German For Reading Chapter 1
German For Reading Chapter 1
German For Reading Chapter 1
Karl C. Sandberg
John R. Wendel
PRENTICE-HALL, INC., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey
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ISBN: 0-13-354019-7
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 72-2556
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Chapter One
1. Cognates-definition,
2. Nouns-recognition, gender and cognate pat-
terns, 2
3. Nouns-formation of the pluralforms, 5
4. Compound nouns, 9
5. Cognates-partially similar meanings, 11
6. False cognates, 12
Chapter Two
7. Verbs-cognates, 13
8. Verbs-partial andfalse cognates, 14
9. Present tense verb endings,' personal pronouns,
10. Es gibt, es ist, es sind, 24
Chapter Three
11. Word order-basic structure of German sen-
tences, 29
12. Future tense-werden, 33
13. Adjectives-cognates, agreement, comparison,
14. Adverbs, 37
Chapter Four
15. Case of the noun, 43
16. Past tense of weak verbs, 48
17. Past tense ofhaben, sein, and werden, 53
Chapter Five
18. Prepositions-genitive case, 59
19. Prepositions-dative case, 63
20. Prepositions-accusative case, 67
21. Prepositions-dative/accusative, 72
22. Infinitival phrases, 76
Chapter Six
23. Personal pronouns-declension, 84
24. Modal auxiliary verbs-present tense, 89
25. Modals-idiomatic meanings, 93
26. Wissen, kennen, 99
Chapter Seven
27. Comparison of adjectives, 105
28. Comparison of adverbs, 111
29. Adjectives used as nouns, liS
30. Uses of man, 119
Chapter Eight
31. Interrogative and relative pronouns wer and was,
32. The interrogatives wanrt, warum, wie, wo,
welch- and was fUr ein, 128
33. Separable verb prefixes, 131
34. Inseparable verb prefixes----'meanings, 136
Chapter Nine
35. Past tense of strong verbs and werden, 148
36. Past tense of 1110dals and wissen, 160
Chapter Ten
37. Coordinating conjunctions, 168
38. Subordinating cot!Junctions, 175
Chapter Eleven
39. Past tense of irregular weak verbs-conjugation,
40. The genitive case-review, 191
Chapter Twelve
41. Relative pronouns der and welcher-declension
and usage, 202
42. Welcher, we1che, welches as relative pronouns,
43. Wer, was, andwo used as relatives, 215
44. Da- and wo- compounds, 218
Chapter Thirteen
45. Past participles -recognition, 223
46. The present perfect tense-recognition, mean-
ing, and word order, 225
47. The past perfect tense-recognition and mean-
ing, 231
48. Modals-past participle, conjugation in the
present pelfect and past pelfect tenses, 234
Chapter Fourteen
49. Double infinitive construction, 244
50. Refiexiveverbs and pronouns, 248
51. The intensive pronouns se1bst and seIber, 250
52. Special uses of the dative, 252
Chapter Fifteen
53. Der words, 265
54. Der as a demonstrative pronoun, 268
55. Other demonstratives, 274
Chapter Sixteen
56. Possessive adjectives, 283
57. Possessives used as predicate adjectives or as
pronouns, 293
Chapter Seventeen
58. Indefinite pronouns and adjectives, 302
59. Special uses of the genitive, 307
Chapter Eighteen
60. Modified participial constructions, 322
61. Absolute participial constructions, 328
Chapter Nineteen
62. The future tense-conjugation, word order,
modals, 342
63. The future perfect tense-conjugation, word
order, 344
Chapter Twenty
64. Passive voice, 360
65. Use ofmodals in the passive, 364
66. The impersonal passive, 366
67. Constructions translated by an English passive,
68. The apparent passive, 368
Chapter Twenty-One
69. The subjunctive-definition of the subjunctive
mood and the formation of the present tense
form, 382
70. Past subjunctive-theformation of the past tense
form of strong, weak, and irregular verbs, 384
71. The present and past tense forms of the mvdals
and the verbs wissen haben, sein, and werden,
72. The subjunctive-formation of the compound
tenses, 390
Chapter Twenty-Two
73. The Conditional-present time, 406
74. The Conditional-past time, 409
Chapter Twenty-Three
75. Conditional statements with the modals, 422
76. Indirect discourse-definition, meaning, 427
77. Modals in indirect discourse-active and passive
voice, 431
Chapter Twenty-Four
78. Additional uses of the subjunctive, 445
79. Imperative forms, 448
80. The uses of werden, 451
1. Glossary of grammatical terms, 465
2. Pronunciation guide, 469
3. Numerals, 474
4. Exercises in German grammar, 475
Vocabulary, 485
What you should expect to put into the course
The above results are predictable on the basis of classroom testing and depend
on your fulfilling the following conditions:
1. That you spend the 80-120 hours of study time that it has taken other
students to complete the course
2. That you study and review consistently.
3. That you familiarize yourself with the theoretical base of the book and
follow the instructions.
