GITW 1 January 2014
GITW 1 January 2014
GITW 1 January 2014
org January 2014 WELCOME STATEMENT We welcome and celebrate all who join us the young and the old, the rich and the poor, the gay and the straight, the strong and the weak, the meek and the brave and though we are different one from another, we are united in loving and praising God and in loving each other.
The churchmust be above all a school of love. If its not that, its nothing. Its goal is not simply to pump knowledge into people, but to train them in the way of love, so they may do the work of the Lord, empowered by the Holy Spirit, as the embodiment of Christ. Brian McLaren A New Kind of Christianity
Upcoming Sundays ......... 2 New Adult Study ............. 2 Fellowship News .............. 3 Radical Hospitality ........... 3 Calendar ........................ 4-5 CCIC .................................. 6 New Member ..................... 6 Honorees of the Month .... 6 Grace in the Family .......... 7 Mens Club ........................ 7 Needlers ............................ 7 Thank you ......................... 7 WORSHIP WITH US SUNDAYS 10 AM, Sanctuary 11 AM, Join us for Fellowship in the Fireside Room CONTACT US Regular Office Hours, M-F 9 to 3 925-935-2100
Dear Grace-filled Friends In Pauls first letter to the Corinthians he writes a wonderful chapter on love where he says that if he has the tongue of an angel, all prophetic powers, able to understand all mysteries, faith to remove mountains, but has not love then he is nothing. The Christian life is to be measured by love. Jesus gives us the commandment to love one another. The same is true for a church. If a congregation is filled with the brightest people, the most talented singers and musicians, the ability to get things doneto move mountains, but does not love then it is nothing. There is much to celebrate at Grace Church: friendly outreach, faithful worship, engaging studies, beautiful buildings, amazing concerts. Grace Church is a gathering place for people of all ages from preschoolers and Boy Scouts, to Bridge players and support group members. Grace Church has an outward vision, seeking to care for those in need close to home and around the world. The good that Grace Church does is to be an expression of love. We need to insure that love is what undergirds it all; love for God, self, and one another. First and foremost the church must be a place of love; where love is experienced, taught, and encouraged in the lives of all individuals. We open worship with God loves you and there is nothing you can do about it. There is no way that we can stop God from loving us. We are, however, to respond to it by living a life of thanksgiving and loving one another and ourselves. Church is to be a school of love, nourishing individuals and enabling them to live gracefully and lovingly in the world. How does Grace Church measure up? In January the Elders and Deacons will be analyzing our ministry and making plans for the new year with the intention of making Grace Church a more fruitful school of love. Do you have suggestions to offer? Drop me a note. Blessings, Roger
PASTORS & STAFF: Pastor: Roger Reaber Pastor Emeritus: Charie Reid Pastor Emeritus: Robert Williams Parish Associate: Diana Barkley Music Director: Steve Cram Office Manager: Judy Williams Financial Scty.: Jennifer Wallace
Worship at Grace
Sermon Series Let Us Build a House
On our 55th Anniversary, Associate Pastor Emeritus, Charie Reid, introduced us to the hymn, Let Us Build a House whereall are welcome in this place. Roger will explore some of the themes presented in this hymn over five weeks. At Grace we hope to build this house
January 5 Where Love is Found (John 11:28-44, John 4:7-11) January 12 Where All Will Serve (John 13:1-15, 34-35, Romans 12:4-8) January 19 Where All Seek Gods Reign (Micah 6:1-8, Luke 4:16-30) January 26 Where We Learn to Forgive (Matthew 18:23-34 Ephesians 4:29-32) February 5 Where All are Treasured (Luke 15:1-7, Hebrew 13:1-3)
In addition to singing hymns which were in our previous hymnal, we will be singing some old favorites as well as newer hymns we have been introduced to over the years. They include: Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory, Jesus Calls Us, Lord I Want to Be A Christian, Shall We Gather at the River, Thy Word Is A Lamp unto My Feet, What a Fellowship, What a Joy Divine, What Does the Lord Require of You, Come! Live in the Light, We Shall Overcome, Softly and Tenderly Jesus Is Calling.
Received a new book for Christmas? Want to enthuse about an older book that has given you a thrill and/or new knowledge? In December, Men of Grace decided to share a favorite book the 2nd Friday of the new year 2014, January 10th, at 10 a.m. in Grace Library. One quipster opined that one of the men attending gets to share his enthusiasm every week: Pastor Roger Reaber and his Bible. Now other men will have their time with hot drinks on tap and a captive audience. At noon an optional no-host luncheon at nearby Rossmoor Diner offers time for further discussion on other topics. All men are welcome. APOLOGIES AND THANK YOU! I was so excited to be worshipping with you (and to tell you so without becoming overwhelmed emotionally), that I totally overlooked reading to you the New Testament Scripture, which I had picked especially for your anniversary celebration! It undergirded everything I wanted to say! I am confident of this, that the one who began a good work among you will bring it to completion by the day of Jesus Christ. (v. 6, from Philippians 1:3-11) I humbly accept, with deep gratitude, the honor of being named pastor emeritus. You are an ever gracious people. Thank you! Charie Reid Heartfelt Thanks to All who
A playful pose
Would you like to give a new hymnal to the church in memory or in honor of someone? A name plaque will be placed in a new hymnal upon your request. A $15 donation is suggested. To do this fill, out a form that is in the church. Turn the form in to the office.
NEEDLERS POSE IN THEIR HANDIWORK right before the holiday delivery to the Bay Area Crisis Nursery. Dottie McGhee, Diana Barkley (standing), Marty Landon, Jan Zimmerman and Marsha Stark are draped in the knitted and crocheted scarves, hats and blankets they made. Earlier this month they sent scarves abroad to service men and women, and have already received a thank you all the way from the Middle East. A big Thank you to those who have brought in yarn and supplies. Please do check your storage for items to donate for this good cause.
