American Series - Atestat Limba Engleza
American Series - Atestat Limba Engleza
American Series - Atestat Limba Engleza
American Series
Aiud &'()
Table of Contents
Table of Contents........................................................................................................................2 Argument.....................................................................................................................................3 Summary......................................................................................................................................3 Etymology...................................................................................................................................3 1.De ter.......................................................................................................................................3 1.1. Series outset......................................................................................................................! 1.2.E terior filming................................................................................................................." 1.3.Cast an# cre$....................................................................................................................." 1.3.1.Cast............................................................................................................................." 1.3.2.Cre$...........................................................................................................................% 1.!.A$ar#s...............................................................................................................................% 2.Supernatural..............................................................................................................................% 2.1.Conception an# creation....................................................................................................& 2.2.'riting...............................................................................................................................( 2.3.Effects..............................................................................................................................1) 2.!.*ilming locations.............................................................................................................11 2.".Cast an# c+aracters..........................................................................................................11 Conclusion.................................................................................................................................1" ,ibliograp+y..............................................................................................................................1"
As - al$ays lo.e# $atc+ing T/ series0 - c+ose to $rite about t+is sub1ect.
Summary Etymology
T+e $or# series comes from t+e Latin .erb serere 23to 1oin toget+er0 bin#45. -n 6ort+ America t+e $or# 3series4 is a synonym of 3program4.
1. Dexter
Dexter is an American tele.ision #rama series $+ic+ #ebute# on S+o$time on 7ctober 10 2))8. T+e series centers on De ter 9organ 29ic+ael C. :all50 a bloo# spatter pattern analyst for t+e fictional 9iami 9etro ;olice Department 2base# on t+e real life 9iami<Da#e ;olice Department5 $+o also lea#s a secret life as a serial =iller. ,ut De ter isn>t a a.erage serial =iller as +e only =ills people $+o fit a .ery precise ?moral co#e? taug+t to +im by +is late fat+er :arry. Set in 9iami0 t+e s+o$>s first season $as largely base# on t+e no.el Darkly Dreaming Dexter0 t+e first of t+e De ter series no.els by @eff Lin#say. -t $as a#apte# for tele.ision by screen$riter @ames 9anos0 @r.0 $+o $rote t+e first episo#e. SubseAuent seasons +a.e e.ol.e# in#epen#ently of Lin#say>s $or=s. T+e series +as en1oye# $i#e critical acclaim an# popularity. Season ! aire# its season finale on December 130 2))( to a recor#<brea=ing au#ience of 2.8 million .ie$ers0 ma=ing it t+e most<$atc+e# original series episo#e on S+o$time. 9ic+ael C. :all +as recei.e# se.eral a$ar#s an# nominations for +is portrayal of De ter0 inclu#ing a Bol#en Blobe. 7n 6o.ember 1&0 2)110 it $as announce# t+at Dexter +a# been rene$e# for t$o more seasons.
