Annex 31 Tool Design Extended Aeration
Annex 31 Tool Design Extended Aeration
Annex 31 Tool Design Extended Aeration
Design of Sewage Treatment Plant for Hapur Extended Aeration Process Capacity: Average Flow 25 MLD Guidance:Yellow cells are input information to be suitably filled. Green cells are to be reviewed and modified/updated. S Description of Parameter Value Unit Reference No Quantity of Sewage Generated 25000000.00 25.00 25000.00 Lpd MLD Cum/day
Raw Sewage Characteristics 1 Average Sewage flow entering the treatment plant Assumed Peak Factor 2 Peak Sewage flow entering the treatment plant 3 COD 4 BOD 5 TDS 6 TSS 7 pH 1 Inlet Chamber Quantity of Flow (Ave) Peak Flow
25000.00 Cum/day 56250.00 Cum/day 0.65 Cum/Sec Assumed Detention period 10.00 sec Volume of the Inlet Chamber 6.51 Cum Assumed Depth of flow 0.60 m Area Required for Inlet Chamber 10.85 Sq.m Assumed Length to Breadth Ratio 1.00 Breadth of the Tank 3.30 m length of the Tank 3.30 m Provide the Dimension of Inlet Chamber as 3.3 m x 3.3 m x 0.6 m SWD + 0.3 m Freeboard
0.65 Cum/s
Assume Clear spacing between bars, o Velocity ahead of screen (Va) Area of Screen Channel, A= (Q/Va) Keeping Side Water Depth Width of each screen channel, W Water depth upstream, ha = A/W t Number of openings in chamber, W = X.o + (X - 1).t where , X = No. of Opening ; o = Clear Space between bars ; t = Thickness of flat Total width of opening, Ws =x*o Assume Angle of inclination Assumed Detention Period in the Screen channel Assume Length of the screen chamber Inclined height of the screen, H1 say Velocity through the screen, Vs= Q/H1*Ws Head loss thru screen in normal condition, h1=0.0729(V s2-Va2) Head loss on 50% clogging h1=0.0729(2*Vs2-Va2) Water Depth downstream Hb, (Za-Zb)+Va2/2g-Vs2/2g+HaHeadloss thru screen in normal condition Water Depth downstream Hb, (Za-Zb)+Va2/2g-Vs2/2g+HaHeadloss thru screen in clogged condition
mm m/sec m2 m m m m no
Assume Size of the screen flats of size having a thickness of 10 mm and a width of 50 mm (CPHEEO page no 201) 20-50mm, pg.201 of CPHEEO Manual pg. 202 of CPHEEO Manual
m Degree sec m m
Provide the Dimension of Screen Chamber (Fine Screens) as 3.6 m x 2.2 m x 0.5 m SWD + 0.3 m Freeboard 3 Grit Removal unit No. of Grit channels Computation of Settling Velocity: Stoke's Law Kinematic Viscosity of Effluent assumed Particle Diameter assumed Settling Velocity Reynold's number, Re=(d.Vs/Kinematic viscosity) for Transition flows, Vs=[(0.707(Ss-1)d 1.6v-0.6)]0.714 Actual Setling velocity removal efficiency Assumed Removal Efficiency Actual Surface Over Flow Rate :(Q/A)= Vsn/[(1-)-0.125-1]
2 0.0000011 sqm/sec 0.000150 m 0.02 m/s 2.73 m/s 0.02 0.02 m/s 1474.07 cum/sqm/d 75.00 % 1105.55 cum/sqm/d 974 cum/sqm/d
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Design of STP
Design of Sewage Treatment Plant for Hapur Extended Aeration Process Capacity: Average Flow 25 MLD Guidance:Yellow cells are input information to be suitably filled. Green cells are to be reviewed and modified/updated. S Description of Parameter Value Unit Reference No Dimensions of grit channel: Peak Flow 56250.00 cum/day Total Plan area of Grit channel = Qpeak/(Q/A) 57.76 m2 Assumed Width of the Grit channel 2.50 m Length of the Channel 23.10 m Liquid Depth assumed 1.50 m Provide a depth for the Grit Storage 0.30 m Provide the Dimension of Grit Removal unit as 23.1 m x 2.5 m x 1.5 m SWD + 0.3 m Freeboard Mechanical Grit Removal Unit Square Type Grit Removal Tank with Grit Hopper 7.60 m Provide Mehcnical Grit Chamber with Grit lift Pumps having a size of 7.6 m* 7.6 m and 1.5 m SWD + 0.3 m Freeboard 4 Parshall flume Width of grit chamber Throat width of flume (W) Sloping convergent length towards throat (A) Width