Unit 1-Ecm

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E-Commerce (UNIT-1)

Electronic Commerce E-commerce is associated with the buying and selling of information, products, and services via computer networks today and in the future via any one of the raid of networks that make up the Information Superhighway (I-way). ro!ections anticipate that the I-way will transform information transport technology for electronic commerce applications and provide an economic wind fall similar to what the interstate highway system did for productivity in the nation"s manufacturing, travel, and distribution systems. #he I-way is not a $.S. phenomenon but a global one, as reflected by its various labels worldwide. #he use of electronic transmission medium (telecommunications) to engage in the e%change, including buying and selling, of products and services re&uiring transportation, either physically or digitally, from location to location. ' key element of e-commerce is information processing. 'll steps of commerce, e%cept for production, distribution, and delivery of physical goods, are forms of information gathering, processing, manipulation, and distribution, which computers and networks are perfectly suited to handle. #his information processing activity is usually in the form of business transactions, for which several broad categories can be observed( #ransactions between a company and the consumer over public networks for the purpose of home shopping or home banking using encryption for security and electronic cash, credit, or debit tokens for payment. #ransactions with trading partners using E)I. #ransactions for information gathering such as market research using barcode scanners, information processing for managerial decision making or organi*ational problem solving, and information manipulation for operations and supply chain management. #ransactions for information distribution with prospective customers, including interactive advertising, sales, and marketing. +rom a management perspective, all of these transactions re&uire tight coordination and control among many participating organi*ations in order to minimi*e the e%posure to risk. Electronic commerce involves all si*es of transaction bases. 's one would e%pect, electronic commerce re&uires the digital transmission of transaction information. ,hile transactions are conducted via electronic devices, they may be transported using either traditional physical shipping channels, such as a ground delivery service, or digital mechanisms, such as the download of a product from the Internet. #hose familiar with traditional electronic data interchange system (E)I) may be &uestioning what makes electronic commerce different from the E)I system that have been in place for the past

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E-Commerce (UNIT-1)
--./ years. E)I is a subset of electronic commerce. ' primary difference between the two is that electronic commerce encompasses a broader commerce environment than E)I.

#raditional E)I systems allow pre-established trading partners to electronically e%change business data. #he vast ma!ority of traditional E)I systems are centred around the purchasing function. #hese E)I systems are generally costly to implement. #he high entry cost precluded many small and mid-si*ed business from engaging in E)I. Electronic commerce allows a marketplace to e%ist where buyers and sellers can 0meet0 and transact with one another. Electronic Business #he term electronic commerce is restricting, however, and does not fully encompass the true nature of the many types of information e%changes occurring via telecommunication devices. #he term electronic business also includes the e%change of information not directly related to the actual buying and selling of goods. #hese activities are not 0commerce0( activities1 they are 0business0 activities. #hus, the term electronic business is broader and may eventually replace the term electronic commerce.

Potential Benefits of Electronic Commerce #he following are the potential benefits of E-commerce( 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Internet and web-based electronic commerce is more affordable than traditional E)I1 Internet and web-based electronic commerce allows more business partners to be reached than with traditional E)I1 Internet arid web-based electronic commerce can reach a more geographically dispersed customer base1 rocurement processing costs can be lowered1 2ost of purchases can be lowered1 3eductions in inventories1 4ower cycle times1 5etter customer service1 and 4ower sales and marketing costs.

' Value-Added Network (6'7) is a service to which a firm can subscribe. 6'7s provide many services, including data transmission, E)I translation, and store and forward messaging of transaction data. 6'7s and the other services they provide are discussed in greater detail. 5ecause of the low cost of connecting to the Internet, medium and small businesses can now afford, the connection cost. 5ecause of software developments that allow web-based E)I systems to interface with traditional E)I systems, businesses of all si*es can now transact with one another. #his vastly e%pands the number of potential electronic business partners, some of which may be a substantial, geographical distance away. #he Internet offers a greater choice of global partners with which to conduct electronic commerce.

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E-Commerce (UNIT-1)
rocurement costs can be lowered by traditional E)I system by consolidating purchases, developing relationships with key suppliers, negotiating volume discounts, and greater integration of the manufacturing process. Internet electronic commerce offers additional benefits and potential for cost reductions over traditional E)I. rocurement costs can be lowered for all companies, regardless of si*e, due to the increased ability to transact electronically with one another. )ata transmission costs can be lowered. ' wider net can be cast when searching for suppliers. 8ptions for artnering with other firms increase. #he production cycle time is the time it takes a business to build a product beginning with the design phase and ending with the completed product. Internet electronic commerce is enabling the reduction of the cycle time by allowing engineers and production teams to electronically share design specifications for initial approval and refinement processes. In addition to reducing the design and production phases, lower cycle times also reduce the amount of fi%ed overhead that needs to be allocated to each unit produced, thus positively affecting the ability to pass cost savings on to the customer or to achieve higher net earnings. 2ustomer service can be enhanced using Internet electronic commerce by helping the customer to access information before, during, and after the sale. 5efore the sale is made, customers can electronically retrieve product specifications, &uantity, and pricing information. )uring the product9service fulfilment cycle, customers can electronically check on the status of the order. Internet allows firms to reach many customers in a 6ery low-cost fashion. Some firms are able to shift some of their sales and marketing functions to electronic processes. #his shift in communication mediums allows the firm to either reduce their overhead costs or better utili*e their human resources to engage in building customer relations rather than performing tedious sales processing tasks. 5usinesses are not the only benefactors of Internet electronic commerce1 consumers may also reap benefits from using the Internet. Some benefits that consumers may e%pect Increased choice of vendors and products1 2onvenience from shopping at home or office1 :reater amounts of information that can be accessed on demand1 ;ore competitive prices and increased price comparison capabilities and :reater customi*ation in the delivery of services.

