Childish Gambino - All The Shine (Album Version) - Analysis

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[Verse 1] What the fuck do yall niggas really want?

I went with realness instead The world and the people in it often push and impose their wants on you. Inherently as human beings we are often only interested in what we get out of an exchange. What's in it for us? He understands this from many aspects that the average person will never know. ame! tv! music! expectations! image! pleasing the numbers. "nding up doing things you hate because it's what the people want. #t what point does the artist or creative soul in you die simply the please what everyone wants? #lso! you can never please everyone. Is this a losing game after a certain point. He understands all of this and instead of elaborating! or wasting verses on these. Ironically! this is what people don't want to hear! they'd probably feel critici$ed. He skips all of it and simple says. I went with realness instead. I don't give a fuck what you want. This is my creative talent at it's rawest! like it or not. %onald &lover. But all the real niggas I know either crazy or dead # very common re'used verse in rap! however he has used it in a very clever manner. (ra$y! %ave (hapelle nearly lost his mind over this enormous pressure brought about by the fame and expectations of his career. The realest ones often have no place in this game of crowd pleasing. The dead has a double meaning of being deceased but also either deadened to sharing their art and genius with the world. &ood ideas often die in light of profitability! it's easy to research instances of an inferior idea winning out over a better one because of greed! money! or politics. Think of the countless superstars out there and consider '(all )e )aybe'. That might also deaden you to pursuing your art. Yeah, I dro ed the free !" for these other kids to feel a lot #iggas kee asking on whether this dudes for real or not I$ not trying to co$e hard, I$ trying to co$e $e %hats why these older songs that I used to $ake Id release free I've never listened to his older music but I believe hints at something that happens to many artists in their pursuits. Initially they are *++, themselves! they have no reason to stifle or conform to anything. They simply produce what they want. To make it you sometimes have to become commerciali$ed! for instance! -a .ule! hardcore gangsta rapper to singing about non gangster things featuring a flavor of the month singer. The older songs he used to make! he'd release free. ree in terms on money! one because he loved it so much. #lso free in that fact that he was releasing himself! freeing himself in his art. He's not trying to come hard because he's not trying to conform or stifle his style. Whats the oint of ra if you cant &e yourself, huh?

/elf'explanatory. 'ints at how fake and unrealistic ra is( )a is retty &o*ed into a corner as far what is acce ta&le and $arketa&le( +eelings and e$otion are definitely &an worthy offenses for your hood ass( I &elie,e this song to &e his ersonal e* ression of his true e$otions through the $ediu$ of ra ( 'e is -ust struggling and wondering how in the hell ra has co$e to &e such a li$ited style? Which ill do you choose? 'ard or )eal? .ften ti$es real is $as/ueraded as hard( %hats why I co$e first like $y cell hone i0hone! I comes first. (lever line. It's also interesting to not that the word I is the most used word in phone conversations. We are innately self'absorbed with ourselves being the center of our universe. 1ery interesting idea from /teve -obs to transfer the importance you place on yourself! I! the most important thing to you is you! to his line of product. Iphone! i)ac! etc. That's why I come first. I$ a role $odel, I a$ not these other guys I ra a&out $y dick and talk a&out what girls is fly I know its du$&, thats the fucking reason I$ doing it 0o why does e,eryone ha,e a ro&le$ with talking stu id shit?
A role (from the French rle, and sometimes so spelt in English) or social role is a set of connected behaviours, rights, obligations, beliefs, and norms as conceptualised by actors in a social situation. It is an expected or free or continuously changing behaviour and may have a given individual social status or social position. It is vital to both functionalist and interactionist understandings of society. ocial role posits the follo!ing about social behaviour" #he division of labour in society ta$es the form of the interaction among heterogeneous specialised positions, !e call roles. ocial roles included appropriate and permitted forms of behaviour, guided by social norms, !hich are commonly $no!n and hence determine the expectations for appropriate behaviour in these roles. %oles are occupied by individuals, !ho are called actors. When individuals approve of a social role (i.e., they consider the role legitimate and constructive), they will incur costs to conform to role norms, and will also incur costs to punish those who violate role norms. &hanged conditions can render a social role outdated or illegitimate, in !hich case social pressures are likely to lead to role change. The anticipation of rewards and punishments, as well as the satisfaction of behaving prosocially, account for why agents conform to role requirements.

