SCW NPPS: Layouts and Thermodynamic Cycles: Naidin, M., Mokry, S., Pioro, I.

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N y Nu uc clle ea ar rE En ne er rg g yf fo or rN Ne ew wE Eu ur ro op pe e2 20 00 09 9

Bled / Slovenia / September 14-17

International Conference


Naidin, M., Mokry, S., Pioro, I., Faculty of Energy Systems and Nuclear Science, University of Ontario Institute of Technology 2000 Simcoe Str. North, Oshawa, Ontario, L1H 7K4 Canada,,, Duffey, R. Chalk River Laboratories, AECL Chalk River, Ontario, K0J 1J0 Canada ABSTRACT Currently, there are a number of Generation IV SuperCritical Water-cooled nuclear Reactor (SCWR) concepts under development worldwide. The main objectives for developing and utilizing SCWRs are: 1) Increase gross thermal efficiency of current Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs) from 30 35% to approximately 45 50%, and 2) Decrease capital and operational costs and, in doing so, decrease electrical-energy generation cost. SCW NPPs will have much higher operating parameters compared to current NPPs (i.e., steam pressures of about 25 MPa and steam outlet temperatures up to 625C). Additionally, SCWRs will have a simplified flow circuit in which steam generators, steam dryers, steam separators, etc. will be eliminated. Furthermore, SCWRs operating at higher temperatures can facilitate an economical co-generation of hydrogen through thermochemical cycles (particularly, the copper-chlorine cycle) or direct high-temperature electrolysis. To decrease significantly the development costs of a SCW NPP, to increase its reliability, and to achieve similar high thermal efficiencies as the advanced fossil steam cycles, it should be determined whether SCW NPPs can be designed with a steam-cycle arrangement that closely matches that of mature SuperCritical (SC) fossil-fired thermal power plants (including their SC-turbine technology). The state-of-the-art SC-steam cycles at fossilfired power plants are designed with a single-steam reheat and regenerative feedwater heating. Due to that, they can reach thermal steam-cycle efficiencies up to 54% (i.e., net plant efficiencies of up to 43% on a Higher Heating Value (HHV) basis). This paper presents and discusses several SCW NPPs layouts and, corresponding to that, thermodynamic-cycle options developed by UOIT (University of Ontario Institute of Technology), Hitachi and AECL (Atomic Energy of Canada Limited). An analysis of main parameters and thermal efficiency performance of SCW NPP concepts based on no-reheat and single-reheat regenerative cycles are discussed. The no-reheat configuration has a more simplified design: the Intermediate-Pressure (IP) turbine section is eliminated and the exhaust from the High-Pressure (HP) turbine is directly routed to the inlet of the Low-Pressure (LP) turbines. The cycle consists of a condenser, nine feedwater heaters, a topping de-superheater, associated pumps, and the nuclear source of energy, i.e., the SCWR. In general, the major technical challenge associated with a SC no-reheat turbine is the high moisture content in the LP turbine exhaust. A thermal-performance simulation reveals that the steam quality at the exhaust from the LP

Zirn, U. Hitachi Power Systems America, Ltd., 645 Martinsville Road, Basking Ridge, NJ 07920 USA


turbine is approximately 81%. However, the moisture can be reduced by implementation of contoured channels in the inner casing for draining water and moisture removal stages. The overall thermal efficiency of the cycle was determined to be not more than 50% (assumptions are made to account for turbine and pump efficiency losses). The single-reheat cycles are comprised of: a SCWR, a SC turbine (consisting of one High-Pressure (HP) cylinder, one Intermediate-Pressure (IP) cylinder and two Low-Pressure (LP) cylinders), one deaerator, several feedwater heaters, and pumps. Since the single-reheat option includes a nuclear steam-reheat stage, the SCWR is based on a pressure-tube design. A thermal-performance simulation reveals that the overall thermal efficiency is approximately above 50%. Previous studies have shown that direct cycles, with no-reheat and single-reheat configurations are the best choice for the SCWR concept. However, the single-reheat cycle requires a nuclear steam-reheat, thus increasing the complexity of the reactor core design. 1 INTRODUCTION

