How To Make An Electromagnet
How To Make An Electromagnet
How To Make An Electromagnet
Magnetic 'ields are prod"ced when all the electrons in a metal ob(ect are spinning in the same direction, either as a nat"ral phenomenon, in an arti'icially created magnet, or when they are ind"ced to do so by an electromagnetic 'ield) #his article will e*plain the steps re+"ired to prod"ce an electromagnetic 'ield aro"nd a steel rod, creating an electromagnet, "sing simple things which yo" can 'ind aro"nd yo"r home or p"rchase at the hardware store)
1. 1
Get magnet supplies. #o make an electromagnet, an electric c"rrent is r"n thro"gh a piece o' metal, which creates a magnetic 'ield) #o make a simple electromagnet, then, yo"'ll need a so"rce o' electricity, a cond"ctor, and metal) ,ook aro"nd the ho"se or check o"t the hardware store to get the 'ollowing s"pplies-
A large iron nail & 'eet o' thin coated copper wire A ./cell battery Small magnetic ob(ects, like paperclips or pins 0ire strippers Masking tape Small bowl made o' plastic or wood
Strip insulation from the ends of the wire. In order 'or the wire to e''ectively cond"ct electricity, its ends m"st be stripped o' their protective ins"lation) #he stripped ends will be wrapped aro"nd the two ends o' the battery) 1se the wire strippers to remove a 'ew centimeters o' ins"lation 'rom either end o' the copper wire)
Set up your supplies in a small owl made of plastic or wood. It's a good idea to contain the energy yo"'re working with in a bowl that won't cond"ct electricity)
"rap the nail. Grasp the wire abo"t 2 inches 'rom the end) Position it at the head o' the nail and wrap it aro"nd the nail) Make a second wrap ad(acent to the 'irst one3 it sho"ld to"ch the 'irst wrap, b"t not overlap it) 4ontin"e wrapping the nail "ntil yo"'ve covered it all the way to the tip)
It's essential to wrap the nail with the wire always r"nning in the same direction, so that the electricity can 'low in one direction) I' yo" wrap the wire in di''erent directions, the electricity will 'low in di''erent directions, and yo" won't create a magnetic 'ield)
$onnect the wire ends to the attery. 0rap the e*posed end o' one side o' the wire aro"nd the metal part o' the battery on the positive side) 0rap the other e*posed end to the negative side o' the battery) Place a small piece o' masking tape over the wrapped wire on both sides to keep it in place)
#he side o' the battery yo" attach the wire to will determine the polarity o' the magnetic 'ield yo" are creating) Switching the wires will also switch the poles) Either way, the nail will become magneti5ed)
0hen yo" attach the second wire end, the battery will begin cond"cting electricity thro"gh the wire coil immediately) #he nail will grow hot, so be care'"l not to b"rn yo"rsel')
&est the magnet. 6nce the wires are attached to the battery and the electricity starts 'lowing, the nail will become magneti5ed) #est it by placing it against a paperclip or another small piece o' metal) I' the nail picks "p the metal ob(ect, the magnet is working)
0hen yo"'re 'inished "sing the magnet, detach the wire ends 'rom the battery)
1. 1
$ut two pieces of wire. Instead o' "sing ("st one piece o' wire, yo"'ll need two pieces- one sho"ld be abo"t 7 inches long, the other abo"t 8 yards) Strip all 'o"r wire ends back abo"t 9 inch)
2. 2
Set up your supplies in a small owl made of plastic or wood. It's a good idea to contain the energy yo"'re working with in a bowl that won't cond"ct electricity)
3. 3
"rap the nail with the longer piece of wire. Starting abo"t 2 inches 'rom the end o' the wire, wrap the nail 'rom the head to the end with tight coils that to"ch, b"t do not overlap) 4ontin"e wrapping "ntil the entire nail is covered)
!. !
'ttach wire to the attery. Attach one end o' the wire wrapped aro"nd the nail to the positive end o' the battery) Attach one end o' the smaller piece o' wire aro"nd the other side o' the battery)
#. #
'ttach the mechanical switch.:9; <o" can "se a reg"lar mechanical switch or a kni'e switch to make this electromagnet, both available 'or p"rchase at hardware stores) I' yo" don't want to b"y a switch, make yo"r own by 'ollowing these instr"ctions-
Get a small block o' wood, two th"mbtacks, and a paperclip) #ack the end o' the copper wire wrapped aro"nd the nail to the block o' wood by wrapping it aro"nd the metal part o' a th"mbtack and p"shing it into the wood)
0rap the end o' the short wire leading 'rom the battery aro"nd the other tack) 1se the tack to 'asten the paperclip to the wood abo"t 9=> inch 'rom the 'irst tack)
(se the switch. #o make the electric c"rrent 'low, t"rn the switch on) I' yo"'re "sing a homemade switch, slide the paperclip toward the 'irst tack "ntil it to"ches the tack) #his will complete the circ"it and ca"se the c"rrent to 'low) #o switch o'' the c"rrent, swivel the paperclip away 'rom the 'irst tack)
1. 1
(se a power pack instead of a single attery. Power packs last longer and create a stronger electric c"rrent than a single battery) #hey're available at hardware stores and battery shops):8;
2. 2
(se a larger piece of metal. Instead o' "sing a nail, try "sing a longer metal rod) e s"re to "se it with a power back to create a stronger magnet)
3. 3
Make more wraps around the metal. #he more coils yo" create, the stronger the electric c"rrent) Adding a new coil is like adding another magnet) Get more wire and make as many wraps as yo" can to create a very power'"l magnet):&;
I' the magnet does not work, see i' there are any shorts in yo"r circ"it, the only way this pro(ect works is that there has to be some sort o' c"rrent r"nning thro"gh the ob(ects) !emember, more wire means more power)
.on't e-er try to insert the wire into a pl"g) #his will cond"ct the electricity, making it at a high voltage, which means, a shock) .on't leave the wires connected the the battery too long beca"se yo" will short it o"t) Always do the loops) 0itho"t loops yo" have no resistance, ca"sing the battery to heat "p too m"ch) e e.tremely ca"tio"s????? #his re+"ires low -oltage electricity) /e-er "se high voltage electricity, it can electroc"te yo")
A screw or a nail
4opper wire
0ire Stripper
Mechanical switch