types of learnersP A*, 0+ sho( respect and concern for individual differences of studentsP Indicator 3.1.3 Establishes goals that define appropriate expectations for all learners K+* S+2 S+) 0, 00. At what level do I ... understand the requirements in setting goals for differentiated learningP utili6e differentiated activities to meet expected learning goals of learnersP assist learners in setting learning goals for themselvesP appreciate t!e need to consider t!e di&&erences in e3periences and capa4ilities o& learners5
0/ A*Indicator 3.1.4 (aces lessons appropriate to needs and difficulties of learners At what level do I ... pace lessons according to learners* needs and difficultiesP A*. 12 sho( flexibility in pacing lessons to support the needs of the learnersP Indicator 3.1.2 Initiates other learning approaches for learners whose needs have not been et b! usual approaches At what level do I ... have the kno(ledge on teaching principles and strategies for students'at'risk P K++ S+* 00 01 kno( teaching principles and strategies for addressing learners* needs and difficultiesP
keep track of students at riskP S+1+ provide appropriate intervention programs for learners'at'riskP A*/ 1, appreciate the need to help students'at'riskP Indicator 3.1.7 "ecogni#es ulti$cultural background of learners when providing learning opportunities K+S+. A*0 11. 1/ At what level do I ... kno( the cultural background of my students and its implications to my teachingP provide appropriate learning activities to students (ith different cultural backgroundP sho( appreciation for cultural diversitiesP
K+, S+,
1) 1*
Indicator 3.1.8 Adopts strategies to address needs of differentl!$abled students% At what level do I ... K+. 10 kno( the educational psychology of learners (ith special needsP S+/ 11 use appropriate strategies for learners (ith special needsP A*1 )22 sho( sensitivity to learners (ith special needsP Indicator 3.1.9 &akes appropriate ad'ust ents for learners of different socio$econo ic backgrounds K+/ S+0 S+1 A+2 )2) )2* )2+ )2, At what level do I ... understand the effects of socio'economic status on learning performanceP determine the different socio'economic background of trainersP use techniques to motivate learners of the lo(er socio'economic statusP sho( fairness to all learners regardless of their economic statusP
Do(a$n 3
apply the updated content and appropriate strategies in my teachingP A+) )2/ commit to deliver accurate and updated content kno(ledgeP Indicator 4.1.2 Integrates language( literac! and )uantitative skill develop ent and values in his*her sub'ect area At what level do I ... have kno(ledge about multi'disciplinary integrative modes and techniques of teachingP use multi'disciplinary integrative modes and techniques of teaching the sub,ect areaP support the integration of language, literacy, skill development and values in the learning activitiesP
K+0 S,2
Indicator 4.1.3 -#plains learnin" "oals& instructional procedures and content clearly and accurately to students At what level do I ... K,2 ))) possess in'depth understanding of the sub,ect area*s learning goals, instructional procedures and content based on curriculumP
S,* ))* explains learning goals, concepts and processes clearly and accurately to learnersP A++ ))+ give sufficient time to explain the lessons for clear understanding of the learnersP Indicator 4.1.4 +inks the current content with past and duture lessons K,) S,+ )), ))At what level do I ... understand interrelation of topics7content (ithin the sub,ect area taughtP
link the present sub,ect matter content (ith the past and future lessonsP A+, )). value the need to relate prior kno(ledge of learners (ith the present and future lessonsP Indicator 4.1.2 Aligns with lesson ob'ectives the teaching ethods( learning activities and instructional aterials or resources appropriate to learners K,* ))/ At what level do I ... have the kno(ledge in designing lessons (ith congruent ob,ectives, teaching methods, learning activities and materialsP
S,, ))0 teach lessons that have congruency of ob,ectives, procedure, materials and evaluationP A+))1 appreciate the value of aligning ob,ectives (ith all the parts of a lessonP Indicator 4.1.7 ,reates situations that encourage learners to use high order thinking skills K,+ S,)*2 )*) At what level do I ... understand the concept of critical thinking and the facets of understandingP
engage learners in activities that develop higher order thinking skillsP A+. )** patiently motivate learners to develop higher order thinking skillsP Indicator 4.1.8 Engages and sustains learners- interests in the sub'ect b! aking content eaningful and relevant to the K,+ ICT )*+ )*, At what level do I ... kno( strategies and materials that promote authentic learningP
