Curricilum Vitae Ernest Sosa

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Professor of Philosophy, Romeo Elton Professor of Natural Theology Brown University, Providence, RI 02912, USA Visiting Professor II (every spring term), Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ 08903 E-mail: Dept. tel.: (401) 863-2718; dept. fax: (401) 863-2719

I. Education:
University of Miami (Coral Gables, FL), 1957-61; B.A. in Philosophy, 1961 University of Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh, PA), 1961-64; M.A., 1962; Ph.D., 1964

II. Professional Appointments:

University of Western Ontario (London, Ontario): Instructor, 1963-1964; Assistant Professor, 1966-67 Brown University (Providence, RI): Postdoctoral Fellow, 1964-1966; Assistant Professor, 1967-1968; Associate Professor, 1968-1974; Chairman, 1970-1976; Professor, 1974- ; Acting Chairman, Fall Semester, 1981-1982; Romeo Elton Professor of Natural Theology, 1981Visiting Professor at the Universities of Pittsburgh, Western Ontario, Miami, Michigan (Ann Arbor), Salamanca (twice), and Texas (Austin); the National University of Mexico; and Harvard University. Cowling Visiting Professor at Carleton College. Christensen Fellow at St. Catherine's College, Oxford University. Visiting Professor, CUNY Graduate Center. Visiting Fellow, Australian National University. Visiting Fellow, All Souls College, Oxford University.

III. Completed Research:

A. 1963 1964 1965 Bibliography "The Paradigm-Case Argument: Necessary, Causal or Normative? Methodos XV: 253-273. "The Analysis of 'Knowledge That P'," Analysis 25: 1-8. (Reprinted as part of the Bobbs-Merrill reprint series in philosophy.) "Professor Malcolm on 'Scientific Materialism and the Identity Theory'," Dialogue III: 422-423. (Reprinted in C.V. Borst, The Mind/Brain Identity Theory (London: MacMillan, 1970).) "Actions and their Results," Logique et Analyse, Nouvelle Serie, 8 Annee, pp. 111-125. "Necessity, the A Priori, and Unexpressible Statements," (with Brian Skyrms), Philosophical Studies 16: 65-74. "On the Logic of Intrinsically Better," (with R.M. Chisholm), American Philosophical Quarterly 3: 244-50. "Imperatives and Referential Opacity," Analysis 27: 49-52. "The Logic of Imperatives," Theoria 32 : 224-35. "On Practical Reasoning and the Logic of Imperatives," Theoria 32: 211-223. "Intrinsic Preferability and the Problem of Supererogation," (with R.M. Chisholm) Synthese 16: 321-331. "Hypothetical Reasoning," Journal of Philosophy LXIV: 293-305. American Philosophical Quarterly 4: 57-64. "The Semantics of Imperatives,"


1967 1969

"Comments on Descartes' Ontological Argument," Fact and Existence, ed. by Joseph Margolis (Oxford:

Blackwells). "Propositional Knowledge," Philosophical Studies XX: 33-43. "Quantifiers, Beliefs, and Sellars," Philosophical Logic, ed. by J. Davis, D. Hockney, and W.K. Wilson (Dordrecht, Holland: D. Reidel Publishing Company) 66-73. (Proceedings of the 1967 conference on philosophical logic at the University of Western Ontario.) "Mill's Utilitarianism," Mill's Utilitarianism, ed. by James M. Smith and Ernest Sosa (Belmont, California: Wadsworth Publishing Company): 154-72. 1970 "Propositional Attitudes de Dicto and de Re," Journal of Philosophy LXVII (1970): 883-896. (Invited paper for an APA symposium on Belief, December 28, 1970. (Cf. Jaakko Hintikka, "Sosa on Propositional Attitudes de Dicto and de Re," ibid., LXVIII (1971) 489-497.) "Two Conceptions of Knowledge," Journal of Philosophy LXVII: 59-66. "On Practical Inference, with an Excursus on Theoretical Inference," Logique et Analyse, Nouvelle Serie 13 Annee, 215-230. (Proceedings of the Brussels Colloquium on philosophical logic of December, 1969.) "Replies to Objections," ibid., 257-261. "Rejoinder to Hintikka," ibid., LXVIII: 497-501. "On the Nature and Objects of Knowledge," The Philosophical Review LXXXI: 364-371. (Discussionreview of The Concept of Knowledge, by Panayot Butchvarov.) "On the Concept of Value," discussionreview of Values and the Future, by Kurt Baier and Nicholas Rescher, The Philosophy Forum. "What is a Logical Constant?" in Methodological and Historical Essays in the Natural and Social Sciences, edited by Robert S. Cohen and Marx Wartofsky (Dordrecht, Holland: Reidel Publishing Company). (Proceedings of the 1972 Boston Colloquium in Philosophy of Science.) "Standard Conditions," in Modality, Morality and Other Problems of Sense and Nonsense, volume in honor of Soren Hallden edited by the Philosophy Department of the University of Lund, Sweden (Lund: CWK Gleerup). "How Do You Know?" American Philosophical Quarterly 11: 113-22. (Reprinted in G.S. Pappas and M. Swain, Essays on Knowledge and Justification (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1978); 184-205.) "On Our Knowledge of Matters of Fact," Mind 83: 388-405. "Introduction to Causation and Conditionals (London: Oxford University Press), 1-14. (Part of the Oxford Readings in Philosophy series.) "Russell, Berkeley, y la materia objectiva," Crtica VII: 35-43. "Hasta donde se puede llevar la duda?" Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofa II: 71-73. "Epistemic Subjectivism," discussion-review of Knowledge, by Keith Lehrer, Journal of Philosophy LXXIII : 812-21. "Thought, Inference, and Knowledge" discussion-review of Thought, by Gilbert Harman, Nous XI : 42131. "Respuesta a Pfeiffer," Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofa IV: 80-1. 10: 5-21. "Tipos de Causalidad," Crtica

1971 1972



1975 1976 1977 1978 1979

"The Status of Becoming: What is Happening Now?" The Journal of Philosophy LXXVI : 26-42. "El fundamentismo axiolgico," El hombre y su conducta (University of Puerto Rico Press), edited by Jorge Gracia. "Los fundamentos del fundamentismo," Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofa 5. (Largely a Spanish translation of "The Foundations of Foundationalism," below; invited and translated by the editors.) "Epistemic Presupposition," Justification and Knowledge, ed. by George Pappas (Dordrecht, Holland: D. Reidel Publishing Company); 79-92. (Proceedings of the 1978 conference on justification and knowledge at the Ohio State University.) "On Groundless Belief," Synthese 43: 453-60. (Discussion-review of Groundless Belief, by Michael Williams.) "The Raft and the Pyramid: Coherence versus Foundations in the Theory of Knowledge," Midwest Studies in Philosophy Vol. V: 3-25. Reprinted as follows: P. Moser, ed., Empirical Knowledge (a reader for graduate courses published by Rowman & Allanheld, 1986). P. Moser and A. vander Nat, eds., Human Knowledge: Classical and Contemporary Approaches (a reader for undergraduate courses published by Oxford University Press, 1987; also in 2nd ed., 1995). In a Blackwell epistemology anthology edited by E. Sosa and J. Kim. In Louis Pojman, ed., The Theory of Knowledge: Classic and Contemporary Readings (a reader for undergraduate courses published by Wadsworth, 1992; and in the new 1998 edition). In