2ustomers have an increased choice of vendors because they are no longer geographically constrained by a reasonable walking or driving distance. 2ustomers have a greater choice of services they can receive from global Internet companies. Internet electronic commerce also offers customers the chance to customi*e many of the products9services offered by merchants. +or e%ample, many on-line news services allow their customers to 0design0 the look of their daily newspaper.

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E-Commerce (UNIT-1)
Electronic Commerce Framework In general the e-commerce applications will be built on the e%isting technology infrastructure such as( a set of computers, communications networks, and communications software forming the Information Superhighway. +igure below shows a variety of possible e-commerce applications, including both inter organi*ational and consumer-oriented. #he users will be building the applications using the building blocks in the infrastructure. 2ommon business services, for facilitating the buying and selling process ;essaging and information distribution, as a means of sending and retrieving information. ;ultimedia content and network publishing, for creating a product and a means to communicate about it #he Information Superhighway-way very foundation-for providing the highway system along which all e-commerce must travel.

#he two pillars supporting all e-commerce applications and infrastructure are !ust as indispensable( ublic policy, to govern such issues as universal access, privacy, and information pricing #echnical standards, to dictate the nature of information publishing, user interfaces, and transport in the interest of compatibility across the entire network.

'ny successful e-commerce application will re&uire the I-way infrastructure in the same way that regular commerce needs the interstate high way network to carry goods from point to point. <ou must come across this highway, whether you are an organi*ation purchasing supplies or a consumer ordering a movie on demand. $nderstand, however, that the I-way is not one monolithic data highway designed according to long-standing, well-defined rules and regulations based on well-known needs. 2onstruction the I-way will be a mesh of interconnected data highways of many forms( telephone wires, cable #6 wires, radio-based wireless-cellular and satellite.

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E-Commerce (UNIT-1)
'ny successful e-commerce application will re&uire the I-way infrastructure in the same way that regular commerce needs the interstate high way network to carry goods from point to point. <ou must come across this highway, whether you are an organi*ation purchasing supplies or a consumer ordering a movie on demand. $nderstand, however, that the I-way is not one monolithic data highway designed according to long-standing, well-defined rules and regulations based on well-known needs. 2onstruction the I-way will be a mesh of interconnected data highways of many forms( telephone wires, cable #6 wires, radio-based wireless-cellular and satellite. 8n the I-way, the nature of data 9 information traffic is e%tremely important. #he information and multimedia content determines what type of media (vehicle) is needed. ' breakdown of potential everyday e-commerce vehicles into their technological components shows that they vary widely in comple%ity and may even need to travel different routes on the I-way. In the electronic 0highway system0 multimedia content is stored in the form of electronic documents. #hese documents are often digiti*ed, compressed, and stored in computeri*ed libraries or multimedia storage warehouses called servers that are linked by transport networks to each other and to the software9hardware clients that allow customers to access them. 8n the I-way, messaging software fulfils the role, in many numbers of forms( e-mail, E)I. or point-to-point file transfers. In information traffic, public policy issued deal with the cost of accessing information, regulation to protect consumers from fraud and to protect their right to privacy, and the policing of global information traffic to detect information pirating or pornography. 'gain the issues themselves, let alone the solutions, are !ust now evolving and will become increasingly important as more and more people with variable intent enter the electronic marketplace. #he final pillar on which the e-commerce framework rests is technical standards without which the impact of this revolution would be minimi*ed. Standards are crucial in the world of global e-commerce, to ensure not only seamless and harmonious integration across the transportation network but access of information on any type of device the consumer chooses- 2s, portable hand-held devices or television, set-top bo%es (cable converter bo%es) and on all types of operating systems. !mpact of Electronic Commerce on Business "odels #he outstanding growth rates, electronic commerce is now forcing on businesses to rethink their traditional business models( 7owadays the 2E8s recogni*es the challenge of e-2ommerce as a strategic business issue, not !ust one more technical issue to be delegated to the IS department, perhaps the e%isting E)I group. 'lthough a company may have, reengineered its internal business process and perhaps painfully installed an E3 system to bring inefficiencies to the back office, e-2ommerce is about reengineering outward-facing processes - industry process reengineering.

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E-Commerce (UNIT-1)
#hus, electronic commerce is not !ust a technology1 it is a way of conducting business that has the potential to impact every aspect of the firm"s value chain. Implementing full-scale, innovative applications of electronic commerce re&uires management teams to view the marketplace beyond the typical physical boundaries. #he biggest problem that electronic commerce pioneers encounter is the limited set of mental models that constrain0 our thinking. ,e tend to think of the, web in our =Industrial age> paradigm - where everything-must be1 described and related to the physical world.

