Pranashakty Ebrochure
Pranashakty Ebrochure
Pranashakty Ebrochure
C entr e f or S p r it u a l S cie n ce
we eb : w w w. p r a n a s h a k t y. o r g em ai l : i n f o @p r a n a s h a k t y. o r g
Pranashakty Centre for Spritual Sciences Pranashakty group is spread in many parts of the world. We believe in expanding through service and our expansion has been fast, the new centre at Trivandrum is the latest addition to our training centres. We are here to grow through energy and serve through energy. Every individual who joins us will be made capable of taking care of their own spiritual development. This is done with the help of extremely powerful but simple to follow techniques that can propel them to reach great spiritual heights in less time. Apart from this, these, individuals can also contribute to others spiritual growth as well. Right techniques when employed dedicatedly will take a practitioner to the ultimate realisation at the best speed. At Pranashakty, we believe in a realisation that comes through experience and meditation. All our programmes have been carefully designed based on ancient Siddha lineages to take you to that experience which is beyond all experiences. We would like to deliver knowledge which is free from dogma and distortion. Our teachings are simple and straight forward and techniques are powerful, which can reach deep into the heart of common man.
Programmes at the Trivandrum Sidhha Wellness Centre Registering once with us will provide you with a years access to our energised meditation hall and guidance to all our activities. Ananda Siddhi Meditation A wonderful and beautiful gift of Divine Grace: the Ananda Siddhi energy flows to the heart chakra of all living beings and will open the flow of bliss to the entire system and a process of transformation will begin in each and every living being on this planet. The bliss & Prema combined as one single blissful experience has immense potentials to heal and transform. Walk into our centre and get your Ananda Kantha chakra opened to tap into your natural reservoir of bliss. Ananda kandha chakra is located at the point where energy and matter meet, where gross matter and Atma Shakti (Energy of the Soul) meets. It truly emanates an aroma of Happiness or Bliss, both within and without! It has the power to transform and open all hearts to embrace the vibration of Divine Love in all its forms and manifestations. It has the power to activate bliss and to raise the vibrations of every cell in the living body to the level of divine bliss. Ananda Siddhi energy reduces stress.
Prodosham Ananda Siddhi Transmission Powerful transmission of the Ananda Siddhi energies takes place globally on Pradosham days. These transformational energies will be transmitted intermittently throughout the entire day and night. The most important reason for this transmission is to bring about subtle changes to the DNA of all cells to eliminate harmful planetary and cosmic influences. Sarva Shakti Sadhana
Sarva Shakti Sadhana (SSS) is an ancient Siddha Yoga practice adapted to modern times. It contains several components such as breathing exercises (pranayama), dance movements, yoga posture (asana), sounding, meditation, prayer and directing of energy (sankalpa).
This practice has been designed provide multiple benefits. It will offer the following: To rejuvenate you from the core of your being To prepare you to receive spiritual gifts like Kundalini awakening and Third Eye opening, which are very impor tant milestones in ones spiritual practice To activate all the chakras and fill them with high vibrations of energy (prana). To help you to shift into your energy body (pranamaya kosha), which will activate your own power to heal. Jothi Meditation Light Light that fills the heart LightLight that is divine ightLight that purifies Let the light come from Beyond take us to the Beyond beyond the Beyond We are talking about Jothi The Radiant Light of Grace. Jothi is Light. Not only light, but also knowledge, movement, splendour, lustre, brightness, brilliancy and effulgence. The Divine in-dwelling Light, gives illumination and consciousness to all souls. The practice with Jothi induces the Light in you and bestows Grace, Divine Knowledge and Enlightenment.
Weekly Programmes Weekly Jothi Deepening Meditation: Every weekend on Saturdays and Sundays, at specifically set times, powerful Jothi will be transmitted in the cosmos to reach to individuals who have tuned into the process. Connecting and meditating to this flow gives people the oppurtunity to access this most powerful healing and spiritual energy and to deepen it every week. At our centre you will be able to participate in this meditation every week.
