Brief Introduction To SDH

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ZXSM-2500E Technical Specification

Basic Knowledge This chapter provides the basic knowledge of digital comm nication and S!" s#stems for p rpose of easier nderstanding of later chapters and sections$ %f #o have a so nd knowledge of S!" comm nication theor#& #o ma# skip this chapter$

1.1 Brief Introduction to Communication Network


Definition and Category of Communication Network

' network of interconnected m lti-s bscriber comm nication s#stems is called a comm nication network$ ' comm nication network can be categori(ed in man# wa#s ) based on its se& feat res& transmission signals& etc$ %n terms of service implementations& we have the telephone comm nication network& data comm nication network and broadcast television network$ %n terms of network service& we have local network& toll network and international network$ %n terms of basic architect re& we have line network& ring network& star network& mesh network and compo nd network$

Basic Elements of Communication Network

The basic elements of a comm nication network are terminal e* ipment& transmission links& switching e* ipment and the access part$ The terminal equipment forms the origin and end points and incl des some transformation and reverse transformation devices corresponding to so rce and sink$ There are different terminal e* ipments for different comm nication services$ +or e,ample- the terminal e* ipment for telephone services is a telephone set and that for data services is a data terminal$ The transmission link is the connection medi m between the network nodes& and it is the transmission channel for signals$ .esides being a channel& the transmission link incl des some transformation and reverse transformation devices& s ch as open wire transmission s#stem& carrier transmission s#stem& digital microwave transmission s#stem& optical fiber transmission s#stem& satellite transmission s#stem& and others$ 'll of these can be sed to implement comm nication network transmission link$
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ZXSM-2500E Technical Specification

The switching equipment is the core of a modern comm nication network$ %t is basicall# responsible for affl ,& connection transfer and allocation of access switching node links$ 4 rrentl#& the mainl# adopted mode is circ it switched mode to connect a conversation circ it& together with message switching mode and packet switching mode$ The access part is the transmission entit# between a service node interface and ser network interface and enables sers9 access to a service node via a standard interface$

Develo ment !rientation of Communication Network

:ith the swift development of information processing& highl# developed information societ# re* ires a comm nication network for diversified information services$ To meet the demands& vario s intelligent terminal technologies and database technologies based on the comp ter are adopted at an accelerated speed in a modern comm nication network& which in t rn is developing towards a digital& integrated& intelligent and individ al orientation$

1.2 Introduction to "C#3$%32 &ystem


#ulti le' (ec)nologies

The transmission medi m in a comm nication network costs far more than the e* ipment part does$ Therefore& how to improve line tili(ation ratio has been an important s b;ect in the field of comm nications$ 'mong the ma;or means to improve line tili(ation ratio are sing s ch m ltiple, technologies as +re* enc# !ivision M ltiple,ing <+!M=& Time !ivision M ltiple,ing <T!M= and 4ode !ivision M ltiple,ing <4!M=$ Each channel of terminal signals in the transmission lines of an +!M s#stem ses different fre* enc# bands& each channel of terminal signals in the transmission lines of a T!M s#stem ses different time segments and each channel of terminal signals in the transmission lines of a 4!M s#stem ses different coding modes$ %n this wa#& m ltiple,ing is achieved$

Digital *oice &ignals

To implement T!M of consec tive analog voice signals& the analog signals sho ld be converted into temporal discrete signals& namel#& what we often call digital analog signals$ > lse 4ode Mod lation <>4M= is a technolog#
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ZXSM-2500E Technical Specification

commonl# sed for digitali(ation of analog signals? the simple block diagram for a comm nication s#stem is shown in +ig re 1-1$ This is made p of three parts- <1= transmit end& incl ding low-pass filtering& sampling& * anti(ation and encoding <namel#& analog7digital conversion=? <2= channel part& incl ding transmission lines and regenerator? <@= receive end& incl ding signal regeneration and digital7analog conversion& which f rther incl des decoding and low-pass filtering$
Transmit end <'nalog7 digital conversion)

'nalog signal

/ow-pass filter

Sampling >4M Signal

A anti(ation


Begenerator /ow-pass filter

>4M signal



4hannel 'nalog Beceive end signal ( !igtal7analong conversion )

Figure 1-1: Block diagram of PCM system +ig re1-1 shows the basic nits of >4M signal processing and the f nctions are carried o t as follows1$ Sampling- means sampling an analog signal val e <sample val e= at a reg lar interval <T=$ The series of temporal discrete sample val es obtained from the sampling are called sample val e se* ences$ .ased on the sampling theorem& the sample val e se* ence can be recovered to the original analog signals witho t an# distortion as long as the interval <T= between sample p lses is less than or e* al to 172fm& i$e$& the sample fre* enc# fs is more than or e* al to 2fm <fm is the ma,im m fre* enc# of an analog signal=$ 2$ A anti(ation- means conversion of sampled signals with consec tive amplit des into sample val e se* ences with discrete amplit des b# means of ro nd p$ Th s& signal amplit des can be represented with binar# digital signals with finite bits$ @$ Encoding and decoding- Encoding means conversion of the signal amplit de val es sampled and * anti(ed into a gro p of binar# code elements$ !ecoding means recover of a gro p of binar# code elements into the * anti(ation val e of corresponding signal amplit des$

"C#3$%32 &ystem

'fter the implementation of >4M digitali(ation of analog signals& T!M of m ltipath terminal signals can be f rther achieved$ Split the channels at the
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ZXSM-2500E Technical Specification

sample c#cle T into time segments called frames& which are f rther split into 5 smaller time segments& each of which <T75= is called a time slot$ :ithin a frame& a time slot is allocated to the encoding information of each channel of terminal signals and m ltipath terminal signals are transmitted alternatel# to achieve >4M m ltiple,ing of channels$ 'lso& >4M m ltiple,ing is often adopted in a program controlled digital switching s#stem to increase the transmission rate and switching capacit#$ 'ccording to %T0-T recommendations& the sample fre* enc# of voice signals <@00"(C@200"(= is 6k"(& the * anti(ation level of sample val es is 25D and the n mber of encoding bits of sample val es is 6& i$e$& the transmission rate of single channel voice >4M signals is 6 6k E D2kbit7s$ 4 rrentl#& there are two m ltiple,ing modes for >4M primar# gro p- @07@2channel frame str ct re and 22-channel frame str ct re& @07@2-channel frame str ct re is adopted in 4hina& i$e$& each frame occ pies 125Fs and is divided into @2 time slots& b t onl# @0-channel voice encoding information is transmitted$ The primar# gro p rate when m ltiple,ed once is @2 D2kbit7sE2026kbit7sE2$026Mbit7s& namel#& what we often call E1$ E1 can be sed to form a high order gro p or transmitted separatel# in s ch transmission channels as cables for local telephon#& toll cables& digital microwave& optical fibers& etc$ The specific parameters and frame str ct res of >4M@07@2 primar# gro p are as follows1$ .asic characteristics 5 mber of time slots7frame- @2 5 mber of voice channels7frame- @0 Sample fre* enc#- 6k"( 5 mber of encoding bits- nE6 5 mber of * anti(ation levels- ME2nE25D Bate of m ltiple,ing code stream- 6000 @2 6E2026kbit7s +rame length- 125Fs Single channel digital rate- D2 kbit7s 2$ +rame and m lti-frame str ct res +ig re 1-2 is the schematic diagram of the frame and m ltiframe str ct res in >4M s#stem& in which described in detail are the frame and m ltiframe str ct res of and time slot allocation of >4M s#stem$

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ZXSM-2500E Technical Specification

1D +rame 2ms
M ltiframe +0










+10 +11 +12 +1@ +12 +15

1 +rame, @2 Timeslot, 25D bit, 125 s TS


0 1

TS 10 11 12 1@ 12 15 1D 1G 16 1H 20 21 22 2@ 22 25 2D 2G 26 2H @0 @1 4"1D 4"@0
Signaling timeslot

+rame alignment timeslot

4"1 4"15

Even +rame Idd +rame

0 0 1 1 0 1 1 +rame alignment signal 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1



0 0 0 0 1 '2 1 1
M ltiframe alignment code

1 2 @ 2 5 D G 6 >olarit# code Segm ent cde Segm ent cde


a b c d a b c d 4"1 4"1D 5ote<1= 'nd '2 are respectivel# remote end alarm codes d ring o t-of-frame and m ltiframe o tof-s#n$ 5ormal- 0$ 'larm- 1$ <2= :hen b& c and d codes are not sed& it is alwa#s bE1& cE0&dE1$ <@= is reserved for international comm nication and stip lated as 1 temporaril#$


a b c d a b c d 4"2 4"1G


a b c d a b c d 4"15 4"@0

Figure 1-2: Schematic diagram of the frame and multiframe structures in PCM system @$ Time slot allocation %n @07@2 mode& the sample c#cle is 176000E125Fs& i$e$& 125Fs is a frame$ There is @2-channel T!M in a frame and each channel occ pies time slots as man# as 1257@2E@$HFs$ There are @2 time slots in a frame& which are n mbered in t rn as TS0CTS@1$ The time slots are allocated and sed as follows- TS1CTS15 and TS1GCTS@1 are @0 voice channel time slots$ - TS0 is frame s#nchroni(ation code and monitor code time slot$ - TS1D is signaling <ring& b s# line and other identification signals= time slot$ 2$ 'rrangement of voice channel bits :ithin each voice channel time slot& the sample val es sho ld be encoded as binar# codes and each code element occ pies @$HFs76E266ns called 1 bit& n mbered as 1C6$ 5$ 'rrangement of bits in TS0 time slot To strictl# s#nchroni(e transmit and receive ends& each frame sho ld transmit a gro p of frame s#nchroni(ation codes or monitor codes with special identifiers$ Even frame TS0 is a frame s#nchroni(ation code gro p- 0011011& the first code bit is sed for international comm nication and J1K code will be sent when not sed$ The bits of odd frame TS0 are allocated as- The third code bit is sed for o t-of-s#nc alarm and represented with '1$ J0K code and J1K code sho ld be sent d ring s#nchroni(ation and o t-of-frame respectivel#$ To prevent 2C6 bits of the odd frame TS0 from becoming d mm# s#nchroni(ation codes& the second bit is specified as a constant monitor code J1K$ The bits from the 2 th
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to the 6th are sed internall# and specified as J1K for the moment$ D$ 'rrangement of bits in TS1D time slot %f the code bits of TS1D are allocated in the order of time to vario s voice channel for transmission of signals& 1D frames are needed to form a m ltiframe& represented respectivel# with +0C+15$ The fre* enc# and c#cle of this m ltiframe are respectivel# 500"( and 2ms$ TS1Ds of vario s s bframes in a m ltiframe are allocated as follows+0 frame- 1C2 code bits transmit the m ltiframe s#nchroni(ation signal 0000$ The Dth code bit transmits remote m ltiframe o t-of-s#nc alarm signal '2& which is J0K d ring s#nchroni(ation and J1K d ring o t-of-s#nc$ 5& G and 6 code bits transmit J1K code$ +1C+15 frames- The first 2 bits of TS1D in each frame transmit 4"1C4"15 signaling signals and the second 2 bits do 4"1DC4"@0 signaling signals$

1.3 !verview of ! tical +i,er Communication

Iptical fiber comm nication is a comm nication mode in which optical signals are sed as carriers and fibers as transmission media$ .eca se optical fiber comm nication is characteri(ed b# a series of advantages s ch as broad transmission fre* enc# band& high comm nication capacit#& low loss and free from electromagnetic interference& optical fiber comm nication technologies are developing at rapid speed in recent #ears$

Categori-ing of ! tical .ave Bands

Iptical waves are electromagnetic waves most familiar to man& with the wavelength at a micron level and fre* enc# at 10 12"(C1015"($ 4 rrentl#& the wavelength range for optical fiber comm nication is near infrared region& namel#& 0$6FmC1$6Fm$ Iptical wave can be classified as waveband with short wavelength of 0$ 65Fm and with long wavelength of 1$@1Fm and 1$55Fm$ These three wavelengths are c rrentl# sed in practical optical fiber comm nication$ Each wavelength range for optical transmission is also called an optical transmission window$

&tructure of ! tical +i,er

Iptical fibers c rrentl# sed for comm nication are concentric do ble-la#er c#linders with small cross-sections made from * art( glass <SiI 2= and are called bare optical fiber if not coated or treated with plastic$ 's shown in +ig re 1-@& bare optical fiber is made p of fiber core and cladding& the former having a central part with refractive inde, as high as possible& n 1 and with 2a diameter$ The central part has refractive rate as low as possible& n 2 is called the cladding&
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ZXSM-2500E Technical Specification

with the diameter of 2b$ a and b have different val es since the# transmit optical signals with different wavelengths and in different modes on optical fiber$ .eca se * art( glass is brittle and eas# to break& the s rface of bare optical fiber sho ld be coated twice to form optical fiber core cables so as to protect the s rface of optical fiber and increase tensile strength in se$ 's shown in +ig re 1-2& an optical fiber core cable is made p of fiber core& cladding& coating and plastic$ The o tside of a cladding is coated with a thin la#er of coating& which is silicone resin or pol# rethane$ The o ter coating <or called second coating= is mostl# of s ch plastic as n#lon or pol#thene$

2a 2b 2a 2b

Figure 1-3: Schematic diagram of lateral section structure of bare o tical fiber
+iber core 4ladding

+irst coating

Second coating <>lastici(er=

2a 2b 2a 2b

Figure 1-!: Schematic diagram of lateral section structure of an o tical fiber core cable

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Categories of ! tical +i,er

Iptical fiber can be categori(ed in terms of optical fiber material& man fact ring process& transmission mod l s& distrib tion of refractive rate on cross section of the optical fiber and operating wavelength$ A art( optical fiber c rrentl# adopted in comm nication is often categori(ed in the following two aspects1$ %n terms of different refractive rates <1= 0niform optical fiber$ The refractive rate n1 of the optical fiber core cable and the refractive rate n2 of the cladding are both a constant <n 1Ln2= and the refractive rate at the contact s rface between a fiber core and cladding changes step b# step$ This is called niform optical fiber$ <2= 5on- niform optical fiber$ The refractive rate n 1 of an optical fiber core decreases reg larl# as the diameter increases and e* als the refractive rate n 2 at the contact s rface between the fiber core and the cladding$ This is called nonniform optical fiber$ 2$ %n terms of the n mber of transmission modes So-called mode is in essence a distrib tion form of electromagnetic field& which varies with the mode$ %n terms of the n mber of transmission modes in optical fiber& there are single mode optical fiber and m ltimode optical fiber$ <1= Single mode <SM= optical fiber- having a fiber core with the diameter as small as abo t 2FmC10Fm& able to transmit a mode theoreticall#$ The single mode optical fiber transmits main mode onl#& which avoids mode dispersion and provides optical fiber with a broad transmission fre* enc# band and high transmission capacit#$ Therefore& SM optical fiber is applicable to optical fiber comm nication of high capacit# and long distance$ <2= M ltimode <MM= optical fiber- when there are m ltiple modes transmitted at a certain operating wavelength in optical fiber& this kind of optical fiber is called m ltimode optical fiber$ The fiber core of m ltimode optical fiber is generall# 50FmCG5Fm in diameter and the cladding is 100FmC200Fm in diameter$ This kind of optical fiber has poor transmission performance& narrow bandwidth and low transmission capacit#$ .eca se single mode optical fiber feat res great bandwidth& eas# pgrade and e,pansion and low cost& it is considered internationall# that onl# single mode optical fiber sho ld be sed as the transmission medi m in the s#nchrono s optical cable digital transmission s#stem$ %n the @ optical transmission windows& 650nm window is sed for m ltimode transmission onl# and 1@10nm and 1550nm windows for single mode transmission$ "ow far optical signals are transmitted will be infl enced b# dispersion and loss$ !ispersion will e,tend digital p lses transmitted in optical fiber& th s ca sing interference and red cing signal * alit#$ :hen interference deteriorates transmission performance to some e,tent& the transmission s#stem will f nction no more$ /oss makes optical signal strength transmitted in optical fiber decrease
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ZXSM-2500E Technical Specification

grad all# as the transmission distance increases$ :hen the optical power is red ced to some e,tent& the transmission s#stem will f nction no more$ To e,tend the transmission distance of the s#stem& people foc s their ma;or attention on red ction in dispersion and loss$ 1@10nm optical transmission window is called the (ero dispersion window beca se optical signals have the lowest transmission dispersion in this window$ 1550nm window is called the minim m loss window beca se optical signals have the minim m transmission atten ation in this window$ %T0-T specifies three common optical fiber specifications- M$ D52& M$ D5@ and M$ D52$ M$D52 optical fiber has the best dispersion performance in the 1@10nm wavelength window and is also called optical fibers witho t an# shift dispersion <i$e$ the (ero dispersion window is located at 1@10nm wavelength=$ M$D52 optical fiber can be applicable to the two wavelength areas 1@10nm and 1550nm$ M$D5@ optical fiber means the single mode optical fiber with the best dispersion performance in the 1550nm wavelength window and is also called the single mode with shift dispersion$ M$D5@ optical fiber shifts the (ero dispersion point from 1@10nm to 1550nm b# changing the distrib tion of refractive rates within optical fiber to achieve red ction in dispersion and loss in the 1550nm wavelength window$ This kind of optical fiber is mainl# sed in the 1550nm operating wavelength area$ M$D52 optical fiber is called the minim m loss optical fiber in the 1550nm wavelength window and its (ero dispersion point is still located at the 1@10nm wavelength$ This kind of optical fiber mainl# works in the 1550nm window and is chiefl# applicable to seafloor optical fiber comm nication which needs a ver# long regenerator section transmission distance$

