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Ministere de L'Enseignement Superieur Et de La Recherche Scientifique

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Universit de la For ation Contin!e "i#e Re#torat de Pda$o$ie So!s Dire#tion de lEnsei$ne ent % Distan#e Mod!le& An$lais 're Anne & () e envoi


Ensei$nante & +el,-ar#-o!#-e Mali,a

C& To!t Droit Rserv.

COURSE 01: I. Syntax:

The form of the simple past: verb + ed (regular verbs) But many verbs are irregular. This means that the simple past does not end in ed (see the list of the irregular verbs) Examples: - The police st !!ed the car. ( egular) - !he !assed her exam. ( egular) - "o#art "r te more than $%% pieces of music. (&rregular) - & "ent to the cinema yesterday. (&rregular) ' The simple past of be is "as (&( he( she) and "ere (you( )e( they) 1. *e use the simple past to tal+ about something or an action )hich started in the past and finished in the past. #. *e use the simple past )ith ag $ yesterday$ last "ee%$ last & nt'$ last year. Examples: -& visited ,rance t)o years ag . - & "as in -lgiers last "ee%. (. &n .uestions and negatives )e use did ) did n t + ste& Examples: - *id you en+ y the film/ - & did n t g to school yesterday. 0ut )e do not use did in .uestions and negatives )ith "as and "ere

The use of the simple past

Exer,ise: 1omplete the sentences )ith the correct form of the verbs in brac+ets:
2. &t )as )arm( so & 333.off my coat (ta+e) 4. & )as very tired( so & 333.to bed early (go) 5. & 333.the )ater very .uic+ly because & )as thirsty (drin+) 6. 7ast night & 333.very )ell (sleep) 8. & 3333.a lot last year.

II. Reading C &!re'ensi n and -exis:

Meas!re ents There are different +inds of measurements: an ob:ect can be measured by its properties( for example it has height( length( )idth( surface( diameter( thic+ness. E.g. The pencil has a length of approximately 28 cm( the tree trun+ has a diameter of 4% cm( and the table has a )idth of 6% cm. ;nits of measurement and their abbreviations: <ilometre +m "etre m !.uare meter m4 1ubic meter m5 Temperature (degree centigrade) (= 1) !peed (<ilometer per hour) (+m>h) Time second (s)( minute (mn)( hour (h) ,luid (liter) (l) .ra,ti,e: 7oo+ in the dictionary for the ad:ectives of the follo)ing: ?eight @ length @ )idth - thic+ness

COURSE 0#: I. Syntax:

The use of the past continuous The form of the past continuous: "as ) "ere + //////ing Examples: - They "ere !laying football. - ?e "as revising his lessons. 1. *e use the past continuous to say that somebody )as in the middle of doing something at a certain timeA the action )as continuous in the past. E.g. This time last night & "as ta%ing my bath. #. *e often use the simple and the past continuous together to say that something happened in the middle of something else: Examples: - *hen & "as "al%ing in the street & sa" Bave. - Cicole "as "at,'ing TD )hen the phone rang. !a) and rang happened in the middle of )as )al+ing and )as )atching

Exer,ise: ;se the simple past or past continuous in the follo)ing sentences:
2. & 333.(meet) Tom at the airport yesterday. & 33. (go) to Earis and he 33.(ta+e) the plane to Ce) For+.

4. Hanes 333()ait) for me )hen & 333.(arrive). 5. The doorbell rang )hile )e 3333.()atch) television. 6. ?e 3333.(drive) very .uic+ly because he 333.(be) nervous. 8. *hen & 333..(eat) my sand)ich my friend 333.(come).

II. Reading C &!re'ensi n and -exis: T-e H! an +od/ 0'1

The human body is made up of a number of systems. Each system has a separate function( but some )or+ together. Ine basic system is the s+eleton )hich serves to support the body and protect the internal organs( it is composed of bones. The respiratory system enables us to breathe and ta+e oxygen into the blood )hich moves around the body by means of the circulatory system. The digestive system enables us to ta+e in food needed for gro)th. .ra,ti,e: -ns)er the follo)ing .uestions: 2. *hat is the function of the s+eleton/ 4. *hat is the s+eleton composed of/ 5. *hat is the relation bet)een the respiratory system and the circulatory system/ 0 ,abulary: 1omplete the free spaces )ith the corresponding names of the systems 1a&e 2 t'e syste& 233333333. 3un,ti n @ breathing - ta+ing oxygen into The blood @ moving the blood into the body @ digesting food Its rgans - the lungs


