Tools and Techniques of Cost Reduction

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Meaning And Scope of Cost Accountancy
The term cost accountancy is wider than the term cost accounting. According to the Terminology of Management and Financial Accountancy Published by the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, London, cost accountancy means, the application of costing and cost accounting principles, methods and techniques to the science, art and practice of cost control. It includes the presentation of information derived there from for the purpose of managerial decision making.

Cost Accounting
Cost accounting is the process of accounting for costs. It embraces the accounting procedures relating to recording of all income and expenditure and the preparation of periodical statements and reports with the object of ascertaining and controlling costs. It is thus the formal mechanism by means of which costs of products or services are ascertained and controlled.

Costing is the technique and process of ascertaining costs. Cost accounting is different from costing in the sense that the former provides only the basis and information for ascertainment of cost. Once the information is made available the costing can be carried out arithmetically by means of memorandum statements or by method of integral accounting. However, the two terms costing and cost accounting are often used interchangeably. No such distinction has also been observed for the purpose of this book. Wheldon has given an exhaustive definition of costing after expanding the ideas contained in the definitions of the terms costing and cost accounting. According to him costing is, the classifying recording and appropriate allocation of expenditure for the determination of the costs of products or services; the relation of these costs to sales values; and the ascertainment of profitability.

Cost Control
According to the Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India, cost control means The act of power of controlling or regulating or dominating or commanding costs through the application of management tools and techniques to the performance of any operation to most predetermined objectives of quality, quantity, value and time oat an optimum outlay.

Objectives of Cost Accounting

The main objectives of cost accounting can be summarized as follows:-

1. Ascertaining Costs: - The first and foremost objective of cost accounting is to find out cost of a product, process or service. The other objectives which have been mentioned hereafter scan be achieved only when the costs have been ascertained. 2. Determining Selling Price : - Business enterprises are run on a profit making basis. It is thus necessary that the revenue should be greater than the costs incurred in producing goods and services from which the revenue is to be derived. Cost accounting provides information regarding the cost to make and sell such products or services. 3. Measuring and Increasing Efficiency : - Cost accounting involvers a study of the various operations used in manufacturing a product or providing a services. The study facilitates measuring of the efficiency of the organisation as a whole as well as of the departments besides devising means of increasing the efficiency. 4. Cost Control and Cost Reduction : - Cost accounting assists in cost control it uses techniques such as budgetary control, standard costing etc. for controlling costs. Budgets are prepared will in advance. The standards for each item of cost are determined, the actual costs are compared with the standard costs and variances are found out as to their causes. This greatly increases the operating efficiency of the enterprise. Besides it, cost is required to be reduced also constant research and development activities help in reduction of costs without compromising with the quality of goods or services. 5. Cost Management: - The term Cost Management includes the activities of managers in short-run and long-run planning and control of costs. Cost management has a broad focus. It includes both cost control and lost reduction. As a matter of fact cost management is often invariably linked with revenue and profit planning. For instance, to enhance revenue and profits, the management often deliberately incurs additional costs for advertising and product modifications. 6. Ascertaining Profits: - Cost accounting also aims at ascertaining the profits of each and every activity. It produces statements at such intervals as the management may require. The financial statements prepared under financial accounting, generally once a year or half year, are spaced too far apart in time to meet the needs of the management. In order to operate the business at a high level of efficiency, it is essential for the management to have a frequent review of production, sales and operating results. Cost accounting provides daily, weekly or monthly volumes of units produced, accumulated costs together with appropriate analysis so that quantum of profit and profitability is known. 7. Providing Basis for Managerial Decision Making: - Costs accounting helps the management in formulation operative policies. These policies may relate to any of the following matters:(i) Determination of cost volume profit relationship. (ii) Shutting down or operating at a loss. (iii) Making or buying from outside supplies. (iv) Continuing with the existing plant and machinery or replacing them by improved and economical means.

Cost Accounting Versus Financial Accounting

Accounting may broadly be classified into two categories:(a) Financial Accounting and (b) Management Accounting Financial Accounting is concerned with recording, classifying and summarizing financial transactions and preparing statements relating to the business in accordance with generally

accepted accounting concepts and conventions. It is mainly meant to serve all parties external to the operating responsibility of the firm such as shareholders and creditors of the firm besides providing information about the overall operational results of the business while management accounting is concerned with accounting information which is useful for the management it is the presentation of accounting information in such as way as to assist the management in the creation of policy and day to day operation of the undertaking.


