These W Attard
These W Attard
These W Attard
William Attard
Submitted in total fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy 2007
Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering The University of Melbourne Produced on archival quality paper
Growing concerns about interruption to oil supply and oil shortages have led to escalating global oil prices. In addition, increased public acceptance of the global warming problem has prompted car manufacturers to agree to carbon emission targets in many regions including most recently, the Californian standards. Other legislating bodies are sure to follow this lead with increasingly stringent targets. As a result of these issues, spark ignition engines in their current form will need significant improvements to meet future requirements. One technically feasible option is smaller capacity downsized engines with enhanced power that could be used in the near term to reduce both carbon emissions and fuel consumption in passenger vehicles. This research focuses on exploring the performance limits of a 0.43 liter spark ignited engine and defining its operating boundaries. they restrict small engine performance. Limiting factors such as combustion, gas exchange and component design are investigated to determine if The research gives direction to the development of smaller gasoline engines and establishes the extent to which they can contribute to future powertrain fuel consumption reduction whilst maintaining engine power at European intermediate class requirements. As no small OEM production engine could be adapted to evaluate this concept, a four valve, inline two cylinder engine was designed and constructed to withstand the high combustion and inertia forces associated with near two bar boost pressure and engine speeds exceeding 10,000 rev/min. The asymmetric (odd) fire configuration required the uneven flow conditions in the intake and exhaust systems to be accommodated in the engine design to reliably achieve 25 bar brake mean effective pressure. This is believed to be the highest recorded value for a small spark ignition engine operating on pump gasoline. In addition, the test engine achieved a maximum of 37% brake thermal efficiency.
Best engine performance, efficiency and CO2 benefits across normally aspirated, supercharged and turbocharged modes were found to match or exceed the capabilities of typical larger bore engines found in passenger vehicles. The case study performed determined the feasibility of replacing a 1.25 liter normally aspirated engine found in the 2007 Ford Fiesta with the development engine in the turbocharged mode. Results show that the power and hence acceleration Simulated performance of the larger engine could be readily matched with the smaller turbocharged unit, with a 66% reduction in engine capacity. performance over the New European Drive Cycle showed a possible 22% reduction in fuel consumption and CO2 emissions, including a reduction of 62% at idle conditions. These benefits are a consequence of operating the test engine closer to peak efficiency, together with engine and chassis mass reductions. The reduction in CO2 would shift the study vehicle well under the 2012 Euro target of 120 g/km. Across all modes, it was evident that the small test engine could operate with considerably higher compression ratio for a given manifold absolute pressure when compared to larger bore, lower speed engines. This was demonstrated with normally aspirated results showing potential for engine operation at a compression ratio exceeding 13. However, the dominant performance limiting factor was experimentally found to be abnormal combustion, specifically knock in the end-gas region, with the highest knock intensities deduced to occur on the intake side of the pent roof combustion chamber. Thus it is concluded that further efficiency gains are possible with higher octane fuel, as the turbocharged engine was knock limited at a compression ratio of 10. Extrapolation of the efficiency and maximum performance data for the compression ratio range of 9 to 13 could aid a well-to-wheel study defining what the optimum fuel octane number is, assuming that refinery energy requirements are known for different octane fuels.
I hereby declare that this thesis comprises only my original work towards the PhD, except where indicated by reference and acknowledgment in the text. I further certify that this thesis is less than 100,000 words, exclusive of tables, maps, bibliographies and appendices.
William Attard
After spending nearly a decade enrolled as a student at this university, the end has finally come following many amazing and heartbreaking experiences. Thinking back on how this project initially started six years ago, I would have never imagined it could lead to a PhD. As an undergraduate student who had taken two years study leave, I had aims of designing and constructing a specific Formula SAE engine. It has been a life changing experience that has consumed me and I am forever indebted to many people who contributed to the wellbeing of myself and my work throughout this soul searching journey. To my understanding family, my appreciation cannot be expressed in words to my father, mother and brother who provided me with the opportunity to further my education, supplying endless amounts of encouragement and instilling the belief that I could succeed. They each supported me in different ways throughout this journey. One cant forget my mothers excellent cooking, which always brought me home even after traveling to many parts of the world. Thank you. To my loving partner, Elisa Toulson, a lovely lady who I met in the thermodynamics laboratory who reminded me that life does not revolve around engines. Who would have thought spending so many hours in one place would have paid off so handsomely. You have brought balance to my life and been the most important aspect to come out of my time at university. I am struggling to find words to describe all her efforts, but most importantly thank you for always having time for me. To my supervisor, mentor and friend, Professor Harry Watson, a great man whose wealth of knowledge, many ideas and shear enthusiasm got me into and out of trouble on many occasions. Who would have thought we would have come so far together after that telephone call six years ago. Thanks for the opportunity and your continual support. Truly a great man who cares.
To fellow students Steve Konidaris and Mohammad Ali Khan, thank you for spending many late nights and early mornings in the thermodynamics laboratory testing engines, retrieving broken bits and solving problems, not all to do with the engines. Your persistence and support during the most trying times of the engine development phase has made both of you my two closest friends. I am also grateful to academics, fellow students, friends and technical staff involved in this project. There are many names to mention but I am especially grateful to Dr Ferenc Hamori, Faisal Lodi, Phuong Pham, Mark Gledhill, Terry Karagounis and George Zakis for their generous assistance and continual support throughout various stages of my PhD. Additionally, I would like to thank Don Halpin and Ted Grange for their technical assistance, good humor and on occasion, turning a blind eye. Altogether, a great bunch of people to work with. Lastly, to the numerous sponsors outlined in Appendix A whose generosity made the UniMelb WATTARD engine possible, I offer my sincere thanks for supporting the excellent learning activity at the University of Melbourne.
Abstract Declaration Acknowledgements Table of Contents List of Figures List of Tables Nomenclature Chapter 1 - Introduction
1.1 Motivation for Research .............................................................................. 2 Initial Formula SAE Objectives ............................................................ 2 1.2 Research Objectives.................................................................................... 3 1.3 Outline of Thesis ........................................................................................ 3
2.1 Global Vehicle Trends ................................................................................. 7 2.2 Fuel Consumption....................................................................................... 9 2.3 CO2 Emissions and Global Warming ........................................................... 11 2.4 Spark Ignition versus Diesel Engines.......................................................... 14 2.5 Small Engines........................................................................................... 15 2.6 Turbocharging and Engine Downsizing....................................................... 16 2.7 Combustion.............................................................................................. 18 2.7.1 Abnormal Combustion......................................................................... 20 2.7.2 Knock Reduction Methods ................................................................... 21 2.8 Summary ................................................................................................. 21
3.3 Theoretical Analysis .................................................................................. 24 3.3.1 Engine Capacity and Configuration ...................................................... 24 3.3.2 CFD Simulation................................................................................... 27 3.4 Achieving Balance in the Design Process .................................................... 30 3.4.1 The Feasibility of OEM Engine Adaption ............................................... 30 3.4.2 OEM Component Adaption .................................................................. 31 3.4.3 New Components ............................................................................... 34 3.5 Rotating and Reciprocating Assembly......................................................... 35 3.5.1 Load Analysis ..................................................................................... 35 3.5.2 Connecting Rod.................................................................................. 39 3.5.3 Piston Assembly ................................................................................. 44 3.5.4 Crankshaft ......................................................................................... 47 3.6 Cylinder Block Design ............................................................................... 50 3.6.1 Gasketless Interface Design ................................................................ 51 3.6.2 Torque Plate Design ........................................................................... 57 3.6.3 Thermal Analysis ................................................................................ 60 3.6.4 Manufactured Design.......................................................................... 67 3.7 Manifold Design........................................................................................ 67 3.8 Final Specifications and Assembly .............................................................. 73 3.9 Summary ................................................................................................. 73
4.1 Introduction ............................................................................................. 77 4.2 Engine Test Rig ........................................................................................ 78 4.2.1 Dynamometer and Control Unit ........................................................... 81 4.2.2 Dynamometer-Engine Coupling ........................................................... 82 4.2.3 Engine Cradle..................................................................................... 83 4.2.4 Cooling system................................................................................... 83 4.2.5 Electrical System ................................................................................ 84 4.2.6 Exhaust System.................................................................................. 86 4.3 Instrumentation and Data Acquisition ........................................................ 87 4.3.1 Fuel and Air Flow Measurement........................................................... 87 4.3.2 Exhaust Emissions Analyzer ................................................................ 88 4.3.3 Blow-by Measurement ........................................................................ 88
4.3.4 Cylinder Pressure Measurement........................................................... 89 4.3.5 Data Acquisition and Pre-Processing .................................................... 89 4.4 Experiments ............................................................................................. 92 4.4.1 Experimental Objectives...................................................................... 92 4.4.2 Experimental Results Analysis.............................................................. 92 4.5 Test Modes .............................................................................................. 93 4.6 Test Methodology .................................................................................... 98 4.6.1 Test Matrix......................................................................................... 98 4.6.2 Test Sequence ................................................................................... 99 4.6.3 Test Procedure ..................................................................................101 4.6.4 Tuning Strategy.................................................................................102 4.7 Summary ................................................................................................103
5.1 Introduction ............................................................................................105 5.2 Barrel and Liner Gasketless Interface ........................................................108 5.2.1 Manufacturing and Assembly..............................................................108 5.2.2 Initial Testing ....................................................................................110 5.2.3 Failure Analysis and Rectification ........................................................110 5.2.4 Interface Performance .......................................................................113 5.3 Electrical System .....................................................................................114 5.3.1 Ignition System .................................................................................114 5.3.2 Reference and Synchronization Signals ...............................................115 5.4 Piston Assembly ......................................................................................117 5.4.1 Piston ...............................................................................................117 5.4.2 Piston Ring Pack................................................................................121 5.4.3 CR Variation ......................................................................................123 5.4.4 Piston Oil Cooling ..............................................................................124 5.4.5 Piston to Valve Clearance...................................................................126 5.4.6 Piston Skirt and Liner.........................................................................128 5.5 Inlet Manifold ..........................................................................................129 5.5.1 Reliability ..........................................................................................129 5.5.2 Fuel Injector Location ........................................................................131
5.5.3 Intake Runner Geometry....................................................................135 5.6 Exhaust Manifold .....................................................................................137 5.7 Engine Balance and Vibration ...................................................................139 5.8 Camshaft and Timing Chain .....................................................................142 5.9 Summary ................................................................................................144
Chapter 6 - Turbocharging
6.1 Introduction ............................................................................................147 6.2 Turbocharger Selection ............................................................................148 6.3 Oil Control in Throttled Compressors.........................................................149 6.4 Turbocharger Development......................................................................151 6.4.1 Oil Control ........................................................................................152 6.4.2 Cooling .............................................................................................158 6.4.3 Intake Boost Regulation.....................................................................159 6.5 Turbocharger Performance Optimization ...................................................161 6.5.1 Exhaust Manifold Geometry ...............................................................162 6.5.2 Inlet Manifold Geometry ....................................................................169 6.5.3 Valve Timing - Camshaft Specification ................................................172 6.5.4 Final Results .....................................................................................178 6.6 Final Turbocharger Matched Operation .....................................................179 6.7 Summary ................................................................................................184
7.1 Introduction ............................................................................................187 7.2 Operating Limits ......................................................................................188 7.3 Contour Plot Generation...........................................................................196 7.4 Performance Contours .............................................................................198 7.4.1 BMEP................................................................................................198 7.4.2 Brake Power .....................................................................................200 7.4.3 Spark Timing.....................................................................................202 7.5 Efficiency Contours ..................................................................................204 7.5.1 Lambda ............................................................................................204 7.5.2 BSFC and Brake Thermal Efficiency ....................................................206
7.5.3 Volumetric Efficiency..........................................................................210 7.5.4 Mechanical Efficiency .........................................................................212 7.6 Emissions Contours..................................................................................212 7.6.1 BSHC ................................................................................................214 7.6.2 BSNOx ..............................................................................................219 7.6.3 BSCO2 ...............................................................................................222 7.6.4 BSCO................................................................................................226 7.7 Summary ................................................................................................228
8.1 Introduction ............................................................................................229 8.2 Carburetion and PFI Fuel Delivery.............................................................230 8.3 Intake Flow Restrictor Effects ...................................................................232 8.4 NA, SC and TC Mode Comparisons............................................................238 8.5 Comparison to FSAE Engines ....................................................................243 8.6 Comparison to Small Engines ...................................................................246 8.7 Comparison to Larger Bore Engines ..........................................................248 8.8 Extension to a Future Application - Feasibility for a 1.25 Liter Replacement .251 8.8.1 Performance .....................................................................................253 8.8.2 Fuel Consumption and CO2 Emissions .................................................255 8.9 Summary ................................................................................................260
9.1 Introduction ............................................................................................263 9.2 Combustion in Small Engines....................................................................264 9.3 Data Post Processing ...............................................................................264 9.3.1 E-CoBRA ...........................................................................................266 9.4 NA Combustion........................................................................................268 9.5 TC Combustion ........................................................................................276 9.5.1 Ignition Energy..................................................................................284 9.6 Knock .....................................................................................................288 9.6.1 Knock Location ..................................................................................289 9.6.2 Implemented Knock Control Strategies ...............................................293
9.6.3 Observations of Knocking Combustion ................................................293 9.7 Discussion...............................................................................................299 9.7.1 Comparison of Small versus Large Bore Combustion............................299 9.7.2 Further Suggested Knock Control Strategies........................................302 9.8 Summary ................................................................................................305
Chapter 10 - Conclusions
10.1 Introduction ..........................................................................................307 10.2 Research Achievements .........................................................................308 10.2.1 Mechanical Design and Development ................................................308 10.2.2 Experiments ....................................................................................310 10.2.3 Formula SAE ...................................................................................312 10.3 Conclusions to the Research...................................................................312 10.4 Recommendations for Future Work .........................................................315 10.4.1 Implementation into a Passenger Vehicle ..........................................317
B.1 Introduction ............................................................................................349 B.2 What is FSAE?.........................................................................................349 B.3 Engine Rules and Regulations ..................................................................351 B.4 Improving Engine Performance ................................................................352 B.4.1 Specific Output .................................................................................352 B.4.2 Packaging .........................................................................................352 B.5 Review of Past Formula SAE Engines ........................................................353 B.6 New Engine Targets for Formula SAE .......................................................356
D - Restrictor Calculations
D.1 Maximum Theoretical Restrictor Mass Flow Rate .......................................361 D.2 Flow Through a Venturi ...........................................................................362 D.3 Compressible Flow Intake Model ..............................................................363 D.4 Pre-Restrictor Fuel Injection.....................................................................363 D.4.1 Restricted Mass Flow.........................................................................363 D.4.2 Manifold Air Temperature ..................................................................365 D.5 Maximum Power .....................................................................................366
E - Turbocharger Selection
E.1 Introduction ............................................................................................367 E.2 Aspect ....................................................................................................368 E.2.1 Availability and Cost ..........................................................................368 E.2.2 Matching...........................................................................................368 E.2.3 Implementation.................................................................................373 E.2.4 Control .............................................................................................373 E.2.5 Mass and Packaging ..........................................................................375 E.2.6 Cooling and Lubrication .....................................................................375 E.2.7 Final Selection ...................................................................................375
F.1 Introduction ............................................................................................377 F.2 Ricardo WAVE Models ...........................................................................378 F.2.1 Cylinder Model ..................................................................................378 F.2.2 Pipe Model ........................................................................................379 F.2.3 Complex Pipe Junction Model .............................................................380 F.2.4 Turbocharger Model...........................................................................381 F.2.5 Turbocharger Wastegate Control Model ..............................................381 F.2.6 Muffler Model ....................................................................................383 F.2.7 Friction Model....................................................................................383
H.1 Introduction............................................................................................389 H.2 Steady versus Pulsating Flow ...................................................................390 H.3 Super-Flow SF600 Flow Bench .................................................................390 H.4 Flow Test Rig and Experiments ................................................................392 H.5 Flow Test Results ....................................................................................393 H.5.1 Cylinder Head Mass Flow...................................................................394 H.5.2 Cylinder Head Discharge Coefficients .................................................395 H.5.3 Engine Discharge Coefficients ............................................................396 H.5.4 Intake Restrictor Nozzle Mass Flow ....................................................397
I.1 Introduction.............................................................................................399 I.2 Clutch Assembly.......................................................................................400 I.3 Transmission ...........................................................................................404 I.4 Lubrication System...................................................................................405 I.5 Water Cooling System ..............................................................................410
J.1 Introduction ............................................................................................413 J.2 Brake Torque Measurement and Calibration...............................................414 J.3 Dynamometer-Engine Coupling Development and Calibration .....................415 J.4 Fuel Measurement and Calibration ............................................................419 J.5 Blow-by Measurement and Calibration.......................................................420 J.6 Cooling System Calibration .......................................................................421 J.7 Cylinder Pressure Measurement and Calibration .........................................422 J.8 TDC Alignment ........................................................................................425 J.9 Compression Ratio Calibration ..................................................................426
