Cabbage Soup Recipe: Day One
Cabbage Soup Recipe: Day One
Cabbage Soup Recipe: Day One
We call this soup "Wonder Soup" to be consumed each day of the diet:
Consume Wonder Soup each day. This is a vegetable cabbage soup rich in fiber, vitamins & minerals and can be consumed in unlimited quantities throughout the day period. ! ! ! ! ! ! "# o$ %&liters'(ater %add more if needed' )" large onions )& green peppers )* (hole tomatoes + cabbage + bunch celery ! add herbs and seasoning as desired.
,oil all ingredients together for #- minutes on medium flame and eat.
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6ruits. 1ll fruits are allo(ed e2cept bananas The first day starts (ith fruit because it is a natural (ay to normali$e the body and prepare it for the upcoming days of the diet. 6ruits have multiple benefits ; they are fat free and are lo( in calories compared to other foods most of us normally eat. 6ruits also flush out the system thereby enhancing the deto2 process. Tips to make a! " successful# 5at a variety of fruit. This (ay you don<t get bored eating 4ust oranges or apples. Try to start your day (ith a fruit=fruits in the melon family such as (atermelon, honeyde( or cantaloupe since these are very filling. 6or lunch and dinner you can eat an assortment of oranges, apples or pears. ,erries of any 0ind are really beneficial too since they are very high in antio2idants that assist the body in preventing certain types of cancers. 8on>t forget that you can have ?Wonder Soup as (ell.
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@egetables. 5ither stir!fry or salads. Start the day (ith one ba0ed or boiled potato to ma0e up for loss of energy from 8ay 9ne. Apto one teaspoon of olive oil can be used as salad dressing today. This day starts off (ith a ba0ed potato since all you have had the previous day is fruit (hich is easily digested. The potato ensures you have energy for the day as (ell as energy to continue to remain on the diet. The vegetables you (ill eat today are for fibre as (ell as nutrition. @egetables have a moderate quantity of carbohydrates ! but more importantly, they are rich in minerals and vitamins. The fibre activates your system for the deto2 process. Tips to make a! $ successful#
5at as many vegetables as you can today. /ou can also have the ?Wonder SoupB. ,ecause of the variety of flavors and te2tures that vegetables offer, this day should not be difficult. @egetables can be steamed or lightly stir!fried. 1n effective (ay to get the right balance of taste and nutrition is to use a lot of flavour enhancers to your stir!fry. Cn one teaspoon of oil add lots of garlic and finely chopped onions as (ell as parsley and shallots. To this, add your choice of vegetables cut up into bite si$e pieces. Stir fry for -!D minutes stirring lightly. 1dd a fe( tablespoons of (ater if you find the vegetables stic0ing to the pot. The stir!fry is one of the 4oys of this diet. 1fter eating only fruit on 8ay +, you (ill (elcome the stir!fry ! you might not even miss the rice=bread.
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6ruits and vegetables ; as much as you (ant. :o bananas and no potatoes
8ay * is an effective (ay of combining days & and * and getting the benefits of both days. /our body chemistry is changing because you are not getting any refined carbohydrates, saturated fats, e2cessive sodium and artificial flavour enhancers and additives. /our body is getting completely natural nutrition ; (hich (ill optimi$e the (eight loss process.
Tips to make
a! % successful#
Start the day (ith fruit. :ot only is fruit a great (ay to start your day even (hen you are off the diet, it is a great (ay to get some natural sugar into your body for energy for 8ay *. 5at any fruits of your choice e2cept bananas. 6or lunch, have a mi2ed salad (ith a balsamic and oil dressing %using no more than one teaspoon olive oil'. 1lternately, you can have the vegetable stir!fry %as described in 8ay &'. 8on>t forget to eat the ?Wonder SoupB (henever you (ant. Ct is a really good supplement to your lunch=dinner vegetable stir fry.
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,ananas and mil0. /ou can eat upto D bananas and * glasses of s0im mil0 to restore potassium levels 8ay # is meant to ma0e up for the reduced levels of calcium %from mil0', potassium %from bananas' and carbohydrates and fibre %from bananas'. 1lthough you are allo(ed to have D bananas today, you might not have the craving to eat all the bananas.