Epistemology: the Big Questions, ed. by Linda Alcoff (Blackwell, 1998). In Marko Rajkovic, ed., Belief and Justification: The Problem of Knowledge in Contemporary Analytica Philosophy (Ibis Grafika, Zagreb, 2002). In Philosophy for the 21st Century, (Oxford University Press, 20030, a collection edited by Steven Cahn. Also in the Harcourt College Custom Publishers Harcourt Digital Library: Philosophy. In Knowledge and Reality: Classic and Contemporary Readings (Prentice-Hall, 2003). Translated into French and published in a collection edited by Pascal Engel and Julien Dutant (Vrin Publishers, 2004). "The Foundations of Foundationalism," Nous XIV: 547-65. 1981 "Varieties of Causation," Grazer Philosophische Studien . (English version of "Tipos de Causalidad," above. Reprinted in Causation ed. E. Sosa and M. Tooley (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993).) "Scriven on Causation as Explanation," Theory and Decision 13: 357-61. "A Rejoinder on Actions and De Re Belief," (with Mark Pastin) Canadian Journal of Philosophy XI: 735-39. "Epistemology Today: A Perspective in Retrospect," Philosophical Studies 40: 309-332. (Proceedings of the 1980 Conference in Epistemology at UNC/Greensboro; reply by Arnold Levison, ibid.) "Consciousness of the Self and of the Present," Agent, Language, and the Structure of the World (festschrift for Hector-Neri Castaeda), edited by James Tomberlin (Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company); 131-47. (Cf. Castaeda's "Reply to Sosa," ibid., 385-92.) "Propositions and Indexical Attitudes," On Believing, edited by Herman Parret (Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter Verlag) 316332. (Proceedings of the 1981 epistemology conference held by the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique of France. A Spanish version appears in Analisis Filosofico III: 1-19; invited and translated by the editors.) "Nature Unmirrored, Epistemology Naturalized," in special issue in epistemology of Synthese 55: 49-72. Reprinted in D. Fllesdal, ed., The Philosophy of Quine (Garland Publishers, 2000). "Classical Analysis," Journal of Philosophy LXXX: 695-710. (Invited main paper for an APA symposium, December 30, 1983.) "On the 'Content' and 'Relevance' of Information-Theoretic Epistemology," discussion-review of Knowledge and the Flow of Information, by Fred I. Dretske, The Behavioral and Brain Sciences . "Mind-Body Interaction and Supervenient Causation," Midwest Studies in Philosophy IX. Reprinted in Problems of Mind: Readings in Contemporary Philosophy of Mind, edited by Jack Crumley III (Mayfield, 1999). Review of Sensory and Noetic Consciousness, by F. Brentano, Canadian Philosophical Reviews. Discussion-review of Certainty: A Refutation of Skepticism, by Peter D. Klein, Nous. "Naturaleza desespejada, epistemologia naturalizada," Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofa . (A Spanish translation of "Nature Unmirrored, Epistemology Naturalized," above, at the invitation of the editors.) "Behavior, Theories, and the Inner," discussion of B.F. Skinner's epistemology of behavioral science, The Behavioral and Brain Sciences. (Reprinted in Canonical Papers of B.F. Skinner (Cambridge University Press, 1988).) "The Coherence of Virtue and the Virtue of Coherence: Justification in Epistemology," in special issue in epistemology of Synthese 64: 3-28. (A Portuguese translation "Faces e Destinos da Epistemologia," appears in Ciencia e Filosofa 3 (1986), by invitation of the editor.) "Knowledge and Intellectual Virtue," in special issue in epistemology of The Monist 68: 224-245. Reprinted in Readings in Epistemology, edited by Jack Crumley III (Mayfield, 1999). "Berkeley's Master Stroke," Essays on Berkeley: a Tercentennial Celebration, edited by John Foster and Howard Robinson (Oxford: Oxford University Press), 59-81. (Cf. David M. Armstrong's "The Heart of Berkeley's Metaphysics? A Reply to Ernest Sosa," Hermathena 139 (1985): 162-64.) Discussion-review of George Bealer's Quality and Concept (Oxford University Press, 1982), Journal of Philosophy LXXXII. Review of Experience and the Objects of Perception, by Leonard S. Carrier, The Review of Metaphysics : 142-3. "Una teora del conocimiento," invited contribution to La filosofia analtica en latinoamerica, edited by M. Dascal, J. Gracia, E. Rabossi, and E. Villanueva (Mexico: Fondo de Cultura Economica). (Largely a Spanish translation of "How Do You Know?" and "Our Knowledge of Matters of Fact," above.) "Fenomenalismo, reidentificacin y epistemologa," Primer Simposio Internacional de Filosofa, edited by Enrique Villanueva (Mexico City: Universidad Nacional Autnoma de Mxico) -- proceedings of the 1980 International Philosophy Symposium organized by the Instituto de Investigaciones Filosoficas of the Universidad Nacional Autnoma de Mxico; pp. 325-352. (Cf. Wonfilio Trejo, "Respuesta a Fenomenalismo, reidentificacin y epistemologa," Ibid., pp. 353-67.) "Respuesta a Trejo," ibid., pp. 367-69. "Accin, accin bsica, e intencionalidad de re," Razn Practica I (1985): 13-25.





""Circular" Coherence and "Absurd" Foundations," A Companion to Inquiries into Truth and Interpretation, edited by Ernest Lepore (Oxford: Blackwell). "Experience and Intentionality," in special issue in epistemology of Philosophical Topics 14: 67-85. "La incoherencia del escepticismo," Arbor CXXIII: 6175. Also in Cuadernos de Sofa (Mxico, 1987). "El toque maestro de Berkeley," Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofa XII: 15-37. (Largely a Spanish translation of "Berkeley's Master Stroke," above, at the invitation of the editors.) "Imagery and Imagination: Sensory Images and Fictional Characters," in the Tenth Anniversary Volume of Grazer Philosophische Studien . "Presuppositions of Empirical Knowledge," Philosophical Papers XV: 75-87. "On Knowledge and Context," The Journal of Philosophy LXXXIII: 584-85. "Subjects Among Other Things: Persons and Other Beings," in inaugural issue, in metaphysics, of Philosophical Perspectives, I . (Reprinted in Material Constitution: A Reader, ed. by Michael Rea (Lanham, MD: Rowman&Littlefield, 1997an upper-level metaphysics text. A Spanish translation, "Sobre la Identidad, la Existencia y la Constitucion de las Personas y Otros Seres," appears in Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofa, by invitation of the editors, in 1990.) "Serious Philosophy and Freedom of Spirit," The Journal of Philosophy 84: 707-27. (Selected by The Philosopher's Annual for its 1988 volume of the "ten best philosophy papers published in 1987." Also reprinted in Paul Moser and Dwayne H. Mulder, eds., Contemporary Approaches to Philosophy: Conflicts and Reconciliations (Macmillan, 1994).) "Offtrack Bets Against the Skeptic," Nozick and his Critics, ed. Steven Luper-Foy (Rowman and Allanheld). "Reply to "Las facetas descriptiva y valorativa de la ciencia y la epistemologa," by Carl Hempel," in Segundo Simposio Internacional de Filosofa, ed. by Enrique Villanueva (Mexico: UNAM), pp. 53-55. "Reply to "Es incoherente la epistemologa?" by Simon Blackburn, Ibid., pp. 109-111. "Reply to "La teora de la explicacin como conflicto," by M. Ponce and J.A. Robles, Ibid., pp. 481-483. "Beyond Skepticism, to the Best of Our Knowledge," invited paper on the state of the art in epistemology for Mind XCVII: 153-189. (Translated into Spanish by and published in Anlisis Filosfico (1989). Also reprinted in Conocimiento y Accin, ed. Jorge Prez Ballestar (Universidad de Salamanca, 1990), and in Cuadernos de Documentacin Filosfica, ed. Francisco Parenti Universidad de Rosario, Argentina, 1993.) "Methodology and Apt Belief," (in special issue on internalism and externalism in epistemology) of Synthese: 415-26. "Filosofa en serio y libertad de espritu," early version, in Spanish, of "Serious Philosophy and Freedom of Spirit, above, in proceedings of conference at the Instituto de Filosofa of the University of Mxico, and held in Mexico City in November of 1986; edited by Leon Oliv. (A second early version appears under the title "Dos Tradiciones: Seriedad y Libertad," in Segundo Encuentro Hispano Mexicano de Filosofa Moral y Poltica (Madrid: CSIC Instituto de Filosofa, 1988), ed. by Jos A. Gimbernat and Jos M. Gonzlez. The final version appears in Spanish in the Revista Lationoamericana de Filosofa XIV (1988).) "Ms all del escepticismo," Anlisis Filosfico , largely a Spanish translation of "Beyond Scepticism, to the Best of Our Knowledge," above; invited and translated by the editors. "Knowledge in Context, Skepticism in Doubt," Philosophical Perspectives II: Epistemology : 139-157. (Reprinted in Doubting: Contemporary Perspectives on Skepticism, ed. by Glenn Ross and Michael Roth (Dordrecht and Boston: Kluwer Publishing Company, 1989).) "Neither Body Nor Soul: Then What? And What Does It Matter?" Nous XXII: 87-89. "Knowledge and Justification," in Philosophy and Culture ed. V. Cauchy (Montreal: Montmorency, 1988) "The Skeptic's Appeal," in Knowledge and Skepticism (Westview Press), volume on the state of the art in epistemology, edited by Marjorie Clay and Keith Lehrer. "Equilibrium in Coherence?" in John Bender, ed., The Current State of the Coherence Theory (Dordrecht and Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers). (Appears also, in Russian, in Logic, Computer and Cognitive Sciences, invited and translated by the editor, Professor Vitali Tselischev.) Surviving Matters," Nous 24: 305-330. Appears also, in Spanish, in Crtica (1990), by invitation of the editors. (Selected by The Philosopher's Annual for a volume of the "ten best philosophy papers published in 1990." Also reprinted in the volume on personal identity of The International Research Library of Philosophy, edited by Harold Noonan (Dartmouth Publishing Company, 1994).) "Perception and Reality," in Information, Semantics, and Epistemology, ed. E. Villanueva (Oxford: Blackwell's). "Contents and Objects of Experience," in Grazer Philosophische Studien . "Science, Experience, and Secondary Qualities," Acta Philosophica Fennica 49: 82-97. "Philosophy and Liberal Education," Bulletin of FISP, (Summer, 1990): 8-9.