K - Piston Repair
L - Engine Run-In
M.1 ADS-9000 Exhaust Gas Analyzer ..............................................................433 M.2 Exhaust Gas Sampling Position ................................................................434 M.3 ADS-9000 Emission Correction .................................................................436 M.3.1 Eliminating Air Leakage .....................................................................436 M.3.2 Correcting for Hydrocarbon Type .......................................................436 M.3.3 Hydrocarbon Sensitivity.....................................................................437 M.3.4 Wet/Dry Analysis and Compensation..................................................437 M.4 AFR Calculation.......................................................................................438 M.4.1 Calculation from Air and Fuel Measurement........................................438 M.4.2 Oxygen Measurement .......................................................................438 M.4.3 Calculation from the Exhaust Products ...............................................439 M.5 Brake Specific Emissions Calculation.........................................................441 M.6 AFR Variation..........................................................................................441 M.6.1 Efficiency Correction to Alternate ....................................................441 M.6.2 Emissions Correction to Alternate ....................................................442
N - Combustion Modeling
N.1 Introduction............................................................................................447 N.2 Model Outline..........................................................................................447 N.3 Engine Geometric Relationships ...............................................................449 N.4 Combustion Modeling ..............................................................................450 N.4.1 Residual Gas Mass Fraction................................................................450 N.4.2 Compression and Expansion Process ..................................................450 N.4.3 Combustion Process ..........................................................................452 N.5 Heat Transfer..........................................................................................454 N.6 Chemical Equilibrium ...............................................................................456
N.6.1 Chemical Equilibrium Solver Accuracy.................................................463 N.7 Flame Geometry .....................................................................................463 N.8 Laminar and Turbulent Flames.................................................................465 N.8.1 Laminar Flame Speed........................................................................466 N.8.2 Actual Flame Speed...........................................................................467 N.8.3 Flame Speed Ratio ............................................................................468 N.8.4 Turbulence Intensity .........................................................................468 N.9 Knock Amplitude .....................................................................................469
O - Error Analysis
P - Drawing Registry
List of Figures
Figure 2.1: Current and projected trends in global motor vehicle registration, Year: 1945-2025 [1, 71, 237, 239]. ..................................................................... 7 Figure 2.2: World motor vehicle population per 1000 persons (1994 and 2005) [231, 240]................................................................................................. 8 Figure 2.3: Chinese motor vehicle population showing the rapid growth since 1990. Vehicles exclude the ~50 million motorcycles and ~20 million agricultural vehicles [237]. ......................................................................... 9 Figure 2.4: Crude oil prices and consumption heavily influenced by world events [194]. ..................................................................................................... 10 Figure 2.5: US motor vehicle fuel economy, heavily influenced by oil prices [194, 233]. ...................................................................................................... 10 Figure 2.6: (Left): Share of greenhouse warming due to different greenhouse gases [104]. (Right): Share of worldwide CO2 emissions from the combustion of fuel, by sector [106]. ........................................................................... 11 Figure 2.7: Global mean temperatures (land and ocean) [165, 168]. ................ 12 Figure 2.8: Vehicle CO2 emissions. (Black): Fleet target averages over the NEDC [46, 130]. (Blue): Alternative technologies. (Red): Californian regulations for the FTP 75 cycle [61]............................................................................... 12 Figure 2.9: Large vehicle class technologies and the effects on cost and CO2 emissions [43]. (A6) six speed automatic transmission, (DCP) dual camshaft phasing, (DCT) dual clutch six speed transmission, (DE-ACT) cylinder deactivation, (DVVL) discrete variable valve lift, (EACC) electric accessories, (EPS) electric power steering, (GDI-S) gasoline direct injection at stoichiometric, (G-HCCI) gasoline homogenous charge compression ignition, (HEV) hybrid electric vehicle, (HSDI) high speed diesel, (IA) improved alternator, (ICP) inlet camshaft phasing, (ISG) integrated starter generator, (TC) turbocharged. .................................................................................. 13 Figure 2.10: Cost benefit analysis for CO2 improvements over the NEDC using various technologies in SI and diesel engines [130, 174]............................ 15
Figure 2.11: The effects on CR and fuel consumption over the NEDC for NA and various capacity TC downsized engines with equal power output in the same test vehicle [174]. ................................................................................... 17 Figure 2.12: Normal and abnormal (heavy spark knock) combustion in the test engine. TC - PFI, 7000 rev/min, 220 kPa MAP, CR = 11, 12 BTDC spark timing, peak knock amplitude = 3 MPa. .................................................... 19 Figure 3.1: Predicted engine air consumption needed to maintain choked flow operating conditions for varying swept capacities and operating conditions with model validation from previous experimental results........................... 26 Figure 3.2: Simulation results for the proposed two cylinder TC design and the Melbourne University FSAE teams previous engine (NA Suzuki GSX-R600), with Suzuki experimental results used for model validation. Both engines flow restricted. ............................................................................................... 28 Figure 3.3: Ricardo WAVE model block diagrams used to predict FSAE engine performance for the flow restricted condition. (Upper): NA Suzuki GSX-R600 model used for initial software validation. (Lower): Proposed highly TC engine model created to explore the expected performance gains from engine downsizing. ............................................................................................. 29 Figure 3.4: Rocker cover patterns and magnesium alloy casting....................... 35 Figure 3.5: Sectional view of the final engine design highlighting the rotating and reciprocating components. ....................................................................... 36 Figure 3.6: Crankshaft crankpin loads caused by inertia (reciprocating component movement) and gas pressure (combustion) forces at maximum operating conditions. (Upper): Combustion dominated force at maximum BMEP. (Lower): Inertia dominated force at maximum speed................................. 38 Figure 3.7: Evaluation of H and I section beam connecting rods. (Upper): Equal mass CAD models with beam cross section detail. (Lower): FEM model analysis comparing von Mises stress distribution with x 100 distorted profile shown..................................................................................................... 40 Figure 3.8: FEM model analysis comparing von Mises stress distribution for both connecting rod designs under bending loads (misalignment or abnormal pressure forces) with x 10 distorted profile shown. .................................... 41
Figure 3.9: Various combustion chamber geometries highlighting highest loading locations due to abnormal pressure forces (spark knock) thus favoring various connecting rod designs to minimize deflection and ensure bearing reliability. .............................................................................................................. 41 Figure 3.10: (Left): I section connecting rods during the manufacturing process. (Right): Manufactured items to specified designs and drawings. ................. 42 Figure 3.11: FEM model analysis comparing von Mises stress distribution for various connecting rod little-end oil hole locations (30 kN tensile load). (Left): Single central hole in high loaded region and resultant stress concentration. (Right): Two smaller holes. ...................................................................... 43 Figure 3.12: The design and manufacture of forged aluminum custom pistons were required due to the high boost levels employed. (Left): Off-the-shelf forged piston blank prior to machining. (Right): Manufactured piston design with single compression ring. ................................................................... 44 Figure 3.13: FEM model piston analysis comparing von Mises stress distribution for various gudgeon pin designs. .............................................................. 46 Figure 3.14: FEM crankshaft evaluation with bending and torsional loads. Note the higher stresses in the second cylinders crankpin due to the transmission drive path. .............................................................................................. 48 Figure 3.15: Manufactured crankshaft version. (Left): Original design. (Right): Altered crankshaft design as detailed in Chapter 5.7. ................................. 50 Figure 3.16: Section view highlighting the cylinder block assembly (barrel and liner) featuring the gasketless sealing arrangement with the cylinder head not installed. ................................................................................................. 54 Figure 3.17: Assembled section view highlighting the cylinder block assembly (barrel and liner) sealing arrangement. The cylinder head causes the barrel to elastically distort, thus creating a robust seal......................................... 56 Figure 3.18: FEM model analysis simulating cylinder head loading on the barrel and liner assembly. (Left): Von Mises stress distribution. (Right): Resultant displacement. .......................................................................................... 57 Figure 3.19: Cylinder head stiffness measurement, needed for torque plate design. (Left): Schematic highlighting loaded locations (F) and deflections (D). (Right): Physical testing performed. ................................................... 58
Figure 3.20: Results from load deflection tests performed on the cylinder head to determine the relative cylinder head stiffness needed for the torque plate design. ................................................................................................... 59 Figure 3.21: FEM model analysis simulating torque plate effects to determine the thickness needed to represent the cylinder head. Figure 3.22: Figure 3.23: (Left): Vertical displacement. (Right): Vertical displacement along section A-A. ................. 60 and CAD models used in the thermal FEM analysis, also Temperature distribution on the combustion surface for the highlighting the division of the cylinder bore into five thermal regions. ....... 61 model, indicating that the adiabatic assumption through the intake exhaust plane can be assumed for the model. ................................................... 64 Figure 3.24: Cylinder head surface temperatures at peak combustion pressure The area highlighted along the symmetry plane line for the model.
indicates the reduced temperature due to the gasketless interface. ............ 65 Figure 3.25: Liner surface temperatures at peak combustion pressure along the symmetry plane line on the exhaust side for the model. ........................ 65 Figure 3.26: Cylinder head surface temperatures for peak combustion pressure and exhaust blowdown models along the planes defining the model. ..... 66 Figure 3.27: (Left): Manufactured aluminum cylinder barrel. (Right): Barrel with shrink fitted cast iron liners ready for engine installation. ........................... 67 Figure 3.28: (Left): Conventional plenum design. (Right): Watsons KEC log style rolling flow design where the kinetic energy of the flow is conserved in a vortex about the axis of the plenum. ........................................................ 68 Figure 3.29: Experimental data from a NA racing engine showing the effect of engine speed on the dynamic pressure waves in the inlet tract @ WOT [102]. .............................................................................................................. 69 Figure 3.30: Effective inlet tract lengths created from a wave propagation theoretical model highlighting the tuned engine speed for peak primary and secondary resonance at varying ambient conditions................................... 69 Figure 3.31: (Left): Measured, inspected and cleaned components prior to assembly. (Right): First complete engine assembly prior to dynamometer installation. ............................................................................................. 72 Figure 4.1: Final version of the developed experimental rig. (Upper): Control panel. (Lower): Experimental rig testing facility. ........................................ 79
Figure 4.2:
engine, including controllers, sensors and data acquisition systems. ........... 80 Figure 4.3: Heenan and Froude Dynamatic MK-1 eddy current dynamometer and OZY-DYN type MISD109-01 control system. .............................................. 81 Figure 4.4: Engine cradle used to mount and locate the test engine to the dynamometer. (Left): CAD image. (Right): Fabricated cradle frame, housing the test engine. ....................................................................................... 83 Figure 4.5: Schematic layout of the fuel mass measurement system, calibrated to provide fuel consumption rates................................................................. 87 Figure 4.6: Motoring raw cylinder pressure with crankshaft angle encoding from WaveView. Time versus voltage, NA - PFI, 6000 rev/min, WOT, CR = 10.... 91 Figure 4.7: CAD and actual NA modes with fuel delivery variation. (Upper): Mode A - NA with Carburetion (single carburetor shown in CAE model). (Lower): Mode B - NA with PFI............................................................................... 94 Figure 4.8: Externally driven Roots type supercharger assembly. Mode C - SC with PFI. ................................................................................................. 96 Figure 4.9: Mode D - TC with PFI, CAD model and final developed version. ....... 97 Figure 5.1: Test engine fitted into Melbourne University FSAE vehicles for further engine development, testing and validation. (Upper): 2003 vehicle. (Lower): 2004 vehicle...........................................................................................106 Figure 5.2: FEM model analysis simulating the H7-p6 shrink fit between the barrel and liner. (Left): Von Mises stress distribution. (Right): Resultant displacement. .........................................................................................109 Figure 5.3: FEM model analysis simulating both the shrink fit and torque plate effects. (Left): Von Mises stress distribution. (Right): Resultant displacement. .........................................................................................109 Figure 5.4: Failed gasketless interface with clear signs of leakage between the cylinder head and liner mating surfaces. High piston ring leakage is also evident. .................................................................................................110 Figure 5.5: FEM model analysis simulating the gasketless interface effects on the cylinder head. (Upper): Von Mises stress distribution. (Lower): Vertical displacement. .........................................................................................112
Figure 5.6: Crankshaft synchronization trigger edge (slot) development needed for high speed operation due to the higher torsional and cyclic velocity fluctuations associated with an odd firing twin configuration. ....................116 Figure 5.7: Effect of varying the number of compression rings (heat flux and oil control effects) and fuel quality on combustion. TC - PFI, 7000 rev/min, 200 kPa MAP, CR = 10, 12 BTDC spark timing. .............................................120 Figure 5.8: CR variations ranging from 13-9.6 through piston crown modifications. .............................................................................................................123 Figure 5.9: The effects due to a significant increase in underside oil cooling on the single compression ring piston design (Type A). Disassembly after ~5 hours operation at similar conditions. (Left): Dry crown. (Right): Chamber contamination with oil pooling and deposits. ............................................124 Figure 5.10: The effects of insufficient piston to valve clearances. (Upper): Poppet valve piston contact in individual cylinders. (Lower): Subsequent engine damage as a result of valve failure in Cylinder 2. ......................................127 Figure 5.11: Piston skirt and liner damage during engine development.............129 Figure 5.12: Fatigue crack repairs and continued failures in the lightweight aluminum alloy manifold discovered during development. .........................130 Figure 5.13: Initial polymer and final aluminum alloy inlet manifold versions....131 Figure 5.14: Intake manifold section highlighting the two differing injector setup positions used during development..........................................................132 Figure 5.15: Fuel mixtures at associated MAP, TP and engine speed during Note the fuel mixture excursion from lean to rich on transient vehicle testing for the high injector configuration (Setup 2) depicted in Figure 5.14. accelerator tip in, caused by fuel wall wetting due to the long mixing length. .............................................................................................................133 Figure 5.16: Varying trumpet geometry highlighting the actual and effective length, governed by the defined trumpet parameters (parameter A is a constant). ..............................................................................................135 Figure 5.17: (Upper): Constructed short and long runner intake manifolds. (Lower): Short and long runner engine air consumption comparison over theoretical, CFD and experimental testing. TC - PFI, 4000 rev/min, WOT. .136
Figure 5.18: Exhaust manifold development due to the higher thermal and cyclic mechanical stresses at the outlet junction due to turbocharger installation. (Upper): Reliability concerns due to manifold cracking. (Lower): Thermal loads from experiments and FEM analysis highlighting plenum chamber stress concentrations due to vibration. ..............................................................138 Figure 5.19: (Left): Final constructed exhaust plenum design. (Right): FEM analysis resulting in a fourfold reduction in mechanical stresses when compared to the previous design in Figure 5.18 - Lower. ..........................139 Figure 5.20: Varying counterweight geometry designs used to alter the rotating and reciprocation balance proportions for differing crankshafts used in experiments. ..........................................................................................140 Figure 5.21: Failed crankshaft (Left): Heavy metal insert movement. (Right): FEM failure analysis (von Mises stress distribution) simulating the interference fit and the resulting plastic deformation in the alloy steel crank cheek. ......141 Figure 5.22: Engine damage caused by camshaft thrust bearing failure. ...........142 Figure 5.23: Consequences of negligence during the hard anodizing process with the eroding of both cast iron cylinder liners with close-up detail. ...............143 Figure 6.1: Test engine turbocharger layout and resulting upstream compressor throttling due to the mandatory throttle location and fitment of the intake restrictor. ...............................................................................................149 Figure 6.2: Sectional view of the Garrett supplied GT-12 turbocharger with the compressor and turbine housings removed. Figure 6.3: (Note): Water cooling jacket detail altered and oil feed relocated for illustrative purposes only. .............151 Schematic displaying the failed oil control strategy (Table 6.2: Strategy involves Strategy 3) to combat compressor throttled problems.
creating a pressure balance across the sealing system. .............................153 Figure 6.4: (Upper): Sectional view of the Garrett supplied GT-12 turbocharger. (Lower): Sectional view of the redesigned turbocharger to overcome oil consumption problems under throttled conditions. Note: Water cooling jacket detail removed and oil feed relocated for illustrative purposes only............155 Figure 6.5: Strategy 10 - Components used to overcome the oil control issue. (Upper): Modified centre bearing housing with silver soldered insert and orifice vent. (Lower): Rotating assembly with new compressor seal assembly. .............................................................................................................157
Figure 6.6:
Boost control schematic highlighting how the raw MAP signal was
manipulated by the ECU. This enabled the wastegate movement to be ECU controlled to achieve the desired boost levels...........................................160 Figure 6.7: Simulated results displaying the performance discrepancies between constant pressure and pulse type turbocharging for the flow restricted test engine fitted with various exhaust manifold geometries. [ ] = Ease of manufacture / 5. ....................................................................................163 Figure 6.8: Simulated pressure pulsations in the turbine housing when applying pulse type turbocharging (Model A) to the odd firing test engine. TC - PFI, 6000 rev/min, single engine cycle............................................................164 Figure 6.9: Simulated brake power results comparing firing interval (odd and even) for constant pressure and pulse type turbocharging. .......................166 Figure 6.10: Varying exhaust manifold geometry. (Upper): Two into one pulse system (Model A). (Lower): Watsons KEC constant pressure plenum system (Model E). ..............................................................................................167 Figure 6.11: Experimental versus simulation BMEP results for constant pressure and pulse type turbocharging. TC - PFI, WOT, CR = 10. ..........................168 Figure 6.12: Experimental BMEP and spark timing results versus MAP for constant pressure and pulse type turbocharging. TC - PFI, 5000 rev/min, CR = 10. 168 Figure 6.13: Simulated results showing cylinder airflow variations for TC operation with varying intake volumes due to varying plenum chamber sizes. Airflow variations associated with charge robbing effects caused by the flow restriction and odd firing interval. ............................................................169 Figure 6.14: Experimental individual cylinder VOL and cylinder variations versus simulated results. Variations due to the charge robbing effects associated with the flow restriction and odd firing interval. TC - PFI, CR = 10, 6 L intake volume. .................................................................................................170 Figure 6.15: Experimental TC intake manifold air temperatures for various engine speeds and MAP. Results highlight the possibility of not intercooling the boosted charge for small engines if matched correctly. .............................171 Figure 6.16: Test engine simulated brake power results (WOT) with varying valve overlap for constant pressure type turbocharging. (Upper): 0.7 L exhaust volume. (Lower): 1.5 L exhaust volume. .................................................174
Figure 6.17: Test engine simulated brake power results (WOT) with varying IVC timing for constant pressure type turbocharging. 2 L exhaust volume. ......175 Figure 6.18: Test engine simulated brake power results (WOT) with varying EVO timing for constant pressure type turbocharging. 2 L exhaust volume. ......176 Figure 6.19: Comparison of experimental and predicted engine performance for the test engine operating in the TC mode. ...............................................178 Figure 6.20: Garrett GT-12 compressor map with engine operating points overlaid for varying engine speeds and MAP. ........................................................180 Figure 6.21: Garrett GT-12 turbine map with engine operating points overlaid for varying engine speeds and MAP. .............................................................181 Figure 6.22: Intake and exhaust pressures and the effects on engine pumping work for varying engine speeds. (Upper): PMEP. (Middle): Exhaust pressure. (Lower): Log pressure-volume, highlighting the PMEP reduction for rising MAP at 6000 rev/min......................................................................................182 Figure 7.1: NA mode knock limitations versus engine speed, MAP and CR. Cross hatched areas indicate operation with spark retard to compensate for knock. PL is the performance limit line defined at each modes WOT for a given CR. (Left): Engine speed versus MAP domain. (Right): CR versus engine speed domain. (Upper): NA - Carburetion. (Lower): NA - PFI. ...........................190 Figure 7.2: Boosted mode knock and airflow limitations versus engine speed, MAP and CR. Cross hatched areas indicate operation with spark retard and/or fuel enrichment to compensate for knock. Shaded areas indicate non-operation due to knock levels above the DL or limited airflow. PL is the performance limit line defined at each modes WOT for a given CR. (Left): Engine speed versus MAP domain. (Right): CR versus engine speed domain. (Upper): SC PFI. (Lower): TC - PFI............................................................................192 Figure 7.3: TC - PFI mode (boost controlled) knock and airflow limitations versus engine speed, MAP and CR. Cross hatched areas indicate operation with spark retard and/or fuel enrichment to compensate for knock. Shaded areas indicate non-operation due to knock levels above the DL or limited airflow. PL is the performance limit line defined at each modes WOT for a given CR. (Left): Engine speed versus MAP domain. (Right): CR versus engine speed domain. (Upper): 200 kPa MAP limited. (Lower): 150 kPa MAP limited.....194
Figure 7.4:
Shaded areas
indicate airflow limited regions. PL is the performance limit line. (Upper): NA - Carburetion. (Middle): NA - PFI. (Lower Left): SC - PFI. (Lower Right): TC PFI. .......................................................................................................199 Figure 7.5: Brake Power trends versus engine speed, MAP and CR. Shaded areas indicate airflow limited regions. PL is the performance limit line. (Upper): NA - Carburetion. (Middle): NA - PFI. (Lower Left): SC - PFI. (Lower Right): TC PFI. .......................................................................................................201 Figure 7.6: Spark timing trends versus engine speed, MAP and CR. Shaded areas indicate airflow limited regions. PL is the performance limit line. (Upper): NA - Carburetion. (Middle): NA - PFI. (Lower Left): SC - PFI. (Lower Right): TC PFI. .......................................................................................................203 Figure 7.7: fueling requirements versus engine speed, MAP and CR. Shaded areas indicate airflow limited regions. PL is the performance limit line. (Lower Left): SC - PFI. (Upper): NA - Carburetion. (Middle): NA - PFI.
