Manual EBS Field Service
Manual EBS Field Service
Manual EBS Field Service
December 2006
Oracle Field Service Implementation Guide, Release 12 Part No. B25726-01 Copyright 2002, 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved. Primary Author: Robert Haswell The Programs (which include both the software and documentation) contain proprietary information; they are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are also protected by copyright, patent, and other intellectual and industrial property laws. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of the Programs, except to the extent required to obtain interoperability with other independently created software or as specified by law, is prohibited. The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. If you find any problems in the documentation, please report them to us in writing. This document is not warranted to be error-free. Except as may be expressly permitted in your license agreement for these Programs, no part of these Programs may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose. If the Programs are delivered to the United States Government or anyone licensing or using the Programs on behalf of the United States Government, the following notice is applicable: U.S. GOVERNMENT RIGHTS Programs, software, databases, and related documentation and technical data delivered to U.S. Government customers are "commercial computer software" or "commercial technical data" pursuant to the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation and agency-specific supplemental regulations. As such, use, duplication, disclosure, modification, and adaptation of the Programs, including documentation and technical data, shall be subject to the licensing restrictions set forth in the applicable Oracle license agreement, and, to the extent applicable, the additional rights set forth in FAR 52.227-19, Commercial Computer Software--Restricted Rights (June 1987). Oracle Corporation, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood City, CA 94065. The Programs are not intended for use in any nuclear, aviation, mass transit, medical, or other inherently dangerous applications. It shall be the licensee's responsibility to take all appropriate fail-safe, backup, redundancy and other measures to ensure the safe use of such applications if the Programs are used for such purposes, and we disclaim liability for any damages caused by such use of the Programs. The Programs may provide links to Web sites and access to content, products, and services from third parties. Oracle is not responsible for the availability of, or any content provided on, third-party Web sites. You bear all risks associated with the use of such content. If you choose to purchase any products or services from a third party, the relationship is directly between you and the third party. Oracle is not responsible for: (a) the quality of third-party products or services; or (b) fulfilling any of the terms of the agreement with the third party, including delivery of products or services and warranty obligations related to purchased products or services. Oracle is not responsible for any loss or damage of any sort that you may incur from dealing with any third party. Oracle, JD Edwards, PeopleSoft, and Siebel are registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
Define a Set of Books................................................................................................................ 4-9 Open and Close Accounting periods...................................................................................... 4-10 Confirming Setup of Employees ............................................................................................ 4-10 Confirming Setup of Resources.............................................................................................. 4-10 Confirming Setup of Inventory.............................................................................................. 4-11 Define Unit of Measurement.................................................................................................. 4-13 Check Profile Option for Operating Unit Setting.................................................................. 4-14 Defining Subinventories......................................................................................................... 4-14 Additional Setup Required for Intransit Subinventory.........................................................4-15 Set Up Account Aliases........................................................................................................... 4-16 Define Items............................................................................................................................ 4-16 Set Up On Hand Quantity for Items....................................................................................... 4-18 Define Planners....................................................................................................................... 4-19 Define Shipment Methods...................................................................................................... 4-20 Define Freight Carriers........................................................................................................... 4-20 Confirming Setup of Order Management.............................................................................. 4-21 Setup of Price Lists.................................................................................................................. 4-21 Oracle Work In Process Setup................................................................................................. 4-24 Oracle Bills of Material Setup................................................................................................. 4-24 Oracle Purchasing Setup......................................................................................................... 4-24 Confirming Setup of Service Request.................................................................................... 4-24 Confirming Setup of Customer Model 11i (TCA).................................................................. 4-25 Confirming Setup of Territory Manager................................................................................ 4-26 Set Territory Manager Profile Option.................................................................................... 4-27 Confirming Setup of Tasks..................................................................................................... 4-27 Set up Task Status and Transition Rule................................................................................. 4-28 Set up Task Type..................................................................................................................... 4-29 Set up Task Priority................................................................................................................. 4-30 Set up Task Manager Profile Options.................................................................................... 4-31 Confirming Setup of Escalation Management....................................................................... 4-31 Confirming Setup of Charges................................................................................................. 4-32 Confirming Setup of Knowledge Management..................................................................... 4-33 Confirming Setup of Counters................................................................................................4-33 Confirming Setup of Notes..................................................................................................... 4-33 Confirming Setup of Interaction History............................................................................... 4-33 Confirming Setup of Install Base........................................................................................... 4-34 Setting up Business Processes................................................................................................. 4-35 Setting up Transaction Billing Types..................................................................................... 4-36 Confirming Setup of Contracts Core ..................................................................................... 4-37 Confirming Setup of Service Contracts.................................................................................. 4-37 Confirming Setup of Assignment Manager........................................................................... 4-37
Confirming Setup of Calendar................................................................................................4-39 Defining a Calendar................................................................................................................ 4-39 Defining Calendar Exceptions................................................................................................ 4-39 Defining Shifts........................................................................................................................ 4-40 Assigning Shifts/Exceptions to Calendar............................................................................... 4-40 Assigning Resources to Calendar........................................................................................... 4-40
Defining Parts Priorities......................................................................................................... 6-17 Defining Delivery Times........................................................................................................ 6-18 Setting up Reschedule Rules.................................................................................................. 6-19 Setting Up Warehouse Replenishment Planning................................................................... 6-22 Define Excess and Defective Warehouses, and Repair Suppliers......................................... 6-23 Defining Excess Warehouses and Assign to the Warehouse Being Planned in WRP........... 6-23 Defining Defective Warehouse Organizations...................................................................... 6-26 Defining and Assigning Internal Repair Suppliers............................................................... 6-29 Setting Up Other Warehouse Planning Parameters............................................................... 6-32 Defining Planning Parameters to create Min-Max levels for a Warehouse or Technician... 6-33 Setting Up Lead Times............................................................................................................ 6-34 Set Up External Repair Execution........................................................................................... 6-38 Setting Up Repair Parameters................................................................................................. 6-41 Setting Profile Options for External Repair Execution.......................................................... 6-44
Profile Options
Overview of Profile Options.................................................................................................... A-1
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Oracle Field Service Implementation Guide, Release 12
Part No. B25726-01
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Intended Audience
Welcome to Release 12 of the Oracle Field Service Implementation Guide. This guide is designed for implementors, administrators and users of the Oracle Field Service application. It assumes that you have a working knowledge of the principles and customary practices of your business area, along with specific application knowledge of the Oracle Field Service suite of products. See Related Information Sources on page xiii for more Oracle Applications product information.
Documentation Accessibility
Our goal is to make Oracle products, services, and supporting documentation accessible, with good usability, to the disabled community. To that end, our documentation includes features that make information available to users of assistive technology. This documentation is available in HTML format, and contains markup to facilitate access by the disabled community. Accessibility standards will continue to evolve over time, and Oracle is actively engaged with other market-leading technology vendors to address technical obstacles so that our documentation can be accessible to all of our customers. For more information, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program Web site at .
1 Introduction 2 Architectural Overview and Technology Requirements
This chapter gives an architectural overview of the Field Service application and references information sources for technology stack, software, and hardware requirements.
3 Mandatory and Conditional Dependencies
This chapter gives an overview of the mandatory and conditional application dependencies prior to implementing Field Service or Advanced Scheduler.
4 E-Business Suite Application Implementation Tasks
This chapter describes in detail and in the recommended order, the implementation tasks for Oracle E-Business Suite applications relevant to Oracle Field Service.
5 Field Service Implementation Tasks
This chapter describes the implementation tasks for Field Service-specific tasks, including setting up the Dispatch Center, and Debrief.
6 Spares Management Implementation Tasks
This chapter documents setup for Oracle Spares Management, External Repair Execution, and Warehouse Replenishment Planning.
7 Advanced Scheduler Implementation Tasks
This chapter documents procedures for setting up the Oracle Advanced Scheduler application. For the current release, Oracle Advanced Scheduler implementation documentation is contained in this Oracle Field Service Implementation Guide.
9 Preventive Maintenance Setup Steps A Profile Options B 21 CFR Part 11 Compliance
Integration Repository
The Oracle Integration Repository is a compilation of information about the service endpoints exposed by the Oracle E-Business Suite of applications. It provides a complete catalog of Oracle E-Business Suite's business service interfaces. The tool lets
users easily discover and deploy the appropriate business service interface for integration with any system, application, or business partner. The Oracle Integration Repository is shipped as part of the E-Business Suite. As your instance is patched, the repository is automatically updated with content appropriate for the precise revisions of interfaces in your environment.
This chapter covers the following topics: Summary Oracle Field Service Suite Overview Oracle Field Service Overview
In this chapter you will find an overview of the products in the Field Service suite as well as an overview of the Field Service application itself. Please address the following topics for details: Oracle Field Service Suite Overview, page 1-1 Oracle Field Service Overview, page 1-3
Introduction 1-1
Description Not really a product of the Field Service suite but the Service Request form is delivered along with the Field Service application to take the customers call for service and create a service request. The products in Oracle Common Application Components are essential to use Field Service. They are used to create tasks, territories, define resources, and help in the assignment of tasks to resources. Oracle Common Application Components comes with Field Service. The Field Service application assists in assigning tasks to service representatives, creating and dispatching daily schedules, monitoring progress, and reporting on material, expense, and labor transactions. Advanced Scheduler enables optimization of scheduling capabilities of tasks to qualified resources. It takes into account driving time, distance, part availability and creates part reservations. Spares Management is a module of Field Service and is used to provide additional logistics and planning features to manage a service parts inventory in a multi-location environment. The CRM Gateway for Mobile Devices consists of a mobile client and a central application. It provides data transport between the Oracle CRM enterprise database and the Oracle mobile client database. This is a remote application typically installed at a service representative's laptop to receive his daily schedule and report on progress, material, expense, and labor. This is a remote application for a handheld device so a service representative can receive his daily schedule and report on progress, material, expense, and labor. This is a remote application for a WAP enabled device so a service representative can receive his daily schedule and report on progress, expense, and labor.
Field Service
Advanced Scheduler
Spares Management
Field Service/Laptop
Description This module enables a Field Service operation to address service needs in a proactive manner, as well as reactively. The Preventive Maintenance solution provides the capability to log service requests and allocate tasks to the appropriate resources with the right parts and schedule them in anticipation of the service need. CMRO functionality is used to support the Preventive Maintenance module. It enables you to create PM programs and activities to be used in a preventive maintenance operation. For the purposes of Preventive Maintenance, a profile option setting in CMRO enables it to run in a Preventive Maintenance mode, whereby PM-specific functionality is available to the user. The HTML-based field service portal module enables your technicians to manage and report on their task-based customer calls from any computer with an internet connection.
Introduction 1-3
Review the following to learn more about the Field Service application: Field Service Dispatch Center Features, page 1-4 Field Service Debrief Features, page 1-5 Spares Management Features, page 1-5 Preventive Maintenance Features, page 1-6 Field Service Technician's Portal Features, page 1-7
anymore, contract response times can't be met). Making a selection of tasks based on characteristics such as ready to be planned, planned for today, or escalated. View service history for a customer or a product. Manages resource availability for single or multiple technicians. Through the Trips Management UI, a dispatcher can easily block the trips of a single field technician or multiple technicians, temporarily freezing the schedule in the process. You can also unplan or reschedule the engineer's tasks. Uses robust skills management and assignment functionality to effectively assign tasks to appropriate technicians, based upon skill requirements and skill levels. Uses advanced color coding functionally, which makes the various tasks within the Plan Board and Gantt easily identifiable, depending upon a number of factors, including the task's priority, status type, or plan option.
Introduction 1-5
Tracks both usable and defective parts through the complete logistics cycle. Defective inventories are created when the technician recovers repairable parts from the customer site. Uses order creation functionality specifically designed to handle the technician's parts orders. The user interface can be used to either create an internal order or a parts requirement for a specific task. This functionality allows the dispatcher to link an internal order to a service request or task; automatically enters parts linked to the task; displays a technician's inventory for parts being ordered; integrates with Available-to-Promise to determine source; and offers a view of substitute parts. Uses robust excess return functionality to use business rules to focus on high impact parts excess. Excess parts are identified based on max levels and excess orders can be automatically created based on planner review. Uses an Authorized Stock List (ASL) to define which parts should be stocked, where they should be stocked, and in what quantities. The ASL recommendation is based on usage history, planning parameters and planning method. The parameters can be uniquely applied to each technician or warehouse, or defaults can be applied which would help to avoid excessive data entry where many field technicians are involved. Advanced planning methods can be used to address the more complex scenarios typical in a field service environment. Spares Management is tightly integrated with Oracle Depot Repair, which is an additional automated warehouse replenishment process, whereby parts are repaired at an internal depot and then circulated back into the supply chain for further use. In this scenario, defective parts are removed by a technician from a customer site and consolidated with other defective parts at an internal warehouse. From there, a planner creates an internal order, which ships the parts to an internal depot that is supported by the Oracle Depot Repair application while, at the same time, creating the repair order and the internal order that ships the repaired parts back to the central warehouse.
actual usage). Also, the demand can be based on the date interval calculated from historical information (such as the service fulfillment date) or on the calendar such as defined in the contract. A concurrent program generates the Preventive Maintenance requests automatically (service requests and tasks). The tasks are created as a result of task templates, which are associated with the activities such as defined when recording the Preventive Maintenance demand.
Introduction 1-7
Architectural Overview and Technology Requirements
This chapter gives an architectural overview of the Field Service application and references information sources for technology stack, software, and hardware requirements. This chapter covers the following topics: Architectural Overview Software and Hardware Requirements
Architectural Overview
Field Service integrates with many other Oracle Applications in the E-Business Suite. The following figure visualizes this integration. The applications involved and their relation are explained in more detail in the sections following the figure.
Service Request
A Service Request is created. The following applications have a relation with Service Request: Knowledge Base provides input for resolution of the problem. Contracts this could be either Contracts Core or Service Contracts. Input for the service request is the response time, considered for task assignment. TCA provides information on parties and contacts and their information. Install Base provides input on the install base information send to the Mobile applications. Used by the service representative when servicing the product. Inventory provides input to determine what products are serviceable. Task Manager functionality is used to create tasks to perform the field visit.
Resource Manager
All service representatives and field service dispatchers need to be defined as such in the resource manager individually. Field service dispatchers are also part of a dispatcher group created in Resource Manager to be able to access the Field Service
Dispatch Center.
Territory Manager
Territory Manager is used for two purposes. It is used to create territories with service representatives assigned to it. These territories are then related to a dispatcher group. The service representatives assigned to the territory show up in the Field Service Dispatch Center for the dispatcher. It is also used to create territory qualifiers for task assignment. These territory qualifiers are used by the Assignment Manager and Advanced Scheduler to retrieve a qualified service representative for a task.
For each service representative working hours, shifts, and non-available working hours like public holidays need to be defined. This information is used for scheduling. A service representative can also access his calendar and view his task assignments. For more information see Oracle Common Application Components User's Guide.
Assignment Manager
The Assignment Manager assists in the task assignment from the Field Service Dispatch Center by finding a qualified service representative to resolve the task. Indirectly the following applications have a relationship with: Install Base, a preferred service representative to perform the field visit can be recommended from the Install Base. Contracts, a preferred service representative to perform the field visit can be recommended from Contracts, or Contracts Service. Territory Manager, territories with qualifiers are created to filter qualified service representatives. Calendar, the availability of the service representative is checked in his or her calendar.
Advanced Scheduler
Advanced Scheduler assists in task scheduling from the Field Service Dispatch Center by finding a qualified service representative to resolve the task with the right part. Advanced Scheduler uses the input from the Assignment Manager and applies it's own functionality. It takes into account driving time and distance, part availability and creates part reservations. Advanced Scheduler is tightly integrated with Spares Management.
Spares Management
In most situations, you need parts to resolve a problem at the customer's site. You can access the Spares Management component to order parts for a task. When Advanced Scheduler is installed a reservation for the part is created automatically at task assignment. When the task is committed, an order for the part is created. You can update Spares Management indirectly from Field Service Debrief with parts usage for a task. The update is done to maintain stock levels at different locations, and for the subinventories.
Escalation Management
Escalations occur for a wide variety of reasons. An escalation management system allows an organization to identify, track, monitor, and manage situations that require increased awareness and swift action.
It is received by the service representative and he can update the schedule and create a service report. The data is received back by Field Service to monitor progress and captured on the Field Service Debrief.
Inventory provides input for Service Request to determine what product needs service. You can update Inventory (Spares Management) from Field Service Debrief with parts usage for a task. Updating Inventory is done to maintain stock levels at different locations, and subinventories. A subinventory could be a warehouse or a service representative's vehicle. Updating inventory results in activities to supply these warehouses or a service representative with new materials or to retrieve materials from them. For more information, see Oracle Spares Management Concepts and Procedures. You cannot modify reported information in Field Service Debrief once it has been transmitted successfully to Inventory.
Install Base
Install Base provides input for the service request to indicate if it is an install base item. It also provides input to the Assignment Manager regarding preferred service representatives to perform the field visit.
You can update a customer's Install Base from Field Service Debrief. Updating Install Base results in an update of the items of the customer's Install Base. You cannot modify reported information in Field Service Debrief once it has been transmitted successfully to Install Base.
Interaction History
Oracle Interaction History tracks all customer-agent interactions and serves as a repository for the interaction data. You can view the interaction data as well as the Oracle CRM application data associated to the interaction. Access Interactions from the Field Service Debrief.
Notes provide a text area where you can enter information about a customer, product, service, or anything related to your service report that may be helpful for other service representatives or customers. Once you create a note, it can be attached to a task, sent to the customer, or submitted to the knowledge base for reuse. You can access Notes from the Field Service Debrief.
You can update Charges with parts usage, counter information, labor time, and expenses for a task. All information recorded is transmitted to the Charges database on Update. Make sure you update each tab on the Field Service Debrief separately in order to update Charges. In Charges this information is checked against any contracts and a final invoice is generated. You cannot modify reported information in Field Service Debrief once it has been transmitted successfully to Charges.
Mandatory and Conditional Dependencies
This chapter gives an overview of the mandatory and conditional application dependencies prior to implementing Field Service or Advanced Scheduler. This chapter covers the following topics: Field Service Mandatory Dependencies Field Service Conditional Dependencies Advanced Scheduler Mandatory Dependencies Advanced Scheduler Conditional Dependencies
Territory Manager Task Manager Escalation Manager Calendar Gantt Notes Interaction History
Oracle Field Service Prerequisites to the Oracle Field Service implementation require several other Oracle Applications be installed, such as Oracle System Administrator, and Oracle Inventory.
Oracle Common Application Components The following components are applicable to Advanced Scheduler: Resource Manager Territories Tasks Calendar
For information regarding the installation and implementation of these applications, see the Oracle Common Application Components Implementation Guide.
E-Business Suite Application Implementation Tasks
This chapter describes in detail and in the recommended order, the implementation tasks for Oracle E-Business Suite applications relevant to Oracle Field Service. This chapter covers the following topics: Summary of E-Business Suite Implementation Tasks Setting Up the System Administrator Defining Key Flexfields Defining Calendars, Currencies, and Set of Books Define a Calendar Define Currencies Define a Set of Books Open and Close Accounting periods Confirming Setup of Employees Confirming Setup of Resources Confirming Setup of Inventory Define Unit of Measurement Check Profile Option for Operating Unit Setting Defining Subinventories Additional Setup Required for Intransit Subinventory Set Up Account Aliases Define Items Set Up On Hand Quantity for Items Define Planners
Define Shipment Methods Define Freight Carriers Confirming Setup of Order Management Setup of Price Lists Oracle Work In Process Setup Oracle Bills of Material Setup Oracle Purchasing Setup Confirming Setup of Service Request Confirming Setup of Customer Model 11i (TCA) Confirming Setup of Territory Manager Set Territory Manager Profile Option Confirming Setup of Tasks Set up Task Status and Transition Rule Set up Task Type Set up Task Priority Set up Task Manager Profile Options Confirming Setup of Escalation Management Confirming Setup of Charges Confirming Setup of Knowledge Management Confirming Setup of Counters Confirming Setup of Notes Confirming Setup of Interaction History Confirming Setup of Install Base Setting up Business Processes Setting up Transaction Billing Types Confirming Setup of Contracts Core Confirming Setup of Service Contracts Confirming Setup of Assignment Manager Confirming Setup of Calendar Defining a Calendar Defining Calendar Exceptions Defining Shifts
15. Confirming Setup of Escalation Management, page 4-31 16. Confirming Setup of Charges, page 4-32 17. Confirming Setup of Knowledge Management, page 4-33 18. Confirming Setup of Counters, page 4-33 19. (Optional) Confirming Setup of Notes, page 4-33 20. (Optional) Confirming Setup of Interaction History, page 4-33 21. Confirming Setup of Install Base, page 4-34 22. (Optional) Confirming Setup of Contracts Core, page 4-37 23. (Optional)Confirming Setup of Service Contracts, page 4-37 24. Confirming Setup of Assignment Manager, page 4-37 25. Confirming Setup of Calendar, page 4-39
Description Access to all applications and windows within CRM Service. Limited setup possibilities, such as creating task types.
Access to all applications within CRM Service. Access to a limited set of windows from the applications within Oracle Field Service. Access to the Complex Maintenance, Report and Overhaul (CMRO) application for setting up Preventive Maintenance. Provides access to PM-related concurrent programs, which are used during the execution phase of the program. Provides access to the Field Service web-based module.
Preventive Maintenance
You will need to create an Oracle Applications user with the appropriate responsibilities for performing implementation procedures. The user name you assign to the user can be used to log on to the Oracle Field Service suite of products. You must use the System Administrator responsibility to create the user. The user you create must be specified as a Person by selecting the appropriate name in the Person field in the User window. The name of the person will be available in the list of values only if the person has already been defined as an employee. Assign all of the following responsibilities to the user you are creating: Spares Management Field Service Manager Order Management Super User System Administrator Inventory
Optionally, if you are using the Preventive Maintenance module, you must assign the following two responsibilities to the user:
Use the Users window to define the Oracle Field Service user. This user will need to be uniquely identified by an application user name. To define additional responsibilities, please see Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide. Set up printers (optional). For more information, see: Setting Up Your Printers, Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide.
System Administrator
Application > Flexfield > Key
Set up the Accounting flexfield. You may not need to perform this step if you have already installed and set up Oracle General Ledger or performed a common application setup. For more information, see Oracle General Ledger User's Guide.
Set up the following Human Resources key flexfields. You may not need to set up these key flexfields if you have already installed and set up Oracle Human Resource Management Systems or performed a common applications setup: Grade flexfield Job flexfield Position flexfield People Group flexfield For more information, see: Oracle Human Resources User's Guide.
optionally create more than one calendar, currency, or set of books. For more information, see: Multiple Organizations in Oracle Applications.
To setup Calendars, currencies, and a set of books perform the following steps: Define a Calendar, page 4-8 Define Currencies, page 4-8 Define a Set of Books, page 4-9
Define a Calendar
Carefully consider the type of Calendar that you need for your organization, it can be difficult to change your calendar (for example, from a fiscal year to a calendar year) after you have used it to enter accounting data. You must set up the following calenders: Define period types. For more information, see: Defining Period Types, Oracle General Ledger User's Guide. Define accounting calendar. For more information, see: Defining Calendars, Oracle General Ledger User's Guide. Define transaction calendar. For more information, see: Defining Transaction Calendars, Oracle General Ledger User's Guide. (Optional) Define workday calendar. For more information, see: Overview of Workday Calendar, Oracle Bills of Material User's Guide. (Optional) Define exception templates. For more information, see: Creating a Workday Exception Template, Oracle Bills of Material User's Guide. (Optional)
GL (General Ledger) Super User
Setup > Financials > Calenders
Define Currencies
Use the Currencies window to define non-ISO (International Standards Organization) currencies and to enable or disable currencies. Oracle Applications has predefined all currencies specified in ISO standard 4217. To use a currency other then U.S. dollars (USD), you must enable that currency. USD is the only currency that is enabled by default. Do the following setups:
For more information, see Defining Currencies and Defining Conversion Rate types in the Oracle General Ledger User's Guide.
