Maximum Permissible Rail Potential PDF
Maximum Permissible Rail Potential PDF
Maximum Permissible Rail Potential PDF
his article reviews the current American and European standards and codes for maximum permissible rail voltage on dc traction power systems. The principles of negative grounding device (NGD) operation and its corresponding voltage settings are also briefly discussed. The negative return portion of a modern dc railway power system, which includes the running rails (tracks), is normally isolated from earth to the maximum extent practical. The purpose of this isolation is to prevent stray dc currents from flowing through the earth and potentially causing corrosion of nearby metallic infrastructure. The isolation of the tracks from the earth is not perfect. Each track tie and insulated running rail fastener assembly can be electrically represented as a resistor of highohmic value connected between the rails and the earth. With many of these resistors in
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voltage-limiting devices. IEC 62128-1 includes voltagetime curves that dictate the maximum permissible magnitudes and durations for ac and dc voltages, and the equipment built to EN 50122-1 must clamp (limit) the highest voltages in no more than 20 ms.
Rail Potential
Effects of an electric current passing through the vital parts of the human body depend on the duration, magnitude, and frequency of this current. The most dangerous consequence of such an exposure is a heart condition known as ventricular fibrillation, resulting in immediate arrest of blood circulation [1]. Although it is a current flow that causes this condition, the current flow through a persons body is in response to a voltage difference between two locations on the body. The resulting current flow is proportional to the equivalent resistance of the human body and the magnitude of the voltage difference across the body, or shock voltage, in accordance with Ohms law (body current = voltage difference/body resistance). For this reason, standards for the design of electrical facilities specify maximum permissible voltages, usually referred to as touch, step, or accessible voltages. Rail potential is the difference in voltage between the tracks (steel running rails) and ground. In this instance, ground means remote earth and earth in the terminologies of the IEEE Standard 80 [1] and IEC 62128-1 [6]. respectively (a zero potential reference). Rail potential is therefore a hypothetical quantity that is difficult to measure with precision since a direct connection to remote earth is difficult to achieve in practice. Rail potential is most often caused by a current flow through the tracks. The current flow through the electrical resistance of the rails creates a voltage drop along the rails. This results in a higher voltage at the location where the current is injected into the rails, which is why this phenomenon is sometimes referred to as rail voltage rise. Rail voltage rise regularly occurs due to the passage of trains, the higher values typically corresponding to periods of peak train acceleration and therefore lasting on the order of tens of seconds at most. The resulting peak rail potentials may or may not be significant, being primarily dependent on the magnitude of the train load currents, the resistance of the rail return circuit, and the degree of electrical isolation of the tracks from earth. Rail voltage rise also occurs as a result of short circuits between the positive dc supply network [overhead contact system (OCS) or contact rail] and the tracks. These lowresistance, higher magnitude faults are typically cleared rapidly since they are easily detected by substation protective devices. The resulting short-time rail potentials can be significant, depending on the location of the fault. Short circuits from the positive dc supply network to poorly conducting surfaces (high-resistance ground faults) can cause voltage in the fault vicinity to rise well
parallel over miles of track, a distributed leakage resistance is established between the rails and earth. However, for modern dc traction power systems, in particular, this resistance is high enough for the rails to be considered essentially ungrounded with respect to local electrical ground (earth). The lack of an intentional electrical connection between the tracks and earth allows voltage differences to occur along the rails, and between the rails and nearby structures. These voltage differences are caused by the flow of current through the running rails back to the substations. Since the shells of rail vehicles are typically at the same voltage as the wheels and rails, this voltage difference could be impressed on a passenger entering or exiting a train from a grounded platform. In the United States, these voltage differences have generally been limited through system design; the North American standards for substation grounding are typically referenced for design purposes, in particular, IEEE Standard 80, IEEE Guide for Safety in Substation Grounding [1]. In Europe, a standard has been developed specifically to address the control of voltages between rails and structures, International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 62128-1 (BS EN 50122-1), Railway ApplicationsFixed InstallationsPart 1: Protective Provisions Relating to Electrical Safety and Earthing [6]. Voltage-limiting equipment that can be installed in passenger stations and other accessible locations has been developed in response to the requirements of IEC 62128-1. These devices quickly connect running rails to the station structure to eliminate unsafe voltage differences. If an earth fault occurs (e.g., a broken catenary conductor falling on the ground), there may not be a low-resistance circuit back to the substation because of the electrical isolation between running rails and earth ground. Without a low-resistance path back to the substation, the resulting low-level short-circuit current flow is insufficient to operate the substation protective systems. As a result, the area in the vicinity of the fault may potentially be elevated to unsafe voltage levels. The equipment intended to detect this condition and connect the substation negative dc bus to the substation grounding grid is gradually being incorporated into modern North American dc traction power substation designs. These devices are known by several names, such as substation grounding contactors, automatic grounding switches, and NGDs. Devices built to comply with IEC 62128-1 are termed
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above that of the rails. This can result in a rail potential but with a polarity opposite to that of the rail voltage rises described earlier. Without a low-resistance pathway back to the substation negative dc bus, these ground faults can persist for significant lengths of time. Causes of high-resistance ground faults include broken OCS conductors, positive cable insulation failures, contact rail insulator failures, and debris touching the contact rail, including snow that has been treated with snow melting salts.