Season % premiere# on September 3)0 2)12. T+e Season % premiere $as t+e most $atc+e# Dexter episo#e $it+ 3 million .ie$ers.
Series outset
7rp+ane# at t+e age of t+ree by t+e mur#er of +is mot+er0 De ter 9organ is a#opte# by 9iami police officer :arry 9organ an# +is $ife Doris. After #isco.ering young De ter +a# been =illing neig+bor+oo# pets for years0 :arry tells De ter t+at +e t+e nee# to =ill ?got into? +im too early0 an# t+at De ter>s nee# to =ill $ill only gro$. To =eep De ter from =illing innocent people0 :arry teac+es +im t+e co#eC -. --. ---. De ter>s .ictims must be =illers $+o +a.e =ille# $it+out 1ustifiable cause an# are li=ely to #o so again. De ter must al$ays be sure of +is target>s guilt0 t+us +e freAuently goes to amazing lengt+s to obtain un#eniable proof of +is .ictim>s guilt. 9ost importantly0 De ter must get caug+t. *las+bac=s t+roug+out t+e series s+o$ :arry 2$+o #ie# se.eral years pre.iously5 teac+ing De ter +o$ to fa=e normal +uman emotion an# social be+a.ior an# +o$ to +is trac=s after a =ill. De ter follo$s T+e Co#e religiously to satisfy t+e ?Dar= ;assenger? 2t+e name assigne# to +is urge to =ill5. Li=e many serial =illers0 De ter =eeps a trop+y of eac+ =ill. :e slices +is .ictim>s c+ee= $it+ a scalpel to collect a #roplet of t+eir bloo#0 $+ic+ +e on a bloo# sli#e. :e stores +is collection in a $oo#en bo conceale# $it+in +is air con#itioner. At t+e beginning of t+e series0 De ter +e +as no emotions0 an# must $or= constantly to appear normal an# blen# $it+ $ell<a#1uste# +uman beings. De ter is typically capable of fa=ing ?normal? +uman emotion to a #egree t+at +e is generally in.isible. Demar=ably0 people ten# to gra.itate to De ter #espite +imself0 suc+ t+at +e ina#.ertently fin#s +imself sa##le# $it+ une pecte# frien#s0 acAuaintances0 an# e.en lo.ers. T+e closest +e approac+es t+e emotion of lo.e is +is ?fon#ness? for +is a#opti.e sister Debra. S+e is una$are of :arry>s training but +arbors lingering 1ealousy of t+e percei.e# preferential treatment :arry ga.e De ter. -n t+e first season0 De ter #ates a $oman name# Dita as part of t+e ?#isguise of normalcy?. Dita0 subconsciously traumatize# by years of #omestic abuse at t+e +an#s of +er e <+usban#0 ;aul ,ennett0 initially cannot bring +erself to be p+ysically intimate $it+ anot+er
male. T+is suits De ter0 $+o p+ysical intimacy an# closeness may un.eil +is true personality. :e is fon# of c+il#ren in general0 particularly Dita>s c+il#ren Astor an# Co#y. ,ut +is attac+ment to Debra0 Dita0 Astor an# Co#y 2an# later +is biological son0 :arrison5 complicates +is #ouble life0 causing +im to Auestion +is ?nee#? to =ill.
Exterior filming
Alt+oug+ t+e series is set in 9iami0 *lori#a0 many of t+e e terior scenes are filme# in Long ,eac+0 California. 9any lan#mar= buil#ings an# locations in Long ,eac+ are feature# t+roug+out t+e series.
,esi#es 9ic+ael C. :all playing t+e title c+aracter0 t+e s+o$>s supporting cast inclu#es @ennifer Carpenter as De ter>s a#opti.e sister an# co<$or=er 2an# later boss5 Debra0 an# @ames Demar as De ter>s a#opti.e fat+er0 :arry. De ter>s co<$or=ers inclu#e Lauren /Elez as Lieutenant 2later Captain5 9arFa LaBuerta0 De ter an# Debra>s super.isor0 Da.i# Gayas as Detecti.e Sergeant Angel @uan 9arcos ,atista0 an# C. S. Lee as lab tec+ /ince 9asu=a 2promote# to title cre#its in Season 25. Eri= Hing portraye# t+e trouble# Sgt @ames Doa=es for t+e first t$o seasons of t+e s+o$. Desmon# :arrington 1oine# t+e cast in Season 3 as @oey IuinnJ +is name $as promote# to t+e title cre#its as of Season !. Beoff ;ierson plays Captain Tom 9att+e$s of 9iami 9etro :omici#e. @ulie ,enz starre# as De ter>s girlfrien# turne# $ife Dita in Seasons 1K! $it+ a guest appearance in Season ". Dita>s c+il#ren Astor an# Co#y are playe# by C+ristina Dobinson an# ;reston ,ailey 2$+o replace# Daniel Bol#man after t+e first season5. De ter>s infant son :arrison is playe# by t$ins0 an# Lu=e Hruntc+e.. 7n *ebruary "0 2)130 it $as reporte# t+at Aimee Barcia $as promote# to series regular status starting season &.
