Material Safety Data Sheet: Section 1 - Chemical Product and Company Identification

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Company Name Nu-Calgon Wholesaler, Inc. Street Address 2008 Altom Court Product Name Scale Inhibitor No. 340 Phone Number CHEMTREC (314) 469-7000 / (800) 554-5499 (800) 424-9300 City State Postal Code St. Louis MO 63146-4151 Product Number Product Use 4340 Aqueous Cooling Tower Treatment Last Update 2/24/10 EPA Registration # N/A


Hazardous Ingredients Aminotri(methylenephosphonic acid), tetrasodium salt Ethylene Glycol % By Wt. 15-30 10-20 CAS Number 20592-85-2 107-21-1 TLV None established Ceiling: 50 mg/m3 (vapor) PEL None established Ceiling: 50 mg/m3


Emergency Overview: Clear, colorless liquid to pale yellow liquid. WARNING! May cause irritation to the eyes, skin, and respiratory tract. May cause an allergic skin reaction. Harmful or fatal if swallowed. Harmful if inhaled or absorbed through the skin. PRIMARY ROUTES OF ENTRY: Eye contact, skin contact, ingestion, and inhalation of product mists TARGET ORGANS: Eye, skin, respiratory system, liver, kidney, and central nervous system Potential Health Effects Eyes: Contact with this product may cause eye irritation. Skin: Contact with this product may cause skin irritation. Massive contact with damaged skin or of material sufficiently hot to burn skin may result in the absorption of potentially lethal amounts of the product component, ethylene glycol. Ingestion: This product contains ethylene glycol. Ingestion of large volumes of ethylene glycol may result in central nervous system depression and kidney damage. Cardiac failure and pulmonary edema may develop. Early to moderate CNS depression may be evidenced by giddiness, headache, dizziness, and nausea. Kidney damage may be evidenced by changes in urine output, urine appearance, or edema (swelling from fluid retention). Inhalation: This product is not expected to present an inhalation hazard unless mists or vapors are generated. Significant air concentrations are not achieved unless the product is heated or sprayed as a mist. Exposure to vapors or mists may cause throat irritation, headache, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, drowsiness, central nervous system depression, pulmonary edema, involuntary eye movement, and/or coma. Chronic Exposure: No information is available for this product. Information on components follows. Aminotri(methylenephosphonic acid) (ATMP) was fed to rats at 50, 150, or 500 mg/Kg/day for 2 years. Reduced body weights and changes in liver, spleen, and kidney weights or weight ratios were observed in the high-dose group. No adverse histologic, hematologic, biochemical, or urinalysis effects were observed. The no-effect level was considered to be 150 mg/Kg/day. No adverse treatment-related effects on reproduction and no pathologic lesions were observed in either parental animals or pups following dietary administration of ATMP to male and female rats at concentration of 300, 1000, or 3000 ppm throughout premating, mating, gestation, and lactation periods for 3 generations. Repeated small exposures to the ethylene glycol by any route can cause severe kidney problems. Brain damage may also occur. Skin allergy can develop. Exposure may damage a developing fetus. Carcinogenicity: NTP: No ingredients listed in this section IARC: No ingredients listed in this section OSHA: No ingredients listed in this section Medical Conditions Aggravated be Exposure: Persons with pre-existing eye problems, skin disorders, or impaired liver, kidney, or respiratory function may be more susceptible to the effects of this substance.


Eyes: Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes, lifting lower and upper eye lids occasionally. Seek medical attention immediately. Skin: Remove any contaminated clothing. Wash skin with plenty of soap and water for at least 15 minutes. Seek medical attention if irritation develops or persists. Ingestion: Induce vomiting immediately as directed by medical personnel. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Seek medical attention immediately. Inhalation: If inhalation occurs, remove victim to fresh air. If the breathing stops, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, have a trained medical person administer oxygen. Seek medical aid.


Flash Point: N/AC/N/AF Autoignition Temp: N/AC/N/AF Hazardous Products of Combustion: N/A Flammable Limits in Air: No Data. Extinguishing Media: Use dry chemical, foam, or carbon dioxide. Water or foam may cause frothing. Water spray may be used to extinguish surrounding fire and cool exposed containers. Water spray will also reduce fume and irritant gases. Fire and Explosion Hazards: Containers may explode when involved in a fire. Toxic gases and vapors may be released in a fire. Special Firefighting Procedures: Exercise caution when fighting any chemical fire. A self-contained breathing apparatus and protective clothing are essential.


Spill or Leak: Wear appropriate personal protective equipment as specified in Section 8. Ventilate the area of the leak or spill. Isolate the hazard area. Keep unnecessary and unprotected personnel from entering the area. Contain and recover the liquid when possible. Collect the liquid in an appropriate container. Then absorb the residue with an inert material (e.g. vermiculite, dry sand, earth), and place the used absorbent in a chemical waste container. Do not flush to the sewer! Dispose of recovered liquid, if unusable, and used absorbent according to federal, state, and local regulations. US Regulations (CERCLA) require the reporting of spills and releases to soil, water, and air in excess of reportable quantities. (See Section 15, Regulatory Information.) The toll free number for the US Coast Guard National Response Center is (800) 424-8802.