If you look at 2ust the basic definition of role in sociology you see several startling insights. or once it is interesting that anyone occupying a role is called an actor. He is an actor in many ways! we all are. The problem is when you act outside of what is acceptable and the inevetiable pressure from others to reform and change into what is the norm! at the time. It raises interesting 3uestions about the implications of playing roles. -ust how exactly does something get decided on as a norm? The self'policing system of enforcing others and being enforced by others in subtle and sometimes direct ways to conform. (riticism! embarassment! exclusion! and many punishments. 4ind of like walking into a room for a social function. Why does everyone have a problem with talking stupid shit. Why does it have to be limited to certain things? /ociety is strange.

.r is it real shit? 12ause so$eti$es that stu id shit is real shit #gain! the norms! the real vs stupid shit are sub2ective and change based upon the audience! the roles being played and who is saying what. 3ike when you $ake out with your &est friends &a&y sis You know the one with short hair you used to &a&ysit? 0ee, thats not e,en right You with a different girl like each and e,ery fucking night 4nd kiss her while shes slee ing and sneak out the front to catch a flight %hats not life, dude rom the 5uddhist teachings
1. Noble Truth of Suffering 2hasing after the delights of the world, e* ecting the$ to &ring lasting leasure, always leads to disa oint$ent( %hese things are all su&-ect to the $iseries of &irth, old age, sickness and death( !,en when you do find so$ething leasant how soon do you grow tired of it? #one of these 5things5 offer any real satisfaction or eace(

+ro$ one girl to another, fro$ one leasure to another, always searching for leasure and lea,ing to find e,en $ore leasure( We cannot esca e the ine,ita&le ortions of ain and suffering in this life( 6uch of our suffering is fro$ the flight ortion( !ndlessly running to seek leasure, a,oid ain, and ne,er endure dull or uninteresting e* eriences for long( %his constant flight and $otion kee s the $ental tread$ill of our $ind running fro$ the $o$ent we wake until slee ( %hat5s not life dude( It5s -ust $aking u for fucks I $issed in high school I kee it wra ed until I $eet the right one I'm probably way off! but this is what this line has as far as my life significance. )ost of the time in our youth our importance! or! our 'fucks' are placed on the incorrect things. We don't really know what we want! nor do we reali$e what is truly important most of the time. We often has to make up for missing the mark on these fucks later in life. I wish I gave a fuck about this! because this became a problem later on. #s we grow older we are forced into our social roles. or instance being a man! if we didn't give a fuck expressing our feelings! because that's not gangster for instance! then much of ourselves becomes wrapped and tucked away to never be expressed or shown. It takes a lot of courage to fully show who you are to people and unwrap all of your perceived baggage. 6our fears! your inade3uacies! your doubts! dreams! and hopes. I don't know the specifics fucks he missed in highschool. #side from the sex reference I think this goes

much deeper than that. These deformities often follow us later on into adult hood and go unchecked. It becomes very difficult to unwrap this package and face what it inside. inding the 'right one'! one with whom you can let go and reveal all of these things is immensely cleansing to your soul 7mind8body8spirit9. This is a burden many of us are carrying and paradoxically are waiting for the 'right' moment. :etting go usually leads to it being the right moment! the moment does not come first. 2ause I aint 6u$ford, I aint tryin to ha,e sons 4ll I wanted was so$e $ore like 4shton I aint the coolest &ut I know I got assion I got assion7 )aybe I was wrong about the above verse not 2ust being about sex. ['ook] I really wanna do her right and it doesnt $atter We,e got all the shine we need to find I really wanna do her right and it doesnt $atter We,e got all the shine we need to find [0egue] 8Ba&y, I$ on the edge(9 0he said, 8Why you gotta act so strange?9 I said, 8Ba&y, I$ on the edge(9 0he said, 8Why you gotta act so strange?9 I said, 8Ba&y, I$ on the edge(9 0he said, 8Why you gotta act so strange?9 I said, 8Ba&y, I$ on edge(9 0aid, 8Why you gotta act so strange?9 I keep it wrapped until I meet the right one ; 1erse from earlier This chick does not appear to be the right one. /he's only 3uestioning his attempts to release. [Verse :] 4$ I serious? I dont e,en know 4re you hearing this? %his shit is laugha&le I aint trying, I$ doing, these other ra ers are foolish 0ointing to the irony in pretending to something other than yourself for for money. I got fa$e, $y 4;)s a co$ uter I made it and I bypassed conventional methods and media. %on &lover did a comedy series that was on sites like college humor and 6outube that allowed him to gain popularity. <ew mediums like 6outube and )yspace allowed anyone to share their art or music. Is there roo$ in the ga$e for a la$e who rhy$es? Who wears short shorts and $akes -okes so$eti$es?