Format of the text
One of the basic assumptions of German for Reading is that among the
10,000-20,000 words that one must be able to recognize in order to read
German easily (estimates differ), the first priority in order of presentation
should go to the function words (those that do not have a meaning in and of
themselves, e.g. WO, where or denn, for) and grammatical signals (e.g. verb
endings) as opposed to the content words (the words that do express a
meaning by themselves, e.g. vergessen, to forget or Pferd, horse). It is the
function words and grammar structures of the language which provide the
framework of context. Accordingly, this text is so organized as to make a
systematic presentation of the patterns and function words of German while
helping you to develop reading skills and to build a basic recognition vocabu-
lary of content words.
Each chapter is thus composed of several sets of grammar explanations
with accompanying exercises and a short reading passage. As you do these
exercises, you will find that they introduce the vocabulary and structures of
the reading passage while also reviewing pertinent material from previous
chapters. Each exercise calls for some kind of response from you and is
programmed through the left-hand column to provide you with an immediate
verification of the accuracy of your response. At the end of each chapter is a
progress test which enables you to determine for yourself how well you have
learned the material.
The advantages of this format are numerous-you spend all of your time in
active reading instead of in the mechanical process of thumbing to the end
vocabulary; you are not dependent on the classroom or professor in order to
establish meaning; you can thus proceed as rapidly as you want to or as
slowly as you need to; and at the same time you are learning to read eminent
German writers in their own words almost at the outset.
How to use the text
1. Begin each section by reading the explanations of the grammar. If the
terminology used is unfamiliar to you, consult the definitions of
grammatical terms in the appendices.
2. Proceed then to do the exercises following each section. They ask for
To the Student
You may find it helpful at the outset to know the biases of the authors. We
gladly admit them: language is the most significant and fascinating of human
phenomena; for the serious scholar it is useful and necessary to read other
languages than his own; for everyone it is interesting and enlightening to see
how another culture expresses its perception of reality through its language;
everyone can learn language; everyone who can learn. his own language can
learn a new language; the princi}">les and techniques of programmed learning
can significantly increase the efficiency and decrease the frustrations of
language study.
We have also assumed that your study time is valuable and that if you have
been introduced to this text it is because sometime you seriously wanted to
learn to read German. We hilVe therefore made use of new approaches and
developments in programmed learning in order to provide you with the most
systematic and direct means possible of doing so. We have likewise assumed
that the students using this type of text are of mature interests, and we have
consequently included passages that will introduce you directly though
briefly to some of the thinkers, scholars, authors and political leaders who
have given German culture its diversity and impact.
German for Reading presupposes no previous acquaintance with German
and can be used with equal effectiveness by graduate students in the arts and
sciences who are preparing to pass a reading knowledge examination, or by
undergraduates who are beginning to deal seriously with the problems of
reading. It may be used before, simultaneously with, or after an aural-oral
introduction to German. Its programmed format permits it to be used either
as a classroom text or by individuals working on their own. In an audio-
lingual course it can be used as a complement to the audio-lingual text; in a
course oriented principally toward reading, it can be used as the primary
text, with the course moving at a proportionately more rapid rate.
What you may expect to get out of the course
When you finish German for Rf!ading you should be able to recognize the
meanings signaled by all the basic grammatical patterns of German, plus the
meanings of about twelve hundred content words. You will also have
developed numerous techniques of reading in a foreign language which will
enable you to learn new vocabulary and derive meanings from context
without depending totally on a dictionary. With some additional work to
build vocabulary in special fields, you will be able to start using German as an
academic tool in research or in course work in some field. You should be able,
for example, to read a German newspaper or journal with fair to good
comprehension or to begin the serious study of German literary texts.
The authors are indebted to many colleagues and students for advice and
helpful criticism in the preparation of this text. Special thanks are due to
Professor Richard Clark of Macalester College for help in conducting a
testing program of a preliminary version, to Professor Otto Sorenson of
Macalester for a critical reading of the manuscript, to Mrs. Barbara Heather
of the University of Arizona for much help and valued assistance in the
preparation of the manuscript, and to students at Macalester and the
University of Arizona who generously shared their responses and offered
suggestions for the revision of the preliminary text.
some kind of response from you, such as supplying the missing words,
choosing the correct alternative, or simply stating the meaning of the
German sentence. Cover the left hand verification column with a card until
you have made the response askedfor.