foot is conservatively represented as an equivalent conducting metallic disc. Etouch IB (RB 1:5q), (1)
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the IEEE Standard 80, can significantly increase the tolerable touch voltage. The IEEE Standard 80 makes some qualifying statements that are important for engineers involved with the grounding of dc traction power systems to be aware of, two of which are provided below. n This guide is primarily concerned with outdoor ac substations. . . (Scope, p. 1) n This guide is primarily concerned with safe grounding practices for power frequencies in the range of 50 60 Hz. The problems peculiar to dc substations. . . are beyond the scope of this guide (Purpose, p. 2). The tolerable voltages that can be derived from Standard 80 are therefore applicable for 5060 Hz frequencies only and for exposure durations between 0.3 and 3.0 s. The only substantial reference to application at other frequencies can be found on p. 11: Research indicates that the human body can tolerate a slightly higher 25 Hz current and approximately five times higher direct current.
certain body current pathways, contact moisture conditions, and skin contact areas, and On the evidence available, mostly from animal research, the values are so conservative that the standard applies to persons of normal physiological conditions including children, irrespective of age and weight. The extensive research on which IEC 60479-1 is based concludes that the impedance of the human body varies with touch voltage magnitude as well as with current frequency and duration. For dc current, the fibrillation threshold is also significantly higher for currents flowing downward through the body than for currents flowing upward. This results in a more complex electrical model of the human body than the one incorporated into the IEEE Standard 80. The research includes investigations with dc as evidenced by the following statement in the Scope section: Accidents with dc are much less frequent than would be expected from the number of dc applications, and fatal accidents occur only under very unfavorable conditions, for example, in mines. This is partly due to the fact that with dc, the let-go of parts gripped is less difficult and that for shock durations longer than the period of the cardiac cycle, the threshold of ventricular fibrillation is considerably higher than for alternating current. The tables of permissible voltages in IEC 62128-1 refer to several key technical terms that reflect the dynamic nature of an electrified railway environment. An understanding of these terms is necessary for the correct application of this standard, and verbatim definitions of these terms from section 3 of IEC 62128-1 provided for reference are: n Rail potential: voltage between running rails and earth occurring under operating conditions when the running rails are used for carrying the traction return or under fault conditions n Touch voltage: the voltage under fault conditions between live parts when touched simultaneously n Accessible voltage: that part of the rail potential under operating conditions that can be bridged by persons, the conductive path being conventionally from hand to both feet through the body or from hand to hand (horizontal distance of 1 m to a touchable part) n Short time conditions: 0.5 s (for short circuits) n Temporary conditions: 0.5 < t 300 s n Permanent conditions: >300 s n Voltage-limiting device: protective device against permanent existence of an inadmissible high touch/ accessible voltage. The values of permissible ac and dc voltages contained in IEC 62128-1 are provided in Tables 2 and 3. These voltages are based on the following assumptions contained in IEC 60479-1: n Current path: from one hand to both feet n Total body impedance: 50% of the population (50th percentile rank) n Probability of ventricular fibrillation: 0% (curve c1 on Figure 22 of 60479-1)
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Direction of current flow: upward (feet positive to hand negative) Hand and foot contact resistance: zero for temporary and permanent conditions Body impedance: it includes an additional 1,000 X for short time conditions (the equivalent resistance of old wet shoes) Surface layer resistance is not included: for temporary and permanent conditions, these voltages represent the metal-to-metal contact scenario in IEEE Standard 80 (in other words, these voltages are highly conservative for hand-to-feet contact situations since they assume direct contact of the feet with remote earth).
as open traction system earthing: the connection of conductive parts to the traction system earth (running rails) by a voltage-limiting device or by circuit breakers, which make a conductive connection either temporarily or permanently if the limited value of the voltage is exceeded. They can also be connected to individual conductive structures if deemed necessary (IEC 62128-1 defines an overhead contact line zone and a pantograph zone within which wholly or partially conductive structures must be protected from impermissible touch voltages). When an impermissible voltage between the rails and the platform ground is sensed by the voltage-limiting device, it shorts the platform ground to the rails within the time requirements of IEC 62128-1, equalizing the voltage between them. This voltage could be the result of an operational current (a rail voltage rise) or a positive-to-earth ground fault (local earth voltage rise). If the voltage-limiting device is to operate for both conditions, it must have bidirectional capability. It reopens after a time delay if the conducted current is below an acceptability threshold.