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ZXSM-2500E Technical Specification


Brief Introduction to &D0

S!" is S#nchrono s !igital "ierarch#$ S!" has man# feat res like a frame str ct re& m ltiple,ing mode& different levels of transmission rate& and interface code pattern of digital signals$ %t provides an internationall# s pported framework$ .ased on this framework& a fle,ible& reliable and manageable world telecomm nication network can be developed$ This transmission network is eas# to e,tend and facilitates the deplo#ment of new telecom services$ .esides& it makes it possible for the e* ipment man fact red b# different man fact rers to interconnect with each other& which is ; st what network man fact rers have been e,pecting$

Disadvantages of "D0 and Emergence of &D0

.efore S!"& the >lesiochrono s !igital "ierarch# <>!"= was sed in the transmission s#stem$ >!" is a m ltiple,ing technolog# that m ltiple,es signals at a low rate level into high-speed ones b# adopting bit st ffing and code bit interleaving$ %t can separatel# transmit domestic toll and local network services$ >!" demands new >!" e* ipment when e,panded$ :ith the development of telecom networks and higher ser demands& the intrinsic disadvantages of >!" are grad all# revealed1$ There e,ists no worldwide standard e,cept for regional digital signals and frame structures$ There are c rrentl# three international levels of signal rate& namel#& E ropean series& 5orth 'merican series and Napanese series$ 5orth 'merica and Napan adopt 1$5M s#stems while E rope has 2M s#stems <same as 4hina=$ E ropean rate standards are 2Mbit7s <E1=& 6Mbit7s <E2=& @2Mbit7s <E@= and 120Mbit7s <ET2=$ The rate standards of 5orth 'merica are 1$5Mbit7s <T1=& D$@Mbit7s <T2= and 25Mbit7s <T@=$ The rate standards of Napanese s#stem are 1$5Mbit7s& D$@Mbit7s and @2Mbit7s$ The three c rrent signal rate levels are incompatible with one another& th s making international internetworking diffic lt$ 2$ ! e to lack of worldwide standard optical interface specifications& private optical interfaces developed b# vario s man fact rers are incompatible with each other$ Th s& internetworking fle,ibilit# is restricted& along with increased comple,it# and operation costs$ @$ >!" is a m ltiple,ed str ct re based on point-to-point transmission$ That is& it onl# s pports point-to-point transmission to form a line network segment b# segment$ .esides& it can onl# implement segment protection instead of ring protection on vario s ro tes operating on a nified basis$
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ZXSM-2500E Technical Specification

Therefore it has no fle,ible network topolog#& "as low tili(ation of digital e* ipment and >rovides no optimal ro ting$ 2$ The r nning& management and maintenance of traditional >!" rel# mainl# on man al digital signal cross-connection and tests with services stopped$ Therefore& no bit is arranged in the m ltiple,ing signal frame str ct re for the r nning& management and maintenance of a network and s ch lack of overhead bit makes it diffic lt to establish centrali(ed transmission 5etwork Management and satisf# the re* irements of sers for d#namic networking and access to new services$ 5$ %n the m ltiple, str ct re of >!"& man# levels of signals are m ltiple,ed in as#nchrono s mode e,cept the signals at the several low rate levels s ch as 5orth 'merica9s 1$5Mbit7s& Napanese 1$5Mbit7s and D$@Mbit7s and E ropean 2Mbit7s are m ltiple,ed in s#nchrono s mode& i$e$& some additional bits are filled to s#nchroni(e vario s trib tar# signals and m ltiple,ers m ltiple, them into high-speed signals$ . t in this mode& it is diffic lt to recogni(e and e,tract low-speed trib tar# signals from high-speed signals$ To add7drop a voice channel& the onl# wa# is to dem ltiple, the whole high-speed line signals step b# step to low-speed line signals to be e,tracted$ 'fter a voice channel is added7dropped& the low-speed line signals are to be m ltiple,ed step b# step into high-speed line signals for transmission$ +or e,ample& to branch o t a 2Mbit7s low-speed trib tar# signal from the 120Mbit7s code stream b# adopting >!"& first optical signals are converted into electric ones& which are to be dem ltiple,ed thrice& namel#& 120Mbit7s@2Mbit7s <120M dem ltiple,ed into @2M=& @2Mbit7s6Mbit7s and 6Mbit7s2Mbit7s to drop a voice channel$ Then& the electric signals are to be m ltiple,ed thrice& namel#& 2Mbit7s 6Mbit7s <2M m ltiple,ed into 6M=& 6Mbit7s@2Mbit7s and @2Mbit7s120Mbit7s for transmission <refer to +ig re1-5=$ %t can be seen that the >!" s#stem not onl# has comple, and infle,ible m ltiple, str ct re& b t also has a large amo nt of hardware& high add7drop service costs and comple, implementation of digital cross-connect f nction$ To satisf# the development re* irements of a modern telecom network and ser service demands& the best sol tion is to reform the technical s#stem f ndamentall# beca se to solve the above problems within the original s#stem and technical framework wo ld be twice the work with half the res lts$ S!" came into being as a new s#stem& which combines high-speed and high-capacit# optical transmission technolog# and intelligent network technolog#$

&D0 advantages

S!" came into being to overcome the disadvantages of >!" %t makes it possible for people to define an optimi(ed s#stem and e* ipment confirming to the f t re telecom network re* irements$
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ZXSM-2500E Technical Specification

The following main feat res of S!" represent these re* irements$ 1$ 0nif# the regional standards of 5orth 'merica& Napan and E rope at the STM-1 and higher levels$ Therefore& digital signals traveling be#ond one co ntr# do not have to be converted into another standard and worldwide standards for the digital transmission s#stem are reali(ed for the first time in the tr e sense$ 2$ Since there is a nified and standard optical interface& hori(ontal compatibilit# can be achieved on basic optical cable sections& i$e$& interoperation of the e* ipment from different man fact rers is enabled on optical channels to satisf# re* irements for an environment$ @$ S!" adopts s#nchrono s m ltiple,ing mode and fle,ible m ltiple, mapping str ct re$ The code streams at vario s levels are arranged reg larl# within the frame str ct re pa#load$ .eca se the pa#load is s#nchrono s with the network& onl# software is needed to add7drop high-speed signals into high-speed trib tar# signals at one time& which is the so-called one-step m ltiple,ing characteristic$ 4ompare the process of add7drop signals in S!" and that in >!" b# referring to +ig re 1-51207@2Mbit7s Iptical7 electric Iptical7 electric >!"
!em ltiple,


@276Mbit7s 67@2Mbit7s
!em ltiple, M ltiple,

M ltiple,

Electric7 optical

!em ltiple,


!em ltiple,

M ltiple,


2Mbit7s <Electric signal=

155Mbit7s Iptical interface Iptical interface 2Mbit7s <Electric signal= '!M 155Mbit7s

Figure 1-5: Compare the add/drop signals of SDH with those of DH To add a 2Mbit7s low-speed trib tar# signal from the 155Mbit7s code stream& #o have to first se the add7drop m ltiple,er <'!M= of S!" and then process to directl# add the 2Mbit7s trib tar# signal at one time$ %n this wa#& the process
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ZXSM-2500E Technical Specification

of hierarchical m ltiple,ing and dem ltiple,ing of all high-speed signals is avoided and the whole set of back-to-back m ltiple,ers is not needed$ Therefore& the services of S!" are eas# to add7drop& the network architect re and e* ipment are simplified to a great e,tent and digital cross-connection is ver# eas# to implement$ 2$ ' large amo nt of software is adopted in S!" for network config ration and control& which makes config ration more fle,ible and dispatching more convenient$ 5$ !iversified overhead bits are arranged in S!" frame str ct re$ These overhead bits cover abo t 5O of all signals and can be processed with software& which greatl# enhances the network in terms of its r nning& management and maintenance$ D$ The S!" network is completel# compatible with the c rrent network& i$e$& S!" is compatible with all the rates of c rrent >!"& which enables S!" to s pport the >!" network alread# constr cted and facilitates the smooth transition from >!" to S!"$ .esides& the S!" network accommodates new service signals s ch as 'TM cell& i$e$& S!" has complete backward compatibilit# and forward compatibilit#$

&D0 4ate

The rate levels of S!" signals are represented with STM-5 <5 is an integer=$ 4 rrentl#& S!" s pports certain 5 val es onl#& i$e$& 5 can onl# be 1& 2& 1D and D2$ The most basic and most important mod le signal is STM-1& with the rate being 155$520Mbit7s$ The STM-5 signal at a higher level is obtained b# means of b#te interleave of the basic mod le signal STM-1$ The rates at the STM-2& STM-1D and STM-D2 levels are D22$060Mbit7s& 2266$@20Mbit7s and HH5@$260Mbit7s respectivel#$

&D0 +rame &tructure

The frame str ct re is shown in +ig re D$ 2-D$

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ZXSM-2500E Technical Specification

H , 5 4ol mn <.#te= 2D1 , 5 4ol mn <.#te=

1 Begenerator section overhead <BSI"= 'dministrative nit pointer <'0->TB= M ltiple, section overhead <MSI"= H 125 s 2G0 , 5 4ol mn STM-1 >a#load <>a#load=

Transmission direction
H Bow

@ 2 5

Figure 1-": S#$ frame structure S!" is transmitted b# the b#te and its frame str ct re is rectang lar& based on b#te str ct re& and incl des 2G0 5 col mns and H-row b#tes& each of which has 6 bits$ The rectang lar frames of S!" are transmitted row b# row on optical fiber after parallel7serial conversion at the optical transmit end and are recovered into rectang lar massive ones for processing after serial7parallel conversion at the optical receive end$ The b#tes in an S!" frame are transmitted row b# row from left to right$ +irst transmission from left to right begins with the first b#te at the left top of the fig re$ This transmission row b# row contin es ntil H <2G0 5= b#tes are all transmitted$ Then it is time for the ne,t frame to be transmitted$ Th s& one frame after another is transmitted$ 6&000 frames with the constant frame length being 125Fs can be transmitted$ The frame fre* enc# of S!" is 6&000 frames7second$ That is& a specific b#te in a signal frame is transmitted 6&000 times per second and the bit rate of this b#te is 6&000 6bit D2kbit7s& namel#& the transmission rate of 1-channel digital telephone$ Take for e,ample the STM-1 level& whose rate is 2G0 <2G0 col mns7frame= H <altogether H rows= D2kbit7s <D2kbit for each b#te= E155520kbit7s E155$ 520Mbit7s$ %t can be seen in +ig re1-D that the frame str ct re of STM-5 is made p of three parts- section overhead& incl ding Begenerator Section Iverhead <BSI"= and M ltiple, Section Iverhead <MSI"=& %nformation >a#load <>a#load= and 'dministrative 0nit >ointer <'0->TB=$ 1$ Section !"erhead #S!H$ area SI" means the additional b#tes in the STM-5 frame str ct re needed for normal and fle,ible transmission of information pa#load and these b#tes are mainl# sed for the r nning& management and maintenance of the network$ %n the 1CH 5 col mns of the S!" frame& 1C@ rows and 5CH rows are allocated to
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ZXSM-2500E Technical Specification

the SI"$ SI" can be f rther categori(ed as BSI" and MSI"P$ 1C@ rows are allocated to BSI" and 5CH rows to MSI"$ BSI" can be accessed either at the regenerator to at the terminal e* ipment$ "owever& MSI" passes a regenerator transparentl# and is terminated at the terminal e* ipment$ 2% &nformation a'load area %nformation pa#load area is where different service information is stored in the S!" frame str ct re$ "ori(ontal col mns 10 5C2G0 5& and vertical rows 1CH belong to the information pa#load area$ %n it& there is still some ath !"erhead <>I"= b#tes transmitted as part of the pa#load in a network and these b#tes are mainl# sed for monitoring management and control of the path performance$ @$ (dministrati"e )nit ointer #()- *+$ area '0 >TB is an indicator& mainl# sed to indicate the acc rate position of the first b#te of information pa#load in the STM-5 frame& so that the receiving end can correctl# disintegrate$ %t is located at the fo rth row of 1CH 5 col mns in the STM-5 frame str ct re$ The adoption of the pointer mode is an innovation for S!"$ %t can perform m ltiple, s#nchroni(ation and STM-5 signal frame locating in the * asi-s#nchroni(ation environment$

&D0 #ulti le' #a "rocess

ing &tructure and #ulti le' #a


%T0-T specifies a whole set of m ltiple, str ct res <as shown in +ig re 1-G=$ 0sing these lines& three series of digital signals of >!" can be m ltiple,ed into STM-5 signals in man# wa#s$



A U -4

V C -4

C -4 TU G -3 TU -3 V C -3 C -3

1392 4!b" t # $

A U -3

V C -3

44%3 !b" t # $ 343 &!b" t # $ 312!b" t # $ 2'4&!b" t # $ 1(44!b" t # $

>ointer processing M ltiple, /ocating alignment Mapping

TU G -2

TU -2 TU - 12 TU - 11

V C -2 V C - 12 V C - 11

C -2 C - 12 C - 11

Figure 1-%: S#$ multi le& structure s ecified in '()-( 4hina specifies a ver# simple m ltiple, mapping str ct re <as shown in +ig re 1-6= to make each pa#load have onl# one m ltiple, mapping path and this
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ZXSM-2500E Technical Specification

str ct re is a s bset of standard m ltiple, mapping str ct res specified in the specifications$
5 1



