Exponential Distribution Properties

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This distribution is commonly used to model waiting times between occurrences of rare events, lifetimes of electrical or mechanical devices.

Exponential density A random variable X has exponential density if ex if x 0 fX ( x) = 0 otherwise is called the rate parameter. We say that the random variable X Exp() Mean, variance and distribution function are easy to compute. They are: 1 E [X ] = 1 V ar[X ] = 2 0 if x < 0 Exp(t) = FX (t) = 1 ex if x 0

Exponential Distribution

Density functions of exponential variables for dierent rate parameters 0.5, 1, and 2.



Example 4.5 (Baron)

Example:Jobs are sent to a printer at an average of 3 jobs per hour. (a) What is the expected time between jobs? (b) What is the probability that the next job is sent within 5 minutes? Solution: Job arrivals represent rare events, thus the time T between them is Exponential with rate 3 jobs/hour i.e. = 3. (a) Thus E (T ) = 1/ = 1/3 hours or 20 minutes. (b) Using the same units (hours) we have 5 min.=1/12 hours. Thus we compute P (T < 1/12) = Exp3(1/12) = 1 e3 12 = 1 e 4 = 0.2212
1 1

Exponential Distribution: Example

Note: The following example will be continued throughout the remainder of this class. Example: Hits on a webpage Suppose we are told that, on average, there are 2 hits per minute on a specic web page. I start to observe this web page at a certain time point 0, and decide to model the waiting time till the rst hit Y (in minutes) using an exponential distribution. For modeling the distribution of Y using the exponential, we need an appropriate value for , the rate parameter Since, on average there are 2 hits per minute, the average waiting time between hits of 0.5 minutes. That is we may use this value as the expected value for Y : E [Y ] = 0.5.

Exponential Distribution: Example (continued...)

Since we know, that E [Y ] for an exponential RV is 1/, setting 1/ = 0.5 we get = 2 as a reasonable choice for the rate parameter. If our model is correct, describes the rate, at which this web page is hit! Using the above model we can answer questions like... What is the probability that we have to wait at most 40 seconds to observe the rst hit? (Since we are working in time units of minutes, we need to express the 40 seconds above as 2/3 minutes.) Thus, we compute the probability that we have to wait at most 2/3 min to observe the rst hit: P (Y 2/3) = Exp(2/3) = 1 e2/32 0.736 Note carefully that we just used the cdf of Y (that we know) for the above calculation.

Exponential Distribution: Example (continued...)

How long do we have to wait at most, to observe a rst hit with a probability of 0.9? This is the reverse of what we have computed so far, because here we want to nd a t, for which P (Y t) = 0.9: P ( Y t ) = 0. 9 1 e2t = 0.9 e2t = 0.1 t = 0.5 ln 0.1 1.15 (min) - thats approx. 69 seconds.

Memoryless property of the Exponential distribution

In the Hits on a web page example we said that we start to observe the web page a time point 0. Does the choice of this time point aect our analysis in any way? If there is no hit after the rst minute after we started, what is the probability, that we have to wait for another 40 seconds for the rst hit? The probability we want to compute is a conditional probability. The probability we need is P (wait for 1 min and 40 sec for the rst hit|no hits during the 1st min) Recall that, we used the random variable Y to denote the waiting time till the rst hit. It is easy to see that the required probability is then P (Y 5/3|Y > 1)

Memoryless property (continued...)

Now, recall that under the model we assumed, Y Exp(2.0) P (Y 5/3|Y > 1) = = P (Y 5/3 Y > 1) P (Y > 1) P (1 < Y 5/3) e2 e10/3 = = 0.736. 2 1 P (Y < 1) e

This is exactly the same probability as when we started at time 0!!! Note again that we are using the cdf of the Exponential distribution with = 2. That is, P (X t) = FX (t) = 1 e2x if x 0 The result of this example is no coincidence. We can state this as a theorem.

Memoryless property of the Exponential distribution

P (Y t + s|Y s) = 1 et = P (Y t) A proof of this result is given in Baron (p.91). This means: a random variable with an exponential distribution forgets about its past. This is called the memoryless property of the exponential distribution. An electrical or mechanical device whose lifetime we model as an exponential variable therefore stays as good as new until it suddenly breaks, i.e. we assume that theres no aging process. Exponential is the only continuous distribution that has this property. We earlier saw that a discrete distribution (Geometric) had a similar property.

Gamma Distribution
This distribution is used to model total waiting time of a procedure that consists of independent stages, each stage with a waiting time having a distribution Exp. Then the total time has a Gamma disribution with parameters and . Gamma density A random variable X has gamma density if f ( x) =
1 x e , () x


is called the rate parameter and is called the shape parameter () is the Gamma function, an integral that is dened on p.398 (Baron) We say that the random variable X Gamma(, ) When is an integer (this is the case with most applications well discuss), the gamma random variable can be represented as the sum of iid Exp random variables. It follows that Gam1, Exp

Density functions of gamma variables for dierent shape parameters 0.5, 1, and 1.5.
Gamma densities for = 0.5
0.7 0.6

= 1.5

f{x) 0.3





= 0.5 0.1 0.0 0

4 x



Properties of the Gamma Distribution

Mean and Variance are obtained using integration (see p. 93/94 of Baron). They are: E [X ] = V ar[X ] = 2 The cdf, Gam,(t) = FX (t) is of the form

FX (t) =

f (x)dx = ()


The computation of the cdf is not trivial. Tabulated values of the incomplete Gamma function is to evaluate the gamma cdf. It can be computed for small integer values of by repeated integration by parts.

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