1. Costing helps in periods of trade depression and trade competition:In periods of trade depression the business cannot afford to have leakages which pass unchecked. The management should know where economies may be sought, waste eliminated and efficiency increased. The business has to wage a wax for its survival. The management should know the actual cost of their products before embarking on any scheme of reducing the prices on giving tenders. Adequate costing facilitates this. 2. Aids in price fixation:Though economic law & supply and demand and activities of the competitors, to a great extent, determine the price of the article, cost to the producer does play an important part. The producer can take necessary guidance from his costing records. 3. Helps in estimate:Adequate costing records provide a reliable basis upon which tenders and estimates may be prepared. The chances of losing a contract on account of over rating or losing in the execution of a contract due to under rating can be minimized. Thus, ascertained costs provide a measure for estimates, a guide to policy, and a control over current production. 4. Helps in channeling production on right lines:Costing makes possible for the management to distinguish between profitable and nonprofitable activities profit can be maximized by concentrating on profitable operations and eliminating non-profitable ones. 5. Wastages are eliminated:As it is possible to know the cost of the article at every stage, it becomes possible to chock various forms of waste, such as time, expenses etc. or in the use of machine, equipment and tools. 6. Costing makes comparison possible:If the costing records are regularly kept, comparative cost data for different periods and various volumes of production will be available. It will help the management in forming future lines of action. 7. Provides data for periodical profit and loss accounts :Adequate costing records supply to the management such data as may be necessary for preparation of profit and loss account and balance sheet, at such intervals as may be desired by the management. It also explains in detail the sources of profit or loss revealed by the financial accounts thus helps in presentation of better information before the management. 8. Aids in determining and enhancing efficiency:-

Losses due to wastage of material, idle time of workers, poor supervision etc., will be disclosed if the various operations involved in manufacturing a product are studied by a cost accountant. The efficiency can be measured and costs controlled and through it various devices can be framed to increase the efficiency. 9. Helps in inventory control:Costing furnishes control which management requires in respect of stock of materials, work-inprogress and finished goods. (This has been explained in detail under the chapter Materials) 10. Helps in cost reduction :Costs can be reduced in the long run when alternatives are tried. This is particularly important ion the present day context of global competition cost accounting has assumed special significance beyond cost control this way. 11. Assists in increasing productivity Productivity of material and labour is required to be increased to have growth and more profitability in the organisation costing renders great assistance in measuring productivity and suggesting ways to improve it.

There are three broad elements of cost:(a) Material (b) Labour (c) Expenses (a) Material: - The substance from which the product is made is known as material. It may be in a raw or a manufactured state. It can be direct as well as indirect. Direct Material: - All material which becomes an integral part of the finished product and which can be conveniently assigned to specific physical units is termed as Direct Material. Following are some of the examples of direct material:(i) All material or components specifically purchased produced or requisitioned from stores. (ii) Primary packing material (e.g. cartoon, wrapping, cardboard, boxes etc.) (iii) Purchased or partly produced components. Direct material is also described as raw-material, process material, prime material, production material, stores material, constructional material etc. Indirect Material: - All material which is used for purposes ancillary to the business and which cannot be conveniently assigned to specific physical units is termed as Indirect Material. Consumable stores, oil and waste, printing and stationery etc. are a few examples of indirect material Indirect material may be used in the factory the office or the selling and distribution division.

(b) Labour: - For conversion of materials into finished goods, human effort is needed such human effort is called labour. Labour can be direct as well as indirect. Direct labour: - Labour which takes an active and direct part in the production of a particular commodity is called labour. Direct labour costs are, therefore specially and conveniently traceable to specific products. Direct labour is also described as process labour, productive labour, operating labour, manufacturing labour, direct wages etc. Indirect labour:- labour employed for the purpose of carrying out tasks incidental to goods or services provided, is indirect labour such labour does not alter the construction, composition or condition of the product. It cannot be practically traced to specific units of output wages of store keepers, foreman, time keepers, directors, fees, salaries of salesmen, etc. are all examples of indirect labour costs. Indirect labour may relate to the factory the office or the selling and distribution division. (c) Expenses: - Expenses may be direct or indirect. Direct expenses: - These are expenses which can be directly, conveniently and wholly allocated to specific cost centers or cost units. Examples of such expenses are: hire of some special machinery required for a particular contract, cost of defective work incurred in connection with a particular job or contract etc. Direct expenses are sometimes also described as chargeable expenses. Indirect expenses:- these are expenses which cannot be directly, conveniently and wholly allocated to cost centers or cost units.

