Food Hygiene Regulations

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1. No person shall use any room or place for or in connection with the manufacture, preparation, packing, storage , handling or sale of any article of food-

a) Which is at anytime used or in direct communication with, a sleeping apartment or toilet ;


n which any animal is kept ; or

c) Which is or has been used for any purpose which would be likely to contaminate the food or to effect in!uriously its wholesomeness or cleanliness ; or

d) Which is not used e"clusi#ely for the purpose; $ro#ided that in departmental stores or multi-purpose business, food may be manufactured, prepared, cooked, stored, or sold only in an area set aside to be e"clusi#ely used and for which a sanitary permit has been issued for that purposes and such area shall be located as directed by an nspector and separated to the satisfaction of an nspector, from any department or area used for purposes which in the opinion of an nspector is incompatible.

%. No sanitary permit shall be issued for any premises to be used for any of the purposes mentioned in sub-clause &1) or &%) of 'ection of this regulation unless-

a) GENERAL t is well constructed in accordance with the by-laws of the local authority in good repair, and so far as may be practical, offers no entrance or harborage for rats and mice

b) FLOORS (he floors shall be constructed of material suited to the work or process carried on therein and, unless otherwise prescribed in this regulation, the floors shall be ) -


*onstructed of concrete or other imper#ious and easily cleaned material that is resistant to wear and corrosion and shall be ade+uately graded and drained; all angles between the floors and walls shall be rounded off to a height of not less than , inches &-..%cm) ; or


*onstructed of wood with the tongue and groo#ed floors board laid on a firm foundation and tightly cramped together and all angles between the floor and walls shall be rounded off to a height of , inches &-..%cm) ; or


*onstructed in accordance with the re+uirements of sub-clause &i) and &ii) of this clause and co#ered with linoleum, smooth surfaced rubber or similar material fi"ed to the floor with cement or a suitable adhesi#e; pro#ided that with the appro#al in writing of the local authority, floors may be co#ered with carpets or other floor co#ering in those parts of any premises where such carpets or co#erings can be suitably cleaned and maintained in a satisfactory state of cleanliness.



(he internal surface of walls shall ha#e a smooth , e#en, non-absorbent surface capable of being readily cleaned without damage to the surfaces and shall be constructed of dust-proof materials ;


(he walls, where sub!ect to wetting or splashing, shall be constructed of imper#ious , non-absorbent materials to a height of not less than -/ inches &% meters) from the floor ;


f so re+uired by the nspector the internal walls shall be painted or treated with such other wall finish as he may appro#e.



0ll ceilings or, if no ceiling is pro#ided , the entire undersurface of the roof shall be of such material, construction and finish as to be dust-proof and to permit efficient and thorough cleaning ;


(he ceiling or undersurface of the roof of rooms in which food is prepared or packed or in which utensil or hands are washed shall be smooth, nonabsorbent and light colored ;



(he general standard of illumination pro#ided shall permit effecti#e inspection and cleaning and shall be of sufficient intensity appropriate to the purpose for which any room or place is used ;


n rooms where food is prepared or packed or in which utensils or hands are washed there shall be a minimum illumination intensity of %1 lumens per s+uare foot, and in any premises where food is consumed on the premises there shall be a minimum illumination intensity of 2 lumens per s+uare foot.

ntensities of illumination shall be measured at a point ,1 inches &/3.41cm) abo#e the floor ;


0ll lighting shall be reasonably free from glare distributed so as to a#oid shadows ;


0t any particular area, working surfaces or inspection point where, in the opinion of an inspector, it is deemed necessary, the illumination shall be of an intensity as may be re+uired by an nspector.




5entilation shall be pro#ided which shall be effecti#e and suitable to maintain comfortable conditions ;


(he #entilation shall be ade+uate to pre#ent the air becoming e"cessi#ely heated , and pre#ent condensation and the formation of e"cess moisture on walls, ceilings, and for the remo#al of ob!ectionable odors, fumes, and impurities ;


n the absence of effecti#e and natural #entilation, mechanical #entilation with airflow from a clean area discharging in such a manner as not to create a nuisance, shall be pro#ided ;


*anopies, air ducts, fans or other appliances shall be pro#ided as re+uired by the nspector in any particular circumstances.


