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Anti-Imbalance of The Different Antenna (RAN15.0 - 01)

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Anti-Imbalance of the Different Antenna Feature Parameter Description

Issue Date 01 2013-04-28


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Issue 01 (2013-04-28)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

WCDMA RAN Anti-Imbalance of the Different Antenna Feature Parameter Description


1 About This Document..................................................................................................................1
1.1 Scope..............................................................................................................................................................................1 1.2 Intended Audience..........................................................................................................................................................1 1.3 Change History...............................................................................................................................................................1

2 Overview.........................................................................................................................................2 3 Related Features.............................................................................................................................3 4 Network Impact.............................................................................................................................5 5 Engineering Guidelines...............................................................................................................6

5.1 When to Use...................................................................................................................................................................6 5.2 Required Information.....................................................................................................................................................6 5.3 Deployment....................................................................................................................................................................7 5.3.1 Requirements...............................................................................................................................................................7 5.3.2 Data Preparation..........................................................................................................................................................7 5.3.3 Precautions...................................................................................................................................................................8 5.3.4 Activation....................................................................................................................................................................8 5.3.5 Activation Observation................................................................................................................................................9 5.3.6 Deactivation.................................................................................................................................................................9 5.4 Performance Monitoring...............................................................................................................................................10 5.5 Parameter Optimization................................................................................................................................................11 5.6 Troubleshooting............................................................................................................................................................11

6 Parameters.....................................................................................................................................12 7 Counters........................................................................................................................................13 8 Glossary.........................................................................................................................................14 9 Reference Documents.................................................................................................................15

Issue 01 (2013-04-28)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


WCDMA RAN Anti-Imbalance of the Different Antenna Feature Parameter Description

1 About This Document

1.1 Scope 1.2 Intended Audience

About This Document

This document describes Anti-Imbalance of the Different Antenna, including its technical principles, related features, network impact, and engineering guidelines.

This document is intended for personnel who: l l Need to understand the features described herein Work with Huawei products

1.3 Change History

This section provides information about the changes in different document versions. There are two types of changes, which are defined as follows: l l Feature change Changes in features of a specific product version Editorial change Changes in wording or addition of information that was not described in the earlier version

01 (2013-04-28)
This document is created for RAN15.0. Contents of the document are moved from Load Control Feature Parameter Description.

Issue 01 (2013-04-28)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

WCDMA RAN Anti-Imbalance of the Different Antenna Feature Parameter Description

2 Overview


Anti-Imbalance of the Different Antenna helps address shrinking uplink coverage and reduced system capacity in multi-antenna scenarios. When a base station uses multiple antennas, these antennas may cause interference to each other. If antenna interference is imbalanced, the measured RTWP may be inaccurate. This feature corrects the inaccurate RTWP values and therefore reflects the actual cell load. In this way, system capacity and network coverage can be better balanced. This feature is controlled by the ANTIANTENNAIMBALANCESW parameter on the NodeB side. For details about load measurement, see Load Control Feature Parameter Description.

Issue 01 (2013-04-28)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

WCDMA RAN Anti-Imbalance of the Different Antenna Feature Parameter Description

3 Related Features

Prerequisite Features

Related Features

Mutually Exclusive Features

This feature is mutually exclusive of WRFD-021350 Independent Demodulation of Signals from Multiple RRUs in One Cell.

Impacted Features
This feature corrects the RTWP. Correction of the measured RTWP affects the following features using the measurement results in a cell: l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l
Issue 01 (2013-04-28)

WRFD-020101 Admission Control WRFD-01061202 HSUPA Power Control WRFD-01061209 HSUPA HARQ and Fast UL Scheduling in Node B WRFD-01061402 Enhanced Fast UL Scheduling WRFD-020136 Anti-Interference Scheduling for HSUPA WRFD-010691 HSUPA UL Interference Cancellation WRFD-020137 Dual-Threshold Scheduling with HSUPA Interference Cancellation WRFD-010210 Control Channel Parallel Interference Cancellation (CCPIC) WRFD-140202 Control Channel Parallel Interference Cancellation (Phase 2) WRFD-020106 Load Reshuffling WRFD-020107 Overload Control WRFD-140217 Inter-Frequency Load Balancing Based on Configurable Load Threshold WRFD-020402 Measurement Based Direct Retry WRFD-070004 Load Based GSM and UMTS Handover Enhancement Based on Iur-g WRFD-070006 GSM and UMTS Load Balancing Based on Iur-g WRFD-140213 Intelligent Access Class Control WRFD-010712 Adaptive Configuration of Traffic Channel Power offset for HSUPA
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WCDMA RAN Anti-Imbalance of the Different Antenna Feature Parameter Description