apply various appropriate strategies and7or technology to motivate 2 sustain learningP A+. )*believe in relating classroom learning to real (orld expereincesP Indicator 4.1.9 Integrates relevant scholarl! works and ideas to enrich the lessons as needed K,+ S,)*. )*/ At what level do I ... update myself (ith relevant scholarly (orks and ideas related to my sub,ect areaP integrate scholarly (orks and ideas to enrich the lesson for the learnersP
A+. )*0 sho( enthusiasm and openness to ne( learningP Indicator 4.1.: Integrates content of sub'ect areas with other disciplines At what level do I ... K,+ )*1 kno( about other disciplines related to the sub,ect ) am teachingP S,)+2 integrate content of sub,ect area (ith other disciplinesP A+. )+) appreciate integrative mode of teachingP
S*rand 3-. Co..u! c#tes c$e#r $e#r! !2 2o#$s for the $esso!s th#t #re #ppropr #te for $e#r!ers
Indicator 4.2.1 Sets appropriate learning goals K,+ S,)+* )++ At what level do I ... kno( the learning goals vis'@'vis specific sub,ect content of the level ) am teachingP set doable and appropriate daily learning goals for the learnersP
A+. )+, reflectively choose appropriate learning goalsP Indicator 4.2.2 .nderstand the learning goals At what level do I ... K,+ )+understand the connection of the short'term goals to the long'term goals of learningP S,)+. practice relating short'term goals to long term goals for learningP A+. )+/ value the learning goals set in the curriculumP
A+. ),2 observe discipline on time managementP Indicator 4.3.2 /lans lessons to fit within available instructional ti e At what level do I ... K,+ ),) kno( the principles and techniques of lesson planning considering the allotted instructional time P S,),* design parts of the lesson (ithin available instructional timeP A+. ),+ sho( efficiency in the use of time to effectively attain learning goalsP
S*rand 3-3 Se$ects te#ch !2 .ethods: $e#r! !2 #ct " t es #!d the !struct o!#$ .#ter #$s or resources #ppropr #te to the $e#r!ers #!d #$ 2!ed to o78ect "es of the $esso!
Indicator 4.4.1 3ranslates learnin" competencies to instructional ob5ectives At what level do I ...
K,+ S,-
),, ),-
kno( the learning competencies in my learning areas in order to formulate appropriate instructional ob,ectivesP translate learning competencies into instructional ob,ectivesP
A+. ),. sho( a reflective attitude in translating learning competencies to instructional ob,ectivesP Indicator 4.4.2 Selects& prepares& and utili+es technolo"y and other instructional materials appropriate to the learners $ learnin" ob5ectives At what level do I ... ICT ICT ICT S,),/ ),0 ),1 )-2 kno( various technology and instructional materials appropriate for my learning areaP select and utili6e updated and appropriate technology7instructional materialsP use appropriate technology resources to achieve curriculum standards and ob,ectivesP
prepare adequate and appropriate instructional materials for the learners and the learning ob,ectivesP A+. )-) manifest resourcefulness in preparing instructional materialsP Indicator 4.4.3 (rovides activities and uses materials which fit the learners learnin" styles& "oals and culture At what level do I ... use relevant activities and materials suited to the learning styles, goals and culture of the learnersP A+. )-, believe in the need to provide activities and use materials appropriate to the learnersP Indicator 4.4.4 ,ses a variety of teachin" approaches and techni.ues appropriate to the sub5ect matter and the learners At what level do I ... use variety of teaching strategies and techniques appropriate to the learners and sub,ect matterP A+. )-/ sho( enthusiasm in using innovative and appropriate teaching techniquesP Indicator 4.4.2 ,tili+es information derived from assessment to improve teachin" and learnin" At what level do I ... K,+ S,)-0 )-1 understand the proper utili6ation of assessment results to improve teaching and learningP use assessment results in setting learning ob,ectives and learning activities P K,+ S,)-)-. understand the theories, approaches and strategies in teaching the sub,ect areaP K,+ S,)-* )-+ kno( the principles of instructional material preparation for different types of learnersP
