Events Calendar 2014

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North East England Events/National or Other Events/School Holidays/ Durham South Dates DATE MONTH
!anuary "hotogra#hy $om#etition %All ages& 'aunch o( $ounty $ommissioners $hallenge )*++ years o( ,ro-nies 2irst 3es#onse %3ene-al& NEE 3egional Team 6ee7end "eer Education ,asic8 Advanced 9 $o)ordinators Training 2irst 3es#onse %2ull& $ountyTeam Day %all $omm and Advisers& $am# House Management Meeting 2irst 3es#onse %2ull&






./ .4).5 /*). . < */ *? 14-21 .. * * * *4)*5 *?

Thurs 2ri)Sun 2ri)Sun Sun Sat Thurs Sat Mon- Fri Sat Sat Sat Sat 2riCSun Sat

0)1#m 1;/+am) 4#m *+am = /#m 0;*? = 1#m 1;/+am = 4#m

Ne-ton Aycli((e 6addo- Hall Moor House8 6est 3ainton 3ed-ood 'odge E>cel $entre8 Aycli((e ,usiness "ar78 D'? 5A" $am# House8 S#ennymoor Small Hall8 6illo- 3oad $ommunity $entre8 Darlington D'/ 5"@ HALF TERM Yor7 ,arnard $astle Auide HB ,arnard $astle Auide HB


1;/+am = /#m 1;/+am) /#m 0)1#m 0)1#m 0)1#m


.1 4)5 4)5 ? 7-21 /+

Sat 2ri)Sun 2ri)Sun Sat Mon-Mon 6ed

Yor7 6addoEASTER BREAK Dings $entre8 "ros#ect "lace8 6hessoe 3oad8 Darlington D'/ +BT


Outdoor8 6al7ing and 3esidential Advisers Day INTO"S (or Adults Aoing A-ay Training 2irst 3es#onse %2ull& I$E 6ee7end %**)*/ year old Auides& 3ain:o- Activity Day %org; :y Bueens Auides& Ne- 'eaders Training Evening Sa(e S#ace 2irst 3es#onse 3ene-al $ounty International Advisers Meeting $ounty Training 6ee7end %5+ #laces& ," Adventure %Steaming Ahead& Senior Section Teams Day (Easter Monday, 21 April $ounty Annual 3evie2ood Sa(ety

.5or.0 May .0 ! 0 1)** *+

SatorSun Sun Mon 6ed Sat)Sun Sat / )0 #m 0)1#m 0)1#m

,arnard $astle/ ,isho# Auc7land/$roo7 T,$ MA" #A" $am# House8 S#ennymoor East Shotton $am# Site

2ull 2irst 3es#onse $ounty Senior Section Dro#)in $ounty E>ecutive I$E 6ee7end %**)*/ year old Auides& Outdoor $oo7ing %Auides& 2ireside Trainings %on reEuest& 2irst 3es#onse %3ene-al& NEE Star Buest S#ectacular to cele:rate *++ years %o#en to all ages& $am# House Management Meeting 2irst 3es#onse %2ull& 2irst 3es#onse Trainers Mo-den 3ug:y $lu:8 Arena8 Neasham 3oad8 Darlington Senior Section Event Stra-:erry Evening

*0 .. 2$-2% !une 0 */ 9 .+ !une .0).1 !uly/August * ? ? 1 **)*/ .1 Aug ?)0 *.)*4 .+ .5).< T,$ T,$ 4 T,$ T,$ 27-+1 .. .. 5 T,$

Sat Thurs Mon-Fri SatorSun Sat 2ri)Sat 2ri)Sun Tues Sat 6ed 2ri)Sun 6ed)2ri 2ri)Sun 2ri)Sun Sat 2ri)Sun Sat

0)1#m All day 0;*?)1#m 1;/+am)4#m

"eterlee 6ether:y 3ace $ourse $am# House8 S#ennymoor S&R'() BREAK Durham Yor7 ,ro-nie ,ig Slee# Over and 2un Day to cele:rate *++ yrs Strange and ne>#lained $am# House8 S#ennymoor


0)1#m 1;/+am = *.

Darlington T,$
Yor7 $am# House8 S#ennymoor S*MMER BREAK 6hiteley 6oods

2irst 3es#onse %3ene-al& International O##ortunity Day

NEE E>ecutive $ounty E>ecutive $hallenger Vintage ,us ," Adventure %F6hodunnitG& ," Adventure = Sail on the !ames $oo7 Outdoor S7ills (or Auides and 'eaders INTO"S (or Airls ," Adventure = Sail on the !ames $oo7 Aeocaching $ounty Training Day %All Sections& 6inter 2est To((ee A##le 6al7 I$E 2inal "roHect $ounty Senior Section Day NEE E>ecutive 6inter 6onderland Activity Day =3ain:o-s 9 ,ro-nies 3ain:o- Santa S#ecials $ounty $am#

./ !ul ) Se#tem:er

*+am = /#m

East Shotton $am# Site She((ield T,$ $am# House8 S#ennymoor $am# House8 S#ennymoor HALF TERM T,$ Yor7 T,$


*+am = /#m Hal( Term

Novem:er Decem:er .+*?

Mon, Fri Sat Sat Sat

*+am )4#m

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