Knowledge in Perspective: Selected Essays in Epistemology (Cambridge University Press)to be referred to as 'KIP'. "Reliabilism and Intellectual Virtue," new essay in KIP. (Reprinted in Empirical Knowledge, ed. by P. Moser (Rowman & Littlefield, 1996)an upper-level epistemology text; also reprinted in Knowledge, Belief, and Character (Rowman&Littlefield, 2000), edited by Guy Axtell; also in Epistemology: Blackwell Readings in Philosophy, ed. by Hilary Kornblith; and in Reading Epistemology (2005), ed. by Sven Bernecker.. "Back to Basics," new essay in KIP. (Reprinted in I. Kucuradi and R. Cohen (eds.), The Concept of Knowledge (Kluwer, 1995). "Theories of Justification: Old Doctrines Newly Defended," essay in KIP that combines new work with some previously published. "Intellectual Virtue in Perspective," essay in KIP that combines some previously published material with a new extension of the virtue epistemology developed in earlier chapters. "George Berkeley," in the Handbook of Ontology and Metaphysics (Munich: Philosophia Verlag), ed. by Hans Burkhardt and Barry Smith. "Experience," in the Handbook of Ontology and Metaphysics (Munich: Philosophia Verlag), ed. by Hans Burkhardt and Barry Smith. "R.M. Chisholm," in the Handbook of Ontology and Metaphysics (Munich: Philosophia Verlag), ed. by Hans Burkhardt and Barry Smith. "Testimony," Blackwell Companion to Epistemology, J. Dancy and E. Sosa, eds. (Oxford: Basil Blackwell). "Between Internalism and Externalism," in Philosophical Issues 1: Consciousness, ed. E. Villanueva (Ridgeview). "External Realism and Philosophy in Transition," Journal of Social Philosophy XXII:183-7. Conocimiento y Virtud Intelectual, edited and with an introduction by C. Pereda and M. Valds (Mxico: UNAM and Fondo de Cultura Econmica)--a collection of papers by E. Sosa in Spanish. "Ayer on Perception and Reality," in The Philosophy of A.J.Ayer, volume of the Library of Living Philosophers, ed. by Lewis Hahn (Open Court Publishing Co.). "Neo-pragmatismo, Realismo y Verdad," in M. Valds, ed., Relativismo Lingustico y Epistemolgico (Mexico City: IIF). Generic Reliabilism and Virtue Epistemology, Philosophical Issues 2: Rationality in Epistemology, ed. E. Villanueva (Ridgeview Press) "Regreso a los Fundamentos," Anlisis Filosfico. "Putnam's Pragmatic Realism," The Journal of Philosophy ; an earlier version, in Spanish, is in Dianoia (1992), pp. 63-84. (Reprinted in Metaphysics: the Big Questions, edited by van Inwagen and Zimmerman (Blackwell, 1998). "Epistemology, Realism, and Truth," in Philosophical Perspectives 7, ed. J. Tomberlin (Ridgeview Press). (Reprinted in The Nature of Truth: Classic and Contemporary Perspectives, ed. Michael Lynch (MIT Press, 2001.) "The Truth of Modest Realism," in Philosophical Issues 3: Science and Knowledge, ed. E. Villanueva (Ridgeview Press). ). (Reprinted in The Nature of Truth: Classic and Contemporary Perspectives, ed. Michael Lynch (MIT Press, 2001.) "Testimony and Coherence," Knowing from Words, ed. B.K. Matilal and A. Chakrabati (Dordrecht: Kluwer). "Davidson's Thinking Causes," in J. Heil and A. Mele, eds., Mental Causation (Oxford: Oxford University Press), pp. 41-53. "Abilities, Concepts, and Externalism," ibid., pp. 309-29. "La Experiencia y la Mente," in Epistemologa y Cultura, ed. Ernesto Garzn Valds and Fernando Salmern (Mexico: UNAM), pp. 23-37. "Proper Functionalism and Virtue Epistemology," Nous 27:51-65. Reprinted in Warrant in Contemporary Epistemology, ed. by Jonathan Kvanvig (Lanham, Md: Rowman&Littlefield, 1996), pp. 253-71. "Skepticism and Our Knowledge Circle," in Philosophical Issues 4: Naturalism and Normativity, ed. E. Villanueva (Ridgeview). "Philosophical Scepticism and Epistemic Circularity," Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society :26390. (Reply by Barry Stroud, ibid.). Reprinted in Empriical Knowledge, ed. by P. Moser (Rowman & Littlefield, 1996; also in Skepticism: A Contemporary Reader, edited by Keith DeRose and Fritz Warfield (Oxford University Press, 1999). Reprinted also in P. Moser and A. vander Nat, eds., Human Knowledge: Classical and Contemporary Approaches (a reader for undergraduate courses published by Oxford University Press, 2001, 4th ed.). "Moral Relativism, Cognitivism, and Defeasible Rules," Social Philosophy and Policy 11: 116-38. "Naturalism and Primitive Truth," in Philosophy, Humanity, and Ecology, (ACTS Press and the African Academy of Science), proceedings of the 1991 FISP World Conference, held in Nairobi; edited by Odere Oruka; pp. 86-94. "De Re Belief, Action Explanations, and the Essential Indexical," Modality, Morality, and Belief: Essays in Honor of Ruth Barcan Marcus ed. by W. Sinnott-Armstrong, D. Raffman, and N. Asher (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press). "The Problems of Metaphysics," entry for The Oxford Companion to Philosophy, ed. Ted Honderich (Oxford: Oxford University Press). "Essence," ibid. "Phenomenalism," ibid. "Reply to Foley and Fumerton," part of symposium on Knowledge in Perspective in Philosophical Issues 5: Truth and




