Playstation 2 Repair Guide: Mark Eastman

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Pl ayst at ion 2 Repair Guide

Copyright 2002-2003 by Mark Eastman . All rights reserved.

Published by Powerful Guides
1387 Westbrook Dr.
Marysville,OH 43040

The Playstation 2 is a high-tech piece of equipment. Fixing the console yourself should
not be done unless completely necessary. You may risk electrical shock so please make
sure your unit is unplugged and take additional steps to ensure your safety.
These repairs require you to open your PS2 case which will void your warranty. If your
console is still under warranty please think about taking these steps carefully before

This information is being sold for educational purposes only! I cannot be held
responsible for any adverse effects to your PS2 if you decide to use this information. The
responsibility is ALL YOURS. I am NOT a Sony Certified PS2 technician. These
procedures are a result of my interpretation of what others have reported as well as my
own experience with the repairing of PS2 consoles. It is my belief that all of these
procedures have been used with positive results for other PS2 owners. Therefore, they
should work for you.

This information is protected by copyright. It is for use by the original purchaser only.
Anyone attempting to resell or distribute this information without prior written
authorization of the owner will be prosecuted. If you know of someone who is illegally
selling or distributing this information please contact me at

When you purchased this guide you were issued a license. This license is monitored
electronically for abuse. DO NOT distribute this document to friends or family members.
This license is good for use on one or two computers ONLY. Any license that is being
abused will be terminated and you will not be able to open your book again. Please refer
friends and family who would like a copy to .

My name is Mark. I have been an electronic technician for almost 25 years now. My goal here is to help you fix
your PS2. Sony would say only a certified technician can do this, but I have broken down the steps into simple
terms and hopefully made it a task that almost anyone could do. I hope it works for you.
Mark Eastman

This manual covers 2 main areas for the do-it-yourselfer. Power and disc reading problems. Look at the table of
contents and follow it to fix your problem.


When working on your PS2 you need to always make sure you are working in a clean, well-organized
environment. Always make sure your PS2 is UNPLUGGED. NEVER work on your PS2 on carpet. The carpet
static can actually cause damage to the PS2. Move to an area that is not carpeted, like a kitchen table.



3. DISC READ ERRORS (Page 11-17)





8. SELLING ON EBAY (24-27)

9. BUYING ON EBAY (27-28)




Before doing some of the techniques in this manual you are going to need to know how to use a voltmeter. They
are very easy to use and it won't take long to get you up to speed even if you have never used one before. If you
don't own a voltmeter then you may need to buy one or borrow one. WAIT TO SEE IF ONE IS REALLY
NEEDED BEFORE BUYING ONE! Each section tells you what tools are needed to complete the testing and
troubleshooting in that section.

Here is what my voltmeter looks like. They come in
various shapes and sizes and can be picked up at most
hardware stores or at Radio Shack. They can be very
expensive or you can get them pretty cheap. A cheap
one is all that is needed for this project. Notice that
there are two wires coming out of it. One is red and the
other black. Red is the (+) positive lead and Black is
the (-) Negative lead. None of the measurements we
will be doing are dependent on having the positive and
negative leads connected in a particular order. All of
the measurements can be taken with either lead in
either position indicated. That will make it easy for

Next, we need to go over the setting on the voltmeter
that we will be using. This will vary from meter to
meter. Most of them use the same symbols and
wording so you should be able to figure it out on yours
by looking at the description and picture here. The first
setting is Ohms (See picture). This is the setting you
use to check fuses and to adjust the laser voltages. All
measurements you will be taking are less than 2000
Ohms so you will need to pick the scale that most
closely matches this setting. Many meters, like the one
shown use an auto-scaling feature. This makes it so you
don't have to worry about what scale to pick. So if you
have to buy a meter you may want to pick one up that
has this feature built in.

That's it for the voltmeter training. In each section that we use the voltmeter there will be more detailed
instructions on exactly what to do. So don't panic if you don't feel like you quite understand it yet. You will get
more details when needed.

! Normal Philips head screwdriver (Hardware Store)
! Needle-Nosed pliers (optional)
! Voltmeter (Hardware store or Radio Shack)

If you are experiencing power supply problems then more than likely your Playstation 2 will not come on at all.
It is plugged in and the switch is on, but you have no lights. There are a couple of things you can check that may
be a simple fix to your problem. WARNING-ALL TESTING THAT IS DESCRIBED HERE IS

! First, make sure that the outlet you are plugged in to is good by unplugging you PS2, and plugging it into a
socket in a different room. If it doesn't work there either then proceed to the next step.
! Before we take any measurements we need to make sure the voltmeter is working. Put the meter on the
Ohms setting. Test it by touching your red and black lead together. You should get a reading of 0 or a very
low number when touched and nothing when not touching.

To test the power cord take one lead and attach it to
one prong that plugs into the wall and the other lead
into one of the holes that plug into the PS2. You
should get a low reading just like you did when you
tested above. If not, move to the other hole. Do that for
each hole and prong to check both wires inside the
cable. If both check good then you are ready for the
next step. If not, then you have a bad cord and it will
need to be replaced.