OVERHEADS:- It is to be noted that the term overheads has a wider meaning than the term
indirect expenses overheads include the cost of indirect material, indirect labour besides indirect expenses. Indirect expenses may be classified under the following three categories:(a) Manufacturing (works, factory or production) expenses:Such indirect expenses which are incurred in the factory and concerned with the running of the factory or plant are known as manufacturing expenses. Expenses relating to production management and administration are included there in. Following are a few items of such expenses: Rent, rates and insurance of factory premises, power used in factory building, plant and machinery etc. (b) Office and Administrative expenses These expenses are not related to factory but they pertain to the management and administration of business such expenses are incurred on the direction and control of an undertaking example are :- office rent, lighting and heating, postage and telegrams, telephones and other charges; depreciation of office building, furniture and equipment, bank charges, legal charges, audit fee etc. (c) Selling and Distribution Expenses:-

Expenses incurred for marketing of a commodity, for securing orders for the articles, dispatching goods sold, and for making efforts to find and retain customers are called selling and distribution expenses examples are:Advertisement expenses cost of preparing tenders, traveling expenses, bad debts, collection charges etc. Warehouse charges packing and loading charges, carriage outwards, etc. The above classification of different elements of cost can be presented in the form of the following chart:











Elements of cost













Items excluded from cost accounts

There are certain items which are included in financial accounts but not in cost accounts. These items fall into three categories:-

Appropriation of profits
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) Appropriation to sinking funds. Dividends paid Taxes on income and profits Transfers to general reserves Excess provision for depreciation of buildings, plant etc. and for bad debts Amount written off goodwill, preliminary expenses, underwriting commission, discount on debentures issued; expenses of capital issue etc. (vii) Capital expenditures specifically charged to revenue (viii) Charitable donation

Matters of pure finance

(a) Purely (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) financial charges:Losses on sale of investments, buildings, etc. Expenses on transfer of companys office Interest on bank loan, debentures, mortgages, etc. Damages payable Penalties and fines Losses due to scrapping of machinery Remuneration paid to the proprietor in excess of a fair reward for services rendered.

(b) Purely financial incomes:(i) Interest received on bank deposits (ii) Profits made on the sale of investments, fixed assets, etc. (iii) Transfer fees received (iv) Rent receivable (v) Interest, dividends, etc. received on investments. (vi) Brokerage received (vii) Discount, commission received Abnormal gains and losses:(i) Losses or gains on sale of fixed assets. (ii) Loss to business property on account of theft, fire or other natural calamities. In addition to above abnormal items (gain and losses) may also be excluded from cost accounts. Alternatively, these may be taken to costing profit and loss account.

Components of total cost

Prime cost: - It consists of costs of direct material, direct labour and direct expenses. It is also
known as basic, first or flat cost.

Factory cost:- It comprises of prime cost and in addition works of factory overheads which
includes costs of indirect material, indirect labour and indirect expenses of the factory. The cost is also known as works cost, production or manufacturing cost.

Office cost: - If office and administrative overheads are added to factory cost office cost is
arrived at this is also termed as administrative cost or the total cost of production.

Total cost:- Office cost or total cost of production selling and distribution overheads are added to
the total cost of production to get the total cost or the cost of sales. Cost of sales or total cost. The various components of total cost can be depicted through the help of the following chart:-

Components of Total cost

Direct material plus Direct labour plus Direct expenses Prime cost plus overheads cost Prime cost or Direct cost or First cost works cost or factory or production cost or manufacturing Works

Work cost plus office and Administrative overheads Office cost plus selling And distribution overheads

Adjustments for inventories

The following adjustments may have to be made for inventories of raw materials, work in progress and finished goods while computing the different components of cost: (i) Direct Material Consumed (ii) Works Cost Opening stock Purchases of = of Direct + Direct material material Gross works Opening work = + cost in progress Closing stock of Direct material Closing work in __ progress

(iii) Cost of production of goods sold

= cost of production + Opening stock Closing stock of finished _ of finished good

Illustration 1.

Calculate prime cost from the following information:-

Direct material - Rs. 40,000, Direct labour - Rs. 30,000 Direct expenses - Rs. 25.000 Solution: Prime cost = Direct Material + Direct labour + Direct expenses

= =

Rs. 40,000 Rs. 95,000

Rs.30, 000 + Rs. 25,000

Illustration 2.Calculate prime cost from the following information:Opening stock of raw material = Rs. 12,500 Purchased raw material = Rs. 75,000 Expenses incurred on raw material = Rs. 5,000 Closing stock of raw material = Rs. 22,500 Wages Rs. 47,600 Direct expenses Rs. 23,400

Solution: -

Calculation of raw material consumed:Raw material consumed = Opening stock of material + purchases of Raw material + expenses incurred on raw material - closing stock of raw material = Rs 12,500 + Rs 75,000 + Rs 5,000 Rs 22,500 = Rs. 92,500 Rs 22,500 = Rs. 70,000

Prime cost

= Raw material consumed + Direct labour + Direct expenses = Rs 70,000 + Rs 47,600 + Rs 23,400 = Rs 1, 41,000


It can be shown in vertical form such as cost sheet Particular Opening stock of raw material Add:- Purchase Add:- Expenses incurred on purchases Raw material available Less :- closing stock of raw material Raw material consumed Add:- Direct wages or labour Add:- Direct expenses Prime cost Details (Rs) 12,500 7,500 5,000 --------------92,500 22,500 --------------70,000 47,600 23,400 -------------1,41,000 Amount (Rs)

Illustration 3.