Rationality, ed. E. Villanueva (Ridgeview Press): 29-50. "Objects of Thought," in Philosophy and the Cognitive Sciences, R. Casati, B. Smith, and G. White, eds. (Vienna: Holder-Pichler-Tempsky). 1995 "Perspectives in Virtue Epistemology: Reply to Bonjour and Dancy," Philosophical Studies 78: 221-35, as part of a symposium on Knowledge in Perspective (see KIP above); reprinted in Knowledge, Belief, and Character (Rowman&Littlefield, 2000), edited by Guy Axtell. "Fregean Reference Defended," in Philosophical Issues 6: Content, ed. E. Villanueva (Ridgeview Press, 1995). "More on Fregean Reference," ibid. "Condition," The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, ed. Robert Audi (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press). "State of Affairs," ibid. "Justification," ibid. "Skepticism," ibid. "Racionalidad Epistmica y Escepticismo," Enciclopedia Iberoamericana de Filosofa (Madrid). "Rational Intuition: Bealer on its Nature and Epistemic Status," Philosophical Studies (Special issue, 1995); reprinted in the volume on A Priori Knowledge of The International Research Library of Philosophy.(Dartmouth Publishing Co., 1998). "Nicholas Rescher," entry for the Dictionary of Twentieth Century Philosophers, S. Brown, D. Collinson, and R. Wilkinson, eds. (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul). "Indexical Attitudes and the Theory of Meaning," Handbuch der Sprachphilosophie (Berlin: Walter de Gruyter & Co.), ed. by M. Dascal, D. Gerhardus, K. Lorenz, and G. Meggle. "La objetividad normativa," in proceedings of the Bariloche Congress of 1994, La racionalidad y sus limites, ed. by Oscar Nudler (Editorial Paidos, 1996); also in proceedings of the 1994 Interamerican Congress, ed. by Carlos Gutierrez (Universidad de los Andes, 1996); and in proceedings of the 1994 International Congress held in Lima by the Instituto de Filosofia of the University of Lima and the Peruvian National Philosophy Association, ed. by David Sobrevilla. Objetividad Normativa, Revista de Filosofa 9 (1996): 271-85a later version of the paper above. Normative Objectivity, in festschrift for Carlos Alchourron and Eugenio Bulygin, ed. by Werner Krawietz, Georg-Henrick von Wright and Ernesto Garzn Valds (Berlin: Ducker & Humblot)an English version of the paper above. Plantinga on Epistemic Internalism, in Warrant in Contemporary Epistemology, ed. by Jonathan Kvanvig (Lanham, Md: Rowman&Littlefield), pp. 73-87. Postscript to Proper Functionalism and Virtue Epistemology, ibid., pp. 271-81; reprinted in Knowledge, Belief, and Character (Rowman&Littlefield, 2000), edited by Guy Axtell. Como resolver la problematica pirronica: lo que se aprende de Descartes, Teorema I: 1 - 19. Reflective Knowledge in the Best Circles, Journal of Philosophy; reprinted in an Oxford University Press collection edited by Matthias Steup; also reprinted in a Blackwell anthology in epistemology edited by Jaegwon Kim and Ernest Sosa. How to Resolve the Pyrrhonian Problematic: A Lesson from Descartes, Philosophical Studies . Mythology of the Given, History of Philosophy Quarterly . Chisholms Epistemology and Epistemic Internalism, in Library of Living Philosophers Volume, The Philosophy of R.M. Chisholm, ed. L. Hahn (Open Court). "Skepticism and the Internal/External Divide," in Blackwell Guide to Epistemology (Blackwell Publishers, 1998), ed. by John Greco and Ernest Sosa "Foundationalism," entry for the Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, in the epistemology volume ed. by R. Foley and P. Klein (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1998). "Strawsons Epistemological Naturalism," in Library of Living Philosophers Volume, The Philosophy of P.F. Strawson , ed. L. Hahn (Open Court). The Dialectic of Circularity, TLS review of Luciano Floridis Scepticism and the Foundation of Epistemology (E.J. Brill). Minimal Intuition, proceedings of the Notre Dame conference on intuition, edited by Michael DePaul and William Ramsey (Rowman&Littlefield, 1998). How to Defeat Opposition to Moore, Philosophical Perspectives, 13, Epistemology. . How Must Knowledge be Causally Related to What is Known, in a festschrift for Sydney Shoemaker in Philosophical Topics, ed. by Richard Moran, Alan Sidelle, and Jennifer Whiting. Existential Relativity, Midwest Studies in Philosophy, Vol. 22, New Directions in Philosophy Are Humans Rational? in Cognition, Agency and Rationality (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999), proceedings of San Sebastian Cognitive Science congress, edited by Kepa Korta, Ernest Sosa, and Xabier Arrazola; pp. 1-9. Its About Reality, Not Language, TLS review of Frank Jacksons From Metaphysics to Ethics: A Defense of Conceptual Analysis (Oxford University Press, 1998). Is Man a Rational Animal? with David Galloway, in special issue of Synthese ed. by Michael Bishop, Richard Samuels, and Stephen Stich. Epistemic Circularity: Sextus, Descartes, and Epistemology Today, in Philosophie in synthetischer Absicht, a festschrift for





Dieter Henrich, ed. by Marcelo Stamm and Christian Klotz (Klett-Cotta, 1999). "The Essentials of Persons," in an issue of Dialectica in honor of Ruth Barcan Marcus. 2000 For the Love of Truth? in Virtue Epistemology: Essays on Epistemic Virtue and Responsibility (Oxford University Press), edited by Linda Zagzebski. Review of David Lewiss Papers in Metaphysics and Epistemology in The Journal of Philosophy. Modal and Other A Priori Epistemology: How Can We Know What is Possible and What Impossible? supplement to the Southern Journal of Philosophy. Entry on R.M. Chisholm for the new edition of the Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy. "Contextualism and Skepticism," Philosophical Issues XI: Supplement to Nos. "Replies to Critics," Philosophical Issues XI . Entry on Thomas Reid (jointly with James Van Cleve) for The Modern Philosophers: From Descartes to Nietzsche, ed. by Steven Emmanuel (Blackwell Dos dicotomias falsas, in Transcendentalidad y racionalidad (University of Valencia), edited by Josep Blasco. Contextualismo y escepticismo, in Teorema XIX, pp. 9-25, and Respuestas a mis comentadores, Ibid., pp. 47-51; translations of Contextualism and Skeptcism and Replies to Critics, cited above. "Objectivity Without Absolutes," for festschrift in honor of Judith Thomson, edited by Robert Stalnaker, Alex Byrne, and Ralph Wedgwood.. The Place of Truth in Epistemology, in Intellectual Virtue: Perspectives from Ethics and Epistemology (OUP, 2001), ed. by Michael DePaul and Linda Zagzebski Human Knowledge, Animal and Reflective, a reply to Stephen Grimms Ernest Sosa, Knowledge and Understanding, Philosophical Studies, pp. 1-4. Entry on G.E. Moore for the Blackwell Companion to Analytic Philosophy, ed. by Aloysius Martinich and David Sosa (Blackwell), pp. 45-57. Epistemology and Primitive Truth, The Nature of Truth: Classic and Contemporary Perspectives, ed. Michael Lynch (MIT Press), pp. 641-63 (which reprints two 1993 papers, The Truth of Modest Realism, Philosophical Issues, and Epistemology, Realism, and Truth, Philosophical Perspectives). Plantingas Evolutionary Meditations, in Naturalism Defeated, edited by James Beilby (Cornell University Press, 2002), pp. 91-103. (Reprinted in a philosophy of religion collection edited by Louis Pojman, Wadsworth Publishing Co.) "Reliability and the A Priori," Imagination, Conceivability and Possibility (OUP, 2002), edited by Tamar Gendler and John Hawthorne. Dos falsas dicotomias, in La certeza, un mito? Naturalismo, falibilismo y escepticismo, ed. by Julio Beltrn and Carlos Pereda, (Instituto de Investigaciones Filosficas, UNAM). Goldmans Reliabilism and Virtue Epistemology, in festschrift number for Alvin Goldman of Philosophical Topics. Tracking, Competence, and Knowledge Oxford Handbook of Epistemology, ed. by Paul Moser, pp. 264-87. Conceptual and Ontological Relativity, and the Self, for Oxford Handbook of Metaphysics, ed. by Michael Loux and Dean Zimmerman Privileged Access, Consciousness: New Philosophical Essays, edited by Quentin Smith and A. Jokcik (OUP, 2002). Ontology, Understanding, and the A Priori, Ratio (2002). The Place of Truth in Epistemology, in Intellectual Virtue: Perspectives from Ethics and Epistemology (OUP, 2003), ed. by Michael DePaul and Linda Zagzebski. Rastreamento, Competencia e Conhecimento, Manuscrito, pp. 573-612. Knowledge, Animal and Reflective: A Reply to Michael Williams, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume. Consciousness and Self-Knowledge, in Privileged Access, edited by Brie Gertler (Ashgate Publishers). Davidsons Epistemology, in Contemporary Philosophy in Focus: Donald Davidson (Cambridge University Press), ed. by Kirk Ludwig Epistemology: Does It Depend on Independence, in E.J. Olsson, ed., The Epistemology of Keith Lehrer (Kluwer), pp. 23-30. Chisholms Epistemic Principles, Metaphilosophy, Vol. 34, No. 5 (2003): 1-10. Relevant Alternatives, Contextualism Included, Philosophical Studies (2003): 35-65. Beyond Internal Foundations to External Virtues, in Epistemic Justification, by L. BonJour and E. Sosa (Blackwell Publishers), pp. 97-171. Reply to BonJour, ibid., pp. 201-29. Two False Dichotomies, in The Pyrrhonian Tradition (OUP, 2004), ed. by Walter SinnottArmstrong. Translated into Russian and reprinted in Subject, Knowledge, and Action (Moscow: KAN Publishers), edited by E.T. Kasavin; pp. 534-53. Reflective Knowledge in the Best Circles (1997) published in translation as El Conocimiento Reflexivo en Los Mejores Circulos, Cuadernos de Critica (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico). Tracking, Competence, and Knowledge (2002) published in translation as Rastreo, competencia y conocimiento, Quaderns de Filosofia I Ciencia (Societat de Filosofia del Pais Valencia, Valencia, Spain).