If electronic commerce applications are not placed in the proper business conte%t and the strategy aligned with the overall business strategy, then the electronic commerce application is likely to final. #hus, new business models are necessary that integrate electronic commerce initiatives with overall business goals. #$erall Business and E-Commerce %oal Congruence Electronic commerce strategies need to be formulated so that they help a business achieve its overall business goals. +igure below illustrates the relationship between a firm"s overall corporate mission and goals and its web-based electronic commerce plan. Environmental changes may cause a business to rethinks or ad!ust its missions and goals, such as the entrance of 0new0 competitors into the marketplace. #hese 0new0 competitors may arise from previously unknown businesses, unknown perhaps because they are located in foreign countries. #hese 0new0 competitors may launch a web-based commerce site and have a newly found ability to cost-effectively draw customers away from the business.

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E-Commerce (UNIT-1)
8nce the cooperate mission and goals are set, then the information systems and technology groups mission can be set to help accomplish that mission. $ltimately, a web-based electronic commerce plan can be set. &he !mpact of Electronic Commerce on the Value Chain #he traditional view of the value chain, depicted in figure below is no longer rich enough to encompass the true relationships underlying the flows of information between a firm, its customers, and its suppliers. #he traditional $alue chain typically depicts the information system data as flowing se&uentially through the processes with inputs9outputs to the supplier at the back-end stage and to the customer at the frontend stage. In reality, firms engaging in electronic commerce may share information with their customers and supplies at many stages of the value chain.

+igure below depicts a new view of-the value chain with the customer set as the centre of focus to a firm. #he firm"s information system is the 0glue0 that links all phases of its processes together. #his customer-oriented $alue Chain enables the customer to access the firm"s (the supplier"s) information system at virtually every phase in order to assess the progress of the order. ' customer may link to the firm"s inventory data such as price, &uantity, and availability, prior to entering into a sales contract. #he customers can also check the shipping status of orders placed with a supplier that have, been completed and are in the shipping process. #he customer"s use-of the supplier"s information system to help provide better customer service after the sale is complete is another positive use. #he customer may be able to access the firm"s information system and re&uest a return slip, which the customer can then printout and use to send the item back to the supplier at the cost of the supplier. #he supplier benefits by knowing in advance that defective goods were sent to a customer and when to e%pect to receive them back. #hese are !ust some of the many ways in which customers and suppliers-may advantageously share the information stored in the supplier"s information system. #he customer-oriented value chain illustrated in figure below also needs to link its procurement information systems to those of the firm"s supplier. #he supplier needs to access its supplier"s information system in order to best serve its own customers.

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Electronic Commerce and "edia Con$ergence ooling several resources through alliances and merging with other resources by way of sharing the resource or independently ac&uiring the resource. ;any companies are pooling their resources and talents through alliances and mergers with other companies to make the electronic marketplace a reality. art of their motivation may include reducing their risk in light of the uncertainty about what form this eventual global marketplace and e-commerce applications will take. #he term e-commerce has become irrevocably linked with the idea of convergence of industries centred on information that has been isolated-content, storage, networks, business applications, and consumer devices. 2onvergence, broadly defined, is the melding of consumer electronics, television, publishing, telecommunications, and computers for the purpose of facilitating new forms of information-based commerce. ;ultimedia convergence applies to the conversion of te%t, voice, data, image, graphics, and full-motion video into digital content. 2ross-media convergence refers to the integration of various industries-entertainments, publication, and communication media based on multimedia content.

2onvergence of content translates all types of information content-books, business documents, videos, movies, music-into digital information. 8nce converted into digital form, that information can easily be processed, searched, sorted, enhanced, converted, compressed, encrypted, replicated, transmitted,

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and so on, in ways that are conveniently matched to today"s information processing systems. 2onvergence of transmission compresses and stores digiti*ed information so it can travel through e%isting phone and cable wiring. 7ew switching techni&ues and other technological breakthroughs enable all types of information to travel to the home. 2onvergence of information access devices have the sophistication to function as both computers and televisions. 8ther e%amples are the telephone, with internal fa% machine, modem, and video monitor, capable of receiving fa%, e-mail, and video.

Con$ergence is also being dri$en by certain market conditions' Entrepreneurs who are feeding on anticipated end-used demand for new applicationsboth products and services-that rely on the aforementioned enabling technologies #he widespread availability of increasingly low-cost, high-performance enabling component technologies, includes speciali*ed resources such as, storage and display devices, communications systems and operating systems, etc., 'ggressive regulatory actions that are introducing competition in monopoly marketslocal and long-distance communications, telecommunication and cable e&uipment, and right-of-way to customer"s curb-and that serve to facilitate the rapid deployment of these new applications.

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E-Commerce (UNIT-1)
&(E ANA&#") #F E-C#""E*CE APP+!CA&!#N, 7o one can predict what applications of electronic commerce will be useful 9successful in the long run, the potential payback for those who hold the winning hand which is a powerful driving force behind the development of the infrastructure and the convergence of numerous industries. E-commerce applications constitutes for different types of elements which are( 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. ;ultimedia content ;ultimedia Storage Servers 2lient-server architecture Internal processes of ;ultimedia servers 6ideo servers Information delivery9transport 2onsumer 'ccess )evices

In figure below, we will e%amine now how electronic commerce applications, multimedia content and multimedia storage serves as well as the information delivery system, the network service providers that serve as access points, and the devices that function as interfaces for various e-commerce applications.


"ultimedia Content for E-Commerce Applications

#he technical definition of multimedia is the use of digital data in more than one format, such as the combination of te%t, audio, video, and graphics in a computer file9document. ;ultimedia content can be considered both fuel and traffic for electronic commerce applications.