GL (General Ledger) Super User
Setup > Currencies
For more information, see the Oracle General Ledger User's Guide.
GL (General Ledger) Super User
Setup > Financials > Books
HR (Human Resource) Super User
People > Enter and Maintain
Create planner groups by creating resource groups with only planners assigned to it. The planner groups are used to assign groups of service representatives created in Territory Management to. Optionally, if you are using Preventive Maintenance, you must create a resource group of type 'Preventive Maintenance'. In this case set the following values for this resource group: Access Type set to Service Request From the Members tab, choose Employee in the Category field and associate each employee that ought to be included in the group by choosing the employee identifier in the Number field. From the Usage tab, choose Support in the Usage field.
The setup of Resources is also addressed in more detail in Setting up Resource Relations, page 5-4 of the Field Service set up.
Spares Management uses inventory organizations as a structure for subinventories that contain spare parts. Inventory organizations represent warehouses and groups of field engineers. Subinventories are used to define parts inventory locations for defective and usable parts. The Inventory Item Master is used to define spare parts. The additional features of serial number, lot, locator and revision control can optionally be implemented in Spares Management. Items, or spare parts, are assigned to subinventory locations. Inventory balance tracking is viewable in Spares Management. Inventory accounting is used when a short receiving line is closed for parts. The Inventory Min/Max Planning concurrent program is used to automatically replenish spares parts inventories.
Preventive Maintenance module uses items in Inventory to enable PM programs and the creation of coverage templates.
Refer to the following sections of the Oracle Inventory User's Guide for detailed instructions on how to set up and administer inventory organizations: Overview of Inventory Structure Creating an Organization Defining Organization Parameters
In the Organization Classification section of the Define Organizations window, each Spares Management organization must include Inventory Organizationas a classification. Otherwise the setup is standard. The following Field Service-specific setup steps are necessary. Define Unit of Measurement, page 4-13 Check Profile Option for Operating Unit Setting, page 4-14 Defining Subinventories, page 4-14 Additional Setup Required for Intransit Subinventory, page 4-15 Set Up Account Aliases, page 4-16 Define Items, page 4-16
Define Planners, page 4-19 Define Shipment Methods, page 4-20 Define Freight Carriers, page 4-20
Make sure the unit of measure for Hour and Minute is defined. For setup details please refer to Oracle Inventory User's Guide for more information.
Inventory Super User
Setup > Units of Measure
System Administrator
Profile > System
1. 2. 3.
To narrow your search, enter MO% at the Profile field. Click Find. Check if the following profile option is set to the appropriate operating unit: MO: Operating Unit
Defining Subinventories
Subinventories are unique physical or logical separations of material inventory. Spares Management uses subinventories for tracking usable and defective spare parts. Standard setup is required in Oracle Inventory for subinventories. The setup of a subinventory in Oracle Inventory is a partial setup. The balance of the setup occurs in Spares Management where additional parameters for the subinventory are defined in either loops or hierarchies. The minimum setup for subinventories to be used in Spares Management follows. For detailed information regarding subinventories, please refer to the Oracle Inventory User's Guide.
Field Service Manager
Field Service Dispatcher > Spares Management > Inventory > Setup > Organization > Subinventories
1. 2. 3.
Enter a name for the subinventory. Enter a description for the subinventory. Check the following check boxes so the subinventory can be used by Spares Management: Qty Tracked Asset Subinventory Allow Reservation
The Locator Control field must be set to NONE. The Intransit subinventory does not use locators. The Lead Times, Sourcing, and Items/subinventories fields should be left blank. These fields are either not used or are populated in the Authorized Stock List from the Spares Management forms.
Spares Management provides for the management of both usable and defective inventories. Subinventories for defective items should be set up along with the
subinventories for usable items. The distinction between usable and defective subinventories will be made in the Spares Management setup form.
Field Service Manager
Field Service Dispatcher > Spares Management > Inventory > Setup > Account Aliases
After choosing the Organization, in the Account Aliases window, enter the following name of the alias in the Alias field: CSP_RECEIPT. Enter the following description: Account for Spares Management over and under receipt.
3. 4. 5.
Select the account to be used. Enter the date on which this alias account is to be effective. Save your work.
Define Items
Standard setup in Oracle Inventory is required for Items. Additionally, Field Service Debrief, Spares Management and Preventive Maintenance all use items and require some specific settings to enable items to be properly displayed in the application. For Debrief, you can set up items that are both trackable -- those items associated with the billing category of Material -- and items that are non-tractable, which includes those items that are of a billing category of Labor or Expense.
In addition to the standard item setup, the specific requirements for both trackable and non-trackable items to be used by Field Service Debrief, Spares Management, and Preventive Maintenance are as follows:
Service Tab
If the item is to be trackable, select the Serviceable Product check box. Additionally, the Install Base Tracking checkbox is automatically selected. For trackable items, select a Billing Type that is associated to the Material Category. For items that are set up as Labor, select the Billing Type of "Labor." For Spares Management, in the Recovered Part Disposition field you can optionally choose a value. The Recovered Part Disposition field defines items as spares parts that will be active in Spares Management. The Recovered Part Disposition field has three choices: No Return. Indicates to the service representative that return of the recovered part is not required. Fast return. An RMA is created and the recovered part is returned to Depot Repair. Slow Return. The part is transacted into the service representative's designated defective subinventory.
Inventory Tab
The Inventory Item checkbox must be selected for items of type Material. This requirement applies to all items to be used by Spares Management as well. For items of billing category of Material, select the Stockable checkbox. This automatically enables the Reservable and Transactable attributes.
For detailed information relating to setting up Items refer to the Oracle Inventory User's Guide.
Billing types must be defined and associated to billing categories.
Field Service Manager
Field Service Dispatcher > Spares Management > Inventory > Items > Master Item
Items with the associated billing category of Material must be associated with a price list. For details, see Setup of Price Lists, page 4-21. Once you have set up an item in a master organization, you can assign it to all organizations by navigating to Tools > Organization Assignment and clicking Select All.
Items and subinventories must be set up.
Field Service Manager
Field Service Dispatcher > Spares Management > Inventory > Items > Miscellaneous Transaction
1. 2.
In the Transaction Type field, select Miscellaneous Receipt from the list of values. Click the Transaction Lines button. The Miscellaneous Receipt form opens.
3. 4.
Choose the Item you want to set an on-hand quantity for from the list of values. Choose the Subinventory you want to associate to this Miscellaneous Receipt line from the list of values. Enter a numeric value in the Quantity field. This represents the on-hand quantity value for this item and subinventory.
6. 7.
If the Account field is enabled, select an Account from the list of values. Save your work.
You must repeat the above steps for each subinventory that you want to set an on-hand quantity for a specific item. You can verify these values by navigating to Inventory > On-Hand Availability > On-Hand Quantities and selecting the Item/Subinventory combination that you setup during this process. The Quantities will be displayed.
Define Planners
Use this procedure to define planners. In Spares Management, inventory planners are required to be associated with parts loops.
The employee to be defined as a planner must have already been defined in Oracle Human Resources or Oracle Purchasing. Please refer to the Oracle Inventory User's Guide for additional information about planners.
Field Service Manager
Field Service Dispatcher > Spares Management > Inventory > Setup > Planners
1. 2. 3.
In the Planners setup form, enter the name of the planner in the Name field. Enter the user role in the Description field. Select the employee name from the Employee list of values.
Setup > Organization > Shipping Methods
From the Ship Method Lookups window, enter a unique alphanumeric code describing the shipping method. Enter the Meaning of the shipping method code. Enter a Description of the shipping method. Optionally, enter from and to effective dates. Indicate whether the shipping method is enabled. Save your work.
2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
For additional information about defining freight carriers, refer to the Defining Freight Carriers section in the Oracle Inventory User's Guide.
Setup > Freight Carriers
Refer to the Item Attributes section of the Oracle Order Management User's Guide for additional information about setting these attributes.
Field Service Manager
Field Service Dispatcher > Spares Management > Order Management > Pricing > Price Lists > Price List Setup
1. 2. 3. 4.
From the Price List setup page, in the Name field, enter a name for the Price list. At Description enter a description of the Price List. The functional currency for your business unit defaults into the Currency field. At Round To enter the rounding factor to be applied in the Price list. A positive number indicates the number of digits to the right of the decimal point. A negative number indicates the number of digits to the left of the decimal point. The default setting is -2.
5. 6.
At Effective Dates enter the start and end date for the Price List to be effective. Select Payment Terms from the list of values. Examples of options include Collect, Prepaid, Third Party Billing, etc.
7. 8. 9.
Select the default Freight Terms and Freight Carriers from the list of values. Click on the List Lines tab. In the Product Context field, select Item.
10. Select Item Number in the Product Attribute field from the list of values. 11. In the Product Value field, select the item number of the item you want to associate
13. Choose an Application Method for the price list for this item.
Acceptable values are as follows: Unit Price or Percent Price for service items. For inventory items or item categories only, Unit Price is used.
14. In the Value field, enter the list price for the item. 15. For service items enter a value at Dynamic Formula and leave Static Formula open. 16. At Start Date and End Date enter the effective date for this item line.
The dates entered should be within the Effective Dates entered for the Price List.
17. At Line Type select Price List Line from the list of values. 18. At Modifier Level select Line from the list of values. 19. Enter a value at Precedence.
This is the product precedence. When the pricing engine is trying to locate a price, it uses Precedence to resolve conflicts when it selects more then one list line from a Price List.
20. Check Primary UOM if this is the primary pricing UOM for this list line item on the
price list.
21. Repeat steps 8-20 for each item you want to associate with this price list. 22. Save the Price List. 23. Click the Pricing Attributes button to define pricing attributes. 24. Enter a pricing context in the Product Context column and an attribute in the
Please refer to the Oracle Order Management User's Guide for additional details in this procedure.
Set up Oracle Purchasing as described in Overview of Setting Up, Oracle Purchasing User's Guide. Purchasing functionality in Spares Management is used to create and manage New-buy orders. The repair order is a key piece of the total Loop Quantity. Without Purchasing or equivalent functionality, the Spares Management planning process would not be complete.
Service Request Statuses Request Severities Request Types Service Request Urgencies Problem Codes Resolution Codes Message Action Requests Call Types Call Follow-up Types
Note: If you are using the Preventive Maintenance module, you
must create a Request Type of "Preventive Maintenance" and relate it to a Business Process of type "Field Service."
If you are using the Preventive Maintenance module, you must c For setup details please refer to the Oracle Support Implementation Guide. Also make sure the profile options for Service Request are set. No additional Field Service specific setup steps are necessary.
Field Service Administrator
Service Requests
providers. To maintain consistency across all applications Oracle Field Service shares the new customer master information with other modules. Customers can be defined in Order Management, Oracle Receivables, and Customer Support. Multiple addresses can be defined for one or more businesses, for example Ship-To address, Bill-To address, and installation address. To be able to assign tasks to field service representatives, the Installed-At address needs to be defined. In both applications make sure the Installed At address is defined. For setup details please refer to Oracle Customer Care Concepts and Procedures or Oracle Order Management User's Guide.
Field Service Dispatcher or Order Management
Customer Management > Contact Center
Set up Territory Manager as described in Implementing Territory Management as part of the Oracle Common Applications Components Implementation Guide. Create Territories as described in Oracle CRM Foundation Concepts and Procedures The creation of territories is also addressed in more detail in Setup Resource Relations as part of Confirming Setup of Resources, page 4-10 Perform the following Field Service specific steps: Set Territory Manager Profile Option, page 4-27
Field Service Administrator
Other > Profiles
1. 2. 3.
Open the Find Personal Profile Values window. At Profile Name enter TERR%. Click Find. Set the following profile option:
Territory Manager Profile Option Setup Step 1 Profile Option TERR: Multiple Winning Territories Description There are two options from the list of values:
Single Winner: Only qualified resources found in one of the territories selected are considered. Multiple Winners: All qualified resources found in each of the territories selected are considered.
for service requests that have been logged. In the Oracle Field Service Dispatch Center you schedule tasks. Make sure you implement Task Manager as described in Implementing Task Manager as part of the Oracle Common Applications Components Implementation Guide. Perform the following Field Service specific setup steps: Set up Task Status and Transition Rule , page 4-28 Set up Task Type, page 4-29 Set up Task Priority, page 4-30 Set up Task Manager Profile Options, page 4-31
Field Service Administrator
Field Service Dispatcher > Field Service Setup > CRM Foundation > Task and Escalation Manager > Setup > Define Task Status
1. 2. 3. 4.
At the Status field enter the name of the Task Status you want to define. At Description enter a brief description of the Task Status you are defining. At From and To enter the date for the Task Status to be effective. Check the task status flags you want to assign to the Task Status. For more information on the task status flags, see the Defining Task Statuses and Status Transition Rules section of the Oracle Common Applications Components Implementation Guide.
Optionally, define the transition values to determine user privileges for each status type by clicking Define Transition. When the Status Transition window opens, from within the Rule tab, query the Applications field for Field Service.
In the Current State field, select the task status that you want to set a transition for. (For example, Open). In the Next State field, select the task status that you want the Current State that you selected to transition to. (For example, Closed). Repeat this process for each status you want to set a transition status for, such as Cancelled, Reject, Complete, Assigned, and so on. Save the Task Status.
Field Service Administrator
Field Service Dispatcher > Field Service Setup > CRM Foundation > Task and Escalation Manager > Setup > Define Task Type
In the Task Types window, at the Type field enter the name of the Status Type you want to define. At Rule select Dispatch from the list of values.
Note: For a task to qualify as a field service specific task the Rule
3. 4. 5.
At From and To enter the date for the Task Type to be effective. Select an UOM (Unit of Measurement) to go with the Task Type. Check the task type flags you want to assign to the Task Type. For more information on the task types flags, see the Defining Task Types section of the Oracle Common Applications Components Implementation Guide.
Field Service Administrator
Field Service Dispatcher > Field Service Setup > CRM Foundation > Task and Escalation Manager > Setup > Define Task Priority
In the Task Priority window, enter the name of the Status Priority you want to define in the Priority field. At Importance enter a numerical value between 1 and 4. In this field, 1 is highest priority and 4 is the lowest.
3. 4. 5.
At Description enter a brief description of the Task Priority you are defining. At From and To enter the date for the Task Priority to be effective. Save the Task Priority.
Field Service Administrator
Other > Profiles
1. 2. 3. 4.
Open the Find Personal Profile Values window. At Profile Name enter Task Manager%. Click Find. Enter User values for the following seven profile options returned from a list of 11: Task Manager: Default Priority Task Manager: Default Task Status Task Manager: Default Task Type Task Manager: Default task owner Task Manager: Delete Any Task Privilege Task Manager: Owner type for task Task Manager: View All Tasks Please refer to the Oracle Common Applications Components Implementation Guide for more information on the profile options.
and manage situations that require increased awareness and swift action. Escalation Management is offered as an integrated as part of the Field Service Dispatch Center. Escalation Management features include: Escalation situation tracking information Service Request, Task, and Defect linking capability Ownership assignment based on escalation territory Resolution plan definition with associated tasks and notes Automatic notification of escalation progress to identified contacts De-escalation and closure
Please refer to the appropriate section from Oracle Common Applications Components Implementation Guide for Escalations Manager setup. No additional Field Service specific setup steps are necessary.
Use the Install Base to track your serviceable and customer products. Make sure you set up Install Base as described in Oracle Service Implementation Guide: Confirm the ERP setup Confirm Customer Product Status setup Confirm Customer Product Types (optional) Confirm System Types setup Confirm Transaction Billing Types setup Confirm Split Product Reasons setup Confirm Business Processes setup Confirm Customer Product Configuration Types setup Confirm profile options setup: Many service options Options to access HTML windows Options for the Install Base Interface concurrent program
Confirm System Administration menu setup. Confirm inventory item setup. Test the Install Base Interface concurrent program.
Once the Install base has been set up you maintain it using the Field Service Debrief to report on install base transactions and update Install Base from it. Make sure the following is setup correctly: Confirm Setup of Business Processes Field Service Debrief displays the transaction types for only those business processes that have the Field Service flag turned on. Oracle provides the following business processes out-of-the-box. (These are not seeded values and therefore the customer can update them.) Field Service Depot Repair
Confirm Setup of Transaction Billing Types As mentioned above, transaction billing types with all business processes with the Field Service flag turned on are displayed in the list of values for transaction types on the Field Service Debrief form. This means you can have the same transaction types repeated in the list of values because they can belong to multiple business processes.
Confirm Setup of Billing Types Currently three Billing Types are supported by Field Service Report: M (Material), L (Labor) and E (Expense). These are seeded.
Complete the following Oracle Field Service specific setup steps: Setting up Business Processes, page 4-35 Setting up Transaction Billing Types, page 4-36
availability. For example, Oracle has provided an out-of-box Field Service business group that enables the relevant service activity codes. You can update this group because it is not a seeded value.
1. 2. 3.
Switch to Field Service Administrator responsibility. Navigate to Setup > Install Base > Business Processes. Enabling the Service Request flag enables the user to pick this business process when charges are invoked from Service Request. Enabling the Depot Repair flag enables the user to pick this business process when charges are invoked from Depot Repair. Enabling the Field Services flag shows service activity codes for all business processes that have this flag enabled in Field Service Debrief. Please refer to the appropriate section from Oracle Service Implementation Guide for detailed Charges setup.
The Transactions Billing Type window is used to define transaction types and associate billing types (labor, material, and expenses) to them. The Oracle Field Service application comes with the following predefined transaction billing types. They are seeded values provided out of the box, and they cannot be deleted. Autocreate System Expense Transaction Labor Transaction Material Transaction
For step-by-step details, see the Set Up Billing Types and Service Activity Codes section in the following chapter.
Select Service Contracts from the Product Coverage tabbed page on the service request form. You can drill down to contract details on the Product Coverage tabbed page. Please refer to Oracle Service Contracts Concepts and Procedures for Service Contracts setup. No additional Field Service specific setup steps are necessary.
Field Service Dispatch Center. Please refer to the appropriate section from Oracle Common Applications Components Implementation Guide for Assignment Manager setup. Please ensure the following profile options are set before using Oracle Field Service. The profile options are set at the application level and are unique to Assignment Manager.
Field Service Administrator
Other > Profiles
1. 2. 3.
Open the Find Personal Profile Values window. At Profile Name enter AC%. Click Find.
Step 5
Description To retrieve preferred engineer information from the install base application. Default set to: Y (yes).
Defining a Calendar
Create a high level definition for a calendar for a particular group of resources.
1. 2. 3.
Switch to the Field Service Administrator responsibility. Navigate to CRM Foundation > Calendar > Calendar Setup > Define Calendar. For details see, Oracle Common Applications Components Implementation Guide.
1. 2. 3.
Switch to the Field Service Administrator responsibility. Navigate to CRM Foundation > Calendar > Calendar Setup > Define Exceptions. For details see, Oracle Common Applications Components Implementation Guide.
Defining Shifts
Define the working hours for your resources.
1. 2. 3.
Switch to the Field Service Administrator responsibility. Navigate to CRM Foundation > Calendar > Calendar Setup > Define Shifts. For details see, Oracle Common Applications Components Implementation Guide.
1. 2.
Switch to the Field Service Administrator responsibility. Navigate to CRM Foundation > Calendar > Calendar Setup > Assign Shifts/Exceptions. For details see, Oracle Common Applications Components Implementation Guide.
1. 2. 3.
Switch to the Field Service Administrator responsibility. Navigate to CRM Foundation > Calendar > Calendar Setup >Assign Resources. For details see, Oracle Common Applications Components Implementation Guide.
Field Service Implementation Tasks
This chapter describes the implementation tasks for Field Service-specific tasks, including setting up the Dispatch Center, and Debrief. This chapter covers the following topics: Field Service Implementation Task Summary Setting up Resource Relations Assigning Territories to Planner Groups Generate Field Service Trips Generating Field Service Trips Defining an Executable Setting Up the Generate Field Service Tasks Concurrent Program Assigning Resources to Subinventories Activating Automatic Commitment of Schedules Defining Material Justification Codes Defining Labor Justification Codes Defining Expense Justification Codes Set Up Billing Types and Service Activity Codes Setting Up Oracle E-Records and E-Signatures for Field Service Set up Skills Management Setting Up Query Selection for Task Owner Context Enforcement Set Up Tasks Custom Color Coding Setting up the Map Setting Up Spatial Data Defining Resource Addresses and Subinventories
9. Set Up Billing Types and Service Activity Codes, page 5-30 Set up multiple service activity codes that are differentiated by the associated billing type. 10. Set up Skills Management, page 5-43 Define skills, skill levels, and the scales used in managing field service technicians' skills, and for assigning tasks to technicians that have the right skills. 11. Setting Up Oracle E-Records and E-Signatures for Field Service, page 5-37 12. Set Up Tasks Custom Color Coding, page 5-49 Color coded tasks viewed in the Field Service Dispatch Center allow dispatchers to quickly identify situations, such as high priority tasks, escalated tasks that need immediate rescheduling, tasks in jeopardy, and tasks that have been committed to a customer and cannot be rescheduled. 13. (Optional) Setting Up Spares Management, page 6-2 Setup and enable the Spares Management module. 14. (Optional) Setting up the Map, page 5-50 A Map is available to the user as part of the Field Service Dispatch Center functionality and the installation of spatial data. The Map display is supported by the MapViewer which is part of Oracle 9iAS. 15. (Optional) Setting Up Spatial Data, page 5-54 Spatial data is used for Map Display in the Dispatch Center, and to enable certain Oracle Advanced Scheduler functionality, such as route calculation in the Time Distance Server and for location finding (geographical coding). 16. (Optional) Setting Up Oracle Advanced Scheduler, page 8-2 Oracle Advanced Scheduler is an optional module used to enhance scheduling capabilities.
System Administrator
Security > User > Define
From the Define User window, enter the Applications User Name and Password. The password must be at least 5 characters and you must enter it twice to verify.
Make sure that on the Responsibilities tab, Field Service Dispatcher is selected from the list of values at Responsibility. Optionally, you can set password expiration parameters and enter other information, such as person name, email, fax, etc. Save your work.
Create Employees
You need to define your Field Service dispatchers as employees (human resources). It is optional to define field service representatives as employees. However you must define service representatives as resources in order to assign tasks to them, but they do not necessarily have to be employees. This process is described in Create Resources with the Field Service Representative Role, page 5-7. There are two options for creating employees. From Human Resources From Resource Manager
When Human Resources is installed you cannot create employees from the Resource Manager. However you will be able to maintain your employees from Resource Manager once they have been created in Human Resources.
Field Service Administrator
CRM Foundation > Resource Manager > Maintain Employee > Employee
1. 2.
When Human Resource application is installed, this navigation path will fail. Switch to the HR Super User responsibility.
3. 4.
Navigate to People > Enter and Maintain. For both applications you need to at least supply the following information: Last Name: Last name of resource Gender: Select from list of values Type: select employee form list of values Social Security: Social security number Employee number Birth Date For set up details please refer to Oracle Commom Application Components Implementation Guide or Oracle Human Resource Management Systems to enter and maintain employees.