A U -4

V C -4
@ 1 7

C -4

1392 4!b" t # $

TU G -3

TU -3 TU G -2

V C -3

C -3

343 &!b" t # $

>ointer >rocessing M ltiple, /ocating alignment Mapping

TU - 12

V C - 12

C - 12

2'4&!b" t # $

Figure 1-*: S#$ multi le& structure s ecified in China Three steps mapping& locating alignment and m ltiple, m st be taken to load vario s signals to the S!" frame str ct re$ Mapping is e* ivalent to the binding of signals and s#nchroni(es different trib tar# signals and corresponding n-order 3irt al 4ontainer <34-n=$ /ocating alignment means adding ; stification pointer and is sed for correction of trib tar# signal fre* enc# difference and implementation of phase alignment$ M ltiple, means b#te interleave m ltiple, and is sed for adaptation of m ltiple low order path la#er signals to high order paths or m ltiple high order path la#er signals to a m ltiple, section la#er$ +irstl#& digital streams at vario s rate levels enter corresponding interface containers 4& which are an information str ct re sed to load vario s rate service signals and perform mainl# the f nction of adaptation <s ch as rate ; stification=$ Th s& the most commonl# sed plesiochrono s digital s#stem signals can be made to enter finite standard containers and perform s ch an adaptation f nction as rate ; stification$ +or e,ample& for the 2M signals from vario s channels& some ma# be 2$0261Mbit7s while others ma# be 2$0262Mbit7s beca se there are different clock acc racies$ These will receive error tolerance ; stification in 4 so as to be adapted to standard signals at consistent rates$ 4 rrentl#& there are 5 kinds of standard containers- 4-11& 4-12& 4-2& 4-@ and 42$ 's defined in 4hina& 4-12 corresponds to the rate 2$026Mbit7s& 4-@ to the rate @2$@D6Mbit7s and 4-2 to the rate 1@H$2D2Mbit7s$ The digital streams o t of standard containers pl s >I" forms a 34 and this process is mapping$ 34 is the most important information str ct re in S!" and mainl# s pports path la#er connection$ The 34 enveloping rate s#nchroni(es with the network s#nchrono s& so the enveloping of different 34s is s#nchrono s& b t inside the envelope& different-capacit# plesiochrono s trib tar# signals are allowed$ E,cept at the 34 assembling and dissembling points <i$e$& the >!"7S!"
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ZXSM-2500E Technical Specification

network margins=& the transmission of 34 in the S!" network remains alwa#s nchanged$ So a 34 can be taken as an independent entit# to be inserted or taken o t at an# point on the channel& to make the s#nchrono s m ltiple,ing and cross-connect& which is ver# convenient and fle,ible$ 34 can be classified as low order 34 and high order 34$ 34-12 and 34-@ here are low order 34s while 34-2 is a high order 34 <34-@ in '0-@ is a high order 34$ 34-@ sho ld be incl ded in low order 34s if adapted to 34-2 via T0-@=$ The digit flow from 34 goes along the ro te as specified in the diagram and enters the administration nit <'0= or trib tar# nit <T0=$ %n an S!" frame& 34-n is a separate whole and cannot be split and transmitted$ Therefore& the conversion of 34-n into T0-n and that of 34-n into '0-n are the process of rate adaptation& namel#& that of locating alignment in a m ltiple, str ct re$ '0 is an information str ct re providing adapting f nctions for the high order channel la#er$ %t consists of the high order 34 and '0 >TB$ "ere& '0 >TB is sed to specif# the position of the high order 34 in the STM-5 frame& so the high order 34 in STM-5 can float& b t the position of '0 >TB itself in STM-5 shall be fi,ed$ Ine or more '0s occ p#ing a fi,ed location in the STM-5 frame form an 'dministrative 0nit Mro p <'0M=& which is made p of three '0-@s or a single '0-2 in the b#te interleave mode$ Similarl#& T0 is an information str ct re that provides adapting f nctions for the low order channel la#er and high order channel la#er$ %t consists of the low order 34 and T0 >TB$ T0 >TB is sed to identif# the location of a low order 34 in the frame str ct re$ Ine or more T0 with fi,ed positions in the high order 34 pa#load form the trib tar# nit gro p <T0M=$ %n the end& 5 '0Ms pl s additional SI" forms the final STM-5 frame str ct re$ 5ow take for e,ample the m ltiple, mapping process of the 2M trib tar# signals to detail the above$ The signals with the nominal rate being 2$026Mbit7s first enter 4-12 for adaptation processing and 4-12 pl s >I"& when mapped& forms 34-12$ 'fter locating alignment& the >TB in T0-12 identifies the phases of 34-12 relative to T0-12$ @ T0-12s are m ltiple,ed into T0M-2 after even b#te interleave and G T0M-2s into T0M-@ in the same wa#$ @ T0M-@s after b#te interleave pl s high order >I" forms 34-2 pa#load and that after locating alignment pl s >TB forms '0-2$ ' single '0-2 is directl# p t into '0M$ %n the end& 5 '0Ms after b#te interleave pl s SI" forms STM-5 signals$

1./ &D0 !ver)ead +unction


!ver)ead (y e

There are two different kinds of overhead arranged in the S!" frame str ct re& namel#& SI" and >I"& sed respectivel# for the maintenance of the section la#er and path la#er$ That is& the overhead in the S!" s#stem is sed hierarchicall#$
/ast 0pdate- 12-1-22 8 ZTE 4orporation 2002 3ol$ -1G T4% Tender 5o$60760

ZXSM-2500E Technical Specification

1$ SI" SI" incl des framing information& information sed for maintenance and performance monitor and other operating f nctions$ SI" can be f rther categori(ed as BSI" and MSI"$ BSI" can be accessed either at the regenerator& or at the terminal e* ipment$ MSI" passes a regenerator transparentl# and can onl# be terminated at the combination and termination points of '0M& namel#& terminal e* ipment$ %n the SI" frame str ct re& 1C@ rows are allocated to BSI" while 5CH rows to MSI"$ 2$ >I" >I" can be classified as two t#pes- low order 34 >I" and high order 34 >I"$ <1= /ow order 34 >I"- :hen the low order 34 >I" is attached to 4-174-2& 34-1734-2 can be obtained$ %ts main f nctions are the monitoring of 34 path f nctions& transmission of maintenance signals and alarm stat s indication$ <2= "igh order 34 >I"- :hen 34-@ >I" is attached to 4-@ or the combination of m ltiple T0M-2s& 34-@ can be obtained$ :hen 34-2 >I" is attached to 4-2 or the combination of m ltiple T0M-@s& 34-2 can be obtained$ The main f nctions of high order 34 >I" are the monitoring of 34 path f nctions& transmission of maintenance signals& alarm stat s indication and m ltiple, str ct re indication$

7rrangement of &ection !ver)ead

1$ /ocation of section overhead b#tes 3ario s SI" b#tes are arranged in the STM-1 frame as shown in +ig re 1-H$
H .#te A 1 B 1 D 1 A 1 A 1 A 2 E1 D 2 A 2 A 2 JO F1 D 3 BSI"

'dministrative 0nit >ointer

B 2 D 4 D " D 1% & 1 B 2 B 2 K1 D D # D 11 ' 1 K2 D ! D $ D 12 E2 MSI"

4haracteristic b#tes related to transmission media < sed temporaril#= .#tes reserved for domestic se 0nscrambled b#tes sed domesticall# 'll nlabelled b#tes are to be specified in compliance with international strandards <medi m-related applications& additional domestic ses and other ses=

Figure 1-+: Byte arrangement in S(M-1

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ZXSM-2500E Technical Specification

%n S!"& the SI" frame in an STM-5 frame are made p of 5 SI"s in the STM-1 frame arranged in interleaved mode$ "owever& onl# the first SI" of STM-1 is reserved completel# and other 5-1 SI"s of the STM-1 frame have onl# the framing b#tes '1& '2 and .2 reserved& with all the other b#tes ignored$ The location of one SI" b#te in an STM-5 can be represented with the coordinate vector S <a& b and c=& in which a stands for the n mber of rows& with the val e range being 1C@ or 5CH$ b stands for the n mber of m ltiple col mns& with the val e range being 1CH$ c stands for the n mber of interleave la#ers in a m ltiple, col mn& with the val e range being 1CD2$ The relation between the act al n mber of rows& that of col mns of this b#te in an STM-5 and a& b& c is as followsn mber of rows E a n mber of col mns E 5 <b-1= Q c 2$ + nctions of SI" <1= +raming b#tes- '1 and '2 The b#tes '1 and '2 in SI" are sed to identif# the initial location of a frame$ '1 and '2 have fi,ed binar# val es& i$e$& '1 is 11110110 and '2 00101000$ %f some 5 consec tive frames cannot receive correct '1 and '2 b#tes& i$e$& the 5 consec tive frames cannot disting ish among different frames& then the transmit end enters the stat s of o t of frame and generates an o t-of-frame <II+= alarm$ %f II+ contin es for @ms& loss of frame will occ r and the e* ipment generates a /oss of +rame </I+= alarm$ %n this case& if an 'larm %ndication Signal <'%S= is inserted& the whole service will be interr pted$ %n the stat s of /I+& if the receive end is in the stat s of framing for consec tive 1ms& the e* ipment will recover to normal$ <2= Begenerator section trace b#te- N0 This b#te is sed to repeatedl# send section access point identifiers so as to enable the section receive end to confirm that it and the specified transmit end are in contin o s connection stat s$ %n the network of the same operator& this b#te can be an# character while the N0 b#tes at the transmit7receive ends m st be matched at the network bo ndar# between two different operators$ The N0 b#tes enable operators to find and eliminate fa lts in advance and shorten the network restoration time$ The N0 b#te has another se$ The N0 b#te of each STM-1 frame in the STM-5 frame is defined as the identifier 41 of STM& which is sed to indicate the location of each STM-1 in STM-5$ That is& the N0 b#te indicates what STM-1 <n mber of interleave la#ers= in STM-5 this STM-1 is and what col mn <n mber of m ltiple, col mns= in this STM-1 frame this 41 is$ <@= !ata 4omm nication 4hannel <!44=- !1C!12 !44 in SI" is sed to form the transmission link of S!" Management 5etwork <SM5=$ Tho gh there are also control channels in a traditional plesiochrono s s#stem& the# are all private and cannot be accessed e,ternall#$ "owever& !44 is niversal and is embedded in SI"$ .esides& all network nits have !44s& which make it eas# to form a nified management network and avoid e* ipping each e* ipment with a private !44$ The b#tes !1C!@ are
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ZXSM-2500E Technical Specification

called BS !44& which is sed for transmission of I'M <operation& maintenance and management= information at the rate of 1H2kbit7s <@ D2kbit7s= between an# two BS terminals$ ( "owever& the b#tes !2C!12 are called MS !44& which is sed for transmission of I'M information at the rate of 5GDkbit7s <H D2kbit7s= between an# two MS terminals$ The whole GD6kbit7s !44 provides a powerf l comm nication str ct re for the management and control of an S!" network$ +or e,ample& one important ob;ective of S!" network management R control is to implement fast distrib ted control$ :ith !44& the optimal ro te table calc lated b# the 5MS can be transmitted fast to a network nit at an# time$ <2= Irder wire b#te- E1 and E2 These two b#tes are sed to provide the order wire comm nication voice channel$ E1 belongs to BSI" and is sed for local order wire channel$ E1 can be accessed at a regenerator$ E2 belongs to MSI" and is sed for direct order channel$ E2 can be accessed at an MS terminal$ The rate of an order wire is D2kbit7s$ <5= 0ser channel- +1 This b#te is reserved for sers9 <often referring to a network provider= private se and can be sed to provide temporar# data7voice connection for special maintenance p rposes$ <D= .it %nterleave >arit# 6-bit 4ode <.%>-6 code=- .1 .1 b#te <6 bits= is sed for the monitoring of regenerator section error code and is bit interleave parit# code sing even parit# check$ .%>-6 code calc lates all the bits of the first STM-5 frame after scramble and the res lts are located at the .1 b#te before scramble$ This kind of error code monitor is one feat re of S!" and implements a tomatic error code monitor of a regenerator section in a ver# simple wa#$ "owever& this method does not f nction when even error codes happen to occ r in the same monitor code gro p$ +ort natel#& there is little probabilit# of s ch a case& therefore the overall error code detection probabilit# is ver# great$ <G= .it %nterleave >arit# 5 22-bit code <.%>-5 22-bit code=- .2 .2 b#te is sed for the monitoring of m ltiple, section error codes and there are @ .2 b#tes <altogether 22 bits= arranged for this p rpose$ .2 b#te is bit interleave parit# 5 22-bit code sing even parit# check and its mode of generation is similar to .%>-6$ .%>-5 22 calc lates all the bits of the first STM-5 frame <e,cept for 1C@ rows in SI"= and the res lts are located at the .2 b#te before scramble$ There are in the STM-5 frame 5 @ .2 b#tes& each of which corresponds to one parit# code of the STM-1 frame$ %n addition to the .1 b#tes and the .2 b#tes in the regenerator section and m ltiple, section arranged for error code monitor& S!" arranges one .@ b#te at the 34-@734-2 high order channel la#er >I" and the first and second bits at the 34-1734-2 low order channel la#er >I" for error code monitor$ %t can be seen that S!" is ver# complete in terms of error performance monitor$ Each la#er of network has performance monitor of fo r different hierarchies and can
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ZXSM-2500E Technical Specification

implement error code monitor of both as small as a regenerator section and as big as a 34-1734-2 channel$ <6= ' tomatic >rotection Switching <'>S= channel- S1 and S2 S1 and S2 b#tes are sed for the '>S signaling of m ltiple, section protection and can gain a great protection response speed beca se the# are embedded signaling channels sed speciall# for protection p rpose$ S1 and S2 provide the network protection mode& whose operating principles are briefl# described as follows- :hen a fa lt occ rs to some operating channel& a downlink end will detect the fa lt soon and se the plink protection optical fiber to send the S1 b#te containing the fa lt channel n mber$ The plink end receives the S1 b#tes and connects the optical fiber bridge of local downlink operating channel with the downlink protection optical fiber$ .esides& the plink end ses the downlink protection optical fiber to send some protection b#tes S1 and S2& with the S1 b#tes sed for switching and the S2 b#tes for acknowledge$ The downlink end receives the S2 b#tes and confirms the channel n mbers$ .esides& the downlink end implements the bridge connection of the downlink operating channel with the downlink protection optical fiber at local end& and that of the plink operating channel with the plink protection optical fiber at local end as re* ired b# the S1 b#tes$ To meet the re* irements for bi-directional switching& the downlink end sends the S2 b#tes via the plink protection optical fiber$ The plink end receives the S2 b#tes and implements the bridge connection of the plink-operating channel with the plink protection optical fiber at local end$ Th s& two pieces of operating channel optical fibers are switched to two pieces of protection optical fiber almost at the same time and the '>S is over$ <H= S#nchroni(ation stat s- S1 <b5Cb6= %n the STM-5 frame str ct re& the 5C6 bits of the first S1 b#te <H&1&1= in the first STM-1 frame stand for s#nchroni(ation stat s information and these fo r bits ma# have 1D different kinds of codes representing 1D different s#nchroni(ation * alit# grades$ The smaller the val e of S1 <b5Cb6= is& the lower the corresponding clock * alit# grade is$ Th s& the e* ipment can eval ate the * alit# of the received clock signals and decides whether to implement clock so rce switching& namel#& switching to a clock so rce of higher * alit#$ <10= M ltiple, Section Bemote Error %ndication <MS-BE%= b#te- M1 M1 b#te is remote alarm information and is sent back b# a receive end to a transmit end$ The contents of M1 b#te is the n mber of error blocks detected b# the receive end via .%>-5 22 <.2= code to enable the transmit end to know abo t the receiving error code of the receive end$ <11= Special b#tes related to transmission media These b#tes are sed for special applications related to transmission media& s ch as earl# alarm of protection switching in microwave S!"& a tomatic sending power control& fast non-tra matic switching control& propagation monitor& etc$

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3ol$ -21

T4% Tender 5o$60760

ZXSM-2500E Technical Specification


7rrangement of 0ig) !rder C)annel !ver)ead

1$ /ocation of high order channel overhead b#tes The frame str ct re of 34-@ is a rectang lar str ct re made p of H rows and 65 col mns& of which the H b#tes of the first col mn are sed as 34-@ >I"$ The frame str ct re of 34-2 is a rectang lar str ct re made p of H rows and 2D1 col mns& of which the H b#tes of the first col mn are sed as 34-2 >I"$ The H b#tes of 34-@734-2 >I" are both represented with N1& .@& 42& M1& +2& "2& +@& S@ and 51$ 2$ "igh order channel overhead f nction <1= 34-@734-2 >I" channel trace b#te- N1 This b#te is sed to repeatedl# send high order channel access point identifiers <"I '>%d= so as to enable the channel receive end to confirm that it and the specified transmit end are in contin o s connection stat s$ The b#te is sed for the tracing of channel connection stat s$ The N1 b#te enables operators to find and eliminate fa lts in advance& prevent an# transmitted service from being infl enced and shortening the network restoration time$ <2= 4hannel .%>-6 code- .@ The .@ b#te <6 bits= is sed for the monitoring of channel error codes and is .%> code sing even parit# check$ .%>-6 code calc lates all the bits of the first 34@734-2 and the res lts are located at the .@ b#te of c rrent 34-@734-2$ <@= Signal label b#te- 42 The 42 b#te is sed to stand for the composition or maintenance stat s of 34@734-2 and the he,adecimal code corresponding to this b#te and its meaning are shown in Table 1-1$ Table 1-1 C2 byte code specification 6-bit code of 42 00000000 00000001 00000010 00000011 00000100 00010010 00010011 00010100 00010101 11111110 11111111
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"e,adec imal code 00 01 02 0@ 02 12 1@ 12 15 +E ++

Meaning 0nloaded signals or monitored nloaded signals %ndefinite pa#load loaded T0M str ct re /ocked T0 @2$@D6Mbit7s and 22$G@DMbit7s signals mapped to 4-@ in as#nchrono s mode 1@H$2D2Mbit7s signals mapped to 42 in as#nchrono s mode 'TM mapping M'5 <!A!.= mapping +!!% 0$ 161 test signal mapping 34-'%S <for cascade onl#=
3ol$ -22 T4% Tender 5o$60760

ZXSM-2500E Technical Specification

<2= 4hannel stat s b#te- M1 The M1 b#te is sed to send back to 34-@734-2 path so rce end the channel termination stat s and performance condition detected at the path sink end and th s enables an# end of or an# point of the path to monitor the stat s and performance of a f ll d ple, path$ <5= 4hannel ser channel b#tes- +2 and +@ These two b#tes are sed for comm nication between channel nits and are related to pa#load$ <D= /ocation indication b#te- "2 This b#te provides general location indication for pa#load and can also indicate special pa#load locations& for e,ample& indication of the m ltiframe location of 34-1734-2$ <G= '>SP channel- S@ <b1Cb2= These several bits are sed as the '>S instr ction of high order channel-level protection$ <6= 5etwork operator b#te- 51 This b#te provides Tandem 4onnection Monitor <T4M= f nction for a high order channel$ <H= Spare bits- S@ <b5Cb6= These several bits are reserved for f t re ses and their ses have not #et been specified$