Calculate works cost or factory cost from the following details:-

Raw material consumed = Rs 50,000 Direct wages = Rs20, 000 Direct expenses = Rs 10,000 Factory expenses 80% of direct wages

Opening stock of work in progress Closing stock of work in progress

= Rs 15,000 = Rs 21,000

Solution: -

Calculation of factory cost Particular Amount (Rs) 50,000 20,000 10,000 ------------80,000 16,000 -------------96,000 15,000 -------------1,11,000 21,000 -------------90,000 Amount (Rs)

Direct material consumed Add:- Direct wages Add:- Direct Expenses Prime cost Add:- Factory expenses Current manufacturing cost Add:- Opening stock of work in progress Total goods processed during the period Less:- Closing sock of work in progress Factory cost or work cost

Illustration 4.

Calculate cost of production from the following information:Raw material purchased = Rs 42,500 Freight paid = Rs 5,000 Labour charges = Rs 12,500 Direct expenses = Rs 10,000 Factory overhead 80% of Direct labour charges Administrative overhead = 10% of work cost Raw material Work in progress Opening stock 8,000 7,500 Closing stock 10,000 9,000

Solution: -

Calculation of cost of production:Particular Amount (Rs) 42,500 5,000 ------------47,500 8,000 -----------55,500 10,000 -----------45,500 12,500 Amount (Rs)

Material purchased Add:- freight Total cost of material purchased Add:- Opening stock of Raw material Material available for consumption Less:- Closing stock of Raw material Raw material consumed Add:- Direct labour charges

Add:- Direct expenses Prime cost Add:- Factory overhead Current manufacturing cost Add:- Opening stock of work in progress Total goods processed during the period Less:- Closing stock of work in progress Factory cost Add:- Administrative overhead Cost of production

10,000 68,000 10,000 -----------78,000 7,500 -----------85,500 9,000 -----------76,500 7,650 -----------84,150

Illustration 5. Prepare cost sheet from the following particular in the book of B. M.
Raw material purchased = Rs. 1, 20,000 Paid freight charges = Rs 10,000 Wages paid to laborers = Rs 35,000 Directly chargeable expenses = Rs 25,000 Factory on cost = 20% of prime cost General and administrative expenses = 4% of factory cost Selling and distribution expenses = 5% of production cost Profit 20% on sales Opening stock Closing stock Raw material 15,000 20,000 Work in progress 17,500 24,000 Finished goods 20,000 27,500



Book of B. M. Rehman
Cost sheet
Raw material purchased Add:- freight charges Total cost of raw material purchased Add:- opening stock of raw material Cash of raw material available Less:- closing stock of raw material Raw material consumed Add:- wages paid to labours Add:- Directly chargeable expenses Prime cost Add:- Factory overhead 20% of prime cost Current manufacturing cost Add:- Opening stock of work in progress Total goods processed during the period Less:- closing stock of work in progress Factory on work cost Add:- General & administrative expenses 4% of factory cost Cost of production Add:- opening stock of finished goods Goods available for sales Less:- closing stock of finished goods Cost of goods sold Add:- selling and distribution expenses 5% of production cost Cost of sales Add:- Profit Sales 1,20,000 10,000 --------------1,30,000 15,000 --------------1,45,000 20,000 -------------1,25,000 35,000 25,000 -------------1,85,000 37,000 --------------2,22,000 17,500 --------------2,39,500 24,000 --------------2,15,500 8,620 --------------2,24,120 20,000 -------------2,44,120 27,500 -------------2,16,620 11,206 -------------2,27,826 56,956.50 --------------2,84,782.50

Illustration 6.
Opening stock: Closing stock: -

Prepare cost sheet in the book of M. B. Rehman from the following particulars. Raw material Finished goods Raw material Finished goods = = = = Rs 5,000 Rs 4,000 Rs 4,000 Rs 5,000

Raw material purchased Wages paid to laboures Chargeable expenses Rent and Taxes Power Experimental expenses Sale of wastage of material Office management salary Office printing & stationery Salaries to salesman Commission to traveling agents Sales

= = = = = = = = = = = =

Rs 50,000 Rs 20,000 Rs 2,000 Rs 7,400 Rs 3,000 Rs 600 Rs 200 Rs 4,000 Rs 200 Rs 2,000 Rs 1,000 Rs 1, 00,000