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;ultimedia its purpose is to combine the interactivity of a user-friendly interface with multiple forms of content. #he multimedia is associated with the hardware convergence taking place in the telecommunication, computer, and cable industry as the ne%t generation of digital, interactive home entertainment nears technical completion. +rom this perspective, multimedia has become to mean the combination of computers, television, and telephone capabilities in a single device.

;ultimedia represents the ne%t generation of computing, few have a clear idea of what multimedia is all about, what it can do, and where it is heading. #he term multimedia covers so many things that it is often difficult to conceptuali*e and adding to this, telecommunications, cable9broadcasters, computer software and hardware providers each have a different view of what multimedia means. 'ccess to multimedia content depends on the hardware capabilities of the customer. +or a long time, the capability of the computer hardware was well ahead of the needs of software applications available to run on it. #his gap is narrowing rapidly, however, with resource-hogging 0application software0 rich in multimedia content( electronic books, real-time information, movies, videos, and interactive services such as 2)-38; titles. #elecommunications and cable companies, now aware of the importance of content for the future of e-commerce applications, have begun to ac&uire right to the content they believe will have great value. !ndustry Entertainment producers 5roadcast television productions rint publishing catalogs 2omputer software Content Produced 2artoons, games, movies 6ideo, ;usic :ame shows, documentaries, Entertainment rograms 5ooks, reference collections,, directories, Software programs( animation, productivity-enhancing tools games,

&able' &raditional /i$ision of Content by !ndustry.

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#he success of e-commerce applications also depends on the variety and innovativeness of multimedia content and packaging. #he advantage goes to the current providers (or packagers) of multimedia content-to entertainment, broadcast television productions, traditional print publications, and software and information services. Supporting these content providers are the hidden brigade of small businesses or individuals producing content-writing articles,-creating videos, developing software programs, and other important entrepreneurial activities. 0. "ultimedia ,torage ,er$ers and Electronic Commerce Applications Electronic commerce re&uires robust servers to store and distribute large amounts of digital content to content to consumers. #hese multimedia storage servers are large information where house capable of handling various content, ranging from books, newspapers, advertisement catalogs, moviies, games, and %-ray images. #hese servers, deriving their name because they serve information upon re&uest, must handle large-scale distribution, guarantee security, and complete reliability. )igiti*ed content eliminates the bulkiness and mechanical unreliability fond in past e&uipment. Steady advances in digital memory technology are making massstorage devices technologically feasible and increasingly cost effective. 1. Client-,er$er Architecture in Electronic Commerce 'lmost all e-commerce applications follow the client-server model. 2lients are devices plus software that re&uest information from servers. #he client-server model replaces traditional mainframe-based models that worked will for a long time. #he dominant model of client-server architecture links 2s to a storage (or database) server, where most of the computing is done on the client. Even e%isting client-server models based on 2 servers, while providing back-end technology for scalable and fle%ible database management, have to be reengineered to accommodate new data type. #he client-server model, allows the client to interact with the server through a re&uest-replay se&uence governed by a paradigm known as message passing. #he server manages application tasks, handles storage and security, and provides scalabilityability to add more clients as needed for serving more customers-and client devices (from personal digital assistants to 2s) handle the user interface. In effect, the multimedia server handles the critical elements (distribution, connectivity, security, accounting), and so is e%pected to simplify and make scaling more cost-effective.

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2. !nternal Processes of "ultimedia ,er$ers #he internal processes of a multimedia servers involves the storage, retrieval, and management of multimedia data ob!ects are integral to e-commerce applications. ' multimedia server is a hardware and software combination that converts raw data into usable information and then 0dishes out0 this information where and when users need it. #hese servers have different uses( It captures, processes, manages, and delivers te%t, images, audio, and video. ;ost multimedia servers provide a core set of functions to display, create, and manipulate multimedia documents1 2. #o transmit and receive multimedia documents over computer networks, and to store and retrieve multimedia documents. #o make interactive multimedia a reality, a server must do the following( handle thousands of simultaneous users1 manage the transactions of these users (e.g., purchases, specific information re&uests, customer billing)1 and deliver information streams to consumers at affordable costs. 1. 1. 3. Video ,er$ers and Electronic Commerce #he need for large-scale video storage has led to a uni&ue business partnership between technology9transport and media companies in interactive #6 trails and has resulted in the development of new video servers. 6ideo servers are an important link between the content providers (entertainment9 media) and transport providers (telcos9wireless9cable operators). 8ne important difference between video servers and the current client-server computer systems used e%tensively for data processing is that video servers are designed to deliver information to hundreds of consumers simultaneously via public telecommunications and cable networks. 6ideo servers tackle the 0simultaneous overlapping0 supply problem that arises when providing on-demand services to large numbers of home. 7umerous households will want to watch the film either simultaneously or at overlapping times. #his problem can be approached from either the hardware or software end. 'll video servers need not be hardware-based. 3ather than looking at the delivery of continuous media on-demand (e.g., audio and video) as a hardware problem solved

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with massive parallel machines, ;icrosoft has approached the problem as a customi*able software issue. #he goal is to provide the power, functionality, and scalability to give users split-second access to thousands of media files and to allow laser disc-type functions such as pause, reverse, fast-forward, and !ump-ahead to user-specified locations.

