Exponential Distribution Properties
Exponential Distribution Properties
Exponential Distribution Properties
Exponential density A random variable X has exponential density if ex if x 0 fX ( x) = 0 otherwise is called the rate parameter. We say that the random variable X Exp() Mean, variance and distribution function are easy to compute. They are: 1 E [X ] = 1 V ar[X ] = 2 0 if x < 0 Exp(t) = FX (t) = 1 ex if x 0
Exponential Distribution
Density functions of exponential variables for dierent rate parameters 0.5, 1, and 2.
This is exactly the same probability as when we started at time 0!!! Note again that we are using the cdf of the Exponential distribution with = 2. That is, P (X t) = FX (t) = 1 e2x if x 0 The result of this example is no coincidence. We can state this as a theorem.
Gamma Distribution
This distribution is used to model total waiting time of a procedure that consists of independent stages, each stage with a waiting time having a distribution Exp. Then the total time has a Gamma disribution with parameters and . Gamma density A random variable X has gamma density if f ( x) =
1 x e , () x
is called the rate parameter and is called the shape parameter () is the Gamma function, an integral that is dened on p.398 (Baron) We say that the random variable X Gamma(, ) When is an integer (this is the case with most applications well discuss), the gamma random variable can be represented as the sum of iid Exp random variables. It follows that Gam1, Exp
Density functions of gamma variables for dierent shape parameters 0.5, 1, and 1.5.
Gamma densities for = 0.5
0.7 0.6
= 1.5
f{x) 0.3
4 x
FX (t) =
f (x)dx = ()
The computation of the cdf is not trivial. Tabulated values of the incomplete Gamma function is to evaluate the gamma cdf. It can be computed for small integer values of by repeated integration by parts.