Currently, there are a number of Generation IV SCWR concepts under development worldwide [1]. The main objectives for developing and utilizing SCWRs are: 1) Increase the thermal efficiency of current NPPs from 30 35% to approximately 45 50%, and 2) Decrease capital and operational costs and, in doing so, decrease electrical-energy costs. SCW NPPs will have much higher operating parameters compared to current NPPs (i.e., pressures of about 25 MPa and outlet temperatures up to 625C) (Fig. 1). Additionally, SCWRs will have a simplified flow circuit in which steam generators, steam dryers, steam separators, etc., will be eliminated. Furthermore, SCWRs operating at higher temperatures can facilitate an economical production of hydrogen through thermochemical cycles or direct high-temperature electrolysis [2], [3].

Figure 1: Pressure-Temperature Diagram of Water for Typical Operating Conditions of SCWRs, PWRs, CANDU-6 Reactors and BWRs The SCWR concepts [1], [5] follow two main types: (a) A large reactor pressure vessel (PV) analogous to conventional LWRs; or (b) Distributed pressure tubes (PTs) or pressure channels analogous to conventional Heavy Water Reactors (HWRs). Within those two main classes, PT reactors are more flexible to flow, flux and density changes than PV reactors. This makes it possible to use the experimentally confirmed, better
Proceedings of the International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe, Bled, Slovenia, Sept. 14-17, 2009


solutions developed for these reactors. The main ones are fuel re-loading and channelspecific flow-rate adjustments or regulations. A design whose basic element is a channel, which carries a high pressure, has an inherent advantage of greater safety than large vessel structures at supercritical pressures. To decrease significantly the development costs of a SCW NPP and to increase its reliability, it should be determined whether SCW NPPs can be designed with a steam-cycle arrangement that closely matches that of SC fossil-fired power plants (including their SCturbine technology) which have been used extensively at existing thermal power plants for the last 50 years. 2 2.1 GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS REGARDING SCW NPP CYCLE Review of SC Turbines

SC-steam turbines of medium and large capacities (450 1200 MWe) [5] have been used very successfully at many fossil power plants worldwide for more than fifty years. Their steam-cycle thermal efficiencies have reached nearly 54%, which is equivalent to a net-plant efficiency of approximately 40 43% on a Higher-Heating Value (HHV) basis. Table 1 lists selected current and upcoming SC turbines manufactured by Hitachi for reference purposes. Table 1: Major Parameters of Selected Current and Upcoming Hitachi SC Plants [6]. First Year of Operation 2011 2010 2009 2008 Power Rating, MWe 495 677 809 790 677 600 1000 870 870 1000 870 P, MPa 24.6 25.5 25.4 26.4 25.5 25.5 24.9 24.7 24.7 24.9 25.3 Tmain /Treheat, C 566/566 566/566 579/579 600/620 566/566 600/620 600/600 566/593 566/593 600/600 566/593


An analysis of SC-turbine data [5] showed that: The vast majority of the modern and upcoming SC turbines are single-reheat-cycle turbines; Major steam inlet parameters of these turbines are: The main or primary SC steam P = 24 25 MPa and T = 540 600C; and the reheat or secondary subcritical-pressure steam P = 3 5 MPa and T = 540 620C. Usually, the main steam and reheat-steam temperatures are the same or very close (for example, 566/566C; 579/579C; 600/600C; 566/593C; 600/620C). Only very few double-reheat-cycle turbines were manufactured so far. The market demand for double-reheat turbines disappeared due to economic reasons after the first few units were built.

Proceedings of the International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe, Bled, Slovenia, Sept. 14-17, 2009



Direct, Indirect and Dual Cycle Options

Since the steam parameters of a SCW NPP are much higher than those of current NPPs, several conceptual designs have been investigated to determine the optimum configuration. As such, direct, indirect and dual cycles have been considered [5]. In a direct cycle, SC steam from the nuclear reactor is fed directly to a SC turbine. This concept eliminates the need for complex and expensive equipment such as steam generators. From a thermodynamic perspective, this allows for high steam pressures and temperatures, and results in the highest cycle efficiency for the given parameters. The indirect and dual cycles utilize heat exchangers (steam generators) to transfer heat from the reactor coolant to the turbine. The indirect cycle has the safety benefit of containing the potential radioactive particles inside the primary coolant. However, the heat-transfer process through heat exchangers reduces the maximum temperature of the secondary loop coolant, thus lowering the efficiency of the cycle. Since increasing the thermal efficiency is one of the main objectives in the development of SCW NPPs, direct cycles are further investigated in this paper. 2.3 Reheating Options for SCW NPP