6ffecti#e pro#ision shall be made for securing and maintaining a reasonable temperature.

g) OVERCROWDING (here shall be sufficient floor space to enable e#ery person working thereon to carry out his duties efficiently and to permit easy access for cleaning. Working spaces, aisles or passageways and areas to which customers

ha#e access shall be unobstructed and sufficient to permit mo#ement of employees and customers without contamination of food or food cantact surfaces by clothing or personal contact.



(here is pro#ided ade+uate and suitable lockers or other facilities for the orderly storage of clothing and personal belongings of employees or persons engaged or employed on the premises. 'uch facilities shall be so situated and arranged that there shall be no contamination of food by contact with clothing, and where the number of persons engaged or employed is four or more of either se" there shall be pro#ide separate changing rooms for each se".


n e#ery food premises registered under 7.0. 1124 there shall be pro#ided and maintained first aid facilities appliances and re+uisites in accordance with the re+uirements of the medical ser#ices.


n these premises not re+uired to be registered under 7.0. 1124 there shall be pro#ided and maintained in a clean condition and readily a#ailable in a dust-proof bo" or cabinet made of smooth, imper#ious and easily cleaned material or painted with a gloss paint internally and e"ternally laid or door marked clearly 8FIRST AID9 , a sufficient +uantity of first aid appliances and re+uisites including an ade+uate number of waterproof wound dressings, ha#ing regard to the nature of the premises and the number of persons engaged therein.


PRIVACY ACCOMODATION 'ufficient pri#y accommodation shall be pro#ided in accordance with the National $lumbing *ode of the $hilippines &7.0. 1,-3) for persons employed or engaged on the premises. 'uch pri#y accommodation shall be separate for each se", shall be con#enient to the place of work and shall be ade+uately lighted and #entilated and shall at all times be pro#ided with toilet paper and be kept clean and in good repair.


WASH-HAND BASINS MAINTENANCE wash-hand basins shall be pro#ided for the use of food ser#ice operati#es as follows )


Where there are not more than 1 wash-hand basin for e#ery 11 food ser#ice operati#e together with an additional wash-hand basin for any number of food ser#ice operati#e in e"cess of all multiples of 11.


6#ery wash-hand basin re+uired by sub-clause &!) &i) of this 'ection shall be installed as near as practicable to the part of the premises where the person for whose use it is pro#ided are working while handling food for sale or in such location as may be otherwise prescribed in any particular case.


f re+uired in writing by the local authority an additional wash-hand basin shall be installed in a position as near as is practicable to the pri#y accommodation ; $ro#ided that wash-hand basins specified in this regulation need not be installed in any premises which only food in sealed containers i/s sold and, pro#ided further that wash-hand basins specified in this regulation shall be installed within the meaning of the National $lumbing *ode of the $hilippines.



(here shall be pro#ided con#enient to e#ery wash-hand basin a nail brush and an ade+uate supply of soap, clean towels, seller towels presenting a clean surface to each user from a continuous roller towel dispenser or other hand drying ser#ices appro#ed by an nspector.


(he wash-hand basin and all hand washing facilities shall, at all times, be maintained in good repair and in a clean condition.


0ll wash-hand basins shall at all times while the premises are being used be supplied with hot and cold or tempered running water at a minimum temperature of 111: &,-.3 *).


WATER SUPPLY (here shall be an ade+uate supply of wholesome water which is clean, safe and potable and under satisfactory pressure.

m) HOT WATER SERVICE a hot water system of sufficient capacity shall be installed to pro#ide, during the time the premises are being used, an ade+uate and continuous supply of running hot water at minimum temperature of 131 : &.%.3 *) at all sinks and other e+uipment user for washing containers, utensils and appliances and at a minimum temperature of 131: &3%.3 *) where prescribed in this regulation for any particular purpose.