Book of B. M. Rehman
Cost sheet
Particular Raw material purchased Add:- Opening stock of raw material Raw material for consumption Less:- closing stock of raw material Raw material consumed Less:- Sale of wastage of materials Add:- Direct labour Add:- Direct chargeable expenses Prime cost Add:- Factory overhead Rent & Taxes Power Experimental charges Factory cost Add:- Administrative overhead:Office management salary Office printing & stationery Cost of production Add:- Opening stock of finished goods Goods available for sales Less:- closing stock of finished goods Cost of goods sold Details (Rs) 50,000 5,000 --------------55,000 4,000 --------------51,000 200 ------------Amount (Rs)

50,800 20,000 2,000 -------------72,800

7,400 3,000 600 -------------4,000 200 ---------------

11,000 83,800

4,200 88,000 4,000 ------------92,000 5,000 ------------87,000

Add:- selling and distribution overhead:Salaries of salesman Commission to traveling agent Cost of sales Profit Sales

2,000 1,000 --------------

3,000 90,000 10,000 -------------1,00,000

Illustration 7.

The cost of sale of production A is made up as follows:Material used in manufacturing Material used in packing material Material used in selling the product Material used in the factory Material used in the office Labour required in production Labour required for supervision in factory Expenses direct factory Expenses indirect factory Expenses office Depreciation of office building Depreciation on factory plant Selling expenses Freight on material Advertising Rs 5,500 Rs 1,000 Rs 150 Rs 175 Rs 125 Rs 1,000 Rs 200 Rs 500 Rs 100 Rs 125 Rs 75 Rs 175 Rs 350 Rs 500 Rs 125

Assuming that all products manufactured and sold, what should be the selling price be fixed to obtain a profit of 20% on selling price.

Solution Cost Sheet

Particular Direct material:Material used in manufacturing Material used in Packing material Freight on material Direct wages:labour require in production Direct expenses:- Direct factory Prime cost Add:- Factory overhead Indirect material used in factory Indirect labour required for supervision Indirect factory expenses Depreciation factory Amount (Rs) Amount (Rs) 5,500 1,000 500 ------------Amount (Rs)

7,000 1,000 500 -----------8,500

75 200 100 175

------------Factory on works cost Add:- office & administrative expenses Indirect material Indirect expenses office Indirect depreciation Total cost of production Add:- selling and distribution overhead:Indirect material Indirect expenses Advertisement Cost of sales Profit Sales

275 ------------125

550 9050

125 75 ------------

200 ------------150

325 9375

350 125 ------------

475 -------------

625 10,000 2,500 ----------12,500

Illustration 8.
Prepare a statement of cost from the following trading and P/L account for the year ending March 31, 2008 Particular To opening stock material Finished goods To To To To To purchases cost of moulds salary of factory manger depreciation of machine gross profit Amount (Rs) Particular 12,000 By sales 40,000 By closing stock material 1,20,000 Finished goods 3,000 1,000 800 63,200 -------------2,70,000 -------------9,000 By Gross profit 6,000 By interest from bank 1,000 By dividend received 800 By rent received 2,000 700 1,200 1,500 2,000 Amount (Rs) 2,00,000 20,000 50,000

To office salary To salesman salary To To To To To To To insurance of office building godown expenses directors fees telephone charges showroom expenses delivery van expenses preliminary expenses

--------------2,70,000 ------------63,200 800 200 900

To interest on deb. To market research exp. To net profit

700 600 39,000 -------------65,100 --------------

-------------65,100 --------------

Statement of cost (For the year ending 31st March 2008)
Particular Direct material:Raw material purchased Add:- opening stock of raw materials Raw material for consumption Less:- Closing sock of raw materials Raw material consumed Add:- Direct labour Prime cost Add:- Factory overhead:Cost of moulds Factory manager salary Depreciation on machinery Factory cost Add:- office and administrate overhead Salary Insurance Directors fees Telephone charges Cost of production Add:- Opening stock of finished goods Goods available for sales Less:- Closing stock of finished goods Cost of goods sold Add:- selling & distribution ext:Salesmans salary Insurance (godown) Showroom expenses Expenses of delivery van Market research expenses Cost of sales Profit Details (Rs) 1,20,000 12,000 --------------1,32,000 20,000 --------------1,12,000 30,000 --------------1,42,000 3,000 1,000 800 --------------Amount (Rs)

4,800 --------------1,46,800

9,000 1,000 2,000 700 ---------------

12,700 ------------1,59,500 40,000 -------------1,99,500 50,000 -------------1,49,500