The remaining checks will require that the PS2 cover be removed. Follow these steps to
safely and easily remove it.
A. Flip your PS2 over so that the bottom is facing up

B. Remove all the screw covers. (There should be 6
screw covers, 4 made of rubber (outer edges) and 2 made of
plastic (in the middle), that need to be removed. Indicated
in photo by the white lines. You can use a knife or small
jewelers flat blade screwdriver for this. There should be 2-4
more screw covers on the outer side of the base,
underneath the controller ports. Indicated in photo by red
lines. The older model PS2s have 4 screw covers, while
the newer ones have only 2. Remove them all, and you
should now have a total of 8-10 screws unveiled.
Set the screw covers aside.

C. Use your knife to cut the warranty tape that is covering
the seam between the back and the top cover. (By the
power switch). Just trace the seam through the tape with the
knife so that it will not be holding you back when you go to
remove the top later.

D. Using the normal sized Phillips head screwdriver, Make sure all of the screws are removed, and put them
NOTE: Some of the screws are longer than others. It is VERY IMPORTANT that you remember where the
longer screws go. You may want to mark the holes with a piece of tape or some other way so that you will know
which holes the long screws go into. If you do not remember where the long screws go, you could put a hole
through a circuit board by trying to force the long screw in where it is not supposed to be.


E. The PS2 shell should now be ready to remove.
ONLY the UPPER side (with the PS2 logo) needs to
be removed for this step - Leave the BOTTOM side
on. WARNING-Be very careful when taking the
upper shell off, or you could damage the PS2.

Place the PS2 horizontally, with the PS2 logo facing
up and the front facing you.

Pull up on the cover from the back and work it free and lift about 1/2 inch. Move the shell forward a little,
sideways, so that the Eject/Reset buttons are not blocking the shell and the CD tray comes clear, and it can be
lifted off. Just play around with it a little and you should get it.

Then, lift it at an angle, like opening the cover of a
book. Take the bottom (Vertically speaking) of the
shell, with the PS2 logo on it, and lift it an angle.
WARNING-Lift slowly and be careful not to break
the ribbon cable going to the reset and eject buttons.
You should notice a small wire around the area where
the Reset/Eject buttons are. The wire should be taped
to the top of the Lens cover. Remove the tape, and
then carefully lift the cover so that it is lying flat, and
the PS2 is open like a book, connected at the middle
by the wire.

OPTIONAL: If you have or can get a couple of
clips that hold stacks of paper they make an
excellent clip for holding your PS2 cover firmly to
the PS2 base. This will reduce your risk of
accidentally tearing your ribbon cable. See photo.


Now we are going to test the power switch. MAKE
POSITION. Put one voltmeter lead on one of the
pins that the power cable plugs into and the other on
one of the pins of the white plug just inside the case.
You should get a 0 reading or a short. If not trying
moving to the other pin. A good plug will show a short
between each pin on the back and one of the wires on
the inside when the power switch is in the on position.

Last we will check the fuses. There are two located on
the power supply board. (see photo)
Take your voltmeter and put a lead on each side of a
fuse. You should read a short. If you don't, then the
fuse is blown and will need to be replaced. Read the
value of the fuse either written on the circuit board
beneath the fuse or on the silver connection on the end
of the fuse. The fuse by the power plug on mine is
3.25A (amps).

Every version of PS2 has a slightly different set of fuses in it. To convert the numbers on the fuses to an actual
value take the number and multiply by .04. For example, if the number on your fuse is 25 CCP2E25 then you
take 25 * .04 =1.0 or 1amp. You would use a 1 amp fuse to replace this one. If you end up with a weird
amperage like .52 just use a .5 amp fuse. You just need something close as possible to the actual value to keep
things working safely.

You can get your replacement fuses at Radio Shack or any electronics store. Replace them and if they blow
again then you have more serious problems with your power supply board and it is suggested you seek out a
replacement. Just search the internet for PS2 parts and find a replacement board. I found them to be about

When you get your replacement board, just take out the 4 screws on the corners holding it in and pull up on it to
remove it from the 4 pin connector (see photo). You will also need to slide the power switch assembly out of
your way. Unplug the white 2 wire connector from the power supply board and slide the assembly out of the
slot it fits in on the case. (see photo)

That's it for the Power Supply troubleshooting section of this manual. Hopefully this fixed your problem. If not,
then it is a problem that would be better off being fixed by a professional. Since Sony wants $120.00 to fix a
problem you would be better off selling your console on Ebay for parts and picking up a working used one from
the same place.




It seems that there are many people who are having disc read errors on their PS2 consoles for no apparent
reason. They get it on some discs or DVD's and not on others. There is no logical pattern to the problem.
Obviously you don't want to pay SONY $120.00 to fix the problem, and so you have purchased this information
in hopes of getting to the bottom of it.