6otable appearances in Season 1 are C+ristian Camargo as t+e -ce Truc= Hiller an# 9ar= ;ellegrino as Dita>s abusi.e e <+usban# ;aul. @aime 9urray portraye# Lila Tournay in Season 20 a beautiful but un+inge#0 =no$<it<all0 ,ritis+ ?artist? $+o becomes obsesse# $it+ De ter. Heit+ Carra#ine0 as Special *,- Agent *ran= Lun#y0 an# @immy Smits0 as ADA 9iguel ;ra#o0 eac+ appeare# in season<long c+aracter arcs in Seasons 2 an# 30 respecti.ely. Da.i# Damsey0 $+o plays confi#ential informant Anton ,riggs in Season 30 returne# in Season !0 romantically in.ol.e# $it+ Debra. @o+n Lit+go$ 1oine# t+e cast in season four as t+e ?Trinity Hiller?. Carra#ine returne# in Season !0 reprising +is role as ne$ly retire# *,Special Agent *ran= Lun#y0 $+o $as +unting t+e Trinity Hiller. Courtney *or# $as feature# in Season ! as an ambitious reporter $+o mi es business $it+ pleasure0 getting romantically in.ol.e# $it+ @osep+ $+ile simultaneously fis+ing for sources an# stories. @ulia Stiles 1oine# t+e cast a little later as Lumen ;ierce0 a $oman $+o gets in.ol.e# in a comple relations+ip $it+ De ter after t+e trage#y t+at culminate# t+e pre.ious season. -n t+e si t+ season0 9os Def $as cast as ,rot+er Sam0 a con.icte# mur#erer turne# born<again C+ristian0 an# E#$ar# @ames 7lmos an# Colin :an=s guest starre# as ;rofessor @ames Bellar an# 9ars+all $+o $ere in.ol.e# in a mur#erous apocalyptic cult. T+e se.ent+ season features multiple guest stars inclu#ing Day Ste.enson as L=rainian organize# crime boss0 -saa= Sir=o0 @ason Be#ric= as strip club o$ner an# mob enforcer0 Beorge 6o.i=o.0 an# M.onne Stra+o.s=i as female serial =iller an# De ter>s lo.e interest for t+e season0 :anna+ 9cHay. ,ra# 'illiam :en=e +a# a role as amputee .ictim Tony Tucci in t+e first season. 9argo 9artin#ale +a# a recurring role as Camilla0 a recor#s office $or=er $+o $as close frien#s $it+ De ter>s a#opti.e parents. @o,et+ 'illiams portrays Dita>s suspicious mot+er0 Bail ,ran#on0 in four episo#es of season 2. 9alcolm<@amal 'arner appeare# as a family la$yer0 an# @o+n 9ars+all @ones appeare# as a man $+o mur#ere# +is $ife0 to be s+ot by Doa=es. Anne Damsay portraye# #efense attorney Ellen 'olf0 9iguel>s arc+<nemesis. /alerie Cruz +a# a recurring role as 9iguel>s $ife0 Syl.ia. April Lee :ernNn#ez 1oine# t+e cast early into t+e fift+ season as Cira 9anzon0 a police ?uniform? $+o $as inclu#e# in an in.estigation by Debra because of +er :ispanic #escent an# =no$le#ge of Santa 9uerte. -n season 80 ,illy ,ro$n $as cast as transferre#<in Detecti.e 9i=e An#erson to replace Debra after +er promotion to LieutenantJ @os+ Coo=e plays Louis Breene0 a lab tec+ an# 9asu=a>s internJ an# Aimee Barcia playe# t+e role of ,atista>s younger sister0 @amie.
1.3.2. Crew
T+e main creati.e forces be+in# t+e series $ere e ecuti.e pro#ucers Daniel Cerone0 Cly#e ;+illips an# 9elissa DosenbergJ Cerone left t+e s+o$ after its secon# season. Coming off a recor#<setting Season ! finale0 e ecuti.e pro#ucer an# s+o$runner Cly#e ;+illips #eparte# t+e series to spen# more time $it+ +is family. 24 co<e ecuti.e pro#ucer C+ip @o+annessen too= ;+illips> post. :ea# $riter 9elissa Dosenberg left after Season ! as $ell. After t+e conclusion of Season "0 it $as re.eale# t+at C+ip @o+annessen $as #eparting t+e s+o$ after a single season an# t+at Scott ,uc= $oul# ta=e as s+o$runner from season 8.
Dexter +as been nominate# for 2" ;rimetime Emmy A$ar#s 2$inning !50 in t+e category of 7utstan#ing Drama Series ! times in a ro$0 from 2))& to 2)110 an# 7utstan#ing Lea# Actor in a Drama Series 2for 9ic+ael C. :all5 " times in a ro$0 from 2))& to 2)12. -t +as also been nominate# for 1) Bol#en Blobe A$ar#s 2$inning 25 an# 12 Screen Actors Buil# A$ar#s 2$inning 15.
