WOM Technology Report - Rev1 290813

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Technology Report - MEP

This Technology report is an insight into the latest technologies available and which could be further explored and adopted for the prestigious World Outlet Mall concept being planned by TIME Machine Group

Specialised Engineering Consultants





Technology Report - MEP

Specialised Engineering Consultants



INDEX 1.INTRODUCTION:................................................................................................................4 THE FOLLOWING AREAS ARE COVERED AS PART OF THIS REPORT:.......................................4 2.SOLAR POWER AND BUILDING INTEGRATED PHOTO VOLTAIC CELLS (BIPV) ..................4 2.1PROPOSED SOLUTIONS.................................................................................................7 2.2ESTIMATED ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT....................................................................8 3.WASTE TO ENERG :...............................................................................................................8 11 3.LIGHTING DESIGN CONCEPT.................................................................................................11 A.LATEST TECHNOLOG AND STANDARDS USED FOR OFFICE LIGHTING:............................14 B. INTERIOR LIGHTING POWER ALLOWANCE (ILPA)..........................................................1! C.LIGHTING CONTROL S STEM..............................................................................................1! I.CONTROL PHILOSOPH :.......................................................................................................1! 4.IT S STEM FOR VOICE"DATA"INTERNET............................................................................17 A.FO CHARACTERISTICS:........................................................................................................17 B.CHARACTERISTICS OF CAT#7A CABLE IS AS FOLLOWS:.....................................................17 C.PERFORMANCE COMPARISON CHART FOR COPPER CABLES:.............................................18 D.PAIR BASED DISTRIBUTION...................................................................................................1$ E.TRENDS IN DATACENTER AND IT.........................................................................................2% 21 F.WIRELESS ACCESS POINTS # WAP......................................................................................22 &.E'TRA LOW VOLTAGE (ELV) S STEM ..............................................................................22 THE FOLLOWING ELV S STEMS ARE PROPOSED FOR THE PRO(ECT:..................................24 WIDE AREA NETWOR) SCHEMATIC TO E'PLAIN CONNECTION BETWEEN BUILDINGS:.....2& A.PUBLIC ADDRESS S STEM (PAS)"BGM S STEM...............................................................2& B.SECURIT S STEM................................................................................................................27 I.REMOTE SURVEILLANCE (CCTV) S STEM.........................................................................27 II.INTEGRATED CCTV * ACCESS CONTROL S STEM...........................................................28 III.REMOTE SURVEILLANCE (CCTV) S STEM.......................................................................2$ C.BUILDING MANAGEMENT S STEM......................................................................................2$ D.SMATV S STEM...................................................................................................................3% !.UNINTERRUPTED POWER SUPPL (UPS)............................................................................31 7.LOAD ANAL SIS # POWER....................................................................................................32 8.LOAD ANAL SIS # HVAC.....................................................................................................33 $.HVAC S STEMS...................................................................................................................34 1%.PLUMBING AND DRAINAGE S STEMS.................................................................................3&

Technology Report - MEP

Specialised Engineering Consultants



This Technology report is an insight into the latest technologies available and which could be further explored and adopted for the prestigious World Outlet Mall concept being planned by TIME Machine Group The following areas are covered as part of this report% $ ! " # 0 3 5 9 : . &olar power and 'I()* 'uilding Integrated photo voltaic cells (ower Generation fro+ waste fro+ the Mall ,ood Outlets -E. -ighting Media Interactive fa/ade IT Technologies $1Gigabit connectivity to des2top 4onverged technology for building services including 'M&* +etering* lighting control* 44T) and access control* I(T) etc Interior lighting load allowance as per 6&786E -atest technologies used in chilled water generation -atest technologies used for drainage syste+s Solar po!er and Building Integrated p"oto #oltaic cells $BI%&' This report briefly explains the 'I() syste+* which could be used for the pro;ect in line with client<s basis of design re=uire+ents

Technology Report - MEP

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The integration of the photovoltaic technology could ta2e place in the shading roof or a broad way to wal2 fro+ one building to others* creating an open co++on space 6rea &tate+ents%