A study of the problem reveals that there can be a couple of different things causing it. First, is the laser that
reads the disc is dirty. Since lasers are very sensitive, it only takes a small spec of dirt to mess the whole thing
up. Second, it could be that the disc is not spinning on the spindle correctly, thus the laser cannot read it. Certain
games (mainly blue discs) not working and others working fine usually signify this problem. One other
symptom of the disc not spinning on the spindle correctly is that you will get some scratching noises while the
game is in. This NEEDS to be repaired before your games are ruined.

All of the procedures listed are simple and easy ones that practically anyone can do. They are listed in order
from the easiest fix to the hardest. Even the hardest one is not that hard but why go through the trouble if you
don't have too? Please DO NOT BE IN A HURRY and jump into this without completely reading the steps in
the process and making sure you understand them before getting started.

Try this before you do anything else. Get a
can of compressed air. Eject the CD tray outward and
spray the air into the PS2 aiming it at where the laser
is located. This may be all that is needed to fix your


This procedure rarely works for anyone but since it only takes a few minutes to do it is worth a try before
opening up your Playstation 2 console.
! Turn on your PS2 WITHOUT a disc in it and wait for it to come up to the MAIN MENU screen
! Press the "Triangle" button
! Use your UP directional buttons and select CONSOLE and then press the "Triangle" button
! Use your direction buttons again and select ON and then press the X button
! Insert a disc and the console will automatically start the diagnostics




A disc slipping can be the culprit that is causing your read errors and it is quite easy to fix. The reason that the
discs are slipping is because the magnet around the spindle has weakened and it allows the disc to slip when it
begins to spin. The first two steps listed here are ways to increase the weight of your discs and balance them to
prevent the slippage. These are both methods being used successfully by others, but obviously these are not
technically based fixes. These fixes are a quick fix to the underlying problem and may not fix the problem. Use
them if you want, but if you don't feel comfortable putting tape on your discs knowing there is a possibility that
your problem will still not be fixed then go directly to STEP 3

STEP 1. Take a strip of masking tape and place it on
the title side (side with the writing) from the very edge
of the disc towards the middle of the disc without
getting any on the shiny part in the center of the disc.
Then take another piece and do the same thing on the
other side of the hole so that when you're done you
will have a straight line going across the title side of
your disc. Stick the disc back in and see if your
problem is solved.

STEP 2. This is another variation of the first trick. On
the shiny side of your disc- (the play side) take a small
piece of 1/2 scotch tape and place it at an angle in the
center circular area by the hole. That's it-stick the disc
back in and see if the read error is fixed. Doesn't get
much easier than this.

The next procedure is the actual strengthening of the magnet and the cleaning of the laser lens. It is a bit more
involved but the chances that this will get your machine working again are high. Before you try the remaining
repair steps in this manual you may want to print out a copy of these instructions. It's not really that hard and
using a little common sense will go along way towards helping you make the repair quickly and easily.

STEP 3.Make sure you have a nice, clean, well-lit area to work in. You might want to get a small bowl or cup
to put your parts in so you will not lose them.

The things you need for this next project are:
! Normal Philips head screwdriver (Hardware Store)
! Jewelry (Small) Philips head screwdriver (Radio Shack)
! Q tips (Drug Store)
! Rubbing Alcohol (Isopropyl) (Drug Store)
! A very small low strength magnet. You can get one from Radio Shack (P/N 64-1895)
or Try this - Ever seen those refrigerator shopping lists made from that very thin sheet magnet material?
Cut two small pieces and use them. (Walmart or Kmart for sheet magnet)
! Compressed air (Radio Shack)
! Needle-Nosed pliers (optional)
! White silicone grease (optional)

A. Flip your PS2 over so that the bottom is facing up.

B. Remove all the screw covers. (There should be 6
screw covers, 4 made of rubber (outer edges) and 2 made of
plastic (in the middle), that need to be removed. Indicated
in photo by the white lines. You can use a knife or small
jewelers flat blade screwdriver for this. There should be 2-4
more screw covers on the outer side of the base,
underneath the controller ports. Indicated in photo by red
lines. The older model PS2s have 4 screw covers, while
the newer ones have only 2. Remove them all, and you
should now have a total of 8-10 screws unveiled.
Set the screw covers aside.


C. Use your knife to cut the warranty tape that is covering
the seam between the back and the top cover. (By the
power switch). Just trace the seam through the tape with the
knife so that it will not be holding you back when you go to
remove the top later.

D. Using the normal sized Phillips head screwdriver, Make sure all of the screws are removed, and put them
NOTE: Some of the screws are longer than others. It is VERY IMPORTANT that you remember where the
longer screws go. You may want to mark the holes with a piece of tape or some other way so that you will know
which holes the long screws go into. If you do not remember where the long screws go, you could put a hole
through a circuit board by trying to force the long screw in where it is not supposed to be.

E. The PS2 shell should now be ready to remove.
ONLY the UPPER side (with the PS2 logo) needs to
be removed for this step - Leave the BOTTOM side
on. WARNING-Be very careful when taking the
upper shell off, or you could damage the PS2.

