MSME Financing in India - Issues and Concerns

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CAB CALLING l July-Sept 2006

Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises

Financing in India - Issues and Concerns
Dr. C.S. Prasad*

Micro, Small and Medium enterprises

(MSME) constitute the dominant form
of business organisation worldwide.
For instance, 99% of enterprises in
European Union and about 80% in
USA were small enterprises. In India
too, SSIs’ share is as high as 97%. Out
of 42.12 million non-farm enterprises,
0.58 million are factory units. (Source
– 5th Economic Census – Provisional
Result – June 2006). It is estimated that
out of 5.8 lakh factory units, about 5
lakh are factory SSIs and “Medium
Enterprises” as per the new definition
of MSMEs adopted by the project, meeting collateral requirements and making timely repayment
Government of India in June 2006. of loans. Hence, they do not find a place among the preferred clients
of the banks.
Finance forms the most critical input
for a business enterprise whether large Third Census of SSIs
or small. All firms require financing According to the 3rd All India Census of Small Scale Industries (2001–
to grow and survive. Sources may be 02), of the total number of 10.5 million small enterprises in 2001-
external, such as loans, equity 02, about 87% units were unregistered while 2.95 lakh units were
infusions, subsidies and government factory units (employing more than 10 workers with power and
grants, or internal such as generated registered under Factories Act). 99.5% of the SSI units were tiny
cash flows. Many firms are self- units having investment in plant and machinery less than Rs. 25 lakh.
financed in the beginning. Once the While a registered unit employed on an average 4.48 persons, in the
firms reach certain degree of maturity case of unregistered units this was only 2.05 persons per unit. Per
in the development of their product unit investment in plant and machinery was found at Rs. 2.21 lakh in
line and customer base, external the case of registered units and Rs. 0.27 lakh in the case of unregistered
finance becomes available. The flow units. Per unit fixed investment was Rs. 6.68 lakh for registered units
of institutional finance is linked with and Rs.0.68 lakh for unregistered units. The average for the SSI sector
the creditworthiness of the enterprise. was Rs. 1.47 lakh. Average per unit output for registered unit was Rs.
Small enterprises, due to their small 14.78 lakh and for unregistered unit it was Rs. 0.86 lakh. Average for
size and low capital base, generally SSI sector was Rs. 1.47 lakh.
find it difficult to satisfy the conditions
laid down by the banks, particularly, The Census of SSIs found that only 14.26% of the registered units
in establishing the viability of the availed bank finance, while only 3.09% of the unregistered units

* Former Additional Development Commissioner and Economic Adviser, Office of DCSSI, Ministry of SSI, Government of India

