Activity - Smore Stoichiometry 1112

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Name Kelly Chong Period 1 Date 14/1/2013

Smore Stoichiometry
T o p i c : S t o i c h i o m e t r y n i t : !

Definitions: "Stoichio# means element and "metry# means the process o$ meas%ring& The mass and '%antity relationships among reactants and prod%cts in a reaction are $o%nd %sing the process o$ stoichiometry& Pro(lem: 1) *$ yo% are gi+en one (ag o$ large marshmallo,s- ,hat is the n%m(er o$ S#mores that can (e made/ 2) 0o, many ( o$ graham crac1ers and ho, many chocolate (ars are needed to ma1e this many S#mores/ Sol%tion: 1st Step: Write a chemical equation using the following symbols: S23m24r5 S23m4r3 S%(stance 6raham Crac1er 3arshmallo, Chocolate Pieces S#more Sym(ol S 3m 4r S23m4r3 nit 3ass 7&00 g 7&10 g 3&30 g 31 g

Calculate the unit mass of the Smore (S2Mm r!"below: 7&00 g . 2 2 7&10 g 2 3&30 g . 3 5 31 g o$ S23m4r3 2n# Step: $alance the equation: 2S 2 3m 2 34r5 S23m4r3 Write #own all the si% mole ratios: 2: 1: 3: 1 S 3m 4r S23m4r3 !r# Step: Calculating the number of units (or moles" gi&en: (Show all wor'( )se #imensional analysis" Determine the number of unit marshmallows that are a&ailable in the bag( *f there are +,, g marshmallows in one bag- how many marshmallows #o you ha&e. 4!! g o$ 3m . 1 marshmallo, / 7&10 g 5 84&1 marshmallo,s 9 84 marshmallo,s +th Step: /in#ing the amounts of other substances in the reaction: (Show all wor'( )se #imensional analysis" 0ow- #etermine how many graham crac'ers an# chocolate segments are nee#e# to ma'e the ma%imum number of smores a&ailable( 84 marshmallo,s . :2 6raham Crac1er / 1 marshmallo,) 5 12; 6raham Crac1ers 84 marshmallo,s . :3 Chocolate Pieces/ 1 marshmallo,) 5 1<2 Chocolate Pieces There$ore- 12; 6raham Crac1ers and 1<2 Pieces are needed to ma1e the n%m(er o$ s=mores a+aila(le&

,th Step: Con&ert your number of graham crac'ers an# chocolate segments into mass (gram" &alues: (Show all wor'( )se #imensional analysis" When you go to the store- you cannot quic'ly #etermine the e%act number of graham crac'ers or chocolate segments there are in a bo% or bar( 1he mass is easy to rea#- howe&er( )sing mass &alues- you can quic'ly #etermine how much you nee# to buy( 12; 6raham Crac1ers . :7&00 g / 1 6raham Crac1ers) 5 ;<8 g o$ 6raham Crac1ers 1<2 Chocolate Pieces . :3&30 g / 1 Chocolate Pieces) 5 833&8 g o$ Chocolate Pieces 2th Step: /inally3con&ert the masses into your nee#e# units( (Show all wor'( )se #imensional analysis" *n this case- if a bo% of graham crac'ers has a mass of 2,+ g- how many bo%es #o you nee#. 4lso- if one chocolate bar has a mass of +5(, g- how many bars #o * nee#. ;<8 g o$ 6raham Crac1ers . :1 (o. / 2!4 g o$ 6raham Crac1ers) 9 4 ( 833&8 g o$ Chocolate Pieces . :1 (o. / 4<&! g o$ Chocolate Pieces) 9 13 (ars 0ow we will transfer this process into the language of chemical reactions( When you complete this problem- get it chec'e# by your teacher an# you will be rewar#e# with the necessary items to ma'e your Smore6 *f we were to a## a piece of soli# Cu to an aqueous solution of sil&er nitrate- the Sil&er woul# be replace# in a single replacement reaction forming aqueous copper (**" nitrate an# soli# sil&er( 7ow much sil&er is pro#uce# if 1,(88 grams of Cu is a##e# to the solution of e%cess sil&er nitrate. Show all wor' an# #ont forget to use significant figures( Steps 1 an# 2: Write an# balance the chemical equation: C% :s) 2 2 >gN43 :a') ?@ C%:N43)2 :a') 2 2 >g :s) Step !: Con&ert g Cu to moles Cu: (Show all wor'( )se #imensional analysis" 1!&00 g o$ C% . :1 mole / 83&!48 g)5 0&2380 moles o$ C% Step +: Con&ert moles of Cu to moles of 4g pro#uce#: (Show all wor'( )se #imensional analysis" 0&2380 moles o$ C% . :2 moles o$ >g/ 1 mole o$ C%) 5 0&4720 moles o$ >g Step ,: Con&ert moles 4g to grams of 4g pro#uce#: (Show all wor'( )se #imensional analysis" 0&4720 moles o$ >g . :107&;7 g o$ >g/ 1 mole) 5 47&81 g o$ >g 1ry this question( String all con&ersions together( Molten iron an# carbon mono%i#e are pro#uce# in a blast furnace by the reaction of iron (***" o%i#e an# co'e (pure carbon"( *f 2,(8grams of pure /e2 ! is use#- how many grams of iron can be pro#uce#. 9emember to balance the equation before you begin( (ans( 1:(," /e2

/e ;

Aalanced e'%ation: Be243 2 3C ?@ 2Be 2 3C4 N%m(er o$ moles o$ *ron :***) 4.ide: 2!&0 g o$ Be243 . :1 mole/ !!&;4!.2218&00.3 g)5 0&1!7 moles o$ Be243 N%m(er o$ moles o$ *ron: 0&1!7 moles o$ Be243 . :2 moles o$ Be / 1 mole o$ Be243)5 0&314 moles o$ *ron N%m(er o$ grams o$ *ron: 0&314 moles o$ *ron . :!!&;4! g o$ *ron/ 1 mole)5 17&! g o$ *ron

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