3. After you have made an active response to the German sentence, slide
your card down on the left-hand column and verify your answer. When
the instructions ask you to translate the German to English, remember
that there are often several ways of translating to achieve the same
meaning. Your version does not need to coincide exactly with the version
in the text so long as the general meaning is the same.
The success or failure of your efforts depends to a large extent on how
well you follow this procedure. If you do not make a real effort to read
the German before looking at the English, you will probably not be able
to read the German passage at the end of the section.
4. Each time you meet a word that you do not recognize immediately,
underline it. After you learn its meaning put a circle around it (but do
not write the English equivalent between the lines). After you have
finished the set of exercises, review the circled words, and associate them
with their context.
5. Then take the progress test and see which points you need to review.
Learn each block of material thoroughly before going on.
6. Study in short blocks oftime. If you were to allot two hours a day to the
study of German, it would be better to divide them into four periods of
thirty minutes each than to spend the two hours consecutively.
7. Review frequently! Before each new chapter, spend five minutes or so
reviewing the words you have circled in the previous chapter.
German for Reading
Chapter One
1. Cognates-definition
2. Nouns-recognition, gender, and
c,ognate patterns
3. Nouns-formation of the pluralforms
4. Compound nouns
5. Cognates-partially similar meanings
6. False Cognates
1. Cognates-definition
1. The task of learning German vocabulary is simplified by true cognates,
i.e., words which have similar spellings and identical or similar meanings.
From common Germanic roots come cognates such as Sommer and summer,
Wolf and wolf. From other common roots come cognates such as Echo and
echo, Sphiire and sphere.
2. The task is sometimes hindered by partial cognates (words which look
alike but have both similar and divergent meanings) and false cognates
(words with similar spellings but no related meanings).
Partial cognates:
Existenz = existence but also subsistence
Fleisch = flesh but also meat or pulp
False cognates:
Rock = coat, skirt
Kind = child
3. A logical first step in learning to read German is to learn how to recog-
nize the true cognates and to become aware of the partial or false cognates.
2. Nouns-recognition, gender, and cognate patterns
1. All nouns in German are capitalized:
Der Mann trinkt ein Glas Bier.
The man drinks a glass of beer.
2. German nouns, unlike English nouns, are one of three genders: mascu-
line, feminine, or neuter. Masculine nouns are often preceded by a form of
der (the) or ein (a or an), feminine nouns by a form of die or eine, and neuter
nouns by a form of das or ein. (The case of these articles will be explained in
chapter 4.)
3. A knowledge of the following consonant relationships which exist
between German and English will help you to recognize or remember
German-English cognates more readily:
f,ff (medial or final)
usually corresponds to p
a ship
die Hilfe
the help
pf (initial, medial, or final) usually corresponds to
der Pfeffer
the pepper
ein Apfel
an apple
der Trumpf
the trump
b (medial or final) usually corresponds to vorf
das Silber
the silver
d usually corresponds to th
die Erde
the earth
ein Bruder
a brother
ch usually corresponds to k
die Milch
the milk
der Monch
the monk
cht usually corresponds to ght
die Macht
the might
ein Licht
a light
usually corresponds to y or i
der Weg
the way
eine Magd
a maid
k usually corresponds to ch or c
der Kiise
the cheese
die Klasse the class
s, ss, B (medial or final) usually 'corresponds to t
eine StraBe a street
das Wasser the water
das Los the lot (fate)
tz, z usually corresponds to
eine Katze a cat
das Salz the salt
t usually corresponds to d
das Wort the word
derTraum the dream
, r
What are the English cognates of the following German words?