Place the PS2 horizontally, with the PS2 logo facing
up and the front facing you.

Pull up on the cover from the back and work it free and lift about 1/2 inch. Move the shell forward a little,
sideways, so that the Eject/Reset buttons are not blocking the shell and the CD tray comes clear, and it can be
lifted off. Just play around with it a little and you should get it.

Then, lift it at an angle, like opening the cover of a
book. Take the bottom (Vertically speaking) of the
shell, with the PS2 logo on it, and lift it an angle.
WARNING-Lift slowly and be careful not to break
the ribbon cable going to the reset and eject buttons.
You should notice a small wire around the area where
the Reset/Eject buttons are. The wire should be taped
to the top of the Lens cover. Remove the tape, and
then carefully lift the cover so that it is lying flat, and
the PS2 is open like a book, connected at the middle
by the wire.

OPTIONAL: If you have or can get a couple of
clips that hold stacks of paper they make and
excellent clip for holding your PS2 cover firmly to
the PS2 base. This will reduce your risk of
accidentally tearing your ribbon cable. See photo.

F. Use the compressed air and spray out the inside of your PS2, especially the fan. When you feel like all dust
has been removed proceed. If your PS2 has a foam mesh that is located next to your exhaust fan then you need
to REMOVE IT. This mesh has been known to collect dust on the inside of the PS2 and makes the DISC READ
ERRORS worse. Newer versions of the PS2 have this removed so Sony knows that it is causing problems.

G. Look for a small white circle with a little gray piece of metal in the center.

H. Stick your replacement magnet (from old HD, etc)
on the metal. NOTE: If using a sheet magnet cut two
small pieces and stick them on the metal.- The idea is
to increase the strength of the existing magnet.

NOTE: Here is a picture of the one I just did with
the sheet magnets in place. It's up to you at this
point if you want to continue. This may be all that
is needed to fix your problem. Put the cover back
on and try it out. If it doesn't work you will need to
take the cover back off and then continue with the
next step, or you can continue now. The choice is

I. Next you will clean the laser lens. To gain access to
the lens, you need to remove the lens cover. The lens
cover is the piece that holds the place where you just
attached the magnets. To remove the lens cover,
simply take out the 2-4 screws located on the side with
the Jewelry screwdriver. Place the screws aside, and
lift the lens cover. NOTE:The lower left corner has a
latch tab that needs to be pulled slightly left before
you can lift it up. See photo.

You should now see the lens, a small circular glass
piece located in the back of the disc tray.

J. Spray the area around the lens with the compressed

K. Dip a Q-Tip in the rubbing alcohol. Make sure that
you don't fill it so much that it is dripping. Take the Q-
Tip and carefully yet firmly rub the lens in a circular
motion for 30 seconds. Then, using a dry Q-Tip, dry
off the lens in the same circular motions. The lens
should now be clean.

L. This next photo is just to show you a little more
detail on what is going on around the spindle. The
magnet on top attracts to the magnet in the cover and
pushes the game down onto surface. The black rubber
ring is what touches the game in the center so make
sure it is grease free. You might want to brush it with
the rubbing alcohol while you are cleaning the lens.
The silver ring is spring loaded and goes down when
pushed. Make sure it is moving or else your game will
not seat firmly. Just put a game on the spindle and
slightly push down on it. You should see it move.

M. One more check can be done while you have the
covers off. GENTLY push the laser assembly
backwards to see if it is sliding freely on the travel
rods. It will feel a little rough since the power is off
.You are looking to make sure that the laser assembly
is not coming into contact with anything else and can
travel freely. You want to also make sure that the
ribbon cable attached is not bending as the laser
assembly moves backwards. If there is a bend in the
cable you can strengthen it by wrapping a small piece
of paper around the bent joint and taping it with scotch
tape. Just make sure that the ribbon has free travel
back through the slot it goes through in the case. This
problem is rare.

OPTIONAL: If you want you can clean the rods
with Q-tips and reapply a thin layer of white
silicone grease. Don't use to much.

Make sure to do the optional step above if you have
grinding sounds coming fromyour PS2

N. Put the PS2 back together. Place the lens cover back on, making sure that its tight and snug in position.
Screw it in place. Then, tape the wire back onto the lens cover and flip the shell back into place on the PS2.
Screw the screws back in, making sure the longer screws are going into the correct holes. Put the screw covers
back into place, and youre done.

One of these techniques should have fixed your DISC READ ERROR problems. Your PS2 should now be
ready to go. If it is still not working then you have more serious problems than most. The laser may need to be
replaced or the voltage adjusted. See the table of contents for the latter.



WARNING!-Adjusting your laser voltage is pushing the envelope of a do-it-yourself
procedure. This should only be done as a last resort for getting your games to work. Do
not do this until you have tried the cleaning of the laser lens and the increasing of the
magnet strength.