(Lower Right): TC - PFI...........................................................................205 Figure 7.8: BSFC trends versus engine speed, MAP and CR. Shaded areas indicate airflow limited regions. PL is the performance limit line. (Upper): NA Carburetion. (Middle): NA - PFI. (Lower Left): SC - PFI. (Lower Right): TC PFI. .......................................................................................................207 Figure 7.9: Corrected BSFC trends ( = 1) versus engine speed, MAP and CR. Shaded areas indicate airflow limited regions. PL is the performance limit line. (Upper): NA - Carburetion. (Middle): NA - PFI. (Lower Left): SC - PFI. (Lower Right): TC - PFI...........................................................................209 Figure 7.10:
Shaded areas
indicate airflow limited regions. PL is the performance limit line. (Upper): NA - Carburetion. (Middle): NA - PFI. (Lower Left): SC - PFI. (Lower Right): TC PFI. .......................................................................................................211 Figure 7.11: MECH and exhaust pressure versus engine speed and MAP. Shaded areas indicate airflow limited regions. PL is the performance limit line. TC PFI, CR = 10. .........................................................................................212 Figure 7.12: Engine-out raw emission concentrations for varying and power outputs, achieved with engine speed and MAP variation. TC - PFI, CR = 10. .............................................................................................................213
Figure 7.13: BSHC trends versus engine speed, MAP and CR.
Shaded areas
indicate airflow limited regions. PL is the performance limit line. (Upper): NA - Carburetion. (Middle): NA - PFI. (Lower Left): SC - PFI. (Lower Right): TC PFI. .......................................................................................................215 Figure 7.14: Corrected BSHC trends ( = 1) versus engine speed, MAP and CR. Shaded areas indicate airflow limited regions. PL is the performance limit line. (Upper): NA - Carburetion. (Middle): NA - PFI. (Lower Left): SC - PFI. (Lower Right): TC - PFI...........................................................................217 Figure 7.15: BSNOX trends versus engine speed, MAP and CR. Shaded areas indicate airflow limited regions. PL is the performance limit line. (Upper): NA - Carburetion. (Lower Left): SC - PFI. (Lower Right): TC - PFI. .................219 Figure 7.16: Engine-out NOX emission concentrations for varying and power outputs, achieved with engine speed, MAP and CR variation. (Upper): NA Carburetion: MAP = 100 kPa. (Middle): NA - Carburetion: CR = 13. (Lower): SC - PFI: CR = 11...................................................................................221 Figure 7.17: BSCO2 trends versus engine speed, MAP and CR. Shaded areas indicate airflow limited regions. PL is the performance limit line. (Upper): NA - Carburetion. (Middle): NA - PFI. (Lower Left): SC - PFI. (Lower Right): TC PFI. .......................................................................................................223 Figure 7.18: Corrected BSCO2 trends ( = 1) versus engine speed, MAP and CR. Shaded areas indicate airflow limited regions. PL is the performance limit line. (Upper): NA - Carburetion. (Middle): NA - PFI. (Lower Left): SC - PFI. (Lower Right): TC - PFI...........................................................................224 Figure 7.19: Corrected BSCO2 trends ( = 0.9) versus engine speed, MAP and CR. Shaded areas indicate airflow limited regions. PL is the performance limit line. (Upper): NA - Carburetion. (Middle): NA - PFI. (Lower Left): SC - PFI. (Lower Right): TC - PFI...........................................................................225 Figure 7.20: Mole fraction CO trends for varied and brake power (engine speed and MAP variations). Shaded areas indicate unexplored regions. (Left): SC PFI. (Right): TC - PFI..............................................................................226 Figure 7.21: BSCO trends versus engine speed, MAP and CR. Shaded areas indicate airflow limited regions. PL is the performance limit line. (Upper): NA - Carburetion. (Middle): NA - PFI. (Lower Left): SC - PFI. (Lower Right): TC PFI. .......................................................................................................227
Figure 8.1: Performance, efficiency and emission effects for alternative CRs and fuel delivery (carburetion and air restricted PFI). NA, WOT, = 0.9 0.02, MBT spark timing. (Upper): BMEP. (Middle): BSFC. (Lower): Engine-out HC mole concentrations. ..............................................................................231 Figure 8.2: Performance effects for odd (0.43 L, inline twin, CR = 13) and even (0.6 L, inline four, CR = ~12) fire configurations in restricted (NA - PFI) and unrestricted (NA - CARBS) modes. WOT, MBT spark timing......................233 Figure 8.3: Air consumption effects for restricted (NA - PFI) and unrestricted (NA CARBS) modes. WOT, CR = 13, MBT spark timing. (Upper): Individual cylinder VOL. (Middle): Engine air consumption and limitations. (Lower): Cylinder and mode airflow variations. ......................................................235 Figure 8.4: Predicted air consumption effects versus time at a given upstream condition (x) for odd (0.43 L, inline twin) and even (0.6 L, inline four) fire configurations in restricted and unrestricted modes. .................................236 Figure 8.5: Maximum MAP values achieved at the PL (WOT) across all test modes at the experimental test CR closest to the HUCR. .....................................238 Figure 8.6: Performance comparisons at the PL (WOT) for all modes at the experimental test CR closest to the HUCR. (Upper): BMEP. (Middle): Brake Power. (Lower): Spark Timing. ................................................................240 Figure 8.7: Efficiency comparisons at the PL (WOT) for all modes at the (Upper): VOL. (Middle): BSFC. experimental test CR closest to the HUCR.
(Lower): BSFC and TH corrected to = 1................................................242 Figure 8.8: WOT performance comparisons for a variety of engines tested for FSAE application. Tests conducted on the same dynamometer with engines fitted with a 20 mm intake flow restriction. ............................................245 Figure 8.9: WOT performance comparisons for a variety of small engines tested and compared to the test engine across NA and TC modes. Engine specifications outlined in Table 8.3. .........................................................247 Figure 8.10: WOT performance comparison between the Ford Fiesta 1.25 L NA engine and the smaller TC test engine used in experiments. (Upper): MAP. (Middle): BMEP. (Lower): Brake Power. Two performance curves are shown for the smaller test engine; (1) Limited MAP by wastegate (170 kPa), (2) Limited airflow by a restriction (20 mm). ...............................................254
Figure 8.11: NEDC operating points for the Ford Fiesta chassis, used to compare fuel consumption and CO2 emissions for the OEM 1.25 L engine and the downsized 0.43 L test engine used in experiments. (Upper): Combined Urban and Extra Urban drive cycle forming the NEDC [61]. (Lower): Generated time frequency distribution for the NEDC [121]. ...............................................257 Figure 9.1: Crankshaft effects at high engine speeds throughout one cycle. NA Carburetion, 10000 rev/min, WOT, CR = 10. (Upper): Velocity fluctuations. (Middle): Torque fluctuations. (Lower): FEM analysis crankshaft elastic deformation. ..........................................................................................265 Figure 9.2: The effects of re-sampling the raw pressure trace to 0.5 CA increments, required for the E-CoBRA software input. TC - PFI, 7000 rev/min, 220 kPa MAP, CR = 11............................................................................267 Figure 9.3: Pressure-volume diagram for 40 consecutive cycles highlighting the low combustion variability. NA - Carburetion, 10500 rev/min, WOT, CR = 13. .............................................................................................................268 Figure 9.4: Combustion burn duration effects for alternative CRs and fuel delivery. NA, WOT, = 0.9 0.02, MBT spark timing. (Upper): 0-10% MFB. (Middle): 10-90% MFB. (Lower): 0-90% MFB. Solid lines associated with CA axis, dashed lines with time axis......................................................................269 Figure 9.5: Combustion burn effects for alternative CRs and fuel delivery. NA, 10000 rev/min, WOT, = 0.9 0.02, MBT spark timing [ ]. (Upper): MFB versus CA. (Middle): MFB versus MFBR. (Lower): MFBR versus CA...........271 Figure 9.6: Estimated turbulence intensity u for alternative CRs and fuel delivery. NA, WOT, = 0.9 0.02, MBT spark timing. ...........................................272 Figure 9.7: Combustion flame speed effects for alternative CRs and fuel delivery. NA, WOT, = 0.9 0.02, MBT spark timing. (Upper): Actual flame speed @ 50% MFB. (Middle): Actual flame speed ratio @ 50% MFB. (Lower): Actual peak flame speed. ..................................................................................273 Figure 9.8: Combustion burn effects for varying engine speeds. NA - Carburetion, WOT, CR = 10, = 0.9 0.02, MBT spark timing [ ]. (Upper): MFB versus CA after Spark. (Middle): MFB versus MFBR. (Lower): MFBR versus CA.........275
Figure 9.9: Combustion variability and burn effects for varying engine speed and MAP. TC - PFI, CR = 10. Shaded areas = airflow limited regions. Cross hatched areas = knock compensated regions. PL = performance limit line at WOT......................................................................................................277 Figure 9.10: Combustion burn effects for varying MAP. TC - PFI, 7000 rev/min, CR = 10, spark timing [ ]. (Upper): MFB versus CA after Spark. (Middle): MFB versus MFBR (solid lines - left y axis) and MBR (dashed lines - right y axis). (Lower): MFBR versus CA. ............................................................279 Figure 9.11: Combustion pressure, temperature and flame speed effects for varying engine speed and MAP. TC - PFI, CR = 10. Shaded areas = airflow limited regions. Cross hatched areas = knock compensated regions. PL = performance limit line at WOT.................................................................281 Figure 9.12: Combustion knock amplitude effects for varying engine speed and MAP. TC - PFI, CR = 10. Shaded areas = airflow limited regions. Cross hatched areas = knock compensated regions. PL = performance limit line at WOT......................................................................................................282 Figure 9.13: Combustion effects @50% MFB for varying engine speed and MAP. TC - PFI, CR = 10. Shaded areas = airflow limited regions. Cross hatched areas = knock compensated regions. PL = performance limit line at WOT.283 Figure 9.14: Effect of varying ignition energies on boosted combustion over consecutive tests. TC - PFI, 6000 rev/min, 160 kPa MAP, CR = 10, = 0.85 +/- 0.02.................................................................................................286 Figure 9.15: Effect of varying ignition energies on flame development over consecutive tests. TC - PFI, 6000 rev/min, 160 kPa MAP, CR = 10, 17 - 18 BTDC spark timing..................................................................................287 Figure 9.16: Heavy knocking in the test engine well above the DL. TC - PFI, 7000 rev/min, 220 kPa MAP, CR = 11, 12 BTDC spark timing. Firing, motoring and high pass filtered pressure traces......................................................289 Figure 9.17: Adverse effects of knock on engine components, with highest knock intensities identified to occur in the end-gas on the intake side of the pent roof combustion chamber. (Upper): Inlet side piston land failures. (Lower): Cylinder head deck and piston erosion near the bore periphery on the inlet side. ......................................................................................................291
Figure 9.18: Cylinder head and piston crown surfaces after engine operation, highlighting that the exhaust side is relatively hotter when compared to the intake in four valve, pent roof combustion chambers. ...............................292 Figure 9.19: Simulation results from Teraji et al. [222] validating experimental findings of the intake side being the most prone to high knock intensities. Integral value is the knock predictor. .......................................................292 Figure 9.20: The effects of knock on in-cylinder pressures across 10 consecutive cycles. TC - PFI, 7000 rev/min, 220 kPa MAP, 12 BTDC spark timing. (Upper): Raw pressure. (Middle): Knock amplitude. (Lower): Smoothed log pressure-volume.....................................................................................294 Figure 9.21: Varying knock intensities extracted from Figure 9.20. TC - PFI, 7000 rev/min, 220 kPa MAP, 12 BTDC spark timing. (Upper): Raw pressure. (Middle): Knock amplitude - high pass filtered pressure. (Lower): Smoothed pressure.................................................................................................295 Figure 9.22: Combustion burn effects for varying knock intensity cycles. TC - PFI, 7000 rev/min, 220 kPa MAP, 12 BTDC spark timing. (Upper): MFB versus CA. (Middle): MFB versus MFBR. (Lower): MFBR versus CA. ....................296 Figure 9.23: Combustion burn effects for varying intensity knocking cycles. TC PFI, 7000 rev/min, 220 kPa MAP, 12 BTDC spark timing. (Upper): Actual flame speed versus CA. (Lower): Actual flame speed ratio versus CA. .......298 Figure 9.24: Proposed pent roof design to reduce the intake side knock propensity found from experiments. (Upper): Offset spark plug towards the intake side. (Lower): Effect of ignition point on combustion burning profiles and suggested knock location. .......................................................................303 Figure 10.1: The UniMelb WATTARD engine (TC - PFI mode) on display in the foyer of Building 170, Mechanical Engineering at the University of Melbourne. .............................................................................................................308 Figure B.1: International and local entries at the 2004 Australasian FSAE competition. ...........................................................................................350 Figure B.2: Two extremes in FSAE engine selection. (Left): OEM Yamaha YZF 0.45 L single cylinder motocross engine. (Right): Western Washingtons prototype 0.55 L V8. ...............................................................................355
Figure D.1:
Subsonic, near sonic and supersonic flow for air ( = 1.4) in the
divergent section of an intake venturi. (Upper): Pressure ratio (P/PO). (Middle): Mach number (Ma). (Lower): Throat area ratio (A/A5) [245]. ......362 Figure E.1: Theoretical and assumed test engine air consumption needed to cause choked flow through the intake restriction for varying engine speeds. .......369 Figure E.2: Turbocharger limits and corresponding compressor pressure ratio and engine air consumption required to maintain choked flow over the desired operating speed range. ...........................................................................370 Figure E.3: Garrett GT-15 compressor map with WOT engine operating points over the choked operating speed range overlaid. .............................................371 Figure E.4: Garrett GT-15 turbine maps (VNT). ...............................................372 Figure E.5: Turbocharger exhaust turbine fitted with VNT technology highlighting the vane position movement. ..................................................................373 Figure F.1: Garrett GT-12 maps generated using Ricardos TC-map. (Upper): Compressor. (Lower): Turbine.................................................................382 Figure G.1: Engine vehicle matching through transmission design using the engine performance data from Chapter 3.3.2. (Upper): 6-speed transmission for the Suzuki GSX-R600 adapted to FSAE. (Lower): Optimized 3-speed transmission for the test engine..................................................................................387 Figure H.1: SF600 flow bench schematic [213]. ..............................................391 Figure H.2: Orifice plate measurement detail for AS 2360.1.1-1993 and BS 1042 standards...............................................................................................391 Figure H.3: Experimental flow rig setup. ........................................................392 Figure H.4: Port experimental mass flow values at various test pressures. Configurations A, B, and C correspond to various cylinder head and bore combinations shown in Table H.1. (Upper): Inlet. (Lower): Exhaust. ........394 Figure H.5: Port discharge coefficients at various test pressures. Configurations A, B, and C correspond to various cylinder head and bore combinations shown in Table H.1. (Upper): Inlet. (Lower): Exhaust. .......................................395 Figure H.6: Engine discharge coefficients versus CA. Configurations A, B, and C correspond to various cylinder head and bore combinations shown in Table H.1. (Upper): Test pressure = 6 kPa. (Lower): Test pressure = 10 kPa.....396
Figure H.7: Intake restrictor experimental flow bench airflow data geometry outlined in Table H.2. Figure I.1: (Upper): Mass flow rate.