To synchronize modifications made to the employee data in Human Resources, you need to run a concurrent program: Synchronize Employees. The changes made in either Human Resources or Resource Manager are synchronized when they originate from the Human Resources application.
Field Service Administrator
CRM Foundation > Resource Manager > Maintain Resources > Import Resources
1. 2. 3.
At Resource Category, select Employee. Enter a search criteria in the Resource Category region. Click Search. The results are shown in the Search Results region.
Check the resource and click Create. The Default Values window is opened.
5. 6. 7.
At Role select Field Service Representative from the list of values. Click OK. Click Save Resource. A transaction number is displayed upon saving. For additional set up details please refer to Oracle Common Application Components Implementation Guide.
Field Service Administrator
CRM Foundation > Resource Manager > Maintain Resources > Resources
1. 2.
From the Resources window, click New. Enter all the appropriate information.
For set up details, refer to the Oracle Common Application Components Implementation Guide.
On the Roles tab make sure the Field Service Representative Role Type and Role are selected. Save your work.
You should have already created a Field Service Dispatcher Application user and defined the Field Service Dispatcher as an employee in human resources.
System Administrator
Security > User > Define
1. 2. 3.
From the Define window, search for the relevant Applications User Name. At the Person field, choose the human resource name from the list of values. Save your work.
You should have already created a Field Service Dispatcher Application user and, because we defined him as an employee, he is automatically defined as a resource.
Field Service Administrator
CRM Foundation > Resource Manager > Maintain Resources > Resources
1. 2. 3.
In the Resource region, select Employee from the Category list of values. Optionally, choose the Field Service Dispatcher's Name. Click Find. The Resource Search results window is opened.
Select the Field Service Dispatcher and click Resource Details. The Resource window is opened.
At User Name field, select the appropriate Applications user name from the list of values. Optionally, you can assign the Field Service Dispatcher Role Type and Role on the Roles tab. This is not mandatory for Field Service dispatchers.
Field Service representative and territories must be defined.
Field Service Administrator
CRM Foundation > Resource Manager > Maintain Resources > Groups
In the Groups window in the Name field, enter a name for the dispatcher group you are creating. Enter a Description. On the Members tab, select Employee from the Category list of values. Enter the employee number for the field service dispatcher you want to add to this dispatcher group. For setup details please refer to Oracle Common Application Components Implementation Guide
2. 3. 4.
You should have already created a Field Service Dispatcher Application user and defined the Field Service Dispatcher as an employee in human resources.
Field Service Administrator
CRM Foundation > Territory Manager > Territory Administration
In the Navigator window, from the menu bar choose Administration > Define Territory. The Territory Details window opens.
2. 3. 4.
In the Overview tab in the Usage field, select Oracle Service from the list of values. Enter a territory Name and Description. At the Transaction Type field choose Service Request and Task from the list of values.
5. 6.
Select the Resources tab. Enter all the Field Service representatives you want to add to this territory. For more information on setup, refer to Oracle Common Application Components Implementation Guide.
Field Service Administrator
CRM Foundation > Territory Manager > Territory Administration
From the Navigator window, go to the menu bar and choose Administration > Define Territory. In the Overview tab select Oracle Service from the list of values at Usage. Enter a territory Name and Description. At Transaction Type choose Service Request and Task from the list of values. Navigate to the Transaction Qualifiers tab or, optionally, the Resource Qualifiers
2. 3. 4. 5.
Field Service Administrator
Other > View Requests
1. 2.
From the View Requests window, check the All My Requests radio button. Click Submit a New Request. The Submit a New Request window is opened.
4. 5.
At Name, select the Generate Territory Packages from the list of values. At Parameters enter the following: Usage: Oracle Service Qualifier Type: Service Request and Task Debug flag: Y SQL Trace: Y
6. 7.
To verify whether the Territory packages have been generated navigate to Other > View Requests. Select All My Requests and click Find. An overview is shown with the progress of the generating process. When the generation was successful it reads Completed.
Create a resource group with field service dispatcher(s) assigned to it in Resource Management. Create a territory with service representatives assigned to it in Territory Management.
Field Service Administrator
Setup > Assign Territories to Planner Groups
From the Select Planner Group window, select the resource group that represents the planner group you want to assign territories to from the list of values. Click OK. The Assign Territories to Planner Groups window is opened.
Select a territory from the list of values you want to add to the planner group. You can add multiple territories to a planner group. Save your work.
program generates the Departure and Arrival Tasks for the technicians and creates a placeholder for technicians' trips. Trips are created and stored in order for scheduler to perform the scheduling, optimizing and recalculating operations with efficiency, consistency, and accuracy. This program should be scheduled to run periodically. The Generate Field Service Trips concurrent program creates departure and arrival tasks for each service representative. Then Advanced Scheduler plans service tasks between the departure and arrival tasks and calculates the travel time and distance for the complete trip. These departure and arrival tasks are based on the work shifts defined for each service representative in the CRM Foundation Calendar, and normally use the service representative's home address for departure and arrival location. You can run this program to generate departure and arrival tasks for a period of time that spans several days, or choose to run it daily. When running this program for a multi-day period of time, the Advanced Scheduler profile option CSR: Plan scope determines the length of the period, in days, for which departure and arrival tasks are created. When running this program daily, the CSR: Plan scope profile option setting determines the day in the future for which departure and arrival tasks are created.
Important: This is an essential step required for the Field Service Task
Scheduling operation. This program should be run by the Dispatchers or Field Service Administrators, for the time horizon for which any type of scheduling is possible. This means that the program has to be run to cater the scheduling activity into a future period of time.
After upgrading to Release#12, run this program once, by selecting 'Upgrade' as the value for the 'Action' parameter. Make sure it ran successfully. Then, you can run this program any number of times, with 'Add' as value for 'Action' parameter, as mentioned in the procedure.
To create departure and arrival tasks and generate field service trips, see the procedure:Generating Field Service Trips, page 5-15.
Set up work shifts in the CRM Foundation Calendar.
From the Field Service Manger responsibility, navigate to Generate Field Service Trips. Field Service Setup > Generate Field Service Trips The Parameters window appears.
Select Add from the Action drop-down menu. Available actions are: Add - Create trips based on the current work shift definitions in the CRM
Foundation Calendar. Close - Starting from the given date or system date, whichever is earlier, close all prior dated trips. Delete - Remove existing trips. Fix - Correct the existing trips by pulling in only task assignments that are valid for the trip. Replace - Replace exiting trips using the current work shift definitions in the CRM Foundation Calendar. Upgrade - Upgrade the previous version Generate Shift Tasks trips to the Generate Field Service Trips model.
If you want to run the program to generate trips for a specific period, enter the Start Date for the period. In the Number of Days field, enter the number of days that the period spans, beginning with the Start Date. If you want to run the program every night, clear the Start Date field. In the Number of Days field, enter the number of days in the future for which the daily tasks are to be created. Example For example, if today is Monday, and you want to create tasks for Thursday, enter "3" in the Number of Days field. The program runs Monday night, and generates trips for Thursday.
(Optional) Enter the Resource Type. Service technicians are usually set up for Resource Type: Employee Resource. Seeded Resource Types include: Employee Resource Group Resource Other Resource Partner Resource Party Resource Supplier Contact Team Resource
To be hired
If you want to generate a trip for a specific technician, enter the technician's name in the Resource name field. Click OK. The Parameters window closes to reveal the Generate Field Service Trips window. The Parameters field summarizes information entered in the Parameters window.
In the At these Times... region, you can choose to Run the Job (concurrent program) As Soon as Possible, or click the Schedule button. On the Schedule window, you can choose a radio button to Run the Job: As Soon as Possible Once, at the time specified in the Run At field Periodically, during the time period defined by Start At and End At fields, and at the frequency specified in the Re-run every field. On Specific Days, dates of the month, or days of the week, during a time period defined by Start At and End At fields.
Note: You can create a custom schedule, and then save, and apply
choose a Layout template, specify persons to notify, and select a printer. Click OK.
12. On the Generate Field Service Trips window, click Submit. 13. If the Generate Field Service Trips concurrent program does not execute, perform
the following tasks: Defining an Executable, page 5-18 Setting Up the Generate Field Service Tasks Concurrent Program, page 5-18
Defining an Executable
See Generating Field Service Trips, page 5-15 procedure. If the Generate Field Service Trips program does not run, follow this procedure to define an executable.
From the System Administrator responsibility, navigate to the Concurrent Program Executable window. Concurrent > Program > Executable. The Concurrent Program Executable window appears.
3. 4.
Save your work. Proceed to Setting Up the Generate Field Service Tasks Concurrent Program, page 5-18.
Complete the Defining an Executable, page 5-18 procedure.
From the System Administrator responsibility, navigate to the Concurrent Program Executable window. Concurrent > Program > Define. The Concurrent Programs window appears.
1. 2. 3.
Logon with the Field Service Administrator responsibility. Navigate to Spares Management > Resources Subinventories Assignment. Enter the following values into the fields, perform these steps in sequential order.
Note: When the setup screen is opened you will be prompted to
select the code that applies for your organization. Make sure you choose the right organization code because you will not be able to change this once you have selected it.
Updating a record results in the creation of a new record, re-query to make the record visible. You cannot delete a record.
Resources and Subinventories Mapping Step 1. 1 Field Organization: Code Value This field is populated with the code that was selected at the prompt the setup screen was opened. The name of the organization will automatically be populated once the code of the organization is selected. Select a resource type from the list of values. Select a service representative from the list of values. Select the subinventory you want to assign to the service representative.
Organization: Name
Resource Type
Step 1. 6
Field Default
Value Select IN for good subinventory, OUT for bad subinventory and nothing for all other subinventories. Select the start date for the assignment to be effective. Select the end date for the assignment to be effective.
Start date
End date
Click Save.
If for some reason the concurrent program doesn't seem to execute, perform the following tasks: Define an executable, page 5-18 Set Up Concurrent program, page 5-23
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Logon with the Field Service Administrator responsibility. Navigate to Auto Commit Schedule. The Parameters window is opened. Enter the Start date of time frame to run the program for a specific period. Click Ok. The Auto Commit Schedule setup window is opened. The Parameters field contains the entered start date of time frame. Click Schedule. The Schedule window is opened. Define how often you want to commit the schedules for the time frame defined previously. Click Apply a Saved Schedule to use the settings of a previous saved schedule. Choose one of the options at Run the Job.
8. 9.
Log on with the System Administrator responsibility. Navigate to Concurrent > Program > Executable. Enter the following values into the fields:
Executable Parameters and Values Field Executable Short Name Description Value Auto Commit Schedule CSFVCMT Free, e.g. Commits schedules automatically from In Planning to Assigned status. PL/SQL Stored Procedure CSF_AUTO_COMMIT_PVT.Update_Planne d_Task_Status
Click Save.
Logon with the System Administrator responsibility. Navigate to Concurrent > Program > Define. Enter the following values into the fields:
Concurrent Program Parameters and Values Field Program Short Name Application Description Value Auto Commit Schedule CSFVCMT Field Service Free, e.g.Committs schedules automatically from In Planning to Assigned status.
Click Save.
Field Service Administrator
Debrief > Define Material Justification Codes.
This navigation path opens the Application Object Library: CSF _MATERIAL_REASON Lookups window. The Type field is defaulted. The User Name is displayed. It is used by loader programs. The Application is defaulted. In the Description field a description is given. You can modify this description.
In the Access Level region it is defined what changes are possible to a lookup type. User: You can change any lookup code. Extensible: New lookup codes can be added. However, you cannot modify
Create material justification lookup lines by entering the following information in the lower region on the window:
Material Justification Lookup Lines Field Code Value Enter the code value for your Lookup. You can define a maximum of 250 Lookups for a single Lookup type. When you enter a valid Lookup meaning into a displayed window field, Lookups stores this code into a corresponding hidden field. For example, the Lookup "Y" displays the meaning "Yes" but stores the code value "Y" in a hidden field. You cannot change the values in this field after committing them. To remove an obsolete Lookup you can either disable the code, enter an end date, or change the meaning and description to match a replacement code. Meaning When you enter a valid Lookup meaning into a displayed window field, Lookups stores the corresponding code into a hidden field. Lookups automatically displays the meaning in your Lookups field whenever you query your window. For example, the Lookup "Y" displays the meaning "Yes" but stores the code value "Y" in a hidden field. You can display the description along with the meaning to give more information about your Lookup. Optionally, enter in a tag to describe your lookup. The tag can be used to categorize lookup values.
Value Enter the dates between which this Lookup becomes active. If you do not enter a start date, your Lookup is valid immediately. Once a Lookup expires, users cannot insert additional records using the Lookup, but can query records that already use the Lookup. If you do not enter an end date, your Lookup is valid indefinitely.
4. 5.
Check Enabled for each line you want to activate. Click Save.
Field Service Administrator
Debrief > Define Labor Justification Codes
This navigation path opens the Application Object Library: CSF _LABOR_REASON Lookups window. The Type field is defaulted. The User Name is displayed. It is used by loader programs. The Application is defaulted. In the Description field a description is given. You can modify this description.
In the Access Level region it is defined what changes are possible to a lookup type. User: You can change any lookup code.
Extensible: New lookup codes can be added. However, you cannot modify seeded lookup codes. System: No changes to the lookup codes are allowed.
Create labor justification lookup lines by entering the following information in the lower region on the window:
Labor Justification Code Table Field Code Value Enter the code value for your Lookup. You can define a maximum of 250 Lookups for a single Lookup type. When you enter a valid Lookup meaning into a displayed window field, Lookups stores this code into a corresponding hidden field. For example, the Lookup "Y" displays the meaning "Yes" but stores the code value "Y" in a hidden field. You cannot change the values in this field after committing them. To remove an obsolete Lookup you can either disable the code, enter an end date, or change the meaning and description to match a replacement code. Meaning When you enter a valid Lookup meaning into a displayed window field, Lookups stores the corresponding code into a hidden field. Lookups automatically displays the meaning in your Lookups field whenever you query your window. For example, the Lookup "Y" displays the meaning "Yes" but stores the code value "Y" in a hidden field. You can display the description along with the meaning to give more information about your Lookup. Optionally, enter in a tag to describe your lookup. The tag can be used to categorize lookup values.
Value Enter the dates between which this Lookup becomes active. If you do not enter a start date, your Lookup is valid immediately. Once a Lookup expires, users cannot insert additional records using the Lookup, but can query records that already use the Lookup. If you do not enter an end date, your Lookup is valid indefinitely.
4. 5.
Check Enabled for each line you want to activate. Click Save.
Field Service Administrator
Debrief > Define Expense Justification Code
From the Application Object Library: CSF _EXPENSE_REASON Lookups window, in the Description field a description is given. You can modify this description. The Type field is defaulted. and the User Name is displayed. It is used by loader programs. The Application also is defaulted.
In the Access Level region it is defined what changes are possible to a lookup type. User: You can change any lookup code.
Extensible: New lookup codes can be added. However, you cannot modify seeded lookup codes. System: No changes to the lookup codes are allowed.
Create expense justification lookup lines by entering the following information in the lower region on the window:
Expense Justification Codes Table Field Code Value Enter the code value for your Lookup. You can define a maximum of 250 Lookups for a single Lookup type. When you enter a valid Lookup meaning into a displayed window field, Lookups stores this code into a corresponding hidden field. For example, the Lookup "Y" displays the meaning "Yes" but stores the code value "Y" in a hidden field. You cannot change the values in this field after committing them. To remove an obsolete Lookup you can either disable the code, enter an end date, or change the meaning and description to match a replacement code. Meaning When you enter a valid Lookup meaning into a displayed window field, Lookups stores the corresponding code into a hidden field. Lookups automatically displays the meaning in your Lookups field whenever you query your window. For example, the Lookup "Y" displays the meaning "Yes" but stores the code value "Y" in a hidden field. You can display the description along with the meaning to give more information about your Lookup. Optionally, enter in a tag to describe your lookup. The tag can be used to categorize lookup values.
Value Enter the dates between which this Lookup becomes active. If you do not enter a start date, your Lookup is valid immediately. Once a Lookup expires, users cannot insert additional records using the Lookup, but can query records that already use the Lookup. If you do not enter an end date, your Lookup is valid indefinitely.
4. 5.
Check Enabled for each line you want to activate. The double brackets ([ ]) identify a descriptive flexfield that you can use to add data fields to this window without programming. Click Save.
Field Service Manager
Field Service Dispatcher > Service Request > Others > Service: Lookups
At the Oracle Service Lookups window, choose Find from the View menu and query the following lookup: MTL_Service_Billable_Flag. The Meaning, Application and Description are defaulted in. The Access Level is set at Extensible.
To create a new lookup, insert a record (Ctrl + down arrow) and enter a code for the new billing type in the Code field. Enter the name of the billing type in the Meaning Field. Optionally, enter a Description. Leave the Tag field blank. It is not used in this lookup for Field Service. Enter an Effective From date. This is the date that the billing type becomes active. Optionally, enter an Effective To date. If you want to deactivate a Billing Type, enter an end date that corresponds with
3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Check the Enabled checkbox. Repeat steps 2-8 for each new billing type you want to create.
debrief. You must only use the seeded billing type 'Labor' for Service Activity Codes associated with this billing type.
Those billing types of category Material also are used by Spares Management and can be tracked in Install Based. When you set up your billing types and associated them with the appropriate category remember that these billing types will be associated with Service Activity Codes, which will appear as options in the Material or Expense tab of Debrief.
Billing types must be set up.
Field Service Manager
Field Service Dispatcher > Service Request > Setup > Charges > Billing Type Attributes
In the Billing Type window, create a new record and in the Billing Type field, choose a billing type from the list of values. In the Category field, choose a category to associate your billing type with from the list of values. The options are: Material or Expense.
3. 4.
Enter a Start Date. Optionally, enter an End Date. To keep the lookup active indefinitely, leave this field blank. If you want to associate this Billing Type with a specific item in Inventory, select the item in the Rollup Item field. Repeat steps 1-5 for each billing type you want to associate with a category. Save your work.
6. 7.
Billing types and billing attributes must be set up.
Field Service Manager
Field Service Dispatcher > Service Request > Setup > Charges > Service Activities and Billing Types
In the Service Activities block of the Service Activities and Billing Types window, create a new record (CTRL + down arrow). In the Service Activity field, enter the name of the Service Activity Code you want to create. Optionally, enter a description of the Service Activity Code.
In the Line Category field, choose whether the Service Activity Code is to be of type Order or type Return. Enter a Start Date. Optionally, you can enter an End Date. If you leave this field blank, the Service Activity Code will be open ended. In the Billing Types block, choose the Billing Type that you want to associated with Service Activity Code that you just created from the list of values. The description defaults from the billing type and the Start Date defaults to the current date.
5. 6.
Repeat step 7 for each billing type you want to associate with the Service Activity Code. In the Order Management Header and Line Type block, choose the Operating Unit you want to associated with the Service Activity Code.
10. In the Order Type field, choose Mixed from the list of values. 11. In the Line Type field, choose Standard from the list of values.
Note: The Order Type and Line Type settings are not restricted to
the values noted above. You can use any type as long as it is set up correctly in Order Management. For more information, see the Oracle Order Management User Guide.
It is important that you remember what billing category that you associated with each billing type that you created and attached to a Service Activity Code. Within the Debrief window, Service Activity Codes are filtered for each tab based upon the billing category.
Service Activity Codes of type Material must be set up.
Field Service Manager
Field Service Dispatcher > Service Request > Setup > Charges > Install Base Transaction Types
When the Transaction Sub Types window opens, select the Service Type flag. This flag will enable you to access only Service Transaction Types among the LOVs in the Name field.
Query on the name of the Service Activity Codes that you created in the Service Request fields and select one that you created with a billing category of Material. In the Source Info block, select the Reference Required check box if you want to include trackeable items. Select the Change Owner check box. If the Service Activity Code has a line type of Order, then choose External in the Change Owner field. If the Service Activity Code has a line time of Return, then choose Internal in the Change Owner field. Choose a Status for the source. Be sure to not select a status that will reflect the source as inactive, such as Terminated or Expired.
4. 5.
In the Source Transaction Types block, you must set up lines for Field Service and Order Management application. Select each from the list of values in the Application Name field. The Field Service line will default the values in the Transaction Name, Transaction Type, and Description fields.
For the Order Management line, select Order Management Ship/Fulfill in the Transaction Name field. The Transaction Type and Description fields are defaulted.
For both lines, select the Update IB checkbox to include trackable items in your
10. Save your work.
A Business Process and Service Activity Codes must be set up.
Field Service Manager
Field Service Dispatcher > Service Request > Setup > Charges > Service Business Process
From the Service Business Process form, switch to query mode and search for the business process you want to associated the service activity code with in the Name Field. For example, Field Service.
Select the Field Service checkbox. The Service Request checkbox is selected by default. If you want to enable Depot Repair you can select the checkbox as well.
Optionally, enter an Effective Date range. If you leave these fields blank, the mapping will remain open ended. In the Service Activities block, select the Service Activity Code you want to map to the Field Service business process from the list of values in the Service Activity field. Repeat step 4 for each Service Activity Code you want to map to the business process.
To view e-records and e-signatures, click the Search Erecord Evidence Store Quick link from the Field Service Support Dashboard, or from the Field Service Technician Dashboard.
From the Functional Administrator responsibility, navigate to Profiles. Core Services > Profiles
Search for the EDR: E-records and E-Signatures profile. Enter 'EDR:%' in the Name field.
Based on the level for which the profile needs to set, provide the value in the Access Level region. Click Go.
Highlight the search result row for the EDR: E-records and E-Signatures profile. Choose the desired level, and then click the update icon. Select 'Yes' from the list of values for the desired access level. Click 'Update'.
4. 5.
Setting the transaction variables: 'eRecord Required' and 'eSignature Required' values
From the Functional Administrator responsibility, navigate to Setup. Evidence Store > Setup
2. 3.
Search for the Transaction Name: 'ERES Debrief Report Event'. In the search result, select the update icon against the variable name 'E Record Required'. Set the value field to 'Y', and then click 'Apply'. Repeat steps 1 through 4. However in Step 3, select the update icon against the variable name 'E Signature Required'.
4. 5.
From the Workflow Administrator Web Applications responsibility, navigate Business Events
Search for the Business Event: 'oracle.apps.csf.dbrf.approve'. Click the Update icon.
Choose the 'Enabled' status in the status drop down list. Click Apply. At this time a warning popup message appears.
Click 'Yes'.
process will succeed with the approval process showing the list of approvers matching the defined Approval Management Engine rule. In order to complete the setup steps, Attributes, Condition, Action types, and Approver groups should also be defined. Defining New Attributes
Note: You can reuse an existing attribute present in the transaction
type: ERES Debrief Report Event or define a new attribute and use it in the selected transaction type: ERES Debrief Report Event.
From the Approvals Management Business Analyst responsibility, navigate: Setup > Attributes
2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Click the Setup icon against the Transaction type: ERES Debrief Report Event. Click Create. Enter the Item Name and Description. The default value for Item Class is: Header. Choose a Data type from the drop down list of values. Choose an Approver type from the drop down list of values. This field is enabled when the Data type is: Number.
Enter the Value Set value. This field is enabled when the Data type is either: Number or String.
8. 9.
Choose the Usage Type from the drop down list of values. Define the value of the attribute in the Value field, depending on the Data type chosen and the Usage Type: Static. Example For example, for the Data type: Boolean and Usage Type: Static, in the Value field you can enter 'false'.