Technology Report - MEP

Specialised Engineering Consultants


The pro;ect is supposed to be built on a total '>6 of !!1111+! area excluding the par2ing ?one in base+ents &uch a high +agnitude of develop+ent re=uires green building concepts i+ple+ented as part of the architecture itself to reduce energy consu+ption of buildings and to provide inhabitant<s co+fort and environ+ental friendly practices* enhancing both efficiency and energy savings* and ensuring the achieve+ent of a socially acceptable habitability In order to reach this ai+* the building i n l in e wi t h cl ie nt br ie f wi l l be designed under the highest possible =uality standards* based on the +axi+u+ sustainable architectural para+eters The full energy de+and of such buildings is in the range of #112Wh@+!@year for hotels and "112Wh@+!@year for &hopping +alls 7owever* these initial esti+ations could be reduced by about 31A by +eans of green building concepts and renewable energy sources B8E&C such as photovoltaic<s

,ro+ above* the integration of renewable energy sources is a 2ey sustainable instru+ent to reduce the energy needs of the building BI%& integration !ill (e anal)*ed as a +ulti,unctional added #alue where* in addition to the electrical generation* the syste+ entails passive biocli+atic properties as ther+al inner co+fort D since +ost of the >) and infrared radiation fro+ the sun will be harvested by the silicon Dbased +aterial Bsolar filter effectCD* natural sunscreen and the highly +odern appearance

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The 'I() syste+ can be $11A custo+i?ed in order to co+ply with the pro;ect re=uire+ents* 2eeping the initial aesthetical and functional architect<s viewpoint .%RO%OSED SO.UTIONS

The selected () Technology shall offer +axi+u+ 2Wh produced per 2Wp installed B2Wh@2WpC The syste+ uses a+orphous silicon technology BaD&iC with $1A of transparency degree* the suitable solution for integration in the shading roof See/t"roug" is a +ain characteristic to allow the interiorDexterior visual continuity* so* it is i+portant to select the appropriate balance between seeDthrough degree and power installed E higher value of seeDthrough i+plies lower pea2 powerD ,urther+ore* the () integration provides a perfect sun/screen ,unction that wor2s as added value of the () integration* apart fro+ the energy generated onsite It is possible to incorporate encapsulated layers of grey or any other colour which involves a very attractive aesthetical solution* offering a +ore continual and +odern i+age of the sunshade or Brise Soleil

Technology Report - MEP

Specialised Engineering Consultants 0degree tilt option:


Coplanar S1)lig"t option:


The cost of 'I() integration was not a feasible scenario 3 years ago Over the period of ti+e there has been substantial reduction in cost and the prices have co+e down drastically .own the line the trend is further reduction* which will put together the invest+ent attractive 3. Waste to Energ):

Technology Report - MEP

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Technology Report - MEP

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Technology Report - MEP


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.ig"ting design concept

The -E. technology has i+proved a lot and there are lots of products available now which could be used in areas li2e corridors* external areas* landscaping* par2ing and for decorative purposes &o+e of the pictures are shown below for illustration@exa+ples%

Technology Report - MEP


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-E. -ighting

-E. 4ove -ighting

Technology Report - MEP


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4ar (ar2ing with .ischarged -a+p

4ar (ar2ing with -E. -a+p #1A -ess (ower

Technology Report - MEP


Specialised Engineering Consultants




.atest tec"nolog) and standards used ,or o,,ice lig"ting:

In,or+ation purpose: The latest technology used for office lighting is based on the re=uire+ent as per 4I'&E -G5 type 6s per the new standards ceiling shall have $01 lux* walls shall have !11 to !01 lux and wor2top shall have "01 to 011 lux

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Technology Report - MEP


Specialised Engineering Consultants b Interior .ig"ting %o!er 2llo!ance $I.%2'



The lighting power allowance is based on 6&786E :1 $ B-EE. re=uire+entsC* using building area +ethods as follows% Office D $$ 9 W@+! E 011-ux (ar2ing garage D ! $ W@+! E 01-ux* .rive way E $11-ux ! ,ood preparation D $! :1 W@+ E 011 to $111-ux Electrical roo+s D $3 $# W@+! E "11-ux Mechanical roo+s D $3 $# W@+! E !11-ux &hopping Mall D $! W@+! E 011-ux &tairs D 3 #3 W@+! &torage D " !" W@+! to 9 3 W@+! ,ood 4ourt D $# 11 W@+! &ervice area D $0 11 W@+! -obby D $! 11 W@+! c. .ig"ting Control S)ste+