Device A and B correspond to various Dall restrictor nozzle and diffuser Discharge coefficient...............................................................................397 FEM model analysis simulating varying spring loads applied to various pressure plate designs after clutch slippage due to turbocharging. Both pressure plate designs have similar mass and rotational inertia. (Left): Von Mises stress distribution. (Right): Resultant displacement..................401 Figure I.2: FEM model analysis simulating the clutch basket at peak torque due to turbocharging. displacement. (Left): Von Mises stress distribution. (Right): Resultant (Top): Original basket. (Bottom): Developed version with
circumferential stiffening ring. .................................................................403 Figure I.3: Developed clutch housing enabling a twofold increase in torque transmission in a confined space which was needed for boosted operation.404 Figure I.4: Transmission drive dog development needed for the high torque output associated with intake boosting. ...................................................405 Figure I.5: Irreparable crankshaft and connecting rod damage as a result of oil surge under high lateral vehicle acceleration, leading to big-end bearing failure. ...................................................................................................406 Figure I.6: Figure I.7: Dry sump oil path schematic, featuring internal oil and scavenge Brake performance effects for both wet and dry sump lubrication pumps with an external oil pressure relief valve........................................408 systems. ................................................................................................409 Figure I.8: Initial inadequate turbocharger water cooling circuit, resulting in the majority of flow bypassing the engine. .....................................................411 Figure J.1: Dynamometer torque calibration. (Upper): Methodology and calculation. (Lower): Actual load cell calibration........................................414 Figure J.2: Brake torque calibration, beam calibration versus dynamometer displayed. ..............................................................................................415 Figure J.3: Dynamometer coupling development. (Upper Left): Direct drive with torsional damping. (Upper Right): 1st iteration - Counter levered shaft with chain drive. (Lower Left): 2nd iteration - Chain drive with torsional dampening. (Lower Right): 2nd iteration with chain tensioner.......................................417
Figure J.4: Brake torque measurement correction to compensate for the increased losses associated with the chain drive when compared to the direct drive system...................................................................................................417 Figure J.5: Dynamometer coupling development (Upper): Direct coupling with torsional damping. (Middle): Chain drive. (Lower): Chain drive with torsional dampening.............................................................................................418 Figure J.6: Injector calibration using gasoline, Bosch 0-280-156-124. (Upper): Injector pulse width. (Lower): Duty cycle. ................................................420 Figure J.7: Volumetric calibration of the modified Fisher and Porter FP-1-20-G-8/78 rotameter used to determine blow-by rates (T = 20C, P = 101.3 kPa)......421 Figure J.8: Volumetric calibration of the modified Fisher and Porter FP-1-35-G10/83 rotameter used to determine cooling system flow rates (T = 20C, P = 101.3 kPa). ............................................................................................422 Figure J.9: Pressure transducer calibration (Kistler 601-B1, SN: C65704). .........423 Figure J.10: Mounting comparisons for cylinder pressure transducers in combustion chambers and resulting pressure data quality effects. (Upper): Non-flush mounting with connecting bore. (Lower): Flush mounting [129]. .............................................................................................................423 Figure J.11: Experiment in-cylinder pressure oscillation effects due to the nonflush mounted transducer. Single cycle oscillations shown to be independent of fuel quality and transducer type. SC - PFI, 6000 rev/min, 150 kPa MAP, CR = 11, 15 BTDC spark timing. .................................................................424 Figure J.12: Pressure transducer setup and mounting. (Left): Combustion chamber and pressure transducer location. (Right): Pressure transducer and associated components allowing direct flush mounting into the chamber. ..425 Figure J.13: Motoring trace, gathered with a first cylinder WOT ignition cut. NA PFI, 6000 rev/min, 100 kPa MAP, CR = 10, drift compensated, single cycle. .............................................................................................................426 Figure K.1: Piston repairs needed due to failures and long lead times. (Left): Welded piston. (Right): Final repaired product with no failures recorded...430 Figure L.1: Engine run-in procedure. NA - Carburetion. .................................431 Figure L.2: Blow-by effects upon returning to idle conditions during the engine run-in procedure shown in Figure L.1. New pistons and rings fitted. NA Carburetion, fast idle speed (2300 rev/min), 50 kPa MAP, CR = 10............432
Figure M.1: ADS-9000 and HEGO sensor sampling position. (Left): Dynamometer test rig setup. (Right): Vehicle setup........................................................435 Figure M.2: BMEP effects for varying . NA - PFI, 6000 rev/min, WOT, CR = 10. .............................................................................................................442 Figure M.3: Block diagram displaying the carbon balance methodology used to correct BSCO2 emissions to constant values. Methodology also applied to BSCO emissions......................................................................................444 Figure M.4: Individual cylinder HC emission concentrations (ppm C6) for gasoline with and power variation (engine speed and load) within a given data set. TC - PFI, CR = 10. ..................................................................................445 Figure N.1: Solution procedure flow chat for E-CoBRA. ....................................448 Figure N.2: Basic geometry of the reciprocating IC engine. ..............................449 Figure N.3: Open system boundary for single-zone combustion chamber. .........451 Figure N.4: Open system boundary for a two-zone combustion chamber. .........452 Figure N.5: Specific heat at constant pressure cp/R, as a function of temperature for species CO2, H2O, O2, N2, H2, and CO [164].........................................460 Figure N.6: Fuel Isooctane, equilibrium burned gases as a function of equivalence ratio at T = 1750 K, 2250 K, and 2750 K, at 30 bar. (Upper): Molecular weight. (Middle): Specific heat. (Lower): Ratio of specific heats. Results from E-CoBRA.............................................................................461 Figure N.7: Fuel Mole fraction of equilibrium combustion products of isooctaneair mixture as a function of equivalence ratio. (Upper): T = 1750 K, (Middle):
List of Tables
Table 2.1: The effect of various parameters on the ONR of a SI engine [90, 154, 169, 195, 217, 220, 226, 264]. ................................................................. 22 Table 3.1: Table 3.2: H7-p6 locational shrink fit upper and lower limits at ambient Boundary conditions used in all steady state thermal FEM analysis temperature and worse case conditions. ................................................... 55 (Upper): Combustion. (Lower): Exhaust blow-down. Note the higher liner temperatures at the bottom of the bore due to the absence of water cooling and exposure to crankcase oil. ................................................................. 63 Table 3.3: Test engine specifications. .............................................................. 72 Table 4.1: Electrical system fuel and ignition modules together with ECU sensor inputs required for engine operation. ........................................................ 86 Table 4.2: PC-30D analog to digital converter specifications.............................. 91 Table 4.3: Fuel delivery specifications for the carbureted and PFI systems........ 93 Table 4.4: Intake manifold geometry details for all test modes to suit the varying fuel delivery systems. .............................................................................. 95 Table 4.5: Defining the test modes desired maximum operating conditions....... 98 Table 4.6: Engine speed versus MAP test matrix at the CR closest to the HUCR. 98 Table 4.7: Engine speed versus CR test matrix at the MAP defined in Table 4.6. 98 Table 4.8: Knock and damage limits previously defined by Rothe et al. [192]...100 Table 4.9: Tuning strategy employed over the varying load conditions. ...........103 Table 5.1: Engine reliability development sequence in chronological order associated with NA and boosted engine testing. .......................................107 Table 5.2: Varying piston designs used during development, differentiated by the number of compression sealing rings. ......................................................117 Table 5.3: Different piston ring packs tried throughout development across NA and boosted modes. W: Width, P: Profile, M: Material..............................122 Table 5.4: Varying crankshaft design specifications used in experiments..........140 Table 6.1: Decision table used in turbocharger selection. Details in Appendix E.2. .............................................................................................................148
Table 6.2: Methods and resulting affects for controlling turbocharger oil consumption under compressor throttled conditions. TC - PFI, 2300 rev/min (fast idle speed), 50 kPa MAP, 3 bar turbocharger oil feed pressure...........152 Table 6.3: Summary of test engine TC simulation results with NA and TC camshafts. Valve timing changes and associated improvements. ..............177 Table 7.1: Chapter 7 contour and cross plot data expressed over multi-domains with parameter variation. ........................................................................188 Table 7.2: Estimated HUCR and the experimental test CR which was closest to the estimated value. ...............................................................................193 Table 8.1: Specifications for odd and even fire engines compared in Figure 8.2. .............................................................................................................232 Table 8.2: Engine specifications and performance data for a range of in-house developed FSAE engines across NA and boosted modes............................244 Table 8.3: Engine specifications and performance data for a range of small engines across NA and boosted modes. ...................................................246 Table 8.4: Comparing the best performance, efficiency and emissions of the test engine with typical larger bore engines found in passenger vehicles. .........249 Table 8.5: Specifications for the Ford Duratec engine fitted to the 2007 Fiesta Mark VII series, which is compared against the TC - PFI test engine..........253 Table 8.6: Possibilities of adapting the smaller test engine into the Fiesta chassis and the effects on vehicle performance, fuel consumption and CO2 emissions against the standard OEM vehicle. ...........................................................256 Table 8.7: Vehicle comparisons for several configurations involving the Fiesta chassis fitted with both OEM and smaller engines. The effects of vehicle mass on the power required to drive the vehicle at equal speeds over the NEDC and the resulting effects on fuel consumption and CO2 emissions.....................259 Table 8.8: Summary of fuel consumption and CO2 emission benefits arising from replacing the larger 1.25 L NA engine found in the Ford Fiesta with the smaller 0.43 L TC test engine. Compiled from Tables 8.6 and 8.7. ............260 Table 9.1: Implemented knock control strategies and their affects. .................293 Table 9.2: Combustion comparison between small bore (test engine) and large bore (Ford Falcon [25, 120]) engines at stoichiometric conditions..............301 Table B.1: FSAE event points breakdown [197]...............................................350
Table B.2: Engine power to vehicle mass comparisons for two extreme cases in FSAE engine selection. ............................................................................353 Table B.3: Advantages and disadvantages of differing FSAE engine packages. ..353 Table C.1: Shell Optimax fuel specifications [203]. ..........................................357 Table C.2: Properties of various fuels used in SI engines [228]. .......................358 Table C.3: Documented and measured RON numbers for fuels used during development and experiments.................................................................358 Table C.4: Current and future US federal emissions regulations and Californian standards for light-duty vehicles [56, 61]. ................................................359 Table C.5: Future Californian fleet average GHG emission standards [61]. ........359 Table C.6: EU emission standards for passenger cars (Category M1*), g/km [61]. .............................................................................................................360 Table G.1: FSAE trim gear reduction ratios for the Suzuki GSX-R600 and the test engine. ..................................................................................................387 Table H.1: Test conditions and configurations trialed in airflow experiments. ....393 Table H.2: Dall restrictor geometry outlined in Figure H.7. ...............................398 Table M.1: ADS-9000 measurement ranges and accuracy [20]........................434 Table M.2: ASD-9000 sensitivity to various fuels [62, 266]..............................437 Table M.3: Raw engine-out emission data from the first cylinders ADS-9000 emissions analyzer. TC - PFI, 8000 rev/min, 70 kPa MAP, CR = 10. ..........440 Table M.4: Actual emission concentrations after Table M.3 correction..............440 Table N.1 Constant coefficients amn. ...............................................................458 Table N.2 Constant coefficients fmn and g0n. ....................................................458 Table O.1: Independent measurements, test ranges and associated errors. .....471 Table O.2: Error propagation from Table O.1. ................................................472
ABDC ACEA ADC AFR ASTM ATDC BBDC BDC BMEP BSCO BSCO2 BSFC BSHC BSNOX BTDC CA CAD CAE CAFE CAP CARB CDI CFD CFR CI CNC CO CO2 COG COP CoV CR CVT after bottom dead center European Automobile Manufacturers' Association analogue to digital converter air-fuel ratio American Society for Testing Materials after top dead center before bottom dead center bottom dead center brake mean effective pressure brake specific carbon monoxide brake specific carbon dioxide brake specific fuel consumption brake specific hydrocarbons brake specific oxides of nitrogen before top dead center crank angle computer aided design computer aided engineering Corporate Average Fuel Economy crankcase absolute pressure California Air Resource Board capacitive discharge ignition computational fluid dynamics Cooperative Fuel Research compression ignition computer numerically controlled carbon monoxide carbon dioxide center of gravity coil on plug coefficient of variation (standard deviation/mean) compression ratio continuously varying transmission
data acquisition direct injection direct injection spark ignition damage limit double over head camshafts direct shift gearbox experimental combustion burn rate analysis engine control unit exhaust gas recirculation electromagnetic interference European Union exhaust valve closed exhaust valve open finite element method flame ionization detector friction mean effective pressure Formula SAE flame speed ratio (ST,a /SL) Federal Test Procedure greenhouse gas General Motors hydrocarbon homogeneous charge compression ignition heated exhaust gas oxygen hydrogen water high speed diesel high tension highest useful compression ratio inside diameter indicated mean effective pressure Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change inlet valve closed inlet vale open Kei knock amplitude kinetic energy conservation knock limit liter
lower flammable limit lower heating value manifold absolute pressure manifold air temperature maximum brake torque mass burned rate mass fraction burned mass fraction burned rate mean piston speed normally aspirated non-dispersive infra-red New European Drive Cycle oxides of nitrogen noise, vibration and harshness oxygen outside diameter original equipment manufacturer octane number requirement Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries positive crankcase ventilation port fuel injection performance limit pumping mean effective pressure part open throttle parts per million radio frequency interference research octane number room temperature vulcanizing supercharged spherical graphite spark ignition selective laser sintering spark timing turbocharged top dead center tungsten inert gas throttle position three-way catalyst German Federal Environmental Agency
upper flammable limit United Kingdom United States variable nozzle turbine variable turbine geometry variable valve timing wide open throttle
A b c cp cv C CD Cf D g hc hfg L M Ma n N P Q R r s SL ST,a T u
area bore diameter speed of sound specific heat at constant pressure specific heat at constant volume heat transfer coefficient discharge coefficient friction coefficient diameter acceleration due to gravity heat transfer coefficient enthalpy of the phase change from liquid to vapor length mass flow rate molecular weight Mach number number of moles engine rotational speed pressure heat transfer gas constant radius stroke length laminar flame speed actual turbulent flame speed temperature turbulence intensity
internal energy volume clearance volume vapour compensation ratio swept volume voltage work transfer angle ratio of specific heats (cp /cv) compressor efficiency mechanical efficiency brake thermal efficiency volumetric efficiency crank angle relative air fuel ratio dynamic viscosity kinematic viscosity density equivalence ratio magnetic flux combustion chamber average gas velocity
In recent times, research into spark ignition (SI) engine downsizing has grown in popularity [130, 136, 174] as governments begin to limit carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and consumers strive for cost savings due to rising oil prices. Thus, manufacturers are trying to improve performance and efficiency while meeting legislative pollutant emissions standards. Downsizing larger engines appears to be a major way forward in satisfying consumer and manufacturer requirements. For downsized engines to be comparable to their larger counterparts, the specific output performance must be increased by a ratio equal to the reduction in engine size. This high specific output can only be achieved with the help of increased engine speeds and/or intake boosting. This increases the induced amount of air and fuel, thus enabling the performance of the downsized engine to be improved to match its larger counterpart. Turbocharging seems to be the most acceptable solution to meeting the requirements, with high pressure ratios achievable and well documented improvements in efficiency [9, 42, 123, 174, 191, 248]. Engines found in compact sized passenger vehicles in todays automobile marketplace are considered small, but are usually more than twice the capacity of the engine designed, developed and tested for this research. Furthermore, the technology needed to replace these larger engines with smaller capacity downsized units already exists in normally aspirated (NA) versions, which are commonly mass produced for motorcycle and other applications. Applying turbocharger technology to smaller engines provides an economically viable solution in the near term prior to the implementation of alternative powertrain technology (fuel cell, electric or hybrid).
This research parallels steps already present in the market place for diesel engines and is essential in giving direction to the development of smaller gasoline engines [65, 118], which will be needed to meet both the worlds future powertrain and environmental requirements. This work differs from the Japanese Kei (K) class of passenger vehicles, which feature similar capacity and reduced performance engines fitted to microcars, as found in the Smart vehicle range [205]. The research presented focuses on replacing engines found in compact sized regular passenger vehicles.
Chapter 2 provides background information on increasing global vehicle trends and the resulting effects on fuel consumption and global warming. order to mitigate growing world concerns. The third chapter details some aspects of the engine design, with focus placed on key features and novel aspects which were vital in ensuring reliability for the highly turbocharged (TC) package. Chapter 4 describes the experimental apparatus, including a description of the engine test rig, instrumentation and data acquisition systems used to complete experiments. An outline of the experimental objectives and results analysis is also presented. Furthermore, the test modes and methodology used to complete the research are described, with the test modes covering NA, supercharged (SC) and TC engine operation. Engine development needed to commission the engine design is presented in the fifth chapter. This includes dynamometer and in-vehicle development completed throughout the experimental testing phase. Chapter 6 presents turbocharger implementation, including the selection and development needed to successfully achieve boosted operation with the throttled compressor intake layout. Performance optimization, considerably aided by Turbocharger simulation tools and experimental testing is also described. together with the valve events is also presented. The seventh chapter presents the operating limits and experimental results over varying engine speed, CR, MAP and fuel delivery domains. Contour plots are used to display performance, efficiency and emission experimental results over these domains. Chapter 8 compares the performance, efficiency and emissions across test engine modes. In addition, comparisons are made to other small and larger engines An in-depth comparative found in FSAE and passenger vehicles respectively. vehicle with the TC test engine is also presented. Engine downsizing and turbocharging are also compared to many other technologies in
implementation which involved the optimization of the intake and exhaust systems
Discussion of combustion in small engines is presented in Chapter 9 over varying engine speed, MAP, CR and fuel delivery domains. Differences and similarities to larger bore engines are also highlighted. The effects of ignition energy and spark knock on boosted combustion are presented, with further in-depth analysis on knock in the ultra high brake mean effective pressure (BMEP) condition. Chapter 10 summarizes the research achievements and conclusions. Furthermore, recommendations for future work are presented, including the requirements for replacing a modern production engine with a smaller downsized option in the compact sized, regular passenger vehicle class.
Figure 2.1: Current and projected trends in global motor vehicle registration, Year: 19452025 [1, 71, 237, 239].
Since 1970, the global fleet has been steadily expanding at approximately 16 million vehicles per year [257]. By 2030, it is anticipated that this linear growth will result in 1.2 billion cars and commercial vehicles driving on the worlds roads [71]. Over the past century, motor vehicle growth has been influenced by a growing population, but more importantly as a result of the car becoming a more affordable and convenient form of transport. Furthermore, the status that has been associated with owning and driving a motor vehicle in the past has increased sales and is continuing to increase sales, especially in developing countries. Figure 2.2 displays per capita car ownership in different regions of the world in both 1994 and 2005 [231, 240]. Car ownership is highest in developed countries, with the United States (US) leading the way with over 800 motor vehicles registered per 1,000 people in 2005. However, in the past 10 years vehicle growth in developed countries has slowed and even declined in some countries such as Canada. In contrast to the slowing vehicle growth in wealthy nations, motor vehicle registrations have been exploding in the rapidly developing economies of Asia. However, vehicle population in Asian countries is still quite low, with China having less than 4% of the vehicles per 1,000 people when compared to the US in 2005. Figure 2.3 displays Chinas 11.6% annual motor vehicle growth rate since 1990. This trend is projected to continue, with a large contributing factor being the 23% annual growth rate in private vehicles as a result of a growing portion of the Chinese population able to afford a motor vehicle. The growth in motor vehicle numbers has placed increased strain on the worlds natural resources and environment.
United States Canada Pacific Europe, W est Europe, East South America Asia, Middle East Asia, Far East Africa China 0 100 200 Motor Vehicles per 1000 People 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 2005 1994
Figure 2.2: World motor vehicle population per 1000 persons (1994 and 2005) [231, 240].
0 1990
Figure 2.3: Chinese motor vehicle population showing the rapid growth since 1990. Vehicles exclude the ~50 million motorcycles and ~20 million agricultural vehicles [237].
100 $ 2006 80 $US / Barrel 60 40 20 0 1940 $ Money of the day Oil Consumption
2nd OPEC oil price shock Iraq War, Asian Growth
50 40 30 20 2010
Figure 2.4: Crude oil prices and consumption heavily influenced by world events [194].
The effects of rising oil prices on vehicle fuel consumption in the US are shown in Figure 2.5. In the 1970s when oil prices rapidly increased, both car and truck fuel consumption dramatically decreased due to technology improvements and vehicle size reduction, responding to the Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) regulation. Although the technology continued to improve engine efficiencies, improvements in vehicle fuel consumption stagnated and even began to increase during the 1980s and 1990s, where US motor vehicle manufacturers resisted further tightening of the CAFE standards. This was caused by factors such as power and vehicle size becoming more important to the consumer. Currently, due to increasing oil prices and concerns over global warming, many new fuel efficient technologies have been introduced and there has been a resurgence in the popularity of smaller vehicles. Furthermore, imminent Californian legislation (Appendix C.2) for CO2 emissions is leading to improvements in fuel consumption.
Average miles/gallon
Cars Both
10 1970
Figure 2.5: US motor vehicle fuel economy, heavily influenced by oil prices [194, 233].
CFC-12 6%
Transport 26% Other Halocarbons 5% Carbon Dioxide 64% Manufacturing and Construction 19%
Figure 2.6: (Left): Share of greenhouse warming due to different greenhouse gases [104]. (Right): Share of worldwide CO2 emissions from the combustion of fuel, by sector [106].