4. !nformation /eli$ery5&ransport and E-Commerce Application Information )elivery 9 transport in e-commerce application involves how the data is moved through the media and the type of transport providers. #ransport providers are principally telecommunications, cable, and wireless industries1 computer networks including commercial networks such as 2ompuServe or 'merica 8nline1 and public networks such as the Internet. Each highway route provider faces a different but no less daunting set of challenges( Telecom Based: #hese providers, the most visible of all competitors, include longdistance and local telephone service providers. Cable-based: #hese providers depend on coa%ial cable as transport roads and will, help determine which broadband applications and services the viewing public prefers. 'll leading cable providers are conducting trials with a variety of hardware and software, and most are e%pected to use fiber optic cable and coa%ial wire as the delivery medium. Computer network-based : #hese providers are often dial-up linkage of lower bandwidth when compared to telecom and cable highways. 5andwidth is analogous to the number of lanes on a highway. Wireless: #hese operators are typically radio-based-cellular, satellite and light-baseinfra-red. In fact, some of the most e%citing transport architectures are invisible. 7ew wireless-based systems re&uire new ways of thinking about information delivery. 6. Consumer Access /e$ices

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E-Commerce (UNIT-1)
?ow the ma!ority of users will access e-commerce applications, as yet unknown, is heavily linked to the access device they opt to use. ' myriad of devices can provide access to information( videophones, 2s capable of handling multimedia, personal digital assistants like 'pple"s 7ewton, televisions capable of two-way transmission, cellular phones, mobile and portable computers. 2onsumer access devices focuses on two important processes 1. 2. )ifferent types of customers for different information. )evices re&uired for customers for different information.

#he four main types of information customers and different access devices re&uired by them are shown in below table ( Information 2onsumers 2omputers with audio and video capabilities 'ccess )evices ersonal 9desktop computing (workstations, multimedia 2) ;obile computing (laptop and notebook) 2)-38;-e&uipped computers. 6ideophone #elevision @ set-top bo% :ame Systems en-based computing 6oice-driven computing Software agents.

#elephone devices 2onsumer electronics ersonal digital assistants ( )'s)

'lmost everyone has a #6, and everyone is far more comfortable using a #6 than a 2. )oes this sound like the argument advanced by radio manufacturers after #6 was introduced. Aust as improvements in #6 made it far more appealing and affordable, advances in computers are making it much easier to operate, much more useful, and much less e%pensive. #he newest generation of 2s, for e%ample, operates microprocessors powerful enough to run video with the resolution of a television picture. 'll access devices need not be hardware based, moreover. ' new breed of softwarebased devices called software agents is being created that will act as the consumer"s personal digital assistants. Electronic Commerce Consumer Applications #he Electronic applications what the 2onsumer desires are very hard to predict as we cannot pinpoint, or decipher as they consider lot of things before they get involved in electronic markets whose shape, structure, and population are still in the developing stages. 7eeds envisioned include entertainment on-demand, including B// channel #6, video on-demand, games on-demand, and news on-demand1 electronic retailing via catalogs and kiosks and home shopping networks1 interactive distance education1 collaboration through desktop video conferencing1 medical consultations, and many more.

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E-Commerce (UNIT-1)
6ideo on-demand is seen as part of an overall long-term trend from the passive delivery vehicles or movies, radio, and #6 to 0consumer-interactive0 platforms. 2onsumers will be given greater control over scheduling these activities. #he changing trends in consumer choice can be seen in other areas of entertainment besides movies, namely, in the consumption of sports, #6 shows, and educational programs. #he following are the various e-commerce consumer applications ( 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2onsumer applications and social interaction. 7eeds of the customers 2ustomers willingness to pay to satisfy their needs )elivery of products to customers 2onsumer research and electronic commerce

-. Consumer Applications and ,ocial !nteraction #he e-commerce application winners will be those that can change the way consumers think and the way they do business. #elevision, the most successful technological miracle since the automobile, &uickly became so vital that people, even those who couldn"t even afford shoes, bought sets in the millions. enetration was slower for the telephone than for #6 because of the effort needed to set up the wiring infrastructure. 5oth technologies are e&ually significant in their impact. #he impact of the telephone on business and social communications is without doubt one of the most significant events of the twentieth century. Social revolutions have bearing on the e-commerce applications. +or instance, the current trends in radio and television talk shoves can be seen replicated in the on-line news groups. Social interactions were also promoted by the introduction of the C// toll free service around DEFC. 5y DEE., '#G#"s C//-number business represented H/ percent of total calls made-some D- billion C// calls. roviding contrast to the toll free services is the caller-paid E// service known as audio te%t, which allows callers to access a live, prerecorded, or interactive program. #he four ma!or E// services are fa%-back, interactive, recorded-sports scores, financial services and weather, opinion polling, and conferencing or simultaneous conversation using :roup 'ccess 5ridging (:'5). In the corporate world, marketers are e%ploring E// services as a way to offset costs in areas like customer service by getting callers to pay. #he nature of these audio te%t services may change as computers are used to access the information with modems doing the dialing. 0. Needs of the customers

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E-Commerce (UNIT-1)
5efore starting any business, one should always keep in mind the needs of the customers. Suppose you are doing an internet business, the various features the customers will look for are, 1. connection 2. E-mail facility9voice chat facility 3. ,ebcam chat 4. Speed of the internet