CAB CALLING l July-Sept 2006

had access to bank finance. This means that 97% of the of fiscal 2004-05 was 11.86 million. Though, so far no firm
smaller among the small enterprises were deprived of the data are available about the number of small scale enterprises
institutional credit. In other words, most of tiny and micro which would get added due to enhancement of investment
enterprises use self finance or borrowed funds from friends, ceiling from Rs. 1 crore to Rs. 5 crore and due to inclusion of
relatives and moneylenders. Moneylenders continue to play medium enterprises upto investment of Rs. 10 crore, it is
important role after self-finance. The recent All India Debt roughly estimated that the number of such enterprises would
and Investment Survey has revealed that the share of be about two-third of the existing factory units other than
moneylenders in total dues of rural households rose from existing SSI factory units. It is estimated that out of 5.8 lakh
17.5% in 1991 to 29.6% in 2002. A recent World Bank factory units, about 3.5 lakh are existing SSI factory units and
survey (August 2006) on the status of flow of credit to SME 1 lakh newly defined SSIs and medium enterprises. Thus
sector has revealed that in the start-up phase, family assuming a growth rate of 9% in the SSI Sector (going by past
constitutes an extremely important source of funds for trend) and due to addition of higher segment of SSI and
overwhelming majority (over 85%) of the respondents and inclusion of medium enterprises, the number of MSME in
‘trade credit’ came next in importance, representing extremely the country may be around 13 million now, consisting of
important source of funds for 27% of the respondents. In 12.9 million small and micro enterprises and 0.1 million new
comparison, bank loans from state-owned banks make up high investment small enterprises and medium enterprises.
an extremely important source for 15% and very important This estimate does not include traditional industries like
source for about 17% of the firms surveyed. handloom, handicraft, khadi and village industries, coir and
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Act, 2006
Institutional Credit Structure
With the passing of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
Development Act in June 2006, various components of this A multi-level institutional structure exists for financing of small
sector have been given a clear cut definition. For the first enterprises and non-farm enterprises in India. This consists
time, micro enterprises, the segment which was earlier known of commercial banks, cooperative banks, RRBs, State
as tiny sector, have been recognized through a formal Financial Corporations. Credit to small enterprises comes
definition (investment in plant and machinery upto Rs. 25 under priority sector lending programme of banks. The
lakh). For the first time, a reasonable investment ceiling in Reserve Bank of India (RBI) constantly reviews the flow of
investment in plant and machinery upto Rs. 5 crore has been credit to this sector. To improve the flow of credit, the RBI
prescribed for small enterprises engaged in production or has constituted several committees and working groups since
manufacturing as against Rs. 1 crore earlier. It is expected 1991. Notable among the committees are Nayak Committee,
that this enhancement will allow these enterprises to go for Kapur Committee and Ganguly Committee. Appropriate
technology upgradation and modernization which is one of measures are taken by the RBI and Government from time to
the prime requirements for enhancing competitiveness in the time based upon the decision of the Standing Committee on
context of liberalization, globalization and WTO SSI set up at the RBI. An exclusive refinancing bank, called
conditionalties. For the first time, official recognition and Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI) was set
definition has been given to “medium enterprises” engaged up in 1990. The issue of providing micro credit to micro-
in production or manufacturing as those having investment enterprises through development of SHG-Banks Linkage rests
mainly with National Bank for Agricultural and Rural
in plant and machinery between Rs. 5 crore and Rs. 10 crore.
Development (NABARD). However, major part of SHG-Bank
And for the first time, the concept of ‘enterprises’ has been
Linkage credit is in the form of micro credit to meet production
accorded its due role replacing the term ‘industries’. This
and consumption needs and not for micro – enterprises.
shows the growing importance of service sector in
employment generation. Status of Credit Flow to MSMEs
Since finance is required by the enterprises to meet various Major complaints of the MSME sector relating to bank finance
needs, particularly fixed capital and working capital, it is are that it is inadequate, delayed and costly. The status of
essential to estimate the size of MSMEs in the country. As SSI sector and flow of credit to the sector from scheduled
per the annual report of Ministry of SSI, the estimated number commercial banks and public sector banks could be obtained
of SSIs, including tiny/micro units in the country, at the end from the Table 1.

CAB CALLING l July-Sept 2006

Status and Contribution of SSIs in India

Year No. of Units Un-registered Total Units Production Employment Export

registered (in lakh) (in lakh) (Rs. in crore) (in lakh) (Rs. in crore)
(in lakh) (Constant price
Base 1993)

2000-01 13.10 88.00 101.10 184428 239.09 69797

2001-02 13.75 91.46 105.21 195613 249.09 71244

2002-03 13.68 94.81 108.49 210636 260.13 86013

2003-04 15.54 98.41 113.95 228730 271.36 97644

2004-05 16.38 102.15 118.53 245747 282.82 NA

(Source: Annual Report 2005 – 06, Ministry of SSI)

During the five year period, number of SSIs has increased In view of the important role played by SSIs, it is essential to
from 101.1 lakh in 2000 – 01 to 118.5 lakh in 2004 – 05 look into the status of credit flow to SSIs from the scheduled
and employment from 239 lakh to 283 lakh during the same commercial banks which is the prime source of credit to the
period. The sector recorded an annual growth of 4.4% in sector. It may be clarified here that in banking parlance, ‘SSI
units, 8.2% in output and 5.2% in employment during 2000 sector’ covers both modern SSIs eligible for registration at
– 01 to 2004 – 05. Currently it contributes 39% of industrial DICs and traditional industries like khadi and village
production and 30% of national export. industries, handloom, handicraft, coir, sericulture, etc.