! If you do not get the "Disc Read Error" message in the browser when trying to load problem discs.
! You have a Playstation 2 Version 4 or higher- They have 8 screw covers on the bottom rather than 10. (No
solid techniques have been developed for Version 4 and higher-You can attempt to do it with these
instructions but you may find that things are not as described here.)
! Your PS2 only gets errors on certain CD or DVD games and not ALL.

! You can play games on CD but not on DVD
! You can play games on DVD but not on CD
! You can't play ANY games and have already cleaned the laser in the steps listed earlier.

! Philips head screwdriver
! Very small jewelers flat blade screwdriver
! Needle-nosed pliers (optional)
! Voltmeter
! A friend to help

Adjusting the laser voltages involves taking the bottom off of your PS2. So let's get started.

A. Flip your PS2 over so that the bottom is facing up.

B. Remove all the screw covers. (There should be 6
screw covers, 4 made of rubber (outer edges) and 2 made of
plastic (in the middle), that need to be removed. Indicated
in photo by the white lines. You can use a knife or small
jewelers flat blade screwdriver for this. There should be 2-4
more screw covers on the outer side of the base,
underneath the controller ports. Indicated in photo by red
lines. The older model PS2s have 4 screw covers, while
the newer ones have only 2. Remove them all, and you
should now have a total of 8-10 screws unveiled.
Set the screw covers aside.

C. Use your knife to cut the warranty tape that is covering
the seam between the back and the top cover. (By the
power switch). Just trace the seam through the tape with the
knife so that it will not be holding you back when you go to
remove the top later.

D. Using the normal sized Phillips head screwdriver, Make sure all of the screws are removed, and put them
NOTE: Some of the screws are longer than others. It is VERY IMPORTANT that you remember where the
longer screws go. You may want to mark the holes with a piece of tape or some other way so that you will know
which holes the long screws go into. If you do not remember where the long screws go, you could put a hole
through a circuit board by trying to force the long screw in where it is not supposed to be.

E. Gently pull up on the back of the bottom cover and
slide it forward and place it on the side. You should
see two metal shields covering the circuitry on the

F. Remove the expansion slot cover from the back of
the PS2. It just slide out

G. Remove the 1 screw in each plate that is holding it
down and gently remove both shields.


H. Now that the shields are removed you are going to lift and fold back the expansion slot to reveal the laser
Gently pull up on the outer edge of the expansion bay and fold over to the right and GENTLY lay it on top of
the circuit board to the right. (See Photos)

I. Now that the expansion slot is out of the way you
should be able to see the controls that adjust the laser
voltage. (See photo)

J. The one on the left is for adjusting CD games and the one on the right is for adjusting DVD games. Make
sure you only mess with the one that is giving you problems. Before you get started you should carefully
mark the current location of the adjustments so you can go back to them if needed. You can do this by
using a sharpie pen to put a small dot at the 12 o'clock position on each screw and then another on the
circuit board to line it up with. When turning the adjustments you only need to turn VERY SLIGHTLY.
(1 degree at a time) Turning to the right is increasing the voltage and to the left is decreasing the voltage.
In most cases you will want to INCREASE the voltage.

K. Before you get started lets get a reading of exactly
where the adjustment is set. Using your voltmeter in
the Ohms reading setting put 1 lead at the bottom of
the adjustment and the other in the upper left corner
(see photo). Write this reading down so you can go
back to it if needed. Using a very small screwdriver
carefully turn the adjustment to the right about 1
degree. Take a measurement again. You will then
have to put everything back together and try it. If it
does not work you can keep adjusting it over and over
until it works. I have found that the CD adjustment
can be anywhere between 950-1200 ohms and the
DVD can be between 650-1000 ohms. This can be a
very time consuming process but it will work for some
of you. The key is to be patient and careful. If you get
in a hurry you may pass the point where it works or
you may damage something taking it apart.

Use this procedure at your own risk and the risk of damaging your Playstation 2. This procedure will speed up
the process for you but it involves working on the Playstation 2 while it is plugged in and circuit boards are
exposed. The choice is yours.

! Stand the PS2 on it's side so the power button is at the top. Have a friend hold it for you and make sure that
the expansion bay does not touch the exposed circuits on the adjacent board.
! Plug in the PS2 (power and video) and load a problem disc.
! Turn the adjustment pot 1 degree and reload the disc to see if it helped.
! Repeat the process until you have moved the adjustment 20 degrees. If you have not had success move it
back to the beginning spot and go the opposite direction up to 20 degrees.

I have never seen the adjustment needed to be turned more than 30 degrees although I have heard that some
people have had to turn it up to 180 degrees on PS2 that have a modchip and they are reading backup CD-R

Before you finish lower the PS2 to the horizontal position and try the game as well as several others to make
sure you don't need some more fine adjustments. Some people have reported that a slightly higher setting is
needed in the horizontal direction than in the vertical.

Turn off your PS2 and reassemble.


Hopefully you were able to fix your Playstation 2 and are now back to playing games. If you are reading this
though then that means that the methods did not work for you. Dont worry.