Replies, in Ernest Sosa and His Critics (in Blackwell series, Philosophers and Their Critics), ed. J. Greco, pp. 273-327. 2005 Consciousness and Self-Knowledge, in Language, Knowledge, and Representation (The Netherlands: Kluwer), ed. by J.M. Larrazabal and L.A. Perez Miranda, pp. 135-45. Circularity and Epistemic Priority, in The Challenge of Externalism (Berlin: Walter de Gruyter), ed. Richard Schantz, pp. 113-22. The Place of Dreams in Epistemology, in Knowledge and Belief. Wissen und Glaben (BV&HPT Publishers), ed. by Winfried Lffler and Paul Weingartner, pp. 228-36. Dreams and Philosophy, Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association, Vol. 79, Issue 2; pp. 7-18.

B. Books Edited Mill's Utilitarianism, ed. in collaboration with James Smith (Belmont, California: Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1969). Causation and Conditionals, Oxford Readings in Philosophy Series (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1975). The Philosophy of Nicholas Rescher: Discussion and Replies (Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1979). Essays on the Philosophy of Roderick Chisholm (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1979). Essays on the Philosophy of George Berkeley (Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1987). The Opened Curtain (Boulder: Westview, 1991), edited with Keith Lehrer. Blackwell Companion to Epistemology (Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 1992), edited with Jonathan Dancy. Causation (Oxford:Oxford University Press, 1993), edited with Michael Tooley; for Oxford Readings in Philosophy, this is based substantially on the causation part of the earlier Causation and Conditionals in that series. Knowledge and Justification (Dartmouth Publishing Co., 1994), two volumes of outstanding epistemology papers published in recent years, forming part of The International Research Library of Philosophy. Blackwell Companion to Metaphysics (Blackwell Publishers, 1995), edited with Jaegwon Kim. Supplement to Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Macmillan Press); on eight-member editorial executive committee. Metaphysics: An Anthology (Blackwell Publishers, 1998), edited with Jaegwon Kim. Blackwell Guide to Epistemology (Blackwell Publishers, 1998), edited with John Greco Epistemology: An Anthology (Blackwell Publishers, 1999), edited with Jaegwon Kim, with the assistance of Matthew McGrath. Cognition, Agency and Rationality (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999), proceedings of San Sebastian Cognitive Science congress, edited with Kepa Korta and Xabier Arrazola. Proceedings of the XXth World Congress of Philosophy (Philosophy Documentation Center, 1999- ), ten volumes, co-edited, with Jaakko Hintikka, Robert Neville, and Alan Olson. Contemporary Debates in Epistemology (Blackwell, 2005), co-edited with Matthias Steup C. Public Lectures, Lecture Series, and Conference Papers

(In nearly every instance, invited talk or commentary; in a few early instances, contributed paper.) 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1975 1976 1977 APA (Eastern Division). U. of Western Ontario Conference on Philosophical Logic. APA (Pacific Division). Brown-U. Mass.-Smith Philosophy Colloquium. APA (Eastern Division). Conference on Philosophical Logic, under the auspices of the Belgian National Center for Logical Research. Symposium paper, APA (Eastern Division). Chicago meetings of the American Society for Value Inquiry. IVth International Congress on Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, held in Bucharest. Boston Colloquium for the Philosophy of Science. APA (Western Division). Division). APA (Western Division). APA (Western Division). Paper for lecture series on the philosophy of time at Tufts University. Oberlin Colloquium in Philosophy. APA (Western Division). Interamerican Congress of Philosophy, Caracas, Venezuela. Rice University Conference on Foundationalism and Nonfoundationalism. APA (Eastern

1978 Ohio State Conference on Justification and Knowledge. Oaxtepec Conference sponsored by the Instituto de Investigaciones Filosficas of the Universidad Nacional Autnoma de Mxico. 1979 1980 Philosophy Conference sponsored by the University of Cincinnati Philosophy Department. Epistemology Conference sponsored by the Philosophy Department of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Public lecture at the University of Rhode Island, as part of the University's celebration of the Year of the Humanities. International Philosophy Symposium organized by the Instituto de Investigaciones Filosficas of the Universidad Nacional Autnoma de Mxico. Naturalistic Epistemology Conference held by the History and Philosophy of Science Department, University of Pittsburgh. International interdisciplinary conference on Le Savoir et le Croire held by the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique of France in Albi, Provence. Lecture series (two-week) on current issues in metaphysics and epistemology, Instituto de Investigaciones Filosficas, Universidad Nacional Autnoma de Mxico). International symposium on contemporary issues in philosophy, Instituto de Investigaciones Filosficas of the Universidad Nacional Autnoma de Mxico, and held at Oaxaca, Mxico. Lecture at the Instituto de Filosofa, Universidad de Lima. Lecture series (one-week) on current issues in metaphysics and epistemology, Sociedad Argentina de Anlisis Filosfico, delivered at Buenos Aires, Argentina. Paper for the NEH Public Program in the Humanities held in conjunction with the 1981 Interamerican Congress of Philosophy, Tallahassee, Florida. Symposium on metaphysics and value at the Seventy-fourth Annual Meeting of the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, held at Fort Worth, Texas. Lecture on conventionalism and epistemology naturalized, Institute of Philosophy and the Department of Philosophy, PUC, delivered at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Three lectures on intentionality, Sociedad Argentina de Anlisis Filosfico, delivered at Buenos Aires, Argentina. APA (Western Division). Herbert Heidelberger Memorial Conference, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Philosophy




Department. The six Gaos Lectures, delivered at the University of Mxico (Mexico City). Round table in the philosophy of mind organized by H.D. Lewis for the Seventeenth World Congress in Philosophy, held in Montreal. Special session at the Seventeenth World Congress in Philosophy, Montreal. Symposium paper, APA (Eastern Division). 1984 Seminar at Rutgers University as part of a series preliminary to the Rutgers Davidson Conference. Rutgers University Conference on The Philosophy of Donald Davidson, held in New Brunswick, NJ. Lecture series (two-week) on current issues in metaphysics and epistemology, Instituto de Investigaciones Filosficas, Universidad Nacional Autnoma de Mxico) offered in Mxico City. International philosophy symposium held in Xalapa, Mxico. Lecture series (two-week) on experience and intentionality, University of Sao Paulo. Lecture-series (twoweek) on skepticism and knowledge, Consejo de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tcnicas of Argentina and delivered in Buenos Aires. Lecture on skepticism, Sociedad Argentina de Anlisis Filosfico, and delivered in Buenos Aires. Berkeley Tercentenary Conference, Trinity College, Dublin. Two papers at the Eleventh Interamerican Congress of Philosophy, held in Guadalajara, Mxico. Boston Colloquium for the Philosophy of Science. Lecture sponsored by the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tcnicas of Spain, and delivered in Madrid. UNC-Greensboro Conference in Metaphysics held at Greensboro. Interdisciplinary seminar led at Williams College. Public lecture delivered at Williams College. Symposium at meetings of the APA (Central Division). Two lectures delivered at the NEH Summer Institute in the Theory of Knowledge held in Boulder, Colorado. International conference sponsored by the Instituto de Filosofa of the Spanish Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, and held in Galicia, Spain. International conference sponsored by the Instituto de Filosofa of the University of Mexico, and held in Mexico City. Two papers presented to the NEH Summer Seminar led by Robert Audi at the University of Nebraska in the summer of 1987. Plenary address at the World Congress held in Crdoba, Argentina. Plenary address delivered to the Asociacin Filosfica de Mxico, in Toluca, Mxico. Symposium paper delivered to the Asociacin Filosfica de Mxico, at its meeting in Toluca, Mxico. Two lectures, one on the nature of philosophy and the other on personal identity, invited by the University of Puerto Rico. Oberlin Colloquium. Symposium, APA (Central Division). International conference sponsored by the Instituto de Filosofa of the Spanish Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientficas, and held in Buitrago, Spain. Lecture at the Facultad de Filosofa of the University of Buenos Aires, with the support of the Tanner Foundation, and delivered as part of the Tanner conference held in Buenos Aires. Lecture on personal identity, Sociedad Argentina de Analisis Filosfico. International conference sponsored by the Sociedad Filosfica Iberoamericana, and held in Tepoztln, Morelos, Mxico. Three talks in metaphysics and epistemology, Philosophy Department of the University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. Paper at national philosophy conference sponsored by the Philosophy Department of the University of Cape Town, and held near Cape Town. Talk invited by the APA Committee on Teaching for a session held under its auspices at meetings of the APA (Eastern Division). Conference on skepticism at the University of Rochester. Conference held by the Academy of Finland and the University of Helsinki, in Helsinki. Five lectures in epistemology at the University of Salamanca, Spain. Plenary address at the Interamerican Congress of Philosophy, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Conference on consciousness held by the Sociedad Filosofica Iberoamericana and the Sociedad Argentina de Analisis Filosofico, in Buenos Aires. Conference in epistemology held by the Philosophical Society of Turkey, in Ankara. Plenary address for the Mexican National Congress of Philosophy held in Jalapa, Mexico. Symposium paper, APA (Eastern Division). Paper invited by the Conference of Philosophical Societies for its annual meeting in Atlanta. Meeting of the Academie Internationale de Philosophie des Sciences held in Fribourg, Switzerland. Meeting of the Sociedad Filosofica Iberoamericana held in Campinas, Brazil. Invited paper, APA (Central Division). Plenary address for the FISP world conference of philosophy