7rrangement of 8ow !rder C)annel !ver)ead

1$ /ocation of a low order channel overhead b#te 34-1734-2 >I" is made p of the b#tes 35& N2& 52 and S2& which are respectivel# located at the first b#tes of 2 consec tive 34-1734-2 frames& i$e$& ever# fo r 34-1734-2 >I" frames <500Fs= are completel# transmitted once$ 2$ /ow order channel overhead f nction <1= 35 b#te The 35 b#te can provide the information abo t error code check& signal label and channel stat s of a 34-1734-2 channel$ The first and second bits of the 35 b#te are responsible for channel error code performance monitor$ The third bit and the fo rth bit are sed respectivel# for channel BE% and for channel Bemote +ail re %ndication <B+%=$ The fifth& si,th and seventh bits provide 34-1734-2 signal label f nction and the eighth bit is sed for 34-1734-2 channel Bemote !efect %ndication <B!%=$ <2= 4hannel trace b#te- N2 This b#te This b#te is sed to repeatedl# send low order channel access point identifiers </I '>%d= so as to enable the channel receive terminal to confirm that it and the specified transmit end are in contin o s connection stat s$ <@= 5etwork operator b#te- 52 This b#te provides the T4M f nction for a low order channel$ <2= '>S channel- S2 <b1Cb2=
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ZXSM-2500E Technical Specification

These several bits are sed as the '>S instr ction of low order channel-level protection$ <5= Beserved bit- S2 <b5CbG= These several bits are reserved optional ones& whose ses depend on the path so rce end& which generates S2 b#tes$ <D= Spare bit- S2 <b6= This bit is reserved for f t re ses and its ses have not #et been specified$

1.1 8ogic Com osition of &D0 E9ui ment

S!" transmission network is made p of different t#pes of 5Es connected via optical cable lines and performs the transmission f nction of an S!" network via different 5Es$ These f nctions are add7drop services& cross-connection services& network fa lt self-healing& etc$ 'mong the commonl# seen 5Es in an S!" network are Terminal M ltiple,er <TM=& 'dd7drop M ltiple,er <'!M=& Begenerator <BEM= and !igital 4ross-connection S#stem <!X4=$

(erminal #ulti le'er :(#;

' TM is sed at a network terminal node& as shown in +ig re 1-10$

140Mbit/s 34Mbit/s STM-M 2Mbit/s


Figure 1-1, 'llustration of model of a (M The f nction of a TM is to m ltiple, the low-speed signals of a trib tar# port to high-speed signal STM-5 of a line port or to dem ltiple, low-speed trib tar# signals from STM-5 signals$ 1-channel STM-5 signals are inp t7o tp t to its line port while m ltichannel low-speed trib tar# signals can be o tp t7inp t at a trib tar# port$ :hen low-speed trib tar# signals are m ltiple,ed into the STM5 frame of line signals& the locations of trib tar# signals in the line signals STM-5 can be specified arbitraril#$

7dd Dro #ulti< le'er

'!M is sed at the transfer site of an S!" transmission network& s ch as the middle node of a link or a node in a ring& and is the most important 5E sed most fre* entl# in an S!" network& as shown in +ig re 1-11$
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140Mbit/s 34Mbit/s STM-M 2Mbit/s


Figure 1-11 'llustration of model of an -#M '!M has two line ports and one trib tar# port$ The two line ports are connected with optical cables on their respective sides <two transceiving optical fibers on each side=$ +or the sake of description& we specif# them as the :estward <:= line port and Eastward <E= line port$ The f nction of '!M is to m ltiple, lowspeed trib tar# signals to lines in cross-connection mode or dem ltiple, lowspeed trib tar# signals from the line signals received from line ports$ %n addition& cross-connection of the STM-5 signals on Eastward7 westward line sides can be implemented$ '!M is the most important 5E in an S!" network and can be e* ivalent to other 5Es& i$e$& it can perform the f nctions of other 5Es$ +or e,ample& '!M ma# be e* ivalent to two TMs$


There are two kinds of regenerators in an optical transmission network$ Ine is p re optical regenerator& mainl# sed to amplif# optical power so as to e,tend the optical transmission distance$ The other is an electric regenerator sed for p lse regeneration shaping and it can achieve the goal of acc m lating no line noise and ens ring complete waveforms of transmission signals b# means of Iptical7electric <I7E= conversion& sampling of electric signals& decision& regeneration shaping& Electric7optical and other processings$ !escribed here is the latter one& which has onl# two line ports& as shown in +ig re 1-12$


Figure 1-12 'llustration of model of a regenerator The f nction of BEM is to send the received optical signals from the offside after I7E& sampling& decision& regeneration shaping and E7I$ 'n BEM in a real sense onl# needs to process BSI" in the STM-5 frame and needs no cross-connection f nction$ "owever& '!M and TM need to process both BSI" and MSI" beca se the# are to insert low-speed trib tar# signals into STM-5$ %n addition& both '!M and TM have the cross-connection f nction$
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Digital Cross<connection &ystem :D=C;

The !X4 is mainl# responsible for the cross-connection of STM-5 signals and is act all# e* ivalent to a cross-connect matri,& which implements the crossconnection of vario s signals& as shown in +ig re 1-1@$

M c#annel


N c#annel

Figure 1-13: 'llustration of model of #.C !X4 can implement cross-connection of the inp t M-channel STM-5 signals to the o tp t 5-channel STM-5 signals$ The core of !X4 is a cross-connect matri, and a powerf l !X4 can implement the low priorit# cross-connection of high-speed signals in a cross-connect matri,$ 0s all#& !X4m7n is sed to represent the t#pe and performance of a !X4 <mn=$ m represents the ma,im m rate level which can be accessed to !X4 and n does the minim m rate level of a cross-connection which can be implemented in a cross-connect matri,$ The greater m is& the higher bearer capacit# of a !X4 is$ The smaller n is& the more fle,ible cross-connection !X4 has$ The meanings of corresponding val es of m and n are shown in Table 1-2$ (able 1-2 #.Cm/n 0alue rate corres ondence table 2 5 D 2Mbit7 4orres 2$ D2 2Mbit7 2Mbit7 2Mbit7 s? 2Mbit7 ponden 5Mbit7 kbit7s s? s? s? 2Mbit7 s? t rate s s? m or n 0 1 2 @

1.2 ")ysical (o ology of an &D0 (ransmission Network

5etwork ph#sical topolog# generall# refers to the shape of a network& namel#& geometric arrangement of network nodes and transmission lines& and reflects ph#sical connectivit# of network nodes$ The effectiveness& reliabilit# and econom# of a network depends to a great e,tent on specific network architect re$ There are 5 simple kinds of network ph#sical topolog# str ct res& as shown in +ig re 1-12$ <a= /ine topolog# %f all nodes in a comm nication network are cascaded with the first and last
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nodes open& line topolog# is formed$ %n this topolog# str ct re& all nodes between two non-ad;acent nodes sho ld be connected so as to implement the connection between non-ad;acent nodes$ /ine topolog# is an economical form of network topolog# sed in an earl# S!"$ <b= Star topolog# <; nction= %f a special node is connected with all the other nodes& between which there is no direct connection& star topolog# is formed$ %n this topolog# str ct re& an# two nodes e,cept the ; nction nodes are connected with each other via a ; nction node& which implements the ro ting and connection f nction for passing information stream$ %n this network topolog#& the nodes at a ; nction center station can connect m ltiple optical fiber terminals to form a nified network& which implements integrated bandwidth management$ <c= Tree topolog# %f the ending node of a point-to-point topolog# nit is connected with several special nodes& tree topolog# is formed$ Tree topolog# can be considered as the combination of line topolog# and star topolog#$ This topolog# str ct re is applicable to broadcast services& b t inapplicable to bi-directional comm nication services beca se there e,ist the problems of bottleneck and restriction on optical power b dget$ <d= Bing topolog# %f all the nodes in a comm nication network are cascaded with no node open& a ring network is formed$ %f the first and last open nodes of a line network are connected& a ring network is formed$ %n a ring network& if the connection between two nodes is to be implemented& all the nodes between them sho ld be connected$ The best advantage of this network topolog# is its strong s rvivabilit#& which is of vital importance to a modern high-capacit# optical fiber network$ Therefore& special importance is attached to a ring network in an S!" network$ <e= Mesh topolog# %f man# nodes in a comm nication network are directl# interconnected& mesh topolog# is formed$ %f all the nodes are directl# interconnected& s ch mesh topolog# is called ideal one$ %n a non-ideal mesh topolog#& an# two nodes not connected directl# with each other can be connected via the connection f nction of other nodes$ The mesh str ct re is not infl enced b# the problems of node bottleneck and fail re and there are m ltiple optional ro tes between two nodes$ %t has high reliabilit#& b t comple, str ct re and high costs$ Therefore& it is applicable to a backbone network with heav# traffic$ %n s mmar#& all these topolog# str ct res have their own feat res and can be applied in a network to different degrees$ :hat network topolog# to be selected depends on n mero s factors$ +or instance& a network sho ld be of high s rvivabilit# and eas# to config re& and the net architect re sho ld be fit for the introd cing of new services$ The different parts of an act al network are applicable to different topolog# str ct res$ +or instance& ring topolog# and star topolog# str ct res are ver# applicable to a local network <namel#& an access network or s bscriber network=& with a line topolog# str ct re sometimes sed$
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Bing topolog# and line topolog# are ver# applicable to a local interchange rela# network while a toll network ma# demand mesh topolog#$
$a% &ine topolo'y TM ADM ADM TM

$b% Sta( topolo'y







$c% T(ee topolo'y





$d% Rin' topolo'y ADM


$e% Mes# topolo'y





Figure 1-1! Physical to ology of an S#$ net1ork

1.3 &D0 &elf<)ealing Network


Network &urviva,ility

Modern societ# relies more and more on comm nication and the s rvivabilit# of a comm nication network has become a design inde, of vital importance$ The so-called self-healing network means that a network can a tomaticall# recover the carried services from a fail re fa lt in a ver# short period of time
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witho t making sers be aware of an# network fa lt$ %ts basic principles are to enable a network to find fa lts and reestablish comm nication$ ' self-healing network involves no repairing and replacement of a specific fa lt# component or part b t the reestablishment of comm nication$ The former case still demands man al interference$

(y es and "rinci les of a &elf<)ealing Network

'ccording to the definition of a self-healing network& there are man# means to implement a self-healing network& b t there are some common factors to be taken into consideration for vario s self-healing networks- initial cost& proportion of traffic to be restored& additional capacit# necessar# for restoration of tasks& service restoration speed& fle,ibilit# in pgrade or addition of nodes& the feat re of being eas# to operate& r n and maintain& etc$ There are two basic forms of implementation of a self-healing network& namel#& the line protection switching and self-healing ring network& which also has man# t#pes$ %ntrod ced below are the protection modes and implementation methods of vario s selfhealing networks$ 1$ /ine protection switching The simplest self-healing network is the line protection mode commonl# adopted in a traditional >!" s#stem& which is also applicable to an S!" s#stem$ %ts operating principles are that the s#stem incl des active7standb# optical fiber$ :hen the service transmission of some operating fiber is interr pted or performance is deteriorated to some degree& the s#stem switching e* ipment will a tomaticall# transfer active signals to standb# optical fiber for transmission$ This protection mode has ver# short service restoration time& which ma# be less than 50ms& and is highl# effective to an# optical7electric component fail re fa lt of a network node$ "owever& if an optical cable is c t off& the active and standb# optical fiber in the same cable core are both c t off$ %n this case& the above protection mode will not f nction an# more$ :ith respect to the above-mentioned& the improvement of line protection switching can be made b# means of geographicall# standb# ro te& that is& the active and standb# optical fiber can be laid respectivel# b# means of different geographic ro tes$ Th s& when the optical cable of an active channel is c t off& that of a standb# path still will send signals safel# to a remote end witho t being infl enced$ This standb# ro te method is eas# to config re and has simple network management$ .esides& it enables services to be restored ver# fast$ "owever& this method needs at least do ble optical fiber cables and line e* ipment and a standb# ro te is alwa#s ver# long& hence highl# costl#$ %n addition& this protection method can onl# protect transmission links and cannot provide the fail re protection of a network node$ Therefore it is mainl# applicable to the protection of point-to-point applications$ %n s ch a case where there is stable and heav# traffic between two points& the standb# ro te line protection method is still a ver# good protection means$
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2$ Self-healing ring network 5etwork nodes can be connected as a ring to f rther improve the s rvivabilit# and cost of a network and a ring self-healing network is also called a selfhealing ring network$ The network node of a self-healing network can be either a !X4 or an '!M& which is commonl# sed$ ' self-healing network emplo#ing the intelligent add7drop capabilit# of an '!'M is one feat re of S!" and also a field where active research is c rrentl# done$ 'ccording to different bases of self-healing ring service protection& a selfhealing network can be categori(ed as path protection switched ring and m ltiple, section protection switched ring$ %n terms of f nctional str ct re& the path protection switched ring is also called s bnet connection protection and the m ltiple, section protection switched ring is also called path protection$ +or a path protection switched ring& the protection of service information is based on each path& which determines whether to switch based on the * alit# of each path signal in a ring$ +or a m ltiple, section protection switched ring& the traffic protection is based on a m ltiple, section& which determines whether to switch based on the * alit# of m ltiple, section signals between each pair of nodes$ :hen an# fa lt occ rs to a m ltiple, section& all m ltiple, section service signals between nodes are switched to a protection loop$ Ine important difference between a path protection switched ring and a m ltiple, section protection switched ring is that the former alwa#s ses private protection& that is& a protection section transmits service signals in normal cases$ "owever& the latter alwa#s ses shared protection& that is& a protection section is idle in normal cases and a protection time slot is shared b# each pair of nodes$ %n terms of the direction in which information between nodes in a ring is transmitted& a self-healing ring can be categori(ed as nidirectional ring and bidirectional ring$ %n normal cases& all received7transmitted service signals in a nidirectional ring are transmitted in the same direction <clockwise or anticlockwise= in a ring and those in a bi-directional ring are transmitted in the reverse direction in a ring$ 'ccording to the applications of service paths and protection paths& there e,ist s ch protection modes as 1-1& 1Q1& etc$ in a self-healing$ 1-1 protection mode means that in normal cases& service signals are onl# connected with an operating path and additional service signals are transmitted in a protection path$ :hen an# fa lt occ rs to an operating path& the nodes will abandon the additional services in a protection path and switch them into transmission service signals to achieve the protection of service signals$ 1Q1 protection mode means that service signals ; mp sim ltaneo sl# between an operating path and protection path& and the nodes to receive services receive preferential service signals from them$ That is& when an# fa lt occ rs to an operating path& the nodes switch a tomaticall# to a protection path and receive service signals$ 'nd vice versa$ %n terms of the minim m n mber of optical fiber sed between each pair of nodes in a ring& a self-healing ring can be categori(ed as two-fiber ring and fo rfiber ring$ .ased on the above vario s classification methods& we can obtain m ltiple
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different self-healing ring str ct res$ %n normal cases& the path protection switched ring works in the nidirectional two-fiber mode$ The m ltiple, section protection switched ring can be in either nidirectional mode or bi-directional mode$ 'nd it can be either two-fiber mode or fo r-fiber mode$ 5ow take a fo rnode ring for e,ample to introd ce fo r t#pical and practical self-healing ring str ct res$ 1P 2-fiber nilateral channel changeover ring The two-fiber nidirectional path protection switched ring is shown in +ig re 115$
4' '4 S1

4' '4 S1 >1 ' . ! >1 S1 4' '4 S)itc#in' .