2. Su ernatural
Su ernatural supernatural #rama is an American series0 tele.ision
create# by Eric Hrip=e0 $+ic+ $as first broa#cast on September 130 2))"0 on T+e ',0 an# is no$ part of T+e C'>s lineup. Starring @ensen Ac=les as Dean 'inc+ester an# @are# ;a#alec=i as Sam 'inc+ester0 t+e series follo$s t+ese t$o brot+ers as t+ey +unt #emons0 g+osts0 monsters an# ot+er figures of t+e supernatural. T+e series is pro#uce# by 'arner ,ros. Tele.ision0 in association $it+ 'on#erlan# Soun# an# /ision. T+e current e ecuti.e pro#ucers are Eric Hrip=e0 9cB0 an# Dobert SingerJ former e ecuti.e pro#ucer Him 9anners #ie# of lung cancer #uring pro#uction of t+e fourt+ season.
T+is series is filme# in /ancou.er0 ,ritis+ Columbia an# surroun#ing areas0 an# $as in #e.elopment for nearly ten years0 as creator Hrip=e spent se.eral years unsuccessfully pitc+ing it. T+e pilot $as .ie$e# by an estimate# ".8( million .ie$ers0 an# t+e ratings of t+e first four episo#es prompte# T+e ', to pic= up t+e series for a full season. 7riginally0 Hrip=e planne# t+e series for t+ree seasons0 but later e pan#e# it to fi.e. T+e fift+ season began airing on September 1)0 2))(0 an# conclu#e# t+e series> main storylineJ +o$e.er0 T+e C' officially rene$e# t+e s+o$ for a si t+ season on *ebruary 180 2)1). 7n April 280 2)110 t+e s+o$ $as rene$e# for a se.ent+ season for t+e 2)11K2)12 season0 $+ic+ began on September 230 2)11. 7n 9ay 30 2)120 Supernatural $as rene$e# for an &t+ season by T+e C' $it+ @eremy replacing Sera Bamble as co<s+o$runner $it+ Dobert Singer. 7n *ebruary 110 2)130 T+e C' rene$e# t+e series for a (t+ season.
,efore bringing Supernatural to tele.ision0 creator Eric Hrip=e +a# been #e.eloping t+e series for nearly ten years0 been fascinate# $it+ urban legen#s since +e $as a c+il#. Alt+oug+ +e +a# en.isione# Supernatural as a mo.ie0 +e spent years unsuccessfully pitc+ing it as a series. T+e concept $ent t+roug+ se.eral p+ases before becoming t+e e.entual pro#uct0 s+ifting from t+e original i#ea of an ant+ology series to one of tabloi# reporters aroun# t+e country in a .an ?fig+ting t+e #emons in searc+ of t+e trut+?.Hrip=e $ante# it to be a roa# trip series0 feeling t+at it $as t+e ?best .e+icle to tell t+ese stories because it>s pure0 strippe# #o$n an# uniAuely American... T+ese stories e ist in t+ese small to$ns all across t+e country0 an# it 1ust ma=es so muc+ sense to #ri.e in an# out of t+ese stories.? ,ecause +e +a# pre.iously $ritten for T+e ', series Tarzan0 Hrip=e $as offere# t+e c+ance to pitc+ s+o$ i#eas to t+e net$or=0 an# use# t+e opportunity for Supernatural. :o$e.er0 t+e net$or= #isli=e# +is tabloi# reporter i#ea0 so Hrip=e successfully pitc+e# +is last<minute i#ea of t+e c+aracters being brot+ers. :e #eci#e# to +a.e t+e brot+ers be from La$rence0 Hansas0 #ue to its closeness to Stull Cemetery0 a location famous for its urban legen#s. '+en it came time to name t+e t$o lea# c+aracters0 Hrip=e #eci#e# on ?Sal? an# ?Dean? as an +omage to @ac= Herouac>s roa#<trip no.el On the Road. :o$e.er0 +e felt t+at ?Sal? $as inappropriate for a main c+aracter0 an# c+ange# t+e name to ?Sam?. -t $as originally inten#e# for t+e brot+ers> last name to be ?:arrison? as a no# to actor :arrison
*or#0 as Hrip=e $ante# Dean to +a.e t+e ?<may<care s$agger of :an Solo?. :o$e.er0 t+ere $as a Sam :arrison in Hansas0 so t+e name +a# to be c+ange# for legal reasons. Combining +is interest in t+e 'inc+ester 9ystery :ouse an# +is #esire to gi.e t+e series t+e feel of ?a mo#ern<#ay 'estern?0 Hrip=e settle# on t+e surname of ?'inc+ester?. :o$e.er0 t+is also presente# a problem. T+e first name of Sam an# Dean>s fat+er $as originally ?@ac=?0 an# t+ere $as a @ac= 'inc+ester resi#ing in Hansas0 so Hrip=e $as force# to c+ange t+e c+aracter>s name to ?@o+n? Bro$ing up0 Hrip=e connecte# to tele.ision s+o$s t+at +a# signature cars0 suc+ as The Dukes of Hazzard an# Knight Rider. T+is prompte# +im to inclu#e one in Supernatural. :e originally inten#e# for t+e car to be a >8" 9ustang0 but +is neig+bor con.ince# +im to c+ange it to a >8% -mpala0 since ?you can put a bo#y in t+e trun=? an# because ?you $ant a car t+at0 $+en people stop ne t to it at t+e lig+ts0 t+ey loc= t+eir #oors.? Hrip=e +as commente#0 ?-t>s a Dott$eiler of a car0 an# - t+in= it a##s aut+enticity for fans of automobiles because of t+at0 because it>s not a pretty ri#e. -t>s an aggressi.e0 muscular car0 an# - t+in= t+at>s $+at people respon# to0 an# $+y it fits so $ell into t+e tone of our s+o$.?
