Ferroresonance in VT
Ferroresonance in VT
Ferroresonance in VT
88 NR 1a/2012 137
Victor VALVERDE, Javier MAZN, Garikoitz BUIGUES, Inmaculada ZAMORA
Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering of Bilbao, University of the Basque Country
Ferroresonance Suppression in Voltage Transformers
Abstract. Ferroresonance is a special case of disturbance that involves high levels of overvoltage and overcurrents distortion. This phenomenon
can severely affect voltage transformers and its consequences can be catastrophic. This paper analyses different practical solutions against
ferroresonance phenomenon in voltage transformers, highlighting the current development of ferroresonance detection techniques. In this regard,
this paper introduces a novel ferroresonance detection technique based on Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs).
Streszczenie. Ferrorezonans w transformatorze jest zakceniem wprowadzajcym przepicia i przecienia prdowe. Moe on popwodowa
nawet zniszczenie transformatora. W artykule zaproponowano szereg metod umoliwiajcych stumienie ferrorezonansu. Ferrorezonans jest
wykrywany dziki technice bazujcej na sztucznych sieciach neuronowych. (Tumienie ferrorezonansu w transformatorach napiciowych).
Keywords: Ferroresonance, Voltage Transformer, Artificial Neural Network, Multi-Layer Perceptron.
Sowa kluczowe: ferrorezonans, transformator, sztuczne sieci neuronowe.
1. Introduction
The word ferroresonance includes all the oscillatory
phenomena that take place in an electric circuit comprising
a nonlinear inductance, a capacitance, a voltage source
and low losses. That is why it is a frequent phenomenon in
voltage transformers, due to their nonlinear magnetic
characteristic and their operation conditions, similar to
no-load ones.
This phenomenon appears after transient disturbances
(transient overvoltage, lightning overvoltage or temporary
fault) or switching operations (transformer energizing or
fault clearing). Its effects are characterized by high
sustained overvoltages and overcurrents with maintained
levels of current and voltage waveform distortion, producing
extremely dangerous consequences.
In the last 25 years, the interest in this phenomenon has
undergone an important increase in the field of research in
electrical engineering. The constant evolution of electrical
power systems has given rise to a significant increase in the
amount of failures caused by ferroresonance. These
failures have their origin in different causes, amongst which
should be included the increased use of underground
cables in primary circuits, single-phase operations, low-loss
transformers, replacement of gapped SiC arresters by
gapless metal-oxide arresters, etc. [1].
The first step against ferroresonance is always to
prevent it from appearing, either by modifying the initial
design of the installation or by deciding about the
appropriate actions to take. If the establishment of the
ferroresonant circuit cannot be avoided, it is necessary to
take some preventive measures that make it possible for
this phenomenon to be damped.
These measures basically consist of introducing some
losses in the system, in order to make the energy supplied
by the power source insufficient to maintain this
phenomenon. These losses can either be temporary or
permanent. On the one hand, the latter may affect the
efficiency of the installation in a considerable way, even
provoking thermal failures under unbalanced situations. On
the other hand, if the introduction of these losses were
temporary, some sort of ferroresonance detection device
would be necessary.
Nowadays, the current development level of this kind of
detection systems is quite limited, although during the last
years, the production of detection techniques and devices
has started to be increased.
This paper analyses the ferroresonance suppression
techniques in voltage transformers, highlighting those that
promote the detection of the phenomenon. In the last part of
the paper a novel ferroresonance detection technique
based on the identification of the ferroresonant voltage
waveform is introduced. The identification process is
developed using Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs).
2. Theoretical principles of ferroresonance
The ferroresonance phenomenon is associated with the
coexistence, in the same electric circuit, of a non-linear
inductance and a capacitor or capacitive load. This
phenomenon is characterised by showing at least two
stable steady-state responses for a particular range of
circuit parameters: a ferroresonant one and a normal
operation one (non-ferroresonant). Furthermore, con-
sidering the dynamic characteristics of this nonlinear
disturbance, the abovementioned ferroresonant response
can manifest itself in different ways, as periodic oscillations
at the fundamental frequency of the power system
(fundamental mode) or at sub-multiple values of the
fundamental frequency (subharmonic mode). In some
cases, the oscillations can even be non-periodic with a
discontinuous (quasi-periodic mode) or continuous (chaotic
mode) frequency spectrum [2].