' !
>1 S1

4' '4

Figure 1-12 (1o-fiber unidirectional ath rotection s1itched ring The protection mode of the 2-fiber ni-directional channel changeover ring is the same as the channel 1Q1 protection& also based on the Jsend together and receive firstK principle& with reference to >'T"-'%S& with no need for an '>S protocol$ %t has two pieces of optical fiber& one being S optical fiber sed for transmission of service signals and the other being > optical fiber sed for protection$ The two-fiber nidirectional path protection switched ring adopts the str ct re Jbridge connection for the initial end and switching for the last endK$ That is& in the nodes ' and 4& the signals entering a ring are accessed to S optical fiber and > optical fiber sim ltaneo sl# while the signals of branch nodes are obtained b# means of switching$ 's shown in +ig re 1-15& in node '& the trib tar# signals entering a ring and reaching the destination node 4 are sim ltaneo sl# fed in the transmitting optical fiber S1 and >1$ S1 optical fiber sends service signals to the branch node 4 in the clockwise direction while >1 optical fiber sends identical trib tar# signals to the branch node 4 in the reverse direction$ 5ode 4 receives the signals from two directions at the same time& and it will choose one as the trib tar# signals according to their * alit#$ 5ormall#& the signals sent from S1 are the predominant signals$ 'ccording to the direction of the trib tar# signals entering a ring and that of the trib tar# signals ret rning from this trib tar# signal branch node& a ring can be categori(ed as the nidirectional ring and bi-directional ring$ %n +ig re 1-15& the signals from ' to 4 and those ret rning from 4 to ' are all transmitted along S1 in clockwise direction and along >1 in anticlockwise direction& therefore it is a nidirectional
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ring$ :hen the optical cable between . and 4 nodes is c t off& the switching switch in the node 4 will t rn from S1 to >1 on the principle of transmitting sim ltaneo sl# and receiving preferentiall# and receive the '4 signals from the node ' via >1 as the branch signals beca se the '4 signals coming from ' via are lost$ Th s& the service signals between ' and 4 are maintained instead of being lost$ :hen the fa lts are removed& the switches ret rn to their former states$ 2= Two-fiber ni-directional m ltiple, section switching ring The two-fiber ni-directional m ltiple, section switching ring is shown in +ig re 1-1D$
4' '4 S1 >1 ' ! >1 S1 4 . ! ' 4' '4

S > 1 1

> S 1 1

4' '4

4' '4


Figure 1-1" s1itching ring

(1o-fiber uni-directional multi le& section

's shown in +ig re 1-1D& in a two-fiber nidirectional m ltiple, section switching ring& the node has a protection switched switch in each high-speed line before trib tar# signal add7drop$ %n normal cases& low-speed trib tar# signals can be added7dropped onl# via S1& with >1 idle$ The signals from ' to 4 and those ret rning from 4 to ' are all transmitted along S1 in clockwise direction& therefore it is a nidirectional ring$ :hen the optical cable between . and 4 nodes is c t off& the protection switched switches in them will e,ec te the loopback f nction via '>S protocol$ %n the node .& the '4 signals on S1 ret rn from >1 via the switched switch and reach the node 4 via the nodes ' and ! in anticlockwise direction$ Then& the# loop back to S1 via the switched switch of the node 4 and branch o t$ This loopback switching f nction can ens re that the contin it# of a ring is still maintained in fa lt# stat s and service signals on low-speed trib taries will not be interr pted$ :hen the fa lts are removed& the switches ret rn to their former states$ @P +o r-fiber bi-directional m ltiple, section switching ring The fo r-fiber bi-directional m ltiple, section switched ring is shown in +ig re 1-1G$

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3ol$ -@2

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ZXSM-2500E Technical Specification

4' '4
S1 >1 S2 >2

4' '4
S1 >1 S2 >2

' !
>2 S2 >1 S1

' !
>2 S2 >1 S1

4' '4

4' '4


Figure 1-1% s1itching ring

Four-fiber bi-directional multi le& section

's shown in +ig re 1-1G& the fo r-fiber bi-directional m ltiple, section protection switched ring has two pieces of service optical fiber S1 and S2 and two pieces of protection optical fiber >1 and >2$ The fo r pieces correspond respectivel# to receiving7transmitting directions$ %n normal cases& the low-speed trib tar# signals entering a ring from the node ' and reaching the destination node 4 are transmitted along S1 in clockwise direction$ "owever& the low-speed trib tar# signals ret rning from the node 4 to the node ' are transmitted along S2 in anticlockwise direction& therefore it is a bi-directional ring$ The protection optical fiber >1 and >2 are both idle$ :hen the optical cable between . and 4 nodes is c t off& the two respective protection switched switches in them will e,ec te the loopback f nction via '>S protocol to maintain the contin it# of a ring$ The optical fiber S1 comm nicates with the optical fiber >1 while S2 comm nicates with >2$ The '4 signals along S1 ret rn from >1 via the switched switch of the node . and reach the node 4 via the nodes ' and ! in anticlockwise direction$ Then& the# ret rn to S1 optical fiber via a switched switch and branch o t$ The 4' signals are similar to this$ %t can be seen from this fig re that the service signals on S1 and the protection signals on >2 are transmitted in completel# the same direction& namel#& in clockwise direction$ .# means of timeslot interchange technolog#& the signals on the optical fiber S1 and >2 can be made to be in the same optical fiber& which is called S17>2 optical fiber$ %n this case& half of the timeslots on this optical fiber s ch as odd time slots are sed for transmission of service signals while the other half s ch as even timeslots are for transmission of protection signals$ /ikewise& there is S27>1 optical fiber$ The protection signal timeslots on S17>2 can protect the service signals on S27>1 while those on S27>1 can protect those on S17>2$ Th s& a fo r-fiber ring can be simplified as two-fiber ring$ +or a two-fiber bidirectional m ltiple, section switched ring& we s all# adopt odd7even timeslot protection$ If co rse& there are other protection modes& for e,ample& the first half of timeslots transmit service signals while the second half do protection signals$ 2P Two-fiber ni-directional m ltiple, section switching ring The two-fiber bi-directional m ltiple, section switched ring is shown in +ig re
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4' '4 S17>2 S27>1 ' ! S27>1 S17>2 4 . ! S27>1 S17>2 ' 4 . 4' '4 S17>2 S27>1

4' '4

4' '4


Figure 1-1* (1o-fiber bidirectional multi le& section s1itched ring 's shown in +ig re1-16& the '4 signals are transmitted along S17>2 optical fiber in clockwise direction while the 4' signals along S27>1 in anticlockwise direction$ Therefore& it is still a bi-directional ring$ :hen the optical cable between . and 4 nodes is c t off& the switched switches in them will comm nicate S17>2 and S27>1 according to '>S protocol$ .# means of the timeslot interchange technolog#& the service signals timeslots on S17>2 and S27>1 can be shifted to the protection signal timeslots of another piece of optical fiber to implement the protection switching f nction$ The time for the protection switching is less than @0ms$ +or e,ample& the service signal odd timeslots on S17>2 can be shifted to the protection signal even timeslots on S27>1$ That is& all service signals are transmitted in a piece of optical fiber and the timeslot interchange like this is needed in the fo r sites '& .& 4 and !$ :hen the fa lts are removed& the switches ret rn to their former states$

1.5 (iming &ync)roni-ation

5etwork s#nchroni(ation is one important part in network planning& especiall# so for an S!" network on the basis of s#nchrono s transmission$ Inl# when network s#nchroni(ation is reasonabl# planned can the optimal s#nchroni(ation effects be achieved between 5Es$ ZXSM-150 <32= e* ipment provides the s#nchroni(ation plane based on SSM information$ S#nchroni(ation Stat s Messaging <SSM= can be sed to ens re that an 5E selects an effective timing so rce of the best s#nchroni(ation * alit#& prevent timing from forming loop and g arantee the timing s#nchroni(ation performance of a network$

&&# +unction of an &D0 Interface

The service add7drop and rero ting capabilities of an S!" network enable a network to be applied with nprecedented fle,ibilit# and high s rvivabilit# and
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makes selection of network s#nchroni(ation timing more comple,$ %n an S!" network& the timing reference allocation between nodes is made b# means of a great n mber of low-level S!" network clocks& therefore the * alit# of the timing reference m st be labeled b# some means$ SSM is right sed to displa# the information of the timing reference * alit#$ SSM is transferred b# the 5thC6th bits of S1 b#te in an S!" m ltiple, section overhead& as shown in +ig re 1-1H$
b1 b2 b3 b4 b( b b% b&


Figure 1-1+ Contents of S1 byte These fo r bits have 1D different kinds of codes representing 1D different s#nchroni(ation * alit# grades& as shown in Table 1-@$ Table1-3 SSM code S1 <b5Cb6= 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 !escriptions of S!" s#nchroni(ation * alit# grades 0nknown s#nchroni(ation * alit# <e,isting s#nchroni(ation network= Beserved M$ 611 clock signal Beserved M$ 612 transit e,change clock signal Beserved Beserved Beserved M$ 612 local e,change clock signal Beserved Beserved S#nchrono s E* ipment Timing So rce <SETS= Beserved Beserved Beserved 5ot to be sed as s#nchroni(ation

%n an S!" network& the timing reference allocation between nodes is made b# means of a great n mber of low-level S!" network clocks$ :ith the increase in 5Es on the s#nchroni(ation links& the * alit# of timing reference signals degrade grad all#$ Therefore& when there are m ltiple optional s#nchroni(ation
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ZXSM-2500E Technical Specification

paths of the same * alit# grade in an 5E& selection of the s#nchroni(ation path passing the smallest n mber of 5Es helps improve the timing performance of an S!" network$ In this principle& ZTE designs S1 b#te patent algorithm to enable an 5E to select the clock reference signals of the highest * alit# grade and with the shortest s#nchroni(ation path$ %n an S!" network& the selection of clock so rce of S!" 5E is made mainl# based on S1 b#te and the following principles sho ld be followed1$ :hen there are m ltiple optional effective clock so rces in an 5E& the 5E first selects the clock of the highest * alit# grade based on the * alit# grade information of clock so rce$ %f the clock so rces are of the same * alit# grade& the 5E will select the one passing the smallest n mber of 5Es based on the n mber of 5Es a clock so rce transmission path passes$ 2$ The 5E transfers via S1 b#te the * alit# grade information of the c rrentl# adopted clock so rce and the n mber of 5Es it passes to a downlink 5E and sends the stat s information J0navailableK to an plink 5E$ <'n plink 5E is relative to a downlink one$ %f the 5E . e,tracts a clock from the 5E '& the 5E ' is the plink 5E of the 5E . and the 5E . is a downlink one as opposed to the 5E ' +ig re 1-20 is an application e,ample of SSM$

>B4 0available

' .


! 4
>B4 >B4

0available S#nchroni(ation path <%n se= S#nchroni(ation path <5ot in se= >B4 0available



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3ol$ -@D

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A *
+, C


) C
*na+ailable +, C

+,C Sync#(oni,ation pat# $-n .se% Sync#(oni,ation pat# $Not in .se% /RC Not in .se


( - b- )

S TS *na+ailable

A *


) C

*na+ailable Sync#(oni,ation pat# $-n .se% Sync#(oni,ation pat# $Not in .se% S TS *na+ailable


( - c- )

Figure 1-2, -

lication of SSM

's shown in +ig re 1-20& the 5E ' is accessed to an e,ternal clock so rce <>B4= in the transmission network shown in <a= and the s#nchrono s so rce settings of vario s 5Es are shown in Table 1-2$
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ZXSM-2500E Technical Specification

Table1-4 Settin' of N sync#(ono.s so.(ce 4lock so rce list E,ternal clock so rce and internal clock so rce 5E . /ine clocks 1 and 2 5E 4 /ine clocks 1 and 2 5E ! /ine clocks 1 and 2 The 5E ' transfers the * alit# grade information <>B4= of e,ternal s#nchroni(ation to other 5Es$ %n the 5E .& there are optional s#nchrono s so rces '-. line clock and '-!-4-. line clock$ In the principle of the minim m 5E a timing path passes& the 5E . will a tomaticall# select '-. line clock as its s#nchrono s so rce$ Similarl#& the 5E ! will a tomaticall# select '-! line clock$ The 5E 4 can select either '-.-4 line clock or '-!-4 line clock$ 3ario s 5Es will send the stat s information J0navailableK to their plink 5Es$ :hen the line between the 5E . and the 5E 4 is blocked& the 5E 4 will select '-!-4 line clock as shown in +ig re 1-20 <b=$ 's shown in +ig re 1-20 <c=& when the e,ternal clock so rce connected to the 5E ' is interr pted& the 5E ' enters the clock holdover mode& after which the mode will be free-r n mode$ %n this case& vario s 5Es are still s#nchrono s with the 5E ' and the clock so rce grade degrades as the S#nchrono s E* ipment Timing So rce <SETS= of the 5E$

5etwork Element 5E '

&&# +unction of a &ync)ronous Interface

The s#stem can provide a s#nchrono s interface of 2M"( or 2Mbit7s& which s pports SSM f nction and is sed for SSM of >!"$ SSM information is transmitted via one <what bit to be sed depends on the ser= of idle bits S an <n being 2& 5& D& G or 6& and representing the 2thC6th bits in TS0 timeslot= in TS0 timeslot of odd frames in M$ G02 m ltiframe$ +o r odd frames are considered as a gro p and one San bit in each odd frame forms fo r and a half bit b#tes from San1 to San2& as shown in +ig re 1-21$ Then& the# are sed to define s#nchroni(ation * alit# grades and both their bit patterns and s#nchroni(ation * alit# grades are defined as S1 b#te in S!" is <please refer to Table 1-@=$


Figure 1-21 #iagram of Sa bit organi3ation

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1.6 (ransmission Damage


Error Code C)aracteristics

1$ !efinition of error code So-called error code is that errors occ r to some bits of a data stream after being received and regenerated and the * alit# of transmission information is damaged$ Menerall#& long-term mean .it Error Bate <.EB= is sed to eval ate the * alit# of information transmission& that is& the ratio between the n mber of error bits and the total n mber of transmitted bits within a specific period of observation time is considered as .EB$ "ow error codes infl ence vario s services depends mainl# on the kinds of services and the distrib tion of error codes$ +or e,ample& in voice comm nication& the effect of random error code is onl# the click of the receiver& whose infl ence on conversation * alit# can generall# be tolerated$ "owever& information in data comm nication almost has no red ndanc# and the whole block will be o t-of-service if errors occ r to one bit in a block$ .esides& errors occ rring to a bit or m ltiple bit strings in a block ma# prod ce the same effects$ Therefore& it can be considered that voice comm nication can tolerate of random error code distrib tion while data comm nication can tolerate b rst# error code distrib tion$ <1= Error code occ rring internall# Error codes of this kind in the s#stem incl des those prod ced b# vario s noise so rces& those res lting from location ;itter& those prod ced b# a m ltiple,er& cross-connection e* ipment and e,change and those res lting from inters#mbol interference prod ced b# optical fiber dispersion$ Error codes of this kind can be shown b# long-time s#stem error code performance$ <2= Error codes res lting from p lse interference Error codes ca sed b# b rst# p lses s ch as electromagnetic interference& e* ipment fa lt& transient power interference& etc$ Error codes of this kind are of b rst# nat re and occ r on a large scale$ :hen a great n mber of error codes occ r in the s#stem& the short-term error code performance of the s#stem will show this$ @$ Error code performance specifications 4 rrentl#& %T0-T specifies @ high-bit-rate channel error code performance parameters<1= Errored Second Bate <ESB= :hen there is one or m ltiple fa lt# blocks within 1 second& this second is called an Errored Second <ES=$ The ratio between the n mber of ESs with a specified period of meas ring time and the total time available is called ESB$ <2= Severit# Errored Second Bate <SESB= :hen there are fa lt# blocks no less than TO <T temporaril# specified as @0= or at least one Severit# !ist rbed >eriod <S!>= within 1 second& this second is
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considered as Severit# Errored Second <SES=$ The ratio between the n mber of SEs with a specified period of meas ring time and the total time available is called SESB$ SES is generall# the b rst# error block res lting from p lse interference& therefore SESB alwa#s represents the antiinterference capabilit# of the e* ipment$ S!> means that d ring the meas rement& the error code rates of all consec tive blocks within the time segment at least e* ivalent to fo r consec tive blocks or 1ms <taking the longer time segment of both= are more than or e* al to 10 -2 or signal loss occ rs$ <@= .ackgro nd .lock Error Bate <..EB= So-called ..E means the ones after the error blocks occ rring d ring the navailable time and SES are ded cted$ The ratio between the n mber of ..Es and total n mber of blocks after all blocks occ rring d ring the navailable time and SES are ded cted is called ..EB$ .eca se big b rst# error codes res lting in SES and the navailable time have been ded cted d ring the calc lation& the si(e of this parameter can generall# represent the backgro nd error code of the s#stem$ ..EB meas red within a long period of time alwa#s represents the error code prod ced within the e* ipment and are related to the performance stabilit# of the e* ipment components$ The eval ation of error code performance parameters can be meaningf l onl# when a channel is available$ %T0-T specifies that the navailable time starts with the time when 10 consec tive SES events occ r and ends with the time when 10 consec tive non-SES events occ r$ Then& the available time begins with the starting moment of these 10 seconds$