1990 1991

held in Nairobi. Sociedad Filosofica Iberoamericana, meeting held in Salamanca, Spain. Distinguished Speaker of the Georgia Philosophical Society. Conference in honor of Nicholas Rescher at the University of Pittsburgh. 1992 Distinguished Philosophical Perspectives Lecture, California State University, Northridge. Symposium paper, APA (Pacific Division). SOFIA conference held at the University of Florida. Conference on the philosophy of Hilary Putnam, held in Taxco, Mexico, under the auspices of the Instituto de Investigaciones Filosoficas of the National University of Mexico. Lecture to the Korean Society for Analytic Philosophy, in Seoul. Bowling Green Social Philosophy and Policy Center conference. Response for book symposium on Knowledge in Perspective at meetings of the APA (Pacific Division). Response for book symposium on Knowledge in Perspective at meetings of SOFIA in the Canary Islands. Two talks at SOFIA seminars in Mexico City. Two talks at the Instituto de Investigaciones Filosficas of the National University of Mexico in Mexico City. Conference on Color at the University of Pennsylvania. Lecture series (three lectures) in epistemology at the Universidad de La Laguna (Canary Islands, Spain). Two talks at the NEH Naturalism Institute led by Robert Audi at the University of Nebraska. Wittgenstein Colloquium in Kirchberg, Austria. SOFIA conference in Lisbon. Lecture series (three lectures) at SADAF (Sociedad Argentina de Anlisis Filosfico), Buenos Aires. Talk on philosophy of mind at a colloquium on philosophy of language and of mind organized by SADAF, Buenos Aires. Lecture at the Fundacin Bariloche Colloquium, Bariloche, Argentina. Plenary address at the Interamerican Congress of Philosophy, Bogot, Colombia. Symposium paper at the Joint Session of the Mind Association and the Aristotelian Society, Dundee, Scotland. Plenary address at the International Congress organized by the Peruvian Philosophical Association, Lima, Peru. Keynote address at the National Graduate Student Conference held at Washington University, in St. Louis, Missouri. Symposium paper, APA (Pacific Division). Inaugural lecture at the congress held to organize the Spanish Society for Analytic Philosophy, in Valencia, Spain. SOFIA meeting, held in Cancn, Mexico. Public lecture at Carleton College. Keynote Address for the annual meeting of the East Pennsylvania Philosophical Association Lecture at the University of Salamanca. Invited paper at meetings on the contemporary relevance of Greek philosophy, organized by the Philosophical Association of Greece, held in Crete in October, 1995. Symposium paper, APA (Pacific Division). Paper at conference on German-American Influences in Scientific Philosophy After 1933, at the Center for Philosophy of Science of the University of Pittsburgh in March. Paper at conference on intuition in philosophy at the University of Notre Dame in April. Paper at SOFIA conference on content held in Queretaro in June. Talk at epistemology conference at SUNYBuffalo in September. Lecture at the University of Miami, as part of the Universitys celebration of its 70th anniversary. 1997 Keynote Speaker at the Irish Philosophical Club meeting in Ireland. Public lecture and seminar at the University of Granada Keynote Speaker at the Brown University Graduate Student Conference Main paper at Arizona State University epistemology conference Plenary invited talk at the American Catholic Philosophical Association meeting. Main symposium paper at the APA Central meetings in Pittsburgh Visit at St. Catherines College, Oxford, for Trinity term, 1997. Main symposium paper at epistemology and cognitive science conference in San Sebastian, Spain Public lecture and seminar at the University of Valencia Main paper at naturalism and epistemology conference in Stirling, Scotland Main paper at the Chapel Hill Colloquium Main paper at spring Conference on Methods conference in New York City Commentator in Notre Dame metaphysical dualism conference Keynote speaker at Society of Christian Philosophers meeting in Phoenix (as part of a featured exchange with Alvin Plantinga, with mutual responses) Invited session at the APA meetings in LA. Two-day Distinguished Scholar visit at Fordham University Lecture at the University of Salamanca. Seminar session at NYU, organized by Peter Unger and John Gibbons, devoted to my recent work in epistemology.








Keynote speaker at Spindel Conference in Epistemology at the University of Memphis, in October Keynote speaker at ICCS-99, the 1999 version of the biennial international epistemology and cognitive science conference at the University of the Basque Country in San Sebastian, Spain. Keynote speaker for the Rutgers Graduate Student Conference Main speaker at the Oberlin Colloquium, in April Two lectures at Theory of Knowledge sessions sponsored by the Stefan Batori Foundation, held in Warsaw in August. Plenary speaker at the Interamerican Congress of Philosophy held in Puebla, Mexico, in August. Main speaker at conference in Reykjavik, Iceland, held by the Institut International de Philosophie in August Main speaker at a conference on virtue and duty in epistemology, held in Santa Barbara, CA, at the Center for Philosophical Education, in November. Invited main paper for the Eastern Division meetings of the APA, Boston, in December Keynote speaker at the Central States Philosophical Association meetings, in October Lecture on human rationality at the Rutgers University Center for Cognitive Science Main speaker at Greensboro Colloquium (on ontology), in March of 2000 Main speaker (one of three) symposium on the work of R.M. Chisholm at the Central Division of the APA, in April of 2000. Main speaker (one of two) at conference on realism at Calvin College, May 25-28 Keynote speaker at epistemology conference at the University of Mexico, July 19-21. Main speaker at virtue epistemology conference held at Notre Dame in September Main speaker (one of three) in symposium at the Eastern Division APA meetings in New York, December 29