6,000 800 1,200 1,500 600 -------------

10,100 ---------------1,59,600 40,400



Illustration 9.
The following inventory data relate to Nazia Ltd. Inventories Finish goods Work in progress Raw materials Opening Rs 1,100 Rs 700 Rs 900 = Rs 6840 = Rs 6540 = Rs 1670 = Rs 1930 Closing Rs 950 Rs 800 Rs 950

Additional information:Cost of goods available for sales Total goods processed during the period Factory on cost Direct material used

Requirements:(i) determine raw material purchase (ii) determine the direct labour and cost incurred (iii) determine the cost of goods sold

(i) OR OR (ii) Raw material purchased:Raw material consumed Rs 1,930 Rs 1,930 + Rs 50 Rs 1,980 = = = = opening stock + purchases closing stock Rs 900 + Purchases Rs 950 purchases Raw material purchased = Rs 6,540 = Rs 700 --------------Rs 5,840 = Rs 1,670 --------------= Rs 4,170 = Rs 1930 -------------= Rs 2,240

Direct labour cost:Cost of goods processed during the year Less: - Opening work in progress Less: - Factory overheads Prime cost Less: - Raw material consumed Direct labour cost


Cost of goods sold:= cost of goods available for sales closing stock finished goods = 6840 950 = Rs 5890

Illustration 10.

Mr. Zia furnishes the following data related to the manufacture of a standard product during the month of August 2008 Raw material consumed Direct labour Machine hours worked Machine hour rate Administration overheads Selling overheads Unit produced Unit sold = Rs 15,000 Rs 5,000 Rs 900 Rs 5 20% of works cost Rs 0.50 per unit Rs 17,100 16,000 @ Rs 4 per unit

You are required to prepare a cost sheet from the above showing:(a) The cost per unit (b) Cost per unit sold and profit for the period


Book of Zia Cost sheet (For the month of August 31, 2008)
Particular Direct material consumed Direct labour Direct expenses Prime cost Factory overheads (900 hours @ Rs 5 per hour) Work cost Administrative overheads @ 20% of works cost Cost of production Less:- closing stock on August 31, 2008 (1100 units @ Rs 2 per unit) Cost of goods sold Selling overheads @ Rs 0.50 per unit for 16000 Cost of sales Profit Sales (1600 unit) * Closing stock = unit produced - units sold = 17100-16000 = 1100 units Amount (Rs) 15,000 5,000 4,000 -------------24,000 4,500 -------------28,500 5,700 -------------34,200 2,200 ----------32,000 8,000 ----------40,000 24,000 -----------64,000 Amount (Rs) 0.878 0.292 0.233 -------------1.403 0.263 --------------1.666 0.333 --------------2,000 -----------------2.000 0.50 ------------2.50 1.50 -----------4.00

Exercise Questions.
Theoretical Questions:1) Explain the meaning of cost accountancy 2) Define a) Direct materials b) Direct wages c) Direct expenses 3) What is cost accounting? Discuss briefly its important functions in a business firm 4) Explain the important objectives of cost accounting? 5) Distinguish between:a) Direct expenses and indirect expenses? b) Direct labour and indirect labour? c) Direct materials and indirect materials? 6) Distinguish between costing and cost accounting 7) What is financial accounting? How it is different from cost-accounting? 8) Mention the elements of cost 9) Explain the classification of direct labour 10) How the overheads are different from the expenses? 11) State at least five each type of overheads a) Factory overheads b) Administrative overheads c) Selling and distribution overheads 12) What are the components of direct cost? 13) Write the formula of calculating the raw material consumed 14) Explain the meaning of cost of goods sold and cost of sales 15) Explain the meaning of a) First cost b) Works cost and works on cost c) Cost of production and goods available for sales

Practical problems (Short Answers)

1. Opening stock of raw material Closing stock of raw material Material purchased Find raw material consumed - Rs 15,000 - Rs 20,000 - Rs 1, 20,000 (Ans. 1, 15,000) 2. Raw material consumed - Rs 1, 02,000 Raw material for consumption - Rs 1, 10,000 Raw material purchased - Rs 1, 00,000 Find opening & closing stock of raw material (Ans. Rs 10,000 and Rs 8,000) Prime cost - Rs 1, 85,000 Current manufacturing cost - Rs 2, 22,000 Total goods processed during the period - Rs 2, 39,500 Works cost - Rs 2, 15,000 Find factory overheads, opening and closing stock of work in progress (Ans. Rs 37,000, Rs 17,500 and Rs 24,000)



Cost of production - Rs 11,206 Goods available for sales - Rs 12,206 Cost of goods sold - Rs 10,831 Cost of Sales - Rs 11, 391 Sales - Rs 12,000 Find opening and closing stock of finished goods, selling expenses and profit or loss (Ans. Rs 1,000, Rs 1,375, Rs 560 and Rs 609 profit) Direct material consumed Direct labour 50% of material consumed Direct expenses Factory overheads Office overheads Find office cost - Rs 60,000 33/% of direct labour 40% of direct labour on cost 66/% of works (Ans. Rs 1, 20,000)