Intelligent -ighting 4ontrol &yste+ BEi'@-OFC based on +otion and day light sensors* ti+ers* light level sensors and override switches shall be provided to control all public area lights 4o+plete syste+ shall be controlled and progra++ed through a (4 &tandalone sensors can also be considered for certain areas to achieve energy efficient lighting control 2eeping the installation cost reasonable i. Control %"ilosop"): -ift lobbies* circulation areas and corridors* bac2 of house@front of house and car par2ing% 01 E 01A light control by lighting control syste+* +otion sensors If solar syste+ is used the lights can be operated using solar power during dayti+e and hence saving in power 4ar par2ing lighting control is based on ti+e* +otion sensors -andscape areas lighting control is based on ti+e and external lighting level Elevation lighting control is based on ti+e and external lighting level -ighting control syste+ shall be integrated with 'M& for central control

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IT s)ste+ ,or &oice5Data5Internet

T"e latest tec"nolog) of -06iga(it connecti#it) to des2 top will be provided by using 4atD56 hori?ontal cabling and 01@$!0 +icron OM3 -0 6iga(it 7i(re optic ca(les 0005800 as bac2 bone to each #!> cabinet within the office space 4atD56 cables shall be ,D>T( to avoid alienDcross tal2* which nor+ally happen above $Gigabit a. 7O C"aracteristics:


C"aracteristics o, cat/92 ca(le is as ,ollo!s:

The table below su++ari?es cabling types capable of supporting co++only specified applications over $11D+eter* fourDconnector topologies% Ta(le -: 2pplications C"art Categor) 8e Categor) : Categor) :2 Class 7 Class 72 Class D Class E Class E2 #@$3 M'(& To2en 8ing $1'6&EDT x x x x x x x x x x

Technology Report - MEP


Specialised Engineering Consultants $11'6&EDT# x $00 M'(& x 6TM $111'6&EDT x TI6@EI6D90# $1G'6&EDT I&O@IE4 $#$30D$## 'roadband 46T) x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

WOM x x x x x x x


,ro+ the above table 4lass ,6 B4atD56C cable is the latest and best suited for the pro;ect It can run all types of application including 4able T) and can even support applications above $1Gigabit to the extent of #1Gigabit The proposed bac2bone ,ibre optic B,OC cable is +ultiD+ode $1G'aseD&G* which is the latest available for distribution c. %er,or+ance co+parison c"art ,or copper ca(les:

The table below provides co+parative channel perfor+ance data at $11 M7? for category 0e@class .* category 3@classE* category 36@class E 6* class ,* and class ,6 channels Where there is a slight difference between TI6 and I&O perfor+ance li+its* I&O perfor+ance li+its are indicated in parenthesis% T2B.E : Industr) Standards %er,or+ance Co+parison at -00 M;* ,or C"annels Categor) 8e Categor) : Categor) :2 Cat/9< Cat/92< Class D Class E Class E2 Class 7 Class 72 ,re=uency $ D $11 $ D !01 $ D 011 $ D 311 $ D $*111 8ange BM7?C Insertion -oss !# 1 !$ "@!$ 5 !1 : !1 9 !1 " Bd'C FEGT -oss "1 $ ": : ": : 3! : 30 1 Bd'C (&FEGT -oss !5 $ "5 $ "5 $ 0: : 3! 1 Bd'C 648 Bd'C 3$ $9 3 $9 3 #! $ #3 $ (&648 Bd'C " $ $0 9 $0 9 ": $ #$ 5 $C 648, Bd'C $5 # !" " !" "@!0 0 ## # #5 # (&648,!C Bd'C $# # !1 " !1 "@!! 0 #$ # ## # 8eturn -oss $1 1 $! 1 $! 1 $! 1 $! 1 Bd'C (&6FEGT n@s n@s 31 1 n@s 35 1 -oss Bd'C (&6648, n@s n@s "5 1 n@s 0! 1