'e say it>s a mo#ern American 'estern O t$o gunslingers $+o ri#e into to$n0 fig+t t+e ba# guys0 =iss t+e girl an# ri#e out into t+e sunset again. An# $e $ere al$ays tal=ing from t+e .ery beginning t+at if you>re going to +a.e co$boys0 t+ey nee# a trusty +orse.
T+e staff for t+e first season consiste# of Hrip=e an# fi.e ot+er $riters0 $it+ assistants to +elp $it+ researc+ing urban legen#s. 9ost of t+e $or= #one in $riting t+e series is .ery collaborati.e0 $it+ t+e $riters often brea=ing up into groups. At t+e beginning of eac+ season0 t+e $riters are broug+t toget+er an# pitc+ out t+eir i#eas0 $+ic+ are t+en assigne# to a specific $riter to be #e.elope#. Eac+ story
i#ea is outline# on a #ry<erase boar#0 $it+ Hrip=e an# ,ob Singer ma=ing necessary c+anges. After$ar#0 t+e script is $ritten0 an# Hrip=e goes t+roug+ it to ma=e sure it +as t+e same tone as ot+er episo#es. Hrip=e foun# t+is tas= .ery #ifficult to #o in t+e first season0 but +e felt it became easier by t+e t+ir# season0 as t+e staff came to ?really un#erstan# t+e s+o$>s style?. T+e tone of Supernatural $as +ea.ily influence# by films suc+ as t+e +orror +appen in a family setting rat+er t+an remote locationOan# !il Dead 2 an# "n "meri#an $ere%olf in & bits of come#y mi e# in. Commenting on t+e former0 Hrip=e a##e#0 ?-t>s t+e i#ea t+at +orror can +appen in your o$n bac=yar#. :o$ many .ie$ers +a.e to $orry about t+e .ampire in t+e got+ic castleP? 7t+er influences inclu#e The T%o Sisters an# Asian +orror films The ye0 'u(on0 an# Ring. Accor#ing to creator Eric Hrip=e0 t+e s+o$ originally $as inten#e# to focus on t+e $ee=ly monsters0 $it+ Sam an# Dean 'inc+ester merely being ?an engine to get us in an# out of #ifferent +orror mo.ies e.ery $ee=?. :is sole #esire $as to merely ?scare t+e crap out of people?. :o$e.er0 a fe$ episo#es in0 Hrip=e an# e ecuti.e pro#ucer ,ob Singer notice# t+e onscreen c+emistry bet$een @are# ;a#alec=i an# @ensen Ac=les. T+is re.elation cause# t+em to c+ange t+e series to focus more on t+e brot+ers t+an t+e monsters0 basing t+e $ee=ly monster aroun# t+e storyline t+ey $ante# for t+e 'inc+esters. Accor#ing to Hrip=e0 ?...sometimes $e #on>t e.en +a.e t+e monster until $ay late in t+e brea=0 once $e get all t+e angst an# t+e #rama #one first.? Lnli=e s+o$s $it+ ?en#less myt+ology? li=e &ost0 Hrip=e prefers to =eep Supernatural)s myt+ology simpler0 saying0 ?-t>s so +ar# to go season after season after season $it+ a mystery an# t+en pro.i#e an ans$er t+at>s going to be satisfying.? :e prefers to +a.e t+e series> structure li=e t+at of t+e earlier *(+iles episo#es0 myt+ology<base# episo#es sprea# t+roug+ many self<enclose# episo#esOSupernatural usually t+ree self<enclose# episo#es follo$e# by a myt+ology episo#e. 'it+ t+is format0 .ie$ers #o not +a.e to +a.e pre.ious =no$le#ge of t+e myt+ology in or#er to $atc+ t+e series0 being able to ?1oin t+e party at any time?.