In Memory
Bill Brain October 10, 1921November 24, 2013
participated in all of the extra volunteer work needed to make the holiday activities come together. To all the artists, decorators, cooks, bakers, hostesses, organizers, office workers, singers, handymen and women who worked hard in November and December to make our events a success, WE THANK YOU!
CONGRATULATIONS. to Michael Parker who has graduated from San Francisco State University with a BA in Business, a minor in Philosophy and certifications in IT. And to Sam Reaber who graduated from Sonoma State University with a BA in English and Philosophy.
SAVE THE DATEPANCAKE BREAKFAST Benefits Grace Cooperative Preschool Saturday, February 8, 8 to 11 AM Pancakes, bacon & eggs Raffle prizes galore
WORSHIP: Attendance increased slightly for the first two Sundays in December. Communion Sunday attendance back to a more usual number compared to the high attendance for the first Sunday in November! The Sanctuary looked beautiful in Christmas finery which set the stage for all the special programs during the month of December. OUTREACH: The annual Advent Tea on December 7th was well attended with about 150 guests. The highlight of the program was the presentation of the Honorary Service Award to tiny, but mighty, Hazel Tawney. The Madrigal Singers of Northgate High entertained us with delightful holiday songs. The tea afterward did not disappoint! Platter upon platter of tea sandwiches and cookies deliciously fed the masses. The next day, December 8, the Ashmolean Singers of Rossmoor returned to Grace to bless us with their Hazel gets the award. beautiful music. The concert turnout was incredible. Over 200 folks filled the sanctuary! The Grace Church office, with the assistance of Florence Stone (Outreach Coordinator), has increased our exposure in the community by using ads, press releases and posters to notify community members of upcoming events. You, our pledging members and friends, have helped to fund her position and it looks like it is paying off with increased presence in our neighborhood. COMING ATTRACTIONS: Plan ahead to invite some friends to this special event: What Four? Barbershop Quartet ConcertSunday, January 12th at 7 PM. This terrific quartet entertained us at the RFOG Summerfest last August. We are happy to have them come again.
Please join in our Radical Hospitality movement. You and your guests will have a wonderful time.
January 2014
3:00 Standing Ovations (S) 7:00 ATC Bible Study (L) 7:45 AA (F) 5:30 Chess School (L, F, 9) 6:30 ATC-Theology Class (L) 10:00 ATC Bible Study (L) 9-2 Standing Ovations Theater (S) 9:30-2:30 Church Officers Retreat (O) 6:30 ATC-Theology Class (L)
10:00 Power Prayer (L)
12:00 Lydia Circle (F) 6:30 Bell Choir (S) 7:00 ATC Bible Study (L) 7:30 Chancel Choir (S) 7:45 AA (F)
1:00 Bridge (F) 5:00 ATC Class (L) 7:30 AA (F) 7:00 Boy Scouts (O) 7:30 SUBUD (F) 5:00 ATC Class (L) 6:00 Debtors Annon. (F)
10:00 Worship (S) 11:00 Fellowship (F) 11:20 Tex Mix (L) 7:00 What Four? Barbershop Quartet Concert (S) 7:30 AA (F)
11:00 Needlers (F) 1:00 RFOG Planning (L) 5:00 ATC Class (L) 7:00 Boy Scouts (F, O)
10:00 Power Prayer (L) 11:45 Ether Circle (F) 7:00 Tex Mix (L) 7:30 PAS Concert (S)
9:00 Yoga/Parkinsons (O) 11:00 RPEA (Fireside Room) 6:30 Bell Choir (S) 7:00 ATC Bible Study (L) 7:30 Chancel Choir (S) 7:45 AA (F)
1:00 Bridge (F) 5:00 ATC Class (L) 6:00 Debtors Annon. (F)
9-10 Parkinsons Group (F) 9-2 Standing Ovations Theater (S) 10:00 Parkinsons Meeting (O) 10:00 ATC Bible Study (L) 6:30 ATC-Theology Class (L)
10:00 Worship (S) 11:00 Fellowship (F) 11:20 Tex Mix (L) 2:00 Eagle Court (S, O) 7:30 AA (F)
1:00 Bridge (F) 7:00 Tex Mix (L) 7:30 SUBUD (F) 5:00 ATC Class (L) 6:00 Debtors Annon. (F)
6:30 Bell Choir (S) 7:00 ATC Bible Study (L) 7:30 Chancel Choir (S) 7:45 AA (F)
9-2 Standing Ovations Theater (S) 10:00 ATC Bible Study (L) 10:30 Fellowship Orientation (F) 6:30 ATC-Theology Class (L)
CConference Room FFireside Room LLibrary OOak Room SSanctuary PASPerforming Arts Society PWPresbyterian Women
10:00 Worship (S) 11:00 Fellowship (F) 11:20 Tex Mix (L) 6:30 PAS Auditions (S) 7:30 AA (F)
11:00 Needlers (F) 5:00 ATC Class (L) 7:00 Boy Scouts (O)
10:00 Power Prayer (L) 7:00 Tex Mix (L) 7:30 PAS Board
1:00 Bridge (F) 5:00 ATC Class (L) 6:00 Debtors Annon. (F)
9:00 Yoga/ 31 Parkinsons (O) 10:30 PAS Concert (S) 9:15 Newsletter Folding (L) 6:30 Bell Choir (S) 7:00 ATC Bible Study (L) 7:30 Chancel Choir (S) 7:45 AA (F) 3:00 Standing Ovations (S)