Kingsland C.E. Primary School Spring Term 2014 Information For Parents in Class One
Kingsland C.E. Primary School Spring Term 2014 Information For Parents in Class One
Kingsland C.E. Primary School Spring Term 2014 Information For Parents in Class One
8umber9: (ount reliably up to 1; .2;/ob<e#ts )e#o"nise and ,rite numerals to 1; .2;/ )e#ite numbers 1:2; and ba#1+ stimate and #he#1 by #ountin"+ (ompare t,o numbers0 ,hi#h is more5less+ Find one more and one less of any number upto 1;+ =nderstand the operation of subtra#tion and addition+ %or1 out ho, to pay an amount by usin" smaller #oins+ Appre#iate that numbers #an identify ho, many numbers are in a set+ (ount up to 1; .2;/ ob<e#ts by tou#hin" ea#h ob<e#t and sayin" one number for ea#h item+
&hape0 &pa#e and Measures =se more or less0 lon"er or shorter0 hea!ier or li"hter to ma1e dire#t #omparisons of t,o 3uantities+ .len"th0 mass0 time/ =se ,ords su#h as bi""er and smaller to des#ribe si>e+ =se lan"ua"e su#h as round0 #ir#le0 s3uare to des#ribe flat shapes+ =se shapes to ma1e models0 pi#tures and patterns+ =se e!eryday ,ords to des#ribe position and dire#tion+ Tal1 about and re#o"nise and re#reate simple patterns in#ludin" those in the en!ironment+ &ol!e simple problems or pu>>les in a pra#ti#al #onte2t+ Mat#h ob<e#ts .shapes/+
Please 8ote our )ole Play Areas ,ill be 9 #nside- $ings%and Shop please sa!e any useful items for us to sto#1 our shop ,ith+ .%e ,ill stuff bo2es ,ith ne,spaper and seal them ,ith sellotape/ &utside ' A ca(e #hildren ,ill e2plore li"ht and dar1 and learn that dar1ness is the absen#e of li"ht+
Kingsland C.E. Primary School Spring Term 2014 Information For Parents in Class ne
For further information please contact Mrs Green. Te#hnolo"y on"oin": use the *ntera#ti!e %hite 4oard to self re"ister and be#ome #ompetent user of s#reen and pen de!elopin" hand5eye #oordination and operatin" soft,are pro"ramme+ =se laptop to support their learnin"0 be#omin" #ompetent at usin" 1eyboard and mouse to operate soft,are pro"ramme+ =se #lassroom based *(T i+e+ ,al1ie tal1ies0 di"ital #ameras0 remote #ontrol #ars0 listenin" #entre+ The %orld #hildren 1no, about similarities and differen#es in relation to pla#es0 ob<e#ts and materials throu"h e2plorin" artefa#ts used in the home lon" a"o+ People and (ommunities #hildren tal1 about past and present e!ents in their o,n li!es and in the li!es of family members i+e+ parents5"randparents e2perien#es of home0 s#hool and play+ They 1no, that other #hildren dont al,ays en<oy the same thin"s and are sensiti!e to this+ Throu"h #elebratin" our traditions and those of other #ultures .(hinese 8e, ?ear/ #hildren #ompare similarities and differen#es+
Physica% Education ,P E /:=se spa#e safely outdoor and indoor+ A#ti!ities to promote fine motor s1ills in#lude s#issor and pen#il s1ills0 doin" buttons up on #lothin"+ 7e!elop balan#e0 #oordination0 "ross motor and fine motor s1ills+ %rite 7an#e+ 1st half term : @ym and floor ,or15 lar"e apparatus+ Musi# and Mo!ement+ %rite 7an#e =se small and lar"e e3uipment usin" a ran"e of basi# s1ills+ 7emonstrate fine motor #ontrol and #oordination )e#o"nise the importan#e of 1eepin" healthy and those thin"s ,hi#h #ontribute to this+ )e#o"nise the #han"es that happen to his5her body ,hen s5he is a#ti!e+ 2nd half term : &,immin"
P%anning3Topics are f%e0i*%e and su*4ect to change as !e %i"e to p%an from the chi%dren5s interests