>itter C)aracteristics

1$ !efinition and infl ence of ;itter Timing ;itter <;itter for short= is defined as the short-term deviation of a specific moment <for e,ample& the optimal sampling moment= of digital signals from their ideal time R location$ So-called time deviation means the phase change with the change fre* enc# higher than 10"( and the phase change with the change fre* enc# lower than 10"( is called wander$ Timing ;itter damages network performance in the following aspects+or analog signals with digital coding& random phase ;itter of decoded digital streams enables the recovered sample val es to have irreg lar phases& which res lts in the distortion of o tp t analog signals to prod ce so-called ;itter noise$ %n a regenerator& irreg lar timing makes effective ; dgement points deviate from the center of receiving e#e pattern& which red ces the signal7noise ration red ndanc# of the regenerator till error codes occ r$ %n an S!" network& timing ;itter is similar to s ch a network nit as a s#nchrono s m ltiple,er e* ipped with a cache and too m ch inp t ;itter will make a cache overflow or vacant& th s res lting in error codes$ Nitter infl ences vario s services in different wa#s$ The voice signals with
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digital coding can end re ver# great ;itter and allow of root-mean-s* are ;itter of p to 1$ 2+S$ "owever& beca se h man e#es are sensitive to phase changes& a color T3 with digital coding can tolerate m ch less ;itter$ 2$ Meneration of ;itter <1= Nitter of line s#stem Nitter of a line s#stem can generall# be categori(ed as random ;itter and s#stematic ;itter$ The former is ;itter component nrelated to each other and generated b# vario s regenerators$ The latter generall# refers to amo nt of ;itter related to each other and generated b# vario s regenerators$ %t is alwa#s related to signal patterns& hence also called pattern-related ;itter$ .eca se there is no line code in an optical s#nchroni(ation line s#stem e,cept for simple scramble& its patter-related ;itter ma# somewhat increase ; st to make s#stematic ;itter acc m lated at a greater speed$ 1$ Bandom ;itter so rce 3ario s noise so rces- in an optical cable s#stem& there is avalanche noise& * ant m noise& kink noise& mode allocation noise and reflection noise besides common thermal noise$ These noises are different in mechanism& b t the# will res lt in random distortion of signal p lse waveforms and random phase sp rio s mod lation of the o tp t signal waveforms of a timing filter$ Th s& ;itter occ rs$ !et ned timing filter- ' det ned timing filter will prod ce as#mmetric o tp t waveforms e* ivalent to as#mmetric sideband mod lation and ca se mod lation of clock component amplit de and phase$ >hase mod lation will res lt in timing ;itter$ 4ompletel# irrelevant pattern ;itter- >atter-related ;itter is made p of two * adrat re components& namel#& completel# relevant pattern ;itter and completel# irrelevant pattern ;itter$ The latter is different from general random ;itter in mechanism& b t with the same law of acc m lation& therefore it can also be incl ded in this t#pe$ 2$ S#stematic ;itter so rce %n an ideal regenerator& signal pattern has no infl ence on the phase of an o tp t timing signal$ . t a regenerator act all# will have man# defects& which will res lt in phase change of timing signals and prod ce ;itter$ %nters#mbol interference- To red ce the cost of an e* ali(er& some small amo nt of inters#mbol interference is generall# permitted$ . t with the temperat re changing and components ageing& inters#mbol interference will increase and make signals prod ce random wander of o tp t p lse peak location after passing nonlinear components$ 'nd timing ;itter occ rs$ 'ction of limited p lse width- Since the signal p lse width cannot be infinitel# narrow& its spectr m has a section inclined contin m near the clock$ %ts tilt varies with the contents of transmitted information and this time-variation inclination will res lt in patter-related ;itter of timing signals$ Threshold wander of amplit de limiter- The threshold of an amplit de limiter will wander with the temperat re changing and components ageing$ :hen signals with different amplit des are added to an amplit de limiter& the# will
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have different crosspoints with a threshold& which make o tp t p lse locations var# with the amplit des of inp t signals$ 'nd the amplit des of inp t signals are related to the pattern of transmitted information& th s forming pattern-related ;itter$ >attern effect of a laser- %n a high-bit-rate s#stem& beca se the p lse repeated c#cle becomes shorter& the limited on7off time of a laser will have more infl ence on the patterns of transmitted signals$ This infl ence will var# with different patterns of transmitted signals& so that pattern-related ;itter is ca sed$ %t can be seen from the above mentioned that the ;itter so rce and its ph#sical mechanism in an optical cable line s#stem are ver# comple,$ 4 rrentl#& the random ;itter root-mean-s* are val e of a t#pical regenerator is 0$5 C1$5& the s#stematic ;itter root-mean-s* are val e is 0$5C@$5 and the total ;itter rootmean-s* are val e is abo t 1C2$ Miven that @D0 is a 0nit %nterval <10%=& the ;itter root-mean-s* are val e of a t#pical regenerator is 0$00@0%C0$0100%$ <2= M ltiple,er ;itter The ;itter mechanism of a m ltiple,er <incl ding !X4= in an S!" network is * ite different from that of a m ltiple,er in a traditional >!" network$ %n a >!" m ltiple,er& main ;itter comes from st ffing ;itter introd ced in ; stification$ .eca se the ; stification is made with the nit being bit& there is not m ch infl ence$ %n an S!" network& trib tar# signals are s#nchroni(ed b# means of so-called pointer ; stification$ That is& increase7decrease in pointer val e is sed to ad; st the phase change and fre* enc# change of low-speed trib tar# signals and this is concept all# ver# similar to traditional positive7(ero7negative ; stification$ %n a >!" network& the ;itter fre* enc# res lting from the plesiochrono s m ltiple,ing process ranges from abo t some tens of "ert( to some one h ndred "ert($ Therefore& when there is ver# low fre* enc# component& the ;itter and wander power is ver# small& which provides a relativel# smooth channel for the tracing and control of the phase change of a reference main clock$ "owever& pointer ; stification in an S!" network is made b# the b#te$ That is& a b#te incl des 6 bits and b#te ; stification at one time will generate 60% phase steps$ +or 120Mbit7s trib tar# signals& pointer ; stification is made ever# three b#tes and ; stification at one time will generate 220% phase steps$ The digital signals with these phase steps will generate ver# long phase transition process when passing band limiting circ its$ In the other hand& the pointer ; stification in an S!" network in the stat s of normal s#nchroni(ation is mainl# ca sed b# random noise in the co rse of s#nchrono s allocation$ Therefore the phase step res lting from pointer ; stification occ rs irreg larl#& that is& the interval between an# two phase steps has no pper limit and the whole phase ; stification will take a ver# long time$ Therefore& the combination of pointer ; stification and network s#nchroni(ation
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will generate ;itter or wander of ver# low fre* enc# at S!"7 nonS!" bo ndar#$ The o tp t ;itter of a m ltiple,er is closel# related to whether it is s#nchrono s with the e* ipment and how it is$ ! ring normal s#nchroni(ation& the o tp t ;itter and wander depend on the filtering characteristics of an internal clock and the performance of s#nchrono s timing reference$ :hat sho ld be worth# of special notice is that in a cross-connection e* ipment and add7drop m ltiple,er& a high-fre* enc# STM-5 clock sometimes ma# be obtained from a lowfre* enc# one after fre* enc# do bling$ %n this case& the ;itter on the original low-fre* enc# clock will increase b# the same times in linear mode& which is shown the o tp t ;itter of STM-5& namel#& so-called ;itter m ltiplication$ Nitter on a low-fre* enc# clock is most probabl# to occ r d ring active7standb# clock switching$ %n this case& a phase transient process will occ r& which res lts in clock timing ;itter$ 'mong possible sol tions are non-tra matic conversion& separate transmission of S!" s#nchroni(ation timing and strict filtering of a ;itter clock$ <@= >lesiochrono s trib tar# o tp t ;itter of S!"7non-S!" bo ndar# S!" is grad all# developed from the environment of an original >!" network and at the ; nction between them& the original >!" s#stem has specified ;itter clearl#$ Therefore& after S!" is introd ced& the plesiochrono s trib tar# o tp t ;itter of S!"7non-S!" bo ndar# m st also observe the r les concerned$ .eca se some new ;itter mechanisms are introd ced into S!"& special meas res m st be taken to satisf# the above indices$ 1$ Mapping ;itter of plesiochrono s trib tar# The mapping ;itter of plesiochrono s trib tar# means the ;itter of terminal o tp t signals when no ;itter or pointer ; stification occ rs to plesiochrono s inp t signals$ S!" maps an# plesiochrono s trib tar# signals into STM-1 frame str ct re and transmits them b# means of st ffed bits$ 't S!" gatewa#& an# trib tar# signals will be recovered as long as st ffed bits and path overhead are removed$ "owever& these trib tar# signals contain the gap res lting from the above bits being removed$ To smooth the phases of these signals with gaps and red ce ;itter& a cache and a phase smooth circ it are generall# needed$ %n an S!"& the# are called des#nchroni(ers& which are act all# implemented b# the phase lock loop with caches$ If co rse& this des#nchroni(er can also red ce other ;itter res lting from the dem ltiple,ing process$ 2$ >ointer ; stification ;itter There are two working modes in an S!" network& namel#& non-deterioration mode and deterioration mode$ %n the non-deterioration mode <namel#& in normal operation=& all network element clocks are locked within a reference primar# clock and no pointer ; stification will occ r in an ideal case$ "owever& the s#nchroni(ation allocation noise process is inevitable& therefore it is still possible that small amo nt of random pointer ; stification will occ r$ %n the deterioration mode& when the so rce or terminal of an S!" network loses a
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timing reference& pointer ; stification res lts mainl# from clock fre* enc# shift$ %n whatever case& the process of pointer ; stification is represented ne,ceptionall# as plesionchrono s trib tar# o tp t ;itter$ .eca se pointer ; stification is achieved b# the single b#te or three b#tes while mapping is b# the st ffed single bit& pointer ; stification will have m ch greater infl ence on phase ; mp$ 'nd it is the main ;itter so rce of S!"7non-S!" bo ndar# and some meas res m st be taken to s ppress it$ @$ Nitter performance 's follows are the common parameters to meas re ;itter performance in an S!" network<1= Tolerance of inp t ;itter Tolerance of inp t ;itter incl des that at the >!" inp t interface <trib tar# interface= and that at the STM-5 inp t interface <line interface=$ +or a >!" inp t interface& tolerance of inp t ;itter means the ma,im m inp t ;itter this inp t interface can withstand with no error code occ rring to the e* ipment$ To meet the needs for S!" 5Es to transmit >!" services in a transmission network& the trib tar# o tp t interface of this S!" 5E m st be able to contain the ma,im m ;itter of >!" trib tar# signals$ That is& the ;itter tolerance of this trib tar# interface can withstand an# ;itter of >!" signals transmitted$ The tolerance of inp t ;itter at a line interface <STM-5= is defined as sine peakpeak ;itter val e& which enables optical e* ipment to prod ce 1d. optical power penalt#$ This parameter is sed to specif# that the tolerance of inp t ;itter of an 5E at this level sho ld be able to contain the o tp t ;itter of an 5E at an pper level when S!" 5Es are interconnected to receive an# STM-5 signals$ 2$ I tp t ;itter Similar to the tolerance of inp t ;itter& o tp t ;itter also incl des that at the >!" trib tar# interface and that at the STM-5 line interface$ I tp t ;itter is defined as the ma,im m ;itter of o tp t port signals when no ;itter occ rs to e* ipment inp t terminal signals$ The o tp t ;itter of the >!" trib tar# port of S!" e* ipment sho ld ens re that the ;itter of o tp t >!" signals sho ld not e,ceed what the e* ipment receiving this signal can withstand when an S!" 5E transmits >!" services$ The o tp t ;itter of the STM-5 line port sho ld not e,ceed what the remote S!" 5E receiving this STM-5 signal can withstand$ @$ Mapping and combined ;itter .eca se pointer ; stification and mapping at >!"7S!" network bo ndar# will res lt in special S!" ;itter& mapping ;itter and combined ;itter are sed to describe this ;itter and normali(e it$ The mapping ;itter means the ma,im m ;itter of o tp t >!" trib tar# signals at the >!" trib tar# port of S!" e* ipment when >!" signals with different fre* enc# shifts are inp t at the >!" trib tar# port of S!" e* ipment and no pointer ; stification occ rs to STM-5 signals$ The combine ;itter means that some pointer test se* ence signals conforming to M$ G6@ specifications are inp t at the line port of S!" e* ipment$ 'nd pointer ; stification occ rs to S!" e* ipment and the fre* enc# shift of inp t signals
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will be somewhat changed$ %n this case& the ma,im m ;itter of o tp t signals meas red at the >!" trib tar# port of the e* ipment is the combined ;itter of the e* ipment$ 2 Nitter transfer f nction--;itter transfer characteristics Nitter transfer f nction is defined as how the ratio between the ;itter of e* ipment o tp t STM-5 signals and that of e* ipment inp t STM-5 signals var# with ;itter fre* enc#$ This characteristics aims at normali(ing how the ;itter of e* ipment o tp t STM-5 signals s ppress that of inp t STM-5 signals <namel#& ;itter gains= to control ;itter acc m lation of a line s#stem$ 2$ :ander characteristics :ander is defined as long-term wander of a specific moment <for e,ample& the optimal sampling moment= of digital signals relative to its ideal time location$ "ere so-called long-term wander means the phase change whose change fre* enc# is lower than 10"($ :ander ca ses both transmission signal bits and inp t signal bits to deviate from ideal time locations and makes inp t signal bits nable to be recogni(ed in a ; dgement circ it$ %n this case& error code will occ r$ Ine wa# to red ce error code of this t#pe is to add caches to the interface between transmission lines and terminal e* ipment to s#nchroni(e data one more time$ The method is to write data into a cache b# means of the clock e,tracted from receiving signals and then perform read operations of the cache with a same reference clock so as to forcedl# s#nchroni(e vario s data streams of different phases$ %t is certain that in order not to overflow or be vacant& the capacit# of the cache m st be greater than the ma,im m possible inp t peak-peak wander& which is hard to achieve in practice$ Therefore& in pro;ects& a cache is generall# re* ired to contain an# possible change in transmission dela# within one da#$ "owever& those largescale wanders with ver# low fre* enc# are allowed to e,ceed the cache threshold& transform into slip damage and become part of ncontrolled slip indices allowed in a network$ %t can be seen that ver# small wander can be absorbed b# a cache while those large-scale wanders will be transformed into slip in the end$ The infl ence of slip on vario s services depends to a great e,tent on the rate of services themselves and information red ndanc#$ The greater the speed is and the smaller information red ndanc# is& the greater infl ence slip has$ Telephone services have great information red ndanc#& therefore slip has little infl ence on them$ The infl ence of wander is similar to p lse noise ca sed b# error code$ !ata signals almost have no red ndanc#& therefore the# are seldom infl enced b# slip$ +or e,ample& for packet data with a fi,ed length& slip will ca se D2kbit7s path m ltiframe to be o t of frame$ +or fa, services witho t an# error control& one slip ma# lose at most two scanning lines and a tomaticall# s bstit tes for it the previo s two error-free scanning lines$ Th s& definition is made slightl# poorer$ The most common ca se for wander is the change of ambient temperat re& which ma# lead to first the change in transmission characteristics of optical cables and then slow change of transmission signal dela#$ Therefore& wander can
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be nderstood simpl# as slow change of signal transmission dela# and this transmission damage cannot be thoro ghl# solved b# optical cable s#stem itself$ %n an optical s#nchroni(ation line s#stem& there is still another t#pe of wander ca sed b# the combination of pointer ; stification and network s#nchroni(ation and this t#pe can be red ced with some additional meas res taken$

1.1$ Basic Knowledge of (elecom #anagement Network :(#N;


"rinci les of (#N

1$ TM5 management framework To render nified and highl# efficient management on telecom networks& %T0-T has raised the concepts of the telecom management network <TM5=$ TM5 is independent of a telecom network and implements special network management$ TM5 provides an organi(ational network architect re b# means of a nified architect re with a series of standard interfaces <incl ding protocols and message reg lations= and enables vario s 5MSs to interconnect with Telecom e* ipment$ Th s& a tomatic and standardi(ed management of a Telecom network can be achieved& with vario s management f nctions provided as well$ TM5 alwa#s emplo#s partial facilities of a Telecom network to provide comm nication& therefore the two ma# be partiall# overlaid$ +ig re 1-22 describes the relation between a TM5 and a Telecom network$
0pe(atin' syste1 0pe(atin' syste1 0pe(atin' syste1