(here shall be pro#ided sufficient sinks, sanitary fitting and accessories or other plant or appliances to enable all containers, utensils, appliances and e+uipment used in connection with the bottling, packing, preparation, ser#ice and consumption and sale of food to be cleaned efficiently and to be rendered hygienic as re+uired by any of the pro#isions of this regulation. 0ll sinks, other sanitary fittings and materials used in connection with any sanitary plumbing shall be installed in accordance with the pro#isions of National $lumbing *ode of the $hilippines and shall be maintained in good working order, condition and repair.


o) SEWAGE DISPOSAL suitable and sufficient drains shall be pro#ided to carry away the whole of the sewage and li+uid wastes from the premises to such sewer or sewage tank or other outfalls to the satisfaction of the ;ealth <fficer. 'uch drainage system shall be maintained in good working order, condition and repair.



n e#ery yard and outside working area and e#ery pathway and parking area connected herewith there shall be as may be prescribed or indicated by the nspector, an area pa#ed with an imper#ious, washable surface which shall be pro#ided with ade+uate drainage.


(here shall be reasonable access to e#ery such yard and where no yard is a#ailable there shall be a separate room or enclosure pro#ided for the storage of refuse containers and any articles or materials not re+uired for immediate use.


(he yard or areas set aside as re+uired in this regulation shall at all times be kept clean and tidy. $ro#ided that the re+uirements of this regulation shall at all times be kept clean and tidy. $ro#ided that the re+uirement of this regulation shall not apply to railway stations, whereas or similar places where food is deposited and held temporarily pending loading or deli#ery.


1. GENERAL CLEANLINESS No person shall use any premises for the manufacture, preparation, packing, storage, handling or sale of any articles of food e"cept in accordance with the following pro#isions ) a) (he whole of the premises, including e#ery cupboard, compartment, refrigerator, and safe, and all appliances shall be maintained in a clean condition. b) (here shall be pro#ided and a#ailable at all times an ade+uate supply of soap, detergents or similar cleaning agents, brushes, brooms, suction apparatus or other suitable e+uipment for regular and proper cleaning of the premises, e+uipment, utensils and containers as re+uired in this regulation.

%. VERMIN CONTROL No person shall use any premises for the manufacture, preparation, packing, storage, handling or sale of any article of food e"cept in accordance with the following pro#isions ) a) (he premises shall at all times be in good repair, kept clean and free from rubbish and, as far as practicable, free from rats, mice, and other #ermin and from cockroaches, moths, flies, and other insects and from birds. b) <n becoming aware of an infestation of any of the pests referred to in sub-clause &a) appropriate control measures shall forthwith be taken to rid the premises of such pests and shall pre#ent a re-infestation of the premises by rat proofing and other effecti#e means.

,. REFRIGERATION REQUIREMENTS AND MAINTENANCE 1) No person shall use any premises for the storage of readily perishable foods for sale unless such premises are e+uipped with a sufficient number of cold store rooms, refrigerated display cabinets as prescribed in this regulation to pro#ide for separate storage of foods and these shall be ade+uate capacity to permit the free circulation of air ; %) No person shall use any mechanical refrigerator unit in connection with the storage of food for sale e"cept in accordance with the following pro#isions ; a) (he mechanical refrigerator unit so pro#ided shall capable of achie#ing and maintaining the temperature of foods or the air temperature re+uired in this regulation and shall be e+uipped with a thermometer or other efficient temperature measuring de#ice. b) (he indicating thermometer or measuring de#ice shall be accurate to plus=minus %: or plus=minus 1* and shall be located so as to measure the warmest part of the unit and shall be of such type and so situated that the

thermometer or measuring de#ice can be easily and readily obser#ed for reading. c) 6#ery refrigerator shall be defrosted as fre+uently as is necessary to maintain refrigeration efficiency capable of maintaining the product at a temperature of 1: or -1-.3* for fro>en foods stored therein. d) 0ll open display cabinets shall ha#e the product load line designated by a distincti#e line at the highest point of discharge and return of the refrigerated air.

FOOD STORAGE 1) No person shall store, prepare, display, or ser#e food for sale or all any food e"cept in accordance with the following re+uirements ) a) :ood shall at all times be kept clean and free from contamination, and shall be protected as far as practicable from damp and foul odors and against access of rats, mice, flies and other insects, birds and dust. b) No person shall stock or place portions of food in a refrigerator so that they are liable to be contaminated by contact with raw foods or any other articles. c) 0ll readily perishable food shall be stored at such temperature as will protect it against and inhibit deterioration and spoilage. d) 0ll fro>en food shall be maintained for one continuous period in a wholesome condition at a temperature below 1: or -1-.3*. if thawed, fro>en food shall not be refro>en before sale. e) n addition to re+uirements prescribed otherwise in this regulation for storage pro#ision appropriate to premises used in any particular manner, any enclosed space or cupboards used for the storage of food shall be of ade+uate si>e to pro#ide for the orderly storage of food.