IEC 62128 1 notes that accessible voltages in workshops shall not exceed 25 Vac or 60 Vdc. These lower values are intended to lessen the chance that a nonlethal shock to a worker using shop equipment could result in the worker being injured by the equipment, rather than by the shock itself.
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The need for and location of dc RPCDs are best determined by a traction power load flow simulation. A dc railway traction power simulation program that correctly models the electrical interaction (leakage resistance) between the negative return system, remote earth, and the substation grounding system under peak service conditions can determine maximum rail potentials with and without the use of RPCDs [2]. It can also be used to determine the most appropriate locations of these devices (their zones of influence on the right of way) and the impacts of different voltage threshold triggering settings on nearby accessible voltages and the potential stray dc currents that may result during device closure.
In addition to limiting the rail potential in the vicinity of the substation, NGDs can assist in the detection and clearing of positive-to-earth ground faults external to the dc switchgear. A very simplified circuit diagram illustrating a typical NGD arrangement for a 750 Vdc nominal system is shown in Figure 1. Figure 1 illustrates the result of a OCSto-ground fault, although the result will be the same for any form of dc ground fault. The NGD is normally in an open state (nonconducting). As long as it remains open, significant fault currents cannot flow back to the substation dc negative bus since there is only a very high-resistance return path available to it. A small amount of fault current will flow into the rails near the fault via the leakage/shunt resistance of the rails in proportion to how well they are insulated from earth. Some fault current may also return to the negative bus through stray current drainage circuits, but drainage circuits are typically avoided on modern dc traction systems. After the NGD senses a triggering voltage difference across it and closes, the fault current will flow through the earth into the substation grounding grid. The fault current will be limited by the resistance of the grounding grid to remote earth, Rg . For example, if the grid resistance is 1 X and the other typically smaller circuit resistances are neglected, the ground fault current will be 750 V/1 X or 750 Adc or 750 Amperes dc. This is a low value of current for purposes of protective relaying; it is clear from this example that the substation grounding grid resistance Rg must be made as low as practicable for the NGD to work effectively.
Negative Grounding Device Substation Grounding Grid Vg + Rg (Grounding Grid Resistance to Remote Earth) Ground Fault Current Returning to Substation Through Grounding Grid Encounters Typical Grounding Grid Resistance of 0.52 .
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earlier, this low of a threshold may not be necessary for safety reasons, may not actually reduce rail potential, and may be contributing to excessive stray current flow due to sustained and/or frequent operation.
serve as an indicator of gradual breakdowns in positive or negative return system insulation or as an indicator that the triggering thresholds may be too low.
Presently, the U.S. standards do not address the electrical safety and grounding aspects of rail potential specific to dc traction power systems. This lack of standardization may be contributing to uncertainty in the United States about acceptable levels of rail potential, as well as the need for, and the application of NGDs. International Standard IEC 62128-1:2003, Railway ApplicationsFixed InstallationsPart 1: Protective Provisions Relating to Electrical Safety and Earthing, is a comprehensive, mature standard that provides the necessary guidance specific to dc traction power systems. Until then, as the U.S. standard is developed for this application, it is suggested that IEC 62128-1 be referenced.
Author Information
R.W. Benjamin Stell ( received his bachelors and masters degrees in electrical power engineering from Northeastern University in 1985 and 1994, respectively. He is a specialist in the planning, design, and construction of railway electrical systems for STV, Inc. in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He is currently the chair of IEEE Traction Power Substation Subcommittee Working Group 22, Traction Power Rectifiers. His professional experiences include the development of load flow analysis programs and the performance of system planning studies for light- and heavy-rail traction power systems.
When equipped with recording capability, NGDs can provide useful data related to traction power system behavior under normal service, abnormal service, and equipment contingency conditions. This data include rail potential levels, ground fault current magnitudes, and stray current activity and can be used to verify design assumptions and criteria. Frequent operation can also
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