PRACTICAL PROBLEMS (long answers) 1. From the following particulars prepare a cost sheet showing the total cost per tone for the period ended 31st December 1998 Rs Raw material Productive wages Direct expenses Unproductive wages Factory rent and terms Factory lighting Factory heating Motive power Haulage Directors fees (works) Depreciation of - plant and machinery - office building - delivery vans Bad debts Advertising Sales department salaries 33,000 35,000 3,000 10,500 7,500 2,200 1,500 4,400 3,000 1,000 2,000 1,000 200 100 300 1,500 Directors fees (office) Factory cleaning Sundry office expenses Estimating Factory stationery Office stationery Factory insurance Office insurance Legal expenses Rent of warehouse Unkeeping of delivery vans Bank charges Commission on sales Loose tools written off Rent and taxes (office) Water supply Rs 2,000 500 200 800 750 900 1,100 500 400 300 700 50 1,500 600 500 1,200

The total output for the period has been 10,000 tones. (Ans. Prime cost Rs 71,000 works cost Rs 1,08,050 office cost Rs 1,13,600 total cost Rs 1,18,200 cost per tone Rs 11.82) 2. Prepare a cost sheet to show the total cost of production and cost per unit of goods manufactured by a company for the month of July 1994. Also find out the cost of sales. Rs Rs

Stock of raw materials 1-7-1994 Raw materials purchased Stock of raw materials 31-7-1994 Manufacturing wages Depreciation on plant Loss on sale of a part of plant

3,000 Factory rent & rates 28,000 Office rent 4,500 General expenses 7,000 Discount on sales 1,500 Advertisement 300 Expenses to be charged fully income tax paid

3,000 500 400 300 600 2,000

The number of units produced during July 1994 was 3,000 The stock of finished goods was 200 and 400 units on 1-7-1994 and 31-7-1994 respectively. The total cost of units on hand on 1-7-1994 was Rs 2,800. All these had been sold during the month. (Ans. Prime cost Rs 33,500 factory cost Rs 38,000 cost of production Rs 38,900 cost of sales Rs 37416) 3. The following particulars relating to the year 1994 have been taken from the books of a chemical works manufacturing and selling a chemical mixture: Rs Stock on 1st Jan. 1994 Raw materials Finished mixture Factory stores Purchases Raw materials Factory stores Sales Finished mixture Factory scrap Factory wages Power Depreciation of machinery Salaries Factory Office Selling Expenses Direct Office Selling Stock on 31st December 1994 Raw material Finished mixture Factory stores 2,000 500 -----1,60,000 -----1,53,050 --------------------------------------------------1,200 450 -----2,000 1,750 7,250 1,80,000 24,250 9,18,000 8,170 1,78,650 30,400 18,000 72,220 37,220 41,500 18,500 18,200 18,000 Rs


The stock of finished mixture at the end of 1994 is to be valued at the factory cost of the mixture for that year. The purchase price of raw materials uncharged throughout 1994. Prepare a statement giving the maximum possible information about cost and its break up for the year 1994. (Ans. Prime cost Rs 3,77,800 factory cost Rs 5,16,200 cost of production of finished mixture sold Rs 5,71,852 cost of sales Rs 6,31,352) 4. Calculate a) Value of raw-materials consumed b) Total cost of production c) Cost of goods sold and d) The amount of profit from the following particulars: Rs Opening stock Raw materials Finished goods Closing stock Raw materials Finished goods Raw materials purchased Wages paid to labourers Chargeable expenses Factory rent, rates & taxes Power 5,000 Factory heating and lighting 4,000 Factory insurance Experimental Expenses 4,000 Sales of wastage of materials 5,000 Office management salaries 50,000 Office printing and stationery 20,000 Salaries of salesmen commission of traveling agent 2,000 5,000 Sales Rs 2,000 2,000 1,000 500 200 4,000 200 2,000


(Ans. (a) Rs 50,800, (b) Rs 87,500, (c) Rs 89,500, (d) Rs 10,500) [Hint sales of raw-materials wastage of Rs 200 has been deducted from the cost of raw-materials]


The cost of the sale of product X is made up as follows: Rs

Materials used in manufacturing Materials used in packing materials Materials used in selling the product Materials used in office Materials used in factory Labour required in producing Salary paid to works manager and other principal officers of the factory Expenses indirect office Expenses direct factory Bad debts

10,20 2,500 350 75 125 2,500 450 250 1,000 300

Packing expenses Lighting and heating charges of the factory Expenses indirect factory

