Melt Index Test
Melt Index Test
Melt Index Test
When making a resin selection the melt index test provides an indication of viscosity.
The melt index value is simply the weight in grams of the amount of plastic extruded in a ten minute test period.
In the melt index test, resin is heated at a specified temperature and a standard weight is applied to a piston which extrudes the
material through an orifice at very low shear rates. The test provides an indication for flowability of the resin but does not indica
total relative flowability due to the shear rate at which the test is done.
Many "conditions" exist for performing the test which require different weight loadings and different temperatures. As a result, y
should use caution when comparing melt index numbers if the test condition is unknown.
When testing hygroscopic resins, the preparation of the sample is critical in terms of accomplishing good repeatable drying.
The chart below provides standard test conditions for conducting a melt index test.