390 CO2 Concentrations (ppmv) 370 350 330 310 290 270 1880 Global Average Temperature (C) CO2 CO2 (Ice Cores) CO2 CO2 (Mauna Loa) Global Temperatures 14.5 14.3 14.1 13.9 13.7 13.5 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000
Figure 2.7: Global mean temperatures (land and ocean) [165, 168].
When using oil based hydrocarbon (HC) fuels, CO2 output and fuel consumption is primarily a function of engine brake thermal efficiency (TH). Vehicle manufacturers are thus currently pressured by government regulators and consumers to improve TH. From the consumer side, the global drive for more efficient engines is primarily motivated by the recent increasing cost of oil. From an environmental perspective, the growing emphasis on reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) CO2 has forced European institutions and legislative bodies to instigate CO2 targets. More recently, California has instituted GHG emission standards, effective from 2009 (Appendix C.2). These CO2 targets and standards (Figure 2.8) can only be achieved by reducing fuel consumption or by increasing the hydrogen to carbon ratio of the fuel.
Vehicle CO2 Emissions (g/km) (g/km) New Fleet Average CO 2 Emissions
Gasoline vehicles All fuels Diesel vehicles Californian GHG Regulation EU Ministry for Traffic (D) Foresight Vehicle (UK) UBA (D)
Figure 2.8: Vehicle CO2 emissions. (Black): Fleet target averages over the NEDC [46, 130]. (Blue): Alternative technologies. (Red): Californian regulations for the FTP 75 cycle [61].
The California Air Research Board (CARB) has conducted extensive studies into the cost and CO2 emission effects of implementing new technologies to the vehicle fleet [43]. Analysis was conducted for near and long timeframes, with some In the near term, results for the large vehicle class displayed in Figure 2.9.
applying existing technologies such as turbocharging, variable valve timing (VVT), cylinder deactivation, improved transmissions and electric accessories to motor vehicles provides the best option to reducing CO2 emissions. With this current technology, a 22.1% reduction in CO2 is achievable in large vehicles, with a small decrease ($US 58) in annualized whole of life cost [43]. From Figure 2.9, downsized TC engines are shown to be the best option for reducing CO2 in the near and medium terms with little impact on costs, when compared to more complex and expensive technologies such as Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI). Coupling this technology to moderate and advanced hybrid vehicles also provides the potential for further long term reductions. In the long term, it is envisaged that the coupling of high speed diesel engines to hybrid technology will also be able to offer a 50% reduction in CO2 over the 2009 baseline, however, the increased complexity significantly increases cost [43].
5500 4500 Incremental Cost ($) 3500 2500 1500 500 -500 0
Black = Near Term (2009-2013) Blue = Mid Term (2013-2015) Green = Long Term (2015 - )
Break Even
Figure 2.9: Large vehicle class technologies and the effects on cost and CO2 emissions [43]. (A6) six speed automatic transmission, (DCP) dual camshaft phasing, (DCT) dual clutch six speed transmission, (DE-ACT) cylinder deactivation, (DVVL) discrete variable valve lift, (EACC) electric accessories, (EPS) electric power steering, (GDI-S) gasoline direct injection at stoichiometric, (G-HCCI) gasoline homogenous charge compression ignition, (HEV) hybrid electric vehicle, (HSDI) high speed diesel, (IA) improved alternator, (ICP) inlet camshaft phasing, (ISG) integrated starter generator, (TC) turbocharged.
NA DI (stratified) TC DI (lean) TC DI (EGR) TC 4V HSDI High Speed Diesel TC DI (stratified)
TC PFI (stoich)
0 0
NA PFI (stoich)
NA DI (stoich)
TC DI (stoich)
Figure 2.10: Cost benefit analysis for CO2 improvements over the NEDC using various technologies in SI and diesel engines [130, 174].
literature support this concept in larger engines, with a concise review of decreasing capacity through the addition of intake boosting presented in Section 2.6. Hence, applying turbocharger technology to small engines provides an However, a thorough economically viable solution to growing world concerns.
literature review found little work in this area specific to small engines. Further research may provide some insight into future engine trends while exploring the limits of small downsized engines.
Petitjean et al. [174] also ran vehicles over the NEDC to capture the benefits of progressive downsizing and turbocharging, with results for three different engine configurations shown in Figure 2.11. In these tests, a 19.6% reduction in fuel consumption was achieved with a 40% downsized engine capacity. These results become even more impressive when one considers that the gains were achieved with a CR reduction of two points to avoid abnormal combustion, as no complex knock preventive strategies were used. Hence, further efficiency gains could be achieved if MAP and/or CR could be increased whilst further downsizing to maintain equal power. TC downsized engines also offer other benefits besides obvious engine efficiency gains. When engine packaging and overall powerplant weight reduction is improved, there are further enhancements in vehicle efficiency and dynamic performance. The reduced engine size also offers mass reductions in engine-out exhaust emissions prior to catalyst light-off, with reduced need for stratified lean burn strategies to improve efficiency. Thus standards for regulated emissions can be met using conventional aftertreatment methods (TWC) at stoichiometric operating conditions.
Figure 2.11: The effects on CR and fuel consumption over the NEDC for NA and various capacity TC downsized engines with equal power output in the same test vehicle [174].
Although downsized engines have been proven capable of matching the performance of larger NA engines with the addition of boost as previously described, some drawbacks do exist. Low speed performance is dictated by the rate at which the turbocharger can supply the required airflow to match the performance of the larger engine. Furthermore, the downsizing extent is limited by the deliverable pressure ratios the turbocharger can achieve. An additional factor is that the increased specific output places greater strain on the internal components of the engine due to the increased combustion loading with intake boosting and possibly increased inertia forces due to engine speed increases. processes. This may increase unit cost and complexity as there is a need to In-service operating costs may also increase. Furthermore, more These redesign internal components using improved materials and manufacturing elaborate control systems are needed to prevent component failure.
measures are required to ensure reliability and durability over the engines life cycle. The higher pressures and temperatures associated with TC engines also increase the occurrence of uncontrolled combustion, mainly knock in the end-gas region, which further deteriorates engine performance and reliability [98, 123].
2.7 Combustion
The combustion process in an internal combustion engine is extremely complex, involving the development and propagation of an unsteady turbulent flame through a mixture whose pressure, temperature and turbulence intensity are continually changing due to the piston motion and the influence of the flame itself. The combustion parameters such as peak pressure and flame propagation time are functions of pressure, flame speed, piston motion, flame geometry, turbulence and heat transfer. The study of flame propagation using these parameters This ensures meaningful results are requires skillful interpretation with the averaging of many cycles used to calculate the burning history for a typical cycle. the definition of each of these as follows. extracted. A combustion event can be defined as either normal or abnormal, with
Normal combustion is defined as a combustion process in which: The combustion event is initiated solely by a controlled spark discharge event. The flame front propagates completely across the combustion chamber. The flame propagation is at a relatively uniform speed and repeatable. Abnormal combustion can refer to a variety of situations in which one or more of the above definitions does not hold. This includes processes where: The flame fails to completely consume all of the charge (partial burns and misfires). A hot spot in the combustion chamber causes surface ignition, which can occur prior to the spark initiating combustion or in the unburned gas region. Some or all of the charge is consumed at extremely high rates (spark knock from flame acceleration or auto ignition). Figure 2.12 displays in-cylinder pressure cycle traces highlighting normal (no knock) and abnormal combustion (spark knock) taken from the test engine.
Figure 2.12: Normal and abnormal (heavy spark knock) combustion in the test engine. TC - PFI, 7000 rev/min, 220 kPa MAP, CR = 11, 12 BTDC spark timing, peak knock amplitude = 3 MPa.
knocking pressure oscillations greater than 0.5 MPa, Lu et al. showed that the heat flux increases almost linearly with the knock amplitude [140]. Hence, the tendency to knock is highly dependent on the engine design and operating variables which influence the end-gas temperature, pressure and the time spent at high values of these two properties before flame arrival. Thus the tendency to knock is decreased through reductions in end-gas temperature, with further detail given in Section 2.7.2.
2.8 Summary
This chapter provided a brief background on the increasing global vehicle population together with growing fuel consumption and global warming concerns. Various technologies are examined on a cost versus fuel consumption basis, with turbocharging and engine downsizing shown to be a viable near term solution. The possibility of turbocharging small engines for downsizing purposes is also discussed, enabling the engine design (Chapter 3) to accommodate the high loads associated with this type of application.
Table 2.1: The effect of various parameters on the ONR of a SI engine [90, 154, 169, 195, 217, 220, 226, 264]. Parameters Spark Advance Octane Number Requirement (ONR) increase 1 ONR / 1 knock limited spark advance increase 1 ONR / 7C peaks around 5% rich of stoichiometric, decreases 2 ONR / 0.1 increase 3 - 4 ONR / 10 kPa Range Tested 0 - 30 CA Reference [90, 195]
20 - 90C
[90, 195] [154, 195, 226] [195, 226] [90, 154, 195, 217, 264] [195]
12 - 26 AFR
85 - 135 kPa
increase 5 ONR/ CR
5 - 12 CR
0 - 65 kPa
Coolant Temperature
increase 1 ONR / 10C decrease 1.4 ONR/300 m decrease 2.5 ONR/300 m decrease 1 ONR when increasing relative humidity from 40% to 50% at 30C increase 6 - 9 ONR over life of engine increase up to 12 ONR depending on driving style decrease 1 ONR / 1% H2 added decrease 4 ONR when DI used over PFI decrease up to 5 ONR as squish area increases decrease up to 15 ONR from cylindrical to modern type (hemispherical head)
0 - 25,000 km
Engine Design
3.1 Introduction
In this chapter, the engineering design of a highly TC inline two cylinder small engine intended for use in FSAE competition is presented. Due to the intricacy and complexity of the system, it is difficult to discuss all aspects of the engine design. Rather, this chapter is focused on the most salient points, with emphasis placed on key features and novel aspects which were vital in ensuring robustness and reliability for the highly TC package. If further detail is required, the reader is referred to Appendix P, which displays detailed assembly and component drawings of the engine design. This chapter begins with an outline of the theoretical analysis used to set the capacity and configuration for this rules-compliant FSAE engine. In addition, computer aided design (CAD) and validated computational fluid dynamic (CFD) models were used to substantiate expected performance gains. The use of a few OEM components is also outlined as they reduced costs, lead times and the complexity of the project. Additionally, the detailed design and analysis of some major components are described. The design process for the new components incorporated proven techniques involving computer aided engineering (CAE) analysis, empirical data and detailed calculations. A special feature is the detailed description of a novel gasketless interface created for an open deck cylinder block design. Lastly, final engine specifications are listed together with a description of the assembly of the test engine.
With peak brake power limited to ~60 kW due to the limited air consumption (Appendix D.5), peak performance gains at the choked condition were only expected to be minimal and due to a combination of thermal efficiency improvements together with friction loss reductions. The strategy to reduce friction losses involved limiting the maximum engine speed to 10,000 rev/min as losses increased at the square of the speed increase [259, 261]. Furthermore, if the swept capacity could be reduced whilst keeping the rotating and reciprocating components as small as possible and still maintaining choked operation, delivered power would also increase due to the reduction in frictional losses associated with the smaller capacity [13, 15, 16, 113]. The use of a suction device downstream of the restrictor (Figure D.1) allowed the maximum mass flow through the restrictor to be maintained over a wide speed range through delivering air at regulated boost, which would enable the above mentioned constant power performance aims to be achieved. Turbocharging was the preferred method of intake boosting over mechanically supercharging due to the documented TH improvements [42, 123, 174, 191, 248] together with the high pressure ratios that were achievable. flow operating conditions. Furthermore, turbocharger boost limitations dictated the volume of the swept capacity while still maintaining choked Hence, the proposed engine design concept is comparable to downsized engines found in large automobile diesel and gasoline applications but on a reduced scale, with intake boosting used to compensate for the swept capacity reduction and additional mass benefits associated with the smaller engine. Whilst the requirement to achieve these results with sufficient suction on the compressor intake (needed to achieve sonic flow in the restrictor) would appear to be an excessive condition for a non-racing application, in reality it dictates better than usual turbocharger specification and performance. To determine the swept capacity, a compressible flow model was created to calculate intake air consumption based on the maximum mass flow that could be achieved in the choked restrictor condition (Appendix D.3). Hence, the engine capacity was selected with the aid of Figure 3.1, which shows the predicted volumetric efficiency (VOL) needed to maintain sonic flow through the intake restriction for varying engine capacities and operating conditions.
VOL (%)
0 0
4000 6000
Figure 3.1: Predicted engine air consumption needed to maintain choked flow operating conditions for varying swept capacities and operating conditions with model validation from previous experimental results.
A validation point for the model simulation is also shown in Figure 3.1, with a dynamometer experimental result from the in-house developed Suzuki GSX-R600 engine in FSAE trim. A slight VOL over-prediction is seen from the model, attributed to flow loss effects on the dynamometer associated with vena contracta [58] and pulsed flow through the intake restriction [14, 245]. On the basis that a pressure ratio of ~3 (~250% VOL assuming losses) is the expected turbocharger limit (Appendix E.2.2), an engine size between 0.4 and 0.45 L was selected with an operating speed ranging from 6,000 to 10,000 rev/min. The engine configuration was heavily influenced by the turbocharger and engine packaging objectives. A single cylinder provided mass and packaging benefits but posed large problems with turbocharging and cylinder filling. Two or a larger number of cylinders reduces the flow velocity fluctuations experienced by the exhaust system and turbine but adds mass and complexity together with increased frictional losses due to the greater piston rubbing areas. The chosen configuration featured a two cylinder in-line configuration as a compromise between the competing effects, but with an uneven firing interval (0, 180 crank angle (CA) ) which was selected for engine balance reasons.
Cylinder bore and stroke dimensions were then determined, with the stroke length dictated by the maximum speed limitation of 10,000 rev/min. This equated to a stroke length of ~58-60 mm with the maximum mean piston speed (MPS) limit set at 20 m/s to ensure engine reliability [220]. Hence to maintain the required swept capacity, a bore dimension of ~68-70 mm was required resulting in a bore stroke ratio of ~1.2. This ratio had previously been proven to promote adequate incylinder mixing and consequently good combustion in four valve designs [214, 215, 220]. Maintaining a large bore size relative to other small engines (< 60 mm) also reduced the heat losses because of the lower surface to volume ratio, which potentially improves TH. However, the smaller bore size when compared to usual passenger vehicle applications reduced the knock propensity due to the shorter flame travel distance, which helped improve TC engine reliability. Furthermore, potential performance improvements were also possible through MAP and/or CR increases associated with the reduced knock likelihood.
60 50 Brake Power (kW) 40 30 20 10 0 4000 New Design (Simulated) Suzuki GSX-R600 FSAE Trim (Simulated) Suzuki GSX-R600 FSAE Trim (Experiment)
Figure 3.2: Simulation results for the proposed two cylinder TC design and the Melbourne University FSAE teams previous engine (NA Suzuki GSX-R600), with Suzuki experimental results used for model validation. Both engines flow restricted.
Initial model performance results were poor due to the odd firing (uneven) inlet and exhaust flows and the turbocharger interaction, as described in Chapter 6. As the engine capacity and configuration including the bore and stroke dimensions were set from Section 3.3.1, no simulated engine optimization was completed in these areas. Rather, to mitigate the odd firing turbocharger interactions, the simulation model was used to improve performance by optimizing the intake and exhaust manifold geometry together with camshaft profiles (Chapter 6.5). This was required due to a shortage of published data and design rules on turbocharging odd fire, two cylinder configurations. A performance comparison between both the Suzuki and the proposed new engine design is also displayed in Figure 3.2. It is noted that the Suzuki had undergone extensive experimental dynamometer and simulation development [93, 113, 187], with best achieved results displayed for fair comparisons. Results highlight the smaller engines slight improvement in peak power due to thermal efficiency improvements and friction loss reductions previously suggested. However, more evident is the engines ability to maintain the choked flow operating condition over a wide speed range (6,000 to 11,000 rev/min), resulting in a near flat power curve and hence large improvements over the Suzuki baseline. of the FSAE project performance objectives. These findings confirmed the previously suggested performance expectations and the feasibility
- Fuel Injector - Restrictor - Pipe - Pipe Junction - Infinite Volume - Pipe Junction - Cylinder - Compressor - Turbine
Figure 3.3: Ricardo WAVE model block diagrams used to predict FSAE engine performance for the flow restricted condition. (Upper): NA Suzuki GSX-R600 model used for initial software validation. (Lower): Proposed highly TC engine model created to explore the expected performance gains from engine downsizing.
marketplace, enabling components to be sourced locally. Although the crankcase was well suited to the application, all other components were replaced to enable
high BMEP operation. In addition, further crankcase modifications were required for the lubrication system as well as the rotating and reciprocating assemblies to suit the newly designed components. Transmission An integral part of the engine design involved the transmission as this was contained within the selected crankcase. The transmission also allowed the wide speed range engine power characteristic to be matched to FSAE application. Hence the criteria for selecting the required number of gear sets and subsequent ratios were largely dictated by vehicle speeds and engine performance. The major event in FSAE is the Autocross, which has an average speed of around 55 km/h which typically involves a speed range varying from 30 to 90 km/h. In vehicle acceleration over this speed range, typically two or more gear up shifts and consequential downshifts are required. It is noted that automatic gear Even if gearshifts are made shifting in motorsport major competition typically takes about 30 ms, so in one lap up to 0.5 seconds may be lost to gear shifting. clutchless, with the drive train absorbing the shocks, the torque pulsations unsettle the vehicle stability, particularly in turns. Hence, reducing the number of gearshifts has advantages in increasing the power delivered, which can be used by the skilled driver [13]. Furthermore, it follows that an engine with constant power over the speed range has a potential advantage in the autocross event by eliminating gear shifting and running in only one gear. limitations. Consequently, extensive matching analysis was completed to determine the required number of gear sets and ratios to stay at nearly constant power during vehicle operation, with further detail outlined in Appendix G. A three speed The existing transmission was selected, with gear ratios shown in Table G.1. However, in the acceleration event, one gear change may be required depending on traction
transmission within the crankcase was then extensively modified to suit the new application. This involved keeping the existing layout but heavily modifying the 6 speed original design. Hence, the gears and change mechanism were altered with new gear sets to give a wide ratio 3 speed transmission, compatible with the constant power concept of the engine.