In this next section Im going to show you how to get rid of your broken PS2 console and get a WORKING
used or maybe even a NEW one for a net cost of less than $100.00 which includes the price of this guide. So,
you see you are still better off then you were if you sent it to Sony for repair.

I will guide you step by step how to do this.

The way we are going to do this by selling your broken PS2 for parts on Ebay which should get you a price
between $50 - $85. After that you will buy a working PS2 either new or used for between $125 - $175. If you
do the math you will see that your net cost will be around $75.00. If you add in the price of the manual then
your total cost is still only $95.00 which means you have saved over $25.00 by NOT paying Sony to repair your


Ebay is in my opinion the absolute best place on the internet to get a deal on ANY item. If you have never
explored Ebay then you are in for a real treat. Before you begin dealing in this new world I want to make a
couple of points that are CRITICAL to your Ebay future.

1. Sign-up for a Paypal account.

Paypal was recently purchased by Ebay and is becoming an integral part of accepting and making payments
for auctions on Ebay. The benefits of Paypal are that you dont have to wait for days to get paid or to make
payments, thus you can finish a transaction quickly.

Paypal does charge a small fee for their services but it is well worth it. You will not have to write out a
check, deposit a check, get a money order, or mail anything. Having a Paypal account also allows you to
accept payment from people who want to pay by credit card.

If you paid for this guide through Paypal then you are already a member. You can verify your address and
setup your bank account with them and start accepting and making payments quickly. Just login to your
Paypal account and follow the directions to do it.

2. Develop your feed back rating.

Your Ebay reputation is based on feedback you receive from other Ebay members after you have completed
a transaction. It is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to keep your feedback positive. The higher your
feedback number goes the better people feel about dealing with you. The same goes for you when buying
from someone on Ebay. Look at their feedback number. The higher the better. You can click on the number
and read what others have said about that particular member. Below is a picture of what you will see when
looking at an auction page. Note the red lines pointing to the buyer and sellers feedback rating. This is what
you want to keep going up on your own account and what you want to look at before buying from someone

P.S. marke is my personal Ebay membership. As you can see I have developed a rating of 165.

Buying on Ebay is a legally binding contract between you and the seller. REMEMBER THAT! Dont bid
if you dont intend to buy. Dont bid and then buy it somewhere else unless you know that you are not going
to get it.

Ebay charges sellers fees for listing their goods. Plus, you are charged a fee based on the final selling price.
If you bid and then dont pay the seller is still charged the fees by Ebay and has to file a complaint with
Ebay about you and then request a credit to get his/her money back.

If the complaint is filed then Ebay will send you an email telling you this and give you 10 days to work
things out. If you dont then Ebay will issue you a warning when the final credit request is given. You get 3
warnings and you are gone from Ebay forever.

So, be a good Ebayer from the beginning. Its a great place to do business. Pay for what you bid for and win
and stay in contact with the seller after the auction. Treat others as you want them to treat you.

HELP TIP-You dont have to do this but it might get you a higher price for
your PS2 console. Buy a few items that you need (a couple of PS2 games)
and get the seller to post feedback for you. Make sure to do the same for
him/her. It makes people feel better when spending money to see a good
feedback rating versus a 0. Some people will not bid if your feedback is 0 so
the price of your item does not reach its full potential.

Getting Registered On Ebay Required for buying and selling
! Click Here to go to the Ebay Website
! At the very top of the page click on the sign in link
! On the left hand side of the page click on the Register button
! Fill in the blanks and make sure that you use a valid email address- you will have to verify your
information with it.
HELP NOTE- When picking a username DO NOT pick a name that
might be offensive to others or that might be viewed as illegitimate. You
will be dealing with people that dont know you, and you dont want to start
off on the wrong foot. Here are some examples illwill , demonspawn,
agentbadboy,serpentile. You get the idea?
After that there will be a couple of more steps and you will be sent an email to confirm your registration. Follow
the instructions in the email to successfully setup your new Ebay account.

Next I will walk you through selling your broken PS2 console on Ebay. Included are links to some tools to help
you get a higher price if you want to use them. (You dont have to use my tools-they are there if you need
them) Lets get started.
! Sign in
! Click on the SELL link at the top of the page
! Make sure that the Sell Items at online Auction is clicked and then press Continue
! Next is the category selection First In Box 1 Click on Consumer Electronics
! In Box 2 Click on Video Games
! In Box 3 Click on Sony Playstation 2
! In Box 4 Click on Systems
! Go to the bottom of the page and Click Continue

Next you will begin to enter the information you need that will pertain to your auction. First is the Auction Title
and then the Description. The Description can be just typed in by you or you can use HTML (Webpage) format
to make your auction page a little spiffier. I have made a HTML auction template for you that can be
downloaded by clicking here. Save it to your desktop and open it up and copy and paste it into the Description
box if you want to use it. More about this later.