Data co11.nication net)o(2

4o(2 statin


T(ans1ission syste1

3c#an'e Teleco1 net)o(2

T(ans1ission syste1


Figure 1-22 (M4 and (elecom net1ork 2= TM5 ph#sical str ct re TM5 ph#sical str ct re mainl# describes the ph#sical entities and interfaces inside TM5& the simplified TM5 ph#sical str ct re as shown in the diagram$ IS in +ig re 1-2@ stands for an operating s#stem& namel#& 5MS$ %t is the s#stem to e,ec te IS+ and is act all# a large-scale s#stem program to manage network reso rce$ M! stands for coordinate e* ipment and e,ec tes M+$ M! mainl# coordinates IS and 5E& and can also provide A'+ and :S+& sometimes even IS+$ M! can be implemented in hierarchical mode$ A' stands for A adaptor
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and is responsible for the adaptation and interconnection between an 5E and a non-TM5 interface$ The data comm nication network !45 is a comm nication network in TM5 that s pports !4+$ %t mainl# reali(es the @ lower la#er f nctions of the IS% reference model& b t not providing the 2th to Gth la#er f nctions$ !45 can be formed b# the interconnection of different t#pes of s b-networks <s ch as X$ 25 or !44=$ 'n 5E is made p of the telecom e* ipment <or some of it= to e,ec te 5E+ and s pport e* ipment$ 'n 5E ma# incl de other TM5 blocks& M+ being the most common$ %t can contain other TM5 f nction mod les& and most often& M+$ 5ormall#& 5E has one or more standard A interfaces& and also the + interface$ The workstation :S is the device that e,ec tes :S+& mainl# performing the conversion f nctions between the f reference point information and the g reference point displa#ing format$
TM5 IS A@7+7X !45 A@ A@7+ A@ M! A, !45 A, A, A' 5E A' 5E :S

Figure 1-23 #iagram of (M4 hysical structure @$ TM5 interface To simplif# the interconnection between e* ipment of m ltiple man fact rers& the standard TM5 interface shall be stip lated& which is one of the ke#s to TM5$ The standard interface re* ires niform specifications abo t the protocol stacks& and the messages carried b# protocols$ A interface-Iften& the A interface corresponds to the A, and A@ interfaces$ 'mong them& the A, interface connects M! and M!& 5E and M!& A' and M!& and 5E and 5E <at least one performs the M+ f nctions=$ . t the A@ interface connects M!& A'& 5E and IS to IS via !45$ %n the traditional >!" s#stem& the A, interface s all# performs the @ lower la#er f nctions of the IS% reference model& so it is s itable to connect s ch simple devices as the m ltiple,er and line s#stems$ %ts protocol stack can select the '1 or '2 protocol stacks in the %T0-T recommendation M$ GG@$ The former is oriented to connection modes& while the latter is oriented to non-connection modes </'5 technolog#=$ %n the S!" s#stem& the A, interface s all# contains the f nctions of the whole G la#ers$ %ts protocol stack can select the 4I5S1& 4/5S2 and 4/5S1 in the %T0-T recommendations A$ 611 and A$ 612$ "ere& 4I5S1 is the X$ 25 packet networking interface& 4/5S1 is the non-connection mode interface
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ZXSM-2500E Technical Specification

sing the /'5 technolog#& b t 4/5S2 is the non-connection mode interface sing the interconnection protocol on basis of the X$ 25 protocol$ The A@ interface has the f nctions of all the G la#ers& s itable for comple, e* ipment s ch as switches and !X4$ %ts protocol stack is also selected from A$ 611 and A$ 612$ + interface- + interface corresponds to f reference point and can connect a remote work station to an IS or M! via !45$ M interface corresponds to g reference point and X interface does , reference point$ 0s all#& the X interface has higher re* irements for safet# than the A interface$ 2$ 4lassification of TM5 la#ers The management la#er model of TM5 can be classified according to %T0-T M$ @010 as- 5etwork Element /a#er <5E/=& Element Management /a#er <EM/=& 5etwork Management /a#er <5M/=& Service Management /a#er <SM/= and . siness Management /a#er <.M/=$ +ig re1-22 describes the classification of TM5 management la#ers$ %n this fig re& 5E can be either S!" e* ipment or an# manageable e* ipment like >!" or an e,change$
Se(+ice laye( 1ana'e1ent syste1


N & 1ana'e1ent syste1


N& 1ana'e1ent syste1



N & N N N


Figure 1- 2! (M4 management layer


&D0 #anagement Network :&#N;

1$ SM5 and TM5 The S!" management network <SM5= is a s b-set of TM5 that manages S!" network elements$ %t can be f rther divided into a series of S!" management
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ZXSM-2500E Technical Specification

s b-networks <SMS=$ These SMS consist of a series separate E44s and instation data comm nication links& to form a d#namic part of the whole TM5$ 'n important feat re of SM5 is having intelligent network elements and sing the embedded E44s$ The combination of the two greatl# shortens the TM5 information transfer and response time$ Moreover& the network management f nctions can also be downloaded via E44 to network elements& so as to reali(e the distrib ted management$ %t can be said that the basic characteristics of S!" is that it has powerf l and effective network management capacit#$ Shown in +ig re 1-25 is the relation between TM5& SM5 and SMS$ ZXSM-5MS can be either an S!" Management S bs#stem <SMS= or an S!" Management 5etwork <SM5=$ The relation between it and a TM5 is as follows's shown in the above diagram& TM5 is the most general concept of management network$ SM5 is its s b-set& in specific charge of management of S!" 5E$ SM5 consists of m ltiple SMS$ 's ZXSM-5MS is part of TM5& it shall provide standard interfaces to obtain the management from the higher la#er network management center$ %n the S!" s#stem& the logical channel that transfers network management message channels is E44& and its ph#sical channel sho ld be !44$ %t is the 1H2kb7s and 5GDkb7s channel consisting of the !1---!@ b#tes in the S!" regenerating segment overhead BSI" and the !2---!12 b#tes in the m ltiple,ing segment overhead MSI"& respectivel# known as !44<B= and !44 <M=$ The former can access tr nk stations and end stations& while the latter is the highwa# for the transmission of network management information between end stations$

Figure 1-22 #iagram of the relation bet1een SMS5 SM4 and (M4 2$ S!" management interface The main operation R r nning interfaces related to S!" network management are A interface <containing A@ or A, interface= and + interface$ SMS will comm nicate with TM5 via A interface$

(#N :&#N; &ystem +unction

%T0-T specifies five f nctions of an 5MS- 4onfig ration Management& +a lt Management& >erformance Management& Sec rit# Management and 'cco nting Management$
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ZXSM-2500E Technical Specification

4onfig ration management- config ration of reso rce and services of a transmission network& incl ding the config ring of network data& e* ipment data& link channel& protection switching f nction& s#nchrono s clock so rce allocation strateg#& order wire e* ipment& line interface parameter& trib tar# interface& 5E time& * er# of& back p of and restoration of config ration information& * er# and meas rement of path reso rce& etc$ +a lt management- detection& anal#sis and locating of an# e* ipment fa lt& incl ding the setting of alarm levels& real-time displa# of alarms& the settings of alarm confirmation& shielding& filtering& reversal and so nd& * er# of c rrent histor# alarm& alarm locating& alarm meas rement anal#sis& etc$ >erformance Management- making an effective detection and anal#sis of vario s e* ipment performances& incl ding the setting of performance threshold& * er# of c rrent and histor# performance data& performance data anal#sis& etc$ Safet# Management- providing sec rit# control for e* ipment maintenance& incl ding the settings of ser levels& operation a thorit# and management area& management of ser login and that of ser operation log& etc$ 4harging management- providing basic information related to charging& incl ding the set- p time of& d ration of& * alit# of service of a circ it and so on$ Sometimes maintenance management is considered as a separate f nction mod le$ Maintenance Management- providing the means for normal r nning and fa lt locating of the e* ipment& incl ding loopback control& alarm insert& error code insert& etc$

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3ol$ -50

T4% Tender 5o$60760

ZXSM-2500E Technical Specification

&ystem overview

2.1 &ystem !verview

:ith the progress of the technolog# and the development of social informati(ation b ilding& the comm nication network is ndergoing constant evol tion$ The rapid growth of data service is prod cing great demand on the bandwidth of the network& and the broadband tendenc# of network infrastr ct re is e,erting even higher re* irement on the transmission network e* ipment& all of which re* ire the network operators to select s itable e* ipment to b ild transmission network adaptive to the need of f t re development$ 4herishing the development philosoph# of J4reate free& rob st& nonpolar optical transmission networkK& ZTE 4omm nication has developed brand new generation digital transmission prod cts& providing the sers with f t re oriented transmission overall sol tions& incl ding- 0nitrans TMZX:M-@2 <32= 60M and @20M !:!M optical transmission s#stem& 0nitransTM ZXSM-2500 310$0 s#nchrono s digital m ltiple,ing e* ipment& 0nitransTM ZXSM-10M& 0nitransTM ZXSM-1507D0072500 integrative digital s#nchrono s m ltiple,ing e* ipment& 0nitransTMZXSM-150 <32=& 0nitransTM ZXSM-D00 <32= compact s#nchrono s digital transmission e* ipment? 0nitransTM ZXSM-10 intelligent >4M e* ipment& etc$ The new generation digital transmission prod cts of ZTE 4omm nication can cater for all the applications& from backbone network to end s bscriber access$ +ig re 2-1 ill strates the new generation digital transmission prod ct famil# of ZTE 4omm nication$

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3ol$ -51

T4% Tender 5o$60760

ZXSM-2500E Technical Specification

%nter-province backbone network

./0 M - 32 1V2 ./SM - 1'G ./0 M - 32 1V2 ./SM - 1'G ./SM - 1('# ''# 2(''

%ntra-province backbone network

./SM - 1'G ./SM - 1('# ''# 2(''

/ocal tr nk network

Edge access network

10.ase-T E1 3$26 ZXSM-10 3$@5 3$11 3$26 X$21

./SM - 1(' 1V2 ./SM - '' 1V2

ST -1 M ZXSM-10 EM

- ./SM - 1'



Figure 2-1 4e1 6eneration #igital (ransmission Product Family of 7(8 Communication 'mong other things& ZXSM-2500 310$0 is the STM-1D level M lti-f nction .roadband 5ode E* ipment newl# introd ced b# ZTE& which can provide high-speed& large capacit# information transmission& and is adaptive to the re* irement of backbone network& local network and Metropolitan 'rea 5etwork now and in f t re$ %f ZXSM-2500 310$0 is sed with the coordination of ZX:M-@2 !:!M& it can provide bandwidth p to 2$5MU20 E 100M& meeting the needs of network development for bandwidth and providing ideal e* ipments for the b ilding of broadband transmission network$ ZXSM-2500 310$0 s#stem adopts advanced technolog# and design philosoph#& inherits the technical e,perience of ZTE 4omm nication in S!" field& and endows S!" e* ipment with new technical contents in light of the diversification of network services and the variation of network str ct re$ %n all& ZXSM-2500 310$0 is a t#pe of new generation node e* ipment& with the integration of '!M& !X4& %>7'TM in one$ ZXSM-2500 310$0 adopts the 0ni,7:indows platform network management s#stem <ZXI5M E@00 for short= of ZXI5M E@00 S!" prod ct& and mainl# performs f nctions s ch as s#stem management& config ration management& performance management& fa lt management& sec rit# management and maintenance management$ ZXI5M E@00 network management s#stem is both forward compatible and backward compatible& which allows it to manage not onl# the e,isting ZXSM-2500 310$0& ZXSM-1507D0072500& b t also ZXSM150 <32=& ZXSM-D00 <32=& ZXSM-10 e* ipment& etc$ & as well as to interconnect with E44$
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ZXSM-2500E Technical Specification

2.2 &ystem +ramework

ZXSM-2500 310$0 rack is D00mm wide& @00mm deep& and 2000mm& 2200mm or 2D00mm high$ The s b-racks of ZXSM-2500 310$0 are installed inside ZXSM-2500 310$0 rack$ The rack in the height of 2000mm and 2200mm can onl# be installed with one s b-rack& which is called single s b-rack$ The rack in the height of 2D00mm can be installed with either one s b-rack or two s bracks& of which in the former case it is called single s b-rack& and the later do ble s b-racks$ The model diagram of ZXSM-2500 310$0 s b-rack is as shown in +ig re 2-2$

Figure 2-2 7.SM-22,, 91,:, Sub-rack Model #iagram The circ it str ct re of ZXSM-2500 310$0 adopts the mode of motherboard Q pl g-in board$ The s#stem adopts distrib ted power s ppl# mode& witho t centrali(ed power board$ Each board is powered b# the power s ppl# mod le installed on respective board$ The s#stem adopts fan forced discharge heat sink mode& with the fan f ll# intelligentl# controlled$ The ZXSM-2500 310$0 f nction diagram is as shown in +ig re 2-@$

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3ol$ -5@

T4% Tender 5o$60760

S#stem management

ZXSM-2500E Technical Specification

N M 4onfig ration management +a lt management >erformance management Safet# management S#stem management Maintenance management hardware %ntegrated !:!M S!" <TM& '!M& BEM= 5E control platform 4lock processing platform Service crossconnect platform Iverhead processing platform >rotection switchover f nction Service access platform 5on-service platform

Figure 2-3 7.SM-22,, 91,:, System Frame1ork %n terms of f nctional level& ZXSM-2500 310$0 s#nchrono s digital m ltiple,ing e* ipment can be divided into the hardware s#stem and the network management software s#stem& which are independent from each other& while coordinate with each other$ The hardware s#stem is the main working bod# of ZXSM-2500 310$0& which can work independentl# from the network management software s#stem$ The hardware of ZXSM-2500 310$0 adopts JplatformK design idea- b# the creation and porting of platforms& and b# the integration of vario s platforms& vario s f nctional nits or f nctional boards come into being$ 'nd f rther b# certain connection mode& the# are combined into one complete s#stem& with a large range of f nctions and fle,ible config rations$ %n ZXSM-2500 310$0 s#stem& there are network element control platform& clock processing platform& service cross-connect network& overhead processing platform& service access platform& non-service platform& etc$
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STM-D2 s#nchrono s digital m ltiple, e* ipment

ZXSM-2500E Technical Specification

The network management software s#stem manages and monitors the hardware s#stem of ZXSM-2500 310$0 and the transmission network& and coordinates with the transmission network$ The network management software s#stem incl des management f nctions s ch as config ration management& fa lt management& performance management& sec rit# management& s#stem management& maintenance management& etc$

2.3 &ystem C)aracteristics


Com ati,le Design of (wo &ystems

ZXSM-2500 310$0 is compatible with two s#stems& ETS% and '5S%& i$ e$ s pporting both S!" and SI5ET architect res$ %n ZXSM-2500 310$0 s#stem& the latest mapping str ct re recommended b# %T0-T is adopted& as shown in +ig re 2-2$



AU -4

VC- 4
TU G -3

C- 4 TU -3 VC- 3 C- 3

1392 4!b" t# $

AU -3

VC- 3

44%3 !b" t# $ 343 &!b" t# $ 312!b" t# $ 2'4&!b" t# $ 1(44!b" t# $

>ointer processing M ltiple,ing 'lignment mapping

TU G -2

TU -2 TU - 12 TU - 11

VC- 2 VC- 12 VC- 11

C- 2 C- 12 C- 11

Figure 2-! '()-( Multi le&ing Ma

ing Structure


"owerful &ervice 7ccess Ca a,ility

ZXSM-2500 310$0 provides a wide range of service interfaces& which incl deSTM-1D& STM-2 and STM-1 optical interfaces& STM-1 and ET2& ET@& ET1 electric interfaces? as well as 10M7100M and 1000M Ethernet interfaces& etc$ %n addition& it can provides highl# integrated service interface board& meeting the needs of large capacit# service access$ +or the t#pes of service interfaces& please refer to Table 2-1$
/ast 0pdate- 12-1-22 8 ZTE 4orporation 2002 3ol$ -55 T4% Tender 5o$60760