T+oug+ companies $ere +ire# for $or= on t+e pilot episo#eOsuc+ as Entity *Q for t+e .isual effectsOeffects #epartments no$ $or= e clusi.ely for t+e series. :ay#en is
t+e .isual effects super.isor0 an# $or=s $it+ many le.els of t+e pro#uction staff. During pre< pro#uction0 :ay#en must go t+roug+ t+e scripts0 loo=ing for possible .isual effects. :e t+en +as a concept meeting $it+ t+e $riters0 an# after settling on t+e effect #esigns to use0 coor#inates $it+ t+e special effects an# stunt #epartments. :ay#en is also present #uring filming to +elp t+e #irector ma=e sure t+at t+e scenes are being filme# in t+e best $ay for t+e .isual effects0 suc+ as by ensuring t+at t+e actors are loo=ing at t+e correct location $+ere an effect $ill later be a##e#. After$ar#0 +e t+en meets $it+ t+e e#itors. Anot+er aspect of t+e .isual effects #epartment is coming up $it+ rules an# p+ysics for eac+ supernatural creature0 t+oug+ t+e rules are often bent if it benefits t+e story. -n 2)120 it $as announce# t+at :ay#en $ill be $or=ing at t+e ne$ / location of Encore for its /*Q #i.ision.
"ilming locations
T+oug+ t+e pilot $as filme# in Los Angeles0 principal filming ta=es place in /ancou.er0 ,ritis+ Columbia. T+us0 on<location filming usually ta=es place in t+e area. ?Dea# in t+e 'ater? $as filme# at ,untzen La=e0 an# t+e final scenes of ?Simon Sai#? $ere filme# at Cle.elan# Dam. 7t+er locations use# on t+e s+o$ are often reuse# t$o or t+ree times0 $it+ t+e art #epartment ma=ing .ariations to conceal t+is. :eritage ;ar= in ,urnaby +as been use# as a cemetery in ?De# S=y at 9orning?0 an# as t+e location of t+e gingerbrea#< +ouse cottage in ?,e#time Stories?.Also0$ :ospital in CoAuitlam +as ser.e# many functions for t+e series0 inclu#ing an asylum in ?Asylum?0 a +ospital in ?-n 9y Time of Dying?0 an# a prison in ?*olsom ;rison ,lues?.T+e episo#e ?:ouses of t+e :oly? $as filme# on location in / at St.An#re$>s<'esley Lnite# C+urc+. ,ecause episo#es usually ta=e place in t+e mi##le of no$+ere0 filming often ta=es place at an ol# military base. been s+ut #o$n for years0 t+e buil#ings +a.e been remo.e#0 1ust roa#s on $+ic+ sets are erecte#0 suc+ as for crossroa#s scenes.