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n@s n@s 0#9 01

n@s n@s 0#9 01

!1 " 1 0@1 "C 0#9 01

!1 " 1 0#9 "1

!1 " 1 0#9 "1

%air (ased distri(ution

(air based distribution technology will allow connecting #nos telephone sets* I( based or !no Telephone sets and a $11@$111 based laptop as available today using the sa+e # pair hori?ontal cable

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Trends in datacenter and IT

The proposed cat 56 cable can ta2e data above $1Gigabit and could be up to the range of #1Gigabit as esti+ated now &i+ilarly the ,O cable 01@$!0 +icron OM" cable is best suited for a pro;ect li2e WOM which is technology driven

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Technology Report - MEP


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Wireless 2ccess %oints / W2%

The syste+ design shall include wireless networ2 re=uire+ents Wireless syste+ shall be provided for public areas in Mall 4ontain+ent will be provided for G&M co++unication within the building 4abling for G&M signals shall be installed by the service provider 8. E=tra .o! &oltage $E.&' s)ste+

The E-) syste+ pac2age includes co+plete 'M&* IT* -ow current syste+s and other co++unication syste+s The E-) syste+ design and distribution will be based on Con#erged Building Solution $CBS' 4onverged building solution enables the integration of traditionally autono+ous building auto+ation* security and other low current syste+s onto a single* +ultiDfunctional I( networ2 4'& eli+inates the need to install separate cabling and control syste+s to +anage essential operating services It enables the i+ple+entation of upDtoDtheD+inute co++unications infrastructure re=uire+ent fro+ individual vendors during the construction phase This Intelligent 'uildings solution based on a single I( bac2bone shall handle all voice* data and video co++unications re=uire+ents which enable single co++and and control of all building subDsyste+s The integrated networ2 consists of following nonDproprietary protocols as reco++ended by 6&786E% T4(@I( bac2bone Modbus E standard co++unications protocol for connecting industrial electronic devices li2e ),.* >(& etc '64net E designed specifically to +eet the co++unication needs of building auto+ation and control syste+s HFG E for lighting control

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The integrated solution will help to eli+inate +ultiple cabling networ2s and can +ini+i?e the co+plexity of dealing with +ultiple vendors The 4'& helps +aintain a new stateDofDtheDart ca+pus networ2 incorporating an integrated approach to building syste+s +anage+ent The I( networ2 supports a host of ca+pusDwide services and helps to deliver increased functionality throughout the ca+pus 6lso the solution enables anyti+e* anywhere re+ote +anage+ent of the networ2 and syste+s it supports 6n integrated* I(Dbased infrastructure as the ca+pus bac2bone can return significant cost benefits at both the initial develop+ent stage and throughout the life of the building The 4'& central control and +onitoring station shall be located in control roo+ The syste+ shall be based on 'acnet and shall integrate various other protocols in to the sa+e platfor+ The syste+ shall be web based and shall connect to all industry standards open protocols

Traditional 2pproac":

T"e CBS 2pproac":

Technology Report - MEP


Specialised Engineering Consultants



The proposed syste+ shall facilitate the +onitoring and control of 7)64 syste+s* other ME( syste+s I all I( based E-) syste+s fro+ the 4.4 roo+

The following E-) syste+s are proposed for the pro;ect% 'M& 'uilding Manage+ent &yste+ IT Infor+ation Technology Bvoice@data@46T)C (6 D (ublic 6ddress syste+ 'GM D 'ac2 Ground Music I( based T) syste+ 8e+ote surveillance syste+ B44T) 4losed 4ircuit T)C* I( based

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&64& D &ecurity 6ccess 4ontrol &yste+* I( based -4& D -ighting 4ontrol &yste+* HFG I'M& D Integrated 'uilding Manage+ent &yste+ for the integration of lighting control* E+ergency lighting* 6lar+s* Energy +onitoring* 6ccess 4ontrol* 7)64 4ontrol* >(&* Generators* etc

In each building* the networ2 ter+inates at an access point that connects to a local hub or switch and serves as a bridge to the wired -6F B-ocal 6rea Fetwor2C of individual buildings Every building shall have a building distributor switch which will be connected to the dual redundant core router switch located at the 4entral .ata 4o++and B4.4C 4enter@control roo+ Blocation to be decidedC Individual buildings shall have its own -6F switch shall have a fiber bac2bone