A+. ).2 appreciate the value of assessment in improving teaching and learningP Indicator 4.4.7 (rovides activities and uses materials which involves students in meanin"ful learnin" At what level do I ... K,+ S,A+. ).) ).* ).+ )., kno( various educational theories "e.g. constructivism# and their implications to meaningful leaningP apply relevant teaching approaches to achieve meaningful learningP use improvised and indigenous materials for meaningful learningP appreciate teaching approaches to meaningful learning "e.g., constructivism#P
S*rand 3-5 R%cogn$8%# g%n%ra! !%arn$ng 0roc%##%# a# 7%!! a# un$9u% 0roc%##%# o, $nd$+$dua! !%arn%r#
Indicator 4.2.1 Desi"ns and utili+es teachnin" methods that ta!e into account the learnin" process At what level do I ... K,+ S,A+. ).).. )./ ).0 kno( different teaching approaches and strategies suitable to various learnersP have kno(ledge on general and specific learning processesP apply teaching'learning methodologies that respond to general and specific learning processesP recogni6e the need to design teaching methods apropriate to the learning processP
S*rand 3-; D%(on#*ra*%# #k$!!# $n *&% u#% o, I'T $n *%ac&$ng and !%arn$ng
Indicator 4.8.1 ,tili+es I/3 to enhance teachin" and learnin" At what level do I ... )/+ kno( the nature and operations of )&T systems as they apply to teaching and learningP )/, )/)/. )// )/0 )/1 )02 )0) )0* understand ho( )&T'based instructional materials7learning resources support teaching and learningP understand the process in planning and managing )&T'assisted instructionP design, develop ne( or modify existing digital7and or non'digital learning resourcesP use of )&T resources for planning and designing teaching'learning activitiesP use )&T tools to process assessment and evaluation data and report resultsP demonstrate proficiency in the use of computers to support teaching and learningP use )&T tools and resources to improve efficiency and professional practiceP value and practice social responsibility, ethical and legal use of )&T tools and resourcesP sho( positive attitude to(ards the use of )&T in keeping records of the learnersP
Do(a$n 5
S*rand 5-) D%+%!o0# and u*$!$8%# cr%a*$+% and a00ro0r$a*% $n#*ruc*$ona! 0!an
Indicator 2.1.1 Shows proof of instructional plannin" At what level do I ... K,+ )0+ kno( the elements and process of developing an instructional plan "e.g. daily, (eekly, quarterly, yearly#P
S,A+. A+.
arrrange sequentially the learning units (ith reasonable time allotmentP identify appropriate learning ob,ectives, strategies, and accompanying materials in the planP identify appropriate and varied assessment proceduresP sho( enthusiasm in sourcing materials "e.g. lesson plan packages# as guides for instructional planningP
Indicator 2.1.2 Implements instructional plan At what level do I ... K,+ A+. )00 )01 )12 Indicator 2.1.3 )1) )1* )1+ kno( the factors for successful implementation of the instructional planP ad,ust the instructional plan to ensure attainment of ob,ectivesP appreciate the value of instructional planningP Demonstrates ability to cope with varied teachin" millieu At what level do I ... kno( the different teaching'learning situations that could affect the implementation of the instructional planP cope (ith varied teaching milieu7settingP manifest openness to make necessary ad,ustements to improve the instructional planP
K,+ S,A+.
S*rand 5-. D%+%!o0# and u#%# a +ar$%*" o, a00ro0r$a*% a##%##(%n* #*ra*%g$%# *o (on$*or and %+a!ua*% !%arn$ng
Indicator 2.2.1 (repares formative and summative tests in line with the curriculum At what level do I ... K,+ )1, kno( the principles and purposes of instructional assessment including formative and summative testingP
S,)1construct valid and reliable formative and summative testsP A+. )1. appreciate the value of testing as a tool to improve instruction and learning performanceP Indicator 2.2.2 -mploys non)traditional assessment techni.ues %portfolio&5ournals& rubric& etc.' At what level do I ... use appropriate non'traditional assessment techniquesP A+. )11 value the use of non'traditional assessmentP Indicator 2.2.3 Interprets and uses assessment results to improve teachin" and learnin" At what level do I ... K,+ A+. *22 kno( concepts, principles on interpretation and utili6ation of assessment resultsP *2) interpret and use test results to improve teaching and learningP *2* manifest fairness in the interpretation of test resultsP Indicator 2.2.4 Identifies teachin")learnin" difficulties and possible causes and ta!es appropriate action to address them At what level do I ... *2+ *2, *2*2. kno( the concept and principles of diagnostic testingP kno( the types of remedial lessons for slo( learnersP identify teaching'learning difficulties and possible causesP K,+ S,)1/ )10 kno( the concepts, principles and strategies of non'traditional assessmentP
K,+ S,A+.