150 200 125

Assuming that all the products manufactured are sold, what should be the selling price to obtain a profit of 20% on cost price? Illustrate in a chart fork for presentation to your mange, the division of costs of product X [Ans. Prime cost Rs 16,200, works cost Rs 17,100 cost of sales Rs 18,225 sales Rs 21,870] 6. Calculate the prime cost, factory cost, total cost of production and cost of following particulars: sales from the Rs. Raw materials consumed Directly chargeable expenses Wages paid to labourers Grease, oil, cotton waste etc. Salary manager and clerks Insurance of stock of raw materials Consumable stores Printing and stationery: Factory Office Sales deptt. Rent of office building Depreciation : Factory premises Office furniture Delivery vans Power and fuel Contribution to provident fund of factory employees Salaries of administrative directors Bank charges Cost of samples Salaries of sales manger Advertising Packing material Storage in stocks of finished goods 12,000 500 2,500 25 1,750 300 400 50 200 100 -----------

350 150

200 50 75 ---------

325 500 1,000 100 75 250 300 500 350 20

[Ans. Prime cost Rs 15,000, factory cost Rs 19225 total cost of production Rs 19,800 cost of sales Rs 21,395] 7. Calculate a) Value of raw-materials consumed b) Total cost of production

c) Cost of goods sold and d) The amount of profit from the following particulars: Rs Opening stock: Raw materials Finished goods Closing stock: Raw-materials Finished goods Raw materials purchased Wages paid to labourers Direct expenses Experimental expenses Factory printing and stationery Rent : Factory Office Wages of fireman Lighting office Audit fees Telephone expenses Advertising Market research expenses Salary of godown keepers Traveling expenses Commission of traveling agent Sales 1,350 2,500 750 1,500 20,000 8,000 1,250 450 350 250 120 --------

370 1,000 125 150 500 1,250 550 175 750 500 50,000

[Ans. (a) value of raw materials consumed Rs. 20,600 (b) Total cost of production Rs 32,795, (c) cost of goods sold Rs 33,795, (d) profit Rs 12,980] 8. Prepare a statement of cost from the following trading and profit and loss account for the year ending 31st March, 1995. Particulars Opening stock: Materials Finished goods Purchase of materials Direct labour Grease, oil etc. Salary of storekeeper Power & fuel Gross profit c/d Rs Particulars Rs 1,00,000 15,000 30,000

Sales 8,000 Closing stock: 25,000 Materials 70,000 Finished goods 10,000 500 700 800 30,000 ------------1,45,000


------------Lighting: Office Sales deptt. Depreciation: Office premises Delivery vans Fees of office manager Bank charges Selling expenses Sales commission Preliminary expenses Packing expenses Dividends paid on Share capital of company Discount on debentures Net profit Gross profit b/d 500 Dividends received 650 Interest on loan Transfer fees 1,000 Received 750 2,000 1,500 1,500 500 3,000 1,100 1,000 500 20,000 -----------34,000

------------30,000 2,000 600 1,450


[Ans. Prime cost Rs 73,000, works cost Rs 75,000, total cost of production Rs 80,000 cost of goods sold Rs 75000 cost of sales Rs 79,000 profit Rs 21,000] 9. The following data relate to the manufacture of standard product during the four week ending on 28th Oct. 1994. Rs 20,000 Rs 12,000 950 (hrs) Rs 2.00 Rs 0.37 per unit 20,000 18,000

Raw materials consumed Direct wages Machine hr worked Machine hour rate Office overhead 15% on works cost Selling overhead Units produced Units sold @ Rs 2.50 each Prepare a statement from the above showing: (a) The cost of production per unit, and (b) The profit for the period [Ans. (a) Rs 1,949 (b) Rs 3,258 10.

A firm has purchased a plant to manufacture a new product, the cost data for which is given below: 24,000 units Rs 4.00 per unit Rs 0.60 per unit Rs 24,000 per year Rs 28,800 per year 15% of sales

Estimated annual sales Estimated costs: Material Direct labour Overheads Administrative expenses Selling expenses

Calculate the selling price if profit per unit is Rs 1.02 [Ans. Rs 9.20] 11. Prepare a cost sheet from the following data to find out profit and cost per unit: Rs 1,60,000 Rs 80,000 12,000 4,000 3,600 Rs 100 per unit

Raw materials consumed Direct wages Factory overheads 20% of direct wages Office overheads 10% of factory cost Selling overheads Unit produced Units sold Selling price

[Ans. Prime cost Rs 2,40,000, factory cost Rs 2,56,000, cost of production Rs 2,81,600, cost of sales Rs 2,65,440, profit Rs 94,560]

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