Even if one of the above mentioned features are not available, the customer preference will become low. So you have to be very careful regarding the needs of the customers. 1. Customer willingness to pay to satisfy their needs 8ther than the needs of customers, one should also consider the economy of various customers as well, i.e., one should value his products in such a way that people always give preference to his product. #he motto of your business should be such that the &uality9 &uantity is directly related to the cost. It should not be inversely proportional where low &uality9&uantity leads to high cost. #he other thing one must also keep in mind is not to sell genuine lower rate products at high costs. 2onsider an e%ample of low &uality9&uantity and high cost. Suppose you go to a cafeteria and want to order a small si*ed pi**a. ,hen ordering, you ask the rate. 7ormally small si*ed pi**as ranges from 3s. ./ to 3s. H/. 5ut if one charges the pi**a double the e%pected rate, then no one would prefer to that place again. 2. /eli$ery of products to customers ackaging and distribution play important roles in e-commerce applications. #heir significance can be e%plained as follows ( 4et us take a classic e%ample of a cafeteria. #here are some customers who will be living far away from the restaurant and could not come to the place regularly. So, they will place an order from the list of items, by some means like telephone, internet etc. #herefore, there should be a home delivery system where placed orders can be delivered to the customers on time. Consumer *esearch and Electronic Commerce Evaluating customer preference is the main uncertainty facing application designers. ,hat mi% of voice, data, video, entertainment, education, information, geographic coverage, mobility, and interactivity will consumers demand. ?ow much time and money will they be willing to spend to use these networks. ?ow much will regional or cultural difference influence application architectures. #he answers to these &ueries lie in consumer research. ;any businesses are navigating the electronic marketplace without proper consumer and market research. #his can be disastrous, given that even preliminary research shows some surprising results. 4et"s look at one specific e%ample( interactive television. Surveys by 2hilton 3esearch Services and 7ew <ork #imes suggest

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E-Commerce (UNIT-1)
some degree of consumer interest and perhaps a willingness to pay less than I-/ a month for a selection of interactive television services. ;ovies on-demand attract the most interest, followed by news, which fares relatively well. '2779poll of consumer opinion about interactive #6 yielded the following results ( HF percent would be 0willing to pay for personali*ed news summaries01 on an interactive television service. .E percent want video phone calls. F. percent would pay for movies on-demand. BJ percent would pay for television shows on-demand. JC percent said their greatest worry about interactive #6 is that they will have to pay for something that they previously received free of charge. FH percent are concerned that interactive television will make it harder for viewers to protect their privacy. HD percent are concerned that it will be too confusing to use.

In DEEH note, ;acworld maga*ine reported a telephone survey of consumer interests that showed people are more interested in facts than in the growing number of entertainment services envisioned for the electronic marketplace. #he eight-month investigation showed that in the sample of F// adults (.JB randomly selected and --B ;acworld subscribers) consumers rate high-tech entertainment and shopping network slower than information access, community involvement, self-improvement, and communication computer services, only -C percent rated a video on-demand service as highly desirable. #he most desirable on-line capability was voting in elections, with half the sample in favor. #he public also favours taking part in on-line public opinion polls and interactive electronic town hall political meetings. #he poll dramatically demonstrates that gaining access to reference and government information and educational courses is preferable to entertainment services. ;ovies and television-on-demand services were ranked only tenth among -F possible on-line capabilities. Commerce Net 2ommerce 7et is a consortium of companies which is promoting the use of Internet for E2. It is also making it happen through the establishment of a number of working groups to address specific issues confronting the implementation. #he ob!ective of 2ommerce 7et is to help companies stream-line their procurement and development cycles by performing transaction online. It attempts to overcome impediments to Internet 2ommerce by making new interfaces, security mechanisms and inde%ing tools. #he solutions are based on the ,,, technology, with websites serving as a mall for large and small businesses. #he working groups set up by 2ommerce 7et address among others, the following sub!ects 2onnectivity, 7etwork Services, ayment Services, Electronic 2atalogues9 )irectories, Internet E)I, Engineering )atabases, Internet ;arketing, 2ollaborating #ools, and ublic olicies. #he working groups e%amine these issues from various angles1 evolve new standards and business processes.

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E-Commerce (UNIT-1)
#he aim is to allow everyone to communicate with every-one, secure Internet transactions, Electronic payments over the Internet, Intelligent Search options, Internet for E)I instead of 6'7s, increase Internet marketing and to improve inter-networking among organi*ations through the Internet. #he key enabler for E2 is transaction security. #he openness of the Internet which is its ma!or strength is also its greatest weakness compared to 6'7s in so far as security of transactions is concerned. )isplaying of products and fulfilling of orders over the Internet is one thing1 completing the transaction with respect to payments using credit card numbers and other bank accounts of customers over the open Internet is another. #he following are the ma!or security issues which are being addressed by various organi*ations including some of the pro!ects launched by 2ommerce 7et( 'uthenticity of trading partners for transactions. Integrity of the message sent and received by trading partners. 2onfidentiality of message. 7on-3epudiation of 8rigin( the sender cannot deny sending the message. 3estricting access only to authori*ed users.

,ith digital signatures and encryption techni&ues the transaction is secured, and forms the basis for payment systems. ' number of products have arrived in the marketplace for secure Internet transactions which seamlessly integrate at the protocol and application level into commerce. ublic key cryptography now has been developed to such a level that it indeed provides solutions for E2. ?owever, the institutions re&uired as the key infrastructure for distributing and certifying the validity of public keys have yet to shape up. 2ommerce 7et, for e%ample, has assumed this role in some e%periments of financial transactions over the Internet. ?owever, it does not accept the responsibility of any fraudulent loss of money. E+EC&*#N!C C#""E*CE #*%AN!7A&!#N APP+!CA&!#N 2orporations do not buy information and communications technology simply because it is new or because it is interesting to writers in the press. 2ompanies adopt technology to save money and improve the bottom line. 5efore buying any product from the market, various thoughts9&uestions will come to the manager"s mind.