3 Related Features

l l l

WRFD-140215 Dynamic Configuration of HSDPA CQI Feedback Period WRFD-140216 Load-based Uplink Target BLER Configuration WRFD-010641 HSUPA Adaptive Transmission

For details about the impact, see section 4 Network Impact. This feature corrects only real-time RTWP values not delayed RTWP values. Therefore, the calculated interference cancellation efficiency is inaccurate. In addition, after this function takes effect and the following features are enabled, the value of the VS.HSUPA.Ic.MeanEff counter becomes 0 or less than that before this fucntion takes effect: l l l l l WRFD-020137 Dual-Threshold Scheduling with HSUPA Interference Cancellation WRFD-010210 Control Channel Parallel Interference Cancellation (CCPIC) WRFD-140202 Control Channel Parallel Interference Cancellation (Phase 2) WRFD-010691 HSUPA UL Interference Cancellation WRFD-010691 HSUPA UL Interference Cancellation

Issue 01 (2013-04-28)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

WCDMA RAN Anti-Imbalance of the Different Antenna Feature Parameter Description

4 Network Impact

l During call admission l During a call

Network Impact

This function impacts system capacity and network performance duirng call admission and during a call, which is described as follows:

If interference is imbalanced between antennas, enabling the function reduces the uplink admission failure rate, improves the access success rate, and increases the number of online users. If WRFD 020136 Anti-Interference Scheduling for HSUPA is disabled, If interference is imbalanced between antennas, enabling this function improves HSUPA cell throughout if data source is sufficient. If WRFD 020136 Anti-Interference Scheduling for HSUPA is enabled, In the case of imbalanced interference between antennas, this feature corrects the measured RTWP. This will reduce the effective probability of anti-interference scheduling and increase the HSUPA cell throughout when anti-interference scheduling does not take effect. This feature in general improves the HSUPA cell throughput. l l In scenario of imbalanced interference between antennas, this feature improves the capacity but reduces the coverage. As a result, the call drop rate increases. With this function, the NodeB CPU usage increases. However, the increase is not noticeable because the load on a CPU with a 1 GHz main frequency is only 0.001%.

Issue 01 (2013-04-28)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

WCDMA RAN Anti-Imbalance of the Different Antenna Feature Parameter Description

5 Engineering Guidelines

5.1 When to Use

Engineering Guidelines

Use the anti-imbalance of the different antenna function in multi-antenna scenarios to address shrinking uplink coverage and reduced uplink capacity caused by imbalanced antenna interference. Imbalanced antenna interference is caused by improper installation or aging antennas. It is recommended that this function be enabled for multi-antenna scenarios with intermodulation interference. Do not enable this function for multi-RRU cells, including cells with the 0.5/0.5 configuration mode, the distributed sector configuration mode, or independent demodulation of signals from multiple RRUs in one cell. Multi-RRU cells are often used for highway and tunnel coverage.

5.2 Required Information

Perform the following steps to determine whether there is intermodulation interference in a cell: Step 1 Observe the values of the following counters to determine whether there is intermodulation interference: l On the NodeB side (mean RTWP of a specific antenna): VS.MeanRTWP.Locell.SectorEqm.Ant0 VS.MeanRTWP.Locell.SectorEqm.Ant1 VS.MeanRTWP.Locell.SectorEqm.Ant2 VS.MeanRTWP.Locell.SectorEqm.Ant3 l On the NodeB side (average ratio of valid antennas): VS.ValidAntRatio.Mean l On the RNC side (mean RTWP of a cell): VS.MeanRTWP Intermodulation interference exists when the following conditions are true:
Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 6