1. ein Affe
1. an ape 2. der Pfeffer
2. the pepper 3. ein Pfund
3. a pound 4. die pflaume
4. the plum 5. ein Tropfen
5. a drop 6. del' Dieb
6. the thief 7. die Leber
7. the liver 8. eine Offnung
8. an opening 9. die Pfeife
9. the pipe 10. ein Ding
10. a thing 11. eine Feder
11. a feather 12. der Schmied
12. the.smith 13. die Milch
13. the milk 14. der Storch
14. the stork 15. ein Kuchen
IS. a cake 16. die Leuchte
16. the light 17. die Nacht
17. the night 18. das Recht
18. the right 19. das Leder
19. leather 20. eine Tochter
20. a daughter 21. der Pfennig
21. the penny 32. ein Auge
22. an eye 23. der Nagel
23. the nail 24. eine Kirche
24. a church 2S. das Kinn
2S. the chin 26. ein Kamerad
26. a comrade 27. der SchweiB
27. the sweat 28. der Regen
28. the rain 29. eine Kammer
29. a chamber 30. die Hitze
30. the heat 31. das Zinn
31. tin 32. das Herz
32. the heart 33. der Tag
33. the day 34. das Blut
34. the blood 3S. ein Netz
3S. a net 36. die Zunge
36. the tongue 37. eine TUr
37. a door
(a) the noun endings -e, -er, -n, -en:
Arm the arm die Arme the arms
the child die Kinder the children
der Stllat the state die Staaten the states
die frau
the woman die Frauen the women
the farmer die Bauem the farmers
(b) an umlaut added a medial vowel:
der Vater thrfather die Vater the fathers
die Tochter the daughter die T iichter the daughters
(c) the noun endings and an umlaut:
die Hand the hand die Hande the hands
der FuB thefoot die Fiifie the feet
der Mann -the man die Manner the men
das Buch the book die Biichel' the books
Notice that you l1lJlst look for a combination of die (or various plural markers
to be discussed larer, e.g. diese, these) and one of the above:
das Madchen the girl
die Mutter the mother
die Madchen
die Miitter
the girls
the mothers
Since Madchen carries an umlaut in the singular, the only way to tell the
plural is by the addition of die. Mutter, being feminine, takes die as the
definite article in both the singular and the plural, and the plural is therefore
recognized only by the addition of the umlaut.
2. There are a few words ending in -eJ or -en that add neither an ending nor
an umlaut. The plural of these words is signaled only by the definite article
der Onkel
der Wagen
the uncle
the car
die Onkel
die Wagen
the uncles
the cars
3. A few nouns foreign languages form their plural by adding -s:
r, ,',_",
das Auto die Autos
das Restaur!!nt die Restaurants
4. The ending -(e)!i is usually the sign of the gentive (possessive) case of
masculine and nouns in the singular, which will be explained later.
Give the English cognate of the following German words.
1. eine Pfeife
1. a pipe 2. die Leber
2. the liver 3. das Ding
3. the thing 4. ein Kuchen
4. a cake 5. die Nacht
5. the night 6. ein Auge
6. an eye 7. ein Kamerad
7. a comrade 8. das Kinn
8. the chin 9. die Hitze
9. the heat 10. das Herz
10. the heart 11. del' Tag
11. the day
When you can recognize all the above consonant shifts, go on to the next section.
3. Nouns-formation of the plural forms
1. English usually signals the plural by means of a final -s (table, tables),
a vowel change (man, men), or by a quantity word + -s or a vowel change
(some chairs, some men). German usually signals the plural of nouns by the
use of the definite article die (or a quantity word) plus
15. die Familien: -n
16. die Turen: -en
17. die Radios: -s and die
18. die Cafes: -s and die
19. die Minuten:-n
20. die Satelliten: -en and die
21. die Nachte: -e and umlaut
22. die Schulen: -n
23. die Sofas: -s and die
24. die Lichter: -er and die
25. die Sonnen: -n
Which of the following forms is the plural?
1. die T6chter
16. die TUren
17. die Radios
das Radio
18. das Cafe
die Cafes
19. die Minute
die Minuten
20. der Satellit
die Satelliten
21. die Nacht
die Nachte
22. die Schulen
die Schule
23. die Sofas
das Sofa
24. das Licht
die Lichter
25. die Sonne
die Sonnen
1. die T6chter
die Tochter
2. die Onkel
der Onkel
Which of the following is the plural form? What distinguishes it from the singular?
1. der Garten
die Giirten
1. die Garten: the umlaut and die 2. die Tochter
(gardens) die Tochter
2. die TCkhter: the umlaut 3. der Finger
(daughters) die Finger
3. die Finger: die 4. die Maus
(fingers) die Mause
4. die Mause: -e and umlaut S. der Arm
(mice) die Arme
S. die Arme: -e and die 6. der Full
(arms) die FiWe
6. die Fuj3e: -e, umlaut and die 7. die Haare
(feet) das Baar
. -
7. die Ham'e: -e and die 8. das Buch
(hair) die Bucher
8. die Bucher: -er, umlaut and die 9. die Manner
(books) der Mann
9. die Manner: -er, umlaut and die to. die Felder
(men) das Feld
10. die Felder: -er and die 11. der Onke!