6y nigga like, 8Id get you 6%V if I could, $an But "itchfork only likes ra ers who crazy or hood, $an9 )T1 is a brand that sells a certain product. 6ou do not matter to them unless you fit on that product shelf. 3u e +iasco < 4round 6y Way [+reedo$ 4in5t +ree] htt s=>>www(youtu&e(co$>watch?,?0@@zAW/awag 0o, I guess we gon5 see I aint 2urrenBy, &ut if there aint $oney in $y na$e lease $urder $e If you put no stock or value in my music then kill me! delete me! remove me from your reality. I don't care. 0o$eti$es I feel like I ain5t su osed to &e here 0o$eti$es I wake u , I don5t want to &e here Waking up and reali$ing the enormity of problems we face. I can't relate to how this effects one spirit when you have creative talent and want to share it ; facing 2udgement! criticism and unwarranted advice from people =>8?. It's what you were born to do and love doing! but the world makes you hate it. 6y $o$ lo,ed to te*t $e "sal$ ,erses 0he dont look at $e like I$ the sa$e erson I used to &e the sweet one, &ut things change In the 5ible! -esus makes a reference that you can never return home because people will only know you by your old names. 0eoples views of you! especially parents and people who have known you for a long period of your time cannot often ad2ust to the changes that a person can make. They only know you by who you will always be to them. Home is never the same. The incessant nature of change in life. There is really no stable ob2ect for us to grasp upon. ...'but things change'. 4nd I dont want the$ $issing a son like Bons last na$e 4nd all $y uncles alcoholics, sha$e on $e I drink whiskey till I$ grounded, no %V I wanna go inside the clu& with no gold iece 4nd walk in with #o I(C( and no I(C I've often contemplated what it would be to not be black. To not walk in with a hypothetical gold chain! an instantly identifying mark around my neck. I 2ust want to be in the club. The club! to be 'normal'.

To walk in with no I%. <o identification! a tiny printed card that defines what I am. Why would I want to be limited in such a permanent way? We are walking around with I%'s of everyone we know. #lso! no I% The id 7&erman@ "s9ABC is the unorgani$ed part of the personality structure that contains a human's basic! instinctual drives. Id is the only component of personality that is present from birth.A>C It is the source of our bodily needs! wants! desires! and impulses! particularly our sexual and aggressive drives. The id contains the libido! which is the primary source of instinctual force that is unresponsive to the demands of reality. "ven in our own minds and bodies we are constantly pestered by demands beyond our control. 5iology and deep internal function that governs that we do. What would it be like to exist without such a nature? Would you be &od? What is &od? 5uddhahood is the attainment of full awakening and becoming a 5uddha. #ccording to the Tibetan Thubten 6eshe!Aweb BC enlightenment AmeansC full awakeningD buddhahood. The ultimate goal of 5uddhist practice! attained when all limitations have been removed from the mind and one's positive potential has been completely and perfectly reali$ed. It is a state characteri$ed by infinite compassion! wisdom and skill.Aweb >C In Een! kensho means Fseeing into one's true natureF

#o $atter how far the hood see$s We all still got hood drea$s
'ur great !ar is a spiritual !ar... 'ur great depression is our lives. (e)ve all been raised on television to believe that one day !e)d all be millionaires, and movie gods, and roc$ stars, but !e !on)t. (e)re slo!ly learning that fact. And !e)re very, very pissed off. ' ight (lub

I always wanted to get icked on the cool tea$ But alone is e*actly how I should &e The cool team is a hoax based on the idea of what others agree to as cool. If you're on the cool team you probably aren't you. ['ook *:]

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