T+e series focuses primarily on t+e brot+ers Sam an# Dean 'inc+ester0 playe# by @are# ;a#alec=i an# @ensen Ac=les0 as t+ey tra.el t+roug+out t+e country +unting #o$n supernatural creatures0 mostly #emons. ;a#alec=i became intereste# in t+e role #ue to +is
li=ing of +orror series suc+ as The *(+iles an# T%ilight ,one0 $+ic+ +e foun# similar to Supernatural. :e $as also e cite# to play ?t+e reluctant +ero?0 comparing Sam to The -atrix)s 6eo an# Lu=e S=y$al=er of Star $ars. ;a#alec=i +a# pre.ious e perience $or=ing $it+ e ecuti.e pro#ucers 9cB an# Da.i# 6utter0 t+e former con.incing +im to au#ition for t+e role. Ac=les $as originally as=e# by 6utter to au#ition for t+e role of Sam0 but preferre# t+e c+aracter of Dean after rea#ing t+e script. At t+e time of +is au#ition0 +e $as alrea#y a series regular on fello$ ', series Small!ille. After lan#ing t+e part of Dean0 +is Small!ille role $as cut s+ort. '+ile t+e series #oes not +a.e many lea# c+aracters0 t+ere are many recurring c+aracters. @effrey Dean 9organ portrays @o+n 'inc+ester0 fat+er of Sam an# Dean. 9a=ing an appearance in t+e pilot episo#e0 @o+n #oes not return until nearly +alf$ay t+roug+ t+e first season0 after $+ic+ +e becomes a recurring c+aracter until +is e.entual #eat+ in t+e secon# season>s premiere episo#e0 t+oug+ +is spirit returns to +elp +is sons in t+e season finale. Accor#ing to $riter @o+n S+iban0 it $as #eci#e# early on t+at @o+n $oul# #ie. T+e $riters foun# t+at t+e brot+ers being separate# from t+eir fat+er ?split t+e s+o$?. S+iban note# t+at ?...t+e boys $ere loo=ing for Da#0 an# t+ey $ere loo=ing for a monster of t+e $ee=0 $ t+at is0 $ case crosses t+eir pat+. -t became #ifficult0 because $e t+oug+t it $as li=e < >$+at is Da# #oingP -s +e #oing more interesting t+ings t+an t+e boys are #oing0 or $+atP>? T+ey belie.e# 9organ $as initially reluctant about returning to Supernatural for t+e secon# season #ue to +is recurring role on t+e series .rey)s "natomy. *uture appearances of t+e c+aracter +a.e been +in#ere# #ue to 9organ>s busy sc+e#ule. Also intro#uce# in t+e first season are t+e #emon Azazel an# +is unname# #aug+ter. '+ile Azazel mainly appears merely as s+a#o$s or sil+ouettes in t+e first season0 only ta=ing p+ysical form $+en +e possesses @o+n 'inc+ester0 Azazel>s #aug+ter uses a girl name# 9eg 9astersOportraye# by 6ic=i Lynn Ayco Oas a +ost. -n t+e secon# season premiere0 Azazel>s +ost is portraye# by *re#ric Le+neJ originally broug+t on only for one episo#e0 Le+ne impresse# t+e s+o$runners so muc+ t+at +e $as as=e# to return for t+e season>s t$o<part finale. E.en after t+e c+aracter>s #eat+0 Azazel ma=es appearances in t+e fourt+ season0 being portraye#0 respecti.ely0 by C+ristop+er ,. 9acCabe an# 9itc+ ;ileggi in t+e time tra.el episo#e ?-n t+e ,eginning? an# by Dob La,elle in a flas+bac= in t+e season finale. Li=e$ise0 after Azazel>s #aug+ter is e orcise# from 9eg to$ar#s t+e en# of t+e first season0 t+e #emon
an# +er +ost continue# to appear in t+e series0 alt+oug+ no$ as t$o separate c+aracters. Ayco continue# +er role in t+e fourt+ season $+en t+e angry spirit of 9eg tries to =ill t+e 'inc+esters. T+e #emon returns for an episo#e in t+e secon# season0 temporarily ta=ing Sam as a +ost. S+e appears once again in t+e fift+ season premiere0 +er ne$est +ost being portraye# by Dac+el 9iner0 an# returns to play a prominent role in season %. T+e $riters e.entually $ante# to fles+ out t+e concept of +unters0 resulting in t+e intro#uction of many ne$ c+aracters. Actor @im , ma=es +is first appearance as ,obby Singer0 an ol# family frien# of t+e 'inc+esters0 at t+e en# of t+e first season. ,ecoming a sort of surrogate fat+er to Sam an# Dean after t+eir fat+er>s #eat+0 t+e c+aracter acts as t+eir mentor an# foremost point of contact before +is #eparture in t+e se.ent+ season. 