manage remediation programsP A+. *2/ manifest (illingness and patience in conducting remediation programsP Indicator 2.2.2 ,ses tools for addressin" authentic learnin" At what level do I ... K,+ S,A+. *20 *21 *)2 kno( the concepts and principles of authentic learning assessmentP utili6e appropriate tools for assessing authentic learningP enthusiastically develop and use tools for assessing authentic learningP
S*rand 5-1 Mon$*or# r%gu!ar!" and 0ro+$d%# ,%%d ack on !%arn%r#4 und%r#*and$ng o, con*%n*
Indicator 2.3.1 (rovides timely and accurate feedbac! to learners to encoura"e them to reflect on and monitor their own learnin" "rowth At what level do I ... K,+ S,A+. *)) *)* *)+ kno( the principles of giving and receiving feedback on learners* progressP use strategies for giving feedback7reporting progress of individual learnerP motivate learners* to reflect and monitor their learning gro(thP
A+. *), consistently provide timely and accurate feedbackP Indicator 2.3.2 ;eeps accurate records of "rades4performance levels of learners At what level do I ... K,+ S,*)*). kno( the current guidelines about the grading systemP maintain accurate and updated learners* recordsP
S*rand 5-3 'o((un$ca*%# 0ro(0*!" and c!%ar!" *o !%arn%r#6 0ar%n*# and #u0%r$or# a ou* 0rogr%## o, !%arn%r#
Indicator 2.4.1 /onducts re"ular meetin"s with learners and parents to respect learners pro"ress At what level do I ... K,+ S,A+. *)/ *)0 *)1 kno( the dynamics of communicating learners* progress to students, parents and other stakeholdersP plan and implement a comprehensive program to report learners* progress to students and parentsP manifest accountability and responsibility in communicating the learners* progress to intended stakeholdersP
Indicator 2.4.2 Involves parents to participate in school activities that promote learnin"
At what level do I ... K,+ S,A+. **2 **) *** understand the role and responsibilities of parents in supporting school programs to enhance children*s learning progressP involve parents to participate in school activities that promote their children*s learning progressP establish rapport and a cooperative (orking relationship (ith parentsP
Do(a$n :
S*rand :-) E#*a !$#&%# !%arn$ng %n+$ron(%n* *&a* r%#0ond *o *&% a#0$ra*$on o, *&% co((un$*"
Indicator 7.1.1 Involves community in sharin" accountability for learners achievement At what level do I ... involve the community in the programs, pro,ects and thrusts of the schoolP A+. **promote shared accountability for the learners* achievementP Indicator 7.1.2 ,ses community resources %human& material' to support learnin" At what level do I ... use available community resources "human, material# to support learningP A+. **0 recogni6e community resources to support learningP Indicator 7.1.3 ,ses community as a laboratory for learnin" At what level do I ... make use of the community as a laboratory for learningP A+. *+) appreciate the (orld as a learning environmentP Indicator 7.1.4 (articipates in community activities that promote learnin" At what level do I ... link (ith sectors for involvement in community (orkP A+. *+, sho( enthusiasm in ,oining community activitiesP Indicator 7.1.2 ,ses community networ!s to publici+e school events and achievements At what level do I ... communicate the school events7achievements through community net(orksP A+. *+/ share information on school events7achievements to the communityP Indicator 7.1.7 -ncoura"es students to apply classroom learnin" to the community At what level do I ... K,+ S,A+. *+0 *+1 *,2 kno( the social realities outside the classroom to make learning relevantP provide learning activities ensuring their application to the communityP sho( sensitivity to the needs of the communityP K,+ S,*+*+. kno( the dynamics of community net(orking and information disseminationP K,+ S,*+* *++ kno( the teacher*s social responsibilityP K,+ S,**1 *+2 kno( strategies for experiential learning outside the classroomP K,+ S,**. **/ kno( the various community resources available to enhance learningP K,+ S,**+ **, kno( the programs, pro,ects, and thrusts of DepEd on school'community partnershipP
Do(a$n ;
S,*,* practice the &ode of Ethics for +rofessional TeachersP A+. *,+ manifest the values that uphold the dignity of teachingP Indicator 8.1.2 Allocates time for personal and professional development throu"h participation in educational seminars and wor!shops readin" educational materials re"ularly and en"a"in" in educational research At what level do I ... K,+ S,A+. *,, *,*,. kno( the requirements7expectations for personal and professional development of teachersP prepare and implement an individual personal and professional development plan ")+D+#P manifest 6eal in undertaking educational research P
Indicator 8.1.3 Manifests personal .ualities li!e enthusiasm& fle#ibility and carin" attitude At what level do I ... kno( the value concepts of enthusiasm, flexibility and caring attitude and strategies to enhance themP engage in self'assessment to enhance my personal qualitiesP A+. *,1 exhibit personal qualities such as enthusiasm, flexibility and caring attitudeP Indicator 8.1.4 Articulates and demonstrates one s personal philosophy of teachin" At what level do I ... K,+ S,A+. *-2 *-) *-* understand the value of having a personal philosophy of teachingP translate my philosophy of teaching into actionP share my personal philosophy of teaching (ith othersP K,+ S,*,/ *,0
S*rand ;-. Bu$!d# 0ro,%##$ona! !$nk# 7$*& co!!%agu%# *o %nr$c& *%ac&$ng 0rac*$c%
Indicator 8.2.1 ;eeps abreast with recent developments in education At what level do I ...