Cylinder Head To enable high BMEP output, a modern four valve, pent roof combustion chamber cylinder head was required, due to well accepted advantages in both air consumption and combustion. Extensive airflow testing was carried out on a steady flow rig (Appendix H) in the search for a suitable cylinder head that fulfilled the required airflow, CR and bore spacing requirements (set by the crankcase). As no suitable inline two cylinder heads could be sourced, the feasibility of using a cylinder head from a four cylinder configuration was initially explored with flow tests (Appendix H.5). A four cylinder Suzuki RF600 cylinder head was selected due to excellent flow results, while also fulfilling the packaging, bore spacing and timing chain requirements. From airflow experiments, the Suzuki cylinder head gave an inlet mean flow coefficient of 0.4 (Figure H.5.3) with a 0.53 critical Mach index value. This critical Mach index was favorable as it did not exceed the 0.6 maximum value [220], allowing high port velocities which improved in-cylinder tumble and swirl without restricting air consumption. As the Suzuki cylinder head was designed for a slightly reduced bore diameter, the combustion chamber exhibited increased squish areas around the periphery when adapted to the larger bore of the inline two cylinder. This improved in-cylinder turbulence in the end-gas region and hence was beneficial in reducing knock propensity [229], a well documented and expected problem in the highly boosted design. Furthermore, the compactness of the small combustion chamber reduced the volume contained in the cylinder head in comparison to the cylinder volume, allowing relatively high CRs (~13) to be achieved with a simple flat piston crown. The desired CR could eventually be matched to suit the operating conditions with piston crown modifications which reduced the CR (Section 3.5.3). A heavy downside of the Suzuki cylinder head was the extensive modifications that were required to adapt it to the two cylinder configuration. This involved removing cylinders 1 and 4 which exposed the oil and water passages which created sealing challenges. Other retained cylinder head components such as the valve train also created problems, requiring the modification and manufacture of many components, as displayed in the drawings of Appendix P.
Rocker Cover
Exhaust Camshaft
Intake Camshaft
Coil on Plug
Cylinder Head
Spark Plug
Piston Rings
Gudgeon Pin
Connecting Rod
SCALE 1:2 Figure 3.5: Sectional view of the final engine design highlighting the rotating and reciprocating components.
Initially due to component uncertainty and lack of information, model inputs such as masses were estimated, however were based on empirical data gathered from the literature [8, 220]. As the design and specification of individual components evolved during the design iteration process, the analytical model was updated to determine new loading conditions. This was imperative as all components in the assembly were designed concurrently and hence were affected by one another, with each of the changes contributing to the worst case loading conditions. To determine the gas pressure forces acting on the assembly in the load analysis, in-cylinder pressure data obtained from previous experimental work was utilized to replicate the pressure forces [92, 248], also corresponding to pressure data modeled by WAVE. A peak pressure near 7.5 MPa was expected at the highest boosted conditions under normal combustion. This value was also comparable to previous findings from a dual fuel natural gas diesel platform operating at a CR of 16.5 with a very high pressure rate rise of 400 kPa/CA [266]. A safety factor was then applied to compensate for other factors (abnormal combustion) as previously described. Additionally, the pressure curve was varied in the load analysis model depending on the boost level and hence BMEP. This was required as the maximum boost conditions and hence combustion pressure loading decreased as the engine speed increased due to the choked intake restrictor. Analytical model inertia forces were calculated by modeling the vertical reciprocating motion throughout crankshaft rotation [211], which enabled acceleration rates to be determined from engine speed. Reciprocating components included the piston, gudgeon pin, piston rings and a portion of connecting rod (~1/3 total connecting rod mass, determined from the centre of mass position). Hence forces were then calculated from component masses and continuously updated during the design evolution process due to changing parameters. As the piston was designed to accommodate anticipated CR changes through piston crown modification (Section 3.5.3), the maximum mass corresponding to the highest CR was used in calculations. Figure 3.6 displays the final design loads calculated from the analytical model at the end of the design iteration process. Inertia, gas pressure and combined resultant loads are shown for both worst case operating conditions involving
maximum engine speed and maximum BMEP. The upper diagram of Figure 3.6 highlights that the combustion loads are the dominant factor at peak BMEP conditions (only minor inertia force cancellations), with peak loading occurring near peak cylinder pressure (~10 ATDC) as previously documented [155]. At maximum engine speed (Figure 3.6 - Lower), inertia forces dominate with peak loading at top dead centre (TDC) during valve overlap. Both worse case inertia and gas pressure conditions highlight peak resultant loads of ~ 20 kN.
At maximum BMEP 6,000 rev/min 7.5 MPa peak pressure ~300 kPa MAP
At maximum speed 10,000 rev/min 6.5 MPa peak pressure ~180 kPa MAP
Inertia dominated
Figure 3.6: Crankshaft crankpin loads caused by inertia (reciprocating component movement) and gas pressure (combustion) forces at maximum operating conditions. (Upper): Combustion dominated force at maximum BMEP. (Lower): Inertia dominated force at maximum speed.
material remained around the connecting rod big-end [220]. Both H and I section connecting rod designs were evaluated with extensive finite element method (FEM) analysis. Figure 3.7 displays model stress analysis The results for compressive and tensile loading conditions for both designs.
connecting rod was analyzed as an assembly with gudgeon pin and crankshaft big-end component representation. This ensured the validity of the FEM analysis by reducing the deflections of the pin and big-end and the effects of strain in the connecting rod. Component surface contact and boundary conditions were evaluated on a node to node element basis.
H - Beam
I - Beam
Section A-A
Section B-B
H - Beam
I - Beam
MPa 1000
H - Beam
I - Beam
Figure 3.7: Evaluation of H and I section beam connecting rods. (Upper): Equal mass CAD models with beam cross section detail. (Lower): FEM model analysis comparing von Mises stress distribution with x 100 distorted profile shown.
H - Beam
I - Beam
MPa 600
H - Beam
I - Beam
Figure 3.8: FEM model analysis comparing von Mises stress distribution for both connecting rod designs under bending loads (misalignment or abnormal pressure forces) with x 10 distorted profile shown.
X-plane (Pin axis)
Figure 3.9: Various combustion chamber geometries highlighting highest loading locations due to abnormal pressure forces (spark knock) thus favoring various connecting rod designs to minimize deflection and ensure bearing reliability.
Figure 3.10: (Left): I section connecting rods during the manufacturing process. (Right): Manufactured items to specified designs and drawings.
Results from the left lower diagram of Figure 3.7 show similar tensile loading stresses for both equal mass H and I section designs due to the similar beam cross sectional area. However, at the same mass, the I section rod had lower compressive stresses midway up the beam at peak load as can be seen in the lower right diagram of Figure 3.7. In theory, the connecting rod is purely a member under compressive or tensile loading, with the piston skirt absorbing the jerk load (thrust force) due to the gudgeon pins rotation about the little-end axis. In practice, an element of connecting rod side loading due to misalignment, whipping and abnormal pressure forces can exist and create bending or twist loads. These bending effects were analyzed, with Figure 3.8 displaying FEM analysis results. The left images of Figure 3.8 highlight that the I section connecting rod is advantageous in resisting bending in the plane of angular rotation (X-plane) associated with whipping. This has benefits in preventing connecting rod fracture in the case of big-end bearing failure due to subsequent high bending loads. Furthermore, the superior stiffness of the I section design in the X-plane (Figure 3.8 - Left) was beneficial under abnormal pressure forces (end-gas spark knock) due to their typical location, in four valve, pent roof designs. However, the H section was beneficial in Y-plane bending (Figure 3.8 - Right), which was
advantageous under unsymmetrical loading caused by the piston axis being out of line with the connecting rod axis. Furthermore, the abnormal pressure forces due to the subsequent knock location in two valve designs make the H design preferable for these configurations (Figure 3.9). Consequently, the I section design was adopted due to compressive load benefits and improved suitability for the modern pent roof chamber amongst other factors highlighted, with manufactured items displayed in Figure 3.10. Previous high BMEP applications [66, 77] had exposed the little-end bearing in the connecting rod as a potential weakness, due to problems associated with inadequate gudgeon pin cooling and lubrication. This had resulted in gudgeon pin discoloration due to high temperatures which caused component fretting and galling. Hence, a more forgiving, thin walled bronze bush was inserted into the connecting rod little-end to avoid steel to steel contact and thus improve surface contact lubricity. Furthermore, extensive FEM analysis was completed on the little-end oil hole location, as the conventional single central oil hole was exposed as a potential weakness with minor stress concentrations (Figure 3.11). Hence, the single oil hole was replaced by two smaller oil holes with the same orifice area, as depicted in Figure 3.11.
Stress concentration
Figure 3.11: FEM model analysis comparing von Mises stress distribution for various connecting rod little-end oil hole locations (30 kN tensile load). (Left): Single central hole in high loaded region and resultant stress concentration. (Right): Two smaller holes.
Figure 3.12: The design and manufacture of forged aluminum custom pistons were required due to the high boost levels employed. (Left): Off-the-shelf forged piston blank prior to machining. (Right): Manufactured piston design with single compression ring.
As the piston underside geometry could not be varied due to the blank forging (Figure 3.12 - Left), the design targeted weight reduction by minimizing the required piston crown thickness. Provisions for crown thickness variations were also required as the CR and combustion chamber shape necessitated experimental dynamometer development (Chapter 4.6). Hence, pistons were designed and manufactured with a flat top crown (Figure 3.12 - Right), with simple machining processes later allowing the CR to be reduced from 13 to 9 (Chapter 5.4.3), which resulted in a minimum crown thickness of 4 mm. To ensure crown reliability under high mechanical and thermal loads, oil cooling of the piston underside was utilized as this had been found to be required in previous high BMEP applications [152, 175, 220]. Hence, a single oil jet was positioned to direct oil flow towards the hotter exhaust side (Chapter 5.4.4). A fully floating gudgeon pin design, retained in the piston with spring wire snap clips was utilized. The pin was manufactured from an EN36A high tensile steel alloy [146], which was only case hardened to minimize wear while still maintaining some elasticity under the high loads to prevent brittle failure. The gudgeon pins were ground to individually suit each of the custom pistons supplied. This ensured adequate clearances were maintained to prevent surface fretting and galling between the dissimilar materials, previously documented to be a problem in high BMEP applications [66, 77]. Extensive FEM analysis was completed to determine the gudgeon pin diameter and geometry, as depicted in Figure 3.13. Analysis was completed on the basis of beam theory under maximum gas pressure load [220], with a safety factor of 2 incorporated to allow for abnormal combustion and misalignment. A 20 mm diameter pin was selected, which was oversized when compared to typical ratios (pin diameter / cylinder bore diameter [220]) found in modern performance engines [214, 215], but was required to stiffen the assembly due to the increased BMEP. To combat the increased mass of the large diameter pin, the wall section was reduced while still maintaining mechanical integrity. Furthermore, the end geometry was optimized to reduce mass, with tapered ends implemented as shown in Figure 3.13 and the drawings of Appendix P.
MPa 800
Figure 3.13: FEM model piston analysis comparing von Mises stress distribution for various gudgeon pin designs.
The initial piston ring design did not utilize a conventional three ring sealing pack, commonly found in OEM designs [219]. Rather, to reduce friction losses and increase brake output (Section 3.3.1), a two piston ring pack consisting of a single compression and a conventional 3 piece expander type oil ring was used. The location of the top sealing compression ring was determined by the requirement of a 4 mm piston land thickness [152], which minimized crevice volume but ensured piston integrity at the high boost pressures. The single compression ring design had previously proven successful in NA high speed applications following developments to overcome seal leakage, oil consumption and heat transfer problems [175]. unknown. troublesome. However, the effects on these troublesome areas when combining the single compression ring design with high boost pressures were Hence, the piston design incorporated provision for a second compression ring, which could be machined into the piston if development proved
Previous compression ring studies documented that oil control is a more important attribute than compression control for the second compression ring [219]. Hence, the main function of the second compression ring is to scrape oil off the cylinder wall, with only 20% attributed to sealing the combustion gas that leaked past the first compression ring (~1/20 gas pressure difference across the second ring when compared to the top ring) [219]. Therefore, a positive scraper top compression ring design with 1 of taper was specified, as this type of ring had previously been documented to provide adequate combustion sealing and oil retention in two ring piston designs [175]. A 1 mm ring thickness was chosen, which was 20% thicker than modern top ring designs for similar bore sizes [214, 215]. However, the increased ring section improved piston ring reliability under heavy knocking conditions and also resulted in a higher cylinder wall contact area, which improved the piston heat transfer into the water cooling system [55, 119]. Thicker section rings were also considered but dismissed due to ring flutter problems caused by the increased ring inertia at high engine speeds [175, 220]. A spherical graphite (SG) cast iron material was selected for the top compression ring due to compatibility with the cast iron bore and ductile properties which reduced the likelihood of brittle fracture under heavy knocking conditions [175, 219, 220]. As no commercial top rings of the required configuration could be sourced, components were manufactured by specialty suppliers to drawings shown in Appendix P.
3.5.4 Crankshaft
The design layout of the four main bearing crankshaft was largely dictated by the OEM based crankcase. Hence, all main bearing geometry including dimension and location were OEM based values, with the crankshaft featuring a 36 mm diameter main journal pin. The OEM based sprocket assemblies required for camshaft and integral transmission drives were also integrated into the crankshaft design for packaging and simplicity reasons. A specialty EN30B alloy steel material [146] suited to crankshaft manufacture was utilized, with a yield strength in excess of 1,000 MPa. In-house CNC and manual machining was heavily used in the manufacture of the specialty component, with heat treatment, grinding and balancing processes outsourced.
Extensive analysis was completed during the crankshaft design in order to ensure robustness at high BMEP and engine speeds. Special emphasis was placed on optimizing crankpin dimensions and fillet radii, which were critical in increasing the mechanical integrity of the crankshaft [8, 84, 179, 220]. A FEM model was created based on previous studies [84, 155], with loading conditions for both cylinders at various CA positions applied, which produced resultant stresses due to both bending and torsion (Figure 3.14). Loading for the FEM analysis was determined from the analytical model created for the load analysis as described in Section 3.5.1. It is noted that the forces applied to each cylinders crankpin were independently calculated for a wide range of CA positions due to the varying gas pressure and inertia loads associated with the uneven firing frequency (0, 180 CA). Figure 9.1 displays FEM analysis results highlighting the final crankshaft designs angular elastic deformation and resultant stresses due to increased loading throughout rotation. Figure 3.14 also highlights the higher peak stresses in the second cylinders crankpin, caused by the torque transferred from the first cylinder due to the transmission drive path. Consequently, the main and crankpin journal radii were varied to reduce stress concentrations. A 3 mm crankpin radius was chosen, which was a compromise between improving the structural integrity of the crankshaft and allowing sufficient bearing edge side clearance.
Cylinder 1 crankpin
Transmission drive
MPa 100
Cylinder 2 crankpin
Figure 3.14: FEM crankshaft evaluation with bending and torsional loads. Note the higher stresses in the second cylinders crankpin due to the transmission drive path.
The final crankpin journal diameter of 38 mm was selected from the FEM analysis after completing the design iteration process. This diameter allowed the crankpin to overlap with the main journal pin which significantly improved the crankshaft stiffness [220]. The chosen value was conservative but correlated to previous relationships established for cylinder displacement and BMEP parameters [8, 220]. Furthermore, the crankpin journal diameter enabled the use of high quality, standard size, OEM, plain bearing shells (Trimetal-F780 [21]) suited for highly loaded applications. Specialized surface heat treatment (nitriding) of the crankpin journals was avoided as this did not improve the mechanical integrity of the crankshaft. In addition, the lack of surface treatment enabled the crankpin journals to be re-ground upon damage to suit alternative/oversize bearing shells, which could avoid the manufacture of a new crankshaft. Extensive dynamic analysis was also completed, with a 100% rotating, 0% reciprocating balance ratio employed in order to minimize rotational inertia and thus improve engine acceleration [14]. It was envisaged that the pure vertical vibration due to the piston motion would produce a high vibration couple, however the associated NVH was dismissed due to the engines original intended FSAE application. Hence the crank cheek was designed with only sufficient material near the crankpin to avoid a heavy balance counterweight mass. The counterweight was designed to provide adequate balance with targeted minimal mass, with simple geometry employed for manufacturing purposes. The crank cheek faces were also knife-edged to reduce windage losses as a wet sump system was selected to reduce the complexity of the lubrication system (Appendix I.4). The crankshafts rotating mass was then fine tuned by balancing statically and dynamically, using bob-weights attached to the crankpin, in order to simulate the rotating portion of the connecting rod mass [41]. Detailed drawings of the crankshaft design are displayed in Appendix P with Figure 3.15 depicting two manufactured crankshaft versions as further detailed in Chapter 5.7.
Figure 3.15: Manufactured crankshaft version. (Left): Original design. (Right): Altered crankshaft design as detailed in Chapter 5.7.
surface ignition. Poor alignment also caused increased crevice volume along the periphery of the chamber, which detracts from burning the available charge energy. This reduces engine performance and increases engine-out HC emissions [17, 98]. Applying current gasket technology to this particular engine was considered to be of high risk for the reasons previously outlined, and as such, a new design was sought and developed. The new design concept avoided the use of a conventional head gasket and relied on the correct amount of face pressure generated by interference between the cylinder head and block to seal the interface. This had advantages in improving the structural integrity of the A detailed description of the novel inherently weaker open deck design.
gasketless interface design for an open deck cylinder block is now outlined, including extensive stress and thermal FEM analysis [17].
