A. Measurement: General and Specific Competencies in Mathematics I (Elementary Algebra)
A. Measurement: General and Specific Competencies in Mathematics I (Elementary Algebra)
A. Measurement: General and Specific Competencies in Mathematics I (Elementary Algebra)
(Elementary Algebra)
A. Measurement
1. Demonstrate knowledge and skill in measurement and the use of
measuring devices, conversion of units of measurement and solving real
life problems
1.1 illustrate the development of measurement from the primitive to the
present international system of units
1.2 measure:
• length
• weight
• volume
• temperature
• time
• angle
1.3 express relationships between two quantities using ratios
1.4 convert measurements from one unit to another
1.5 solve problems involving measurement
2.1 define the square root of a rational number
C. Algebraic Expressions
1. Demonstrate knowledge and skill related to simplifying and performing
operations on polynomials
1.1 define constants, variables, algebraic expressions
1.2 simplify numerical expressions involving exponents and grouping
1.3 translate verbal phrases to mathematical expressions and vice versa
1.4 evaluate mathematical expressions for given values of the variable(s)
1.5 simplify algebraic expressions using the laws on exponents:
• aman = am+n
• ( ab ) m = a mb m
• (a )
m n
= a mn
a am
• =
b bm
• n
= am−n
where m – n is a positive number if m > n
m – n is a negative number if m < n
1.6 express numbers in scientific notation
1.7 define polynomials
1.8 classify algebraic expressions as polynomials and non-polynomials
1.9 perform operations on polynomials
• addition and subtraction
• multiplication : polynomial by a monomial
• multiplication : polynomial by another polynomial
• division : polynomial by a monomial
• division : polynomial by a polynomial
1.10solve problems involving polynomials
D. First Degree Equations and Inequalities In One Variable
1. Demonstrate knowledge and skill in transforming and solving first degree
equations and inequalities in one variable
• range
• trend (increasing or decreasing)
1.10given a linear equation Ax + By = C, rewrite in the form y = mx + b,
and vice versa
1.11draw the graph of a linear equation in two variables described by an
equation using
• the intercepts
• any two points
• the slope and a given point
1.12obtain the equation of a line given the following:
• slope intercept form
• the intercepts
• any two points
• the slope and a point
1.13use linear equations in two variables to solve problems