10. When the Usage Type is: Dynamic, enter the SQL query in the Value field. Click
11. Click Apply.
13. Select the radio button against the existing attribute or newly defined attribute that
you need to add to the Transaction type: ERES Debrief Report Event.
14. Click Continue.
Defining Condition
16. From the Approvals Management Business Analyst responsibility, navigate:
type: ERES Debrief Report Event, or define a new Action type and include the newly defined action type in the selected Transaction type: ERES Debrief Report Event.
29. Define the Action Description Query when the dynamic action description is chosen
as Query Generated.
30. You can also add attributes that the Action type defined requires when it is
Using the newly defined or existing Action type in the selected Transaction type (ERES Debrief Report Event)
32. Click Use Existing Action Type. 33. Select the check box against the existing Action type or the newly defined Action
Defining New Approver Groups You can use an existing Approver Group in the selected Transaction type: ERES Debrief Report Event, or define a new Approver Group and include the newly defined Approver Group in the selected Transaction type: ERES Debrief Report Event.
37. From the Approvals Management Business Analyst responsibility, navigate:
Using an existing Approver Group in the selected Transaction type (ERES Debrief Report Event)
46. Click Use Existing Approver Group. 47. Select the check box against the existing Approver Group which needs to be added
Defining a Rule:
You can define a new rule for the selected Transaction type: ERES Debrief Report Event, or use an existing rule in another Transaction type, or use an inactive rule in the existing Transaction type: ERES Debrief Report Event. Using an existing rule
From the Approvals Management Business Analyst responsibility, navigate: Setup > Rules
2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Click Use Existing Rule. Search by providing the Transaction type value in the search criteria. Select the radio button against the desired Transaction type. Click Continue. Define the start and end date. Click Finish.
From the Approvals Management Business Analyst responsibility, navigate: Setup > Rules
8. 9.
10. Choose the Rule Type from the drop down list of values. 11. Define the start and end date of the rule, and then click Next. 12. To add conditions to this rule, click Add Condition. 13. Choose the desired conditions by selecting the check box against the conditions,
14. To add actions to this rule, click Next. 15. Choose the Action Type from the drop down list of values. 16. Define the Action for the Action Type chosen by search and select, or by keying the
17. To review the details of the rule, click on the Next. 18. To create a new rule, click Finish.
Once you have set up rating scales, skill levels, defined skills sets and skills, you can add skills to a resource and assign skills to a task. For more information on that process, see the Oracle Field Service User Guide.
You might want multiple rating scales available for your Field Service operation if you have a large technician force with a variety skill levels for the tasks you perform. Or,
you may already have a rating system in place in your operation, which uses different values than those seeded here. In any case, Field Service allows you to set up as many rating scales as you need.
Note: You can add your own skill levels to those in the seeded scales.
Note that once you add a skill level, you cannot delete it.
Once you have defined your rating scales and skill levels for each scale, you use the rating scales when you are creating the Skills Sets. For more information, see Define Skills Types and Skills, page 5-45.
Field Service Manager
Field Service Dispatcher > Skills Management
Use this process to set up a new rating scale:
Open the Skill Levels tab and open a new form. You can do this by navigating down through the seeded scales until you reach a blank form.
2. 3. 4.
In the Rating Scale section, enter a Name for the Rating Scale. Optionally, enter a Description. The From Date defaults to the current date. You can change this, if needed. If you want the Rating Scale to be available indefinitely, leave the To date blank.
To set the skill levels for the rating scale, in the first line of the spread table in the Levels section, enter a numerical value in the Order field. This number determines what order the skill levels will appear in the list of values.
In the Name value, enter the word or words you want to represent the skill level in the list of values. (For example: trainee, expert, top, gold level, etc.)
7. 8.
Optionally, enter a brief description of the skill level. The From date defaults to the current date that you are setting up the rating scale. You can change this date, if necessary. Repeat steps 5-8 for each skill level you want to associate with this rating scale.
If you want to inactivate a Rating Scale, enter a To date in the appropriate field in the Rating Scale section. If you want to inactivate a particular skill level within a Rating Scale, enter a To date in the field next to the skill level you want to inactivate.
Rating Scales must be set up, if you are using anything other than the default
Field Service Manager
Field Service Dispatcher > Skills Management
Use this process to set up skills and still types:
1. 2. 3. 4.
Navigate to the Skills tab. In the Skills Type section, enter a name of your skills type. Optionally, enter a Description. In the Use Scale field, choose the rating scale that you want to use when assigning skills to a resource. The rating scale you choose will determine the list of values available for assigning skills to a resource or a task. For details on Rating Scales, see Define Skills Types and Skills, page 5-45.
5. 6.
The From Date defaults to the current date. You can change this date, if necessary. Optionally, enter a To Date. You can enter a To Date if you want to end the use of a particular skill type.
In the Skills section spreadtable, enter a Skills Name on the first line. This name should reflect a skill related to the Skill Type it is associated with.
8. 9.
Enter a Description of the Skill. Optionally, enter an Alias for the skill.
10. The From Date defaults to the current date. You can change this date, if necessary. 11. Optionally, enter a To Date.
You can enter a To Date if you want to end the use of a particular skill.
12. Repeat steps 7-11 for each skill you want to associate with the Skill Type. 13. Save your work.
The set up user interface 'Query Selection for Task Owner Enforcement' is provided under Field Service Manager Set Up Main Navigation Menu.
Task List Queries can be flagged to enable, or activate, the enforcement of task owner selections. Task Queries set up with the 'Enabled' check box selected are candidates for enforcing the task owner selection. All Queries, both seeded and custom queries, are available for task owner selection enforcement, except the 'My Inbox' query. The seeded 'My Inbox' query already enforces and implies the task owner as the current Dispatcher logged-in and hence, is not available for selection in the user interface.
Select 'Navigate' from the Dispatch Center user interface menu bar, and then choose 'Select Territories and Task Owners' from the Navigate menu. Dispatch Center > (M) Navigate > Select Territories and Task Owners
This region has 4 check boxes for selecting the 'Candidate Owner' My Self: The Dispatcher currently logged in My Groups: All the Resource Groups the dispatcher is a member of My Group Members: All Dispatchers in all the Resource Groups the dispatcher is a member of All Groups: Displays all resource groups set up, no restrictions applied
Task Owners can be selected or deselected by using shuttle buttons provided between the 'Unselected' and 'Selected' regions.
Plan option will automatically be assigned Green, the reserved color just as it is in the standard configuration. Using the custom color coding configuration will greatly enhance a dispatcher or planner's ability to effectively manage the day-to-day field service operations. To set up your custom color coding, perform the following setups.
The profile option "CSF: Use Custom Color Coding Scheme" must be set to Yes in order to set up custom color coding. Task Types, Task Statuses, and Task Priorities must be set up.
Field Service Manager
Field Service Dispatcher > Task's Custom Color Setup
At the Task's Custom Color Setup UI, enter a Color Determination Priority number.
In the case of a conflict between to color coding schemes, the color with the lowest priority number will prevail.
In the Type field, select the Task Type that you want to associate with this color configuration from the list of values. In the Priority field, select the Task Priority to be associated with this color configuration. In the Priority field, select the Task Assignment Status that you want to associate with the color configuration from the list of values. To distinguish between tasks by status, for example, you could choose Blue to represent all tasks of a certain type (say "Repair at Site") with the status of "Approved," and you could set up an orange color configuration for tasks of type "Repair at Site" without distinguishing the status. To ensure that the Approved status takes precedence, you would have to set the Color Determination Priority number lower for the first color configuration. In this scenario, tasks of type Repair at Site with a status of Approved would appear in blue, and all other tasks of type Repair at Site would appear as orange.
Choose the Color for your color configuration. The Custom Colors palette is displayed where you can choose from the available colors. The characteristics of the color you choose will be displayed in the Background Color Value section in the RGB Value and Decimal Value fields.
If you want the color to apply only to those situations where the task has been escalated, select the Escalated? checkbox. You will need to enter the same configuration twice, once with the Escalated checkbox selected and once without to distinguish between the two situations.
If you want the custom color configuration to be usable in Field Service, select the Active checkbox. Save your work.
You can set up any number of color configurations by simply changing any one of determining factors (Type, Priority, Status, Escalated).
The installation and setup of the Oracle 9iAS MapViewer is described in the Oracle 9iAS User Guide. The implementation of the Map, also referred to as eLocation map, specific to Field Service is done by setting specific profile options. Plan and setup of the Oracle 9iAS MapViewer as described in the Oracle 9iAS User Guide : Verify MapViewer is Set Up Correctly and Running, page 5-51 Check the eLocation Map Profile Options, page 5-51
Oracle 9iAS is installed and setup.
Open a browser and enter the following: http://<mapserver name>:<mapserver port number>/mapserver/oms The message returned should read the following: [omslauncher] responding... map server is registered as mapserver
1. 2. 3. 4.
Switch to the System Administrator responsibility. Navigate to Profile > System. The Find System Profile window is opened. Check Site. At Profile enter CSF%.
Click Find. You can set the profile options described in the following table in any sequence. All profile options have been provided with default values.
eLocation Map Profile Options Profile Option CSF: Use eLocation Map CSF: eLocation Map JDBC driver type Description Indicate you are using the eLocation map. The JDBC driver type used to make a connection to the data source for the eLocation map, default set to 'thin'. The Remote Method Invocation binding name that is used for the eLocation map server. The Remote Method Invocation host name that is used for the eLocation map server (typically the machine name where the map server is running). The Remote Method Invocation port number that is used for the eLocation map server. The basemap name for the eLocation map as found in the data source maps table. The unique name that is given to the collection of data source parameters for the eLocation map, e.g. csfmap. The name must be modified if any of the data source profile options change and the map server can not be restarted. The database SID of the data source for the eLocation map. Typically the same as the SID of the database server. Optionally enable additional debugging output to the Java console for the eLocation map.
Profile Option CSF: eLocation Map high latitude coordinate CSF: eLocation Map high longitude coordinate CSF: eLocation Map host name
Description Do not change, high latitude coordinate of the last view area of the eLocation map. Do not change, high longitude coordinate of the last view area of the eLocation map. The name of the host of the data source for the eLocation map. Typically the same as the database server machine name. The URL of the directory where the image files are stored for the eLocation map markers. The images are used to show instant status of the resource on the Map in the Field Service Dispatch Center. Do not change, the identification number of the last viewed area on the eLocation map. Do not change, low latitude coordinate of the last view area of the eLocation map. Do not change, low longitude coordinate of the last view area of the eLocation map. The name of the maps table in the data source for the eLocation map. The fraction of the width or height by which the eLocation map view should be moved when using the navigate buttons on the Map tab in the Field Service Dispatch Center. The listener port number for the data source for the eLocation map. Typically the same as the database server listener port number. The name of the styles table in the data source for the eLocation map.
CSF: eLocation Map last used service area number CSF: eLocation Map low latitude coordinate
CSF: eLocation Map low longitude coordinate CSF: eLocation Map maps table name
Description The name of the themes table in the data source for the eLocation map. Leave empty, used for development purposes only. The highest number of parallel map requests that are required to be serviced at one time for the eLocation map.
After installation of the spatial data check the following: Check if the Normal and Domain Indexes are Created, page 5-54 Check Whether the Layer Style Sheets Tables are not Empty, page 5-57 Check Map Display, page 5-58
Use the following procedure to check whether the indexes have been created.
Spatial Data is installed.
1. 2.
Check Whether the Layer Style Sheets Tables are not Empty
Layer style sheets define the "display" of the spatial data. These are all predefined and optimized for the data set used but it is possible to modify the style sheets. By default in the style sheets it is defined per spatial object type (i.e., motor way, waterway, residential area, etc.) how and under what conditions it is displayed. For example when looking at an entire country there is no reason to display "local roads" as this kind of detail shows up as a colored blob on the screen. Also every object is given its own color. The color to display a road is different depending on the part of the world one is in, the style sheet also describes this information. It is recommended to involve a consultant with experience in Geographic Information to define alternative settings in the layer style sheets. Knowledge required to modify the layer style sheets besides Oracle database is: Spatial cartridge and some geographic experience
Spatial Data is installed.
1. 2.
Navigate to the Dispatch Center in the Field Service application. Field Service Dispatcher > Dispatch Center. Select the Map tab. Make a selection from the list of values to select the map of your choice. The Map displays. When the map doesn't display at all, the data isn't there.
2. 3.
You can assign an owner for the subinventory, if needed. This feature can be used when more than one field technician shares a subinventory and one person needs to be assigned as an owner to be responsible for managing excess parts. When an owner is assigned, an organization and subinventory for returning the excess parts is also assigned.
Define field technicians as employee resources. Define subinventories.
From the Field Service Administrator, navigate Spares Management > Resource Addresses and Subinventories
2. 3.
Select the appropriate resource type from the Resource Type list of values. Select a field technician name from the Resource Name list of values. The list of values only displays the field technicians who have been assigned to the Resource Type you selected. The Phone, Email, Start Date and End Data information for the field technician is displayed if these fields have been populated in Oracle HRMS. The Addresses tab opens by default. Select an address style for the appropriate country from the Address Style list of values. Tab to the Address field to open the Location Address flexfield. Enter the details for the ship to address. If you want this address to become the default address for this field technician, check the Primary Address check box. You can set only one address as the primary address and you must have one primary address. You can define additional addresses for this field technician by adding more address lines.
5. 6.
10. Open the Subinventories tab to associate one or more subinventories to this field
11. Enter an inventory organization or select one from the Organization list of values. 12. Enter a subinventory name or select one from the Subinventory list of values. The
list of values displays only those subinventories which have been defined for the organization you selected.
13. You can select a value of Usable or Defective in the Condition field if the condition
has not been defined in the parts loop. If the condition for this subinventory has
been defined in the parts loop, this condition defaults in this field and cannot be updated.
14. The Start Date defaults to today's date. You can override this date with a future
date, if needed.
15. Check the Default column if you want this subinventory to be used as the default
subinventory for this field technician. Only one subinventory for each Condition Type can be designated as the default subinventory for this field technician. You must define one usable subinventory as the default.
16. The Start Date field defaults to today's date. You can override this value to a date
Name for this subinventory. Each subinventory can have only one owner.
19. Assigning an owner enables the Org and Sub fields in the Return region so you can
specify the subinventory for returning excess parts. This location may or may not be the same location as the subinventory you are assigning the field technician. This subinventory must be of the same Condition Type as the source subinventory.
20. You can assign multiple subinventories to a field technician. You can assign
picked up from the resource address. You must enter this manually.
Spares Management Implementation Tasks
This chapter documents setup for Oracle Spares Management, External Repair Execution, and Warehouse Replenishment Planning. This chapter covers the following topics: Setting Up Oracle Spares Management Define Forecast Rules Setting Up a Forecast Rule Selecting a Forecast Rule Defining Calculation Rules Defining Excess Rules Defining Excess Reject Reasons Creating Business Rules to Automate Warehouse Notifications Defining Manual Override Reasons Defining Task Parts Defining Parts Priorities Defining Delivery Times Setting up Reschedule Rules Setting Up Warehouse Replenishment Planning Define Excess and Defective Warehouses, and Repair Suppliers Defining Excess Warehouses and Assign to the Warehouse Being Planned in WRP Defining Defective Warehouse Organizations Defining and Assigning Internal Repair Suppliers Setting Up Other Warehouse Planning Parameters Defining Planning Parameters to create Min-Max levels for a Warehouse or
Technician Setting Up Lead Times Set Up External Repair Execution Setting Up Repair Parameters Setting Profile Options for External Repair Execution
7. Define Parts Priorities, page 6-17 Part priorities are used in Field Service Advanced Scheduler to determine which parts, based on priority, are to be used in assigning and scheduling technicians. 8. Define Delivery Times, page 6-18 Specify the delivery times for shipment methods that have been defined in Oracle Inventory. Used by Scheduler to determine when a technician could be scheduled, based on the delivery time of the parts. 9. Setup Warehouse Replenishment Planning, page 6-22 Define and assign excess and defective warehouses and internal repair suppliers. Define warehouse planning parameters, set up reschedule rules, specify plan methods, and setup lead times. 10. Setup External Repair Execution, page 6-38. Define and assign external repair suppliers. Setup Repair Parameters and Profile Options.
Forecast Parameters The list below details the parameters that are defined for forecast rules: The Rule Name is the name of the forecast rule. The Description field contains a description of the forecast rule. The Period Size is measured numerically in days. If you wanted to set up a weekly period, for example, you would enter 7. The Forecast Periods field indicates the number of future periods to generate a forecast. The History Periods field indicates the number of periods in the past that you want to include in the forecast calculation. The Alpha field is used in the Exponential Smoothing and Trend Enhanced methods. In exponential smoothing, alpha is the factor that determines how much weight to apply to current period usage. In the Trend Enhanced method, the alpha factor is used to determine the constant for the trend line. The Beta field is used in the Trend Enhanced method and is the factor used to determine the slope of the trend line. The Weighted Average Period Index fields are used to specify weights for individual periods. For example, you can assign higher weights to more recent periods, if that is desired. The total of the period values must equal 1 and each value must be greater than zero and less than one.
Forecast Methods Four forecast methods are provided in Spares Management: The Simple Average forecast method is based on the number of history periods selected. The Weighted Average forecast method is based on the number of history periods, and you can assign different weights to each history period. The Exponential Smoothing forecast method provides a simplified version of weighted averages. The smoothing constant Alpha is used to define the weight given to the current history period. (1 - Alpha) is used to determine the weight given to prior periods (other than the most current). The Trend Enhanced forecast method produces a trended forecast. Beta is a smoothing factor for the slope of the trend and is used to define the weight given to the trend in the current period. (1 - Beta) is used to determine the weight given to the previous trend. Alpha is a smoothing factor for the constant and is used to define weight given to current history period.
From the Field Service Manager responsibility, navigate to the Forecast Rules tab of the Business Rules window. Field Service Setup > Spares Management > Spares Management Rules > Setup > Business Rules The Business Rules window opens to the Forecast Rules tab.
2. 3. 4.
In the Forecast Rules tab, enter a rule name in the Name field. Optionally, enter a description in the Description field. Select a forecast method from the Forecast Method list of values. The choices are Simple Average, Weighted Average, Exponential Smoothing and Trend Enhanced.
In the Period Size field, enter the number of days. Example For a Period size of weekly, enter 7.
In the Forecast Periods field, enter the number of periods over which the forecast will be generated. In the History Periods field, enter the number of periods of history to use in
In the Tracking Signal Cycle field, enter the number of periods to use in calculating the Tracking Signal. For example, if 4 is entered and the Period size is 7, then the Tracking Signal calculations would use a period size of 28. The Tracking Signal is a measure forecast error and is used in Recommendation Rules to automate the update of Min-Max levels. It is also used in Notification Rules to automate warehouse Notifications from the Planner's Desktop.
If you are using the Exponential Smoothing or Trend Enhanced method, enter the factor in the Alpha field. This number is expressed as a fraction with a decimal point. Alpha would be greater than 0, and equal to or less than 1.
Tip: In most cases, the alpha factor should be set in the range of 0.15
- 0.25.
10. If you are using the Trend Enhanced method, enter the factor in the Beta field.
This number is expressed as a fraction with a decimal point. Beta should be greater than 0, and equal to or less than 1.
Tip: In most cases, the beta factor would be set in the range of 0.15 -
11. In the Transactions Types fields, enter the transaction types from Inventory that are
From the Field Service Manager Responsibility, navigate to the Planner's desktop. Field Service Dispatcher > Spares Management > Planner's Desktop. The Planner's Desktop opens to display the Planning Parameters tab, and Planning Parameters sub tab.
2. 3. 4.
In the Navigator window, expand Spares Management > Warehouses. Select a warehouse. From the Tree in the Planner's Desktop, select a warehouse, technician or Node.
Note: The warehouse can either be the warehouse being planned or
inventory (technician) is selected, then the Forecast Rule (or other parameters) default to lower level nodes underneath the node where the Forecast Rule was selected.
In the Forecast Rule field of the Planning Parameters, select a Forecast Rule from the list of values. Save your work.
From the Field Service Dispatcher responsibility, navigate to the Calculation rules window. Field Service Dispatcher > Spares Management > Setup > Calculation Rules
2. 3. 4.
From the Calculation Rules window, enter a rule name in the Name field. (Optional) Enter a description in the Description field. Select the appropriate availability elements. The choices are: Usable on-hand
Defective on-hand Purchase orders (use this only if Oracle Purchasing is installed) Open WIP orders (use this only if Oracle Work in Process is installed) Open Requisitions (use this only if Oracle Purchasing is installed) Sales Orders (use this only if Oracle Order Management is installed) Move Orders Inter Organization transfers, and In-transit Move Orders
Enter a tolerance percent. This is used in loop planning to filter notifications that are within the tolerance percent. If a 10 is entered, for example, a notification will be sent whenever the quantity is plus or minus 10% of the desired quantity.
Enter the Time Fence, in days. This is used in loop planning to filter incoming and outgoing orders scheduled beyond a specified time period.
From the Field Service Dispatcher responsibility, navigate to the Business Rules window.
Field Service Dispatcher > Spares Management > Setup > Business Rules Select the Excess Rules tab. The Excess Rules tab appears.
2. 3. 4.
From the Excess Rules tab, enter a unique name for the excess rule. Enter a Description for the excess rule. Enter a value in the Total Max Excess field to represent a maximum allowable percentage of the total Maximum value. Example For example, if you enter 10 in this field, then excess parts are considered for return only if their total excess value is greater than 10% of the total Maximum value. If this field is left blank, a zero is assumed and all excesses are considered. This rule is designed to bypass the technician or warehouse for excess recovery when the overall excess value is within acceptable limits.
Enter a value in the Line Max Excess field to represent a maximum allowable percentage of the total excess quantity for a line. Example For example, suppose you enter a 10 in this field. If the maximum quantity is 20 and the on-hand quantity is 21, this part would not appear on the excess list because the excess quantity is less than 10% of the maximum quantity. If this field is left blank, a zero is assumed and all excesses are considered. This rule is designed to filter out excess parts that have relatively high Max levels where the excess would be consumed fairly quickly.
Enter a value in the Days Since Receipt field to represent the number of days you want to exclude when calculating the excess quantity. This allows you to exclude recently received parts from the excess list. For example, if you enter a 10 in this field, then all of the parts received within the last ten days are ignored. If this field is left blank, a zero is assumed and all receipts are included in the excess calculation.
Note: This rule would primarily apply to technicians and would
prevent parts received for a task from being declared as excess until a reasonable period of time had passed.
You can enter a value in either the Total Excess Value field or the Top Excess Lines field. Enter a value in the Total Excess Value to represent the percentage of total excess value that you want to see on the excess list. For example, if you enter a 80 in this
field, the excess list will show the excess lines that comprise the top 80% of the total excess value. Alternatively, you can enter a value in the Total Excess Lines field to represent the number of lines that you want to see on the excess list. For example, if you enter 50 in this field, the excess list will contain the 50 highest value lines.
You can enter or select a value for Category Set if you want to exclude an item category from return, such as supplies. A category set is a feature in Inventory where you can define your own group of categories.
If you enter a value for Category Set, the Category field is enabled. A category is a code used in Inventory to group items with similar characteristics.
selecting the technician or warehouse from the Planning Tree, and then selecting the Excess Rule from the list of values in the Planning Parameters tab
From the Field Service Dispatcher responsibility, navigate to Excess Reject Reasons. Field Service Dispatcher > Spares Management > Setup > Excess Reject Reasons This navigation path opens the Application Object Library: Excess Reject Reasons codes Lookups. The lookup Type, User Name, Application, Descriptions fields are not editable. The Access Level of User is also protected. You can add values in the spread table below those fields.