update myself (ith recent developments in educationP apply updated kno(ledge to enrich teaching practiceP A+. *-manifest openness to recent developments in educationP Indicator 8.2.2 <in!s with other institutions and or"ani+ations for sharin" best practices At what level do I ... K,+ S,A+. *-. *-/ *-0 kno( of institutions and organi6ations (ith a goal to improve teaching practiceP link (ith other institutions and organi6ations that are helpful to the teaching professionP get involved in professional organi6ations and other agencies that can improve my teaching practiceP
K,+ S,-
*-+ *-,
S*rand ;-1 R%,!%c*# on *&% %2*%n* o, *&% a**a$n(%n* o, 0ro,%##$ona! d%+%!o0(%n* goa!#
Indicator 8.3.1 *eflects on the .uality of his4her own teachin" At what level do I ... make a self assessment of my teaching competenciesP A+. *.) desire to improve the quality of my teachingP Indicator 8.3.2 Improves teachin" performance based on feedbac! from the mentor& students& peers& superiors and others At what level do I ... actively seek feedback from a range of people to improve my teaching performanceP A+. *., manifest positive attitude to(ards comments7recommendationsP Indicator 8.3.3 Accepts personal accountability to learners achievement and performance At what level do I ... examine myself vis'a'vis my accountability for the learners and to the teaching professionP A+. *./ accept my personal accountability to the learnersP Indicator 8.3.4 ,ses self)evaluation to reco"ni+e and enhance one s stren"th and correct one s wea!nesses At what level do I ... K,+ S,A+. *.0 *.1 */2 kno( the concept and strategies for self'evaluationP identify my strengths and (eaknesses as a person and as a teacherP manifest determination to become a better person and teacherP K,+ S,*.*.. kno( my accountability and responsibilities to(ard students* learning performanceP K,+ S,*.* *.+ kno( the purposes and approaches in establishing an effective feedback systemP K,+ S,*-1 *.2 kno( the techniques and benefits derived from theory'guided introspectionP
Automatic scorin" is enabled only after all items have been accomplished
L 666 666
666 666
L 666 666
+$dua! !%arn%r#
H S F L 666 666 666 666
L 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666
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H 4
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S*rand# C Do(a$n
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R%g$on D$+$#$on
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8 : ; A B ? C E K 8> 8,: 8,:,; 8,:,;,A 8,:,;,A,B 8,:,;,A,B,? :,; :,;,A :,;,A,B :,;,A,B,? ;,A ;,A,B ;,A,B,? A,B A,B,? B,?
Su D%c*
English Science Dath .ilipino Dakabayan
D8 D: D; DA DB D? DC
Social egard for 9earning 9earning Environment Diversity of 9earners &urriculum +lanning, !sessing 2 eporting &ommunity 9inkages +ersonal 0ro(th 2 +rofessional Devt
D8 D: D; DA DB D? DC S8.8 S8.: S:.8 S:.: S:.; S:.A S:.B S;.8 SA.8 SA.: SA.; SA.A SA.B SA.? SA.C SB.8 SB.: SB.; SB.A S?.8 SC.8 SC.: SC.;
Social egard for 9earning 9earning Environment Diversity of 9earners &urriculum +lanning, !sessing 2 eporting &ommunity 9inkages +ersonal 0ro(th 2 +rofessional Devt Teacher actions demonstrate value for learning Demonstrates that learning is of different kinds and from different sources &reates an environment that promotes fairness Dakes the classroom environment safe and conducive to learning &ommunicates higher learning expectations to each learner Establishes and maintains consistent standards of learners* behavior &reates a healthy psychological climate for learning Determines, understands and accepts the learners* diverse background kno(ledge Demonstrates mastery of the sub,ect &ommunicates clear learning goals for the lessons that are appropriate for learners Dake good use of allotted instructional time Selects teaching methods, learning activities and the instructional materials ecogni6es general learning processes as (ell as unique processes of individual learners +romotes purposive study Demonstrates skills in the use of )&T in teaching and learning Develops and utili6es creative and appropriate instructional plan Develops and uses a variety of appropriate assessment strategies to monitor Donitors regularly and provides feedback on learners* understanding &ommunicates promptly and clearly to learners, parents and superiors about Establishes learning environment that respond to the aspiration of the community Takes pride in the nobility of teachers as a profession Builds professional links (ith colleagues to enrich teaching practice eflects on the extent of the attainment of professional development goals
(a2 )8*8+8,