Tips to make
a! & successful#
Femember, in addition to bananas and mil0, you can also have ?Wonder SoupB today. Start your day off (ith & bananas and a glass of mil0. 6or lunch, have a bo(l or t(o of the soup. The vegetables in the soup (ill give you a sensation of feeling full. /ou can have another banana for desert today. 8o the same for dinner.
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Grotein and Tomatoes. /ou can have a piece of meat=fish either grilled or ba0ed for lunch and dinner (ith tomatoes. Today is the day to ma0e up for all the protein in your system. The meat (ill give you protein and if you consume fish, you (ill get your share of 9mega * 6atty acids (hich do (onders for health. The tomatoes give you fibre and minerals ; in particular lycopene (hich is a super!food for the human body. 5ating the tomatoes (ill also aid in flushing out the system
a! ' successful#
8ay - (ill go by smoothly if you en4oy eating meat or fish. @egetarians can substitute (ith tofu (hich is a rich source of high quality vegetable protein. Start your day (ith Wonder Soup or slices of tomatoes (ith salt and pepper. 6or lunch and dinner you can grill or ba0e the meat=fish=tofu. /ou can have this (ith the ?(onder soupB. Try to eat cold (ater fish such as Salmon or Tuna ; both of these are e2cellent sources of protein and contain the high levels of 9mega * 6atty acids beneficial to the body. 9mega * 6atty acids are one of the fe( compounds that the human body does not produce on its o(n
hence it is essential to get it from an e2ternal source. Femember to eat "!D fresh tomatoes today.
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Grotein and vegetables. Same as 8ay 6ive e2cept, add more vegetables either in salad or stir fry form 8ay " is a lot li0e 8ay - ; only that you need to eat as many vegetables instead of restricting yourself to tomatoes. Tips to make a! , successful#
/ou can eat your meat=fish=salmon (ith vegetables %stir!fry or salad' and ?Wonder SoupB. ,y no(, your body is (ell under (ay (ith the (eight loss and you (ill notice a difference in the (ay you feel and ho( your clothes fit today.
6ruits, vegetables and 4uices. Consume an assortment of fruits, vegetables and vegetable 4uices. Ealf a cup of bro(n rice is optional ; but not recommended. /ou are no( on your last day of the diet. /ou might feel a little (ea0 this morning because your body has not consumed too much carbohydrate in the last & days. Today, you can eat fruits, vegetables and vegetable 4uices. ,ro(n rice is optional but not recommended if you (ant to see (eight loss. Tips to make a! - successful#
Cn order to ma0e sure you end on a high note achieving your target of (eight loss coupled (ith a full body deto2, you must follo( this last day carefully. Start your day (ith an assortment of fruit ; melons, apples, pears, oranges or berries. 1lso, ma0e sure you have enough fruit to last you through the day in case you feel li0e snac0ing. ,erries ma0e a tasty and convenient snac0 %blueberries and stra(berries'. 6or lunch, you can eat a salad (ith a balsamic and oil dressing %not more then one teaspoon olive oil'. /ou can also have unlimited quantities of vegetable 4uices ; green 4uice (ith spinach, 0ale, (atercress and ginger or carrot 4uice (ith (heatgrass. The 4uices do (onders for deto2 as (ell as provide high quality concentrated nutrition. 6or dinner, you can either eat fruits or a salad (ith Wonder Soup. ,efore you go to bed tonight, reflect on the last perseverance to stic0 to this diet. days and thin0 about your strength and
The benefits are tremendous ; and affect more than the number you (ill see on the scale the ne2t morning or the difference in the fit of your clothes. The change (ill be in the functioning of your body (hich (ill be operating in an enhanced manner due to the deto2 process. /ou can repeat this diet almost once a month if you choose. 9nce in t(o months (ould be an efficient and healthy (ay to lose a fe( pounds that creep up on you (hen you are not paying attention.