%) 6#ery room or place and e#ery cupboard used or intended for the storage of food shall be so constructed as to be readily cleaned, and to protect any food stored therein from damp, contamination, access by rats and other #ermin and as far as practicable from dust, flies cockroaches and birds. 0ll benches, shel#es or rails shall be at least 3 inches abo#e the floor and so constructed as to be readily cleaned. ,) :ood in a stock room shall be stored in an orderly fashion and so placed as to facilitate inspection and detection of rodents and #ermin.

4) 0de+uate pro#isions shall be made for separate storage space where tools, cleansing materials, e+uipment and appliances, and any article or other materials which are not re+uired for immediate use, may be stored.

2. FOOD PROTECTION 1) No person shall manufacture, prepare, handle, store, pack or sell any food for sale or sell any article of food e"cept in accordance with the following pro#isions ) a) b) t shall not be brought into contact with paper or other material which is not clean ; or f it is food which ordinarily consumed in the state in which it is sold, it shall not be wrapped in paper which is not new or has been pre#iously used for any other purpose.

c) 0ll food shall be protected from contamination with any preparation or substance which may cause poisoning or with any rodenticide or insecticide ; and no person shall carry, spread, or use or permit to be kept, carried, spread, or use any substance so as to e"pose food to the risk of contamination therewith ; $ro#ided that nothing in this clause shall be constructed to pre#ent the proper use of spraying or dusting mi"tures containing any poison for the purpose of controlling the attacks of insects or other pests upon growing fruit or #egetables or the treatment of any stored food in such a way that any residues will not e"ceed those permitted under the :ood, ?rug and *osmetic 0ct &7epublic 0ct No. ,-%1). %) No person shall store, place or display, e"pose or e"hibit for sale in any type of food premises any unwrapped food which is ordinarily consumed in the state which it is sold unless it is ade+uately protected against contamination from customers and other sources by effecti#e, easily cleaned cabinets, display cases, containers, or co#ers or similar type of protecti#e e+uipments. ,) 6#ery person packing, preparing or ser#icing food for sale shall take care to a#oid any unnecessary contact with the food during such packing, preparing or ser#ing and, for that purpose, shall comply with the following re+uirements ) a) ;e shall not ser#e unwrapped sweets or any sticky substances with his fingers but shall use a scoop or other suitable implement for the purpose. b) ;e shall not ser#e ham, cheese, cooked meat or fish baker@s small goods, cakes, p1astry, sandwiches or other similar food ordinarily consumed in the state in which they are sold with his fingers, but shall use a fork, tongs or other suitable implement for the purpose.

c) ;e shall not blow into any bag or wrapper. d) ;e shall not permit any customer to handle with his fingers any food which he himself is prohibited by this regulation from handling. e) ;e shall not place any ticker or label or other article which is not clean or which is likely to contaminate food in such a position that it will come in contact with food for sale. 4) No person shall e"pose or display without ade+uate protection against contamination against contamination any food, being food that is ordinarily consumed in the state in which it is sold, in any of the following ways ) a) <utside a shop or premises for which a sanitary permit has been issued. b) <n any counter, e"cept for the necessary period of time re+uired to ser#e and wrap the food. c) n any portion of a shop to which the public has access so as to make possible its contamination by the breath or clothing of any customer. n any shop window.


2) No person shall display or deposit any food for sale at a lower le#el than 13 inches abo#e the ground, in any street, open space, or other place to which the public ha#e access unless food is ade+uately protected against pollution by dogs. .) No person shall enclose, carry or store any food or sale in any bag, sack or similar receptacle that is not clean or that has been used otherwise than for the carriage or storage of similar food-stuff in such a way as to contaminate it. -) 6#ery person who is engaged in the remo#al, transport or deli#ery of food for sale shall protect such food from rain, dust and flies or any other form of contamination. 3) 6#ery person who is engaged in the sale of food or in the manufacture, preparation, storage, packing or deli#ery of food for sale and who deli#ers, deposits, lea#es or places any food in such a manner or position or by whose act, default or sufferance, food is liable to become infected, polluted or tainted is guilty of a breach of this regulation.