This code is for internal purposes only and is not visible in the Spares Management user interface.
In the Meaning field, enter name of the lookup that you want to appear in the list of values.
Note: The Meaning should be word that makes sense in relation to
the excess reject reason you are trying to represent. For example, if the excess reason is because the parts are hazardous, you might want to enter the word Hazardous in the Meaning field.
4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
(Optional) Enter a description in the Meaning field. For the Excess Reject Reason, leave the Tag field blank. The Effective From date defaults current date. (Optional) You can change the Effective From date, and add an Effective To date. Repeat steps 1-7 for each addition Excess Reject Reason setup you want to add to the list of values. Save your work.
Note: To remove an obsolete Lookup, you can either disable the
code by deselecting the Enabled check box next to the lookup value, enter an end date, or change the meaning and description to match a replacement code.
In each of the above cases, you can enter Excess Value, Repair Value, Notification
Value, and Min-Max Values for Tracking Signals. Excess value - This is the value of excess inventory that can be used to satisfy the notification. Repair value - This is the value of defective inventory that, when repaired, can be used to satisfied the notification. Notification value - This is the value of the notification recommendation. Tracking Signal Min - This measures the forecast error when actual usage on a cumulative basis is running less than forecast. Tracking Signal Max - This measures the forecast error when actual usage on a cumulative basis is running more than forecast.
Note: You can set values for as many or as few of the parameters as you
want. But for the automated process to be activated, ALL the parameters that have been set must be met.
For all parameters with the exception of the Tracking Signal Min, if the actual value is less than the parameter value, the notification is triggered. In the case of the Tracking Signal Min, if the actual variance is more than the parameter value, the notification is triggered.
Note: You can only set up one Notification Rule for each warehouse.
Navigate to the Business Rules window. Field Service Dispatcher > Spares Management > Setup > Business Rules
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
From the Business Rules window, click the Notification Rules tab. Enter the Name of the rule. (Optional) Enter a Description. For the Internal Order Line, enter an Excess Value number. Enter a Repair Value. Enter a Notification Value.
8. 9.
Enter Tracking Signal Min and Max Values. Repeat steps 5 - 8 for Requisition and WIP Order lines.
From the Field Service Dispatcher responsibility, navigate to the Manual Override Reason Lookups window. Field Service Dispatcher > Spares Management > Setup > Manual Override Reason This navigation path opens the Application Object Library: CPSASLReasonCode Lookups window The lookup Type, User Name, Application, Descriptions fields are not editable. The Access Level of User is also protected. You can add values in the spread table below those fields.
Enter a Code for the Override Reason. This code is for internal purposes only and is not visible in the Spares Management user interface.
In the Meaning field, enter name of the Override Reason that you want to appear in the list of values, which appears in the Planner's Desktop user interface used to manually create an Authorized Stock List.
Note: The Meaning should be word that makes sense in relation to
4. 5.
Optionally, enter a Description for the Override Reason. For Override Reason setups, leave the Tag field blank. The Effective From date defaults current date.
6. 7. 8.
Optionally, you can change the Effective From date, and add an Effective To date. Repeat steps 1-6 for each additional Override Reason that you are setting up. Save your work.
Note: To remove an obsolete Lookup, you can either disable the
code (by deselecting the Enabled check box next to the lookup value), enter an end date, or change the meaning and description to match a replacement code.
Define a Task Template. Define products and items.
From the Field Service Dispatcher responsibility, navigate to the Tasks Parts
window. Field Service Dispatcher > Spares Management > Setup > Task Parts
Close the Find Product Task window by clicking the New button. The Define Task Parts window opens.
In the Product field, select a product from the list of values. The product description appears on the right. The product represents the machine on which the service task is performed.
4. 5.
Enter a valid Task Template name or select one from the list of values. The Auto or Manual default value is Manual. The default value is set when you save your work. Skip the Times Used field. It will be populated with the number of times this task template has been used for this product, after running the Create Task Parts History concurrent program. Skip the Task % field. It will be populated with a number representing the percentage of times this task template was used for this product, after running the Create Task Parts History concurrent program. In the Define Parts section, choose the first part number in the Item field that you want to associate with this task from the list of values. The Unit of Measure default value appears in the UOM field depend on the item you selected.
Enter a revision number in the Rev field, if applicable for this part.
10. Enter the quantity of parts required for this task. 11. Enter a value in the % (percentage) field to represent how often this part is expected
to be used in this task template/product combination. This percentage value is used to define the Priority. Example For example, if you expect this part to be used about 50% of the time when this task is executed on the product, then enter 50 in this field.
12. (Optional) Enter the Start Date or End Date to enable or disable this parts task
From the Field Service Manager responsibility, navigate to the Parts Priorities user interface. Field Service Dispatcher > Spares Management > Setup > Part Priorities
2. 3.
In the Parts Priorities user interface, enter the Lower and Upper Range. Enter a code for the Priority of the part. This code can be alphanumeric, but it should be meaningful for an end user. For example, if the priority is high, you might want to enter P1 as the Priority designation. If it were low, you might want to enter P4. Example For example, Lower Range = 75, Upper Range = 100 and Priority = P1, means that a part with a likelihood of being used on a product and task between 75% and 100% of the time would be classified as P1
In the Meaning field, enter a meaning of the Priority, which will appear in the list of values in Advanced Scheduler.
Note: The Meaning should be text that makes sense in relation to
the part priority you are trying to represent. A high percentage priority range, for example, should be reflected by a similar meaning, in other words, High range = 100 : Meaning = P1.
(Optional) Enter a Description of the Priority in the Meaning field. Example For example, for a Priority = P1, then the description could be Description = Highest
6. 7.
Repeat steps 1-5 for each additional priority you want to create. Save your work.
Note: The Parts Priority interacts with Task Parts to assign a
priority to each of the parts defined in Task Parts. The priority assignment is made based on the likelihood (percent) that a part will be used as defined in Task Parts Example For example, in Task Parts if the Percent for a part = 80%, then based on the example noted in Step 2 the priority assignment would be P1. The percent, or likelihood of being needed, can be manually or automatically defined.
Define Shipment methods in Oracle Inventory. Define Freight Carriers in Oracle Inventory.
From the Field Service Manager responsibility, navigate to the Define Delivery Time window. Field Service Dispatcher > Spares Management > Setup > Delivery Time
From the Define Delivery Time window, execute a query for the organization you want to update. You can do this either by using the Find All menu option, or if you know the organization you want to update, you can Query By Example. The window displays the shipping methods and freight codes that have been defined in Oracle Inventory for each inventory organization.
Enter a value in the Lead Time field for the number of time units this freight carrier commits to make a delivery. Example For example, for an overnight delivery, enter a 1 in this field and then choose Day in the UOM field.
In the UOM field, enter the unit of time that corresponds to the previous field, Lead Time. Enter the carrier's expected delivery time in the Delivery Time field. This value is expressed in military time. For example, if you enter a 1, the user interface shows 01:00, or one o'clock in the morning.
Enter any time value between 0100 and 2400 in the Cutoff Time field. The Cutoff Time is the time for which the order must be entered to achieve the lead time and delivery time. For example, if the order is entered by 16:00 hours, then the part can be delivered by the next day (Lead Time = 1) by 10:30 (delivery time). Otherwise, if the order is entered after 16:00 hours, then the cutoff is missed for that method of shipment and the part would be delivered in two days where the lead time is set to 1.
The Time Zone field will default to the time zone associated with the organization that you choose. Enter a number in the Comfort Zone in hours. The Comfort Zone (Hours) is the time you want to allow between the expected delivery time of the part and the schedule of the field technician when the receipt of a part is required.
gaps or situations where the projected on-hand balance is potentially putting service at risk. Reschedule Out defines schedule segments where parts are on-order and are due to arrive well before they are needed, causing the projected on-hand balance to track too high, based on the Reschedule Out business rule. The current order may need to be repositioned later in the schedule to avoid an inventory that is higher than needed. An exception condition exists when the projected balance is out of the range defined by the reschedule rules. Follow this procedure to set up Reschedule Rules:
From the Field Service Manager responsibility, navigate to the Reschedule Rules tab of the Business Rules window. Field Service Setup > Spares Management > Spares Management Rules > Setup > Business Rules The Business Rules window opens to the Forecast Rules tab.
3. 4.
Enter the Reschedule Rule name, and optionally, a Description. In the Reschedule In region, select the On Hand Balance type for the Reschedule In Rule to monitor. The Current Balance projects the on-hand balance period by period using Requirements, Current On-hand and Current On-order. The Planned Balance
includes Planned Orders and Repairable Returns. Normally, the rescheduling would be based on the Current Balance.
Enter the Start Day and End Day to define period applicable for the Reschedule In Rule to monitor. Select the On Hand Balance exception condition for Reschedule In. Enter the Number of Periods. This specifies the number of occurrences that the Projected On Hand Balance falls below the On Hand Balance Less Than condition (within the range of days defined by the Start Day and the End Day) to qualify for Reschedule In. Example For example, The On Hand Balance Less Than condition is "Less than Safety Stock", the Start Day is 1, the End Day is 30, and the Number of Periods value is set to 2. If the On Hand Balance falls below the Safety Stock on two or more occasions during the next thirty days, then the Reschedule In rule creates an exception message.
6. 7.
In the Reschedule Out region, select the On Hand Balance type for the Reschedule Out Rule to monitor. Enter the Start Day and End Day to define the range of days for the Reschedule Out Rule to monitor.
10. Select the On Hand Balance value for the Reschedule Out exception condition.
The On-hand Balance Value defines the value that the projected balance must exceed to qualify as a Reschedule-Out.
11. Enter the EDQ Multiple used to define the reschedule order.
The EDQ Multiple along with the Reorder Point or ROP is used to define the Upper Limit. The Upper Limit is equal to the ROP plus the EDQ Multiple times the EDQ.
12. Enter the Number of Periods. This specifies the number of occurrences of the On
Hand Balance being above the On Hand Balance value (within the range of days defined by the Start Day and the End Day) to qualify for Reschedule Out. Example For example, the On Hand Balance value is 1000, the Start Day is 15, the End Day is 45, and the Number of Periods value is set to 3. If the On Hand Balance exceeds the Upper Limit by $1000 on three or more occasions during the thirty-day period that starts 15 days from now, then the Reschedule Out rule creates an exception message.
13. Save your work.
Set up the warehouse being planned as an inventory organization. Set up the excess warehouses as inventory organizations. Set up the defective warehouses as inventory organizations.
Setup Forecast Rules and assign to the warehouse being planned. See Setting Up a Forecast Rule, page 6-3 Selecting a Forecast Rule, page 6-6
Define Excess and Defective Warehouses and assign to the warehouse being planned. See Define and Assign Excess and Defective Warehouses, page 6-23. Setup Reschedule Rules, page 6-19 and assign to the warehouse. Define Repair Suppliers and Assign to the warehouse. See Defining and Assigning Internal Repair Suppliers, page 6-29. Setup Other Warehouse Planning Parameters for the warehouse. See Setting Up Other Warehouse Planning Parameters, page 6-32. Setup Lead Times, page 6-34 for excess repair and new-buy Setup External Repair Execution, page 6-38, if required.
3. 4.
6. 7.
Defining Excess Warehouses and Assign to the Warehouse Being Planned in WRP
When planning the field warehouse there may be other warehouses whose excess needs to be incorporated into the planning of the that warehouse. The specific excess warehouses are defined using Sourcing Rules and linked to the warehouse being planned in WRP in Assignment Sets. Excess, for the purpose of planning at the primary warehouse, is defined as available inventory in excess of the Maximum level. This section covers creating the Sourcing Rule and Assignment Set and linking the Assignment Set to the warehouse being planned in WRP. To set up excess warehouses for usable excess parts:
Set up the warehouse being planned as an inventory organization. Set up the excess warehouses as inventory organizations.
From the Field Service Manager responsibility, navigate to the Sourcing Rules window. Purchasing > Supply Base > Sourcing Rules. The Sourcing Rules window appears.
Note: The Sourcing Rule would be created for the organization
On the Sourcing Rule window, define a Sourcing Rule name for specific warehouses where excess inventory can be utilized for the replenishment of the warehouse being planned. List the usable excess parts warehouse inventory organizations to Transfer From in the Shipping Organization region. See Defining Sourcing Rules, in the Oracle Purchasing User's Guide
Create an Assignment Set, and assign the Sourcing Rule to the primary warehouse being planned. Navigate to the Sourcing Rule / Bill of Distribution Assignments window. Purchasing > Supply Base > Assign Sourcing Rules. The Sourcing Rule / Bill of Distribution Assignments window appears.
The Assignment Set is the link between the Sourcing Rule that defines the excess warehouses and the warehouse being planned.
Enter the Sourcing Rule name in the Assignment Set field of the Sourcing Rule / Bill of Distribution Assignments window, and then in the Assignments region, tie the Sourcing rule to organizations or items. See Assigning Sourcing Rules and Bills of Distribution, Oracle Purchasing User's Guide.
From the Field Service Manager Responsibility, navigate to the Planner's desktop. Field Service Dispatcher > Spares Management > Planner's Desktop. The Planner's Desktop opens to display the Planning Parameters tab, and Planning Parameters sub tab.
8. 9.
In the Navigator window, expand Spares Management > Warehouses. In the Planner's Desktop, select the warehouse being planned in WRP in the Planning Tree.
10. Click the Warehouse Parameters sub tab within the Planning Parameters tab of the
11. Enter the Assignment Set for the excess warehouses in the Assignment Usable field
of the Warehouse Parameters tab. In WRP this enables the excess warehouses defined in the Sourcing Rule to be incorporated into the warehouse planning. In the Notifications tab of the Planner's Desktop this also enables excess inventories from the excess warehouses defined in the Sourcing Rule to be visible in the warehouse replenishment Notification.
To set up warehouses for defective parts and assign them to the warehouse being planned:
Set up the warehouse being planned as an inventory organization.
From the Field Service Manager responsibility, navigate to the Sourcing Rules window. Purchasing > Supply Base > Sourcing Rules. The Sourcing Rule window appears.
Note: The Sourcing Rule would be created for the organization
On the Sourcing Rule window, define a Sourcing Rule name for specific warehouses where defective inventory should be utilized for the replenishment of the warehouse being planned. List the defective parts warehouse inventory organizations to Transfer From in the Shipping Organization region. See Defining Sourcing Rules, Oracle Purchasing User's Guide
Create an Assignment Set, and assign the Sourcing Rule to the primary warehouse being planned. Navigate to the Sourcing Rule / Bill of Distribution Assignments window.
Purchasing > Supply Base > Assign Sourcing Rules. The Sourcing Rule / Bill of Distribution Assignments window appears.
The Assignment Set is the link between the Sourcing Rule that defines the defective warehouses and the warehouse being planned.
Enter the Sourcing Rule name in the Assignment Set field of the Sourcing Rule / Bill of Distribution Assignments window, and then in the Assignments region, tie the Sourcing rule to organizations or items. See Assigning Sourcing Rules and Bills of Distribution, Oracle Purchasing User's Guide.
From the Field Service Manager Responsibility, navigate to the Planner's desktop. Field Service Dispatcher > Spares Management > Planner's Desktop. The Planner's Desktop opens to display the Planning Parameters tab, and Planning Parameters sub tab.
8. 9.
In the Navigator window, expand Spares Management > Warehouses. In the Planner's Desktop, select the warehouse being planned in the Planning Tree.
10. Click the Warehouse Parameters sub tab within the Planning Parameters tab of the
11. Enter the Assignment Set for the defective warehouses in the Assignment Defective
field of the Warehouse Parameters tab. In WRP this enables the defective warehouses defined in the Sourcing Rule to be incorporated into the warehouse planning. In the Notifications tab of the Planner's Desktop this also enables excess inventories from the defective warehouses defined in the Sourcing Rule to be visible in the warehouse replenishment Notification.
Set up the warehouse being planned as an inventory organization. Set up the internal repair supplier as an inventory organization.
Create a Sourcing Rule for specific warehouses where internal depot repair suppliers should be utilized for the repair and replenishment for the warehouse being planned. Navigate to the Sourcing rule window. Purchasing > Supply Base > Sourcing rules The Sourcing Rule window appears.
Note: The Sourcing Rule would be created for the organization
Enter the depot repair inventory organization to Transfer From in the Shipping Organization region. See Defining Sourcing Rules, in the Oracle Purchasing User's Guide
Create an Assignment Set and assign the Sourcing Rule to the primary warehouse being planned, or assign the Sourcing Rule to specific items that should be sourced to the internal depot. Navigate to the Souring Rule / Bill of Distribution Assignments window. Purchasing > Supply Base > Assign Sourcing Rules
The Assignment Set is the link between the Sourcing Rule that defines the internal repair suppliers and the warehouse being planned.
Note: The same Assignment Set could also be used for other
See Assigning Sourcing Rules and Bills of Distribution, Oracle Purchasing User's Guide.
From the Field Service Manager Responsibility, navigate to the Planner's desktop. Field Service Dispatcher > Spares Management > Planner's Desktop. The Planner's Desktop opens to display the Planning Parameters tab, and Planning Parameters sub tab.
7. 8. 9.
In the Navigator window, expand Spares Management > Warehouses. In the Planner's Desktop, select the warehouse being planned in the Planning Tree. Click the Warehouse Parameters sub tab within the Planning Parameters tab of the Planning window. The Warehouse Parameters sub tab opens.
10. Enter the Assignment Set for the repair sourcing in the Depot Repair Suppliers field
In WRP this enables the Repair Suppliers defined in the Sourcing Rule to be incorporated into the warehouse planning. In the Notifications tab of the Planner's Desktop this also enables execution automation for internal repair suppliers.
Navigate to the Planner's Desktop. Field Service Dispatcher > Spares Management > Planner's Desktop The Planner's Desktop user interface opens.
From the Planning Tree, select the warehouse organization. The adjacent Planning Parameters and Warehouse Parameters windows provide details of the planning tree node (warehouse) that you selected.
Open the Warehouse Parameters sub tab. The Warehouse Parameters tab displays fields for the EDQ Multiple, Minimum Value (for excess on order), Service Level by Supply Type, and EDQ Factor by Supply Type. EDQ Multiple - This value is used to define the Excess Limit in the Excess On-order Recommendation in WRP. The Excess On-Order Limit is equal to the Reorder Point (ROP) plus the EDQ Multiple times the EDQ To change economic delivery quantity multiple, enter a different number in the EDQ Multiple field of Planning Parameters region.
To change EDQ Multiple, enter a different number in the EDQ Multiple field of Planning Parameters region. Minimum Value - Excess on-order recommendations are created when on-hand plus on-order quantities exceed the excess on-order limit, and the value of the excess on-order is in excess of the Minimum Value which is expressed in currency value. To change Minimum Value, enter a different number in the Minimum Value field of Planning Parameters region. Service Level by Supply Type - Enter as a percentage, this number is used along with the Economic Delivery Quantity, or EDQ to calculate the safety stock quantity. The service level, expresses as a percent, defines on a planned basis the desired percent of demand filled when needed. To change Service Level, enter a different number in the Service Level field of Planning Parameters region for the Supply Type. Economic Delivery Quantity (EDQ) Factor by Supply Type - This factor is used in calculating the Economic Delivery Quantity. The EDQ Factor combines both ordering costs and carrying costs in the EDQ calculation to determine delivery quantity. EDQ varies directly with EDQ Factor. In other words, increasing the EDQ Factor produces a larger calculated Economic Delivery Quantity and vice versa. To change any of these values, enter a different number in the appropriate field in the Warehouse Planning Parameters tab for the Supply Type.
Select a technician (sub-inventory) or warehouse (organization) from the Planning Tree and click on the Planning Method tab. Field Service Setup > Spares Management > Planner's Desktop > Planning Method tab
Select a Planning Method Personal Usage. For a technician, this is the activity history based on the Forecast Rule for the sub-inventory assigned to the technician. For a warehouse, this is the activity history based on the Forecast Rule rolled up from the technicians sourced to the warehouse and the activity at the warehouse. The activity history and Forecast Rule will be used to create a forecast that is used to create the Min-Max levels. Territory Norm. Used for a new or transferred technician. The activity forecast is based on a consolidation of the activity for all technicians tiering into a node in the Tree. Territory Norm is not used to plan warehouses. Product Norm. Based on product populations and failure rates defined in the Failure Rates tab. Product Norm is used for new product introductions or to plan for a product population change. Personal Usage and Product Norm. A combination method with weighting factors to determine the blend from each method. Personal Usage and Territory Norm. A combination method with weighting factors to determine the blend from each method.
Select the Planning Parameters tab and enter Service Level, EDQ Factor, Forecast Rule and Recommendations Rule. See Setting Up Other Warehouse Planning Parameters, page 632 for an understanding of Service Level and EDQ. See Defining Forecast Rules, page 6-3 for a better understanding of forecasting.
Navigate to the Shipping Networks window. Inventory > Setup > Organizations > Shipping Networks The Shipping Network is defined by the organization representing the Excess Warehouse as the 'Ship From' and the organization representing the warehouse being planned as the 'Ship To'.
2. 3.
Select a row for an Organization from-to combination. Navigate to the Inter-Org Shipping Networks window. (M) Tools > Shipping Method
default. WRP uses the lead time from the default Shipping Method to define the lead time for Excess planning.
Leg 1: In-transit time for defective parts from the defective warehouse to receipt at the depot repair supplier defective subinventory. Leg 3: In-transit time for repaired parts from the depot repair supplier usable subinventory to receipt at the Field Service warehouse. Leg 1 and Leg 3 lead times are defined in the 'Intransit time' column for the Shipment Method row on the Inter-Org Shipping Network window. Inventory > Setup > Organizations > Shipping Networks > (M) Tools > Shipping Method This process is identical to setting the Excess Lead Time as documented previously.
Note: Make sure one of the Shipping Methods is designated as the
default. WRP uses the lead time from the default Shipping Method
Leg 2: The period of time from the receipt of defective parts into the depot repair supplier defective subinventory to the time of shipment from the depot repair supplier usable subinventory. Leg 2 lead times are defined for the Item and
Organization in the 'Repair Lead-time' field within the Repair region of the MPS/MRP Planning tab of the Inventory Organization Item window. The Organization is the Repair Supplier organization. Inventory > Items > Organization Items > (T) MPS/MRP Planning
To set up suppliers in purchasing, see the Supply Base Management chapter in the Oracle Purchasing User's Guide.
Create a Sourcing Rule for organizations where external repair suppliers should be utilized for the replenishment of the warehouse being planned. From the Field Service Manager responsibility, navigate to the Sourcing Rules window for the organization used for the warehouse being planned by WRP. Purchasing > Supply Base > Sourcing Rules.
See Defining Sourcing Rules, Oracle Purchasing User's Guide. See also: Defining and Assigning Internal Repair Suppliers, page 6-29.
Defective Warehouses
When planning the field service warehouse there may be other warehouses whose defective inventory needs to be incorporated into the planning of that warehouse. The specific defective warehouses are defined using Sourcing Rules and linked to the warehouse in Assignment Sets. Defective inventory for the purpose of planning at the primary warehouse is defined as all available inventory. See Define and Assign Excess and Defective Warehouses, page 6-23.
See Defining Inter-Organization Shipping Networks, Oracle Inventory User's Guide. Shipping Methods ERE requires that a Shipping Method is defined for the Defective Warehouse to the Repair Supplier. When more than one Method is defined, ERE will use the default to determine the in-transit time to the repair supplier from the defective warehouse. Another Shipping Method is required between the repair supplier and the field service warehouse being replenished. When more than one Method is defined ERE will use the default to determine the in-transit time to the repair supplier from the defective warehouse. Inventory > Setup > Organizations > Shipping Networks > (M) Tools > Shipping Method
Repair Parameters
Repair parameters for a particular item appear on the MPS/MRP Planning tab of the Inventory Organization Item form. The parameters define the repair program name, the repair yield percentage, the repair lead time in days, and indicate whether an inventory of defective parts is pre-positioned at the repair supplier to reduce in-transit time. See Setting Up Repair Parameters, page 6-41.
The values set in the CSP: Repair Supplier Organization's Defective Subinventory profile option and the CSP: Repair Supplier Organization's Usable Subinventory profile option define the names used for those subinventories. See Setting Profile Options for External Repair Execution, page 6-44. See also, Overview of Profile Options, page A-1.
Set up the Inventory Item record for the repair part.
From the Field Service Responsibility, navigate to the Inventory Organization Item window. Inventory > Items > Organization Items. The Organizations window appears.
On the Organizations window, select the repair supplier organization. Click OK. The Find Organization Items <Org> window appears.
Enter the item in the Find Organization Items window. The Inventory Item <Org> window appears.
Open the MPS/MRP Planning tab. Open the MPS/MRP Planning tab, and scroll down to the Repair Region.
In the Repair region: Select the Repair Program from the list of values. The Repair Program will appear on the Repair Purchase Requisition. The Repair Program will determine the process used to execute the repair activity. Example For example: Repair and Return, Exchange or Advance Exchange. Specify the Repair Yield. This is the average percentage of defectives sent to the Repair Supplier that are repairable. Specify the Repair Lead Time, in days. This lead time represents the internal processing time at the repair supplier. This lead time, along with the in-transit time into the repair supplier and the in-transit time out from the repair supplier determines the total repair lead time. Repair lead time is used to determine the release date for the planned repair order. Optionally, select the Pre position Point check box to indicate whether the defective parts should be pre-positioned in inventory at the repair supplier.
To setup site profiles, from the System Administrator responsibility, navigate: Others > Profile System Values The Find System Profile Values window opens.
In the Profile field enter CSP:%. Click Find. The CSP: profile options appear in alphabetical order.
Scroll to the CSR: Repair Supplier Organization's Defective Subinventory profile option. In the Site column, enter the name for the Defective subinventory at the repair supplier organization.
At the CSR: Repair Supplier Organization's Usable Subinventory profile option, in the Site column, enter the name for the Usable subinventory. Save your work.
Advanced Scheduler Implementation Tasks
This chapter documents tasks for implementing Oracle Advanced Scheduler. This chapter covers the following topics: Oracle Advanced Scheduler Implementation Task Sequence Confirming Implementation of Field Service Confirming Setup of Spares Management Confirming Setup and Loading Spatial Data
Note: All Oracle Applications required for Field Service are also
Ensure that the following implementation steps have been reviewed and completed as necessary: Confirming set up of Territories Confirming set up of Calendar Setting Up Field Service Generate Field Service Trips Assigning Resources to Subinventories
Set the following Field Service profile options to determine default values for your scheduling scenarios.
Field Service Profile Options for Oracle Advanced Scheduler Profile Option Name CSF: Default Spares Availability Description Default likelihood value of spare parts availability used for automatic scheduling. The possible values are "All Parts" and "No Parts." Used as the default travel time between two tasks when Default Time Distance Server is being used or when one or both of the addresses is invalid or could not be resolved against the spatial data set being used through the Location Finder.
Spares Management calculates which are used the most. Then the parts used most are mapped to a high likelihood percentage to resolve the task. For automatic scheduling, an availability condition is defined at setup in the profile option, "CSF: Default Spares Availability." The possible values are "All Parts" or "No Parts." The default value is "All Parts." For more information, see the Setting Up Spares Management section of the Oracle Field Service Implementation Guide.
Setting Up Oracle Advanced Scheduler
This chapter documents procedures for setting up the Oracle Advanced Scheduler application. For the current release, Oracle Advanced Scheduler implementation documentation is contained in this Oracle Field Service Implementation Guide. This chapter covers the following topics: Setting Up Oracle Advanced Scheduler Activating Oracle Advanced Scheduler Setting Up Scheduling Parameters Setting Up Cost Parameters Setting Up Window to Promise Setting Up Tasks Longer than One Shift Setup for Access Hours and After Hours Constraints Defining Task Access Hours or After Hours Constraints for a Specific Task Setting Up Access Hours or After Hours for a Customer, Site, or Location Marking a Task to Indicate Customer Confirmation Requirement Setting Up the Time Distance Server Using Default Values for Travel Time and Distance Calculation Geo-Coding Calculating a Route with Time Boundaries and Average Speed Calculating Travel Time and Distance Setting Up the Autonomous Scheduler Defining Task Queries for Autonomous Scheduler and Auto Commit Process Launching the Autonomous Scheduler Defining an Executable
Implementation Tasks for Advanced Scheduler Confirming Implementation of Field Service, page 7-1 Confirming Setup of Spares Management, page 7-2 Confirming Setup and Loading of Spatial Data, page 7-3
Activating Oracle Advanced Scheduler, page 8-2. Set the profile option to enable Oracle Advanced Scheduler functionality.
Setting Up Scheduling Parameters, page 8-3 Use the Oracle Advanced Scheduler Parameter Settings setup window to define business rules for planning.
Setting Up the Time Distance Server (TDS), page 8-15 The Time Distance Server provides three methods to calculate travel time and distance to task locations.
Activating Autonomous Scheduling, page 8-23 Start the Autonomous Scheduler concurrent program to activate automatic scheduling.
To setup site profiles, from the System Administrator responsibility, navigate: Others > Profile System Values The Find System Profile Values window opens.
In the Profile field enter CSF%. Click Find. CSF profile options appear in alphabetical order.
Scroll to the CSF: Scheduler Active profile option. Select 'Yes' from the list of values.. Save your work.
Advanced Scheduler offers the capability to provide a schedule based upon constraints and costs. Information regarding these constraints and costs must be set up to enable the cost optimization mechanism. You assign values to cost parameters to indicate your business needs and priorities. Cost values act as weights (penalty points) in the Advanced Scheduler total cost analysis. On the Cost tab, assign lower cost values to parameters with low priority and higher cost values to parameters with higher priorities. All cost parameters having assigned values are taken into account when creating task schedules. Advanced Scheduler calculates the cost of adding a task to the day trip of a service technician at different positions in the trip, and compares the options. The option with the lowest total of relevant costs is presented to the planner. This process is repeated for each qualified service technician. The schedulable options, up to the limit set by the profile CSR: Maximum number of plan options, with relevant costs are then presented to the planner. When using the Auto-schedule feature or batch scheduling by running the Autonomous Scheduler, the option with the lowest cost is used to schedule the task. For a list and description of Schedule Cost Options, see Costing Schedule Options, Advanced Scheduler User's Guide. Perform the following steps to set up cost parameters:
From the Field Service Administrator Responsibility, navigate to Scheduler Setup, or from the Field Service Manager Responsibility, navigate: Field Service Setup > Scheduler Setup. The Parameter Settings window appears.
Select the Costs tab. A table lists seeded cost parameters under the Description heading, along with a corresponding Value column.
Enter a value for each of the cost parameters you want Advanced Scheduler to consider when scheduling. Assign a higher number (or weight) to those parameters you deem most important, and a smaller number to those parameters that are least important. Save your work.
Note: For information related to the Parameter Settings Costs tab, see
The Window to Promise scheduling option is designed to fulfill two objectives: Satisfy time slot needs of the service supply side (your field service operation). Satisfy time slot requests from the service demand side (your customers).
Tip: When setting up the available Window-to-Promise time slots,
create slots that vary both in length of the time slot, and the time of day it occurs, so that you have flexibility to schedule in a way that works efficiently for both the customer and your field service operation.
The Window-to-Promise settings define the time bounds by Start Time and End Time, based on a 24-hour work cycle. Setup involves carefully balancing scheduling flexibility versus customer service. Wider time-slots provide greater flexibility in scheduling, whereas smaller time-slots provide greater customer satisfaction. The Start window is useful for promising customers that technicians will be at their sites and start working within the agreed time slot (Start Time and End Time). The following table lists the seeded set of Window-to-Promise time slots:
WTP Time Slots Example Name Whole Day Morning Start time 08:00 08:00 End Time 17:00 12:00 Description Entire working day Four-hour morning slot Four-hour afternoon slot
Navigate to Scheduler Setup. Field Service Setup > Scheduler Setup The Parameter Settings window opens.
2. 3. 4.
Select the Window To Promise tab. In the Name column, enter a name for the time slot. Enter the Start Time for the time slot. This time must be entered using a 24-hour clock (military time). For example, 1 p.m. should be expressed as 13:00. Enter the End Time for the time slot. Enter a Description. Repeat steps 3-6 for each time slot you want to create. Save your work. Click OK to return to the main menu.
5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
with available contiguous time slots, having the necessary skills, and possessing the required spares, and schedules all child tasks pertaining to the one parent, to this technician. To set up Advanced Scheduler for tasks longer than one shift, use this procedure to set the appropriate profile options.
Navigating to Site Profile and Personal Profile Options
To setup site profiles, from the System Administrator responsibility, navigate: Others > Profile System Values The Find System Profile Values window opens.
In the Profile field enter CSR%. Click Find. CSR profile options appear in alphabetical order.
To set up personal profiles, from the System Administrator responsibility, navigate: Others > Profiles The Personal Profile Values window appears.
Place the cursor in the Profile Name column. Press <F11>, or from the menu bar select View > Query By Example > Enter. Enter CSR%. Press and hold down <Ctrl> and press <F11>, or from the menu bar select View > Query By Example > Run. CSR profile options appear in alphabetical order.
You can set the following CSR profile options in any sequence. CSR: Qualified effort in minutes for determining task longer than a shift The value set here, in minutes, determines whether a given task has a duration that is longer than a shift or is processed as a regular task having a duration that is shorter than a shift. The default value is 480 (minutes). It is recommended to set this value equal to or greater than the standard shift duration. Any Field Service task with effort greater than this set value will be identified by Advanced Scheduler as a candidate to split into parent and child tasks.
Any task with effort less than this set profile value will not be considered to split into child tasks.
CSR: Minimum first task effort in minutes The value set here, in minutes, determines the minimum duration scheduled for the first child task of a parent task. The default value is 240 (minutes). This profile avoids selecting a first child task with a small or insignificant effort. It is recommended to set this value equal to or less than the standard shift duration. Any Field Service task identified by Advanced Scheduler as a candidate to split into parent and child tasks, will be split in such a way that the first child task option selected will have an effort equal to or greater than this profile value. Any plan option with effort less than this set profile value will not be considered for the first child task.
CSR: Maximum Overtime The value set here, in minutes, determines the maximum time a resource can be scheduled for working overtime. Beyond this amount of time, Advanced Scheduler will not add tasks to the respective resource's trip schedule. The default is 120 minutes.
CSR: Distribute last task effort You can set this profile option to avoid another day of travel when the last child task has a short duration. If this profile is set to 'Yes', and if the last child task effort is smaller than or equal to the value set in the CSR: Maximum Overtime profile, then the effort for the last child task is added to all the prior child tasks.. In effect, the technician works overtime instead of extending the work to the next day. The default value is 'Yes'. If the value is set as 'Yes', Scheduler attempts to distribute the effort of the last task among other child tasks, duly considering the overtime and other cost factors related to overtime hours.
For Example: - Standard Work Shift is 8 Hours with 1 hour of overtime allowed. - Task is of 26 hours or 1560 minutes This (Parent) task will be split by the scheduler into the following children tasks: - Child Task#1: 480 Minutes (8 Hours) - Child Task#2: 480 Minutes (8 Hours) - Child Task#3: 480 Minutes (8 Hours) - Child Task#4: 120 Minutes (2 Hours) As overtime is allowed for 1 hour, scheduler will try to eliminate Child Task#4 by distributing the effort of Child Task#4 (2 Hours) among Child Task#2 and Child Task#3. Scheduler offers the following option: - Child Task#1: 480 Mins (8 Hours) - Child Task#2: 540 Mins (8 Hours) - Child Task#3: 540 Mins (8 Hours) This option avoids one visit to customer site, including travel time and related costs, to perform the remaining task of 2 hours. It improves customer satisfaction and is beneficial to the service organization as well. While distributing the effort of last child task, scheduler considers all other costs derived from the cost factor setups.
CSR: Maximum number of plan options When there are many available technicians, and many available time slots, the permutations of feasible options can become very large. Set this profile to limit the options presented on the user interface. Lowest cost options always appear. The default value is 50.
When access hours are identified, Oracle Advanced Scheduler automatically considers this constraint when it is identifying options. Alternatively, you can indicate that a task needs to be scheduled 'After Hours'. The After Hours constraint is treated as 'Special Instructions for field visit' and is entered as free format text. When the After Hours requirement is invoked, the task must be scheduled interactively. Dispatchers can view and schedule After Hours tasks by making a query in the task list that identifies those tasks carrying the After Hours attribute.
Defining Task Access Hours or After Hours Constraints for a Specific Task
Use this procedure to create access hours and after hours for a particular task.
Navigate to the Access Hours window from the Dispatch Center by right-clicking the task number in the task list, and then selecting 'Access Hours' from the right-click menu option. The Access Hours window opens. Task details for the selected task appear. Boxes appear in rows representing each day of the week. There are four boxes in each row. This allows you to define up to two access hour time slots per day.
To create Access Hours, click the Active Access Hours check box.
This disables the After Hours check box. The two actions are mutually exclusive.
Fill in the access hours that are available for scheduling service tasks. For example, Monday 17:00-21:00. Hours must be entered in military time.
To define After Hours requirements, select the After Hours check box. This disables the Access Hours check box.
In the text box to the right of the check box, enter instructions regarding the after hours scheduling that you want the dispatcher to consider. Save your work.
Although you can change Access Hours, even if the task status is 'Planned' or 'Assigned', you cannot remove Access Hours once the task status changes to 'Working' or 'Completed'.
Use this procedure to set up access hours or after hours for a customer, site, location, or combination of these.
From the Field Service Manager responsibility, navigate to the Update Access Hours Setup page. Field Service Manager > Preventive Maintenance > Access Hours
Complete the Customer, Site, and Location fields in the header area to specify the where the constraint applies. You can set up access hours or after hours requirements for a customer, customer site, customer location, or customer site location.
Click the Access Hours radio button. Setting up access hours and after hours requirements for the same destination are mutually exclusive. In the Access Hours region, boxes appear in rows representing each day of the week. There are four boxes in each row. This allows you to define up to two access hour time slots per day.
Fill in the access hours that are available for scheduling service tasks. For example, Monday 17:00-21:00. Hours must be entered in military time.
Click the After Hours radio button. In the text box, enter instructions regarding the after hours scheduling that you want the dispatcher to consider. Save your work.
From the Dispatch Center, navigate to the Customer Confirmation window. Right-click a task in the task list, and then select Customer Confirmation from the right-click menu. The Customer Confirmation window opens. Details for the selected task appear.
In the Customer Confirmation region, click the Confirmation Required button. The confirmation requirement is recorded.
Close the Customer Confirmation window to return to the Dispatch Center. The field next to Customer Confirmation label is set to Required. The Set to Received button is enabled.
To record receipt of customer confirmation, the Dispatcher clicks the Set to Received button. The label on the button updates. The Dispatcher can now proceed with interactively committing the task to a technician.
Customer Site. Advanced Scheduler makes use of Time Distance Server component of Oracle Scheduler and also road network data to determine the distance. The Time Distance Server (TDS) is used to calculate travel time and distance in between two tasks. You can use the Time Distance Server to calculate the travel time and distance in the three ways documented in the following three procedures. Linear, point-to-point estimation of travel distance and time by predefined segmentation and average speeds. SeeUsing Default Values for Travel Time and Distance Calculation, page 8-18. Calculating a Route with Time Boundaries and Average Speed, page 8-20. Calculating the Actual Travel Time and Distance, page 8-22 from geo-spatial data.
Important: Profile Option CSR: TDS Mode allows users to choose
which router to be used during the scheduling operation. The profile can take five values. These values have important differences among the various modes of scheduling. Off Route Estimate Only Route Only Estimate
TDS Mode: Route Scheduling Mode or Operation Travel Calculations for Searching and Presenting Options Road Network Estimates Estimates Not Applicable Travel Calculations for Scheduling Task
Intelligent Window To Promise (WTP) Assisted Recalculate Trip, Optimize Trip, Auto-Assign and Autonomous.
TDS Mode: Only Route Scheduling Mode or Operation Travel Calculations for Searching and Presenting Options Road Network Road Network Estimates Not Applicable Travel Calculations for Scheduling Task
Intelligent Window To Promise (WTP) Assisted Recalculate Trip, Optimize Trip, Auto-Assign and Autonomous.
TDS Mode: Estimate Scheduling Mode or Operation Travel Calculations for Searching and Presenting Options Estimates Estimates Estimates Not Applicable Travel Calculations for Scheduling Task
Intelligent Window To Promise (WTP) Assisted Recalculate Trip, Optimize Trip, Auto-Assign and Autonomous.
TDS Mode: Only Estimate Scheduling Mode or Operation Travel Calculations for Searching and Presenting Options Estimates Travel Calculations for Scheduling Task
Travel Calculations for Searching and Presenting Options Estimates Estimates Not Applicable
Window To Promise (WTP) Assisted Recalculate Trip, Optimize Trip, Auto-Assign and Autonomous.
TDS Mode: Off Scheduling Mode or Operation Travel Calculations for Searching and Presenting Options Default Values Default Values Default Values Not Applicable Travel Calculations for Scheduling Task
Intelligent Window To Promise (WTP) Assisted Recalculate Trip, Optimize Trip, Auto-Assign and Autonomous.
For details see Navigating to Site Profile and Personal Profile Options, page 8-8. CSR profile options appear.
Set the following profile option: CSR: TDS Mode The profile enables Route Calculation alternatives. Values include: Route, Estimate, Only Rout, Only Estimate, or Off. Choose Off to calculate the travel time and distance by setting default values for both.
You can set the following options in any sequence. CSF: Default travel distance for Time Distance Server The value you set here is used as the default travel distance between two tasks. CSF: Default travel duration for Time Distance Server The value you set here is used as the default travel time duration between two task addresses when: The default travel distance applies, in the case of profile value of CSR: TDS Mode set to 'Off'or One or both of the task addresses can not be resolved through the location finder.
Addresses and Geo-Coding
Advanced Scheduler's Location Finder component geo-codes addresses by finding the Longitude and Latitudes, and associating road segment details so they can be used for Route Calculations. To geo-code addresses, Advanced Scheduler needs spatial data of the particular region to be available.
Configuring Geo-Coding
Advanced Scheduler can be configured to not geo-code addresses and locations associated with tasks and technician's addresses, by setting the corresponding profile options: CSF: Location Finder Installed
This profile tells whether the particular implementation of Advanced Scheduler has Location Finder component also installed. This is a Site Level profile and is generally turned on only when Spatial Data is available. CSR: Create location If Location Finder is installed, then this profile can be used to turn Geo-coding on and off as and when required. Set this profile to 'Yes' in order to call upon the location finder to create a geo-code if one does not exist for a task location or technician's address, while scheduling the field service task.
Note: When using Oracle Advanced Scheduler to schedule a task using
Linear Estimation or Street Level Routing, an address or location of the task, as well as the technician's address should ideally have a geo-code. Depending on the settings of profiles related to the Location Finder and Geo-coding, if the address is not previously geo-coded, Advanced Scheduler will attempt to geo-code the address of a task or technician. If the attempt for geo-coding of any address fails due to invalid spatial data, Advanced Scheduler will mark the address as invalid. If the profile 'CSR: Use Fixed values for Invalid addresses' is set to Yes, and profiles for default values are set, then Advanced Scheduler will use these values in the absence of valid geo-codes.
You determine the linear, point-to-point distance a service technician would travel to a customer. You divide this distance into a maximum of three sections, and then define section boundaries by setting profile options. Next, you set other profile options to define an average speed for each section. Example For example: The average speed in the first section is the lowest, such as surface street travel in a
city. The average speed in the second segment is a little faster, representing travel on arterial roads. The third segment average speed is the fastest, to model restricted access highway travel.
4. 5.
TDS estimates the linear distance between two tasks. For each section, TDS multiplies the distance by the average speed to calculate total travel time.
To set up TDS for estimation of travel time and distance, use the following procedure to set the appropriate profile options.
Install spatial data for Longitude and latitude information
From the Administrator responsibility, navigate to the CSR profile options: For details see Navigating to Site Profile and Personal Profile Options, page 8-8. CSR profile options appear.
You can set these options in any sequence. CSR: Create location Set this profile to 'Yes' in order to call upon the location finder to create a geocode if one does not exist for a task location.
Note: A task must have a geo-code when using Oracle
CSR: TDS Mode Enter either 'Estimate' or 'Only Estimate' to enable the Location TDS to apply the estimate method to calculate travel time by using the profile option settings for segment or section boundaries and average speeds
CSR: First boundary for Location TDS Enter the first distance (in kilometers) for which the value you set in CSR: First average speed for Location TDS applies.
CSR: First average speed for Location TDS The value you set for average speed (in kilometers per hour) applies to the first boundary distance you define in the CSR: First boundary for Location TDS
profile option. CSR: Second boundary for Location TDS Specify the distance from the first boundary to the second boundary (km). CSR: Second average speed for Location TDS The value you set here for average speed (km/h) applies to the second boundary distance you set in the CSR: Second boundary for Location TDS profile option. CSR: Third average speed for Location TDS The value you set for average speed (km/h) applies to remainder of the travel distance from the second boundary to the destination.
3. 4.
Save your work. Query the CSF Profiles. For details see Navigating to Site Profile and Personal Profile Options, page 8-8. A list of CSF profile options appears.
5. 6.
Scroll to the CSF: Location Finder Installed profile option. To launch the Location Finder when a location for a task is missing, set the option to 'Y' (Yes). Save your work.
Install geo-spatial data.
For details see Navigating to Site Profile and Personal Profile Options, page 8-8. CSR profile options appear.
CSR: TDS Mode Choose the 'Route' value to set the default search as the road network.
If the concurrent program does not execute, perform the following procedures: Defining an Executable, page 8-27 Setting Up the Autonomous Scheduler Concurrent Program, page 8-28 Generating Field Service Trips, page 5-15 concurrent program
Defining Task Queries for Autonomous Scheduler and Auto Commit Process
To enable the Autonomous Scheduler feature, you first must decide which tasks you want to be picked up for automatic scheduling. Then you create a query to select such tasks. Some queries have already been seeded for this purpose. The following table describes seeded queries along with their values:
Queries and Values for Auto Scheduling Query Name All Open Description List all tasks that have Task Status: schedulable, and Task Type: schedulable, and no assignments. SQL of Seeded Query Definitions nvl(status_scheduleable_flag,'N') = 'Y' and nvl(type_scheduleable_flag,'N') = 'Y' and not exists (select '' from csf_ct_task_assignments where task_id = csf_ct_tasks.task_id) exists ( select '' from jtf_task_statuses_b where task_status_id = csf_ct_tasks.task_status_id and nvl(assigned_flag, 'N') = 'Y') task_status_id = 27
List all tasks that have the Assigned Flag set to 'YES'.
Auto Rejected
List all tasks that have a status ID = 27 (27 is the seeded value given for Auto Rejected Status by JTF.) List all tasks that have a status ID = 10025 (10025 is the seeded value given for Auto Scheduling Status by JTF.) List all tasks that have the Closed flag set to 'YES'.
Auto Scheduling
task_status_id = 10025
exists ( select '' from jtf_task_statuses_b where task_status_id = csf_ct_tasks.task_status_id and nvl(closed_flag, 'N') = 'Y') task_id in (select object_id from csf_esc_tasks_v where nvl(closed_flag, 'N') = 'N')
List all tasks that are stored in the Escalated View (csf_esc_tasks_v) and have the Closed flag set to 'NO'. List all tasks that have a creation date > Trunc (Sysdate) (Meaning all the tasks that are created today, and have a scheduled start date as NULL.
creation_date > trunc(sysdate) and scheduled_start_date is null and nvl(status_schedulable_flag,'N') = 'Y' and nvl(type_schedulable_flag,'N') = 'Y'
Description List all tasks that have Validated Flag set to 'NO' for a view (csf_validate_tasks_v)
SQL of Seeded Query Definitions ((TASK_ID IN (SELECT TASK_ID FROM CSF_VALIDATE_TASKS_V WHERE NVL (VALIDATED_FLAG , 'N') = 'N' ))) where owner_id = csf_tasks_pub.resource_id and owner_type_code = csf_tasks_pub.resource_type
My Inbox
List all tasks that have Owner Type equal to Resource Type and Owner equal to Resource ID.
Use the following procedure to create a custom query for the tasks you want to schedule automatically.
The tasks must carry a "scheduleable" status and type.
Creating a Query
Navigate to the Dispatch Center. Field Service Dispatcher > Dispatch Center The Field Service Dispatcher Center window opens.
Click the flashlight icon on the tool bar. The Find Tasks window opens.
Enter information to query the tasks you want to schedule automatically. You can create a query based on a combination of search criteria. Click Find. The Tasks list region of the Dispatch Center populates with tasks found.
To add your query to the Tasks region View By list of values, choose Save Query As from the Tools menu on the tool bar. (M) Tools > Save Query As The Save Query As window opens.
Enter a Name for the query. This is the name you want to appear in the Dispatch
Enter a Description for the query. This text entry is returned when setting the profile option. Click OK.
Navigate to the Edit Query window. (M) Tools > Edit Query The Edit Query window appears.
10. To cause a query to expire, set the Active End field to the date you want to end the
query. When the Active End date is reached, the query disappears from the Tasks region View By list of values.
11. To change the start date, use the Edit Query window to navigate to the Active Start
field, and then make the necessary change. The Active Start date default value is the date when you set up the Query. You can delay the beginning of a query by specifying a future date in the Active Start date field.
12. Save your work.
Navigate to the Autonomous Scheduler window. Field Service Setup > Autonomous Scheduler The Parameters window opens on top of the Autonomous Scheduler concurrent program window.
2. 3.
In the Parameters window, choose a query from the Task List Query list of values. Click OK to close the Parameters window and access the Autonomous Scheduler window. The Name field contains the name of the Autonomous Scheduler program. The Parameters field contains the name of the selected query.
To schedule the program to run at specific times, click Schedule in the At These Times block. The Schedule window opens.
Define how often you want to schedule tasks. You can schedule for specific periods by selecting either of the following radio buttons: Periodically Enter a Start date, and optionally, an End date. You can also specify how often to rerun the program and when to apply the interval. On Specific Days Choose specific days of the month or week to run the program. The Start date and end date fields can be edited.
6. 7.
Click OK to save the schedule and return to the Autonomous Scheduler window. Click Submit to run or schedule the job.
Defining an Executable
If Autonomous Scheduling does not run, perform the following steps to define an executable.
Note: This procedure is usually not required because the concurrent
From the System Administrator Responsibility, navigate: Concurrent > Program > Executable.
At the Concurrent Program Executable window, enter the following values into the fields:
Executable Concurrent Program Parameter Setup Field Executable Value CSR: Autonomous Scheduling
Value CSR_AUTO_SCHED Oracle Scheduler Free text entry field. For example, "Schedules tasks automatically that become scheduleable at defined time intervals." Java Concurrent Program SchedulerConcurrentProgram oracle.apps.csr.concurrent
Click Save.
Define an executable. See Defining an Executable, page 8-27.
From the Administrator responsibility, navigate Concurrent > Program > Define
From the Concurrent Programs window, enter the following values into the fields:
Concurrent Program Parameter Settings Field Program Short Name Application Description Value Autonomous Auto Schedule CSR_AUTO_SCHED Oracle Advanced Scheduler Free text entry field. For example: "Schedules tasks automatically that become scheduleable at defined time intervals." CSR_AUTO_SCHED Text
Make sure that in the Output region the Save check box is checked and the Print check box is not checked. Click Save.
Preventive Maintenance Setup Steps
This chapter covers the following topics: Preventative maintenance Setup Summary Preventive Maintenance Business Process Setting Up CMRO for Preventive Maintenance Implementation Task Sequence for Preventive Maintenance Create Users and Add Preventive Maintenance Responsibilities Create PM Request Type and Map to Responsibilities Create Resource Group of Preventive Maintenance Create Preventive Maintenance Territory and Assign Resources Create Task Template Groups and Task Templates Create Master Items Create Counter Groups and Counters Create Preventive Maintenance Programs Create Coverage Templates for PM Programs Set Up Service Program/Warranty for Service Contracts Add Service Program/Warranty Items to Price List
Customer's reactive service is effectively addressed in the Oracle Service suite of products. However, service centers also need systems that are equally effective in the proactive and reactive support scenarios. By leveraging Oracle Service and Contracts functionality, the Preventive Maintenance solution provides the capability to log service requests and allocate tasks to the appropriate resources with the right parts and schedule them in anticipation of the service need. The following topics are detailed in this chapter: Preventive Maintenance Business Process, page 9-2 Setting Up CMRO for Preventive Maintenance, page 9-4 Implementation Task Sequence for Preventive Maintenance, page 9-12 Create Users and Add Preventive Maintenance Responsibilities , page 9-13 Create PM Request Type and Map to Responsibilities, page 9-13 Create Task Status of 'Confirm', Create Resource Group of Preventive Maintenance, page 9-14 Create Preventive Maintenance Territory and Assign Resources, page 9-14 Create Task Template Groups and Task Templates, page 9-15 Create Master Items, page 9-15 Create Counter Groups and Counters, page 9-16 Create Preventive Maintenance Programs, page 9-17 Create Coverage Templates for PM Programs, page 9-31 Set Up Service Program/Warranty for Service Contracts, page 9-34 Add Service Program/Warranty Items to Price List, page 9-35
leased assets), by performing certain predefined "activities" at predefined intervals/times based on product's age, usage, current condition, environment it is installed at, wear and tear of the parts, past performance, and so on. Currently, Oracle's Preventive Maintenance module employs a scheduling method of coverage, which can be based on manufacturer recommendations, customer requirements, or market demand. These PM activities are independent of abnormal conditions, or quality of the product performance. They are scheduled and performed at intervals, which are generally based on products usage and age A comprehensive Preventive Maintenance process can be outlined as follows:
PM Planning
Service departments generally plan in advance the PM activities they need to perform and resources required to fulfill those activities. Planning is an important step of the preventive maintenance process and enables optimal operations and effective delivery.
PM Execution
This process step involves the generation of PM requests (as a result of product usage, customer request and other events) and fulfilling them. The execution process involves, scheduling, reserving/allocating resources, capturing customer confirmation, delivering PM activities and billing customer.
The following table provides some definitions of terms that used in this guide when referring to Preventive Maintenance:
Preventive Maintenance Definition Table Term/Acronym Preventive Maintenance Definition Preventive Maintenance (PM) refers to the Proactive Service of products by performing predefined activities at predefined intervals/times based on a product's age, usage, current condition, environment it is installed at, wear and tear of the parts, past performance, etc. The recommended grouping of predefined activities to maintain the product over its life span. A set of tasks performed on a product as part of proactive service at a predefined interval or time or on a specific date or during a predefined date range. The recommended date or date range the activities under a defined program as mutually agreed and contractually obligated to be performed. The smallest unit of work of a given activity.
Program schedule
of values for different available attributes. These attributes are optional and do not have functional usage in PM.
Route Management requires that a key flexfield for the definition of the System attribute be set up even though it is optional in Preventive Maintenance. If it's not set up, Route Management will not function properly. Use the following procedure to set up the key flexfield for the definition of the System attribute.
Application Developer
Flexfield > Key > Segments
From the Segments form, query the Flexfield title, using "AHL Route." This validates the existence of the Route Flexfield and returns a record.
Add segments to this flexfield by clicking the Segments button and entering records for the System Flexfield Segment. In order to create Value Sets to be used by the Flexfield Segments, click the Value Set button This opens the Value Sets form.
4. 5.
Define a Value Set Name. Choose List of Values in the List Type field.
6. 7. 8. 9.
Choose No Security in the Security Type field Choose Char as the Format Type. Choose Independent as the Validation Type. Update Flexfield Segments with the Value Sets you defined.
10. To create Values for the Value Sets, navigate to Flexfield > Key > Values. 11. Query the name of the Value Set that you defined in Step 4 and click Find. 12. In the Segment Values form, you can add values to the Value Set in the Values
Effective tab.
13. When you have added the appropriate values, save your work.
This process enables the Route Management functionality to work properly. For detailed explanation on setting up flexfields, see the Oracle Applications Flexfields Guide.
If you enable these workflows you must also set the following system profile options: AHL: Workflow Loop Counter AHL: Workflow Timeout Minutes
The Loop Counter profiles requires a numeric value and determines how many times a notification is resent if the user does not respond. The Timeout Minutes profile option requires a numeric value and determines how long the system should wait before it times out a workflow in case the progress is halted.
The following sections detail CMRO setups that are applicable to Preventive Maintenance: Set Up Default Approval Role, page 9-7 Set Up Object Oriented Approval Roles, page 9-8 Associate Approval Employees to Roles, page 9-8 Adjust Default Approval Rule in CMRO, page 9-9
In order to use the approval process in the Preventive Maintenance module, you must designate approvers within your organization, create approval roles and assign the roles to the appropriate approval employee. Employees designated as approvers must be set up in Oracle Human Resources and they must be associated with a particular application user, which you set up in Oracle Applications. For details on setting up employees, see the Oracle Human Resources Implementation Guide.
Note: I f you want to notify the approval user using email, you must set
Once you create approvers, you can optionally create approval roles. CMRO provides a seeded default approval rule that is used when no object-specific approval rule has been set up. The default rule has one approval hierarchy with a seeded role defined.
CRM Resource Manager
Setup > Role Types
1. 2.
From the Role Types form, query JTF_RS_ROLE_TYPE. Create a role type code for the default approval role.
3. 4.
Save your work. Navigate to Setup > Role and create a role with the code AHL_DEFAULT_APPROVER. The code must be exactly as state above or the default rule will not recognize the role.
5. 6.
Associate the default approval role type code to this role. Optionally, you can create additional roles if you have more than one level of approvers.
Note: For CMRO approval, only one user can be associated with a
1. 2. 3.
Navigate to Setup > Role Types From the Role Types form, query JTF_RS_ROLE_TYPE. Create a role type code for the general approval role. You can create multiple role type codes for grouping the roles together, but you must create at least one.
4. 5. 6. 7.
Save your work. Navigate to Setup > Role and create a role for each approver in your organization. Associate the appropriate approval role type code to each of the roles. Save your work.
Roles and employees must be set up.
CRM Resource Manager
Maintain Resources > Import Resources
1. 2. 3.
From the Selection Criterion form, select an approval employee. Click Search. In the results spreadtable, select the employee and click Create Resource. The Default Values form appears.
Choose the role you want to assign to the approver in the Role field from the list of values. Click OK. Click Save Resource. If you want to assign this approver to additional roles, click Details. In the Roles tab, add as many roles as you want to assign to this approver. Click Save.
5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Preventive Maintenance
Administration > Approvals
In the Search Approval Rules window, enter 'Default AHL Rule' in the Default Rule Name field and click Go. In the search results spreadtable, click the hypertext name 'Default AHL Rule.' This opens the Update Approval Rule window.
In the Approver Details section, add any roles or users in the sequence you want the objects to be approved. The first role is seeded and you can either change the hierarchy or delete this seeded role if necessary.
Click Apply.
Do not add any values to the Operating Unit attribute or the Priority attribute. These features are not supported by CMRO. Also, if you set the Status of the default rule to Obsolete you cannot return this rule to any other status.
Preventive Maintenance
Administration > Approvals
From the Search Approval Rules window, click Create. The Create Approval Rule window opens.
In the Approval Rule Info section, choose either Maintenance Request or Route Management in the Create Approval Rules For field. Choose Concept as the Approval Type. Select a Status of Active. Enter an Approval Rule Name. Click Apply. The Update Approval Rule window appears.
3. 4. 5. 6.
In the Approver Details section, add roles or users in the sequence you want the objects to be approved. Click Apply. To map the CMRO objects to the Approval workflow, navigate to the Workflow tab. The Workflow Process Mapping window is displayed.
8. 9.
10. In the Object field, choose the object you want to map. 11. In the Process Name field, choose the approval workflow that you want to map to
the object. The CMRO default workflow is called ASO Generic Approval Process.
12. Repeat steps 10-11 for each object-workflow mapping you want to create.
If you want to use the same approval workflow for all your CMRO objects, leave the Object field blank.
There is a functional setup of the forecast if you do not use the contracts for your maintenance schedule. Defining forecasts is detailed in the CMRO User's Guide. To validate the correct installation of the UMP, check whether or not the Unit Effectivity build routine has been installed. UMP requires no preventive maintenance specific setups in the Lookups. To calculate the Unit Maintenance Plan, you must run the Building Unit Effectivity concurrent program, which is pre-seeded and can be set up to run at intervals or on demand.
8. Create Counter Groups and Counters, page 9-16 9. Create Preventive Maintenance Programs, page 9-17 10. Create Coverage Templates for PM Programs, page 9-31 11. Set Up Service Program/Warranty for Service Contracts, page 9-34 12. Add Service Program/Warranty Items to Price List, page 9-35
For more information on setting up users and assigning responsibilities, see Setting Up the System Administrator, page 4-4.
You must have created a Request Type called "Preventive Maintenance."
Field Service Manager
Field Service Setup > Service Requests > Request Types
From the Request Types form, query for the Request Type of "Preventive Maintenance" in the Type field and select it. Click the Map Types button. The Mapping Service Request Types form opens.
3. 4. 5.
Select Preventive Maintenance in the Request Type field. In the Responsibility Field, choose Preventive Maintenance from the list of values. Create a second line and repeat steps 3-4 and choose Preventive Maintenance Reports from the list of values. Save your work.
Field Service Manager
Field Service Dispatcher > Field Service Setup > CRM Foundation > Task and Escalation Manager > Tasks > Task Templates
In the Service tab, select Enabled in the Service Request Enabled field, and check the Serviceable Product check box. In the Inventory tab, all items (serialized as well as unserialized) are supported in Preventive Maintenance. In the Serial block, select a Generation type (for example, At Receipt) from the list of values, and enter the Starting Number and Starting Prefix for the item.
Note: The Serial fields Starting Prefix and Starting Number are
mandatory ONLY when the Generation value equals Predefined. In all other cases, the serial fields are optional.
Field Service Manager
Field Service Dispatcher > Spares Management > Inventory > Items > Master Items
Once you have created master items, you must assign them to the appropriate organization. This function can be done by navigating to Tools > Organization Assignment. Master items can be assigned to multiple organizations. Refer to the Oracle Inventory User's Guide for detailed instructions on how to set up and administer inventory organizations.
Items must be set up in order to associate them with counter groups.
Field Service Manager
Field Service Dispatcher > Field Service Setup > Counters > Define Counters
The following sections detail the steps required to set up PM programs. You must consult the Oracle Complex Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul User's Guide for complete details on setting up the various components of the PM program.
Task templates, items, and counters must be set up.
The default value for this profile option is Yes, which enables the Oracle Workflow process for approvals in CMRO. If you set these profile options to No, then when you create routes, programs, and activities, you can approve them at the time of creation by clicking the Approval button. The following table contains other PM-related profile options, a description, and a suggested setting:
Profile Options Relating to Preventive Maintainence Profile Option Name AHL: Maximum Planning Window (Number AHL: Maximum Planning Window (UOM) Descriptions Used to define the planning window for the UMP Used to define the planning window for the UMP Value numeric
Descriptions Defines the status of the generated Service Request Defines the type of the generated Service Request This is a display only profile option that shows that last time this concurrent program was run Defines the task status of tasks requiring customer confirmation
Value Open
Preventive Maintenance
For more information on setting up profile options, see the Oracle Application User's Guide. The following steps detail the process of accessing and setting profile options.
System Administrator
Profile > System
At the Profile field of the Find System Profile Values field, perform a search by entering a partial value followed by the wildcard (%) and clicking Find. Select profile option you want to set from the list of profile options displayed. In the Site field, select the value you want to set to the profile option. Save your work. Repeat steps 1-4 for each profile option you want to set.
2. 3. 4. 5.
Create Routes
When creating PM programs with associated activities, you must create routes, which manage the work definition of scheduled and unscheduled maintenance tasks. It allows maintenance organizations to create work cards specifying the zone, work location, supporting process types, skill types, and significant maintenance tasks. Task Template Groups and Task Templates also are associated with the routes and it is this connection that links service requests in Field Service to the PM programs associated to particular customers. This will be used for task generation at the time of PM Program/Activity execution in Field Service. For detailed step by step information on setting up Routes, see the Managing Maintenance Routes section of the Oracle Complex Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul User's Guide.
Note: The Task Template Group field is not covered in CMRO
documentation, as it is specific to the PM module. Select the predefined Task Template Group that you want to associate with the route.
Task Template Groups and Task Templates must be set up.
Preventive Maintenance
Engineering > Route Management > Routes > Create
The mandatory fields for routes are Route Number, Title, Time Span and Start Date. Time Span defines the total duration of a route in hours, however, it is used in CMRO's Visit Work Package module and is not a part of the PM module. Enter any numeric value. The Task Template Field is required for PM programs. Once a route is created, if the profile option AHL: Enable Approval WorkFlow for Routes" is null or set to No, you do not need to access Oracle Workflow. You only need to click Approve to approve the route.
Create PM Programs
Preventive Maintenance programs represent the recommended grouping of predefined activities to maintain the product over its life span. These programs, once defined and
associated with activities, can be associated with coverage templates in Oracle Service Contracts, which provides the basis for providing coverage in a Preventive Maintenance Program. A Preventive Maintenance Program is associated to a product and is governed by a set of effectivity rules. Each Activity thus contained in the Preventive Maintenance Program is a collection of tasks and/or task sets. An Activity contains the information on what tasks or task sets need to be performed and when it needs to be performed. The Preventive Maintenance request generating program creates one Service Request for every Activity. Normally a Preventive Maintenance Program is a manufacturer suggested maintenance requirement. A typical Preventive Maintenance Program is generally defined for a product or group of products and contains the "what", "when," and "how" of the Preventive Maintenance Activities. For more details on this process, see the Managing Maintenance Requirements section of the Oracle Complex Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul User's Guide.
You should know the Maintenance Requirement Category, Program Type, and the Service Type. These values must exist in the database.
Preventive Maintenance
Fleet Management > Overview > Create > Create Maintenance Program
To set up a Preventive Maintenance Program, follow these required steps:
At the Type field, choose Program from the list of options. This is the point where you differentiate between setting up a Program and setting up an Activity. This is specific to the PM Mode of CMRO and not covered in the CMRO documentation.
2. 3.
Enter a name for the program in the Title field. Choose a program Category from the list of values. This is the user-defined category of the program. A common method of categorization would be based on the equipment type to which the maintenance requirement applies.
Enter a Program Type. If you do not know the name of the Program Type, perform
a search and select the appropriate Program Type from the list of values. This is the user-defined maintenance requirement program type. Program Types are used to classify or group PM programs. Program Sub-Types are not used in Preventive Maintenance.
Choose a seeded Implement Status from the list of values. The options are: Mandatory, Optional Implement, or Optional Do Not Implement. For PM programs, DO NOT choose "Optional Do Not Implement," or the Program will not be picked up by the Unit Maintenance Plan (UMP).
Choose whether or not the Program will be Repetitive. The field values can be Yes or No. The field value indicates whether the maintenance requirement is one time or repetitive. If you choose Yes, then you must choose a value in the Show field.
Choose the Whichever Comes value for the PM program. The possible values are First or Last. This is used to determine whether to choose the first or the last due date calculated based on all the interval thresholds defined for the program. Choosing First would indicate an OR condition, and Last would indicate an AND condition for the interval threshold records.
8. 9.
The side navigation displays links to Effectivities and Relationships, which are used to associate Effectivities and Activities to a PM Program.
threshold is based upon usage, you can set the usage limits and select the appropriate counters.
The PM Program must be set up. Master Items must also be set up in Oracle Inventory. Counters must also be set up.
Preventive Maintenance
Fleet Management > Overview > Maintenance Program > Search Maintenance Program
To add effectivities and interval thresholds to an existing Preventive Maintenance Program, follow these steps:
Enter some search criteria for the Preventive Maintenance Program you want to access and click Go. The Preventive Maintenance Program you searched for will appear in the Maintenance Requirements Results table. You can either click the hypertext title of the program to navigate to the Update form, or you can click the Effectivity icon to navigate directly to the Effectivity form. (If you go to the Update form, click the Effectivities hypertext link on the side navigation bar.)
Click the Add More Rows button to create some blank rows in the Effectivities List table. In the Effectivity field, enter a text name. Enter a % character (or enter a partial value if you know the item number) in the Item Number field and click the Flashlight icon to search for the Item you want to represent the effectivity. Select the item from the list of values. Click Apply to save the effectivity to the program. Once the effectivity is saved, the Interval Threshold icon appears to the right of the Item Number.
3. 4.
5. 6.
To add the Interval Threshold for the effectivity, click the icon. The Update Interval Threshold form appears.
If you are using a calendar date-based threshold, enter a numeric value in the first Program Duration field and select the date interval you are using in the second field. Possible values in the second field are Days, Weeks, Months, and Years. So, for example, if you want your program to be effective for eight months, enter 8 in the first field and choose Months in the second.
If you are adding a usage-based threshold interval (these are not mutually exclusive and you can have both), then click the Add More Rows button. The value that you want the program to begin defaults to 0 in the Start field.
10. Enter the value that you want the program to End in the Stop field. 11. Choose the Counter that you want to associate with this interval threshold from the
Be sure to add every effectivity to the program that you want to add to the activities associated with this program. All activity effectivities must exist as program effectivities.
Create Activities
A Preventive Maintenance Activity is the work definition or work scope per Preventive Maintenance service request. The work definition is in terms of tasks and/or task sets. Generally, a Preventive Maintenance visit is initiated by an Activity defined within the Preventive Maintenance Program, based on the predefined trigger rules, such as usage or time elapsed. Preventive Maintenance Activities also contain the fulfillment requirements such as parts, tools and labor. One Activity will result in creation of one Service Request. When you set up activities you navigate to the same form where you set up the Preventive Maintenance Programs. One or more PM Activity is associated with a PM Program and, as such, the Activity always reflects the status of "child" to a "parent" PM Program. This is relevant when you are creating the association between the two. Once you create an Activity, you can associated Routes, Effectivities, and Threshold Intervals to it. These associations are what determines the terms and duration of coverage of the activities that you are including in your PM program.
You should know the Maintenance Requirement Category, Program Type, and the Service Type. These values must exist in the database.
Preventive Maintenance
Fleet Management > Overview > Create > Create Maintenance Program
To set up a Preventive Maintenance Activity, follow these required steps:
At the Type field, choose Activity from the list of options. This is the point where you differentiate between setting up a Program and setting up an Activity. This is specific to the PM Mode of CMRO and not covered in the CMRO documentation.
2. 3.
Enter a name for the activity in the Title field. Choose an activity Category from the list of values. This is the user-defined category of the program. A common method of categorization would be based on the equipment type to which the maintenance requirement applies.
Enter a Program Type. If you do not know the name of the Program Type, perform a search and select the appropriate Program Type from the list of values. Choose a seeded Implement Status from the list of values. The options are: Mandatory, Optional Implement, or Optional Do Not Implement. For PM activities, DO NOT choose "Optional Do Not Implement," or the Activity will not be picked up by the Unit Maintenance Plan (UMP).
Choose whether or not the Activity will be Repetitive. The field values can be Yes or No. The field value indicates whether the maintenance requirement is one time or repetitive. If you choose Yes, then you must choose a value in the Show field.
Choose the Whichever Comes value for the PM program. The possible values are First or Last. This is used to determine whether to choose the first or the last due date calculated based on all the interval thresholds defined
for the program. Choosing First would indicate an OR condition, and Last would indicate an AND condition for the interval threshold records.
8. 9.
A Preventive Maintenance Activity must be set up and Routes must be set up.
Preventive Maintenance
Fleet Management > Overview > Maintenance Program > Search Maintenance Program
To add routes to an existing Preventive Maintenance Activity, follow these steps:
Enter some search criteria for the Preventive Maintenance Activity you want to access and click Go. The Preventive Maintenance Activity you searched for will appear in the Maintenance Requirements Results table. Click the hypertext title of the program to navigate to the Update form.
On the left-hand side navigation, click the Routes hypertext link. The Update Attached Routes form appears.
3. 4.
In the Routes List table, click Add More Rows to create blank rows. In the Route Number field, enter a partial value or the % character and click the
Flashlight icon to search for the Route you want to attach to the Activity.
Select the Route Number from the list of values. The Route Description, Product Type, Operator, and Revision Number default from the Route Number.
The PM Activity must be set up. Master Items must also be set up in Oracle Inventory. Counters must also be set up.
Preventive Maintenance
Fleet Management > Overview > Maintenance Program > Search Maintenance Program
To add effectivities and interval thresholds to an existing Preventive Maintenance Activity, follow these steps:
Enter some search criteria for the Preventive Maintenance Activity you want to access and click Go. The Preventive Maintenance Activity you searched for will appear in the Maintenance Requirements Results table. You can either click the hypertext title of the program to navigate to the Update form, or you can click the Effectivity icon to navigate directly to the Effectivity form. (If you go to the Update form, click the Effectivities hypertext link on the side navigation bar.)
Click the Add More Rows button to create some blank rows in the Effectivities List table. In the Effectivity field, enter a text name. Enter a % character (or enter a partial value if you know the item number) in the Item Number field and click the Flashlight icon to search for the Item you want to represent the effectivity. Select the item from the list of values. Click Apply to save the effectivity to the activity. Once the effectivity is saved, the Interval Threshold icon appears to the right of the Item Number.
3. 4.
5. 6.
To add the Interval Threshold for the effectivity, click the icon. The Update Interval Threshold form appears.
Click the Add More Rows button to create blank rows in the Interval Threshold List table. Fill out the appropriate fields in the row to set your interval threshold. The available fields and definitions are as follows: Start Date - This is the start date of the range after which the interval specified is valid. This date begins the range for the interval in relation to the associated counter. Stop Date - This is the stop date of the range before which the interval specified is valid. This date begins the range for the interval in relation to the associated counter. Start - This is the start counter value of the range from which the interval
specified is valid. This date begins the range for the interval in relation to the associated counter. Interval - The interval value for repetitive PM Activity, and drop-dead counter values for one time activities. When used with one time activities, interval will be a count down of the associated counter. When used with repetitive activities, interval will represent the frequency of occurrence according to the associated counter. Stop - This is the stop counter value of the range before which the interval specified is valid. This date ends the range for the interval in relation to the associated counter. Tolerance Before - The number of counter units of measure that is acceptable for activity accomplishment before the specified interval. This value aids in planning maintenance jobs. Tolerance After - The number of counter units of measure that is permissible for activity accomplishment before the specified interval. This value aids in planning maintenance jobs. Counter Name - The associated counter identifier. This identifier is used to set all numerical values in the row, including Interval, Tolerances, Start and Stop. UOM - The Unit of Measure as per the associated counter. This value is defaulted when you select the counter.
10. Click Apply to save your work. 11. Repeat steps 3-10 for each effectivity and interval threshold you want to add to the
Be sure to that you only add effectivities to the activity that you already associated with the program.
and service tires, another to service the engine maintenance, another to deal with fluid replacement, and so on. Activities and Programs can be associated with one another from either the Program UI, or the Activity UI. The key to the association is that the PM Program is always the "parent" in the relationship and the Activity is always the "child."
The PM Program and activities must be set up.
Preventive Maintenance
Fleet Management > Overview > Maintenance Program > Search Maintenance Program
To associate activities to programs, follow these steps:
Enter some search criteria for the Preventive Maintenance Program you want to access and click Go. The Preventive Maintenance Program you searched for will appear in the Maintenance Requirements Results table. You can either click the hypertext title of the program to navigate to the Update form, or you can click the Relationships icon to navigate directly to the Maintenance Requirements Relationships form. (If you go to the Update form, click the Relationships hypertext link on the side navigation bar.)
Click Add More Rows to create some blank rows in the Maintenance Requirements List table. In the Title field, search for the Activity you want to associate with the program and select it from the list of values. In the Relationship Type field, choose Child if you are associating an activity to a program. Relevant information about the activity is defaulted upon selection, including Type, Program Type, Status, and so on. You can also associate a program to an activity using this same process, but if you do so, you must choose Parent in this field.
Repeat steps 3-4 for each activity you want to associate with the program.
In order to associate programs and activities to a coverage template, both need to be approved. Once programs and activities are, if the profile options "AHL: Enable Approval WorkFlow for Maintenance Programs" and "AHL: Enable Approval WorkFlow for Operations" are null or set to No, you do not need to access Oracle Workflow. You only need to click Approve to approve them.
For an instantiated coverage, if the status of the contract is not "Entered", the user cannot change or select another PM program. If the status of the contract is "Entered" when another PM Program is chosen, the originally defined stream levels are associated with the new PM Program. Coverage templates are used when you are creating a Service Program/Warranty which details the coverage and pricing of a particular preventive maintenance program. An approved Service Program/Warranty is selected when you are creating a Service Contract. For step-by-step details on creating Coverage Templates, see the Oracle Service Contracts Concepts and Procedures guide. The following topic related to the Preventive Maintenance Schedule is covered in this section:
Items and PM programs must be set up. Other prerequisites include: Coverage type lookup codes in Service Contracts and price lists and time zone in Order Management. In Customer Support you must set up the following: service request severity, business processes, resource types, resources, billing types and billing rates.
Service Contracts Manager
Coverage Templates
When creating a coverage template for Preventive Maintenance, choose a Preventive Maintenance Program Name from the list of values. The Program Description field will automatically populate. Once you have associated a Preventive Maintenance program to the coverage template, the Schedule button is enabled. Click this button to open the Preventive Maintenance Schedule form to set coverage schedules and to view or modify the other information related to the selected Preventive Maintenance program.
Program Schedule
The Program Schedule tab displays the Program Name and Program Description and the Coverage Effectivity defaults to the current date. Click the View Program button to access the details of the PM Program, which you set up in the CMRO Preventive Maintenance Mode. See Create Preventive Maintenance Programs, page 9-17 for additional details. When defining a coverage template, only the following fields within the Stream Levels block are enabled and made navigable: Sequence Number, Periods, UOM/Period, UOM, Offset Period, and Offset UOM. The Auto Schedule checkbox is automatically selected and the Schedule block is grayed out during template creation.
Setting up Stream Levels allow you to determine the coverage cycle you want to associate with the PM Program and activities you have associated with this Service Contract coverage template. A coverage schedule may have many coverage streams and each stream level is a set of coverage periods.
Note: If the coverage set on the template is different from the default
schedule dictated by the Preventive Maintenance Program, it takes precedence over the default schedule.
Activity Schedule
The Activity Schedule tab displays the Activities that are associated with the PM Program that you selected for this coverage template. Click the View Activity button to access the details of the Activity, which you set up in the CMRO Preventive Maintenance Mode. See Create Preventive Maintenance Programs, page 9-17 for additional details. You can manually fill in the Stream Levels for each activity for the same enabled fields as in the Program Schedule, or you can default the values from the Program Schedule by clicking the Populate From Program button.
Note: If the Activity Schedule is different from the Program Schedule, it
Items and PM programs must be set up.
Service Contracts Manager
Coverage Templates > Schedule (B) > Preventive Maintenance Schedule
To set up Stream Levels for PM Programs, follow these steps:
In the Stream Levels block, enter a numeric Sequence Number in the Seq No field. This is the sequence in which you wish to have the coverage stream levels instantiated.
Enter a numeric value for the number of Periods you want included in the Stream Level.
For example, if you want to set up a stream level of "coverage for 1 period of 15 days," the value in this field should be "1."
Enter the number of periods to be included in this stream level in the Periods/UOM field In the previous example, the value in this field should be "15."
Select the Unit of Measure for the period in the UOM field from the list of values. In the example, you would select "Days" as the UOM value.
Optionally, you can enter values for Offset Period and Offset UOM if you want the coverage to start at some point after the Coverage Effectivity date. If you enter a value in either of these fields, you must enter values in both. Offset Period can be any numeric value you choose and will relate directly to the Offset UOM you choose. For example, if you choose "8" for the Offset Period, and "Weeks" for the Offset UOM, then the coverage will begin eight weeks after the Coverage Effectivity date.
Repeat steps 1-5 for each Stream Level you want to associate to the Program for this coverage template. If you want to add Stream Levels to the Activity Schedule, click the Activity Schedule tab. To default the values from the Program tab, click the Populate From Program button. You can also manually enter values for Stream Levels for each Activity. You may want to set up coverage cycles that differ from one activity to the next.
Click OK to save the values and return to the Coverage Template form.
From the Order Management tab, select Customer Ordered and OE transactable checkboxes. From the Invoicing tab, select the Invoiceable Item checkbox. From the Service Tab, select Service from the list of values in the Contract Item Type. In the Contract block, select a Duration Period and enter a Duration to establish the length of the contract coverage. In the Template field, choose the Coverage Template you want to associate with the service program/warranty. In the Service Request Enabled field, select Enabled.
For detailed step-by-step instructions on setting up master items, see the Oracle Inventory User's Guide.
Coverage templates must be set up
Field Service Manager
Field Service Dispatcher > Spares Management > Inventory > Items > Master Item
For details on creating price lists and adding items to the list, see Setup of Price Lists, page 4-21.
Service Program/Warranty items must be set up in Oracle Inventory.
Field Service Manager
Field Service Dispatcher > Spares Management > Order Management Pricing > Price Lists > Price List Setup
Profile Options
This appendix covers the following topics: Overview of Profile Options
seeded values. There is no immediate need to set these up differently. When a new status flow is implemented these profile options need to be changed to match the change in state transitions.
Prerequisites None Responsibility System Administrator Navigation Profile > System Steps
1. 2.
After you navigate to the Find System Profile window, check Site. At the Profile field enter CSF%.
Click Find.
You can set the profile options described in the following table in any sequence. All profile options have been provided with default values.
CSF: Address of the Map server CSF: Allow overlapping labor lines
CSF:Business Process
Description Profile option for the Field Service/Laptop Classic application to handle updates to the CRM database from the mobile devices. Options are:
Client wins. No timestamp checking is done, mobile record always overwrite record in CRM database. Timestamp. When the last update date of the CRM record is greater then the last sync date (date when the mobile device originally got the record), the mobile record won't be applied to CRM. When the last update date of the CRM record is smaller or equal to the last sync date the mobile record will be applied to CRM.
CSF: ConflictRule_M
Profile option for the Field Service/Palm Devices application to handle updates to the CRM database from the mobile devices. Options are:
Client wins. No timestamp checking is done, mobile record always overwrite record in CRM database. Timestamp. When the last update date of the CRM record is greater then the last sync date (date when the mobile device originally got the record), the mobile record won't be applied to CRM. When the last update date of the CRM record is smaller or equal to the last sync date the mobile record will be applied to CRM.
To define whether the service representative must conform to the schedule or is allowed to do the tasks in any sequence on his or her Laptop or Palm device.
Description This profile sets the port to receive data. This is a numeric value. Default status that is assigned to a new task.
CSF: Default New tasks status CSF: Default "In planning" task status
Default status that is assigned to tasks that are set to "Assigned" in the Field Service Dispatch Center. Default status that is assigned to tasks that are set to "Canceled" in the Field Service Dispatch Center. Select what query is defaulted in the Dispatch Center to View Tasks by in the task list. Default likelihood value of spare parts availability used for automatic scheduling. Choose a default responsibility to define which state transition rule is used. This profile option is set for the users from the mobile applications. The value is used as the default travel distance between two tasks. The value is used as the default travel duration between two tasks. You can set a default Service Activity Code to be displayed in Debrief from this profile option. Default is null.
CSF: Default travel distance for Time Distance Server CSF: Default travel duration for Time Distance Server CSF: Default Debrief Service Activity Code
Description This is the scheduling type to be used by default for scheduling service requests. Possible values are: Window to Promise, Schedule for Resource, or Intelligent. This profile determines the default scenario to use for scheduling service requests. This profile options sets the default business process that you want associated with the service activity code displayed in the Debrief screen. This profile sets the default task status to display when an task is being worked on. (For example, Working, In Progress, Planning, etc.) This is the default task status for those tasks that are in a state of 'Blocked working.' (For example, Working, In Progress, Planning, etc.) This is the default task status for those tasks that are in a state of 'Blocked In Planning.' This determines which query is executed relating to service history. Values include: Customer, Site, Item, and Instance. This sets the default source for the contact details. The possible values are Service Request or Task. This is the default task status for those tasks in a state of 'Blocked Assigned.' Choose from the list of values. This profile controls if shift information is queried and displayed in the Gantt chart with scheduling results. Values are Yes/No.
CSF: Default Task Blocked 'In Planning' Status CSF: Default Service History Display
Description Define the number of days for data to remain on Field Service/Laptop Classic without editing it. When the number of days has expired it is removed from the Field Service/Laptop by the CRM Gateway for Mobile Devices. Define the number of days for data to remain on Field Service/Palm Devices without editing it. When the number of days has expired it is removed from the Field Service/Palm Devices by the CRM Gateway for Mobile Devices. Define what information from the Install Base you want to send to Field Service/Laptop Classic:
CSF: History_M
CSF: InstalledBaseProduct_L
1 for just the product related to the Service Request. 2 for the product related to the Service Request and the parent products. 3 for the product related to the Service Request, the children, and parent products.
CSF: InstalledBaseProduct_M
Define what information from the Install Base you want to send to Field Service/Palm Devices:
1 for just the product related to the Service Request. 2 for the product related to the Service Request and the parent products.
You can set the default Inventory Organization ID by selecting one from the list of values.
Description All system items from the inventory organization are always replicated to the mobile client of Field Service/Laptop Classic. Value set to check if the location finder is installed. It is launched when a location for a task is missing, see profile option CSR: Create location. Define how much you want the Field Service Map to move when using the navigation left/right and up/down arrows. Choose a value between 0.1 and 1.0 (centimeters). Define the number of days to replicate the history of specifically material transfers to the Field Service/Laptop Classic application, if beyond date set they are not replicated anymore. All system items from the inventory organization are always replicated to the mobile client TCP/IP port for the Map server. This determines the default Preventive Maintenance service request status. Choose from a list of values. This determines the default Preventive Maintenance service request type. Choose from a list of values. This is the Preventive Maintenance profile to hold the task confirm status. Choose from the list of values. Suggested value: Confirm.
Description This allows you to enable a "signal" color to identify incorrect or incomplete data that's displayed on the Plan Board or Gantt of the Dispatch Center. Colors are listed as RGB values. This profile displays the Preventive Maintenance SR Generation last run date. Define if you want to replicate item categories to Field Service/Laptop:
CSF: Replicate_Categories_L
1 is Yes. 2 is No.
Add a value for the period of time, minutes, a resource is allowed to be late in his trip before it is escalated. This affects the instant shown status of the resources on the Field Service Map. Used to default a Return Reason on the Field Service Report window for a material line created. Select which one should be defaulted from the list of values. It's a mandatory field for Order Management. Especially use this profile option when working with one of the mobile applications. This profile sets the time unit of measure default value for reporting labor. The UOM list of values includes: minute, hour, day, week, month, quarter, and year. This profile, combines with CSF: Service History Time Frame UOM to determine the default amount of time for which you want to retrieve the service history. For example, if you set 30 as the number and Days as the UOM, then the service history for the past 30 days is retrieved.
Description This profile, combines with CSF: Service History Time Frame Number to determine the default amount of time for which you want to retrieve the service history. For example, if you set 30 as the number and Days as the UOM, then the service history for the past 30 days is retrieved. This profile options sets the comparison type to be used to compare the skill level of a resource and a task. Possible values are:
Enabling this profile options enables you to skip the scheduling preferences screen. Possible values are Yes/No. Enter the database name for the MapInfo map. Leave empty. If the factor is set the Time Distance Server calculates travel distance and duration faster but less accurate. The setting of the unit of measure for hours must be entered and correspond with the MTL_UNITS_OF MEASURE. Default setting is HR (hours). The setting of the unit of measure for minutes must be entered and correspond with the MTL_UNITS_OF MEASURE. Default setting is MIN (minutes).
CSF: Time distance server cache radius CSF: Time distance server calculation factor
Description Laptop HTML. To define whether a service representative is allowed to change the planned/schedules times of the tasks he received on his laptop device. By setting this profile option to Yes, you can enable the use of custom color coding for tasks. The default value is No, which keeps the standard seeded color coding scheme active. Indicate if you are using the eLocation map or the MapInfo map. To view scheduling results in the Gantt chart set to Y (yes); set to N (no) if you want to default to the table view. Enter the address of the web server where the images are stored. The images are used to show instant status of the resource on the Map on the Field Service Dispatch Center. The JDBC driver type used to make a connection to the data source for the eLocation map, default set to 'thin'. The Remote Method Invocation binding name that is used for the eLocation map server. The Remote Method Invocation host name that is used for the eLocation map server (typically the machine name where the map server is running). The Remote Method Invocation port number that is used for the eLocation map server. The basemap name for the eLocation map as found in the data source maps table.
CSF: Web server address where the images are stored for the map
Description The unique name that is given to the collection of data source parameters for the eLocation map, e.g. csfmap. The name must be modified if any of the data source profile options change and the map server can not be restarted. The database SID of the data source for the eLocation map. Typically the same as the SID of the database server. Optionally enable additional debugging output to the Java console for the eLocation map. Do not change, high latitude coordinate of the last view area of the eLocation map. Do not change, high longitude coordinate of the last view area of the eLocation map. The name of the host of the data source for the eLocation map. Typically the same as the database server machine name. The URL of the directory where the image files are stored for the eLocation map markers. The images are used to show instant status of the resource on the Map in the Field Service Dispatch Center. Do not change, the identification number of the last viewed area on the eLocation map. Do not change, low latitude coordinate of the last view area of the eLocation map. Do not change, low longitude coordinate of the last view area of the eLocation map. The name of the maps table in the data source for the eLocation map.
CSF: eLocation Map high latitude coordinate CSF: eLocation Map high longitude coordinate CSF: eLocation Map host name
CSF: eLocation Map last used service area number CSF: eLocation Map low latitude coordinate
CSF: eLocation Map low longitude coordinate CSF: eLocation Map maps table name
Profile Option CSF: eLocation Map move factor (between 0.1 and 1)
Description The fraction of the width or height by which the eLocation map view should be moved when using the navigate buttons on the Map tab in the Field Service Dispatch Center. The listener port number for the data source for the eLocation map. Typically the same as the database server listener port number. The name of the styles table in the data source for the eLocation map. The name of the themes table in the data source for the eLocation map. Leave empty, used for development purposes only. The highest number of parallel map requests that are required to be serviced at one time for the eLocation map. This is the identification number of the service area that was last viewed in the eLocation map. This is the basemap name identification for the map definition in the maps table for the eLocation map. This is the Left/Top-Y of the shown area of the map (set automatically). This is the Right/Bottom-Y of the displayed area on the map (set automatically). This is the Left/Top-X of the shown area of the map (set automatically). This is the Right/Bottom-X of the displayed area on the map (set automatically).
Description When viewing service history, all the service request numbers that fall between the system date (sysdate) and the date entered here will be displayed. This the URL that displays where all the audio files for Field Service Voice are located. This setting dictates what to display on the User's home page. Possible values are:
This is the distance unit for measurement purposes in Wireless. This profile option also is used in the Technician's Portal in capturing travel insformation. Available values are:
Mile Kilometer
This is the URL address used for coming back to APPS from 9iAS WE. This is a numeric value that determines that maximum number of tasks to display on a screen. This is the task summary display1 for Field Service Wireless. This is the task summary display2 for Field Service Wireless. This sets the format style of the date to be displayed in Wireless. (For example, 12/31/01, 12/31/2001, or 12-31-2002, etc.)
Description This is the URL of the Router Skeleton at the 9iAS server. Use this profile option to set the default subinventory for move orders that are intransit. Choose from the list of values. This profile option is used to define the type of internal order to use when the excess returns order is automatically created. The recommended profile value is Intransit. When enabled this allows you to show or hide tabs and tree menus. Determines whether or not alternate parts should be included when checking availability of parts. Default value is never. Options include: Always, Never, Parts Requirement Only, Scheduler Only. Determines when, if ever, car stock should be included in availability calculations. Default value is Always. Options include: Always, Never, Parts Requirement Only, Scheduler Only. This profile option is used to provide a default value for order type when creating internal orders in the Parts Requirement UI. Choose from any valid order type in the list of values. This profile option is used for comparing task times used with the profile option to make a decision whether or not to populate parts in Parts Requirement. Sets the default line type for Spares Management. Choose from the list of values.
Description Sets the name of the subinventory for defective parts at the depot repair supplier inventory organization. Sets the name of the subinventory for usable parts at the depot repair supplier inventory organization. Can set to Yes/No to determine whether or not to require a ship complete notification. Default is null. This profile displays that last run date of the Usage for ASL Recommendations concurrent program. In order to include or exclude a technician's commute time into shift calculations, you must set this profile option. Set to 'Yes' to enable E-records and E-Signatures functionality.
21 CFR Part 11 Compliance
This appendix covers the following topics: 21 CFR Part 11 Overview
in the e-record. For example, if a drawing depicting an engineering change is attached to an engineering change order, you can review the drawing in the e-record for the engineering change order. The e-records and e-signatures (ERES) framework is a central tool designed to achieve 21 CFR Part 11 compliance for the necessary Oracle Applications business events. The ERES framework uses common Oracle Applications components such as Oracle Workflow business events, the XML Gateway, and others. To enable electronic records and signatures for Oracle Field Service Applications, follow the steps listed in Implementing E-Records, in the Oracle E-Records Implementation Guide. Otherwise, no e-records or e-signatures are required. Oracle Field Service Technician Portal Oracle Field Service Administrator Portal