A preliminary investigation of SCW NPP reheat options [2] revealed the following: The no-reheat cycle offers a simplified SCW NPP layout, contributing to lower capital costs. However, the efficiency of this cycle is the lowest of all the considered configurations. The single-reheat cycle has the advantage of higher thermal efficiency (compared to that of the no-reheat cycle) and reduced development costs due to a wide variety of singlereheat SC turbines manufactured by companies worldwide. The major disadvantage is the increased design complexity associated with the introduction of Steam-ReHeat (SRH) channels to the reactor core. While the double-reheat cycle has the highest thermal efficiency, it was deemed that the complicated nuclear-steam reheat configuration would significantly increase the design and construction costs of such a facility. As such, configurations based on the no-reheat and single-reheat cycles were chosen for the analysis in this paper. 2.4 Regenerative Cycle

Another way of increasing the average temperature during heat addition is to increase the temperature of feedwater entering the SCWR. In practice, regeneration is accomplished through feedwater heaters. Steam extracted from the turbine at various points is used to heat the feedwater to the desired temperature. The regeneration process does not only improve the cycle efficiency, but also improves the quality of the feedwater system by removing air and other non-condensable gases. As previously mentioned, the reactor inlet temperature is approximately 350C. It is obvious that a regenerative cycle needs to be implemented to increase the feedwater temperature from the condenser outlet (about 40C) to the reactor inlet conditions (350C).

Proceedings of the International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe, Bled, Slovenia, Sept. 14-17, 2009




For the purpose of completing the thermal analysis of the proposed cycles, several assumptions were considered, as follows: Gland-Steam System and auxiliary-steam consumers were neglected. Performance losses associated with mechanical equipment, turbine-packing leakage, generator, piping-pressure drops were also neglected. System parameters such as mass flowrates, power outputs, etc., are calculated for a NPP power output of 1200 MWe. It is assumed that all processes are steady-state and steady-flow with negligible potential and kinetic effects and no chemical reactions. Also, the heat transfer to the system and work transfer to the system are considered positive values. 3 3.1 SCW NPP CYCLES DESCRIPTION Single-Reheat Cycles System Description

The proposed cycle layouts for a SCW NPP with a single-reheat option are shown in Figs. 2 and 3 (Cycles A and B). As per the previous sections, the cycles have direct singlereheat, regenerative configurations. As such, the SC steam exiting the reactor is expanded through a single-flow HP turbine. As shown in Fig. 2, for Cycle A the steam is sent back to the reheater (SRH channels inside the reactor), where the temperature is raised to superheated conditions. Furthermore, the subcritical-pressure superheated steam (SHS) is expanded in the IP turbine and transferred, through a cross-over pipe, to the LP turbines. Since the volume of the steam at the exhaust of the IP turbine is quite high, two LP turbines are being utilized. In Fig. 2, the turbine-generator arrangement is a cross-compound: the HP and IP turbines are located on the same shaft, while the LP turbines are located on a separate shaft.

Figure 2: Single-Reheat Cycle A for SCW NPP [6] Cycle B, shown in Fig. 3, follows a slightly different arrangement. As such, the steam expanded in the HP turbine is sent to the IP turbine where it expands to saturated conditions (approximately 0.98 steam quality). Furthermore, the steam is passed through a MoistureProceedings of the International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe, Bled, Slovenia, Sept. 14-17, 2009


