This document describes photon correlation spectroscopy (PCS) and a new technique called photon cross correlation spectroscopy (PCCS) for measuring the size of nano-particles in suspension. PCS measures the fluctuation in intensity of light scattered by particles undergoing Brownian motion. However, it requires highly diluted samples to avoid interference from multiple scattering. PCCS overcomes this limitation by measuring two scattered light signals and cross-correlating them to cancel out noise and multiple scattering, allowing analysis of concentrated samples. The document discusses the development of PCCS and its implementation in the NANOPHOX instrument, which provides reliable particle sizing across a wide range of concentrations. It also enables measurement of suspension stability through analysis of scattered light
This document describes photon correlation spectroscopy (PCS) and a new technique called photon cross correlation spectroscopy (PCCS) for measuring the size of nano-particles in suspension. PCS measures the fluctuation in intensity of light scattered by particles undergoing Brownian motion. However, it requires highly diluted samples to avoid interference from multiple scattering. PCCS overcomes this limitation by measuring two scattered light signals and cross-correlating them to cancel out noise and multiple scattering, allowing analysis of concentrated samples. The document discusses the development of PCCS and its implementation in the NANOPHOX instrument, which provides reliable particle sizing across a wide range of concentrations. It also enables measurement of suspension stability through analysis of scattered light
This document describes photon correlation spectroscopy (PCS) and a new technique called photon cross correlation spectroscopy (PCCS) for measuring the size of nano-particles in suspension. PCS measures the fluctuation in intensity of light scattered by particles undergoing Brownian motion. However, it requires highly diluted samples to avoid interference from multiple scattering. PCCS overcomes this limitation by measuring two scattered light signals and cross-correlating them to cancel out noise and multiple scattering, allowing analysis of concentrated samples. The document discusses the development of PCCS and its implementation in the NANOPHOX instrument, which provides reliable particle sizing across a wide range of concentrations. It also enables measurement of suspension stability through analysis of scattered light
This document describes photon correlation spectroscopy (PCS) and a new technique called photon cross correlation spectroscopy (PCCS) for measuring the size of nano-particles in suspension. PCS measures the fluctuation in intensity of light scattered by particles undergoing Brownian motion. However, it requires highly diluted samples to avoid interference from multiple scattering. PCCS overcomes this limitation by measuring two scattered light signals and cross-correlating them to cancel out noise and multiple scattering, allowing analysis of concentrated samples. The document discusses the development of PCCS and its implementation in the NANOPHOX instrument, which provides reliable particle sizing across a wide range of concentrations. It also enables measurement of suspension stability through analysis of scattered light
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The physical principle
Photon correlation spectroscopy (PCS)
measures and analyses the fluctuation of the intensity of light scattered from nano-particles in suspension. This fluc- tuation is itself a result of the "Brownian motion" that keeps the par- ticles in steady movement. The mole- cules of a supporting liquid move randomly at a defined speed that is determined by temperature and viscosi- ty. Whenever such molecules collide with a particle suspended in the liquid an elastic impact is produced, which moves the suspended particle. The speed at which the particle moves depends on the size of the particle. Small particles will move quickly whereas coarser particles will move at a much slower rate since, because of their greater volume, such bigger particles have a statistically-increased chance of being impacted from different direc- tions by more than one molecule at the same time. This diffusion effect can be described by the well-known "Stokes-Einstein" equation: D(x) = k B T/3x where: D is the diffusion constant, k B is Boltzmanns constant, T is the absolute temperature, is dynamic viscosity of the liquid, x is the particle diameter. Since the change in the intensity of light scattered by the particle depends on its Figure 3. Diagram of the main components of the new PCCS system. Figure 1. Developed and produced by Sympatec, the NANOPHOX table-top instrument is the first to incorporate PCCS technology. LabPlus international - February/March 2005 19 Nanometre particle sizing and stability measurement using a table-top PCCS system The characteristics of many modern materials are often determined by the properties of nano-particles. This fact is responsible for the fast-growing demand for analysis and control of particle size. The most widely-used technique for this is photon correlation spectroscopy (PCS), which has