WCDMA RAN Anti-Imbalance of the Different Antenna Feature Parameter Description

5 Engineering Guidelines

l The values of RTWP counters between antennas on the NodeB side is greater than or equal to 6 dB. l The values of RTWP counters on the RNC side is 6 dB higher than the background noise. The background noise varies according to networks. l The value of NodeB counter VS.ValidAntRatio.Mean is less than 1. Step 2 If the difference between the values of the preceding counters on the NodeB side is greater than or equal to 6 dB, check the settings of radio frequency (RF) channel-related parameters (such as attenuation or RTWP initial rectification value) to ensure that the difference is not caused by improper parameter settings or faulty tower mounted amplifiers (TMAs). Then determine whether to enable the anti-imbalance of the different antenna function. Enable this function only when high RTWPs are caused by intermodulation interference. Step 3 Collect the following RNC counters and KPIs in a cell before feature activation to observe the effect of this function: l KPIs: CS RAB setup success rate, PS RAB setup success rate, CS call drop rate, and PS call drop rate l Counters: VS.HSUPA.MeanChThroughput, VS.HSUPA.MeanBitRate, VS.HSUPA.MeanBitRate.WithData, VS.MeanULActualPowerLoad, VS.ValidAntRatio.Mean, and VS.MeanRTWP ----End

5.3 Deployment
5.3.1 Requirements
Hardware l l l The BTS3812E, BTS3812A, and BTS3812AE do not support this function. The DBS3800 does not support this function. 3900 series base stations do not support this function if configured with the WBBPa board or the 20 W RRU3801C.

5.3.2 Data Preparation

Table 5-1 lists the data to prepare before enabling this function. Table 5-1 Data to prepare before enabling this function Parameter Name Anti-Antenna Imbalance Algorithm Switch Parameter ID ANTIANTENNAI MBALANCESW Setting Notes Enable this function if information in section 5.2 Required Information meets the requirements in section 5.1 When to Use Data Source Default value/ Recommended value

Issue 01 (2013-04-28)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

WCDMA RAN Anti-Imbalance of the Different Antenna Feature Parameter Description

5 Engineering Guidelines

5.3.3 Precautions 5.3.4 Activation

Using MML Commands
Run the NodeB MML command SET ULOCELLALGPARA with Anti-Antenna Imbalance Algorithm Switch set to ON(ON).

MML Command Examples

//Enabling the anti-imbalance of the different antenna function

Using the CME


l When configuring the feature on the CME, perform a single configuration first, and then perform a batch modification if required. l Configure the parameters of a single object before a batch modification. Perform a batch modification before logging out of the parameter setting interface.

Step 1 Configure a single object (such as a cell) on the CME. Set parameters on the CME according to the operation sequence described in Table 5-2. For instructions on how to perform the CME single configuration, see CME Single Configuration Operation Guide. Step 2 (Optional) Modify objects in batches on the CME. (CME batch modification center) on the CME to start the batch modification wizard. For To modify objects in batches, click instructions o how to perform a batch modification through the CME batch modification center, press F1 on the wizard interface to obtain online help. ----End

Issue 01 (2013-04-28)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

WCDMA RAN Anti-Imbalance of the Different Antenna Feature Parameter Description

5 Engineering Guidelines

Table 5-2 Configuring parameters on the CME SN MO NE Parameter Name Parameter ID Configura ble in CME Batch Modificati on Center Yes



AntiAntenna Imbalance Algorithm Switch


5.3.5 Activation Observation

Step 1 Run the NodeB MML command LST ULOCELLALGPARA to check whether this function is enabled. Step 2 Query the value of the VS.MeanRTWP counter on the RNC side. Expected result: After this function is enabled, the value of this counter is smaller than or equal to the value before the enabling of this function. ----End

5.3.6 Deactivation
Using MML Commands
Run the NodeB MML command SET ULOCELLALGPARA with Anti-Antenna Imbalance Algorithm Switch set to OFF(OFF).

MML Command Examples

//Disabling the anti-imbalance of the different antenna function SET ULOCELLALGPARA: ANTIANTENNAIMBALANCESW=OFF;

Using the CME


l When configuring the feature on the CME, perform a single configuration first, and then perform a batch modification if required. l Configure the parameters of a single object before a batch modification. Perform a batch modification before logging out of the parameter setting interface.