Wide 2rea Net!or1 Sc"e+atic to e=plain connection (et!een (uildings:


%u(lic 2ddress S)ste+ $%2S'5B6M s)ste+

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The distribution shall be through structured cabling networ2 syste+ Music source shall be located in the 4.4@central control roo+ The (6 Music rac2 shall consist of a tape dec2* ! tuners and two 4. players and an M(" player I( (6 syste+ shall allow users to si+ultaneously push an audio strea+ and@or a text +essage to +ultiple I( phones* I( spea2ers and overhead paging syste+s 6n ad+inistrator can select a preDrecorded +essage or deliver a live broadcast through either a passwordDprotected web page or the I( phone services +enu In short* the I( (6 (aging &yste+ shall have all the functions of a nor+al interco+ except it uses the -6F@W6F networ2 to transfer the voice and co++ands I( (6 &yste+ can be easily integrated with existing networ2s In addition* the syste+ topology of I( (6 &yste+ is co+pletely configured by the software* eli+inating the need for hardware headDend switching It is a sophisticated syste+ that provides expansion capabilities and preDrecorded +essage +anage+ent I( (6 syste+ can be used to broadcast real ti+e voice +essages fro+ any location in the networ2 in addition to pre recorded +essage broadcast 6lso it shall be able to broadcast +essage to selected re+ote stations The real ti+e broadcasted +essages can be recorded for future use@review 6ll events can be auto+atically logged in the syste+

%25B6M5%aging sc"e+atic

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Specialised Engineering Consultants



&eparate ?ones will be provided for paging purpose Override unit is provided to shut off the syste+ in case of fire (. Securit) s)ste+

The syste+ shall be I( based and connected to the structured cabling ,ollowing syste+s are considered as part of security control syste+% i 8e+ote &urveillance B44T)C &yste+

&ecurity 6ccess 4ontrol &yste+ B&64&C

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ii. Integrated CCT& > 2ccess control s)ste+ &64& are provided to +onitor I control access in various areas and to +onitor re+ote doors 6ll external entrance to the buildings doors shall be +onitored and controlled fro+ security control roo+ 6ll car par2 entrance is +onitored through nu+ber plate recognition ca+eras -ong range readers are provided for vehicle entry The 4a+eras in every building shall be connected through the structured cabling networ2 to the central control roo+ 8ecording shall be done through networ2 video recorder )ideo wall is reco++ended for viewing live@recorded i+ages The readers shall be on the structured cabling networ2 and the respective doors that are to be +onitored in a building is hard wired to the Intelligent &yste+ 4ontroller* which is connected to the security networ2 through -6F The 6ccess 4ontrol I 6lar+ Monitoring &yste+ wor2s on a true &erver@4lient 6rchitecture Two (4s provided in control roo+ will be used for 6ccess 4ontrol* 6lar+ +onitoring I video +onitoring* I. 4ard printing BI. 'adgingC I visitor +anage+ent The control roo+ will station the &E8)E8 software pertaining to the 6ccess 4ontrol* 6lar+ +onitoring I )ideo The networ2 video recorder and the Intelligent syste+ controllers shall share the sa+e networ2 and hence are sea+lessly integrated 4o++on G>I will enable the user to view the 44T) ca+era i+ages fro+ the &ecurity &yste+ (4

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The sea+less integration shall allow the operator to view the video fro+ G>I I also view the video against each transaction iii. Re+ote sur#eillance $CCT&' S)ste+ 44T) syste+ shall be operational !# x 5* "30 days and will have >(& power bac2up &yste+ will be expandable to cater for future re=uire+ents 4a+eras are provided in general to +onitor the following areas% 4ar par2 ra+ps and entrances and exits* Fu+ber plate recognition 6ll lift -obby areas Bground floorC Entrance to staircase 6ll Main Entrances to each building 8ecreational facilities (ublic areas 4ar par2ing areas External areas 8oof 7otel areas and Mall areas as per .ubai police 4a+era recording shall be based on +otion and will be interfaced with access control syste+ to record the entry@exit The 4.4@control roo+ shall be provided with -4. +onitors in addition to the video walls for +onitoring and playbac2 c. Building Manage+ent S)ste+