Flow of Credit from Commercial Banks to SSI Sector

Year Net Bank Credit Annual Credit to SSI Annual SSI as % of

(Rs. in crore) Growth (%) (Rs. in crore) Growth (%) Net Bank Credit

1994-95 192424 —- 29175 —- 15.17

1995-96 228198 18.75 34246 17.12 14.98

1996-97 245999 17.89 38196 11.40 15.52

1997-98 297265 21.20 45771 19.60 15.40

1998-99 339477 14.14 51679 12.66 15.22
1999-00 398205 17.40 57035 10.46 14.31

2000-01 467206 17.33 60141 5.43 12.86

2001-02 535063 14.56 67107 11.65 12.53
2002-03 668576 25.04 64707 (-) 3.60 9.67

2003-04 763855 14.20 71209 10.04 9.32

2004-05 971809 27.22 83179 16.71 8.55

(Source – RBI Statistical Tables Relating to Banks in India 2004 – 05)

CAB CALLING l July-Sept 2006

The pace of growth in SSI credit has not kept pace with the terms in relation to NBC. It has declined from 15.52% in
growth in net bank credit (NBC) (see Table 2 and 3). While 1996-97 to 8.55% in 2004-05. In the absence of any
NBC grew by 17.33% in 2000 – 01, SSI credit grew by only quantitative restriction to SSI lending within the priority
5.43% that year and while NBC grew by 25.04% in 2002 – sector, the commercial banks have enough scope for
03, SSI credit recorded a negative growth of 3.60%. Though deploying funds to other priority sectors like housing, retail
SSI loans come under priority sector lending programme of trade, education, consumption and transport purposes, etc.
the scheduled commercial banks, the most disturbing trend and thus, try to meet the overall target.
to note is the decline in flow of credit to SSI in percentage

Credit Flow to SSI Sector from Public Sector Banks (PSBs)
( Rs. Crore)

S. No. Year As at the end of March

Net Bank Credit (NBC) Credit to SSI % to NBC

1. 1998 218219 38109 17.5

2. 1999 265554 42591 16.0

3. 2000 316427 46045 14.6

4. 2001 341291 48400 14.2

5. 2002 396954 49743 12.5

6. 2003 477899 52988 11.1

7. 2004 558849 58278 10.4

8. 2005 718722 67634 9.4

9. 2006 966452 82275 8.5

(Source: RBI)

Further, while the absolute amount of advances from the 12% annual growth rate for the SSI sector as envisaged in the
public sector banks to SSIs had increased from Rs. 38109 10th Plan.
crore in 1998 to Rs.82275 crore in 2006 (Table – 3), the
Tiny Units
share of the credit to the SSI sector in the NBC had declined
from 17.5% as at the end of March,.1998 to 8.5% as at March, Sixty per cent of the total SSI credit is earmarked for tiny
2006. The continuing decline of credit to SSI sector is a matter units, (now micro enterprises) as per the guidelines of the
of serious concern as adequate credit flow is vital for achieving RBI. The flow of credit to tiny sector since 2000 is as under:

Credit Flow to Tiny Units from Public Sector Banks
( Rs. Crore)

Net Bank credit to tiny sector 24742 26019 27030 26937 30826 28062 33314

Credit to tiny sector as % of 54.0 53.7 54.3 50.8 52.9 41.5 40.5
net SSI credit

(Source: RBI)