at the beginning of convergent section (D) Length of convergent section (B) Far end Width of divergent section (G) Length of divergent section (C) Length of the throat (F) K Z, - Constant Free board Calculations & Dimensions Q, MLD 30.00 60.00 90.00 120.00 150.00 Note: The variation of velocity is within the permissible 10% deviation. Hence the section provided is OK Note: Check for B =1.5 *Qmax^0.33 and not less than the value given in table (adopted value) D as per formula 11.18 page 212 of Manual, V as per 11.21 5 Equalization Tank (Collection Chamber ) Peak Design Flow Assumed Detention period Volume of the Tank Assumed Depth of Liquid column Area required for the equalization tank No. of Tanks Proposed area required for each equalization tank Length to Breadth ratio Breadth of the tank Length of the tank (Optional) 2.50 0.300 1.350 0.831 1.322 0.900 0.600 0.600 0.075 0.38 0.25 m m m m m m m m m m m table 11.2, 211 cph table 11.2, 211 cph table 11.2, 211 cph table 11.2, 211 cph table 11.2, 211 cph table 11.2, 211 cph table 11.2, 211 cph table 11.2, 211 cph table 11.2, 211 cph
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Design of STP
Design of Sewage Treatment Plant for Hapur Extended Aeration Process Capacity: Average Flow 25 MLD Guidance:Yellow cells are input information to be suitably filled. Green cells are to be reviewed and modified/updated. S Description of Parameter Value Unit Reference No Provide the Dimension of Equalization Tank (Collection Chamber ) as 31.5 m x 31.5 m x 2.5 m SWD + 0.3 m Freeboard Mixing Arrangements Assumed BOD reduction in the tank Incoming BOD of Raw sewage BOD to be reduced BOD Load Oxygen required to remove BOD load Oxygen required Actual Air Required Provide Corse bubble aeration grids for 6 Raw Sewage Pumps No. of pumps - 2 (2W+2SB) Type of Pumps - Submersible/Horizontal Centrifugal Average flow Number of working hours Flow Capacity of Pump required Proposed pumps 4numbers (2W + 2SB), flow per Pump Head required HP required for pump
Percent mg/L mg/L kg/day kg/kg of BOD kg/day kg/hr Cum/hr cum/hr
7 Aeration tank No of Tanks Flow - completely mixed Q- per tank BOD MLSS Type Aeration - Diffuser type fine bubble Blowers F/M assumed Volume of the tank Add additional volume of 25% for sludge recycle Total volume of tank Hydraulic Detention Time Depth of the tank Area of the Tank
2 12500.00 255.00 2500.00 2.00 0.12 10625.00 2656.25 13281.25 1.06 4.00 3320.31 cum/day mg/Lt
( 1W+1SB) Cum Cum Cum day m Sq.m volume of tank as per 13.6 page 226
Area for each tank 3320.31 Sq.m Assumed Breadth to Length Ratio 1.00 width of the tank 57.7 m Length of tank 57.6 m Provide the Dimension of Aeration tank as 57.6 m x 57.7 m x 4 m SWD + 0.5 m Freeboard 8 Blower capacity BoD load Oxygen Required for 1 kg BOD removal Theoretical Oxygen Actual requirement of air Total Air Requirement fine bubble diffuser assumed to inject oxygen of Provide Membrance diffuser for aeration tank Provide 2 Blowers of capacity at 0.45 ksc (1W+ 1 SB) Sludge Volume Index assumed Sludge Recirculation Qr/Q=Xt/((10^6/SVI)-Xt) Volumetric loading rate
kg/day kg/hr kg kg/hr cum/hr Cum/hr cum/hr No. cum/hr for each tank Page 235-SVI 80 to 150 table 13.1 page 235 or taking SVI 100
Xt V =
100.00 0.33 0.24 kg/cum 26562500.00 2937500.00 0.11 0.05 19.77 95.00 12.75
days % mg/L
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Design of STP
Design of Sewage Treatment Plant for Hapur Extended Aeration Process Capacity: Average Flow 25 MLD Guidance:Yellow cells are input information to be suitably filled. Green cells are to be reviewed and modified/updated. S Description of Parameter Value Unit Reference No 9 Secondary clarifier No. of Tanks Average Flow in each tank SOR