2000 at


Main speaker in symposium at the Pacific Division APA meetings in San Francisco, March 29. Talk at conference on skepticism at Dartmouth College. Paper at conference in memory of RM Chisholm organized by the RI Philosophical Society. Lecture at conference in epistemology at the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. Gail Stine Lecture at Wayne State University. Main speaker at the 32nd Annual Philosophy Symposium sponsored by the Cal. State-Fullerton Philosophy Department.. Plenary address at the Australasian Association of Philosophers annual meeting. Main speaker at a conference on contextualism in philosophy sponsored by the U. Mass, Amherst, philosophy department. Stevens Public Lecture at Lawrence University. Fritz Marti Lecture at Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville Main speaker at APA Symposium in Chicago. Main speaker at conference on naturalism and theology at Cal. State-Long Beach, March. Main speaker at conference on self knowledge at the University of Florida, April. Invited talk at the Jowett Society, Oxford University (the grad student society at Oxford), May. Invited plenary talk at the Joint Session of the Aristotelian Society and the Mind Association, Belfast, in July (the national philosophy meeting in Great Britain). Invited plenary talk at the Wittgenstein Symposium, Kirchberg, Austria, in August. Keynote Speaker at conference on causation in philosophy held by the Sociedad Argentina de Analisis Filosofico, Buenos Aires, in October/November. Main speaker at the Interamerican Congress of Philosophy, Lima, Peru, January. Main speaker at the Florida State University conference on metaphilosophy, January. Symposium paper on circularity in epistemology at the APA Pacific Division meetings, March. Main speaker at Kokonas Philosophy Symposium, Colgate University, April. Plenary lecture and concluding plenary talk, Inland Pacific Philosophy Symposium, May. Main speaker at epistemology symposium, Porto Alegre, Brazil, May. Keynote speaker and closing talk at conference on virtue epistemology, Madrid, Spain, June. Plenary lecture at conference on truth and realism, St. Andrews, Scotland, June. Main speaker at conference on the a priori, Syracuse University, August. Public lecture, SUNY-Brockport, September. Main speaker at conference on intuitions, Fribourg, Switzerland, November. Main speaker at conference on virtue epistemology, Stirling, Scotland, November. Presidential Address, American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division, Boston, December. Main speaker at SOFIA conference in Huatulco, Mexico: paper entitled "Epistemic Normativity." Two public lectures at the University of Murcia, Spain, on philosophical skepticism and on epistemic normativity. Public lecture at Washington University, St. Louis, on epistemology and cognitive science. The John Locke lectures, six lectures, one a week, at Oxford University, in Trinity term, May and June, "Apt Belief and Reflective Knowledge."





Public lecture on dreams and philosophy at the University of Mexico. Main paper for conference on philosophical methodology at the University of Erfurt, Germany. Public lecture at Kent State University on dreams and philosophy. Keynote address to the Central States Philosophical Association, in Lexington, Kentucky, on dreams and the cogito. Main speaker at Philip Quinn memorial conference, University of Notre Dame, on philosophical skepticism. D. Invited Talks at Departments

Universities of Arizona (Tucson), Michigan (Ann Arbor), Miami (Florida)--thrice, Connecticut (Storrs)twice, Illinois (Chicago Circle), Western Ontario (London, Ontario)-thrice, Guelph (Ontario), Indiana (Bloomington), Iowa (Iowa City), Rhode Island--twice, Rochester--twice, Texas (Austin)--twice, Pennsylvania (Philadelphia), North Carolina (Greensboro) -- twice, Cincinnati, Mxico, Pittsburgh, and Massachusetts (Amherst)--thrice, as well as the Claremont Graduate School, Georgetown University, Ohio State University--twice, Rutgers University--thrice, SUNY (Buffalo), Boston University, Drew University, Oberlin College, Rice University, Syracuse University, Temple University, Franklin and Marshall College, Williams College, Muhlenberg College, Brandeis University, University of Nebraska, Southwest Texas State University (Visiting scholar for two days, at the invitation of STSU, under an NEH program administered by the Council for Philosophical Studies), Trinity University (San Antonio), University of Helsinki, and New York University; University of La Laguna (Canary Islands, Spain), University of San Sebastian (Spain), Duke University, UNC-Greensboro, Davidson College, University of Western Ontario, University of Connecticut at Storrs--twice, East Carolina University, St. Andrews College, Ohio State University, University of California at Santa Barbara, Seton Hall University, US Military Academy at West Point, Seoul National University, Korea, Wellesley College, University of Oklahoma, University of Texasthrice, Brown (101 Forum on "Moral Objectivity"), Oxford University Philosophical Society, , Cambridge University, Rhode Island College, Rice University, Washington University, St. Olaf College, St. Cloud State University, Carleton College, Univ. of Palma de Mallorca, Texas A&M. University of Miami, University of Nebraska, Oxford University. Franklin and Marshall College, CUNY Graduate Center, Queens College, Columbia University, University of Lisbon. Washington and Lee University, Kansas State University, University of Delaware, University of Virginia, Syracuse University, University of Florida, Connecticut College, Rutgers University, University of Missouri, Australian National University, Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, University of Canterbury, University of Auckland, University of Dunedin, Lawrence University, Colgate University, Seton Hall University, University of Houston, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Northern Illinois University, SUNY-Brockport, University of Barcelona, MIT, Washington University, UNC-Chapel Hill, University of Virginia. For 2005: * University of Valencia, Spain, in February, on philosophical skepticism. MIT, in March, on intuitions in philosophy. Washington University, St. Louis, in March, on dreams and philosophy. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, in April, on epistemic normativity. University of Virginia, in April, on epistemic normativity. University of British Columbia, in October, on dreams and skepticism. To Brown Philosophy DUG, in November, on philosophical skepticism and dreams. IV. Service:

A. To The University: Department Chairman, 1970-1976. Acting Chairman, Semester I, 1981-1982 Member, Faculty Policy Group, 1979-1981; elected by Brown's Faculty to its Executive Committee Member, University committee for selection of new Graduate School Dean, 1982 Director of Graduate Studies, Philosophy Department, 1984Chair, University Humanities Task Force, 1984-85. (One of five task forces--humanities, arts, social sciences, natural sciences, formal sciences--established to formulate a plan for the University for the following fifteen years.) Organized (with James Van Cleve) a conference of national scope in honor of Roderick M. Chisholm on his seventieth birthday, held at Brown in November of 1986

Member, Brown University Press Committee, 1983-85; Chair, 1985-95; Director, Brown University Press, 1985-95 Member, Faculty Executive Committee; elected by Brown Faculty to serve on its nine-member Executive Committee for a three-year term, 1991-94 Member, five-member ad hoc committee of endowed chair holders, newly created and appointed by the President, to determine recommendations on all new endowed chair appointments, 1991-94 Member, University committee for selection of new Dean of the Faculty, 1997 Member, Academic Priorities Subcommittee, 2000-2003 Member, Faculty Campaign Committee, 2005 B. To The Profession: 1. American Philosophical Association Secretary-Treasurer, American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division, 1974-82 Member, ex officio, Executive Committee, APA, Eastern Division, 1974-82; Program Committee, APA, Eastern Division, 1974-82; National Board of Officers, American Philosophical Association, 1974-82; 1984-89; 1995-98 Member, International Cooperation Committee, American Philosophical Association, 1977-82 Chairman, ad hoc subcommittee of Board of Officers to appoint a permanent Committee on Philosophy and Medicine, 1974-75 Ad hoc APA two-member committee to select a new National Office site, spring of 1975; ad hoc APA five-member committee to select a new Executive Secretary, spring of 1976; ad hoc APA three-member committee to draft new definitions for the offices of Executive Secretary and Chairman of the Board, spring of 1976; member, APA/ED Ad Hoc Committee to Revise By-Laws, 1980-81 Chair, APA International Cooperation Committee, 1984-89 (Five-year term as Chair of an APA standing committee, one of five, with ex officio membership on the sixteen-member APA National Board, main policymaking body of the APA.) Elected Eastern Division Representative of the American Philosophical Association for 1995-98, with ex officio membership on the Executive Committee of the Eastern Division and on the National Board of Officers of the APA. (Each of the three divisions of the APA has one representative on the Board.) Ex officio member of the Divisional Resolutions Committee, of the Divisional Committee on Committees, of the APA Committee for Defense of Professional Rights, and of the Boards Administrative Committee. Member, APA Committee on Committees, 1995-8; chair, 1997-8 Elected Chair of the National APA Publications Oversight Committee (entailing ex officio memberhip on the APA Committee on Lectures, Publications, and Research), 1996-8. Elected by the APA Board of Officers to serve on a small national committee, composed both of Board members and of other philosophers, to develop, during 1997-9, a set of proposed APA goals and priorities for the coming decade. Elected Eastern Division Vice-President of the American Philosophical Association for 1995-98, with ex officio membership on the Executive Committee of the Eastern Division and on the National Board of Officers of the APA. Ex officio member of the Divisional Resolutions Committee, and of the Divisional Committee on Committees. Chair, Board of Officers, American Philosophical Association, 2005-8.