'M& will be provided to control and +onitor various +echanical e=uip+ents* syste+s etc 'M& will reduce the high cost of +aintenance cost and reduce the staff re=uire+ents to +anage the co+plete facility Through 'M&* the operator can ad;ust e=uip+ent properties as per actual re=uire+ents at site* trending* scheduling the +aintenance etc &o+e of the data points +onitored and controlled through 'M& are as follows% 'T> +eters for each food outlet D Monitoring only Water +eters for each outlet D Monitoring only -(G +eters for each outlet D Monitoring only Water cooled chillers D Monitoring only 4hilled water pu+ps D Monitoring only Grey water syste+ D Monitoring only 4o++ercial Hitchen exhaust ,ans D Monitoring and control 6ll 67><s* ,67><s D Monitoring and control ,4><s in co++on areas E -OF D Monitoring and control ,4><s in shops@roo+s E -OF D Monitoring and control Transfer water pu+ps D Monitoring and control 'ooster water pu+ps D Monitoring and control &tatus fro+ fire pu+ps D Monitoring only &tatus -(G tan2s D Monitoring only

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&tatus of Irrigation syste+ D Monitoring only Water treat+ent syste+@pu+p sets D Monitoring and control &tatus of water tan2s levels D Monitoring only Water feature syste+ D Monitoring only .o+estic water filtration syste+ D Monitoring only .rainage pu+ps D Monitoring and control Environ+ental control syste+* if any D Monitoring only -ifts D Monitoring only Grey water treat+ent syste+s D Monitoring only &T( D Monitoring only &tor+ water syste+ D Monitoring only Interface with ,acility +anage+ent D Monitoring only -ighting 4ontrol &yste+ and &ignage D Monitoring and control G@r +etering using 2Whr transducer D Monitoring .iesel generator set D Monitoring only -) panels for +eteringDModbus D Monitoring only >(& E Modbus D Monitoring only .iesel generator set D Monitoring only ,ire alar+ syste+ D Monitoring only Interface with ,acility +anage+ent syste+s

SM2T& s)ste+

-atest &atellite T) distribution technology is considered for the facility The distribution can be carried out as per the following% Using Disec s!itc"es: .istribution shall be carried out using .isec switches to distribute various satellite channels through the I, networ2 This will also help various service providers to distribute their channels through co++on dishes and the tenants can subscribe to various channels fro+ various service providers I% T& distri(ution: I( based &atellite Master 6ntenna Television &yste+ is also considered as an option The dishes shall be placed in a co++on area fro+ where the signals are trans+itted through the structured cabling networ2 for the entire facility &ubscription to pay channels shall be as per tenants re=uire+ent

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,or public area display -4.<s* channels shall be provided :. Uninterrupted %o!er Suppl) $U%S'

>(& will be provided to feed critical loads which shall not be switched even during a changeover fro+ +ains power to essential power >(& will have its own battery and will be online continuously

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&ince the >(& is provided with diesel power bac2 up in addition to +ains power* the bac2up battery shall be rated for $0 +inutes autono+y to save the capital cost >(& shall feed following loads in general% 44T) ca+era .igital )ideo 8ecorders 6ccess 4ontrol 8eaders 44T) ca+eras &erver E=uip+ents* I., and M., 4ontrol roo+ e=uip+ents (-4s The >(& will be using latest I6BT tec"nolog) to reduce the har+onic level The output power factor of >(& shall be 1 : +ini+u+ Each office shall have provision to install their own >(& according to their individual needs 9. .oad 2nal)sis / %o!er w@ s= +

Descrition Net .etta(le 2rea $Non "ospitalit)' 6round ,loor Ground floor retail Ground floor hyper 8efrigeration (lant Ground , I ' 8efrigeration (lant 'ase+ent (ar2ing 7irst ,loor ,irst floor retail Second ,loor &econd floor retail T"ird ,loor Third floor retail 4ine+a Gov office "rd floor food court HitchenD"1A Exhibition@ Entertain+ent



T 4 - D 2W


M . D 2W

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$11 #01















!!### 9"""# $#1111 "0111

!193 55#0 $"1$$ "!0"

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!1: 09$ :$$ !## #": 3!5

:1A 51A :1A :1A :1A 91A

$99 #15 9!1 !!1 ":0 01!