Separator-Reheater (MSR) unit that contains one stage of moisture separation and two stages of reheat. From here, superheated steam exiting the MSR unit is sent to the inlet of the LP turbines where it is expanded to saturated conditions. The steam is exhausted from the turbine to the condenser, suffering exhaust losses, which depend on the exhaust area and the steam velocity. The saturated steam undergoes a phase change and is condensed at a constant pressure and temperature by a cooling medium inside the condenser. The Condensate Extraction Pump (CEP) is taking its suction from the condenser outlet. It pumps the condensate from the hotwell through a series of LP feedwater heaters (LP HTR 1 to 5 for Cycle A, LP HTR 1 to 4 for Cycle B) to the deaerator. The feedwater temperature differentials across the LP heaters are assumed approximately the same. The LP heaters are tube-in-shell, closed type heat exchangers. On the steam side, they contain condensing and subcooling zones. The deaerator is an open-type feedwater heater, where the feedwater, extraction steam and drains of the HP heaters come into a direct contact. The feedwater is heated (at constant pressure) to the saturation temperature, and leaves the deaerator as saturated liquid. The Reactor Feedwater Pump (RFP) takes its suction from the deaerator and raises the feedwater pressure to the required value at the reactor inlet. Furthermore, the feedwater is passed through 3 HP heaters (HP HTR 7 to 9) and a topping de-superheater (HP HTR 10) for the configuration described in Cycle A. Similarly, the feedwater passes through 4 HP heaters (HP HTR 6 to HP HTR 9) in the case of Cycle B. The HP heaters are tube-in-shell, closed-type heat exchangers with de-superheating, condensing and subcooling zones.

Figure 3: Single-Reheat Cycle B for SCW NPP [5] 3.2 No-Reheat Cycles System Description

The single-reheat cycle introduces nuclear SRH channels, thus increasing the complexity of the reactor core design. Although preliminary results show that the thermal efficiency of a the no-reheat cycle is approximately 2% lower than that of single-reheat cycles, the less complex core configuration might prove to be a major factor when selecting
Proceedings of the International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe, Bled, Slovenia, Sept. 14-17, 2009


the most suitable design. In conclusion, it is worth analyzing the possibility of a no-reheat SCW NPP cycle such as the one proposed in this paper. The proposed no-reheat SCW NPP cycle consists of five Low-Pressure (LP) feedwater heaters, one deaerator, three High-Pressure (HP) feedwater heaters and one topping desuperheater (Fig. 4). The cycle has a direct, no-reheat, regenerative configuration. As such, the SC steam exiting the reactor is expanded through a double-flow HP turbine to superheated conditions. Since the volume of the steam at the exhaust of the HP turbine is quite high, two IP/LP turbines are being utilized. Furthermore, the steam is exhausted from the IP/LP turbine to the condenser. The saturated steam undergoes a phase change and is condensed at constant pressure and temperature by a cooling medium inside a condenser. The Condensate-Extraction Pump (CEP) is taking its suction from the condenser hotwell. It pumps the condensate through a series of five LP feedwater heaters (LP HTR 1 to 5) to the deaerator. The feedwater is heated at constant pressure, and leaves the deaerator as saturated liquid. A Reactor Feedwater Pump (RFP) takes its suction from the deaerator and raises the feedwater pressure to the required value at the reactor inlet (25 MPa). Furthermore, the feedwater is passed through three HP heaters (HP HTR 7 to 9) and a topping desuperheater (HP HTR 10).


The T-s diagrams associated with the proposed SCW NPP cycles are illustrated in Figs. 57, while thermal efficiencies for all three cycles are listed in Table 2. For Cycle A (Fig. 5) the exhausts of the HP and IP turbines remain in the superheated region, while those of the LP turbine fall into the saturated line. The calculated steam quality is approximately 87% at the condenser inlet. In the case of Cycle B (containing the MSR unit), the exhaust of the HP turbine remains in the superheated region. However, the IP turbine exhaust falls under the saturation curve, having a steam quality of 98%. The MSR unit superheats the steam as shown in Fig. 6, and the exhaust of the LP Turbine is at saturated conditions, with a steam quality of 86%.
Proceedings of the International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe, Bled, Slovenia, Sept. 14-17, 2009


Figure 7 shows the T-s diagram associated with the no-reheat SCW NPP Cycle C. The exhaust of the HP turbine is situated in the superheated region, while that of the LP turbine falls in the saturated region. The moisture content at the outlet of the LP turbine is calculated to be 19%. This could be a major technical challenge for the SCW NPP based on the noreheat cycle. However, the moisture can be reduced by implementing contoured channels in the inner casing for draining the water and moisture removal stages.

