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Com puter N et w or k s P ro b l e m s
Chapter 1 Chapter 5 Chapter 2 Chapter 6 Chapter 3 Chapter 7 Chapter 4 Chapter 8

Chapter 2 The Physical Layer

1. Computer the Fourier coefficients for the function f(t)=t (0<=t<=1). Answer: an = 1/n , bn=0 , c=1 2. A noiseless 4-kHz channel is sampled every 1 msec. What is the maximum data rate? Answer: A noiseless channel can carry an arbitrarily large amount of information, no matter how often it is sampled. Just send a lot of data per sample. For the 4 kHz channel, make 8000? samples/sec. If each sample is 16 bits, the channel can send 128 kbps. If each sample is 1024 bits, the channel can send 8.2 Mbps. The key word here is noiseless. With a normal 4 kHz channel, the Shannon limit would not allow this. 3. Television channels are 6 MHz wide. How many bits/sec can be sent if four-level digital signals are used? Assume a noiseless channel. Answer: Using the Nyquist theorem, we can sample 12 million times/sec. Four-level signals provide 2 bits per sample, for a total data rate of 24 Mbps. 4. If a binary signal is sent over a 3-kHz channel whose signal-to-noise ratio is 20 dB, what is the maximum achievable data rate? Answer: A signal-to-noise ratio of 20 dB means S/N = 100. Since log2101 is about 6.658, the Shannon limit is about 19.975 kbps. The Nyquist limit is 6 kbps. The bottleneck is therefore the Nyquist limit, giving a maximum channel capacity of 6 kbps. 5. What signal-to-noise ratio is needed to put a T1 carrier on a 50-kHz line? Answer: To send a T1 signal we need Hlog2(1 + S/N) = 1.544 106 with H = 50,000. This yields S/N = 230 ? 1, which is about 93 dB. 6. What is the difference between a passive star and an active repeater in a fiber network? Answer: A passive star has no electronics. The light from one fiber illuminates a number of others. An active repeater converts the optical signal to an electrical one for further processing. 7. How much bandwidth is there in 0.1 micron of spectrum at a wavelength of 1 micron ? Answer: Use f = c/2 with = 107 meters and = 106 meters. This gives a bandwidth (f) of 30,000 GHz. 8. It is desired to send a sequence of computer screen images over an optical fiber. The screen is 480 x 640 pixels, each pixel being 24 bits. There are 60 screen images per second. How much bandwidth is needed, and how many microns of wavelength are needed for this band at 1.30 microns ? Answer: The data rate is 480 640 24 60 bps, which is 442 Mbps. For simplicity, let us assume 1 bps per Hz. From Eq. (2-3) we get = 2f /c. We have f = 4.42 108, so = 2.5 106 microns. The range of wavelengths used is very short. 1/3


= 2f /c. We have f = 4.42 108, so = 2.5 106 microns. The range of wavelengths used is very short. 9. Is the Nyquist theorem true for optical fiber or only for copper wire ? Answer: The Nyquist theorem is a property of mathematics and has nothing to do with technology. It says that if you have a function whose Fourier spectrum does not contain any sines or cosines above f , then by sampling the function at a frequency of 2f you capture all the information there is. Thus, the Nyquist theorem is true for all media.