OK..lets get started on the next part of getting your auction listed.
! In the Item Title Box Type Playstation 2 Console Needs Repair
! Now if you are using my template you need to copy it and paste it into the Description Box. If you are
not going to use it then you need to type in your description. NOTE- I f you use my template you can
change the description by adding or deleting text, just be careful to NOT delete any of the coding
around and in the text.
! Go to the bottom of the page and click on the Continue Button

Your now page 3 which is called Pictures and Details- Follow the steps below for each
! Duration 7 days is a good auction length.- You can go longer if wanted but it will cost you.
! Start Time-Start the auction right after your done. Note- Its best to start between 6-10 PM.
! Quantity- 1
! Starting Price- 9.95
! Reserve Price- This is optional. If you dont care how much you get for your console leave it blank. If
you dont want to sell it unless you get a certain amount then put that amount in this box. This is kept
secret from bidders but if your price is not met then the auction will say Reserve Price Not met
Having a reserve price will sometimes discourage people from bidding. Personally on an auction for a
broken PS2 console I wouldnt care what I got for it. Its worthless as is.
! Buy it Now Price- This is optional. This is a price that you will take for your console right now. In other
words if you will take $60.00 then put $60.00 in this box and someone can end the auction instantly buy
paying you $60.00 for your item. This only works until someone else bids on the auction at your starting
bid. Once that happens then the BUY IT NOW option will go away.
! Private Auction- Leave this Unchecked
! City, State- Just Put the State you are shipping from
! Region- I do not use this but you can if you want. Just select the Closest major market you live by.
! Pictures- This is where you would normally add your pictures. I have a default PS2 console picture
included in my template so there is no need for you to add any unless you want to.
! List Designer- You can use this if you want but NOT if you are using my template. If you want to use
this you can but you will need to have your own picture to upload.
! Gallery Picture- No need for one on this auction
! Listing Upgrades- No need for any
! Gift Services- Do Not show as a gift
! Free Page Counter- This is up to you
! Click Continue at the bottom of the page

The next section is Payment and Shipping

! Seller Accepted Payment Methods Just Click on all of the buttons that apply to you. If you will
accept Paypal then make sure to put your Paypal email address in the box listed.
! Shipping Costs Buyer Pays Shipping Costs And if you use my template it states that $12.00 is the
Shipping cost so you can fill in the blanks on the next part. Insurance is optional so make it so and put
that price in. The cost of insurance is $1.30 for the first $50.00 and an additional $1.00 per $50.00 after
that. So, $2.30 would cover up to $100.00.
! Payment Instructions- Tell them that you will contact them after the auction with payment instructions.
! Ship to Locations- Select US Only Shipping outside the US can be a REAL hassle. My auction
template states that the shipping cost quoted is for the lower 48 states only. Shipping to Hawaii and
Alaska can be more so you want to make sure to get an accurate price on shipping if your winning
bidder is from one of these two states and request the additional money required to ship.
! Escrow- Does not apply to this auction
! Click Continue at the bottom of the page

Next you will just review everything you entered to make sure it is correct before starting your auction. DONT
Worry if the description section looks a little squeezed together. It will look normal when displayed on a
complete webpage by itself.

If you see a mistake just click on the link on the right hand side of that sections title that says Edit Shipping
and Handling or Edit Title and Description. Then once you have made your changes on that particular page
then Click on the Save Changes button at the bottom of the page.

When you are all done and ready to begin your auction click on Submit Listing

Your auction will be viewable almost immediately by millions of people and over the next seven days you
should receive several bids and hopefully will get a nice price for your broken console. Somewhere between
$50 and $80 dollars.

You may get a few emails from potential bidders wanting to know specifics about your PS2 console like model
number and if controllers are included and things like that. Email them back as quickly as possible and BE


You will be sent an email from Ebay telling you that your auction is over. Of course you will probably be
monitoring your auction and know it is over before you get the email but thats beside the point. For easy
monitoring of all of your Auction activities use the My Ebay link at the top of any page.

The first thing you need to do is make contact with the buyer and giving him instructions on how he can pay
and where to mail his payment to if paying by check or money order. Make this short and sweet. Be clear and
give the exact price you are expecting from him/her. The auction price plus shipping. Ask the buyer to respond
to let you know that they received your email and to give you a shipping address.. Give them a day or so, some
people dont check their email but once a day.

Once the buyer responds you can expect to receive payment from them in a few days or within 1 week for sure.
When you receive payment then send a quick email to the buyer and tell them you got it and when you will be
shipping their package. If it is a check then you will need to deposit it and wait for it to clear. If it is a money
order or if they pay by Paypal then you can ship immediately. Box up the console and pack it well. You can
ship either USPS (post office) or UPS. If you use UPS then use the shipping option on Paypal (if you have an
account.) It will save you some money.

I like to use delivery confirmation if sending by USPS for tracking purposes. This will cost you 40 cents but it is
worth it knowing that your package has been delivered. UPS has tracking numbers on every package. If you
have a tracking number you can also email that to your buyer so he can see that the package is on its way.