- the heart - arteries - veins - stomach - liver - intestines


COURSE 0(: I. Syntax:

The use of &u,'( &any( 2e"( little( a l t. 1. *e use &u,' and little )ith uncountable nouns:


"uch time( much luc+( much sugar( much love 7ittle money( little sugar( little courage #. *e use &any and 2e" )ith countable plural nouns: "any friends( many cars( many countries ,e) boo+s( fe) friends( fe) days( fe) things (. *e use a l t )ith both countable and uncountable nouns: - lot of luc+( a lot of money( a lot of ideas (uncountable) - lot of people( a lot of cars( a lot of countries (countable)

Exer,ise: Eut in much or many( little or fe)

2. ?e is not very popular( he has very 333 friends. 4. -nn is very busy( she has 333.. free time. 5. Bid you ta+e 333.. pictures )hen you )ere on holidays/ 6. "ost of the to)n is modern. There are 333.. old buildings. 8. The )eather has been very dry. *e have had very rain.

II. Reading C &!re'ensi n and -exis: T-e H! an +od/ 0(1

The endocrine system consists of various glands( such as the thyroid and adrenal glands. The function of these glands is to secrete chemicals( +no)n as hormones( into the blood. These hormones control various processes in the body such as gro)th( sexual activities and digestion. The nervous system controls the other systems and enables human beings to thin+ by using the brain. .ra,ti,e: 1omplete the functions of the follo)ing systems: 2. The endocrine system 333333333.. 4. The nervous system 333333333. 5. The hormones 33333333333.. 6. The glands 3333333333333

COURSE 04: I. Syntax:

5d+e,tives and adverbs

6 5d+e,tives: t'eir use and t'eir rder 1. -d:ectives are )ords )hich tell us about a noun. *e use ad:ectives before nouns and after some verbs such as be( loo+( feel( taste Examples:


- & bought a ni,e blue dress (before a noun) - ?e )as 'a!!y because he succeeded in his exam. (-fter be) #. !ome ad:ectives are 2a,t ad+e,tivesA they give information about age$ si7e( , l ur. E.g. ne)( old( large( round( red !ome other ad:ectives are !ini n ad+e,tiveA they tell us )hat somebody thin+s of something or someone. E.g. nice( beautiful( interesting( delicious. - Ipinion ad:ectives go before fact ad:ectives. Examples: - -n interesting ld boo+ - - beauti2ul large table. (. *e use ad:ectives after some verbs: be( feel( loo+( taste( seem3 Examples: - Be carefulJ - Four friend see&s intelligent. - & 2eel tired. - The dinner tastes good. - The girl l %s happy. ' 5dverbs: -dverbs tell us about a verb and ho) somebody does something or ho) something happens. -dverbs are made from an ad+e,tive + ly E.g. .uic+ (ly) - careful (ly) - serious (ly) - .uiet (ly) Examples: - Tom drives ,are2ully - &t is raining 'eavily - Elease( spea+ 8uietly - ?e )or+s seri usly

Exer,ise: 1omplete each sentence using the )ords bet)een brac+ets. !ometimes you need the ad:ective and sometimes the adverb. 2. Iur vacation )as too short. The time passed very 3333. (.uic+( .uic+ly)
4. Tom does not ta+e ris+s in driving. ?e is al)ays 3333.. (careful( carefully) 5. & coo+ed this meal 3333.. (special( specially) for you. 6. Everything )as very .uiet. There )as 3333. (perfect( perfectly) silence. 8. Bo you feel 3333.. (nervous( nervously) before exams. $. &Kd li+e to buy a car( but it is 333333 (financial( financially) impossible for me at the moment.

II. Reading C &!re'ensi n and -exis:


T-e Five Senses

There are five senses: Sig't and the organ responsible for it are the eyes. 9earing and the organ responsible for it are the ears. S&ell and the organ responsible for it is the nose. :aste and the organ responsible for it is the tongue. : u,' and the organ responsible for it are the hands. The person )ho cannot see is blind( and the person )ho cannot hear is deaf. &n addition to the senses( humans can do a lot of actions )hich are: They can spea+ )ith the mouth They can thin+ )ith the brain They can feel )ith the heart They can )al+ )ith the legs They can breathe )ith the lungs.


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