The jump from one stable steady-state response to
another one is highly dependent on the initial conditions of
the system (residual flux, capacitance value, voltage
source, switching instant, etc). Thus, a little variation in the
transient state or in some of the parameters of the network
may be the trigger that causes a sudden jump, leading to
the appearance of the ferroresonance response. This way,
the events associated to ferroresonance are usually
transient disturbances (lightning, electrical faults, insulation
failures) or switching operations.
Once the ferroresonance has appeared, the system
keeps working under ferroresonance situation until the
source fails to provide the necessary energy to maintain the
phenomenon or a new jump to a non-ferroresonat situation
is provoked.
Due to the difficulty in controlling and quantifying each
and every one of the factors that influences ferroresonance,
it is frequently regarded as an unpredictable or random
phenomenon. Despite being a phenomenon with high
prediction difficulties, some phenomena related to
ferroresonance have been observed through the years.
These phenomena can help to identify a ferroresonant
situation. Some of them are overvoltages and overcurrents,
sustained levels of distortion, loud noise (magnetostriction),
misoperation of protective devices, overheating, electrical
equipment damage, insulation breakdown or flicker [3-5].
138 PRZEGLD ELEKTROTECHNICZNY (Electrical Review), ISSN 0033-2097, R. 88 NR 1a/2012
3. Measures against ferroresonance in voltage
Voltage transformers are devices particularly prone to
ferroresonance on account of its nonlinear character and
operating characteristics, because they are designed to
work under conditions similar to no-load ones.
On the one hand, inductive voltage transformers are
even more susceptible to ferroresonance, since they have a
higher inductive character and, consequently, they need a
lower capacitance to form the ferroresonant circuit [6]. This
tendency of inductive transformers to be prone to
ferroresonance becomes more important when operating in
isolated grounded systems or when feeded by circuits that
include circuit breakers with grading capacitances.
On the other hand, the design of capacitive voltage
transformers includes a capacitive divider that increases
their tendency to ferroresonance occurrence.
3.1. Inductive Voltage Transformers
It has been almost a century since, for the first time, L.N.
Robinson dealt with ferroresonant problems in voltage
transformers [7]. Since then, several authors have studied
the possibilities of preventing the ferroresonant oscillations
in this kind of transformer [8-9]. Most of these analyses
have concluded that one of the best options to control these
oscillations is to insert a damping circuit in the transformers
open-delta secondary (tertiary) winding (Figure 1).
Fig. 1. Damping circuit in the transformers open-delta secondary
(tertiary) winding
The most typical damping circuit consists of the
permanent inclusion of a simple resistor. However, its
application may imply several problems, especially in
isolated systems. These systems can operate under ground
fault conditions for a long time, causing severe overvoltages
in the open delta. Therefore, the thermal dissipation in the
resistor may be too high, leading to serious safety
problems. This effect becomes worse in modern low-loss
voltage transformers, where the damping resistor needs to
have a very low value [5,8,10].
A more advanced solution than the previous one
consists of designing a damping circuit formed by a resistor
connected in series with an LC filter or a saturable inductor.
The performance of LC filters is used to damp the
ferroresonant oscillation at frequencies different from the
fundamental one. On the contrary, the use of a saturable
inductor connected in series with a resistor makes the
damping circuit adequate for every ferroresonant oscillation,
since its performance with regard to saturation does not
depend on the frequency content. This way, the inductor
works as a magnetic switch: when the ferroresonant
phenomenon appears, the inductor gets saturated, giving
way to the reduction of its impedance and inserting the
series-connected resistor that allows damping the
ferroresonance [11].
In recent years, some researchers [12] have proposed
the selectively connection of the damping resistor. This
way, the damping circuit is only connected under
ferroresonance situation and the possible thermal damage
under unbalanced situation is avoided. This selective
connection implies the necessity of a ferroresonance
detection system. In this field, there are currently four main
lines of research, depending on the criteria used to detect
the phenomenon: saturation analysis [9,11,13], overvoltage
analysis [14], zero-sequence voltage analysis [12] and
identification of waveforms [15-16].