(fields) die Onkel
H. die Onkel: die 12. das Haus
(uncles) die Hauser
12. die Hauser: -er, umlaut and die 13. die Lippe
(houses) die.Lippen
13. die Lippen: -n
14. die Klassen
die Klasse
14. die Klassen: -n
1S. die Familien
die Familie
Guess the meanings of the following compound nouns.
1. der Zahn = tooth
der Arzt = doctor
der Zahnarzt =
1. dentist 2. das Jahr = year
die Zeit = time
die Jahreszeit =
2. season 3. der Flug = flight
der Hafen = harbor, port
der Flughafen =
3. airport 4. das Schwein = pig, swine
das Fleisch = meat
das Schweinefteisch =
4. pork 5. die Biirger = townspeople, citizens
der Meister = master
der Biirgermeister =
5. mayor 6. sich rasieren = to shave
der Apparat = apparatus
der Rasierapparat =
6. razor 7. das Leben = life
das Mittel = means
das Geschiift = business, shop
das Lebensmittelgeschiift =
7. grocery store 8. unter = under
t'. der Grund = ground
die Bahn = railroad, railway
die Untergrundbahn =
8. subway --- 9. das Leder = leather
die Ware = goods
die Produktion = production
die Lederwarenproduktion =
9. production of leather goods 10. die Sonne = sun
das System = system
das Sonnensystem =
2. die Onkel 3. die FUBe
del' FuB
3. die FUBe 4. das Buch
die BUcher
4. die BUcher 5. die Lippen
die Lippe
5. die Lippen 6. die Studenten
del' Student
6. die Studenten 7. das Hotel
die Hotels
7. die Hotels
When you can recognize the plural forms of the above nouns, go on to the next section.
4. Compound nouns
1. Characteristic of German is the coining of new words from simpler
German words:
krank (sick) + das Haus (house) = das Krankenhaus (hospital)
die Hand (hand) + der Schuh (shoe) = der Handschuh (glove)
das Wasser (water) + der Stoff (stuff) = der Wasserstoff (hydrogen)
das Volk (people) + der Wagen (car) = der Volkswagen
There is often a connective (-(e)s- or -(e)n-) between the two elements.
2. The gender of the noun is determined by the last component.
3. Plurals of compound nouns are formed from the last component:
das Krankenhaus
die Krankenhiiuser
die Wasserstoflbombe
die Wasserstoflbomben
the hospital
the hospitals
the hydrogen bomb
the hydrogen bombs
10. solar system
11. silver mine
12. cemetery
11. das Silber = silver
der Berg = mountain
das Werk = work(s)
das Silberbergwerk = ___ _
12. der Friede = peace
der Hof = yard, court
der Friedhof = ___ _
5. Cognates-partially similar meanings
1. A German cognate may have meanings additional to its English counter-
die Seite
die Macht
der Hund
side but also page (of a book)
might authority
hound dog
2. The meanings of partial oognates must be determined from the context
or from a dictionary:
1. bench
1. Der Vater sitzt mit der kleinen Tochter
auf der Bank. = The father is sitting on
the with his small daughter.
The German Bank suggests the English
bank which normally would not make
sense in this context. In German the letter
k may often bl.'; equivalent to the English
ch. The word is ___ _
2. Es gibt Eis zum Nachtisch. = There is
----for dessert.
The reference to dessert suggests that
Eis would not be translated by ice but
by ___ _
2. ice cream
3. pen
6. False Cognates
3. Darf man den Brief mit einer Feder schrei-
ben? = May one write the letter with a
Here the context suggests that the trans-
lation of Feder is notfeather but __ _
1. Many false cognates exist between German and English. Since the mean-
ing will not always be discernible from the context, you will have to establish
the meaning by means of a dictionary:
das Tier
der Tisch
das Gift
the animal (not deer)
the table (not dish)
the poison (not gift)
What is the English meaning of the italicized words?
1. animal
2. table
3. beasts
4. poison
5. table
6. Poison
1. Der Mensch ist ein Tier.
Man is an ___ _
2. Nimm die Ellbogen yom Tisch!
Take your elbows off the ___ _
3. Der Lowe ist der Konig der Tiere.
The lion is the king of ___ _
4. Arsen ist ein gefahrliches Gift.
Arsenic is a dangerous ___ _
5. Er sitzt am Tisch und Iiest die Zeitung.
He is sitting at the and read-
ing the paper.
6. Gift ist kein schones Geschenk.
____ is not a nice gift.