2 12500.00
cum/day Table 12.1, but it is 8-15 for average flow and 25-35 for peak flow for extended aeration table 12.1, it is 3.5-4.5 m for extended aeration, although para give depth 2 m in vertical flow tanks
25.00 Cum/Sqm/day
SWD Solid conc. In settled sludge -% Withdrawal frequency - continuous Area Required for the Tank Diametre Required for Secondary Settling Tank Assumed Detention Period Depth of the Clarifier assumed Area of the Clarifier Provide Secondary Clarifier of Diametre Surface Loading Rate
0.8 to 0.9
Provide the Dimension of Secondary clarifier as 28.7 m diamtre x 2.5 m SWD + 0.5 m Freeboard Assumed BOD reduction in Clarifier Outlet BOD from Clarifier 10 Return Activated Sludge /Excess sludge pumps Type of Pumps - Centrifugal No. of pumps Assumed return flow Return sludge Pumps Operating hours Capacity of pump required Head required Power requirement for the Pump 10 Treated Sewage Sump Assumed Detention time Average Flow Volume of the tank Provide a depth of tank as Area of the Tank Square tank Size 20.00 % 10.20 mg/L
15.00 Minutes 25000.00 Cum/day 260.42 Cum 4.00 m 65.10 Sq.m 8.10 m Provide the Dimension of Treated Sewage Sump as 8.1 m x 8.1 m x 4 m SWD + 0.3 m Freeboard
11 Pressure Sand Filter Average Flow 25000.00 Cum/day Filter Operating hours 20.00 hrs Operating flow 1250.00 Cum/hr Filter Loading rate 11.00 Cum/hr/Sq.m Area of the Filter required 113.64 Sq.m Diameter of the Filter Required 12.10 m Provide the Dimension of Pressure Sand Filter as 12.1 m x Diametre with 1.8 m Shell height 12 Filter feed Pumps Provide Filter feed pumps of capcity
Reduction in BOD Expected in Dual media filter Exit BOD from the Dual media filter 13 Disinfection through Chlorination Bleaching powder Dozers, 1W+1SB or Vacuum Chlorinater 1 W+1 SB Chlorine Contact tank 15 minute detention
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Design of STP
Design of Sewage Treatment Plant for Hapur Extended Aeration Process Capacity: Average Flow 25 MLD Guidance:Yellow cells are input information to be suitably filled. Green cells are to be reviewed and modified/updated. S Description of Parameter Value Unit Reference No 14 Filter press for Sludge Disposal to handle sludge of 15000 kg/day 1428571.43 Cum/day 11904.76 Cum/hr Or Population Equivalent area per person Total Area required
187500.00 Persons 0.03 Sq.m 4687.50 Sq.m Provide Sludge Drying Beds of Size 16 m x 16 m x 1.8 M TD - 20 No.
Pipe Sizes (Diameter in mm) Gravity Lines Sludge line Sewage line 15 Pump House Size of the Pump House
160.00 125.00
mm mm
Hydraulic Calculations Average Ground Level Inlet Chamber Water Level in the Inlet Chamber be Liquid Depth Provided in the Inlet Chamber Bed Level of Inlet Chamber Bar Screen Chamber Water Level in the Bar Screen Chamber be Bed Level of U/s of Bar Screen Chamber Bed Level of D/s of Bar Screen Chamber Grit Chamber Water Level in the Grit Chamber be Bottom Level of Grit Chamber Silt Depoition Hopper bottom level Equalization Tank Water Level in the Equalization tank Bed Level of Equalization tank Aeration Tank Water Level in the Aeration Tank Bed Level of Aeration Tank Secondary Clarifier Water Level in the Secondary Clarifier Bottom Level of secondary Clarifier Treated Sewage Sump Water Level in the Sump Bed Level of Treated Sewage Sump Wall Top Level of Treated Sewage Sump Pump House Size of the Pump House Finished Floor Level of the Pump House above Treated Sewage Sump Roof Bottom Level of Pump house 210.00 m
212.00 m 0.60 m 211.40 m 211.35 m 211.04 m 210.79 m 210.69 m 209.19 m 208.89 m 210.19 m 207.69 m 209.79 m 205.79 m 209.39 m 206.89 m 208.39 m 204.29 m 210.50 m 100 Sq.m 210.65 m 214.00 m
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