1. ?ow can electronic markets be utili*ed to further such organi*ational goals as better internal coordination, faster problem solving, and improved decision makingK 1. ?ow can it help us better serve our customersK 2. ?ow can we use it to better interact with our suppliers and distributorsK 2. ?ow will these new applications impact business process currently established internallyK

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E-Commerce (UNIT-1)
)evelopers of organi*ational electronic commerce applications must address these &uestions if they are to be successful. #he following are the various electronic commerce organi*ational applications( 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 2hanging business environment Electronic commerce and the retail industry ;arketing and electronic commerce Inventory management and organi*ational applications Aust-in-time manufacturing (AI#) Luick response retailing Supply chain management ,ork group collaboration applications

-. Changing Business En$ironment #he traditional business environment is changing rapidly as customers and businesses seek the fle%ibility to change trading partners, platforms, carriers, and networks at will. ;any companies are looking outside their organi*ation as well as within when shaping their business strategies. #hese activities include establishing private electronic connections to customers, suppliers, distributors, industry groups, and even competitors, to increase the efficiency of business communications, to help e%pand market share, and to maintain long-term viability in today"s business environment. #he Information Superhighway will e%pand this trend to another level all together( It will allow business to e%change information among constantly changing sets of customers, suppliers, and research collaborators in government and academic on a global basis. It will indeed become a powerful business tool that no organi*ation can do without. Inter-networking, whether internally or e%ternally with customers and business partners, can be a useful tool to facilitate time-based competitive strategies. 0Internetworking via a public network infrastructure provides a firm with the pathways to conduct e-commerce between trading partners, support collaboration with partners who can supply needed capabilities, and stay close to the customer.

#he following are the factors that lead to changes in business environment( 1. 2ompetitive pressures 2. ressure from stakeholders for improved financial performance. 3. ressure to reduce inventories and production costs. 4. )emanding customer re&uirement. 5. :lobal regulatory changes 6. 3educed product life cycles making new product development and introduction a priority.

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E-Commerce (UNIT-1)
J. roblems of keeping up with changing information and communication technology.

0. Electronic Commerce and the *etail !ndustry 3etailers are in the immediate line of fire and were first to bear the brunt of cost cutting. #hey are putting that pressure on the manufacturing and supplier end of the pipeline. 't the same time, the &uest for efficiencies has led to turmoil and consolidation within the retail industry. #he pressure e%perienced by retailers and suppliers can be seen in the disappearance of !obs, in mergers, and in the increase in business failures in the manufacturing sector. 1. "arketing and Electronic Commerce Electronic commerce is forcing companies to rethink the e%isting ways, of doing target marketing (isolating and focusing on a segment of the population), relationship marketing (building and sustaining a long-term relationship with e%isting and potential customers), and even event marketing (setting up a virtual booth where interested people come and visit). #he most common marketing strategies that are in use by various companies are( D) #arget ;arketing -' marketing strategy where companies advertise their product in selected segments of the market for only a limited set of people. -) 3elationship ;arketing M It is a strategy where companies advertise this product in a selected market in such a way that a good relationship is built up and maintained with their customers.

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E-Commerce (UNIT-1)
.) Event ;arketing -- ' marketing strategy where companies are not interested in targeting, any set of people or establishing any relationship with them. In this strategy, companies advertise their product into the market in such a way that if people are interested, they can buy the product. Interactive marketing is accomplished in electronic markets via interactive multimedia catalogs that give the same look and feel as a shopping channel. $sers find moving images more appealing than still images and listening more appealing than, reading te%t on a screen. #hose are two powerful reasons why every te%t-based and stillpicture-based interactive e%periment like videote%t has failed in the past. 2. !n$entory "anagement and #rgani8ational Applications 8ne often-targeted business process is inventory management. Solutions for these processes go by different names. In the manufacturing industry, they"re known as !ust-in-time inventory systems. In the retail industry as &uick response programs, and In the transportation industry as consignment tracking systems.

9ust-in-&ime "anufacturing Aust-in-time (AI#) is viewed as an integrated management system consisting of a number of different management practices dependent on the characteristics of specific plants. #he AI# management system, an evolution of the Aapanese approach to manufacturing and initially introduced for the #oyota production system, is based on two principles( elimination of waste and empowering workers. #he first principle refers to the elimination of all waste (time, materials, labor, and e&uipment).in the production cycle. #he following management practices are typically associated with AI# systems( focused factory, reduced set-up times, group technology, total productive maintenance, multifunction employees, uniform workloads, AI# purchasing, #otal &uality control, and &uality circles. AI# purchasing, considered and integral part of AI#. has received considerable attention in electronic commerce. It allows a manufacturer to incorporate its suppliers" efforts, toward eliminating waste in the upstream portion of the manufacturing cycle. it purchasing focuses on the reduction of inventories throughout the logistical systems of the manufacturing firms involved and provides a careful audit of the production process. 5asically, it optimi*es supplier and. customer relations. #o achieve AI# savings, communications networks. many large corporations have installed private