10. In Fig. 2-6 the lefthand band is narrower than the others. Why ? Answer: In the text it was stated that the bandwidths (i.e., the frequency ranges) of the three bands were approximately equal. From the formula f = c/2, it is clear that to get a constant f , the higher the frequency, the larger has to be. The x-axis in the figure is , so the higher the frequency, the more you need. In fact, is quadratic in . The fact that the bands are approximately equal is an accidental property of the kind of silicon used. 11. Radio antennas often work best when the diameter of the antenna is equal to the wavelength of the radio wave. Reasonable antennas range from 1 cm to 5 meters in diameter. What frequency range does this cover ? Answer: Start with f = c. We know that c is 3 108 m/s. For = 1 cm, we get 30 GHz. For = 5 m, we get 60 MHz. Thus, the band covered is 60 MHz to 30 GHz. 12. Multipath fading is maximized when the two beams arrive 180 degrees out of phase. How much of a path difference is required to maximize the fading for a 50-km-long 1-GHz microwave link? Answer: At 1 GHz, the waves are 30 cm long. If one wave travels 15 cm more than the other, they will arrive out of phase. The fact that the link is 50 km long is irrelevant. 13. A laser beam 1 mm wide is aimed at a detector 1 mm wide 100 m away on the roof of a building .How much of an angular diversion( in degrees) does the laser have to have before it misses the detector? Answer: If the beam is off by 1 mm at the end, it misses the detector. This amounts to a triangle with base 100 m and height 0.001 m. The angle is one whose tangent is thus 0.00001. This angle is about 0.00057 degrees. 14. The 66 low-orbit satellites in the Iridium project are divided into six necklaces around the earth. At the altitude they are using, the period is 90 minutes. What is the average interval for handoffs for a stationary transmitter? Answer: With 66/6 or 11 satellites per necklace, every 90 minutes 11 satellites pass overhead. This means there is a transit every 491 seconds. Thus, there will be a handoff about every 8 minutes and 11 seconds. 15. Consider a satellite at the altitude of geostationary satellites but whose orbital plane is inclined to the equatorial plane by an angle . To a stationary user on the earths surface at north latitude , does this satellite appear motionless in the sky? If not, describe its motion. Answer: The satellite moves from being directly overhead toward the southern horizon, with a maximum excursion from the vertical of 2. It takes 24 hours to go from directly overhead to maximum excursion and then back. 16. How many end office codes were there pre-1984, when each end office was named by its three-digit area code and the first three digits of the local number? Area codes started with a digit in the range 2-9, had a 0 or 1 as the second digit, and ended with any digit could be any digit. Answer: The number of area codes was 8 2 10, which is 160. The number of prefixes was 8 8 10, or 640. Thus, the number of end offices was limited to 102,400. This limit is not a problem. 2/3


17. Using only the data given in the text, what is the maximum number of telephones that the existing U.S. system can support without changing the numbering plan or adding additional equipment? Could this number of telephones actually be achieved? For purposes of this problem, a computer or fax machine counts as a telephone. Assume there is only one device per subscriber line. Answer: With a 10-digit telephone number, there could be 10 10 numbers, although many of the area codes are illegal, such as 000. However, a much tighter limit is given by the number of end offices. There are 22,000 end offices, each with a maximum of 10,000 lines. This gives a maximum of 220 million telephones. There is simply no place to connect more of them. This could never be achieved in practice because some end offices are not full. An end office in a small town in Wyoming may not have 10,000 customers near it, so those lines are wasted.

18. A simple telephone system consists of two end offices and a single toll office to which each end office is connected by a 1MHz full-duplex trunk. The average telephone is used to make four calls per 8-hour workday. The mean call duration is 6 min. Ten percent of the calls are long-distance ( i.e., pass through the toll office). What is the maximum number of telephones an end office can support? ( Assume 4 KHz per circuit.) Answer: Each telephone makes 0.5 calls/hour at 6 minutes each. Thus, a telephone occupies a circuit for 3 minutes/hour. Twenty telephones can share a circuit, although having the load be close to 100% (= 1 in queueing terms) implies very long wait times). Since 10% of the calls are long distance, it takes 200 telephones to occupy a long-distance circuit full time. The interoffice trunk has 1,000,000/4000 = 250 circuits multiplexed onto it. With 200 telephones per circuit, an end office can support 200 250 = 50,000 telephones.

19. A regional telephone company has 10 million subscribers. Each of their telephones is connected to a central office by a copper twisted pair. The average length of these twisted pairs is 10 km. How much is the copper in the local loops worth? Assume that the cross section of each strand is a circle 1 mm in diameter, the density of copper is 9.0 grams/cm3 , and that copper sells for 3 dollars per kilogram. Answer: The cross-section of each strand of a twisted pair is /4 square mm. A 10-km length of this material, with two strands per pair has a volume of 2/4 10-2 m3 . This volume is about 15,708 cm 3 . With a specific gravity of 9.0, each local loop has a mass of 141 kg. The phone company thus owns 1.4 109 kg of copper. At 3 dollars each, the copper is worth about 4.2 billion dollars.

20. Is an oil pipeline a simplex system, a half-duplex system, a full-duplex system, or none of the above? Answer: Like a single railroad track, it is half duplex. Oil can flow in either direction, but not both ways at once.


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