1) No person shall use any utensils, receptacle, container, appliance or any item of e+uipment for or in connection with the preparation, manufacture, storage, packing, carriage or deli#ery of food for sale or for the sale of food e"cept in accordance with the following re+uirements ) a) t shall be constructed of such material and in such manner as to be easily cleaned and maintained in good condition and repair.

b) 6#ery table and bench, and e#ery part of any truck, trolley, or other appliances which comes into direct contact with any moist or readily perishable food for sale shall ha#e an appro#ed, imper#ious, smooth surface free from cracks and capable of being easily cleaned. c) 0ll wood cutting boards used in the preparation of food shall be readily and easily remo#able for cleaning and shall be free from cracks and cre#ices and shall ha#e smooth finished surfaces on all sides. %) No person shall use any receptacle or appliance which is worn, rusted, chipped, cracked, or corroded or in such condition that it cannot be readily cleansed, and any defecti#e, damaged or otherwise unsuitable receptacles or appliances shall be discarded and remo#ed from the premises. ,) No person shall use any packing, material, package, container or appliance in the preparation, manufacture, storage, packing, carriage or deli#ery of food for sale of food or for the sale of food if ) a) b) t is not capable of being easily cleaned and kept clean. t has surface composes of lead or >inc, unless the surface is not in contact with any moist food. t yields to its contents or imparts to any food, any poisonous or in!urious substance ; t is made wholly or partly of soldered tin plate, unless the solder is e"ternal and not capable of coming any contact with any contents of the container or unless it is so lac+uered that the whole of the interior surface consisting of tinplate or solder, is entirely or continuously co#ered.



4) No person shall pack sugar, or flour or meal prepared from cereals in any sack or bag which has pre#iously been used for any purpose.

2) No person shall use for the preparation of food for sale any #essel which is used for boiling clothes or for any other purpose which may contaminate food.

-. CLEANING OF UTENSILS, BOTTLES, CONTAINERS, !ARS, APPLIANCES AND EQUIPMENT 1. No person shall use any utensil, bottles, containers, !ars, appliances or e+uipment in the preparation, manufacture, storage packing, carriage or deli#ery of any food for sale of for the sale of food e"cept in accordance with the following re+uirements ) a) 0ll e+uipments, appliances, benches, tables, shel#es and other furniture shall be cleaned at such inter#als as necessary to keep them in a clean condition. b) 0ll food contact surfaces and food storage appliances which are liable to come into direct contact with moist or readily perishable food shall be cleaned after each use, and food contact surfaces shall be scrubbed with hot water and a suitable detergent, and shall be thoroughly cleaned at the end of each working day. c) 0ll trays or containers which are to be used more than once shall be so stored as to protect them from contamination and shall be cleaned before use. d) Atensils, article used in the consumption of food or be#erages and all bottles, !ars and other containers used for containing moist food or be#erages shall not be filled unless the said containers are clean to sight and touch, and free from foreign matter and on each occasion in which they are used, put in a sanitary condition by means of appropriate measures pro#ided in this regulation. e) Anless otherwise specified in this regulation or appro#ed by the ;ealth <fficer and any other particular case the cleaning of e#ery bottle, !ars, and other containers used for containing moist food and be#erages shall be in accordance with the following processes ) i. t shall be rinsed in clear warm water at the temperature between /2: &,2C) and 112: &4.C) and (horoughly washed in a detergent solutions ha#ing an a#ailable alkalinity of not less than 1.2B at a temperature between 1,1 : &24.4C) and 142: &.%.3C) and



(horoughly rinsed in a clean water at a temperature between 111 : &24.,C) and 131: &3%C) and then :inally rinsed in a clean cold potable water and stored in such a manner that they are protected from contamination. $ro#ided that this paragraph shall not apply to new bottles which had been packed in such a manner has to be completely protected from contamination and are in such conditions that a residual bacteriological plate count meets the re+uirement of this resolution. $ro#ided that with the e"press appro#al of the ;ealth <fficer in any particular case, an alternati#e method of cleaning by steam or hot water and detergent or disinfection by chlorine or other chemical means may be used on conditions that no residual chlorine or chemical remain in the bottles, !ars, or container at the completion of the process.



n all cases the cleaning methods shall render the articles clean to sight and touch be effecti#e in destroying microorganisms including pathogen and in the case of bottles, !ars, and similar containers they shall be in such conditions that a residual bacterial plate count bottle capacity or one per s+uare centimeter & of surface area of the !ar or container which e#er is the more appropriate.

%. a) 0ll bottles used for containing moist food or be#erages shall be thoroughly inspected immediately before and immediately after filling before a #iewing light or an appro#ed electronic scanner as arranged to facilitate inspection. b) (he person carrying out the inspection and #iewing shall be relie#ed from that duty after ,1 minutes and shall not be permitted to recommence in #iewing work within ,1 minutes after being relie#ed from that duty.


1. 6#ery person engaged in the manufacture, preparation, packing or handling of food for sale shall while so engaged wear clean washable o#eralls as set hereunder )-

a) 0 light colored outer o#erall or light colored smock worn as o#er clothing.

b) 6ffecti#e means to restrain hair from touching food and food contact surfaces which may be a disposable type head co#ering.

c) $ro#ided that an nspector may at his discretion direct the wearing of such alternati#e clothing as may be re+uired, but in no case shall such a direction be inconsistent with the re+uirement of this regulation.

%. a) 6#ery food ser#ice operati#e engaged in premises used for the retail sale of food shall wear clean, suitable, protecti#e clothing appropriate to the nature of the premises and when necessary a light colored apron.

b) (he protecti#e clothing mentioned in this sub-clause and in paragraphs &a) and &b) of sub-clause &1) shall not be worn away from the premises but shall be stored in a suitable cupboard or locker when not in use.


t shall be the responsibility of the employer, occupier or person in charge of the premises to ensure that at least one set of protecti#e clothing is pro#ided each week for each of the food operati#e engaged in the premises, and the garments and aprons are laundered as fre+uently as in necessary to maintain them in a satisfactory condition of cleanliness.

4. 0ny person who is engaged in the manufacture, preparation, packing or ser#ing of food for sale or for the sale of food, shall when so engaged, keep his hands and his body and clothing clean, and shall, before commencing work on e#ery occasion after #isiting any pri#y and before resuming work, wash his=her hands thoroughly with soap and clean water.

2. No person shall spit, or smoke or use or chew tobacco, while engaged in the sale of food or in the preparation, manufacture, packing of food for sale or the deli#ery of food for sale which is ordinarily consumed in the state in which it is sold.

.. No person who is suffering from a communicable disease or a carrier of any infectious or is suffering from any condition causing a discharge of pus or serum from any part of the head, neck, hands or arms, or has reason to belie#e or suspect he is likely to transmit disease producing organisms to any food, shall engaged in the manufacture, preparation, packing or handling of food for sale or of any article used or likely to be used as a wrapper or container for a food.

-. No person who is in contact with or suffering from a communicable disease shall engaged in any acti#ity to which the abo#e clause . applies if he is forbidden to do so by Cunicipal or *ity ;ealth <fficer.


f the holder of a sanitary permit or manager, or person in charge of any food premises, has reason to belie#e or suspect that any person whether suffering from a communicable disease or not, is likely to transmit disease-producing organisms to any food he shall ensure that the person is e"cluded from working in any food premises until that person furnish a certificate from a go#ernment physician that he is free from infection or any condition causing a discharge of pus or serum from any part of the head, neck, hands, or arms.

/. <n receipt of a re+uest from an inspector, the holder of a sanitary permit, manager, or person in charge of any food premises shall forthwith produce to the nspector the certificate pro#ided for in the preceeding clause of this regulation.

11. 0ll persons engaged in the manufacture, preparation, handling of ser#ice of food for sale or in the sale of food shall keep their finger nails short and clean and shall not wear finger nail polish if their hands come into contact with the food.

11. MAINTENANCE OF PREMISES t shall be the duty of the holder of the sanitary permit, manager or person in charge to ensure that e#ery room or place and all materials, receptacles, appliance and e+uipment used in connection with the preparation, manufacture, storage, packing, carriage or deli#ery of food for sale or in the displayed food are maintained , in good condition and that any structural repairs or reno#ations or any plumbing and drainage maintenance work which may become necessary is carried out without unnecessary delay and defecti#e or damaged utensils, receptacles, appliances, furniture or e+uipment are discarded and replaced or repaired as re+uired.

1%. REQUIRED NOTICES (he holder of the sanitary permit or manager or the person in charge of the premises shall cause to be prominently displayed any notices in any particular type of premises and in e#ery case.

a) (he sanitary permit shall be posted conspicuously in a public part of the premises.

b) 0 notice shall be posted in e#ery pri#y wall for the management and staff to wash hands thoroughly before commencing work and again before handling food at any time after using the pri#y.

c) 0 notice printed in plain capital letters of not less than one inch face measurement in the following similar words )


d) 0 notice printed in plain capital letters of not less than one inch face measurement in the following similar words )


1,. CLEANLINESS AND TIDINESS 6#ery room or place used for the manufacture, preparation, packing, storage, handling of articles of food for sale or for the sale of food, and e#ery yard and passageway connected therewith shall be maintained in a tidy condition and free from an accumulation of bo"es, tins rubbish and any material which may offer harborage of rats or which may become offensi#e.

14. HOUSEKEEPING AND MANAGEMENT (he holder of the sanitary permit, the manager, or person for the time being in charge of any food premises shall ensure that ) -

a) (he premises conform with any pro#ision of this regulation and are conducted and e+uipped in accordance with any specific re+uirement of this regulation and with any by-laws of the local authority as to buildings, drainage, and sanitation.

b) (he premises are cleaned and refuse is remo#ed from the premises at sufficient and regular inter#als.

c) (here is ade+uate super#ision of staff and customers to pre#ent as far as possible any breach of the re+uirements of this regulation.

d) No dog is permitted to enter or to be in or upon the premises.

e) 0ll appliances, benches, tables, trolleys, and other furniture which come into direct contact with moist or readily perishable foods are scrubbed with hot water and a suitable detergent at the end of each days work.


0ll shel#es and all cupboards in which food or appliances are stored are at all times kept clean and free from rubbish.

g) 0ll sweepings, ashes, and rubbish are remo#ed daily from any room , or placed used for the manufacture, preparation, and packing of food for sale or for the sale of food.

h) (he protecti#e clothing is pro#ided, laundered, and worn by all persons engaged in preparing, cooking, manufacturing or packing of food for sale or for the sale food in accordance with the re+uirements of this regulation.


(here is pro#ided a sufficient number of water tight receptacles for garbage.


'uch receptacles shall be made of metal or other suitable material, so designed as to be readily cleaned and shall be e+uipped with lids so as to protect the interior from ruin and by flies and #ermin.

$ro#ided that other suitable containers including multi-wall paper bags fitted in accordance with the re+uirements of the local authority may be used with the e"press appro#al of the nspector.

k) (he receptacles when not being used for the immediate reception of refuse or when filled shall be kept co#ered and stored in a separate room or enclosure or outside on a stand.


(he refuse is remo#ed from the premises at inter#als re+uired in this regulation and in any case at sufficiently fre+uent inter#als to pre#ent a nuisance arising ) $ro#ided that where the receptacle is used for the reception of organic putrescible refuse they shall be remo#ed from the premises daily and immediately after emptying such a receptacle shall be washed and cleaned and in#erted to dry.

m) No person shall ser#e for consumption on the premises or sell any cooked or prepared food to be taken away from the premises unless such food has been cooked or prepared on premises for which a sanitary permit has been issued by the local authority or other responsible authority for the purpose of cooking or preparing food.


a) No person shall use for the carriage or deli#ery of food any #ehicle or con#eyance or any part or any ship or railway goods #ans or wagon which is not clean.

b) No person shall use any #ehicle or con#eyance or any part of any ship or railway goods #an or wagon, being a #ehicle or con#eyances or part of a ship or a railway goods #an or wagon ordinarily used for the carriage of food, for the carriage of any li#e animal, or of any matter or material whereby the wholesomeness, cleanliness and freedom from contamination of any food carried or usually carried therein would be or might be endangered.

c) No person shall use any #ehicle or con#eyance or any part of any ship or railway goods #an or wagon for the carriage or deli#ery of food, being food #ehicles which is not completely co#ered, unless the ship or railway goods #an or wagon if constructed of such material and in such manner as to be easily cleaned, and is used solely for the carriage or deli#ery of one class of food.

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