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7ourt" ,loor #th floor , I ' Hitchen D !1A Indoor sports doo+ ;ospitalit) $No.1e)s' 4 star 7otel standard roo+s 3 star 7otel standard roo+s 7otel apart+ents B#JC $01 Total 2eys @apart+ents Mechanical -oadD 2W Other Electrical -oadsD2W Total -oadD2W 4ontingencyK$1A Total 4onnected -oad in 2WET 4 Total (ower in M)6L1 :pf @. Heys@ unit $"99## &=ft@ unit $!:1# Total S?,t :"11 93# $11 #01 $01 Total S?.+ w@ s= + 93 59 $:"3 T 4 -D 2W :1A :1A 91A 59 51 $0#9 M.D 2W










!!5 $01 331

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:1A 91A 91A

$$193 !111 !3:: "!!:" "3M)6

.oad anal)sis / ;&2C Total 2rea $+ ' Cooling load $!5s?.+' Total Cooling .oad $1W'

Descrition Net .etta(le 2rea $Non "ospitalit)' 6round ,loor Ground floor retail Ground floor hyper Ground , I ' 7irst ,loor ,irst floor retail Second ,loor


Total Cooling .oad $TR'

$33*15$ "9*$91 $0*:$1

$0*#"# "*0#9 $*#5:

!11 !11 #01

"*195 5$1 330

959 !1! $9:






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Specialised Engineering Consultants



&cond floor retail T"ird ,loor Third floor retail 4ine+a Gov office "rd floor food court Exhibition@Entertain +ent 7out" ,loor #th floor , I ' Indoor sports doo+ Total 4ooling -oad for shopping center






!!*### 9"*""# $#1*111 "0*111 #0*111

!*193 5*5#0 $"*1$$ "*!0" #*$9!

!11 $50 $31 #01 !01

#$5 $*"00 !*19! $*#3# $*1#3

$$: "93 0:! #$5 !:9

:*"11 $"9*9##

93# $!*:1#

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"9: !*09$ <@4A

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We would li2e to introduce ,resh air recovery 67> with desiccant coated ther+al wheel* which re+oves the latent heat in addition to the sensible With this the overall 64 cooling load is reduced by at least $0A The chilled water generation shall be hybrid chillers* if air cooled with 4,4 free refrigerant which has +uch i+proved 2w@T8 of cooling in co+parison with conventional chillers If the chillers are water cooled* the reco++endation would be

Technology Report - MEP


Specialised Engineering Consultants



to go for centrifugal with ),.* which is a latest technology introduced only and +astered by Mor2 International $ .epending on the type of area space utili?ation the space internal cooling could be by central 67> with ),. B)ariable ,re=uency .rivesC instead of ,4> in the ceiling voids Though there are +any advantages li2e low noise* no condensation dripping* reduction in power consu+ption* +aintenance personal out of wor2ing areas* no access panels in ceilings* +eets the sustainable design re=uire+ents* etc* this depends on the area of each occupant and availability of space for 67>

-0. %lu+(ing and drainage s)ste+s $ We would li2e to introduce (EG piping for do+estic water distribution for toilets instead of conventional piping This will allow for replace+ent of piping without having to brea2 the tiles The >rinals and W4 flushing can be with duel flushing cisterns* though we would reco++end flush valve syste+ for toilets for auditoriu+ and co+plexes due to higher utili?ation We reco++end providing water +etering at each floor levels with central riser fro+ roof These +eters could be connected to 'M& for +etering and billing purpose We reco++end solar water heaters if space per+its with the drain bac2 facility to eli+inate bleed of@overflow of hot water during non consu+ption period


We co++end providing separate piping and treat+ent for &oil and grey water 3 We would propose the grey water treat+ent with the Me+brane 'ioreactor technology by which suspended solids can be eli+inated up to :: 5A and in addition >) filters can be installed to 2ill all bacterial and reusing treated grey water for W4 flushing or cooling tower or irrigation syste+ JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ

Technology Report - MEP


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