2. Editorial Member, Editorial Boards of American Philosophical Quarterly, 1974-90; Philosophy Research Archives, 1975-95; Philosophical Studies, 1978- ; Analecta Husserliana, 1983-85; Razn Practica (Venezuela), 1983-85; Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofa (Argentina), 1984- ; Crtica (Mxico), 1984- ; Philosophical Papers (South Africa), 1986- ; Anlisis Filosfico (Argentina), 1986- ; Philosophical Perspectives, 1986-2005; Cuadernos de Filosofa (Argentina), 1988- ; Cuadernos de Documentacin Filosfica (Argentina), 1993-5; Philosophical Issues,1994- ; Teorema (Spain), 1995- ; Revista Patagonica de Filosofia (Argentina), 1999- ;and Manuscrito (Brazil), 1999- . Editor, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 1983- ; Associate Editor, 1980-83 Editor of Cambridge Studies in Philosophy, Cambridge University Press's main book series in philosophy, 19902004 Editor of Great Debates in Philosophy, a Blackwell Publishers series, 1991Member, Editorial Board, Philosophy Documentation Center, 1997Member, Editorial Board, Oxford University Press Handbooks in Philosophy, 1998Co-Editor, Series in Epistemology and Philosophy of Mind, Ashgate Publishers, 1999- 2002 Editor-in-Chief, Nos, Blackwell Publishers, 1999Co-Editor, Philosophical Issues, Blackwell Publishers, 1999Editor, Blackwell/Brown Series in Philosophy, 20003. Evaluation Member, NEH committee to evaluate proposals for senior fellowships, summers of 1978, 1979, and 1980 External Evaluation Committee for: University of Massachusetts (Amherst) Philosophy Department, spring of 1977 (Chair); University of Delaware (Newark) Philosophy Department, spring of 1978; Rutgers University Philosophy Department, spring of 1980; Syracuse University Philosophy Department, fall of 1980 (Chair); Temple University Philosophy Department, winter of 1982; University of Florida Philosophy Department, fall of 1987; College of William and Mary, March of 1989; Montclair State College, spring of 1992. Lead Consultant, leading team of three to review all philosophy departments in the Florida State University system, in October of 1988, for the Florida Board of Regents. External Evaluation Committee for the graduate program of the University of Notre Dame Philosophy Department, January of 1989. External Evaluation Committee for the graduate program of the SUNYBuffalo Philosophy Department, May of 1989. External Evaluation Committee for new graduate program proposed by New York University, spring of 1996. On two-member committee to advise the President of Harvard University on the future of its philosophy department, in a three-hour meeting in June of 2003. 4. Other President, RI Philosophical Society, 1983-84 Vice-President, Sociedad Filosofica Ibero-Americana (SOFIA), 1980Chair, Program and Publications, International Berkeley Society, 1983-85; organized, secured the funds for, and ran the Berkeley Tercentenary Conference, an international conference held in Newport on March 7-10, 1985

Elected by APA Eastern Division Executive Committee to the new (three-member) Advisory Committee on Epistemology, to advise the Program Committee concerning sessions in epistemology for 1986-88 Member, American Council of Learned Societies-Soviet Academy of Sciences Commission on the Humanities and Social Sciences, 1984-89 As ACLS/SA Commissioner, headed a delegation of American philosophers on a visit to Moscow in the spring of 1985 to explore the possibility of cooperation in our field over the next two years. As ACLS/SA Commissioner, organized a conference at Brown with three Soviet participants and ten American participants, held in November of 1986. As ACLS/SA Commissioner, headed an exchange program including each year several conferences involving American and Soviet philosophers, with the site alternating between the USA and the USSR; in 1984-1989. Member, Executive Committee, International Berkeley Society, 1985-90 Elected at the Eighteenth World Congress of Philosophy (held in Brighton, England, in August of 1988) as follows: to the Steering Committee of the Federation Internationale des Societes de Philosophie (FISP), main policy-making body of FISP, for a term of ten years; to the Program Committee of FISP for the 1993 Moscow world congress (six members were elected in Brighton, and four added by the USSR). Also at the Eighteenth World Congress in Brighton, elected Vice-President of FISP for a term of five years, with ex officio membership on the seven-member Bureau which functions as Executive Committee of the forty-member Comite Directeur. Member, Executive Committee, Interamerican Philosophical Society, 1986- 2004 (The IPS is by far the major interamerican philosophical association, and is responsible for holding interamerican congresses approximately every three years. The Executive Committee is its main policy-making body and has five members.) Elected at the Nineteenth World Congress in Moscow to co-chair the program committee for the World Congress of Philosophy held in Boston, in August of 1998. Subsequently elected to the five-member American Organizing Committee for the World Congress of Philosophy. Elected by the International Federation of Philosophical Societies (FISP), at its meeting in October of 1997, to serve on the five-member Executive Committee in charge of the 1998 World Congress. Chair of the Selection Committee for philosophers to be elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2004Member of the Selection Committee for scholars in the humanities to be elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2004-

V. Grants, Fellowships, Honors:

Canada Council grant for work on the logic of imperatives, summer of 1964. Carnegie Postdoctoral Interdisciplinary Fellowship in Philosophy and Psychology, 1964-1966 National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Stipend, 1968 American Council of Learned Societies grant for travel to Belgium, 1969 National Science Foundation grant for work on epistemic logic, 1970-1972 Exxon Foundation Grant ("Apprentice-Teacher Project in Higher Education," 2 years, $33,546.00), 1980-82 (Report published in the APA's Newsletter on Teaching for 1983.) American Council of Learned Societies grant for travel to Ireland, summer of 1985 Grant ($4,000) from the Rhode Island Committee for the Humanities for the Berkeley Tercentenary Conference held in Newport in March of 1985 Listed in Who's Who in America, 1980-85, 41st-43rd editions; and in the 50th (1996) and later editions. Listed in Whos Who in the World First of the graduates in its history elected to Phi Beta Kappa by the University of Miami when granted a chapter in 1983; inducted in 1984 (two inducted simultaneously)

NEH Senior Fellowship for 1988-89 Paper selected by The Philosopher's Annual for inclusion in a collection of the "ten best philosophy papers published in 1987." Paper selected by The Philosopher's Annual for inclusion in a collection of the "ten best philosophy papers published in 1990." Fifty-one additional reprintings of published papers, in later collections. Gaos Lecturer (six lectures at the National University of Mexico, 1983) Plenary addresses: FISP World Conference of 1987 (Cordoba, Argentina); 1989 Interamerican Congress of Philosophy (Buenos Aires); Mexican National Congress (Jalapa, Mexico, 1989); FISP World Conference of 1991 (Nairobi, Kenya). Distinguished Speaker of the Georgia Philosophical Society (three lectures in February of 1991) First Annual Distinguished Philosophical Perspectives Lecturer, spring of 1992, at the California State University, Northridge (inaugurating a series of yearly lectures each of which then figures as the lead paper of the corresponding Philosophical Perspectives volume). Book symposia on Knowledge in Perspective held at the 1993 APA Pacific Division meetings and at the 1993 SOFIA conference. Invited main speaker for the Wittgenstein Colloquium in Austria, 1993. Invited speaker for the Joint Session of the Aristotelian Society and the Mind Association in the United Kingdom, 1994. Keynote speaker for ten conferences, in the USA and abroad, from 1994 to the present. Elected in 1992 to permanent membership in the Institut International de Philosophie. (Based in Paris since 1937, the IIP aims to gather an international group of distinguished philosophers, for publication projects and scholarly conferences. It has met annually since 1955. New members are elected at the annual meeting, but membership is limited by statute to 115.) Elected in 1993 to the Executive Committee of the Institut International de Philosophie for a three-year term. Elected to the Comite de Cooptation of the Institut International de Philosophie, 1998- 2001 Entry in The Oxford Companion to Philosophy, ed. Ted Honderich (Oxford University Press, 1995). Entry in Biographical Dictionary of Twentieth-Century Philosophers, ed. S. Brown, D. Collinson, and R. Wilkinson (Routledge, 1995). Entry in Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers, 1860-1960 (Thoemmes Press, forthcoming). Entry in the Macmillan Encyclopedia of Philosophy (forthcoming). Elected to a Christensen Fellowship at St. Catherines College, Oxford University (endowed research fellowship), 1997 (with permanent rights). Elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (2001). Ernest Sosa and His Critics (edited by John Greco), in the Blackwell Series, Philosophers and Their Critics Elected by the Oxford University Philosophy Faculty to give the John Locke Lectures, in Trinity Term, 2005. Elected to a Visiting Fellowship at All Souls College for that term. Elected as follows by the American Philosophical Association (Eastern): Vice-President for 2003-4, and President for 2004-5. Elected by the APA Board of Officers as its Chair for 2005-8.

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