Step 1 Configure a single object (such as a cell) on the CME.

Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 9

WCDMA RAN Anti-Imbalance of the Different Antenna Feature Parameter Description

5 Engineering Guidelines

Set parameters on the CME according to the operation sequence described inTable 5-3 . For instructions on how to perform the CME single configuration, see CME Single Configuration Operation Guide. Step 2 (Optional) Modify objects in batches on the CME. (CME batch modification center) To modify objects in batches, click on the CME to start the batch modification wizard. For instructions o how to perform a batch modification through the CME batch modification center, press F1 on the wizard interface to obtain online help. ----End Table 5-3 Configuring parameters on the CME SN MO NE Paramete r Name Parameter ID Configura ble in CME Batch Modificat ion Center Yes


Node B

AntiAntenna Imbalance Algorithm Switch


5.4 Performance Monitoring

After this function is enabled, perform the following steps to monitor the performance of this function: Step 1 Check whether this function takes effect by monitoring counters listed in Table 5-4. This function takes effect if the value of the VS.MeanRTWP counter on the RNC side is smaller than or equal to the values before the enabling of this function. Table 5-4 RTWP-related counters during busy hours Counter Name VS.MeanRTWP Description Mean Power of Totally Received Bandwidth for Cell

Step 2 Monitor the performance of this function. l Query the value of the VS.HSUPA.MeanChThroughput counter during busy hours to determine whether the average HSUPA throughout in a cell increases. After this function is enabled, the average HSUPA throughput in a cell increases when antenna interference is imbalanced.
Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 10

WCDMA RAN Anti-Imbalance of the Different Antenna Feature Parameter Description

5 Engineering Guidelines

After this function is enabled, the average HSUPA throughput in a cell decreases when some antennas become invalid and the WRFD-020136 Anti-Interference Scheduling for HSUPA feature is activated. If the average HSUPA throughput does not increase when antenna interference is imbalanced, the live network may not meet the requirements in section5.1 When to Use or the traffic volume is too small so that the gains provided by this function are not noticeable. l Monitor the CS RAB Setup Success Ratio and PS RAB Setup Success Ratio KPIs during busy hours to determine whether the access success rate increases. After this function is enabled, the access success rate increases when antenna interference is imbalanced and the RTWP-based anti-interference function is disabled; the access success rate decreases when antenna interference is imbalanced and the RTWP-based anti-interference function is enabled. After this function is enabled, the access success rate decreases when some antennas become invalid and the RTWP-based anti-interference function is enabled. l Monitor the CS Service Drop Ratio and PS Call Drop Ratio KPIs to observe whether the call drop rate increases. After this function is enabled in the scenario of imbalanced antenna intereference, the throughput increases, the coverage shrinks and the call drop rate deteriorates. You are advised to disable this function if the call drop rate deteriorates seriously. ----End

5.5 Parameter Optimization


5.6 Troubleshooting

Issue 01 (2013-04-28)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


WCDMA RAN Anti-Imbalance of the Different Antenna Feature Parameter Description

6 Parameters

Table 6-1 Parameter description Parameter ID ANTIANTENN AIMBALANC ESW NE BTS3900 MML Command SET ULOCELLALG PARA LST ULOCELLALG PARA Feature ID None None


Feature Name

Description Meaning:Indicates whether to enable antiantenna imbalance. If this switch is turned on, the RTWP value and uplink load factor are corrected according to the RTWP values of each antenna and the multipath search energy. GUI Value Range:OFF (OFF), ON(ON) Unit:None Actual Value Range:OFF, ON Default Value:OFF (OFF)

Issue 01 (2013-04-28)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


WCDMA RAN Anti-Imbalance of the Different Antenna Feature Parameter Description

7 Counters

There are no specific counters associated with this feature.


Issue 01 (2013-04-28)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


WCDMA RAN Anti-Imbalance of the Different Antenna Feature Parameter Description

8 Glossary

For the acronyms, abbreviations, terms, and definitions, see Glossary.


Issue 01 (2013-04-28)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


WCDMA RAN Anti-Imbalance of the Different Antenna Feature Parameter Description

9 Reference Documents


Reference Documents

Load Control Feature Parameter Description

Issue 01 (2013-04-28)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


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