3.2. Capacitive Voltage Transformers
These kinds of transformers usually include a
ferroresonance suppression system (Figure 2). Although
the aim of this system is to damp effectively the
ferroresonance phenomenon, its inclusion may affect
considerably the transient response of the transformer,
causing misoperation of protective relays and associated
systems [17-20].
Fig. 2. Graphical solution of a series ferroresonant circuit
Nowadays, there are mainly two types of ferroresonance
suppression circuits in capacitive voltage transformers:
Active Ferroresonance Suppression Circuits (AFSC), based
on a series-parallel RLC filter, and Passive Ferroresonance
Suppression Circuits (PFSC), based on a saturable inductor
in series with a damping resistance.
AFSC are more effective in damping the ferroresonant
oscillations than PFSC, although its influence on the
transient response of the transformer is higher. Both
systems usually incorporate surge protection devices.
Figure 3 shows the typical elements included in the design
of a ferroresonance suppression circuit. In recent years, the
use of electronic systems based on power electronic
devices is on the increase due to its effectiveness and low
Fig. 3. Basic circuits for ferroresonance suppression [18]
4. A novel method for ferroresonance suppression
In this section the authors present a novel technique for
ferroresonance detection using Artificial Neural Networks
(ANNs). The developed technique is based on the line of
research that analyses the identification of the ferroresonant
Ferroresonant oscillations adopt characteristic
waveforms that may be used to identify the phenomenon.
As the detection technique is focused in voltage
transformers, the voltage waveform (secondary measured
voltage) has been selected to identify the phenomenon.
This voltage waveform is different, depending on the
ferroresonant mode. The most common one is the
fundamental mode [21-22]. That is why the developed
detection technique focuses its attention in the fundamental
4.1. Artificial neural networks
Artificial neural networks are models based on the
neural structure of the brain. They are composed of a large
PRZEGLD ELEKTROTECHNICZNY (Electrical Review), ISSN 0033-2097, R. 88 NR 1a/2012 139
number of processing components highly interconnected
among them. These basic components are known as
neurons or nodes, and they try to replicate the most basic
functions of the brain via their multiple connections, working
in parallel at the same time for the solution of specific
problems. Consequently, they have the capacity to learn
from representative examples of the problem.
Artificial neurons are grouped by layers, with a typical
structure of an input layer, an output layer, and one or more
hidden layers. Each neuron in a hidden layer receives the
outputs from all the neurons in the previous layer, and
passes its output to all the neurons in the following layer.
The internal operation of an artificial neuron is shown in
Figure 4. The mathematical symbol, x
, represents the
inputs to the neuron. Each of these inputs is multiplied by a
connection weight, represented by w
. These products are
treated, fed through a propagation rule H(t). Each neuron
has a threshold value or bas term
. and a transfer function
, to generate the neuron output, represented by y
. The
most common activation functions are linear functions, step
functions or sigmoid functions.
( )
i i ij j i
y t f w x u
| |
\ .
1 i
2 i
3 i
4 i
w i
Fig. 4. Artificial neuron model
Once the network structure has been defined, it has to
be trained according to a particular application. During the
learning process, the connection weights are modified until
the network is able to generalize from the training data.
Once the network has been trained, it is prepared to accept
input values, providing output values.
There are different types of ANNs depending on the
neural model, the topology of the connections and the
learning process. One of the most important and widely
used network is the Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP). MLP
network is a unidirectional network of supervised learning.
The topology of a MLP network consists of an input layer,
an output layer and an undefined number of hidden layers,
fully connected between them, but without intra-layers
connections. The typical learning algorithm of an MLP
network is the back propagation (BP) training, which is a
gradient descent based method that adjusts the network
weights in order to minimize the errors between network
outputs and expected outputs.
4.2. Ferroresonance Detection Based on ANNs
This detection technique analyses the direct sampling of
a full-cycle data window of the voltage signal at the
fundamental frequency. The neural network used to identify
the full-cycle data window is a MLP network. The only data
conditioning that has to be made is to scale down the
samples in a range between 0 and 1.
The quantity of input data to the neural network
coincides with the number of samples per cycle gathered
from the signal. The choice of the sampling frequency has
been decided by considering the following three criteria:
The sampling frequency should be commonly used by
typical power relays.