Handling Procedures and Equipment: Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothing. Avoid breathing vapor or mist. Use with adequate ventilation. Wash thoroughly after handling. Keep containers closed when not in use. Storage Requirements: Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated area away from incompatible materials. Protect against the physical damage of containers. Containers of this material may be hazardous when empty since they retain product residues (vapors, liquid). Observe all warnings and precautions listed for this product.


Respiratory Protection: If airborne concentrations exceed published exposure limits, use a NIOSH approved respirator in accordance with OSHA respiratory protection requirements (29 CFR 1910.134). Eye Protection: Chemical splash goggles Protective Clothing: Chemical resistant gloves and impervious protective clothing, including boots, lab coat, apron or coveralls, as appropriate, to prevent skin contact. Exposure Guidelines: No Data. Specific Engineering Controls (such as ventilation, enclosed process): Use local and/or general exhaust ventilation to maintain airborne concentrations below irritating levels or airborne exposure limits, whichever is lower. Local exhaust is generally preferred because it can control the emission of the contaminant at its source, thus preventing dispersion of it into the general work area. Please refer to the ACGIH document, Industrial Ventilation, A Manual of Recommended Practices, the most recent edition, for details. An eye wash station and safety shower should be accessible in the immediate area of use.


Physical Form: Liquid Color: Clear, colorless to pale yellow Odor: no odor Boiling Point: No Data.C/No Data.F Freezing Point: No Data.C/No Data.F Vapor Density [air =1]: No Data. Vapor Pressure: No Data. Solubility in Water: Complete % Volatile by Weight: No Data.% Evaporation Rate: No Data. Specific Gravity: 1.22-1.28 g/mL pH (concentrate): 7.8-8.2


Chemical Stability: Stable Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur. Incompatibilities: Avoid contact with strong oxidizing agents, such as nitric acid. Avoid strong acids and strong bases. Reactive Conditions to avoid: Incompatibles. Decomposition Products: Thermal decomposition or combustion may produce oxides of carbon, nitrogen, and sodium. Acrid smoke and irritating fumes may be produced when ethylene glycol is heated to decomposition.


Hazardous Ingredients Aminotri(methylenephosphonic acid), ATMP Ethylene glycol CAS # No Data. EINECS # No Data. LD 50 of Ingredient (Specify Species) Oral LD50 (rat) 2,910 mg/Kg Dermal LD50 (rabbit) >6,310 mg/Kg Oral LD50 (rat) 4,700 mg/Kg Dermal LD50 (rabbit) 9,530 uL/Kg LC50 of Ingredient (Specify Species) N/A

No Data.

No Data.

Inhalation LC50 (rat)12,111 mg/L


Hazardous Ingredients Aminotri(methylenephosphonic acid), ATMP Ethylene glycol Aquatic Toxicity Data 48 hr LC50 (Daphnia magna): 297 mg/L 96 hr LC50 (Bluegill sunfish): >330 mg/L 96 hr LC50 (Rainbow trout): > 330 mg/L 48 hr LC50 (Daphnia magna): 51,000 mg/L 24 hr LC50 (Goldfish): > 5,000 mg/L 96 hr LC50 (Bluegill): 27,540 mg/L 96 hr LC50 (Rainbow trout): 41,000 mg/L 96 hr LC50 (Fathead minnow): 49,000 mg/L


Waste Disposal: RCRA STATUS: Discarded product, as sold, would be not considered a RCRA Hazardous Waste. DISPOSAL: Dispose of in accordance with local, state, and federal regulations.


Special Shipping Information: No Data. Purview DOT (Land) IMO (Water) ICAO (Air) Proper Shipping Name Not Regulated. No Data. No Data. UN Number Packing Group Hazard Class


WHMIS Classification: (Workplace Hazardous Material Information System) SARA Title III: (Superfund Amendments & Reauthorization Act) Class D2B-Materials causing other toxic effects-toxic materials. Immediate Yes/ Delayed Yes/ Fire No/ Pressure No/ Section 313 Toxic Chemicals (40 CFR 372): Chemical Name CAS Number Percent by Weight Ethylene glycol 107-21-1 13.1 Hazardous Reactivity No

OSHA: (Occupational Safety & Health Administration) TSCA: (Toxic Substance Control Act) VOC: (volatile Organic Compounds) CPR: (Canadian Controlled Products Regulations) EINECS: (European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances) DSL / NDSL: (Canadian Domestic Substance List)(Non-Domestic Substance List) CERCLA: (Comprehensive Response Compensation & Liability Act)

The ingredients of this product are listed on the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Chemical Substances Inventory. No Data. This product has been classified in accordance with the hazard criteria of the Controlled Products Regulations. No Data. No Data. Chemical Name Ethylene Glycol Product: No Data. Health = 1 Flammability = 1 Reactivity = 0 CERCLA Reportable Quantity (RQ) 5,000 lb 38,170 lb (Notify the EPA of spills exceeding this amount.)

IDL: (Canadian Ingredient Disclosure List) NFPA (HMIS) Rating: (Hazardous Materials Identification System) No Data.


The information contained herein is based on the data available to us and is believed to be correct. However, Nu-Calgon Wholesaler Inc. makes no warranty, expressed, or implied, regarding the accuracy of this data or the results to be obtained from the use thereof. Nu-Calgon Wholesaler Inc. assumes no liability for injury from the use of the product described herin.

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