been in use for almost 30 years now. Despite its popularity, PCS however suffers from the disadvantage that it can only be applied to highly diluted samples. A recent development, known as photon cross-correlation spectroscopy or PCCS, has dramatically extended the power of the original tech- nique and enables reliable measurements even in high con- centration suspensions. This article describes the theory and applications of PCCS and also the practical embodiment of the technique, namely the new NANOPHOX instrument from the Sympatec company. Figure 2. Schematic diagram of the main components of classical PCS. by W. Lmmle PARTICLE ANALYSIS 22-02-2005 08:54 Pagina 2 LabPlus international - February/March 2005 20 diffusion, it can be seen that the fre- quency of fluctuation of the scattered light in turn depends directly on the particle size. This simple description of the light-scattering process presupposes that the scattered light reaches the detector without any further interfer- ence by other particles. Such multiple scattering can only be avoided by carry- ing out the analysis at the highest possi- ble dilution where, unfortunately, signal strength is likely to be very weak and there will be a low signal-to-noise ratio. Over the years, many approaches have been attempted to overcome this multi- ple scattering weakness of PCS. One early approach involved the use of experimental set-ups in which the scat- tering was measured at multiple angles. This did allow more sophisticated and powerful modes of data evaluation (see below) but did not per se avoid the mul- tiple scattering problem. More recently, experimental set-ups have become available that are based on the measurement of back-scattering. The rationale for the back-scattering is that multiple scattering may be reduced by allowing the laser beam only to illu- minate a thin surface layer of the sam- ple [Figure 4]. This approach has been implemented in several instruments currently on the market. As indicated earlier, the theory of PCS is based on the "Brownian motion" that is caused by elastic impacts between molecules in the supporting liquid and particles suspend- ed in it. In back-scat- tering experiments analysing solutions of high concentrations, the penetration of the incident light is limited to areas very close to the cuvette wall. Under such conditions, however, the theoretical basis underpinning the approach is no longer valid since the so-called wall effects are not elastic. In addition, even under such condi- tions, the problem of multiple scatter- ing is only reduced and cannot be eliminated completely. Furthermore, even if the effect of multiple scatter- ing can be reduced, the intensity of the scattered light signal is also corre- spondingly reduced. The practical effect of increasing multiple scat- tering with increasing light penetration into the solu- tion results in a particle with a real size of 104 nm being portrayed as having an apparent dimension of only some 20 nm. Several attempts have been made to compensate for this intrinsic weakness of the back-scattering approach by adding further features to the experi- mental set-up. For example, modern instruments can also measure zeta- potential and carry out determination of molecular weight. While such add- ons may provide additional ancillary information, they however still do not solve the fundamental problem nor increase the basic accuracy and reliabil- ity of the measurement. Photon cross correlation spectroscopy. R&D teams in the German universities of Kiel, Mainz, and Bremen and in the ETH institute in Zurich, Switzerland have developed a new approach known as Photon Cross Correlation Spectro- scopy (PCCS) [for references see Further Reading section]. The experimental lay- out of the PCCS system is illustrated schematically in Figure 3 while Figure 5 illustrates the underlying theory. As can be seen from Figures 3 and 5 the PCCS system measures two separate scattered light signals. These signals are in theory identical to that of a single scattered light beam but in practice dif- fer from each other due to different noise levels and to the differences in the extent of the multiple-scattering that Figure 4. Back scattering. Figure 5. Diagram of the theory behind PCCS. Figure 6. Data generated in standard latex preparations by the sec- ond cumulant evaluation algorithm. PARTICLE ANALYSIS LPI page 21-02-2005 11:37 Pagina 3 LabPlus international - February/March 2005 21 affects each beam as it traverses the sample. Key to the success of the approach is that the scattering vectors [q in Figure 5] should be identical as should the scattering volumes. Under these conditions, cross correlation of the two signals is thus able to act as a fil- ter that can cancel out the artefactual effects and enables extraction and quantification of a single scattered light only. For the first time in particle sizing this approach guarantees that at no matter what concentration, the influ- ence of noise and multiple scattering can be completely and reliably eliminated. Sympatec owns exclusive rights on sev- eral patents on the PCCS approach and has been responsible for the practical development of a robust table-top instrument, the NANOPHOX [Figure 1]. The PCCS principles have been incorporated into the companys well- established and user-friendly WIN- DOX software, familiar to laser diffraction particle sizers for many years. The software includes a second cumulant evaluation mode, as defined in ISO 13321, which generates data on mean diameter and width values [Figure 6]. The software also includes a NNLS routine (Non-Negative-Least- Squares), that provides a full size dis- tribution resolving multiple modes as long as the ratio of their diameters is above 1:4 [Figure 7]. Depending on the nature of the dispers- ing liquid the instrument can be used with either glass cuvettes or disposable plastic cuvettes. The position of the cuvette can be adjusted and the laser lamp dimmed to gain optimal signal intensities. All these adjustments can be carried out entirely by software control or can be fixed at a pre-selected position as defined in application procedures (SOPs). All raw data as well as evaluated data are stored in a powerful database. Data processing complies with the US CFR 21part11 regulations. Stability measurement in addition Using the PCCS-based NANOPHOX instrument the quality and reliability of particle size analyses of suspended nano-particles has reached new heights. In addition, the practical value of the system is even further enhanced by an ancillary feature that enables the meas- urement of the stability of emulsions and suspensions to be carried out in a much more reliable way than can be achieved with traditional zeta-potential measurements. This feature is a result of the fact that the NANOPHOX system enables the extraction and quantifica- tion of an equivalent single scattered signal only. The amplitude of this scat- tered light intensity is thus available for PARTICLE ANALYSIS Enter 50752 at (continued on page 24) LPI page 21-02-2005 11:38 Pagina 4 LabPlus international - February/March 2005 24 further evaluation. Valuable information on the emulsion sta- bility can be generated since the amplitude of the equivalent single scattered signal is directly dependent on the stability. According to the principles defining Rayleigh-type scattering an increase by a factor of 10 in the size of the scattering par- ticle results in a greater than 1000000-fold increase in the intensity of the scattered signal. This means that even the slightest change in particle size during a measurement sequence will produce remarkable changes in the amplitude of the scattered light intensity. Thus, in addition to precise particle size measurement the system also carries out a stabil- ity test with every series of measurements [Figure 8]. In this way, all factors that influence coagulation, dispersion or aggregation of a suspension can easily be quantified via the change in particle size that is measured on the NANOPHOX instrument using the new PCCS-technology in the most compact and reliable way. Future perspectives The detailed information on nano-range suspensions that can be obtained through PCCS is astonishing. Central to the approach is the reliability of the extracted equivalent single scattered information. This in turn enables reliable further evaluations of different sorts to be carried out. Examples of data evaluation methods that are currently available, are widely appreciated and are currently superseding earlier PCS technology are the powerful second Cumulant and NNLS analytical methods. With the new high quality of the raw data, even more power- ful and accurate methods could be applied. To increase statis- tical reliability it is possible now to carry out averaging on single results as well as collating results from averaged raw data of multiple measurements. The ability to focus on cer- tain areas of the correlation function by restricting the evalu- ation range can also reveal detailed information that up to now could only be estimated from much more complicated and expensive research. The astounding accuracy of the NANOPHOX system will enable the previously nebulous but highly important and relevant nanoworld to be unveiled for practical and easy evaluation. Further reading 1. Dynamic Light Scattering, ed. by Brown W. Pub. by Clarendon Press Oxford (1993). 2. K Schtzel, J Mod Optics 1991; 38: 1849-1865. 3. Pusey PN. Curr Opt Coll Interf Sci 2000; 4: 177-185. 4. Xu R. in Particle Characterization: Light Scattering Methods, pub. by Kluwer (2000). 5. Overbeck E and Sinn C. J Mod Optics 1999; 46: 303-326. 6. Urban C and Schurtenberger P. J Coll Interf Sci 1998; 207: 150-158. 7. Aberle L et al. Applied Optics 1998; 37: 6511. 8. Aberle L et al. Applied Physics 1999; 32: 22. 9. Aberle L et al. PCCP 1, 1999; 3917-3921. 10. Aberle L et al. Macromol Symp 2000; 162: 249-261. The author Dipl. Chem. Wolfgang Lmmle Sympatec GmbH System Partikel Technik Am Pulverhaus 1 D-38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld Germany Demonstrations of the NANOPHOX in action will be given at the upcoming Pittcon conference on Sympatec's booth 3736 LabPlus Info 50756 or Hot Line at Figure 8. Signal amplitude as a function of instability. Figure 7. Particle size distribution of a mixture of standard latex preparations measured using NNLS. PARTICLE ANALYSIS LPI page 21-02-2005 11:38 Pagina 5