Figure 5: T-s diagram for Single-Reheat Cycle A

Figure 6: T-s diagram for Single-Rehat Cycle C Tables 2 lists various parameters associated with the proposed SCW NPP single-reheat and no-reheat cycles, while Table 3 SCWR fuel-channel parameters. Table 2: Thermal efficiency of SCW NPP Cycles Cycle A B C Thermal Efficiency (%) 52 52 51

Proceedings of the International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe, Bled, Slovenia, Sept. 14-17, 2009


Figure 7: T-s diagram for Single-Reheat Cycle C Table 3: Selected parameters of proposed SCW NPP Cycles A and B. Parameters Cycle type Reactor type Reactor spectrum Fuel Cladding material Reactor coolant Moderator Power Thermal Power Electrical Thermal Efficiency Pressure of SCW at inlet Pressure of SCW at outlet (estimated) Tin coolant (SCW) Tout coolant (SCW) Pressure of SHS at inlet Pressure of SHS at outlet (estimated) Tin coolant (SHS) Tout coolant (SHS) Power thermal SCW channels Power thermal SRH channels Power thermal / SCW channel Power thermal / SRH channel # of fuel channels (total) # of SCW channels # of SRH channels Total flow rate of SCW Total flow rate of SHS Flow rate / SCW channel Flow rate / SRH channel Unit MWth MWel % MPa MPa C C MPa MPa C C MWth MWth MWth MWth kg/s kg/s kg/s kg/s Description / Value Description / Value Single-Reheat (A) No-Reheat (C) Pressure Tube Thermal UO2 (ThO2) Inconel or Stainless steel H2O D2O 2300 2340 1200 1200 52 51 25.8 25.8 25 25 350 350 625 625 6.1 5.7 400 625 1870 2340 430 8.5 8.5 5.5 300 270 220 270 80 960 1190 780 4.37 4.37 10

Proceedings of the International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe, Bled, Slovenia, Sept. 14-17, 2009


Table 4: Selected parameters of proposed SCWR fuel channels. Parameters Tmax cladding (design value) Tmax fuel centerline (industry accepted limit) Heated fuel-channel length # of bundles / fuel channel # of fuel rods per bundle Bundle type [8] # of heated fuel rods # of unheated* fuel rods Diameter of heated fuel rods (# of rods) Unit C C m mm Description / Value 850 1850 5.772 12 43 Variant-18 Variant-20 42 42 1 1 11.5 11.5

Diameter of unheated fuel rod mm 18 20 Dhy of fuel channel mm 7.98 7.83 Dh of fuel channel mm 9.98 9.83 Heated area of fuel channel m2 8.76 8.76 Flow area of fuel channel mm2 3788 3729 Pressure tube inner diameter mm 103.45 Average parameters of fuel channels in single-reheat (A) and no-reheat (B) options Heat flux in SCW channel (A&B cycles) kW/m2 918 970 970 Heat flux in SRH channel (A cycle) kW/m2 594 628 628 2 Mass flux in SCW channel (A&B cycles) kg/m s 1206 1154 1172 Mass flux in SRH channel (A cycle) kg/m2s 2759 2640 2682 5 CONCLUSIONS

CANFLEX 43 11.5 (35) & 13.5 (8) 7.52 9.04 9.26 3625

1. The vast majority of the modern SC turbines are single-reheat-cycle turbines. Just a few double-reheat-cycle SC turbines have been manufactured and put into operation. However, despite their efficiency benefit double-reheat-turbines have not been considered economical. 2. Major inlet parameters of the current and upcoming single-reheat-cycle SC turbines are: the main or primary SC steam pressure of 24 25 MPa and temperature of 540 600C; and the reheat or secondary subcritical-pressure steam P = 3 5 MPa and T = 540 620C. 3. Usually, inlet temperatures of the main SC steam and the reheat subcritical-pressure steam are the same or very close (for example, 566/566C; 579/579C; 600/600C; 566/593C; 600/620C). 4. In order to maximize the thermal-cycle efficiency of the SCW NPPs it would be beneficial to include nuclear steam reheat. Advantages of a single-reheat cycle in application to SCW NPPs are: a. High thermal efficiency (45 50%), which is the current level for SC thermal power plants and close to the maximum thermal efficiency achieved in the power industry at combined-cycle power plants (up to 55%). b. High reliability through proven state-of-the-art turbine technology; and c. Reduced development costs accounting on wide variety of SC turbines manufactured by companies worldwide. 5. The major disadvantage of a single-reheat cycle implementation in SCW NPPs is the requirement for significant changes to the reactor-core design due to addition of the nuclear steam-reheat channels at subcritical pressures.