In the case of interface failure, preventive measures must be designed into the system to avoid water and/or oil entering the cylinder and causing significant engine damage. Load Conditions and Assumptions The load conditions the interface design was required to withstand were dictated by several assumptions, listed as follows: Peak Pressure: In-cylinder pressures of 7.5 MPa (Section 3.5.1) for normal combustion, with a safety factor of 2 applied to ensure component integrity under heavy knocking conditions. A 15 MPa peak pressure was fairly conservative [98], however the severity of knocking pressure oscillations for these operating conditions were largely unknown. Symmetry: Each cylinder is assumed to be independent due to the engine design featuring a central camshaft timing chain, depicted in the exploded views of Appendix P. This design necessitates each cylinder to have its own water jacket. The cylinder head is retained by a total of eight bolts, four per cylinder. Loading: To ensure sealing, the cylinder head bolt tension is required to This corresponds to 56 kN of force per
cylinder when the peak pressure condition is applied over the piston bore area. Temperature: The average bulk water temperature is assumed to not exceed 100C. Interface Contact Area: This area is dictated by the piston bore diameter and the selected production liners, resulting in a surface contact area of 18 cm2 between the cylinder head and liner. This arrangement results in a surface pressure of 31 MPa at the interface due to the force generated by the cylinder head bolt tension. [262]. Stiffness: The cylinder head and crankcase were assumed to be infinitely stiff in comparison to the barrel assembly. Consequently, the barrel assembly conforms via elastic deformation to suit the top and bottom constraints. This is fairly conservative in comparison to the 15 MPa value published by Yamaguchi et al. for a new cylinder head gasket design
Thermal expansion: As the cylinder head and barrel were manufactured from aluminum, differential thermal expansion effects of the cast iron liner flange compared with the aluminum surrounds and resultant interface loading were assumed to be negligible when compared to combustion loading. to be minimal and hence ignored due to the thin walled liner section. Barrel and Liner Design The gasketless interface, as indicated by the name, requires no specific gasket or components to seal combustion gases between the cylinder head and block assemblies. This task is instead performed by the barrel and liner assembly, which must also fulfill its normal duties associated with piston motion and heat transfer. Before including the interface effects into the barrel and liner design, decisions were finalized to fulfill requirements associated with cost, performance, reliability and delivery times. These are listed, in order of importance. The block assembly was constructed of a one piece barrel with removable dry liners. This reduced development time and costs in the case of bore damage. An open deck water cooling jacket design was chosen to allow full peripheral water cooling around the cylinder bore and up to the cylinder head deck surface. However, a closed deck design has been proven to be more effective in cylinder head gasket sealability due to its superior structural integrity [262]. The removable liners chosen were production items, manufactured from grey cast iron. These liners had the potential to be replaced by Nikasil coated aluminum liners which have more favorable friction and heat transfer properties upon further development. The barrel was CNC machined from billet due to the low volumes required. A 6000 series aluminum, specifically 6061-T6 [146] was chosen due to its heat transfer properties, high yield strength, excellent machinabilty and reparability. The water cooling jacket design was dictated by manufacturing techniques and packaging restrictions. This resulted in water cooling the top 75% of the piston stroke. Cooling the bottom portion of the bore was considered to have only a minor effect, due to the fourfold reduction in local heat flux values between the top and the bottom of the cylinder [55]. The temperature induced axial liner loading on the cylinder head was also expected
Gudgeon Pin
O-ring Detail
Dry Liner
Figure 3.16: Section view highlighting the cylinder block assembly (barrel and liner) featuring the gasketless sealing arrangement with the cylinder head not installed.
The final cylinder block design (barrel and liner assembly), incorporating the gasketless interface, is shown in Figure 3.16. For the reader to gain some visual understanding of the assembly and how it interacts with associated components, exploded views are displayed in the drawings of Appendix P. For the interface to successfully seal the combustion gas, continuous surface pressure, rather than line pressure on the cylinder bore decks is required [17, 262]. This was achieved by shrink fitting the cast iron liners into the aluminum barrel and then machining the liner surface proud in comparison to the barrel deck surface. This ensured that the surface pressures would be highest between the liner and cylinder head surfaces when the cylinder head was installed, thus creating a robust seal. The purpose of shrink fitting the liners into the barrel was to provide the high positional accuracy and alignment, needed to ensure the liners remained in position under all operating conditions. A H7-p6 locational interference fit was chosen, which ensured the liners remained fixed in the barrel under worse case conditions. These conditions corresponded to engine motoring at the maximum
ensured higher liner temperatures and thus increased the shrink fit interference. Table 3.1 displays the upper and lower bounds of the fit, with tight tolerances on drawings needed to ensure a positive interference at the motoring condition.
Table 3.1: H7-p6 locational shrink fit upper and lower limits at ambient temperature and worse case conditions.
Maximum Minimum Average
The liner fitting process involved oven heating the aluminum barrel to 80C and chilling the cast iron liners, with the change in dimensions via thermal effects allowing sufficient clearance for assembly. This process could also be reversed if the liners needed to be replaced. The temperatures associated with shrink fitting were below the aging temperature of the aluminum and thus did not affect the mechanical properties. The gasketless interface has the potential to seal combustion gas, cooling water and lubrication oil as per the requirements of a conventional head gasket. However, some redundancy was built into this design to ensure reliability in case of failure due to the engines prototype nature. The primary purpose of the gasketless interface was to seal combustion gas, with o-ring seals independently used to restrain cooling water and oil. For a limited time, these o-ring seals could also seal combustion gas in the case of interface failure. O-ring grooves were positioned nearer to the water jacket, aiding in their longevity due to the lower local temperatures. This also ensured that adequate surface contact area could be retained to seal the interface. A Viton o-ring material was chosen due to its low cost and ability to withstand continuous temperatures above 200C. sectional view highlighting the o-ring locations is also shown in Figure 3.16. Figure 3.17 displays a sectional view of the assembled engine with the gasketless interface highlighted. As can be seen, the cylinder head loading from the bolt tension, has forced the portion of the barrel in contact with the liner to compress A
around the periphery of the bore. The compression has generated a marginally deformed seal between the cylinder head and the liner due to the high face pressures, preventing the liner from moving radially. The evidence of this seal is shown in Figures 9.17 and 9.18, with the liner residual machining marks imprinted on the aluminum cylinder head face. In comparison, a conventional metal or fibrous based gasket allows some radial liner movement due the compliant nature of the gasket material [108, 201, 262]. Thus, the gasketless design is expected to improve the structural integrity of the weak open deck design. For the interface to remain serviceable throughout its design life, only elastic compression was permissible, thus allowing the assembly to return back to its original unloaded position as depicted in Figure 3.16. The correct amount of interference required to remain in the elastic region while ensuring adequate face pressure to generate a robust seal was determined using FEM analysis, with results shown in Figure 3.18.
BLOCK PORTION IN CONTACT WITH LINER Figure 3.17: Assembled section view highlighting the cylinder block assembly (barrel and liner) sealing arrangement. The cylinder head causes the barrel to elastically distort, thus creating a robust seal.
With the previously determined loads applied to the FEM model, a liner vertical displacement of 50-60 m was simulated via the elastic deformation of area A, as obvious in Figure 3.17. This value is the vertical height difference between the liner and barrel decks needed to create a robust seal. The resultant stress from the cylinder head bolt tension creates peak stresses in the region of 50 MPa in the aluminum barrel, well below the 276 MPa yield strength of the material. In the FEM analysis, the cylinder head and crankcase are assumed to be infinitely stiff and the liner is assumed to move axially, due to the high forces generated by the cylinder head bolt tension.
MPa 120 100 80 60 40 20 0
m 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
Figure 3.18: FEM model analysis simulating cylinder head loading on the barrel and liner assembly. (Left): Von Mises stress distribution. (Right): Resultant displacement.
Torque plate honing has been used extensively in the high performance aftermarket and motorsport industries. In recent times, it has become more prevalent in OEM production engines. Creating a bore that is distorted (if at all) to the final operating condition when machining has obvious advantages in reducing piston ring blow-by and oil consumption, as a result of the improved initial seal generated between the piston rings and the bore. This significantly reduces the run-in time and improves the cycle life of many components including the piston, piston rings and bore surface, thus increasing engine reliability and longevity [189]. As per the new gasketless design, significant barrel and liner elastic deformation causes the bore to distort when the cylinder head is assembled, due to the high face pressures needed to seal the interface. Torque plate honing can be used to compensate for this distortion thus returning the cylinder bore to correct dimensions. However, its application differs as near zero deflection is associated with the threaded bolt holes due to the open deck design, with the majority of distortion associated with the interface.
Deflection D3
Figure 3.19: Cylinder head stiffness measurement, needed for torque plate design. (Left): Schematic highlighting loaded locations (F) and deflections (D). (Right): Physical testing performed.
The engine differs from conventional one piece block designs, in that it consists of multiple components including a split crankcase featuring an integral clutch, gearbox and barrel assembly. This makes it more difficult to apply torque plate honing to this type of engine. It was not feasible to complete the process with the cylinder block attached to the crankcase due to the compactness of the design and bore access restrictions. However, it was assumed that the crankcase acted as a rigid one piece body due to the high number of bolts used at joints. Thus, the crankcase was replaced by a stiff fixture which restrained the bottom of the barrel but also allowed bore access. Physical load deflection testing was completed in order to finalize the torque plate design and determine the material and thickness required to simulate the cylinder head deck stiffness. FEM analysis was avoided due to the difficulties associated with modeling the cylinder head casting irregularities and inconsistent material properties. The schematic and experimental setup is displayed in Figure 3.19, showing the load locations (F) and resultant deflections (D1-D4). The load was applied via a hydraulic press, with a dial indicator used for deflection measurement. A near infinitely stiff fixture, replicating the interface contact region was used as a substitute for the barrel and liner assembly, thus ensuring all deflection occurred in the cylinder head
25 D1 (inner) Force F at Bolt Holes (kN) 20 15 10 5 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Head Surface Vertical Deflection D (m) D2 (inner) D3 (outer) D4 (outer)
Figure 3.20: Results from load deflection tests performed on the cylinder head to determine the relative cylinder head stiffness needed for the torque plate design.
Results from load deflection testing are shown in Figure 3.20, with trends suggesting that the deck stiffness varies between the inner and outer bolt locations. This was anticipated as the cylinder head featured open ends with exposed water jacket detail, shown more clearly in the exploded views of Appendix P. Using the cylinder head experimental data, specifications concerning the torque plate were finalized with the aid of the FEM analysis shown in Figure 3.21. Final dimensional thickness was determined to be 40 mm when manufactured from mild steel via laser cutting, with the surface ground flat to replicate the cylinder head deck surface.
D4 F = 15 kN
Section A-A
Figure 3.21: FEM model analysis simulating torque plate effects to determine the thickness needed to represent the cylinder head. (Left): Vertical displacement. (Right): Vertical displacement along section A-A.
Figure 3.22: and CAD models used in the thermal FEM analysis, also highlighting the division of the cylinder bore into five thermal regions.
The first set contained cylinder models, created along the plane of symmetry through the exhaust valve bridge to the intake valve bridge. One model featured the gasketless interface, while the other had a 1 mm thick gasket between the cylinder head and block. Both valves were closed in this set. The model created by sectioning through the exhaust valve and intake-exhaust valve bridges was used in the second set. This set contained four models, distinguished by having a gasket or not and whether or not the exhaust valve was open 2 mm or closed. Boundary Conditions The models were created to represent conditions during combustion while the models were created to represent conditions during combustion and exhaust blow-down. The boundary conditions applied for each of the models are listed in Table 3.2. The combustion phase boundary conditions were estimated using the following criteria: The convective heat transfer coefficients used for the combustion surface were calculated using the operating conditions (Tgas, Pcylinder) at peak pressure with the Woschni correlation [256].
The convective correlation for the top 20 mm of the bore surface were assigned values equal to half that of the combustion surface [156]. The exhaust port convective coefficient was calculated using the equation given by Caton et al. for the exhaust valve closed [44]. The fixed bore temperatures and the cylinder head and bore water jacket surface temperatures were assigned values based on Cloughs work [55]. For the exhaust phase, the boundary conditions were determined using experimental temperature and pressure data at the 2 mm open exhaust valve position. Values were applied to calculate a combustion surface convective coefficient using the Woschni correlation [256]. The convective coefficient for the exhaust port calculated using an equation published by Caton et al. [44]. The bottom 80 mm of the bore was assigned a fixed temperature [55].
Solution Method
COSMOS-Works was used to mesh the model, input boundary conditions and
solve for a steady state solution. Although the convective boundary conditions were intended to be used with a transient analysis, it was felt that they gave the proper proportional relationship for the different coefficients as applied to the different surfaces. The steady state solution would give surface temperatures This hypothesis was much higher than a transient solution at a specific CA, however the temperature relationship between the models should be consistent. validated by sensitivity analysis - varying the convective coefficient and ambient temperatures associated with the boundary conditions. Although results showed magnitude changes in temperature, the relationship between the models remained consistent. Additionally, the resulting temperature distributions were similar (although with higher values) to those found in the literature [5, 26, 47, 55, 156]. Therefore, the boundary conditions used in this analysis were appropriate for the intended comparative analysis.
Table 3.2: Boundary conditions used in all steady state thermal FEM analysis (Upper): Combustion. (Lower): Exhaust blow-down. Note the higher liner temperatures at the bottom of the bore due to the absence of water cooling and exposure to crankcase oil. Boundary conditions associated with combustion BC's associated with combustion
type Cylinder top 20 mm of liner 20-40 mm of liner 40-60 mm of liner 60-80 mm of liner 80-100 of liner block water jacket Valves valve face valve edge upper valve stem lower valve stem Head head combustion surface exhaust port head water jacket gas temp fixed temp (C) (Kelvin) 2853 140 130 135 140 95 convective coefficient (W/m K) 1000
2000 200
Boundary conditions associated with exhaust blow-down BC's associated with exhaust blow-down
type Cylinder top 20 mm of liner 20-40 mm of liner 40-60 mm of liner 60-80 mm of liner 80-100 of liner block water jacket Valves valve face valve edges lower valve stem upper valve stem Head head combustion surface exhaust port head water jacket gas temp fixed C) (Kelvin) temp ( 1300 1300 1300 135 140 95 convective coefficient (W/m K) 800 800 800
1300 1200
Figure 3.23: Temperature distribution on the combustion surface for the model, indicating that the adiabatic assumption through the intake exhaust plane can be assumed for the model.
Although the plane through the exhaust-intake bridge that formed the model was not truly adiabatic, results from the model indicate that an adiabatic assumption for this plane would have little effect on the resulting temperature distribution or temperature differences. The relatively symmetrical temperature pattern in the bridge area can be seen in Figure 3.23. Thermal Results A steady state analysis was completed with model results shown in Figures 3.24 and 3.25 and model results in Figure 3.26. Figure 3.24 shows a comparison of head surface temperatures along the plane of symmetry for the gasket and gasketless models at peak pressure. The gasketless model has lower surface temperatures when compared to the gasket model at each location. This occurs as the metal to metal contact at the interface allows increased heat (thermal energy) to flow from the head to the liner. The difference between the models is most noticeable near the interface region and becomes negligible towards the centre of the bore. occur in this region [98, 192]. intake, as expected. This has relevance as it indicates potential It is also noted that at the interface, the reductions in end-gas temperature, thus decreasing the likelihood for knock to temperature differential was higher on the exhaust side when compared to the
Gasket (266C)
Gasketless (243C)
600 500 Temperature (C) 400 300 200 100 0 -45 -30 -15 0 15
Gasketless Gasket
Figure 3.24: Cylinder head surface temperatures at peak combustion pressure along the symmetry plane line for the model. The area highlighted indicates the reduced temperature due to the gasketless interface.
Figure 3.25: Liner surface temperatures at peak combustion pressure along the symmetry plane line on the exhaust side for the model.
600 500 Temperature (C) 400 300 200 100 0 0 10 20 30 to Intake Bridge 40 Exhaust Bridge
Gasketless (valve closed) Gasket (valve closed) Gasketless (valve open) Gasket (valve open)
Figure 3.26: Cylinder head surface temperatures for peak combustion pressure and exhaust blowdown models along the planes defining the model.
Figure 3.25 shows the bore surface temperatures as a function of distance from the bottom of the cylinder head on the exhaust side. The gasket model results show a large temperature gradient across the face of the gasket surface due to the low thermal conductivity of the gasket. The results confirm the findings of Figure 3.24, with the lower surface temperatures of the cylinder head resulting in higher liner surface temperatures due to the increased heat flux at the interface for the gasketless model. Two sets of data are presented in Figure 3.26. Both sets depict the cylinder head surface temperatures at nodes along the planes used to form the model, starting at the exhaust valve bridge and ending at the intake-exhaust valve bridge. This figure confirms that the gasketless model has lower temperatures than the gasket model, as previously shown in Figure 3.24. The effect of the variation in the cylinder head wall thickness on surface temperatures is evident by the dip in the head surface temperature plots. It should also be noted that the temperature pattern and values in the vicinity of the exhaust valve bridge are similar for the half and quarter models. The other set of data shown is for the same surface when the exhaust valve is open. The same pattern is evident, although at much lower temperatures corresponding to the exhaust phase boundary conditions. Hence, the thermal analysis results concluded that removing the conventional head gasket improves the heat flow between the cylinder head and block
assembly. This is due to the absence of a gasket, which behaves as a heat insulator. The improved heat flow reduces the likelihood of hot spots forming around the periphery of the chamber, thus reducing the propensity for abnormal combustion (spark knock or surface ignition) in the end-gas region.
Figure 3.27: (Left): Manufactured aluminum cylinder barrel. (Right): Barrel with shrink fitted cast iron liners ready for engine installation.
completed through an extensive series of simulations using Ricardos WAVE, with results presented in Chapter 6.5. Concepts for improving intake manifold air consumption and cylinder filling are now discussed. Optimizing the length of the intake runner in order to take advantage of resonant wave tuning has been well documented in the literature [94, 98, 220], with Figure 3.29 displaying the dynamic pressure effects measured at the intake valves. This resonant wave, when correctly timed in the induction process, improves air consumption and cylinder trapping while reducing the exhaust residual gas content within the cylinder [14, 60, 94, 98, 220]. Resonant wave instantaneous pressures in the order of 180 kPa absolute have previously been documented in high BMEP NA racing engines [102, 246]. In boosted applications, resonant tuning is generally less important since the engine airflow can be increased using the compressor. However, resonant tuning can be used to help improve air consumption at engine speeds where boost levels are limited by compressor delivery rates, especially at lower engine speeds in TC applications. Hence, it was intended to use resonant tuning at low engine speeds in order to improve engine performance at conditions where the restrictor had not yet limited airflow. Consequently, a wave propagation theoretical model was developed to explore the resonant wave effects at various operating conditions.
Plenum Chamber
Inlet Outlet
Figure 3.28: (Left): Conventional plenum design. (Right): Watsons KEC log style rolling flow design where the kinetic energy of the flow is conserved in a vortex about the axis of the plenum.
Absolute dynamic port pressure measured at the intake valve (kPa)
3 pressure waves per engine cycle corresponding to peak resonant tuning Increasing engine speed
20 0 180 360 Crank Angle (deg) 540
Figure 3.29: Experimental data from a NA racing engine showing the effect of engine speed on the dynamic pressure waves in the inlet tract @ WOT [102].
Figure 3.30 displays the effective tract length (centerline distance from the intake valve to the highest trumpet edge) and corresponding engine speed for the primary and secondary resonance generated from the theoretical model. motion specifications outlined in Table 3.3.
Effective tract length (m) Resonance Inlet Runner Primary Length (mm) for a 3 Wave Tract 12000
It is
noted that the results only apply to the proposed two cylinder engine with valve
Effective tract length (m) Secondary Resonance Inlet Runner Length (mm) for a 4 Wave Tract 12000
0.20 0.22 0.24 0.27 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.80
11000 10000 Speed (rev/min) 9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 0
0.27 0.30
10000 Speed (rev/min) 9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000
Figure 3.30: Effective inlet tract lengths created from a wave propagation theoretical model highlighting the tuned engine speed for peak primary and secondary resonance at varying ambient conditions.