NOTE- I cant stress enough how important it is to stay in touch with your buyer during the exchange
process. Try to think of it from his point of view. He is sending you money in the mail- He wants to know
if you got it and what your next action is.-Did you ship it yet? If so, when is he going to get it? Lack of
contact can really make for a BAD transaction. Even though everything goes smoothly it can make a
person feel uncomfortable NOT knowing what is happening on the other side. If you contact the person
and let them know what is going on they will feel much better and give you GOOD feedback at the end.

Once you see that the buyer has received his item send him an email stating that and say thanks for the business
and ask for positive feedback. Tell them that you will be leaving some for them as well. Dont wait for them to
give you some before you give them some. Go to your My Ebay link and see what feedback you need to
leave. Follow the instructions and you will be done. Hopefully the buyer will do the same for you but not
everyone will leave you feedback. My rating is 165 currently but I have probably done over 300 transactions on
Ebay. Some people just wont go through the steps, or they forget. You have 90 days to leave feedback on


Note- Even if you have bought on Ebay before you may want to read this section. I have included a
couple of secrets that you might not know about on getting a good price.

Buying on Ebay is a lot easier than selling. To find you a good working used or new PS2 console just do a
search from the Home page for PS2 console or PS2 console new. Either one of these should pull up
multiple auctions for you.

To get an idea of what price you will have to pay just click on the
Completed Items link on the left side of the page listed under the
Display Heading.

This will show you all of the auctions that have ended in the last 30 days
for the particular item you are searching for. You can use this to get an
idea of how much you can expect to pay for the item that you will be
bidding on.

You will want to read the descriptions of some of them to see if any
accessories were included etc. Some items that seem like they went really
cheap did so for a reason. You will need to read the description to find out

When you find an item you would like to buy take a look at the buyers feedback rating. Is it good? Read some
of the feedback on him by clicking on the feedback number. This will give you a better idea of what you can
expect if you buy from this particular person.

My advice is to steer clear of sellers with negative feedback. I dont mean 1 or 2 but a lot. You can be the judge
but more than a few can indicate that the seller may not be organized or truthful. Whatever the reason you will
be increasing your chances of having a bad transaction.

There are plenty of other people out there with good feedback that you can buy from so why risk buying from
someone who has a bad feedback rating?

OKenough said about that. Read through the descriptions of the auctions and look at the feedback rating of
the seller. Look at the terms of the auction. Can you pay with Paypal, does he take checks? How much is
shipping? All of these factors along with the description of the item being sold should help you decide what
item you want to bid on.

NOTE- In a hurry? Find an auction that you like that has the Buy it Now display on it and if that price is
acceptable then go to the bottom of auction page and BUY IT NOW.

If you are ready to bid on an auction then go to the bottom of the auction page and fill-in the box that says
Your Maximum Bid. That means the maximum price you are willing to pay for the item. Ebay will increment
the bids but only high enough for you to be the high bidder. Heres a better way-Go to Auction Stealer . Signup
for an account Its FREE. Then enter the auction info into this account to attempt to steal the auction away.

What it does it bid on the auction in the last few seconds. That way your maximum bid is not sitting there
waiting on someone to come along and run it up and then outbid you by $1.00 in the last minute. Auction
Stealer will monitor the auction and will not bid if the auction does not meet the requirements you spell out
when setting up the bid. Its not hard and you can get 5 bids a week for free. If you want to use it beyond that
you will have to pay a small fee.

Either way you should be able to acquire a working PS2 for about $120.00. So your approximate net cost for
getting a working console is $120(working console) - $60(your broken console) + $20 (This guide) = $80.00. A
saving of over $40.00 from what Sony would have charged you. ($120 + shipping)


If you win an auction you will receive notice from Ebay. If you have the option of paying by Paypal and that is
the option you choose then goto the auction page and click on the Paypal link. Make sure that you know what
the shipping is. If you dont then you will need to wait on the seller to contact you or you can send them an
email requesting a total.

The goal here is to get your auction paid for as quickly as possible and have the item shipped to you. Remember
to stay in close contact with the seller. Dont be discouraged if you dont get the kind of contact you want.
Some people are just not that good at customer service and dont take care of the details.

If your seller has good feedback then you WILL get your item. If you have a problem then email him/her and
try to work it out. When all is done make sure to leave them positive feedback and ask them to do the same for



Even if you fixed your PS2 by one of the techniques in my guide you can benefit from Buying and Selling on
Ebay. It is a great place to sell your unwanted games and to pick up new games as a great price. Just follow the
steps I described above for buying and selling your console and do it for games. You cant get them cheaper


Hopefully you have been able to get your problem resolved one way or the other. If my guide helped you I
would really appreciate hearing from you and getting a testimonial. Please send me an email to .

If you have friends or family that you think would be interested in this guide then be sure to refer them to our
website, but signup as an affiliate first and earn some money for doing it! Click Here to go to the affiliate
information page.

If you have any comments that you think would make this guide better I would appreciate hearing them. Please
send an email to the same address as above. I look forward to hearing from you.

Mark Eastman
Powerful Guides


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