Proceedings of the International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe, Bled, Slovenia, Sept. 14-17, 2009


6. Based on the above mentioned analysis, the single-reheat cycle with heat regeneration and the corresponding arrangement appear to be the most advantageous as a basis for a SCW NPP with the co-generation of hydrogen. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Financial supports from the NSERC Discovery Grant, NSERC/NRCan/AECL Generation IV Energy Technologies Program and the Ontario Research Excellence Fund are gratefully acknowledged. NOMENCLATURE Dhy hydraulic-equiv. diameter, mm Dh heated-equivalent diameter, mm P pressure, Pa pcr critical pressure, Pa s entropy, J/kg K T temperature, C tcr critical temperature, C Abbreviations AECL Atomic Energy Canada Limited CANDU CANada Deuterium Uranium CANFLEX CANDU FLEXible (fuelling) CEP Condensate Extraction Pump HHV Higher Heating Value HP High Pressure HTR Heater REFERENCES [1] Pioro, I. & Duffey, R., Heat Transfer and Hydraulic Resistance at Supercritcal Pressures in Power Engineering Applications, ASME Press, New York, NY, USA, 2007, 334 pages. [2] Naidin, M., Mokry, S., Baig, F., Gospodinov, Ye., Thermal-Design Options for PressureChannel SCWRS With Cogeneration of Hydrogen, J. of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, Vol.131, Issue 1, Paper #012901, 2008, 8 pages. [3] Naterer, G., Suppiah, S., Lewis, M., et al., Recent Canadian Advances in Nuclear-Based Hydrogen Production and the Thermochemical Cu-Cl Cycle, Int. J. of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 34, Issue 6, 2009, 17 pages. [4] Duffey, R.B., Pioro, I.L. and Kuran, S., Advanced Concepts for Pressure-Channel Reactors: Modularity, Performance and Safety, JSME J. of Power and Energy Systems, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2008. [5] Duffey, R.B., Pioro, I., Zhou, T., Zirn, U., Kuran, S., Khartabil, H. and Naidin, M., Supercritical Water-Cooled Nuclear Reactors (SCWRs): Current and Future Concepts Steam-Cycle Options, Proc. ICONE-16, Orlando, FL, USA, May 11-15, Paper #48869, 2008, 9 pages.
Proceedings of the International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe, Bled, Slovenia, Sept. 14-17, 2009


Heavy Water Reactor Intermediary Pressure Low Pressure Light Water Reactor Moisture Separator Reheater Nuclear Power Plant Pressure Tube Pressure Vessel Reactor Feed Pump SuperCritical SuperCritical Water SuperCritical Water Reactor SuperHeated Steam Steam Re-Heat University of Ontario Institute of Technology


[6] Naidin, M., Monichan, R., Zirn, U., Gabriel, K. and Pioro, I., Thermodynamic Considerations for a Single-Reheat Cycle SCWR, Proc. ICONE-17, July 12-16, Brussels, Belgium, Paper #75984, 2009, 8 pages. [7] Naidin, M., Pioro, I., Zirn, U. and Chophla, K.., SuperCritical Water Reactor NPP Concept: No-Reheat Cycle Option, Proc. ICONE-17, July 12-16, Brussels, Belgium, Paper #75989, 2009, 9 pages. [8] Leung, L.K., Effect of CANDU Bundle-Geometry Variation on Dryout Power, Proc. ICONE-16, Orlando, Florida, USA, May 11-15, Paper #48827, 2008.

Proceedings of the International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe, Bled, Slovenia, Sept. 14-17, 2009

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