7t+er +unters appear in t+e secon# season $it+ t+e intro#uction of :ar.elle>s Doa#+ouse0 a saloon freAuente# by +unters. -t is o$ne# by Ellen :ar.elle 2playe# by Samant+a *erris50 $+ose late +usban# $as a frien# of @o+n 'inc+ester. 'or=ing alongsi#e +er mot+er is @o :ar.elle 2playe# by Alona Tal5. Also present is t+e computer guy As+ 2playe# by C+a# Lin#berg50 $+o uses +is .ast computer s=ills to trac= t+e paranormal. Tal $as e.entually $ritten out of t+e series0 an# t+e reason to be t+at t+e pro#ucers felt s+e loo=e# li=e Sam an# Dean>s ?1!<year<ol# sister?. Hrip=e claims t+e c+aracter $as incorrectly concei.e#0 an# also cites poor fan reaction for +er Also0 t+e c+aracter of As+ is =ille# off in t+e secon# season finale $it+ t+e #estruction of t+e Doa#+ouse. Ellen $as meant to return in t+e t+ir# season0 but t+e episo#e +a# to be scrappe# #ue to t+e $riter>s stri=e. T+e $riters inten#e# for +er to be feature# in t+e t+ir# season finale0 but *erris #ecline# because t+e #eal offere# to +er $as not acceptable0 as ?-t coul# cost R+erS money an# $or=?. :o$e.er0 bot+ actresses returne# as @o an# Ellen in t+e fift+ season. *or t+e t+ir# season0 t+e $riters #eci#e# to intro#uce Duby0 a #emonic former $itc+ $+o claims to t+e 'inc+esters to be an ally0 to t+e cast. :o$e.er0 T+e C' reAueste# t+at anot+er female be a##e#0 so t+e c+aracter ,ela Talbot0 a self<centere# t+ief $+o sells occult ob1ects to $ealt+y clients an# $+o $as alrea#y inten#e# to appear in multiple episo#es0 $as upgra#e# to a series regular. Hatie Cassi#y an# Lauren Co+an $ere e.entually cast as Duby an# ,ela0 respecti.ely0 t+oug+ t+ey originally au#itione# for t+e ot+ers> role. T+oug+ only ma=ing si appearances eac+ in t+e t+ir# season0 bot+ actresses $ere cre#ite# as co<stars for t+eir episo#es. At t+e en# of t+e season0 ,ela $as =ille# off an# Cassi#y $as let go #ue to
bu#getary reasons. Duby $as recast for t+e fourt+ season0 au#itions only #escribing t+e c+aracter as ?a lo.e interest?. Cortese 2$+o later marrie# ;a#alec=i5 too= t+e role until t+e c+aracter>s #eat+ at t+e en# of t+e season. 'anting to bring in C+ristian myt+ology to t+e series0 t+e $riters create# t+e angel Castiel to intro#uce it. 'it+ Hrip=e $anting to =eep t+e intro#uction of angels a secret0 t+e c+aracter $as instea# #escribe# as a #emon #uring au#itions. 9is+a Collins $as cast as t+e c+aracter. 9a=ing +is #ebut in t+e fourt+ season premiere0 Castiel resurrects Dean from :ell after +is #eat+ in t+e t+ir# season0 an# comes to be an ally of t+e 'inc+esters. T+e c+aracter $as originally inten#e# for only a si <episo#e story arc0 but t+e role $as later e pan#e#. Collins $as promote# to a series regular for t+e fift+ an# si t+ season0 somet+ing Collins to be mainly #ue to fan support. Along $it+ Castiel came ot+er angelic c+aracters0 $it+ Dobert 'is#om portraying t+e ?militant? an# ?#ogmatic?Lriel0 $+o secretly supports LuciferJ @ulie 9c6i.en playing t+e fallen angel Anna 9ilton0 $+o e.entually regains +er angelic form but remains an outcast of :ea.enJ an# Hurt *uller as Castiel>s boss Gac+aria+0 $+o $is+es to start t+e Apocalypse in or#er to bring ;ara#ise to Eart+. T+oug+ 'is#om>s c+aracter is e.entually =ille#0 9c6i.en an# *uller continue t+eir roles into t+e fift+ season0 an# are 1oine# by 9ar= ;ellegrino as t+e recently release# Lucifer. ;ellegrino +a# been t+e secon# c+oice for t+e role of Castiel0 an# $as offere# t+e role of Lucifer $it+out an au#ition. *urt+er on0 *uller an# 9c6i.en>s c+aracters $ere also =ille# along $it+ bot+ :ar.elle c+aracters. ,ecause t+e s+o$ focuses mainly on t+e t$o 'inc+ester brot+ers0 t+e $riters realize# t+at .ie$ers $oul# =no$ t+at t+e c+aracters are not in #anger of being permanently =ille#. To fi t+is0 t+e staff often $rites in guest c+aracters to gi.e tension to t+e episo#e0 occasionally t+em #ie.
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