However, the results may serve as a guide to determine the tuned effective tract lengths for other applications. Gas temperature effects associated with ambient conditions and injector location result in changes to the speed of sound, which affect wave propagation rates and thus tuned lengths. The primary resonance, associated with peak resonant tuning corresponds to three residual waves forming per engine cycle as highlighted in Figure 3.29. The secondary resonance corresponds to four residual waves per cycle and is not as dominant [60]. An effective tract length of 400 mm was initially selected as a starting point for the manifold design and subsequent experiments, providing peak primary and secondary resonance at mid-range speeds in the ~ 5,000 - 7,000 rev/min region. This region was critical to achieving the near constant power objectives, placing high boost demand on the turbocharger and hence an obvious area where resonant tuning could be effectively used. Longer tract lengths gave improved lower speed performance but severely compromised FSAE vehicle packaging. Tract length analysis through WAVE also showed that intake resonant tuning had little effect on performance at operating regions where air consumption was flow restricted. However, resonant tuning was shown to improve air consumption in regions where the turbocharger could not provide enough airflow to reach the flow restricted limit. The PFI intake manifold design featured a combination of polymer and metallic materials to reduce mass and simplify the manufacturing complexity, with detailed drawings shown in Appendix P. The intake runners were manufactured from a Nylon66 material using the selective laser sintering (SLS) process. This enabled the fuel injector bosses to be easily incorporated into the design, with the SLS runner simply constructed from a 3-dimensional CAE model. The intake plenum chamber was fabricated from thin wall aluminum tubing, with inlet runner trumpet geometry incorporated into the design. The volume of the plenum chamber was an important consideration due to the odd firing and consequent intermittent pulses through the flow restriction, with simulation results used heavily in the design (Chapter 6.5.2). The plenum chamber also incorporated individual cylinder inlet runner trumpets, with airflow bench testing (Appendix H) finding that it was
advantageous to have a bell-mouth trumpet entry into the runner to minimize flow losses as also documented by Richardson et al. [188]. The multi-piece inlet manifold design also incorporated the possibility for tract length variation at the interface of both materials, which could be used to fine tune the inlet manifold in dynamometer experiments. The feasibility of intercooling the boosted charge was also explored, but eventually dismissed due to the upstream throttle location and the possibility of reduced transient response at low engine speeds due to mass transport delays. Furthermore, the expected temperature reductions from intercooling were not large when considering the boosted intake temperatures (Chapter 6.5.2) and intercooler effectiveness. In addition, the large aluminum manifold surface area and high turbocharger efficiencies were expected to reduce intake air temperatures. Developing the engine without an intercooler gave mass, packaging and cost benefits together with simplifying the complexity of the intake system. Furthermore, although power increases are associated with intercooling [143, 252], these benefits were not large for this particular setup due to the limited airflow associated with the flow restriction. Hence, performance improvements due to the cooler intake charge were caused by possible CR increases due to likely knock suppression with lower cycle temperatures [98]. Pre-injecting fuel into the restrictor throat was also examined in an attempt to increase air consumption at the choked mass flow limit. The possible increases in air consumption at the choked limit are associated with the increased charge density due to the lower air temperatures at the restrictor, caused by the phase change latent heat when vaporizing the liquid fuel [220]. Some concerns were raised about the engines transient response with pre-restrictor injection, even though the turbocharger compressor is documented to assist in fuel breakup and charge mixing [248]. However, the long mixing length after the compressor had the potential to cause fuel pooling and wall wetting along the length of the intake manifold. Hence, it was envisaged that the extra injector would only be operated at wide open throttle (WOT) operating conditions at engine speeds where the restrictor limited airflow.
Table 3.3: Test engine specifications. UniMelb WATTARD TYPE Parallel twin, 4 stroke SI, Liquid-cooled, Integral clutch/ transmission 433.8 mL 69 x 58 mm Unequal (0, 180 CA) 9-13:1 with piston crown modification Pent roof central spark plug Aluminum head/ barrel/ crankcase/ piston, Cast iron dry liner, Alloy steel connecting rod/ crankshaft 4 x 36 mm main journal, 2 x 38 mm crankpin journal, 20 mm gudgeon pin, 116 mm connecting rod length 8-valve DOHC IVO: 20 BTDC, IVC: 70 ABDC EVO: 60 BBDC, EVC 15 ATDC Wet sump, Dry sump NA, SC (Roots), TC (Garrett GT-12) Carburetion, Sequential PFI 2.5L KEC plenum manifold Motec M4 98-RON pump gasoline Multi wet plate 3 speed constant mesh 47 kg dry
LUBRICATION (Appendix I.4) INDUCTION (Chapter 4.5) FUEL DELIVERY (Chapter 4.5) EXHAUST (Chapter 6.5.1) ENGINE MANAGEMENT (Chapter 4.2.5) FUEL (Chapter 4.4) CLUTCH (Appendix I.2) TRANSMISSION (Appendix G.2) MASS BARE
Figure 3.31: (Left): Measured, inspected and cleaned components prior to assembly. (Right): First complete engine assembly prior to dynamometer installation.
Analysis to determine the viability of pre-restrictor injection at the choked condition was performed, assuming all fuel was injected into the restrictor and completely vaporized (Appendix D.4). Calculations showed the potential for an 11.4% charge increase at the choked limit, however, once accounting for the vaporized fuel portion the mass flow rate of air increased by 9.5%. Furthermore, a major benefit of pre-restrictor injection was found to be a temperature reduction at the intake valves (~20C), as it was beneficial to cool the intake charge through fuel vaporization prior to entering the compressor. This has benefits in reducing the knock propensity. The pre-restrictor injection concept was later rejected due to its added complexity, which made it difficult to implement into a FSAE vehicle.
component measurements were documented to enable wear rates to be Figure 3.31 displays components prior to assembly and the first completely assembled engine.
3.9 Summary
In this chapter, the detailed design and analysis was presented for a small capacity (0.43 L) inline two cylinder configuration which was capable of withstanding the high output (exceeding 25 bar BMEP) associated with highly TC engines. The design philosophy placed emphasis on maintaining engine reliability under harsh operating conditions while maintaining design simplicity for ease of manufacture, low cost and time constraints. Such an approach integrated both OEM and custom made components into the final engine design as no suitable OEM production engine could be sourced and adapted to the high output operating conditions. The design and manufacture of new components to suit TC operation also led to some interesting concepts and novel designs.
The importance of using proven design techniques involving empirical data, calculations and CAE analysis during the design iteration process has clearly been demonstrated. These tools enabled improved understanding which led to enhanced reliably at reduced costs and lead times. It was difficult to include all aspects of the engine design in this chapter. Rather, the detailed design and analysis of only key features which were vital in ensuring reliability for the highly TC package are discussed, with further detail surrounding all components supplied in the engineering drawings of Appendix P. Particular focus in this chapter was placed on the rotating and reciprocating assembly components due to the elevated loads associated with high BMEP and engine speeds. The block design, which included a novel gasketless interface for an open deck cylinder block, has also been presented. A major advantage of the gasketless design was the improvement of the structural integrity of the inherently weak open deck block design. This was achieved by increasing the local face pressure at the interface between the liner and cylinder head deck surface. Improving the structural integrity was critical to the success of the TC engine program due to the unforgiving operating conditions associated with near 300 kPa MAP operation. The gasketless design also provides a cheap and reliable solution to frequent cylinder head removal, as no components require replacement. Furthermore, the design overcomes costly and time consuming problems associated with supplying speciality head gasket components, and is therefore ideal for a prototype engine design. Moreover, the application of the gasketless interface provides performance, efficiency and emission benefits due to the elimination of any crevice volume near the interface which can exist when conventional head gaskets are used. Extensive thermal analysis also concluded that removing the conventional head gasket improves the heat flow between the cylinder head and block assembly. This is due to the absence of a gasket, which behaves as an insulator. The improved heat flow reduces the likelihood of hot spots forming around the periphery of the chamber, which reduces the propensity for knock to occur in the end-gas region. The possibility of gasket failure due to abnormal combustion is also eliminated with the gasketless design.
This chapter highlights that the mechanical aspects of the component design can be overcome for a highly TC engine package and hence are not the performance limiting factors. This is demonstrated with engine components being designed to withstand the high mechanical loads associated with near 300 kPa MAP operation and engine speeds exceeding 10,000 rev/min. This was achieved by utilizing good design techniques coupled with high quality materials and manufacturing processes. Although the cost of these manufacturing and material expenses are higher (density basis) when compared to current OEM production engines, it is feasible that overall unit costs may be comparable to OEM engines with similar power output as significantly less material is required due to the swept capacity and cylinder reduction [9, 12]. Furthermore, although it is possible that in service operating costs may also increase, the annualized whole of life cost is expected to decrease when considering the fuel economy savings [9, 12, 43].
4.1 Introduction
This chapter outlines the engine experiments, including the objectives used to formulate the test modes (NA, SC and TC) and desired operating conditions. The test methodology is also discussed, which includes the test matrix together with the test sequences and procedures. The original intent of the project requirements centered on FSAE, with aims of achieving success in competition by using a superior downsized engine package when compared to conventional OEM motorcycle units. However, initial results achieved with the new engine design warranted further examination, in particular defining the performance limitations for small gasoline engines (~0.5 L).
To carry out this small engine investigation, experiments were designed to operate the test engine over a wide range of speeds with varying MAP, associated with NA and boosted modes. The experiment test sequence was chosen to accommodate the development of the test engine together with the engines installation into FSAE vehicles. To develop the engine and obtain experimental results, a stationary engine test rig was commissioned with subsystems including instrumentation and data acquisition outlined in this chapter.
The following sections provide information on the test rig subsystems, with further detail surrounding development and calibration outlined in Appendix J.
Blow-by rotameter
Engine cradle
Figure 4.1: Final version of the developed experimental rig. (Upper): Control panel. (Lower): Experimental rig testing facility.
PC Data Acquisition
Exhaust Gas Analyser (NOx, HC, CO, CO2, O2) and AFR. CYL 1
Exhaust Gas Analyser (NOx, HC, CO, CO2, O2) and AFR. CYL 2 Exhaust Intake Plenum Chamber
Plenum Chamber
Cooling System
Ignition Control
PC Controller
Figure 4.2: Experimental setup illustrating the basic schematic layout of the engine, including controllers, sensors and data acquisition systems.
Figure 4.3: Heenan and Froude Dynamatic MK-1 eddy current dynamometer and OZY-DYN type MISD109-01 control system.
An OZY-DYN type MISD109-01 controller allowed constant speed engine testing at user defined dynamometer speeds, with the load varying by altering the throttle position (TP) and hence manifold pressure. The control system required dynamometer shaft speed and torque inputs via a magnetic speed sensor and load cell unit. Quarterly load cell calibration was performed by applying known masses to a beam at a fixed distance from the dynamometer pivot axis, ensuring
calculated via wet and dry bulb temperatures, together with barometric pressure allowed raw brake data to be corrected to ISO-3046 international standards for internal combustion engine performance [19].
Figure 4.4: Engine cradle used to mount and locate the test engine to the dynamometer. (Left): CAD image. (Right): Fabricated cradle frame, housing the test engine.
energy [95]) due to insufficient airflow through the system. The cooling tower regulated water temperatures by replacing a portion of the hot water with cold, supplied by the laboratory cooling system. This system worked successfully and was later configured to electronically control water temperatures by triggering the opening of the control valve through the engine control unit (ECU). However, after engine reliability concerns associated with water cooling during vehicle operation (Appendix I.5), the test rig cooling system was further developed to be more representative of the vehicle system. This involved adding a header tank swirl pot and pressurizing the test rig cooling system to 2.3 bar absolute. Pressurizing the cooling system involved the implementation of a water to water heat exchanger, which was submerged in the existing cooling tower, allowing temperatures to be controlled as previously described. Pressurizing the cooling system raised the boiling temperature by 25C [208], which minimized local film boiling and steam pockets enabling engine operation at elevated temperatures to ensure engine reliability. No further cooling system problems were recorded during dynamometer or vehicle operation. Further detail behind the test rig cooling system is given in Appendix I.5 and J.6, with drawings and schematics displayed in Appendix P.
was achieved through a personal computer connected to the ECU via an RS-232 link. This allowed operating parameters to be altered in real time for open loop calibration, whilst monitoring sensor inputs. The ECU also allowed data logging, with information later viewable through Motec Interpreter software [158]. The ECU required sensor inputs for reliable engine operation. Both engine crank angle (reference) and cycle position (synchronization) were detected using two GT-101 hall-effect sensors. Significant development was needed to allow the correct operation of the reference and synchronization sensors due to the high speed operation and crankshaft torsional vibrations associated with the odd firing twin configuration (Chapter 5.3.2). A Delco 3 bar MAP sensor sampling from the end of the plenum chamber allowed the ECU to monitor manifold pressure. In order to minimize transient delays, the connecting passage was minimized with a restriction placed in the sampling line to dampen the pressure fluctuations caused by the inlet resonant waves. The manifold air temperature (MAT) sensor was Water and oil temperature sensors were Other ECU inputs which allowed located centrally in the intake plenum chamber to ensure free stream stagnation air temperature measurement. positioned near the highest temperature regions in order to provide sufficient warning in the case of overheating. Appendix P providing further information. The non-wasted spark ignition system included a two channel M&W Pro-12 capacitive discharge ignition (CDI) module connected to coil on plugs (COP) as outlined in Table 4.1. The system required varying levels of ignition energy during development for performance and reliability reasons as outlined in Chapters 5.3.1 and 9.5.1. Establishing the ECU crank index reference relative to TDC for injector and spark timing was achieved with an ignition timing light (strobe light triggered from the first cylinders spark discharge). A removable lead positioned between the spark plug and COP allowed timing light access. The ECU spark discharge was set at TDC, with the crank index then altered until the TDC indentations highlighted by the timing light were visually aligned at idle speed. Appendix J.8. The ECU phasing relative to TDC is estimated to lie within 0.5 CA as further described in compensation and enhanced reliability are outlined in Table 4.1, with drawings in
A wiring harness [139, 210] connected all components of the electrical system via a junction box, including sensors, fuel and ignition systems, together with the control panel, as displayed in Figure 4.1. The control panel included individual cylinder fuel and ignition disconnection, together with gauges and warning lights to monitor system temperatures and pressures.
Table 4.1: Electrical system fuel and ignition modules together with ECU sensor inputs required for engine operation. Fuel and Ignition Modules ECU Ignition module Ignition coil Motec M4 M&W CDI Pro-12 S3 Denso COP 129700-3440 J044
ECU Sensor Input Crankshaft reference sensor Camshaft synchronization sensor MAP sensor MAT sensor Water temperature sensor Oil temperature sensor Throttle position Oxygen sensor Boost control valve (TC mode only) Honeywell GT-101 Hall effect Honeywell GT-101 Hall effect Delco 3 bar 53003 Bosch 0280 130 023 Bosch 0280 130 026 Bosch 0280 130 026 Honeywell M518-1 Bosch LSM-11 0258 104 004 Delco 1604-0749
By using several
methods, the measurements could be cross-checked for accuracy and an average Airflow rates calculated from the AFR were also validated using the known airflow rate through the restriction while operating in
Mass measurement
Figure 4.5: Schematic layout of the fuel mass measurement system, calibrated to provide fuel consumption rates.
The known airflow rate was determined theoretically (Appendix D.1) and experimentally using the flow bench rig (Appendix H.5.4). It is noted that even though the flow bench experiments were steady state, the pulsing through the flow restriction in the TC mode is negligible in the choked condition (Chapter 6.5.2).
the piston seal could be gauged to ensure adequate bed in and sealing prior to applying increasing load. If sudden fluctuations in blow-by flow were observed, development costs and engine downtime could also be minimized as the engine could be rapidly shutdown to limit further damage. This was important as the engine design underwent considerable piston development as described in Chapter 5.4. Further detail behind implementing the blow-by measurement system into both wet and dry sump lubrication systems is given in Appendix J.5.
in-cylinder pressure and corresponding crank angle were recorded through two channels of the data acquisition (DAQ) system. The DAQ system incorporated hardware and software supplied by Eagle Technology. This involved a PC-30D analogue to digital converter (ADC) together with WaveView [224] interface software. Due to the varying engine speeds over the range of experimental data points, the DAQ frequency and sampling values were fixed to minimize the changes and complexity throughout the experiments. A maximum sampling frequency of 200 kHz was chosen for the two channels, limited by the DAQ system capabilities. This corresponded to a minimum sampling resolution of 0.6 CA at maximum engine speed, which had previously been proven to be adequate for qualitative and quantitative combustion analysis [92]. Sampling at lower engine speeds improved the resolution, with all data interpolated to 0.5 CA increments in the post processing (Chapter 9.3). This was required for the combustion analysis, which was performed using an Experimental Combustion Burn Rate Analysis (ECoBRA) program [91]. The sample size was fixed at 100,000, which enabled a minimum of 25 cycles to be recorded at 3,000 rev/min. Increasing the engine speed increased the number of recorded cycles, allowing data trimming in the post processing analysis. Post processing detail is given in Chapter 9.3, which further outlines the resampling techniques. To enable PC-based real time data pre-processing, raw analog signals were converted into digital form using a PC-30D ADC. The board has a 20-volt digitization range giving a resolution of 0.004888 volt/count. This translates to a maximum resolution of 4 kPa over a 16 MPa pressure range for the pressure transducer constants defined in Appendix J.7. allows multi-channel operations at high Direct memory access circuitry frequencies. Further sampling
specifications of the ADC board are given in Table 4.2. The interface between the computers ADC board and the BNC cables transmitting the raw signals required an electrical interface junction. WaveView enabled the visualization of raw pressure and crank angle signals allowing pre-processing analysis during development. Output parameters that describe combustion, including peak cylinder pressure and the rate of pressure
rise were evaluated in WaveViews oscilloscope mode, which allowed real time data streaming as shown in Figure 4.6. More complex combustion outputs were evaluated in the post processing analysis (Chapter 9).
Table 4.2: PC-30D analog to digital converter specifications. Analog Input No. of input channels Resolution Total system accuracy Differential non-linearity Input ranges Data acquisition rate Internal clock External clock External trigger Block scan mode Interrupts Direct memory access 16 single ended 12 bit, 1 in 4096 1 LSB LSB maximum -5 v to +5 v, 0 to 10 v 5 mHz to 200 kHz A/D Clock 2MHz, crystal controlled TTL compatible TTL compatible, enable or disable conversions Up to 256 channels per block PC Interface 16 single ended Duel channel 16-bit jumper schedule
60 CA
Figure 4.6: Motoring raw cylinder pressure with crankshaft angle encoding from WaveView. Time versus voltage, NA - PFI, 6000 rev/min, WOT, CR = 10.
4.4 Experiments
Experiments were completed using Shell Optimax as the base fuel, a commercial high octane (98-RON) pump gasoline with specifications given in Appendix C.1. The use of a high quality fuel in experiments also followed present trends which suggest increases in gasoline quality, as ethanol and other high octane constituents become more widespread. The high fuel quality also complied with the regulated fuel permitted in FSAE competition. Based on the research foundations described in Chapters 1 and 2 and consistent with the research objectives, the hypotheses to be tested are outlined below.