CAB CALLING l July-Sept 2006

There had also been a decline in the credit flow to the tiny of sickness (though official RBI data indicates a decline in
sector as a percentage of SSI advances from 54.3% in March, the number of sick SSI units from 3.04 lakh in 2000 to 1.39
2002 to 50.8% in March, 2003. This somewhat improved at lakh in 2004 (iv) higher transaction cost to banks in processing
the end of March, 2004 (52.9%). However, thereafter it large number of small loan applications. Normally, the cost
declined sharply and as against the target of 60%, actual credit of processing small loans has been found in the range of 18
was only 40.5% of total SSI credit by the end of March, 2006. to 21% whereas the rate of interest on small loans below Rs.
25,000 is 12% and other loans upto Rs. 5 lakh is 15 to 16%
Some other disturbing trends noticed with regard to bank
(v) difficulty in establishing the creditworthiness of the project
credit to MSMEs are: (i) inadequate working capital which is
proposals. Poor borrowers do not require project finance;
currently ranging between 10-13% against RBI norm of 20%
instead they need production, consumption and housing loan.
of projected turnover to be given as working capital, (ii) high
cost of credit normally ranging between 13-16% as against Among the measures taken by the Government in recent years
relatively lower rate of interest of 6 to 9% charged from large to improve the flow of credit to MSME Sector, two measures
units on the ground of latter’s better creditworthiness and deserve special mention.
7% from agricultural sector, (iii) insistence on collaterals even
(1) Launching of Credit Guarantee Scheme in the year
on loan upto Rs. 5 lakh in spite of the RBI guidelines to this
2000 to enhance the confidence of banks in SSI lending.
effect (loans without collateral out of total loan below Rs. 5
Credit Guarantee Scheme provides for collateral free loan
lakh to SSI was 25.9% in 2004-05), and (iv) neglect of small
upto Rs. 25 lakh by member lending institutions. Government
loan as the share of loan below Rs. 25000 had declined from
guarantees 75% of the loan which is made available to
21% of total outstanding of banks’ credit in June 1985 to
borrowers at nominal service charge of 1.5%. Initially the
3.7% in March, 2005. Scheduled commercial banks’ credit
progress of the scheme was slow but now the scheme has
to the large and medium industries was of the order of Rs.
started picking up. Loans of more than Rs. 1100 crore have
290186 crore in the year 2004-05 which was 30% of the
been guaranteed by now.
gross bank credit for that year. Though separate figure for
medium industries is not available, it is assumed that about (2) One of the most important components of the SME
20% this credit, amounting to Rs. 58083 crore might have credit package announced in August 2005 is the direction to
gone to medium enterprises. Thus, the total credit from the banks to achieve a minimum of 20% year-on-year growth in
scheduled commercial banks for the year 2004-05 was Rs. credit to the SME sector. The objective is to double the flow
141217 crore, including Rs. 83179 crore for SSI. To this, we of credit from public sector banks to SME Sector from Rs.
may add Rs. 34313 crore being the credit to small business, 67500 crore in 2004-05 to Rs135000 crore by 2009-10 i.e.
retail trade, transport operation, etc in 2003 – 04. In addition, within a period of 5 years. The policy package, it seems has
a sum of Rs. 37483 crore flowed to small enterprises including started showing results since at the end of March 2006, credit
traditional industries and small business from sources like to SSI Sector from public sector banks stood at Rs. 82275
regional rural banks (Rs. 14393 crore), cooperative banks (Rs. crore as against Rs. 67634 crore at the end of March 2005.
15117 crore), SIDBI direct finance (Rs. 2695 crore), SFCs (Rs This gives an annual growth of over 21% thus exceeding the
864 crore) and SIDCs and NSIC (Rs. 4414 crore) in the year target of 20%.
2003-04. Cooperative banks’ credit is mostly going to Micro Finance
handloom, handicraft and traditional cooperative industries.
A notable development in recent years has been the
Thus it is expected that entire MSME Sector received a total
phenomenal growth of micro-credit to the poor and needy
credit of over Rs. 2 lakh crore (rough estimate) by the end of
segment considered as altogether non-bankable segment by
March 2005.
the banking sector. This has been possible by the initiative
Banks, it seems, are not favourably inclined to finance the of the RBI and the lead role played by NABARD and SIDBI.
small enterprises, particularly, smaller among the small Though there are 3 accepted models in micro financing in
enterprises for various reasons. Notable among them are (i) India namely (1) SHG-Bank Linkage model (II) Grameen
inability of small entrepreneurs to meet collateral requirement model (based on Grameen Bank of Bangladesh and (III)
(ii) high non-performing assets in SSI sector which is currently Individual Banking Model operated through Micro Financing
at 15% as against 8% for large industries (iii) high incidence Institutions (MFIs), the first model is most popular in India.