The number of samples should be high enough to obtain
a reliable representation of the voltage waveform.
The number of samples should be low enough not to
overload the final design of the neural network.
Taking into consideration the abovementioned three
criteria, the sampling frequency that has been finally chosen
is 32 samples/cycle. In this case, if the neural network
classifies the signal as ferroresonant according to the 32
samples used as input data, the network provides 1 as
output. On the other hand, if it is classified as non
ferroresonant, the output changes to 0. The basic
scheme of the proposed detection technique is shown in
Figure 5.
MultiLayer Perceptron
(32 samples)
1 Ferroresonance
0 No Ferroresonance
Fig. 5. Ferroresonance detection scheme
The representative examples of the problem have been
obtained by software simulation, with the development of a
voltage transformer in MATLAB/Simulink environment. Not
only have ferroresonant conditions been simulated, but the
results from non-ferroresonant oscillations have also been
obtained, so as to get enough operating conditions for the
ANN in the training stage. These situations include normal
operating conditions, ground-faulted system and different
switching operations.
The ANN training process has been undertaken with the
help of the SARENEUR software application [23],
developed with the Neural Network Toolbox of MATLAB.
Different MLP network architectures have been trained,
considering one or two hidden layers. The sigmoid
activation function has been implemented in the neurons of
the hidden layers, and the identity function has been
applied to the neurons of the output layer. Furthermore, the
Levenberg-Marquardt learning algorithm has been used
during the training process.
The network architectures with better responses
correspond to networks with a number of neurons over 20
in the first hidden layer and some few neurons in the
second hidden layer.
The network responses are being highly satisfactory.
Figure 6 shows the response of a trained ANN under a
ferroresonant situation obtained by simulation. The ANN is
composed by 24 neurons in the first hidden layer and 15
neurons in the second hidden layer. As can clearly be seen,
once the ferroresonance appears, the ANN identifies the
phenomenon providing a continuous output of 1. Once the
ferroresonance has been successfully detected, a damping
resistance is inserted so as to make ferroresonant
oscillations disappear.
140 PRZEGLD ELEKTROTECHNICZNY (Electrical Review), ISSN 0033-2097, R. 88 NR 1a/2012
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
time (s)
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
RNA result (1 = Ferroresonance ; 0 = No Ferroresonance)
time (s)
Fig. 6. ANN response under a fundamental ferroresonance
Several laboratory tests are currently being conducted
with real voltage transformers, providing equally satisfactory
5. Conclusions
Ferroresonance is a widely studied phenomenon but it is
still not well understood because of its complex behaviour.
Its effects on electrical equipments are still considerable
With regard to voltage transformers, there are different
solutions against ferroresonance phenomenon. The most
typical one is the permanent connection of a damping circuit
(normally a resistance) in the secondary terminals of the
transformer. This permanent damping circuit may provoke
failures under unbalanced situations or affect the transient
response of the transformer. Thus, in recent years, several
authors propose the selective connection of the damping
circuit, developing new ferroresonant detection techniques.
In this regard, this paper introduces a novel
ferroresonant detection technique based on ANNs. This
technique has the capability to detect fundamental
ferroresonance situations with high degree of accuracy. The
technique has been developed by simulation and it is
currently being verified by laboratory tests.
The work presented in this paper has been supported
partially, by the Basque Government (Ref. IT532-10).
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Authors: Vctor Valverde, Faculty of Engineering of Bilbao,
Alameda de Urquijo s/n, 48013 Bilbao (Spain), E-mail:
victor.valverde@ehu.es; prof. dr Javier Mazn, Faculty of
Engineering of Bilbao, Alameda de Urquijo s/n, 48013 Bilbao
(Spain), E-mail: javier.mazon@ehu.es; dr Garikoitz Buigues,
Faculty of Engineering of Bilbao, Alameda de Urquijo s/n, 48013
Bilbao (Spain), E-mail: garikoitz.buigues@ehu.es; prof. dr
Inmaculada Zamora, Faculty of Engineering of Bilbao, Alameda de
Urquijo s/n, 48013 Bilbao (Spain), E-mail: