Are There Scribal Errors in The Quran
Are There Scribal Errors in The Quran
Are There Scribal Errors in The Quran
Muhammad Ghoniem, M S M Saifullah, 'Abd arRahmaan Robert Squires &
'Abdus Samad
Assalamualaikum wa rahamatullahi wa barakatuhu:
In the following article, we contemplate giving some clues in answer to the
strange claims made by Mr. Newton at:
In short, the author of that page notices rightfully that the spelling of many
words in the Holy Qur'an does not match their spelling in modern literature.
He wishes to prove that the Qur'an is not miraculous and uses scribal
pecularities to support his claims. He, of course, seems to be unaware of the
way the Arabic script developed due to many reasons, the primary one being
the correct pronunciation of the letters in the Qur'an.
The Rise & Development Of The Qur'anic Script
Let us first deal with the idea of introduction of vowel signs in the Qur'an and
the need for then. These signs are called tashkeel in Arabic and they help to
determine the correct pronunciation of the word and to avoid mistakes. When
the Islamic state expanded, more and more Muslims of nonArab origin and
also many ignorant Arabs studied the Qur'an, thus faulty pronunciation and
wrong readings began to increase. Abu 'Ubaydah narrated about Abu al
Aswad alDu'ali:
Abu alAswad derived grammar from 'Ali ibn Abi Talib, for
whom may there be peace, but he did not disclose to
anyone what he had learned from 'Ali, whose countenance
may Allah honour, until Ziyad appointed him for the
composition of something to serve as a guide to the
people, so that they could understand the book of Allah.
Abu alAswad asked to excused from this task, until one
time when he heard a reader recite, Allah is quit of the
idolators and of His Apostle (Qu'ran 9:3 should have been
read as Allah is quit of the idolators and so is His
Apostle). Then he said, "I never supposed that the
condition of the people would come to this!" So he
returned to Ziyad and said, "I will do what the Emir has
ordered. Let there be sought for me a scribe who is
intelligent and obedient to what I say". They brought,
therefore, a scribe from the 'Abd alKays Tribe, but he
[Abu alAswad] was not satisfied with him. Then they came
with another one, about whom Abu alAbbas alMubarrad
said, "I regard him to be one of those [who are
intelligent]." So Abu alAswad said [to the new scribe],
"If you see that I open my mouth in pronouncing a letter,
place a mark above, on top of it. If I close my mouth
[making a u sound], place a mark in front of the letter,
and if I split [my lips] double the mark." So this was
the marking system of Abu alAswad. [[1], pp. 8788]
It is interesting to note that the early manuscripts and parchments of the
Qur'an as well as the inscriptions are devoid of vowel signs.
On the issue of Qur'anic manuscripts and parchments, Nabia Abbott writes:
When we come to consider the vowel signs, 1st century
manuscripts are of no aid, since no such signs appear in
any secular document of that date. However, Kur'an
manuscripts credited to the period show a consistent vowel
system in which a single red dot above, below, or to the
side of a letter stood for the vowels A, I, and U
respectively, and two such dots indicated the tanwin. The
text of early Kur'ans, however, is never completely
voweled, the vowel sign for one or more of the letters of
a given word being used only where it was essential for a
correct reading. The Arabic traditions place the
introduction of the system early in the Muslim era, in
fact crediting 'Ali with it. Whether 'Ali deserves the
credit or not makes little difference for the date in
question, for the majority of the sources credit a
contemporary of 'Ali , Abu alAswad alDu'ali, with the
system. They tell how, having at first refused to
introduce the system at the request of Ziyad Ibn Abihi,
governor of Irak, he finally did so when he heard the
Kur'an being wrongly recited. The system could not have
been widely spread or generally used, for we find Hajjaj
facing the same problem in Irak and ordering Nasr Ibn
Asim to safeguard the pronunciation of the Kur'an; Nasr,
so the story goes, introduced the double dots for the
tanwin. even this did not estabish the general use of the
system, for again we find Yahya Ibn Ya'mar given credit
for it, which credit is likewise shared by Hasan al
Basri. Still these efforts and their results proved
insufficient, for again Khalil Ibn Ahmad is credited with
introducing the hamzah and the shaddah, the raum and the
ishmam, as he is also credited with the vowel signs that
are still in use for A, I, and U. The last were originally
miniatures of the letters alif, y and w, respectively. [[2],
pp. 39]
The above quotes clearly mention that the reasons for the introduction of
tashkeel and as well as tanween signs was, to facilitate the correct reading of the
Qur'an. A superfluous change in the script does not mean it is corrupted.
An excellent example which shows how the Arabic script progressed is the
writing of the letter qaf on the Dome of the Rock. The letter qaf is marked by
one stroke below it five times on the Dome of the Rock, whereas today, qaf is
written with two dots on top. Examples of this kind can only be found in early
copies of the Qur'ans. For details of inscriptions on the Dome of the Rock, see
reference [3].
Comparative study of the Qur'an scripts adopted in the (a) Middle East and (b) North
Africa (except Egypt).
The cursive script of North Africa is called Maghribi script. Notice the dot position for qaf and fa in
Maghribi script as well as the verse numbering system! This is from Surah alBaqarah.
Another important example would be the Maghribi script which is used in
North Africa. Before the practice of marking fa with one dot above and qaf
with two dots above was established, both these letters were marked by one
sign (dot or stroke) only. This usage still persists in Maghribi script, which has
fa with a dot below and qaf with a dot above. In early times, however, the
opposite way of marking, i.e., fa with a dot above and qaf with a dot below is
also attested.
Sometimes, it is also advisable to stop and reflect...
The Alleged Scribal Errors
The script of any language (not only Arabic) is subject to many changes and
amendments agreed upon by the users of that language throughout history.
Writing being a communication tool, the script must be devoid of ambiguity
so that the information carried gets from the sender to the recepient without
ambiguity. Once in a while, linguists decide to change certain scribal rules in
order to simplify the script. For instance, a recent amendment in Arabic script
occurred in the middle of the 1980's. It concerned the rules of drawing the
hamzah. Originally, in some cases, the hamzah was drawn on a waaw letter
and was followed by a long vowel waaw, thus putting two consecutive waaws
in the same word. In this regard, Arab linguists decided to eliminate the first
waaw and draw the hamzah either on the line or on a hook (nabirah)
followed by the second waaw. Here is the illustration of this recent rule:
The following is the spelling of the word/name ra'oof before the mid80's:
The following is the spelling of the same word after 1985:
The same applies to many other words like mas'ooliyyah (i.e., responsibility)
or sho'oon (i.e., concerns). So, what do we have here? If the argument of the
critic was acceptable then the Arabic literature published before 1985 would
be full of errors! Actually, the script being a matter of conventions, one cannot
say that books older than 1985 are full of mispelled words while the ones
published after that date are correct. In reality, both are correct given the
scribal conventions prevailing in their time. It doesn't make sense to judge
written material based on conventions other than the ones in which it was
It is noteworthy that the Qur'an is written according to the 'Uthmanic scribal
conventions (rasm) and not according to the modern conventions. After
learning the conventions of the 'Uthmanic script (it is as easy as any
alternative convention), any reader is able to read the Holy Qur'an correctly.
This means that the message of the Qur'an is entirely transmitted from the
hardcopy to the reader without ambiguity. It is also noteworthy that the
modern script still bears many anomalies that could be amended later. For
example, words like dhaalik or laakin ought to be written with alef letters
but, according to the modern scribal conventions, they are written without
alef. This is to say that:
(i.e., laakin) ought to be written
and the word
(i.e., dhaalik) ought to be written
But even in the modern script those anomalies are not corrected. In the
aforementioned elaboration, we have conclusively established that the
position of the critic is both unreasonable and illfounded. One question may
remain: Why don't Muslims abandon the 'Uthmanic script and adopt the
modern script? This question needs a separate exposition and may be too
lenghty for the purpose of this article. We will discuss about it briefly,
The Qur'anic Orthography
The discussion in this section is adapted from Qur'anic Orthography: The
Written Representation Of The Recited Text Of The Qur'an by M A S Abdel
Haleem, Islamic Quarterly, pp.171192, 19xx.
In the 'Uthmanic copies, the Qur'an was written in a particular rasm
(orthography) which became to known as alrasm al'Uthmani (The
'Uthmanic way of writing of the text of the Qur'an) also referred to as rasm al
mushaf. As the copies of the Qur'an made by the order of 'Uthman were
meant to be authoritative, it is no wonder that their rasm assumed authority
as the correct way of writing the Qur'an.
As we have seen above, the Arabic orthography in the first century of hijra
was not yet developed in the way we have known for centuries, particularly in
two important areas. There was no distinction between the letters of the
alphabet of similar shape and there were no vowel marks. This may indicate
that such a system must have given rise to great confusion in reading. This
was not actually the case because the morphological patterns of the words in
Arabic enable readers to read even very unfamiliar material without the short
vowels being marked. More important, however, as far as the Qur'an was
concerned, was the fact that learning and reading relied above all on oral
transmission. In the Islamic tradition, writing remained a secondary aid;
nevetheless to ensure correct reading of the written texts of the Qur'an,
particularly those coming after the first generation of Muslims, steps were
taken gradually to improve orthography. This started with the two above
mentioned areas by introducing dots to indicate different vowels and
nunation and these were put in different coloured ink from that of the text.
There were also dots to distinguish between consonants of similar shape. This
work was carried out chiefly by three men: AbulAswad alDu'ali (d. 69/688),
Nasr Ibn 'Asim (d. 89/707) and Yahya Ibn Ya'mur (d. 129/746). Understandbly
there was some opposition at first to adding anything to the way the Qur'an
was written. Ibn 'Umar (73/692) disliked the dotting; others welcomed it,
clearly because it was, in fact, doing no more than ensuring proper reading of
the Qur'an as received from the Prophet, and this view was accepted by the
majority of the Muslims through out the different parts of the Muslim world,
from the time of the tabi'un. The people of Madinah were reported to have
used red dots for vowels tanwin, tashdid, takhfif, sukun, wasl and madd
and yellow dots for the hamza, in particular. Naqt (placing the dots on words
in the mushaf), became a separate study with many books written on it.
AlKhalil Ibn Ahmad (d.170/786) introduced the traditional vowel signs into
Arabic orthography instead of the dots, but the dotting system continued in
the writing Qur'anic material. Eventually, the traditional vowel signs were
adopted for the Qur'an.
Alongside the development of studies in Arabic grammar, Arabic
orthography also developed for linguistic and literary material, and although
the 'Uthmanic rasm was one of the sources of orthography the latter began to
differ from 'Uthmanic rasm of the Qur'an. The question was asked whether it
was admissible to write the Qur'an itself in the new orthography. Malik
(179/795) was asked and said: No, the Qur'an should be written only in the
way of the first writing. He was also asked whether the additional waw and
alif should be deleted since they were not pronounced and said no. Similarly,
Ibn Hanbal (244/858) said it was unlawful to deviate in writing the mushaf in
waw, ya, alif or any other way. In line of such views, it is seen that adherence
to the Qur'anic rasm has persisted up to the present.
In principle, the 'Uthmanic script bears more significance than what we may
imagine. In fact, not only is it the script in which the first copies of the Holy
Qur'an were written but it bears many references to the Science of Qira'at
(Science of Readings) as well. Shifting to the modern script would make the
Qira'at aspect a specialist's affair and would deprive "normal" Muslims from
even noticing it. The next step would be that the Muslims who are not familiar
with Qira'at will become easy prey for antiIslamic propaganda, the kind of
groundless criticism we are rebutting right now. For a short introduction
about Qira'at, the readers may inshallah, refer here.
In short, the claim of socalled scribal errors in the Qur'an is not only
ridiculous but also a fanciful imagination of an extremely ignorant person.
And Allah knows best.
[1] The Fihrist of alNadim, 1970, Bayard Dodge (Editor and Translator),
Columbia University Press.
[2] The Rise of The North Arabic Script & Its Kuranic Development, 1939,
Nabia Abbott, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
[3] 'Abd alMalik's Inscription In The Dome Of The Rock: A Reconsideration,
1970, Christel Kessler, The Journal Of The Royal Asiatic Society, pp. 214.