CAB CALLING l July-Sept 2006

90% of the micro credit is being disbursed through the SHG- venture capital funds to meet the equity requirements of these
Bank Linkage Model. In fact, with emphasis on capacity units in the initial phase of their working and the knowledge
building of MFIs and intermediaries, micro credit has sector including BPO, KPO, Life sciences, on-line business,
transformed to micro financing. technology-enabled design and manufacturing as well as in
The phenomenal growth of micro financing is evident from emerging areas of nano-technology and environmental
the fact that the number of SHGs which was 4757 in 1995- technology. Some venture funds, have already been set up
96, had increased to 1.83 million by the end of December, by SIDBI, SBICAP, etc. Third area of innovative financing,
2005 and the volume of credit had increased from Rs. 6 Crore which needs popularization in India, is the development of
to Rs. 8319 crore during the same period. However, in spite factoring services. This is necessary since a major problem
of this phenomenal growth, micro financing has not attained faced by MSMEs, is delayed payment from the units to whom
the shape of a movement. There exists a vast gap in demand they have supplied goods. Banks can work as factors on
and supply of credit. As per one study, micro credit behalf of MSMEs, to collect the dues on their behalf by
requirement was assessed at Rs. 50000 crore for the year discounting the bills at nominal service charge. Likewise,
1999-2000. By adding other requirements such as housing other means of financing SMEs, such as lease finance, hire-
loan, education loan and micro-enterprise loan, the upper purchase finance and propagation of incubation centres could
ceiling of loan requirement was assessed at Rs. 2 lakh crore be undertaken to inject additional fund to the MSMEs in order
of micro credit. At present rate of cost escalation and taking to bridge the financial gap.
the base at Rs.50000 crore, it is estimated that the present The Sum up
minimum requirement of micro credit may be Rs. 70000
The development of an efficient MSME lending environment
crore. As against this, the supply is not more than Rs. 10000
requires that economic agents involved i.e. the lenders and
borrowers should receive incentives to make correct
Innovative Financing economic choices. For this, they must have the relevant
The small enterprises have, so far, depended mostly on banks information needed to make such decisions. Available
and traditional modes of financing namely term loan and evidence suggests that in the case of lending to even larger
working capital from banks. Micro finance through MFIs small enterprises, these requirements are not always met. In
and SHGs, no doubt an innovative means of financing, is a market led economy, in the presence of information
only in its initial stage and at best only an indirect form of asymmetries, prospective lenders may not be able to correctly
bank finance. Unlike large enterprises which raise finance appraise true value of the project proposals. The protection
from capital market and external sources like foreign financial of creditors’ right is of particular importance in the case of
investors besides commercial banks, small enterprises and bank finance. At the same time, government intervention is
other non-farm enterprises are solely dependent on banks. required for micro enterprises and smaller among small
With the growing financial need, emergence of new product enterprises. Since in the normal commercial operation of
lines, emergence of risky and untried ventures, it is high time the commercial banks, there is practically not much scope
that some innovative means of financing for the non-farm for this category of enterprises. This calls for a proper mix of
unorganized enterprises are explored. policy support for lower segment and demand – supply based
credit policy for upper segment of MSME sector. In the context
The possibility of linking SMEs, with capital market needs to of jobless growth in formal sector, such a mix is necessary.
be explored. Capital market has huge amount of money and Banks should also diversity the loan portfolio from existing
institutions like SIDBI will have to design instruments to link production loan to include technology loan, marketing loan
SMEs with capital market. The emergence of clusters and with and cluster development loan. Some innovative instruments
emphasis on making them as the strategy of SME should be tried to bridge the financing gap. The task of
development, would make it possible to rope in capital market financing MSMEs is challenging but not unachievable. The
to SME financing. This will bring new capital to this sector. sector needs proper attention since it has the potential to
Another, innovative instrument to be tried for newly emerging generate large scale employment and also emerge as the
ventures like bio-tech, food processing, IT, pharmaceutical engine of growth.
and other knowledge based sectors in India is creation of


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