Special Programmes Full Moon Jothi Meditation Every full moon night, powerful Jothi meditation will happen at our facility. All registered members can come and participate in this programme. Mahalakshmi Deeksha/ Pooja for Health, Wealth, Prosperity & Beauty (Every Friday). Receive the divine prosperity energy from The Mother Mahalakshmi and with true intent and devotion, manifest your dreams of health,wealth, prosperity and beauty. Mahalakshmis sadhana is known to improve ones wealth, health and prosperity at many levels. "To pick the fruits of my blessings you need to experience love in everything, abundance is in all things become aware of that and you will taste my wealth as I open my hands and I give to you, open your hearts and receive from me there is no difference between money and love see the love in money and you will never be poor" At Pranashakty centre we offer Mahalakshmi Deeksha on every fridays. Come join us to do pooja to Devi and attract wealth, health and prosperity. All guidance will be given on Mahalakshmi Sadhana. Neuro Cell Re-Birth Process [NCRP] (By appointment only) In this age of incredible change and great energetic flux, we as human beings can end up stuck caught in patterns and between polarities that are too strong for us to break free from.The solution to free us from this stuckness is a new way of healing bringing us back to zero, to the point where the divine resides. We call this new way of healing NCRP. NCRP is based upon the ancient Siddhar knowledge of Advaita, or non-duality. NCRP is a profound healing therapy taking place on the molecular level of each and every cell of the body, allowing for a deep emotional release at the cellular level which triggers a powerful transformation and regenerative process affecting body, mind and soul. No healing therapy can induce permanent change unless each cell, each DNA strand, of the body is affected and purified, or brought to zero. Most mainstream alternative therapies today do not achieve this level of purification. NCRP works to cleanse all samskaras, or deep impressions and karma-inducing agents rooted in the mind, from the patterned makeup of each cell. Over many births, a plethora of thought patterns and negative energies (emotions) uploaded from our environment, experience, family members and relationships, schooling/instruction and social conditioning become deeply imbedded in our energetic systems. These embedded thought patterns cause much physical and physiological damage to our physical body, energetic system and soul.
We must cleanse and release our negative thoughts and emotional patterns from each strand of DNA and infuse our cells with divine energy so that each cell will revert back to its divine nature or original set-up, known as the zero point. Though many contemporary therapies attempt to do this by addressing only one part of this complex spiritual problem, the Siddhas alone have an holistic, Advaita-informed system which encompasses body, mind and spirit, and uses a series of cellular-level energetic empowerments to bring us back to zero. Why NCRP? When we engage in emotional healing, only the emotions are released. The encoded emotional patterns embedded in the DNA in each and every one of our cells still remains. These embedded patterns are observed in the aura where improvement should be noted. In traditional emotional healing, no improvement or transformation is observed in the auric field. In NCRP this transformation does occur, and has been documented. NCRP is a group meditational healing method or therapy that solves all past, present, and future emotional problems. This is what we mean by going back to the zero point returning to our innate, divine, purified selves. This process is confidential. You only, not the therapist, will know what is being released. Retreats Jothi Body of light Level-1 (One day) One of the main focuses of the retreat is Jothi. Applying the spiritual practice with Jothi will transform you into Suddha Deham the Golden Light body. The teachings are purely based on the knowledge transferred by Swami Ramalingam. Swamiji lived his life to show the world about the vast possibilities of Jothi. After achieving Suddha Deham, Swamijis physical body had become tenuous and translucent. Disciples have recorded that it cast no distinct shadow. It is said that several attempts were made to photograph him, but as light passed through his body, no clear image could be obtained. What could be seen were only his clothing and a very misty vision of his face and arms and legs. Please click here to read more about Jothi the Radiant Light of Grace. These retreats are organised almost every month and admission is only by prior booking. The retreat will contain (1) Helium Deeksha, (2) Sarva Shakti Sadhana (SSS), and (3) Ananda Siddhi Deeksha and meditation. Jothi Body of light Level-2 This retreat is organised for people who have already done the Jothi Level-1. This retreat is meant for people who want to progress more into a serious spiritual path. During this retreat, the powerful cosmic jothi activation is given and trained to do the Jothi expansion meditation. Also training in application of Jothi in healing and spiritual practices is given.
All participants will be able to use Jothi to activate other peoples chakras and will be a qualified Sarva Shakti Sadhana (SSS) instructor. Bliss@Work Pranashakty offers this four hour transformative programme for free to all corporate. Healing with Bliss is a new addition to the healing services offered to all by Pranashakty. This is a free healing workshop designed to give access to the healing energies and methods as brought to the world by the Siddhar Swami Ramalinga and the saint Shirdi Baba. These workshops will be offered as seva by the Pranashakty Acharaya, in line with the philosophy of Swami Ramalinga and Pranashakty.
Location Map
NH Road
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Saji Hospital
Railway Station
By Pass Road