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E-Commerce (UNIT-1)
#he I-way makes this available to a number of small firms. :uick *esponse *etailing Luick response (L3) is a version of AI# purchasing tailored for retailing. ;ost often, keeping a store filled with merchandise is a task most shoppers never consider-until the product they want is out of stock. #he process is &uite comple%, given that a single retailer may purchase merchandise from thousands of vendors in a global market. #he failure to stock merchandise that matches customer demand can be e%tremely costly. #o reduce the risk of being out of stock, retailers are implementing L3 systems. L3 provides for a fle%ible response to product ordering and lowers costly inventory levels. L3 retailing focuses on market responsiveness while maintaining low levels of stocks. It creates a closed loop encompassing the retailer, vendor, and consumer chain, and as consumers make purchases the vendor automatically orders new deliveries from the retailer through its computer network. #he bar-coded articles are logged by the cash registers at the point of sale, the inventory system of the store then determines the needed supply, and the system transmits an order message to the retailer. #he availability of accurate information with respect to the current sales enables sophisticated marketing capable of responding to consumers" preferences. +igure below illustrates the various steps of the &uick response chain. 3. ,upply chain management Inventory management strategies were implemented through very e%pensive computer systems and private networks. #he cost was insurmountable barrier (overburdened) for many small business, and these new business strategies created many side effects. +or instance, because of the vast investments needed to implement AI#9L3, the manufacturer9retailer tended to reduce the number of its suppliers and move toward single sourcing - an undesirable outcome. Inventory management solutions (L3 and AI#) address only part of the unresponsive supplier for key components. Supply chain management (S2;) is also called 0e%tending0 which means integrating the internal and e%ternal partners on the supply and process chains to get raw materials to practice more affordable and easily

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the manufacturer and finished products to the consumer. ;ost companies fail to integrate their supply chain strategies for a number of reasons, among them a lack of system integration and the broader concept of supply chain management, firms might be missing an opportunity to cut costs and boost customer service. S2; rests on the premise that product e%cellence alone fails to guarantee corporate success. In fact, customers e%pect many services, including the prompt delivery of products, to precise locations with near-perfect administrative and physical &uality. Supply chain management includes the following functions ( 1) Supplier management: #he goal is to reduce the number of suppliers and get them to become partners in business in a win9win relationship. #he benefits are see in reduced purchase, order ( 8) processing costs, increased numbers 8s processed by fewer employees, and reduced ordered processing cycle times. 2) Inventory management: #he goal is to shorten the order-ship-bill cycle. ,hen a ma!ority of partners are electronically linked, information fa%ed or mailed in the past can now be sent instantly. )ocuments can be tracked to ensure they were received, thus improving auditing capabilities. #he inventory management solution should enable the reduction of inventory level, improve inventory turns, and eliminate out-of-stock occurrences. 3) Distribution management: #he goal is to move documents related to shipping (bills of lading, purchase orders, advanced ship notices, and manifest claims). aperwork that typically took days to cycle in the past can now be sent in moments and contain more accurate data, thus allowing improved resources planning. 4) Channel management: #he goal is to &uickly disseminate information about changing operational conditions to trading partners. In other words, technical, product, and pricing information that once re&uired repeated telephone calls and countless labor hours to provide can now be posted to electronic bulletin boards, thus allowing instant access. #hus electronically linking production with their international distributor and reseller networks eliminates thousands of labor hours per week in the process. 5) ayment management: #he goal is to link the company and the suppliers and distributors so that payments can be sent and received electronically. #his process

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increases the speed at.which companies can compute invoices, reducing clerical errors and lowering transaction fees and costs while increasing the number of invoices processed (productivity). 6) !inancial management: #he goal is to enable global companies to manage their money in various foreign e%change accounts. 2ompanies must work with financial institutions to boost their ability to deal on a global basis. #hey need to assess their risk and e%posure in global financial markets and deal with global information as opposed to local market information. 7) Sales "orce productivity: #he goal is to improve the communication and flow of information among the sales, customer, and production functions. 4inking the sales force with regional and corporate offices establishes greater access to market intelligence and competitor information that can be funneled into better customer service and service &uality. 2ompanies need to collect market intelligence &uickly and analy*e it more thoroughly. #hey also need to help their customers (relationship management) introduce their products to market faster, giving them a competitive edge. #he supply chain management process increasingly depends on electronic markets because of global sourcing of products and services to reduce costs, short product life cycles, and increasingly fle%ible manufacturing systems resulting in an variety of customi*able products. 4. ;ork %roup Collaboration Applications ,ork group applications, e-commerce represents the ?oly :rail of connectivity( a internet work that enables easy and ine%pensive connection of various organi*ational segments to improve communications and information sharing among employees and to gather and analy*e competitive date in real-time. E-commerce also facilitates sales force automation by enabling salespeople to carry product and reference information in one portable device. 8ther applications, such as video conferencing, document sharing, and multimedia e-mail, are e%pected to reduce travel and encourage telecommuting. 6ideo conferencing is now the best-established application, and is e%pected to grow in the coming years. 6ideo conferencing allows distant business colleagues to communicate without the e%pense, time, and inconvenience of travelling. 6ideo conferencing is beginning to penetrate the desktop 2 market, although technical limitations will limit that growth. ,hat is needed are faster chips for processing video-namely, compressing and decompressing. 8rgani*ational applications of electronic commerce have to meet the challenges of the new business environment where the emphasis is on service &uality, fle%ibility, and customi*ation of production to meet customer needs.

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