ZXSM-2500E Technical Specification

Table 2-1 Table of Se(+ice -nte(face

T#pe of Service %nterface A antit# of board %nterface STM-1D optical interface 1 line7board <transceiving= STM-2 optical interface 2 line7board STM-1 optical interface 27671D line7board STM-1 electric interface 27671D line7board ET2 electric interface 2 line7board ET@ electric interface D line7board ET1 electric interface @ line7board 10M7100M interface 22 line7board 1000M interface 2 line7board ZXSM-2500 310$0 adopts mod lar architect re$ The hardware of the s#stem incl des cross-connect& clock& service& control& order wire& other e,tension nit& etc$ The selection of different boards will make e* ipment with different f nctions$ The vario s nits have boards of the following different t#pes1$ 4ross-connect nit The 4ross-connect nit board incl des- 25D U 25D cross-connect board 4S'$ 2$ 4lock nit The clock nit board incl des- 4lock board$ @$ Service nit The service nit board incl des- STM-1D optical interface board I/1D& STM-2 optical interface board I/2& STM-1 optical interface board I/1& STM-1 electric interface board E/1& 120M electric interface board ET2& @2M electric interface board ET@& 2M electric interface board ET1& 10M7100M interface board +E& 1000M interface board ME$ 2$ 4ontrol nit The control nit board incl des- 5et 4ontrol >rocessor <54>= .oard 5$ Irder wire nit The order wire nit board incl des- Irder :ire .oard <I:= D$ S#stem motherboard nit The s#stem motherboard nit incl des- Motherboard <M.=$ G$ Ither e,tension nit

"owerful Cross<connect and E' ansion Ca a,ility

%n ZXSM-2500 310$0 s#stem& the cross-connect capabilit# of single s b-rack is 25DU25D 34-2s$ The ports of the service cross-connect board of ZXSM-2500 310$0 fall into two t#pes$ Ine is the part that is directl# connected to the service interface& and
/ast 0pdate- 12-1-22 8 ZTE 4orporation 2002 3ol$ -5D T4% Tender 5o$60760

ZXSM-2500E Technical Specification

the other is e,tension f nction$ The e,tension f nction& like e* ipment crossconnect and cascade f nction& solves the e,plosive growth of needs for network bandwidth? T0-12 level time division f nction& etc$

#ulti<service &u

ort +unction

ZXSM-2500 310$0 ses the overhead b#te in SI" to provide additional data interface& and can provide fle,ible overhead channel add7drop mode& as shown in +ig re 2-5$ The a ,iliar# interface is provided b# the I: board of the s#stem$ %t can provide the ser with additional low-speed service applications$

2 0

@ , order wire phone

5 , BS-2@27222

+1 <D2kbit7s= 4o-directional data

10M7100M Ethernet interface

Figure 2-2 ;0erhead

-dditional 'nterface Pro0ided )sing S;$

The I: board can provide three lines of I: interfaces& 5 lines of BS-2@27222 interface& +1 D2kbit7s data interface and 10M7100M Ethernet interface$

"erfect E9ui ment and Network "rotection Ca a,ility

%n hardware& ZXSM-2500 310$0 adopts red ndanc# design& and adopts d al s#stem architect re& which greatl# enhances the reliabilit# and stabilit# of the s#stem$ The cross-connect board and clock board adopt 1Q1 hot back p& implementing the back p for the core boards of the s#stem and enhancing the sec rit# coefficient of the s#stem$ To ens re the sec rit# of power s ppl# for the s#stem& ZXSM-2500 310$0 adopts d al power s ppl# distrib tion s#stem? 'nd vario s f nctional boards adopt distrib ted power s ppl# mode& which red ces the affect of power s ppl# between the boards to (ero and greatl# red ces the affect on the s#stem d ring the co rse of hot pl g7 npl g of the boards$ ZXSM-2500 310$0 can implement all the network protection modes specified b# %T0-T& to meet the different networking re* irements of c stomers& incl ding& link m ltiple,er section 1Q1& 1-5 protection& 2-fiber ni-directional path protection ring& 2-fiber bi-directional MS> ring& 2-fiber bi-directional MS>
/ast 0pdate- 12-1-22 8 ZTE 4orporation 2002 3ol$ -5G T4% Tender 5o$60760

ZXSM-2500E Technical Specification

ring& ! al 5ode %nterconnection <!5%= protection& S bnet 4onnection >rotection <S54>=$ %n addition& based on %T0-T standard& ZXSM-2500 310$0 p ts forward and implements one brand new network protection conceptVV logical s bnet protection$

"erfect (iming &ync)roni-ation "rocessing Ca a,ility

The s#stem can select vario s timing so rces- e,ternal clock& the clock e,tracted from STM-5 service interface& and the internal clock& which can all be taken as the timing reference for the e* ipment$ The timing s#stem has three t#pes of working modes- s#nchrono s lock mode& holdover mode and free r n mode$ The s#stem s pports s#nchrono s changeover and SSM algorithm-based a tomatic changeover$ %n complicated transmission networks& SSM algorithmbased a tomatic changeover can optimi(e the timing s#nchroni(ation distrib tion of the network& lower the diffic lt# of s#nchrono s planning& and avoid timing loop& to g arantee that network s#nchroni(ation is at the best stat s$

"owerful ? grade 7,ility ZXSM-2500 310$0 se the same rack and s b-rack as ZXSM-10M$ 'lso the 54> and I: and other service cards is the same$ 'nd the cross-connection card is changeable$ So ZXSM-2500 310$0co ld be pgraded to 10Mb7s s#stem smoothl#& th s the investment is protected to the ma,im m$


"erfect Network #anagement Ca a,ility

ZXSM-2500 310$0 adopts ZXI5M E@00 network management s#stem& which has m ltiple e* ipment management capabilities& possesses perfect management f nctions s ch as s#stem& performance& config ration& fa lt and sec rit# management& and has friendl# eas#-to-operate all-4hinese manmachine interface$

2./ I(?<( 4ecommendations@ National &tandards@ and !t)er

& ecifications Com lied %T0-T M$ D52 %T0-T M$ D5@
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4haracteristics of a single-mode optical fiber cable 4haracteristics of a dispersion-shifted

3ol$ -56 T4% Tender 5o$60760

ZXSM-2500E Technical Specification

%T0-T M$ D55 %T0-T M$ DD1

%T0-T M$ DD@ %T0-T M$ DH1

%T0-T M$ DH2 %T0-T M$ G0@ %T0-T M$ G02

%T0-T M$ G0D

%T0-T M$ G0G %T0-T M$ GG@ %T0-T M$ GG2 %T0-T M$ GG2$ 01 %T0-T M$ GG2$ 02 %T0-T M$ GG2$ 0@ %T0-T M$ GG2$ 02

%T0-T M$ G60

%T0-T M$ G6@

%T0-T M$ G62
/ast 0pdate- 12-1-22 8 ZTE 4orporation 2002

single-mode optical fiber cable 4haracteristics of a non-(ero dispersion shifted single-mode optical fiber cable !efinition and test methods for the relevant generic parameters of optical fiber amplifier devices 'pplication related aspects of optical fiber amplifier devices and s bs#stems Iptical interfaces for single-channel STM-D2 and other S!" s#stems with optical amplifiers Iptical interfaces for m lti-channel s#stems with optical amplifiers >h#sical7electrical characteristics of "ierarchical !igital %nterfaces S#nchrono s frame str ct res sed at 1522& D@12& 2026& 6226& 22G@Dkbit7s hierarchical levels +rame alignment and 4B4 proced res relating to .asic +rame Str ct res !efined in M$ G02 5etwork node interface for S#nchrono s !igital "ierarch# <S!"= >rotocol s ites for A-interfaces for management for transmission s#stems S!" management information model for the network element view S!"-bi-directional performance monitoring for the network element view S!" - 4onfig ration of the pa#load str ct re for the network element view S!" - Management of m ltiple,-section protection for the network element view S!" - Management of the s bnetwork connection protection for the network element view 3ocab lar# of terms for s#nchrono s digital hierarch# <S!"= networks and e* ipment 4haracteristics of s#nchrono s digital hierarch# <S!"= e* ipment f nctional blocks S#nchrono s !igital "ierarch# <S!"=
3ol$ -5H T4% Tender 5o$60760

ZXSM-2500E Technical Specification

%T0-T M$ 60@ %T0-T M$ 605 %T0-T M$ 610 %T0-T M$ 611 %T0-T M$ 612

%T0-T M$ 61@ %T0-T M$ 62@

%T0-T M$ 625

%T0-T M$ 62D

%T0-T M$ 6@1 %T0-T M$ 6@2

%T0-T M$ 621 %T0-T M$ 622 %T0-T M$ H5G

%T0-T M$ H56

%T0-T S$ 21

%T0-T M$ 20
/ast 0pdate- 12-1-22 8 ZTE 4orporation 2002

Management 'rchitect re of Transport networks based on S!" Meneric f nctional architect re of transport networks !efinitions and terminolog# for s#nchroni(ation networks Timing characteristics of primar# reference clocks Timing re* irements of slave clocks s itable for se as node clocks in s#nchroni(ation networks Timing characteristics of S!" e* ipment slave clocks <SE4= The control of ;itter and wander within digital networks which are based on the 2026 kbit7s hierarch# The control of ;itter and wander within digital networks which are based on the s#nchrono s digital hierarch# <S!"= Error performance parameters and ob;ectives for international& constant bit rate digital paths at or above the primar# rate >erformance and management capabilities of transport network based on the S!"% Transport of S!" elements on >!" networks- +rame and m ltiple,ing str ct res T#pes and characteristics of S!" network protection architect res %nterworking of S!" network protection architect res Iptical interfaces for e* ipments and s#stems relating to the s#nchrono s digital hierarch# <S!"= !igital line s#stems based on the s#nchrono s digital hierarch# for se on optical fiber cables Besistibilit# of internal interfaces of telecomm nication centers to s rge overvoltage Maintenance philosoph# for
3ol$ -D0 T4% Tender 5o$60760

ZXSM-2500E Technical Specification

%T0-T M$ 2100

%T0-T M$ 2101

%T0-T M$ 2120

%T0-T M$ @010 %T0-T M$ @200 %T0-T A$ 611 %T0-T A$ 612 %T0-T A$ H21 %T0-T 3$ 11

%T0-T 3$ 22

%T0-T 3$ 26 %T0-T T$ 50

%T0-T X$ 21

%T0-T X$ 21bit
/ast 0pdate- 12-1-22 8 ZTE 4orporation 2002

telecomm nication networks >erformance limits for bringing-intoservice and maintenance of international >!" paths& sections and transmission s#stems >erformance limits and ob;ectives for bringing-into-service and maintenance of international S!" paths and m ltiple, sections >!" path& section and transmission s#stem and S!" path and m ltiple, section fa lt detection and locali(ation proced res >rinciples for a Telecomm nications management network TM5 Management + nctions /ower la#er protocol profiles for the A@ and X interfaces 0pper la#er protocol profiles for the A@ and X interfaces %S!5 ser-network interface - !ata link la#er specification Electrical characteristics for balanced do ble-c rrent interchange circ its often sed in con; nction with integrated circ it e* ipment in data field /ist of definitions for interchange circ its between data terminal e* ipment <!TE= and data circ it-terminating e* ipment <!4E= Electrical characteristics for nbalanced do ble-c rrent interchange circ its %nternational Beference 'lphabet <%B'= <+ormerl# %nternational 'lphabet 5o$ 5 or %'5=V%nformation technolog#VG-bit coded character set for information interchange %nterface between !ata Terminal E* ipment and !ata 4irc it-terminating E* ipment for s#nchrono s operation on p blic data networks 0se on p blic data networks of !ata Terminal E* ipment <!TE= which is
3ol$ -D1 T4% Tender 5o$60760

ZXSM-2500E Technical Specification

designed for interfacing to s#nchrono s 3Series modems %T0-T X$ 25 <%SI X$ 25 interface between !ata Terminal 6206= E* ipment <!TE= and !ata 4irc itterminating E* ipment <!4E= %T0-T X$ 2G Electrical characteristics for balanced do ble-c rrent interchange circ its often sed in con; nction with integrated circ it e* ipment in the data comm nication field %T0-T X$ 206 Specification of 'bstract S#nta, 5otation <%SI 6622= Ine <'S5$ 1= %T0-T X$ 20H Specification of .asic Encoding B les for <%SI 6625= 'bstract S#nta, 5otation Ine <'S5$ 1= %T0-T X$ 212 %nformation technolog#VIpen S#stems <%SI 60G2= %nterconnectionVTransport service definition %T0-T X$ 215 %nformation technolog#VIpen S#stems <%SI 6@2D= %nterconnectionVSession service definition %T0-T X$ 21D %nformation technolog#VIpen S#stems <%SI 6622= %nterconnectionV>resentation service definition %T0-T X$ 21G %nformation technolog#VIpen S#stems <%SI 6D2H= %nterconnection - Service definition for the 'ssociation 4ontrol Service Element %T0-T X$ 21H Bemote Iperations- Model& notation and <%SI %S H0G2-1= service definition %T0-T X$ 222 >rotocols and specifications for <%SI 60G@= information processing s#stemV interconnecting of open s#stemsV connection orientated transmitting %T0-T X$ 225 %nformation technolog#VIpen S#stems <%SI 6@2G= %nterconnectionV4onnection-oriented Session protocol- >rotocol specification %T0-T X$ 22D %nformation technolog#VIpen S#stems <%SI 662@= %nterconnectionV4onnection-oriented >resentation protocol- >rotocol specification %T0-T X$ 22H Bemote Iperations- >rotocol specification <%SI %S H0G2-2= %T0-T X$ 2@@ %nformation technolog#V>rotocol for providing the connectionless-mode network service- >rotocol specification
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ZXSM-2500E Technical Specification

%T0-T X$ 511 <%SIH5H2-@= %T0-T X$ 51H <%SIH5H2= %T0-T X$ G10 <%SI H5H5= %T0-T X$ D22

%T0-T X$ G10 <%SI H5HD-1= %SIG2H6


%SI6@26 %SI62G@

%SI65G1$ 1

%SI65G1$ 2

%SI65G1$ @

%SI65G1$ 2
/ast 0pdate- 12-1-22 8 ZTE 4orporation 2002

%nformation technolog#Vopen s#stems interconnectionVdirector# abstract service definition %nformation technolog#Vopen s#stems interconnectionVdirector#- protocol specification Management information service definition- common management information service definition %nformation technolog#-protocol for providing connectionless-mode network service- >rovision of the nderl#ing service b# an X$ 25 S bnetwork Management information service definition- 4ommon Management %nformation >rotocol %nformation processing s#stemVopen s#stems interconnectionVmanagement framework %nformation >rocessing S#stemsVIpen S#stem %nterconnectionV4onnection Iriented Transport >rotocol Specification7'ddend m 2- 4lass +o r Iperation Iver 4onnectionless 5etwork Service %nformation >rocessing S#stemV!ata 4omm nication 5etwork !efinition >rotocols for information processing s#stemVconnectionless network service digital comm nications %nformation processing s#stemsVIpen S#stems %nterconnectionV+ile Transfer& 'ccess and ManagementV>art 1- Meneral %ntrod ction %nformation processing s#stemsVIpen S#stems %nterconnectionV+ile Transfer& 'ccess and ManagementV>art 2- 3irt al +ile store !efinition %nformation processing s#stemVIpen s#stems interconnectionV+ile Transfer& 'ccess and ManagementV>art @- +ile Service !efinition %nformation processing s#stemVIpen
3ol$ -D@ T4% Tender 5o$60760

ZXSM-2500E Technical Specification


%SI6602$ 2

%SI6602$ @






M.7T1$ @

s#stems interconnectionV+ile Transfer& 'ccess and ManagementV>art 2- +ile >rotocol Specification %nformation processing s#stemVIpen s#stem interconnectionV%nternal Irgani(ation of the 5etwork /a#er %nformation processing s#stemV/ocal area networkV>art 2- /ogical /ink 4ontrol %nformation technolog#V/ocal and metropolitan area networksV>art @4arrier sense m ltiple access with collision detection <4SM'74!= access method and ph#sical la#er specifications %nformation processing s#stemV %nters#stem comm nication and information e,changeVEnd s#stem for se in con; nction with the connectionless-mode network service <%SI 62G@=V%ntermediate S#stem Bo ting E,change protocol %nformation processing s#stemVIpen s#stems interconnectionV4ommon management information service definition %nformation processing s#stemVIpen s#stems interconnectionV4ommon management information protocol specification %nformation processing s#stemVIpen s#stems %nterconnectionVTelecom and information switching network7transport protocol interworking specification %nformation processing s#stemVS#stem inter-domain telecom and information e,changeV%ntermediate s#stem for se in con; nction with connectionless-mode network service <%SI62G@=V%ntermediate S#stem Bo ting E,change protocol Standardi(ation work introd ction& 0nit 1B les for the drafting and form lation of standards& >art @- >rod ct standard compiling prescription draft <revision=
3ol$ -D2 T4% Tender 5o$60760

/ast 0pdate- 12-1-22 8 ZTE 4orporation 2002

ZXSM-2500E Technical Specification


E,perimental method of environment and f nction for optical cables

/ast 0pdate- 12-1-22 8 ZTE 4orporation 2002

3ol$ -D5

T4% Tender 5o$60760

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